258011 OKIOINAL T6 CITY CL6RK /�j���� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �`� v � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� NO. ` LIC�'NSE cor��r� COUNCIL OLUTION—G NERAL FORM PRESENTEO BY ��� Apri1 6, 1972 COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED: That application for the transfer of Restaurant, On and Off Sale Ma1t Beverage and Cigarette Licenses No. 1567� exp�arung�uly 2� 1972, 1 isstaed to Lester Howell at 631 Selby Avenue, be and the �ame are hereby transferred to I,ester Howell at 647 Selby Avenue. �tSFER Location� Informally approved by Council January 6, 1972 APR 6 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeaa Nays � ? �g)2 Butler �, �d��C CONWAY pprov 19— Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka � �ay Tedeaco A gainat Mr. Preaident, McCarty pUBLISHED APR 151972 �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � - �' � Capital of Minnesota .- . .��a � � �eart�ne�tt o u��C'c �a et p � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIEE PROTECTION ro�cs DEAN MEREDITH,Commisaianer HEALTH ILALPH G.11iEERILL,Depnty Commissioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lleense Inspector danuary 6, 1972 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen and Madam: Currently Z�;ster Hmwell is licen.see at 633 Selby A4enue holding Pool Ha11 (3-tables) and Confectionery licenses at that address which eome due this month. Iie also is licensee at 631 Selby Avenue, holding Restaurant� On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Ci�arette Licenses No. 1567, all expiring July 2, 1972. .Adjaeent to these two addresses there are two business locationa� 639 and 647 Selby Avenue which are owned by the same landlord Inasmuch as these two locations are more suitable to Mr. Howell for his business, he has entered �.nto an agreement to move his businesses as shown below. �pplication is made by Mr. Howell, as of renewal date to make application for the Pool Hall and Confectionery licenses at 639 Selby Avenue in place of the present address of 633 Selby Avenue. He also makes application for the amendment of the address of his other business �Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Ci�axette� from 631 Selby Avenue to 647 Selby Avenue. Very truly yours� . n G � . Gx�/��/t License Inspector �`�'^�� n;�r,o�._. �. ,=�,� `'_� 0 ,` ' . • aan. 6, 1972 F�oa. De�n 1f+�r�sdith t7b�sr. a��' P!t�►lic Setfet�► Pnblia Saf�,j► Bullding Dear 8!r t Attent�ior�t 1�. Daaiel �1aLaughlita T� City �unaii tod�qr inhsrml,?,y a,pprc��ed t1� a�ppli�itio� oP L�e�'�etr F�ne11� �+c►2,8er of P+ool Natl (3 tabies) at�d t�sfett�ionery Lteemee� 4t 633 selby Ave. wd Aiaa�suraat, oa a�ad ott sal� Ms.tt Bevar� au�d Cigar�tte lic�eeuea st 631 �e2�iy Ave., for Pool �e►11 �a+d Ceat�tioa0ry 13cebaee a� b39 �elby Avs. /t1�D �estaurar�t, Q1 au�d Oft 8�►].s t�s1t Be�v�era�t md Ci��te li�+eat�a fica b47 f3�lby Av�s.� ttws aovi�g to 't�t twar aa7► loeatiau �rhich 4re �rf suitabl� tor hin businesse�. �T311 yau pl� pr+tpare t�e cnste�ary r�sc+lnt�ne ccmetrit�g the�e a�atters? v�►' � Y'��'�r Cit� Clerk a8 � BbPLIGT6�f0 lRIN7'tE . . ��:�`�. ` ,= . � CtTY OF ST. PAUL �u�� NO + ,LZC� �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ., , , w COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM ; c�oMM�o� o�re e�i 6� 1�''�! i BE�60LT�Dt '1'�a� app�l,iaation loar th� ir�tsl�r o! I�►staurant� On and Oft �a�.� . , ' i �lt Hsvrra� aad Cigexytt� Lia�ns�r lTo• 1" 7. uc�k��n1,�► !• 197�, . i�sn�d to I,�st�r Howll a� 6�1 ��lb�r A��. b� �nd �h� �ar ar� � h�reb�r �a�sl�rrrd i�o I�st�r Hs�11 a� 647 S�Iby Anant. i , . .,...�,�.,�, ; , J.00ation� : Intos�ally spprc�vrd � Aamaail Jsimasy 6, 19'r! ppR 61972 ; COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�mriL 19� Yeas Naya Butler �� � � : � QO�IWA7 Approv� 19�± Levine ! Tr Favor Meredith � � Sprafka - �r t Tedeaco Mr. Preaident, McCarty �� i i