02-393�. �_. Presented By Referred To Council File # O� � ��{ 3 \ Crreen Sheet # � � L��-� Committee: Date 2 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 lb 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 WHEREAS, Cifizen Service Office, Division of Code En£orcement has requested the City Council to hold public hearings to consider the advisability and necessity of ordering the repair or wrecking and removal of a one and one-half story, wood frame, single family dwelling located on property hereinafter referred to as the "Subject Property" and commonly lrnown as 1 ll4 Magnolia Avenue East. This property is legally described as follows, to wit: Lot 2, Block i, Governor Johnson Addition. WHEREAS, based upon the records in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office and information obtained by Division of Code Enforcement on or before November 15, 2001, the following are the now lrnown interested or responsible parties for the Subject Property: Kermit Olson, 11690 Evergreen St., Coon Rapids, MN 55448; Kermit Olson, clo First Choice Rental, 6586 48"' St. Pl. N., Oakdale, MN 55128; Kermit Olson, PO Box 600515, St. Paul, MN 55016; Center for Energy and Environment, 100 N. 6` St. 412A, Mp1s., MN 55403; Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Household Financial Services, PO Box 2026, Flint, MI 48501, Re: HFS Loan # 120758-8; Household Financial Services, PO Box 23b9, Brandon, FL 33509, Re: HFS Loan # 120758-8 WHEREAS, Division of Code Enforcement has served in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code an order identified as an"Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s)" dated February 21, 2002; and 4VHEREAS, this order informed the then known interested or responsible parties that the structure located on the Subject Property is a nuisance building(s) pursuant to Chapter 45; and WHEREAS, this order informed the interested or responsible parties that they must repair or demolish the structure located on the Subj ect Property by March 25, 2002; and WI3EREAS, the enforcement officer has posted a placard on the Subject Property declaring this building(s) to constitute a nuisance condition; subject to demolition; and WHEREAS, this nuisance condition has not been corrected and Division of Code Enforcement requested that the City Clerk schedule public hearings before the Legislative Hearing Officer of the City Council and the Saint Paul City Council; and WHEREAS, the interested and responsible parties haue been served notice in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code, of the time, date, place and purpose of the public hearings; and RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA 40 AA-ADA-EEO Employer oz_393 1 WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Legislative Hearing Officer of the Saint Paul City 2 Council on Tuesday, April 23, 2002 to hear tesiunony and evidence, and after receiving testiruony and 3 evidence, made ihe recommendation to approve the request to order the interested or responsible parties 4 to make the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and welfare and 5 remove its blighting influence on the community by rehabilitating this structure in accordance with all 6 applicable codes and ordinances, or in the altemative by demolishing and removing the structure in 7 accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The rehabilitation or demolarion of the structure to 8 be completed within fifteen (15) days after the date of the Council Hearing; and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Saint Paul City Council on Wednesday, May 1, 2002 and the testimony and evidence including the action taken by the Legislative Hearing Officer was considered by the Council; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that based upon the testimony and evidence presented at the above referenced public hearings, the Saint Paul City Council hereby adopts the following Findings and Order conceming the Subject Propercy at 1114 Magnolia Avenue East: That the Subject Property comprises a nuisance condition as defined in Saint Pau1 Legislative Code, Chapter 45. 2. 3. Q Q 7 That the costs of demolition and removal of this building(s) is estimated to exceed three thousand dollars ($3,000.00). That there now exists and has existed multiple Housing or Building code violations at the Subject Properry. That an Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s) was sent to the then known responsible parties to correct the deficiencies or to demolish and remove the building(s). That the deficiencies causing this nuisance condirion haue not been corrected. That Division of Code Enforcement has posted a placard on the Subject Property which declares it to be a nuisance condition subject to demoiSrion. That this building has been routinely monitored by the Citizen Service Offices, Division of Code Enforcement, VacantJNuisance Buildings. That the known interested parties and owners are as previously stated in this resolution and that the notification requirements of Chapter 45 have been fulfilled. •'� ' The Saint Paul City Council hereby makes the following order: The above referenced interested or responsible parties shall make the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and welfare and remove its blighting influence on the community by rehabilitating this siructure and correcting all deficiencies as prescribed in the above referenced Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s) in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances, or in the alternative by demolishing and removing the structure in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The rehabilitation or demolirion and removal of the sttuoture musf be completed within fi8een (15) days after the date of the Council Hearing. AA-ADA-EEO Employer b Z �3q� 1 2. If the above correcrive acrion is not compieted within this period of tune the Cirizen Service 2 Office, Division of Code Enforcement is hereby authori2ed to take whatever steps aze necessary 3 to demolish and remove this shucture, fill the site and charge the costs incurred against the 4 Subyect Property pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. 10 11 12 3. In the event the buiiding is to be demolished and removed by the City of Saint Paul, all personal property or fixturas of any kind which interfere with the demolition and removal shall be removed from the properiy by the responsible parties by the end of this tnne period. If all personal property is not removed, it shall be considered to be abandoned and the City of Saint Paul shall remove and dispose of such property as provided by law. 4. It is further ordered, that a copy of this resolution be mailed to the owners and interested parties in accordance with Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Adopted by Council: Date M � a? o�--� _� . Adoption Certified by Council Secretary I� Approved by : Requested by Department of: Citizen Service Office• Code Enforcement Bq: � ��-w-- � Form Approved by City Attorney � p - f -� �, �� . By: f �l I � ` / /� �� { / � I ' AA-ADA-EEQ Employer f b�...'�9 � 03-29-OZ GREEN SHEET No102380 Michael R. Morehead r:.aia•:,�ssN=a. TOTAL # OF SIGNATORE PAGES �,.,.