262842 WHITE._ - CI�Y CLERK COLl11C11 2628�� PINK �� - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAiTL CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLIj,�,-� - MFAYOR File NO. Co ncil Resolu ion . . �Presented By .� � Referred To . Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS� this Council has adopted pursuant to Chapter 10 of the Saint Paul City Charter a�. annual operating budget for the fiscal year 19'74, which budget includes a specified appro- priation for a man.datory garbage and rubbish collection program in the sum of �3, 112, 304; and WHEREAS� this Council has further adopted a resolution of levy certification pursuant to Section 11. 04 showing the amount to be provided by an ad valorem tax on all taxable real and per- sonal property in the City, said resolution certifying the amount. necessary to fund the mandatory collection program hereinabove referred to ; and WHEREAS, said resolution has been certified to the appro- priate county officials in accordance with Section 11. 04, and said officials will spread and collect said taxes as a result thereof; and WHEREAS, the Council , after public hearing and due delibera- tion, has determined that the proposed program needs substantial additional study before implementation as city ordinance , said study to include but not be limited to the method and manner of financing the program, the method and manner of combining the � best aspects of publie and private service to assure the citi- zens of the most efficient and fair service , the method and manner of assuring the adoption of such program without loss of local jobs and business enterprise , and such other factors as are deemed necessary and in the public interest� now� therefore� be it COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ��x Butler Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith A gains t By S�a�i�ex Roedler Tedesco Mme.President �� HUrit Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Ma�or: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy ' BY WHITE` — CIZy CLERK 262842 PINK — FIfTANCE CO1111C11 BLIJgRY=�nEVOAR�TMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that it hereby expresses its intent and desire that the amount to be provided by an ad valorem tax on all taxable real and personal property within the City be reduced by the sum of �2, 359, 340.68 ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council hereby requests the appropriate county officials to take all necessary steps to accomplish said reduction to the end that all tax statements refleet the result thereof, and that said amount not be levied against the tax rolls of the City. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this Council Resolution be � immediately for�rtarded to the 8��x, County Attor�ey, Mayor, City Attorney and City Administrator. �proper County officials, COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �� Butler '"' Konopatzki � In Favor Levine ���Roedler — Against BY Tedesco Mme.President �BrX HUrit Adopted by Council: Date OEC 2 8 1973 Form Approved by City Attorney Certi 'ed P ed by Co i S ry BY By t�pr . Date�AN 8 1974 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council g _ Approved witllnut signature of I�Aa.yor By 3� PUBUSHED ,�AN 12 197� t7�^�� I�� 19'� t�3:i�, �t �ar�3i� C►l�►irtqu�t�, L�.� �Lt�� Rc�o4 '�s Ci�}e 1�►l.� �at. P��.� ��ta � �irs Tt� �[ty �ot�a�c�. toc�r �ei"a�r�d to t� �+.1,��e Ca�ltt�e �� appli���im� a� J'oi'� Y. ��ric�t3. �ir � t�"P�s�:t.e �i.quar �.i���e at "�?"t`»7'T� �e�lby Av�r. �`C��'� 'V"1��`�' '�i��'�y�/i �,"�.'�t' �.��[ �� 6'ili �'. "GAl"C��. L�.c�tl! �pu���c' ,Teuuary 9, 197� Nh'. R. Seot� Detv3.e8 City Attorney Room 6�+7, City Ha].1 St. Pau1, Minra�eota Dear Sir: Trar�smitted berewith for your inform�tion i� e copy o�' C.F. Na. 262842 which expressea �ha inteat of the City Counci], ana requ,ests aPPraPriste County o#'ficiala to take the necaaasry ateps ta reduce the City s t�.x levy by th�e sum o� $2,3�9,3�.6$, Yaur� vexy truly� �� City C1Qrk Attaeh. �'anuary 9, 19'T1+ Honorable Lawrence C�hen May�r Bui�dittg Dear Sir: Transmitted herewith Por your infarmnti.on is a eopy of C.F. No. 262842 which �acpres�ea the �.ntent af the City Council azad reqttest� appropriate County oPPiciela to talse the nsceaesry step�s to reduee the City's tax ievy by the eum of $2,359�3�.6�. Yours v�ry •tru1,Y� City C1erk �� Attaah. Jsnuary �, 19'�+ Mr. William B. Rat�dal3 Co•.u1ty Attort�ey Room 328� City Ha11 St. Pauls Mirinesata Dear Sir: Ti'an$mitted herewith for your information is a eopy of C.F. No. 262842 which expresses the intent of ths C�.ty Cfluncil and i�equests appropri��e County ofPicials to take �he nece�eary steps to reduce the City's tax levy by the �um of $2���9�3l�0.68. Youre ver3r truly, City Clerk �� Attech. �� �� ���� � Ja�ua�"y 9, 197�+ 1�'. �`rank Marzite2li City Adaninis�rator Ci tS• Iial7., Room 367 St. Paul, t�Iinnesota Dear Sir: Tran�nitted herewith for your inPorma�tion i� a copy of G,F, No. 2628�t.2 which exprea�e� the intent of the City Council and requeats appropritxte County offic3als to talse the neee�s�ary eteps to reduce the City's tax ievy by the sum af $2s359,3�.68. Xour+s very trttl.y� C3ty Clerk �� Attach. J��� 8, 197� Mr. Lc�u McK�naA D�►�etor Dept. of PrQperty Taxation Room 126� City Haa,l St. Paul, Minn�aota Dear Sir: Tr'ansmi�ted herewith for your 3r�f'ormatiQn is a co 262842 which expresaes the intent of th� City C ouncil eridFrequests appropriate Cownty of�'icie].s to take the necesearyr atep� to reduce the city�e tax lev3r by the sum ot� $2,359,3�+0.68. Your� very truly, �� City Cl�rk Attach. �etaber 1�, 1973 Councjlmm.n Dean Nber�dith Ch�.irman, License Committee Ro�� 70�+, r,ity H�.11 Sts P�.ul, P�iinnesota Deax Sir: �'he City Council referred ta the Zicense Cornmittee for. consideratioa the appllcatian of Ma.rrel G. Hathaway for an Offi-�a,le Liquor licen�e at, i'�-'i?Q Selby Av+�. Y�urs very tru:ly' City CZerk ABOs�mw ccs Mr. Cerchedi L�cen�e In�p�ctor