� a.,��.. r �,�.,,,�. m��� ❑�.�— ❑,.�.�,�.� ❑,.�.��„�o � WYOIt(ORAtIIfTAY1� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� City Council to pass this resolufion which will order the owner(s) to remove ar repair the referenced building(s). If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, the Citizen Service Office, Division of Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. The subject property is located at l ll4 Magnolia Avenue East. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE qVIL SERVICE COMM{SSION Fiae this P��rm eeerwarked uMer a contract torNis tleFartment7 YES NO Has Mis P�Krm ever been a dly empbyee9 YES � Dces Mi6 Pee�s�orvfirm P�%a sldll not nomwllYP� M' �Y curteM citY emP�1'eeT YES NO Is Mie peisonRrm atmpetetl ventlofT YES NO This building(s) is a nuisance building{s) as defined in Chapter 4S and a vacant building as defaned in Chapter 43 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The owners, interested parties and responsible parties Irnown to the Enforcement O�cer were given an order to repair or remove the buiiding at 1114 Magnolia Avenue East by March 25, 2002, and haue failed to comply with those orders. Counc6i �t���arch Center The City will eliminate a nuisance. ������ � APR p � 2002 ��� �S � ���'� X � � The City will spend funds to wreck and remove fi'iis bu'xldirig(SJ:'Y'�iese costs wili be assessed to the property, A nuisance condirion will remain unabated in the City. This building(s) will continue to blight the community. oFrnnr+sacnoHS $7,000-$8,000 cosrrte�vet+ueeuoeerEn�aRaeor� /rEa� - wo SOURCE y�i�iai.vaiou�aisa-�il.o�_ ACTIYITYNUM85R INFORMATON (E%PLAIN) IvS-ADA-EEO Employer d�.-�`t� . ... . , Date: Apri123, 2002 Time: 10:00 am. Place: Room 330 City Hall 15 VJest Kellogg Boulevard LEGISLATiVE HEARING Gerry Strathman Legislative Hearing Officer 1. Summary Abatements laid over &om April 9: J0106A Property cleanup during part of July 2001 to January 2002; JQ106V Towing of abandoned vehicles from private property for part of Apri12001 to 3uly 2001. 231 Fuller Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 82 Jessamine Avenue East (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 935 i3niversitv Avenue West (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment. 291 TopAin�Street (J0106V) Leglslative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment. 907 St. Anthony Avenue (JQ 106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 1116 Marvland Avenue East (J0106A} Legisiative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment from $306 to $61 plus the $45 admuustrative fee for a total assessment of $106. 25 Marvland Avenue East (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment 952 Lawson Avenue East (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recoxnmends approval of the assessment. 5 Jessamine Avenue East (30106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 396 Hope Street (JOlObV) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. D a--�9� LEGISLATIVE HEARING REPORT dF APRIL 23, 2002 124 Date Street North (J0106A) Legislative Heariug Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 706 Chazles Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 492 Andrew Street (70106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. Page 2 1195 Edgerton Street (J0106� Legislative Heating Officer recommends reducing the assessment from $682.10 to $400 plus the $45 adminis�ative fee for a total assessment of $445. 370 Fuller Avenue (JQ1Q6V) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment. 2. Appeal of summary abatement order for 964 Hatch Avenue. (Order withdrawn.) 3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 952 Farrinaton Street. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommends laying over to the May 14, 2002, Legislarive Hearing. 4. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 1586 Point Dou�las Road. If the owner fails to compiy with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. (Laid over from 3-2b-02) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval. 5. Resolution ordering the owtter to remove or repair the bnilding at 1114 Maggolia Avenue Eas� If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval. 0 CITIZEY SERVICE OFFICE Donald 1. Luna, City C[erk CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Rmidy C. Ke1[y, hfayar M&I'Cb 24� 2��2 DiVISION OF PROPERTY CADE ENFORCEMENT A� �I\ Q� Michcel R Morehead, Pragrr.m Mannger V '� � Nnisnnce Building Code Enforcement IS Yf. KelloggBh�d. Rm 190 Zel: 651-266-8440 Sairzt Paul, MN 55101 Far: 6.i/-266-8426 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS , Council President and Members of the City Council Fo, ;�,; :; � �„..-, �:� ���a� Y1 _' L' � ;��g y��� Citizen Service Office, Vacantl\TUisance $uildings Bnforcement Division has requested the City Council schedule public hearings to consider a resolutian orderin� the repair or removal of the nnisance building(s)located at: - - ll 14 Magnolia Avenue East The City Council has scheduled the date of these hearings as follows: Legislative Hearing - Tuesday� April 23, 2002 City Council Hearing - Wednesday, May 1, 2002 The owners and responsible parties of record are: Name and Last Kno�vn Address Kermit Olson 11690 Evergreen St. Coan Rapids, MN 55448 Kermit Olson clo First Choice Rental 5586 48�' St. PI. N. Oakdale, MN 55128 Kermit Olson PO Box 600515 St. Paul, MN 55016 Center for Energy and Environment 100 N. 6�' St. 412A Mpis., MN 55403 AA-ADA-EEO Employer Interest Fee Owner Fee Owner Fee Owner Mortgagee 1114 Magnolia Avenue East March 29, 2002 Page 2 Name and Last Known Address Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Household Financial Services PO Box 2026 Flint, MI 4$501 Re: HFS Loan # 120758-8 Household Financial Services PO Box 2369 Brandon, FL 33509 Re: HFS Loan # 120758-8 The legal description of this property is: Lot 2, Block 1, Govemor Johnson Addition. Interest Mortga�ee Mort�agee D �,7�7 Division o£ Code Enfarcement has declared this building(s) to constitute a"nuisance" as defined by Le�islative Code, Chapter 45. Division of Code Enforcement has issued an order to the then known responsible parties to eliminate this nuisance condition by correcting the deficiencies or by razing and removing this building(s). Inasmuch as this Order to Abate has not been complied with the nuisance condition remains unabated, the communiry continues to suffer the biighting influence of this property. It is the recommendation of the Division of Code Enforcement that the City Council pass a resolution ordering the responsible parties to either repair, or demolish and remove this buildang in a timely manner, and failing that, authorize the Division of Code Enforcement to proceed to demolition and removal, and to assess the costs incurred against the real estate as a speciai assessment to be collected in the same manner as taxes. Sincerely, �¢eroe �a�ner Steve Magner Vacant Buildings Supervisor Division of Code Enforcement Citizen Service Office SM:mi cc: Frank Berg, Building Inspection and Design Meghan Riley, City Attorneys Office Nancy Anderson, Assistant Secretary to the Council Laurie Kaplan, PED-Housing Division AA-ADA-EEO Employer �2��j � MINIJTES OF TI� LEGISLATIVE HEARING Tuesday, Apri123, 2002 R.00m 330 City Hall Gerry Strathman, Legisiative Hearing Officer The meeting was called to order at 10:02 am. STAFF PRESENT: John Betz, Code Enforcement; Steve Magner, Code Enforcement; Hazold Robinson, Code Enforcement Summary Abatements laid over from Apri19: J0106A Property cleanup during part of July 2001 to Jannary 2002 J0106V Towing of abandoned vehicles from private property for gart of April 2001 to July 2001: 231 Fuller Avenue (3010bA) Pang Doua Fang, 733 Aurora Avenue, appeared and stated he received notice to pay $288. He does not laiow why. He would like to see the videotape because he did not receive a summary abatement order. 3ohn Betz reported orders were issued to Pang Doua Fang at 231 Fuller Avenue on December 17, 2001, to remove bags of garbage on the yazd. The property was reinspected on January 7, and it was still there. The work order was sent to Parks and Recreation on 3anuary 16 and the refuse was pi�ked up. (A videotape was shown.) Gerry Strathman stated the notice was sent and the work was done. Mr. Fang stated 231 Fuller is not tus address, His permanent address is 331 Edmund Avenue. Mr. Stratt�man responded 231 Fuller is the address at Ramsey County Taxation. The City has to send the notice to the name and address of the property owner on record there. To prevent this from happening in the future, the owner should go to Ramsey County and change his mailing address. Mr. Fang responded right now he is moving from 331 Edmund Avenue and he already sent a letter to them. Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 82 Jessamine Avenue East (J0106A) Pang Doua Fang, owner, 733 Aurora Avenue, appeazed again and stated he received the order and took care of it. (A videotape was shown.) �2�G � LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES OF APRIL 23, 2002 Page 2 Mr. Fang stated his garbage company gave him bad service. He cancelled lus service with that company because they did not pick up the trash when they said they would. Crerry Strathman stated the notice was sent. There is nothing he can do to reduce the assessment because Mr. Fang was norified and the work was done by the City. Hazold Robinson reported Code Enforcement first issued an order on November 1 to provide an ample amount of containers because tlris is a chronic problem at this property. On November 9, Code Enforcement issued a summary abatement to remove the refuse and debris. If the tenants do not throw it in the container, there is nothing Code Enforcement can do about that. There have been too many problems at this property. Mr. Fang stated he already took caze of some items. Mr. Strathman stated the owner needs to go to Ramsey County Taacation Records to get his property changed to the correct address. Roxanna Flink reported Real Estate mailed their notice to 231 Fuller, and the post office returned it with a note to maii it to 733 Laurel. If 231 Fuller is the conect address, the owner should let the post office know. Gerry Strathman recommettded approval of the assessmen� 935 UniversiN Avenue West (J0106A) (No one appeared to represent the property.) John Betz reported the notice weni to the wtong people when his office changed their computer system. Gerry Strathman xecommends deleting the assessmettt due to inconect notification. 291 Toppine Street (J0106� (No one appeared to represent the property_) John Betz reported the nofice went to the wrong people when his office changed their computer system. Gerry Strathman recommends deleting the assessment due to incorrect notification. 907 St. Anthonv Avenue (J0106A) (No one appeared to represent the property.) C�2���3 LEGISLATTVE IiEARING MINiITES OF APRIL 23, 2002 Gerry Strathman recflmmends approval of the assessment. 1116 Marvland Avenue East (J0106A) The following appeared: Sandra Schwartzbauer and Jason L'Heureua�. Gerry Strathman stated this is regarding cleaning up refuse, btanches, and brush. {A videotape was shown.) Page 3 Mr. L'HeureuY stated he got an order to clean it up. They bundled the brush. They talked to their trash company and threw a lot of it away. They only had about three bushels to go. He put some bushels in the kennel so it was out of the alleyway. All they were told was to move it from the alleyway. T'here was not much in the kennel. Gerry Strathman recommends reducing the assessment from $306 to $61 plus the $45 administrative fee for a total assessment of $106. 25 Marvland Avenue East (J0106A) (No one appeazed to represent the property.) Gerry Strathman recommended approval. 952 Lawson Avenue East (J0106A) (No one appeared to represent the properry.) Gerry Strathman recommended approval. 5 Jessamine Avenue East (JQ1�6A) (No one appeared to represent the property.) Gerry Stratlunan recommended approval. 396 �-Iope Street (J0106� The following appeazed: George Atlen, owner, and Bill Dahn. Hazold Robinson reported orders were issued for a Ford pickup on Mazch 29, 2001, with a compliance date of Apri19. A recheck was done on April 12. The vehicle was picked up on June 1, 2001. There were problems with the Impound Lot being fuil. A lot of the tow orders sat for a long time before the vehicles were picked up. The other vehicle is a brown BMVJ with the same set of orders. e2-�� LEGISLATIVE HEARIlVG MINLTTES OF APRIL 23, 2002 Page 4 Mr. Allen stated the people upstairs own the pick up truck. Mr. Allen told the tow huck driver that they were not lus vehicles. The BMW used to belong to him, but he sold it to another person. Mr. Slrathman stated the Ciiy's recourse is always to the property owner. When the City finds an abandoned velucle, they notify the property owner. If the properly owner does not dispose of the vehicle and the City does, the City chazges the property owner. Mr. Allen responded it was his understanding that he could not touch the vehicie. Mr. Strathman responded the police will put a managers tag on it, and a towing company will get it For these vehicles, the City has to pay the towing company, they have to receive the vehicle, store it, and then auction it. Mr. Strathman stated he has no basis for removing the assessment. Ttus is the cost for two vehicles. The owner of the velucle probably owes Mr, Allen $600. Mr. Dahn stated the City sells the vehicle and makes money off of at. They tow the vehicle off the street, take it to the Impound Lot, and then sell iY. Mr. Strathman responded the City subtracts whatever they get at auction for the assessment. Mr. Allen stated he can understand one vehicle, but the owner of the other vehicle was azguing with the tow truck driver. Mr. Strathman responded he believes it is not Mr. Allen's vehicle, but it does not matter who is the owner. If it is on Mr. Allen's properiy, he is assessed for it. Cserry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 124 Dale Street 1Vorth (30106A) (No one appeazed to repn,sent the property.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 706 Charles Avenue (J0106A) (No one appeazed to represent the properLy.) Gerry Strathman recommends appmval of the assessment. 492 ?lndtew Street (J0146A) (No one appeazed to represent the property.) Gerry Stratiunan recommends approval of the assessment� 1195 Ed¢erton Street (J0106V) Robert Anderson, owner, appeazed. Ae submitted a letter to Gerry Strathman. aZ�G � LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINL3TES OF APRIL 23, 2002 Page 5 Mr. Anderson stated he is here to represent his mother's interest. His mother and brother thought the vehicle was repossessed or stolen out of the yazd until they received the last norice. They thought the notice was about a pickup truck that was in the driveway. Ttiey found out it was not the truck, but the caz that was previously here. His mother is elderly, hard of hearing, and does not understand things like this. Mr. Strathman asked who the notice was sent to. Hazold Robinson responded Neil Anderson, 1195 Edgerton Street. Mr. Anderson responded that is lus deceased father. Mr. Robinson stated the original notice was for two velucles, but the international pickup had collector plates on the reinspection. Mr. Anderson stated he does not know what the communication would have been between his mother and brother. His brother is now deceased. Mr. Anderson stated he wants to make sure his name and phone number aze listed so if there is a problem, he can be notified. Roxanne Flink responded that Mr. Anderson should add his name and address as the alternate taxpayer for Ramsey County. That way, any notices will also go to him. Mr. Strathman reduced the assessment from $682.10 to $400 plus the $45 administrative fee for a total assessment of $445. 370 Fuller Avenue (J0106� Gerry Strathman stated he received a letter from Commander Mike Morehead (Code Enforcement) raising objections to the claim made by the properry owner. The property owner at the Apri19 Legislative Hearing said he should not be assessed for the vehicle tow because the vehicle was removed from the street. Mr. Morehead took exception to that argument because the owner had iilegally dumped the vehicle from his private properry onto the sffeet and, therefore, should not be allowed to evade the assessmen� Mr. Strathman stated he consulted the City Attomey's Office who informed him the City may not under any circumstances assess the cost of towing from a public street. This vehicle was clearly towed from a public street, even by Commander Morehead's memorandum. Cerry Strathman recommends deleting the assessmen� If Commander Morehead wants to pursue this as a police issue of illegal dumping, he can do that. Appeal of summary abatement order for 964 Aatch Avenue. Jim Brown, owner, appeared and stated he received a letter. Someone told him there was too much animal feces in his yazd. The person said he would return the next morning; however, there was five inches of snow on the ground, and the person could not see any feces. Mr. Brown talked to Mike Morehead (Code Enforcement) who said someone would return in five days when the snow melts. Mr. Brown stated he does not understand the written order for the e�rtermination ��Z�G 3 LEGISLATIVE FiEARING MINIJTES OF APR.II, 23, 2002 Page 6 company. Mr. Brown never got ahold of Lisa Foster (Code Enforcement). He called five externunating companies. The first thing they do is come out and look for droppings. He does not know if he has to pay them for that. The inspector should be able to look for droppings. 7ohn Betz reported the inspector was out there, there were dog feces and a accumulation of bags of refuse. The bags of refuse had evidence of rodent infestation. The notice reads "Provide proof of a licensed e�erminator to eliminate rodents." Mr. Betz stated he is not sure how appropriate it was for the inspector to add that to the notice, but if there was evidence that rats were infesting the gazbage, the inclination is to do something about it, such as get rid of the gazbage. The property was inspected yesterday, and the appliance and trash were gone. There was accumulated dog feces in the yazd. He is closing this fiie, stated Mt. Betz. If there is an accumulation of dog feces to the point where Code Enforcement does not think it is appropriate, they will use the court system to deal with it and issue a ticket for not cleaning it up. Mr. Brown asked how does he determine what is the right amount and how much is too much for Code Enforcement. He 3�as one dog. Mr. Betz responded he should clean it up every other day. (The order is withdrawn. John Betz closed the file.) Resolution ordering the owaer to remove or repair the building at 952 Farrington Street. If the owner faiis to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. (Steve Magner presented photographs. They were later returned.) Larry Zielke, Shapiro and Nordmeyer, 7300 Metro Boulevazd #390, Fdina, representing Ameriquest Mortgage, appeazed and stated Ameriquest started out foreclosing on this property. There was a sale set for November, but it was postponed because of a pending insurance claim. It is now scheduled for May 8. Mr. Zielke I�as gone to court and maintained an order that says when they do go to sale, the redemption period will be five weeks. T'hey are doing what then can to expedite the issue. A decision from the insurance company will come in a few days. (Mr. Zielke submitted documents to Gerry Strathman, which were later returned.) Mr. Strathman asked if he looking for more time. Mr. Zielke responded yes. After the insurance decision, the mortgage company will decide what they want to do with the groperty. Mr. Magner reported this property has been condemned since Apri12001 and vacant since February 4, 2002. The owner is Irene Nelson. Five summary abatement notices have been issued to seeure the structure, cut tall grass, remove rubbish. On February 20, 2002, an inspection of the building was conducted, a list of deficiencies which constitute a nuisance condition was developed, and photographs were taken. An order to abate a nuisance building was issued on March 6, 2062, with a compliance date of March 21, 2002. As of this date, the property remains in a condition which comprises a nuisance as defined by the legislative code. The vacant building fees aze due. Real estate #aaces aze paid. T�ation has placed an estimated LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES OF APRIL 23, 2002 40. vZ�� 3 Page 7 mazket value of $9,300 on the land and $41,900 on the building, but the building estimate is prior to any of these conditions. There is no code inspection nor bond posted. The estimated cost m repair is $70,000. The estimated cost to demolish is $7,000 to $8,000. Mr. Magner stated the dwelling is small, delapidated, deteriorated, and 3/4 of the north foundation wall is collapsed. There is a partial basement. There aze a number of inherent building deficiencies that would have to be corrected if this building is to be saved. The foundation will have to be completely rebuilt. There will have to be an egress stair to the basement. There is no functional plumbing system. There has been little or no maintenance. This is a very substandard property. It would be best off as a lot for redevelopment. Mr. Strathman asked is it a hazard. Mr. Magner responded the foundation failed last year at this tune. It is somewhat stabilized. He does not expect more movement, but he cannot guarantee anytlung. If the house collapsed in, that would constitute a life safety issue, and Code Enforcement would take immediate action. Mr. Stnthman asked how much time would they need. Mr. Zielke responded four weeks. It would either go to sale by then, the mortgage company will make the decision to take it back, or the company will walk away from the building. Mr. Magner stated that is a prudent course of action at this time. Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the May 28, 2002, Legislative Hearing. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 1586 Point DouQlas Road. If the owner faits to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the bn�lding. (Laid over from 3-26-02) (No one appeazed to represent the property.) (Steve Magner submitted photographs.) Steve Magner repotted he had no contact with the owner. Mr. Magner was by the property yesterday. It is still boarded. Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the resolufion. � Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 1114 Magnolia Avenue � East. If the owner fails to comply with the resolufion, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. (No one appeazed to represent the property.) (Steve Magner submitted photographs.) o��G� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINiJTES OF APRIL 23, 2002 page g Steve Magner reported the building has been vacant since March 2, 2001. There have been seven summary abatement notices to remove snow and ice, secwe building, and cut tall grass. On February 13, 2002, an inspection of the building was conducted, a list of deficiencies which constitute a nuisance condition was develoged, and photographs were taken. An order to abate a nuisance building was issued on February 21, 2002, with a compliance date of Mazch 25. As of tlus date, the propezty remains in a condition which comprises a nuisance as defined by the legislative code. The vacant building fees are due. Real estate taxes aze unpaid of $1,33037. Taxafion has placed an estimated mazket value of $15,600 on the land and $27,300 on the building. As of Apri123, 2002, a Code Compliance Inspecfion has not been agptied for, nor has a bond been posted. Code Enforcement estimates the cost to repair tius structure is $40,000 to $50,000; estimated cost to demolish, $7,000 to $8,000. Mr. Magner staied he is surprised the owner is not here. Code Enforcement has not had recent communication with the owner. The owner bought it as a possible project. Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the resolution. The meeting was adjourned at 11:17 p.m. � :u �*k ���K�� . x a � 4 a �t �� � y w \ya,4� . . ' " _ i r_� �� �— � � -_.,. r . . .. ..� � � a " �C: �o.� . ��� �" ,` .� ...� z u �� ; ���� ��� _. _ _ ° w�.«..:, .; :ir'=?. .. . _°:,�_ ,�,._ i� ,ra`,�,¢q..�. � G,x , � 4 �' . \' �� � � i I b � _ . �w g r _ = i i _ ,; ' i .; —____` �._— � � I � � r .�. - _ 4 �� I �� � �'; . n _ ._ . 1 : _ - : . . .. ,�,. .. .. .. . . ,. . '.. ,. u � _ ......; .. � 'i �� ' _ n a fi'� ,'\, , .-,�, �, , , +Yj*+' i. _ .. a�� Ili � � ! � �' � ; �. �_. Presented By Referred To Council File # O� � ��{ 3 \ Crreen Sheet # � � L��-� Committee: Date 2 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 lb 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 WHEREAS, Cifizen Service Office, Division of Code En£orcement has requested the City Council to hold public hearings to consider the advisability and necessity of ordering the repair or wrecking and removal of a one and one-half story, wood frame, single family dwelling located on property hereinafter referred to as the "Subject Property" and commonly lrnown as 1 ll4 Magnolia Avenue East. This property is legally described as follows, to wit: Lot 2, Block i, Governor Johnson Addition. WHEREAS, based upon the records in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office and information obtained by Division of Code Enforcement on or before November 15, 2001, the following are the now lrnown interested or responsible parties for the Subject Property: Kermit Olson, 11690 Evergreen St., Coon Rapids, MN 55448; Kermit Olson, clo First Choice Rental, 6586 48"' St. Pl. N., Oakdale, MN 55128; Kermit Olson, PO Box 600515, St. Paul, MN 55016; Center for Energy and Environment, 100 N. 6` St. 412A, Mp1s., MN 55403; Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Household Financial Services, PO Box 2026, Flint, MI 48501, Re: HFS Loan # 120758-8; Household Financial Services, PO Box 23b9, Brandon, FL 33509, Re: HFS Loan # 120758-8 WHEREAS, Division of Code Enforcement has served in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code an order identified as an"Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s)" dated February 21, 2002; and 4VHEREAS, this order informed the then known interested or responsible parties that the structure located on the Subject Property is a nuisance building(s) pursuant to Chapter 45; and WHEREAS, this order informed the interested or responsible parties that they must repair or demolish the structure located on the Subj ect Property by March 25, 2002; and WI3EREAS, the enforcement officer has posted a placard on the Subject Property declaring this building(s) to constitute a nuisance condition; subject to demolition; and WHEREAS, this nuisance condition has not been corrected and Division of Code Enforcement requested that the City Clerk schedule public hearings before the Legislative Hearing Officer of the City Council and the Saint Paul City Council; and WHEREAS, the interested and responsible parties haue been served notice in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code, of the time, date, place and purpose of the public hearings; and RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA 40 AA-ADA-EEO Employer oz_393 1 WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Legislative Hearing Officer of the Saint Paul City 2 Council on Tuesday, April 23, 2002 to hear tesiunony and evidence, and after receiving testiruony and 3 evidence, made ihe recommendation to approve the request to order the interested or responsible parties 4 to make the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and welfare and 5 remove its blighting influence on the community by rehabilitating this structure in accordance with all 6 applicable codes and ordinances, or in the altemative by demolishing and removing the structure in 7 accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The rehabilitation or demolarion of the structure to 8 be completed within fifteen (15) days after the date of the Council Hearing; and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Saint Paul City Council on Wednesday, May 1, 2002 and the testimony and evidence including the action taken by the Legislative Hearing Officer was considered by the Council; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that based upon the testimony and evidence presented at the above referenced public hearings, the Saint Paul City Council hereby adopts the following Findings and Order conceming the Subject Propercy at 1114 Magnolia Avenue East: That the Subject Property comprises a nuisance condition as defined in Saint Pau1 Legislative Code, Chapter 45. 2. 3. Q Q 7 That the costs of demolition and removal of this building(s) is estimated to exceed three thousand dollars ($3,000.00). That there now exists and has existed multiple Housing or Building code violations at the Subject Properry. That an Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s) was sent to the then known responsible parties to correct the deficiencies or to demolish and remove the building(s). That the deficiencies causing this nuisance condirion haue not been corrected. That Division of Code Enforcement has posted a placard on the Subject Property which declares it to be a nuisance condition subject to demoiSrion. That this building has been routinely monitored by the Citizen Service Offices, Division of Code Enforcement, VacantJNuisance Buildings. That the known interested parties and owners are as previously stated in this resolution and that the notification requirements of Chapter 45 have been fulfilled. •'� ' The Saint Paul City Council hereby makes the following order: The above referenced interested or responsible parties shall make the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and welfare and remove its blighting influence on the community by rehabilitating this siructure and correcting all deficiencies as prescribed in the above referenced Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s) in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances, or in the alternative by demolishing and removing the structure in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The rehabilitation or demolirion and removal of the sttuoture musf be completed within fi8een (15) days after the date of the Council Hearing. AA-ADA-EEO Employer b Z �3q� 1 2. If the above correcrive acrion is not compieted within this period of tune the Cirizen Service 2 Office, Division of Code Enforcement is hereby authori2ed to take whatever steps aze necessary 3 to demolish and remove this shucture, fill the site and charge the costs incurred against the 4 Subyect Property pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. 10 11 12 3. In the event the buiiding is to be demolished and removed by the City of Saint Paul, all personal property or fixturas of any kind which interfere with the demolition and removal shall be removed from the properiy by the responsible parties by the end of this tnne period. If all personal property is not removed, it shall be considered to be abandoned and the City of Saint Paul shall remove and dispose of such property as provided by law. 4. It is further ordered, that a copy of this resolution be mailed to the owners and interested parties in accordance with Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Adopted by Council: Date M � a? o�--� _� . Adoption Certified by Council Secretary I� Approved by : Requested by Department of: Citizen Service Office• Code Enforcement Bq: � ��-w-- � Form Approved by City Attorney � p - f -� �, �� . By: f �l I � ` / /� �� { / � I ' AA-ADA-EEQ Employer f b�...'�9 � 03-29-OZ GREEN SHEET No102380 Michael R. Morehead r:.aia•:,�ssN=a. TOTAL # OF SIGNATORE PAGES �,.,.� a.,��.. r �,�.,,,�. m��� ❑�.�— ❑,.�.�,�.� ❑,.�.��„�o � WYOIt(ORAtIIfTAY1� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� City Council to pass this resolufion which will order the owner(s) to remove ar repair the referenced building(s). If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, the Citizen Service Office, Division of Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. The subject property is located at l ll4 Magnolia Avenue East. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE qVIL SERVICE COMM{SSION Fiae this P��rm eeerwarked uMer a contract torNis tleFartment7 YES NO Has Mis P�Krm ever been a dly empbyee9 YES � Dces Mi6 Pee�s�orvfirm P�%a sldll not nomwllYP� M' �Y curteM citY emP�1'eeT YES NO Is Mie peisonRrm atmpetetl ventlofT YES NO This building(s) is a nuisance building{s) as defined in Chapter 4S and a vacant building as defaned in Chapter 43 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The owners, interested parties and responsible parties Irnown to the Enforcement O�cer were given an order to repair or remove the buiiding at 1114 Magnolia Avenue East by March 25, 2002, and haue failed to comply with those orders. Counc6i �t���arch Center The City will eliminate a nuisance. ������ � APR p � 2002 ��� �S � ���'� X � � The City will spend funds to wreck and remove fi'iis bu'xldirig(SJ:'Y'�iese costs wili be assessed to the property, A nuisance condirion will remain unabated in the City. This building(s) will continue to blight the community. oFrnnr+sacnoHS $7,000-$8,000 cosrrte�vet+ueeuoeerEn�aRaeor� /rEa� - wo SOURCE y�i�iai.vaiou�aisa-�il.o�_ ACTIYITYNUM85R INFORMATON (E%PLAIN) IvS-ADA-EEO Employer d�.-�`t� . ... . , Date: Apri123, 2002 Time: 10:00 am. Place: Room 330 City Hall 15 VJest Kellogg Boulevard LEGISLATiVE HEARING Gerry Strathman Legislative Hearing Officer 1. Summary Abatements laid over &om April 9: J0106A Property cleanup during part of July 2001 to January 2002; JQ106V Towing of abandoned vehicles from private property for part of Apri12001 to 3uly 2001. 231 Fuller Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 82 Jessamine Avenue East (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 935 i3niversitv Avenue West (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment. 291 TopAin�Street (J0106V) Leglslative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment. 907 St. Anthony Avenue (JQ 106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 1116 Marvland Avenue East (J0106A} Legisiative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment from $306 to $61 plus the $45 admuustrative fee for a total assessment of $106. 25 Marvland Avenue East (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment 952 Lawson Avenue East (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recoxnmends approval of the assessment. 5 Jessamine Avenue East (30106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 396 Hope Street (JOlObV) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. D a--�9� LEGISLATIVE HEARING REPORT dF APRIL 23, 2002 124 Date Street North (J0106A) Legislative Heariug Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 706 Chazles Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 492 Andrew Street (70106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. Page 2 1195 Edgerton Street (J0106� Legislative Heating Officer recommends reducing the assessment from $682.10 to $400 plus the $45 adminis�ative fee for a total assessment of $445. 370 Fuller Avenue (JQ1Q6V) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment. 2. Appeal of summary abatement order for 964 Hatch Avenue. (Order withdrawn.) 3. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 952 Farrinaton Street. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommends laying over to the May 14, 2002, Legislarive Hearing. 4. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 1586 Point Dou�las Road. If the owner fails to compiy with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. (Laid over from 3-2b-02) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval. 5. Resolution ordering the owtter to remove or repair the bnilding at 1114 Maggolia Avenue Eas� If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval. 0 CITIZEY SERVICE OFFICE Donald 1. Luna, City C[erk CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Rmidy C. Ke1[y, hfayar M&I'Cb 24� 2��2 DiVISION OF PROPERTY CADE ENFORCEMENT A� �I\ Q� Michcel R Morehead, Pragrr.m Mannger V '� � Nnisnnce Building Code Enforcement IS Yf. KelloggBh�d. Rm 190 Zel: 651-266-8440 Sairzt Paul, MN 55101 Far: 6.i/-266-8426 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS , Council President and Members of the City Council Fo, ;�,; :; � �„..-, �:� ���a� Y1 _' L' � ;��g y��� Citizen Service Office, Vacantl\TUisance $uildings Bnforcement Division has requested the City Council schedule public hearings to consider a resolutian orderin� the repair or removal of the nnisance building(s)located at: - - ll 14 Magnolia Avenue East The City Council has scheduled the date of these hearings as follows: Legislative Hearing - Tuesday� April 23, 2002 City Council Hearing - Wednesday, May 1, 2002 The owners and responsible parties of record are: Name and Last Kno�vn Address Kermit Olson 11690 Evergreen St. Coan Rapids, MN 55448 Kermit Olson clo First Choice Rental 5586 48�' St. PI. N. Oakdale, MN 55128 Kermit Olson PO Box 600515 St. Paul, MN 55016 Center for Energy and Environment 100 N. 6�' St. 412A Mpis., MN 55403 AA-ADA-EEO Employer Interest Fee Owner Fee Owner Fee Owner Mortgagee 1114 Magnolia Avenue East March 29, 2002 Page 2 Name and Last Known Address Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Household Financial Services PO Box 2026 Flint, MI 4$501 Re: HFS Loan # 120758-8 Household Financial Services PO Box 2369 Brandon, FL 33509 Re: HFS Loan # 120758-8 The legal description of this property is: Lot 2, Block 1, Govemor Johnson Addition. Interest Mortga�ee Mort�agee D �,7�7 Division o£ Code Enfarcement has declared this building(s) to constitute a"nuisance" as defined by Le�islative Code, Chapter 45. Division of Code Enforcement has issued an order to the then known responsible parties to eliminate this nuisance condition by correcting the deficiencies or by razing and removing this building(s). Inasmuch as this Order to Abate has not been complied with the nuisance condition remains unabated, the communiry continues to suffer the biighting influence of this property. It is the recommendation of the Division of Code Enforcement that the City Council pass a resolution ordering the responsible parties to either repair, or demolish and remove this buildang in a timely manner, and failing that, authorize the Division of Code Enforcement to proceed to demolition and removal, and to assess the costs incurred against the real estate as a speciai assessment to be collected in the same manner as taxes. Sincerely, �¢eroe �a�ner Steve Magner Vacant Buildings Supervisor Division of Code Enforcement Citizen Service Office SM:mi cc: Frank Berg, Building Inspection and Design Meghan Riley, City Attorneys Office Nancy Anderson, Assistant Secretary to the Council Laurie Kaplan, PED-Housing Division AA-ADA-EEO Employer �2��j � MINIJTES OF TI� LEGISLATIVE HEARING Tuesday, Apri123, 2002 R.00m 330 City Hall Gerry Strathman, Legisiative Hearing Officer The meeting was called to order at 10:02 am. STAFF PRESENT: John Betz, Code Enforcement; Steve Magner, Code Enforcement; Hazold Robinson, Code Enforcement Summary Abatements laid over from Apri19: J0106A Property cleanup during part of July 2001 to Jannary 2002 J0106V Towing of abandoned vehicles from private property for gart of April 2001 to July 2001: 231 Fuller Avenue (3010bA) Pang Doua Fang, 733 Aurora Avenue, appeared and stated he received notice to pay $288. He does not laiow why. He would like to see the videotape because he did not receive a summary abatement order. 3ohn Betz reported orders were issued to Pang Doua Fang at 231 Fuller Avenue on December 17, 2001, to remove bags of garbage on the yazd. The property was reinspected on January 7, and it was still there. The work order was sent to Parks and Recreation on 3anuary 16 and the refuse was pi�ked up. (A videotape was shown.) Gerry Strathman stated the notice was sent and the work was done. Mr. Fang stated 231 Fuller is not tus address, His permanent address is 331 Edmund Avenue. Mr. Stratt�man responded 231 Fuller is the address at Ramsey County Taxation. The City has to send the notice to the name and address of the property owner on record there. To prevent this from happening in the future, the owner should go to Ramsey County and change his mailing address. Mr. Fang responded right now he is moving from 331 Edmund Avenue and he already sent a letter to them. Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 82 Jessamine Avenue East (J0106A) Pang Doua Fang, owner, 733 Aurora Avenue, appeazed again and stated he received the order and took care of it. (A videotape was shown.) �2�G � LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES OF APRIL 23, 2002 Page 2 Mr. Fang stated his garbage company gave him bad service. He cancelled lus service with that company because they did not pick up the trash when they said they would. Crerry Strathman stated the notice was sent. There is nothing he can do to reduce the assessment because Mr. Fang was norified and the work was done by the City. Hazold Robinson reported Code Enforcement first issued an order on November 1 to provide an ample amount of containers because tlris is a chronic problem at this property. On November 9, Code Enforcement issued a summary abatement to remove the refuse and debris. If the tenants do not throw it in the container, there is nothing Code Enforcement can do about that. There have been too many problems at this property. Mr. Fang stated he already took caze of some items. Mr. Strathman stated the owner needs to go to Ramsey County Taacation Records to get his property changed to the correct address. Roxanna Flink reported Real Estate mailed their notice to 231 Fuller, and the post office returned it with a note to maii it to 733 Laurel. If 231 Fuller is the conect address, the owner should let the post office know. Gerry Strathman recommettded approval of the assessmen� 935 UniversiN Avenue West (J0106A) (No one appeared to represent the property.) John Betz reported the notice weni to the wtong people when his office changed their computer system. Gerry Strathman xecommends deleting the assessmettt due to inconect notification. 291 Toppine Street (J0106� (No one appeared to represent the property_) John Betz reported the nofice went to the wrong people when his office changed their computer system. Gerry Strathman recommends deleting the assessment due to incorrect notification. 907 St. Anthonv Avenue (J0106A) (No one appeared to represent the property.) C�2���3 LEGISLATTVE IiEARING MINiITES OF APRIL 23, 2002 Gerry Strathman recflmmends approval of the assessment. 1116 Marvland Avenue East (J0106A) The following appeared: Sandra Schwartzbauer and Jason L'Heureua�. Gerry Strathman stated this is regarding cleaning up refuse, btanches, and brush. {A videotape was shown.) Page 3 Mr. L'HeureuY stated he got an order to clean it up. They bundled the brush. They talked to their trash company and threw a lot of it away. They only had about three bushels to go. He put some bushels in the kennel so it was out of the alleyway. All they were told was to move it from the alleyway. T'here was not much in the kennel. Gerry Strathman recommends reducing the assessment from $306 to $61 plus the $45 administrative fee for a total assessment of $106. 25 Marvland Avenue East (J0106A) (No one appeazed to represent the property.) Gerry Strathman recommended approval. 952 Lawson Avenue East (J0106A) (No one appeared to represent the properry.) Gerry Strathman recommended approval. 5 Jessamine Avenue East (JQ1�6A) (No one appeared to represent the property.) Gerry Stratlunan recommended approval. 396 �-Iope Street (J0106� The following appeazed: George Atlen, owner, and Bill Dahn. Hazold Robinson reported orders were issued for a Ford pickup on Mazch 29, 2001, with a compliance date of Apri19. A recheck was done on April 12. The vehicle was picked up on June 1, 2001. There were problems with the Impound Lot being fuil. A lot of the tow orders sat for a long time before the vehicles were picked up. The other vehicle is a brown BMVJ with the same set of orders. e2-�� LEGISLATIVE HEARIlVG MINLTTES OF APRIL 23, 2002 Page 4 Mr. Allen stated the people upstairs own the pick up truck. Mr. Allen told the tow huck driver that they were not lus vehicles. The BMW used to belong to him, but he sold it to another person. Mr. Slrathman stated the Ciiy's recourse is always to the property owner. When the City finds an abandoned velucle, they notify the property owner. If the properly owner does not dispose of the vehicle and the City does, the City chazges the property owner. Mr. Allen responded it was his understanding that he could not touch the vehicie. Mr. Strathman responded the police will put a managers tag on it, and a towing company will get it For these vehicles, the City has to pay the towing company, they have to receive the vehicle, store it, and then auction it. Mr. Strathman stated he has no basis for removing the assessment. Ttus is the cost for two vehicles. The owner of the velucle probably owes Mr, Allen $600. Mr. Dahn stated the City sells the vehicle and makes money off of at. They tow the vehicle off the street, take it to the Impound Lot, and then sell iY. Mr. Strathman responded the City subtracts whatever they get at auction for the assessment. Mr. Allen stated he can understand one vehicle, but the owner of the other vehicle was azguing with the tow truck driver. Mr. Strathman responded he believes it is not Mr. Allen's vehicle, but it does not matter who is the owner. If it is on Mr. Allen's properiy, he is assessed for it. Cserry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 124 Dale Street 1Vorth (30106A) (No one appeazed to repn,sent the property.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 706 Charles Avenue (J0106A) (No one appeazed to represent the properLy.) Gerry Strathman recommends appmval of the assessment. 492 ?lndtew Street (J0146A) (No one appeazed to represent the property.) Gerry Stratiunan recommends approval of the assessment� 1195 Ed¢erton Street (J0106V) Robert Anderson, owner, appeazed. Ae submitted a letter to Gerry Strathman. aZ�G � LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINL3TES OF APRIL 23, 2002 Page 5 Mr. Anderson stated he is here to represent his mother's interest. His mother and brother thought the vehicle was repossessed or stolen out of the yazd until they received the last norice. They thought the notice was about a pickup truck that was in the driveway. Ttiey found out it was not the truck, but the caz that was previously here. His mother is elderly, hard of hearing, and does not understand things like this. Mr. Strathman asked who the notice was sent to. Hazold Robinson responded Neil Anderson, 1195 Edgerton Street. Mr. Anderson responded that is lus deceased father. Mr. Robinson stated the original notice was for two velucles, but the international pickup had collector plates on the reinspection. Mr. Anderson stated he does not know what the communication would have been between his mother and brother. His brother is now deceased. Mr. Anderson stated he wants to make sure his name and phone number aze listed so if there is a problem, he can be notified. Roxanne Flink responded that Mr. Anderson should add his name and address as the alternate taxpayer for Ramsey County. That way, any notices will also go to him. Mr. Strathman reduced the assessment from $682.10 to $400 plus the $45 administrative fee for a total assessment of $445. 370 Fuller Avenue (J0106� Gerry Strathman stated he received a letter from Commander Mike Morehead (Code Enforcement) raising objections to the claim made by the properry owner. The property owner at the Apri19 Legislative Hearing said he should not be assessed for the vehicle tow because the vehicle was removed from the street. Mr. Morehead took exception to that argument because the owner had iilegally dumped the vehicle from his private properry onto the sffeet and, therefore, should not be allowed to evade the assessmen� Mr. Strathman stated he consulted the City Attomey's Office who informed him the City may not under any circumstances assess the cost of towing from a public street. This vehicle was clearly towed from a public street, even by Commander Morehead's memorandum. Cerry Strathman recommends deleting the assessmen� If Commander Morehead wants to pursue this as a police issue of illegal dumping, he can do that. Appeal of summary abatement order for 964 Aatch Avenue. Jim Brown, owner, appeared and stated he received a letter. Someone told him there was too much animal feces in his yazd. The person said he would return the next morning; however, there was five inches of snow on the ground, and the person could not see any feces. Mr. Brown talked to Mike Morehead (Code Enforcement) who said someone would return in five days when the snow melts. Mr. Brown stated he does not understand the written order for the e�rtermination ��Z�G 3 LEGISLATIVE FiEARING MINIJTES OF APR.II, 23, 2002 Page 6 company. Mr. Brown never got ahold of Lisa Foster (Code Enforcement). He called five externunating companies. The first thing they do is come out and look for droppings. He does not know if he has to pay them for that. The inspector should be able to look for droppings. 7ohn Betz reported the inspector was out there, there were dog feces and a accumulation of bags of refuse. The bags of refuse had evidence of rodent infestation. The notice reads "Provide proof of a licensed e�erminator to eliminate rodents." Mr. Betz stated he is not sure how appropriate it was for the inspector to add that to the notice, but if there was evidence that rats were infesting the gazbage, the inclination is to do something about it, such as get rid of the gazbage. The property was inspected yesterday, and the appliance and trash were gone. There was accumulated dog feces in the yazd. He is closing this fiie, stated Mt. Betz. If there is an accumulation of dog feces to the point where Code Enforcement does not think it is appropriate, they will use the court system to deal with it and issue a ticket for not cleaning it up. Mr. Brown asked how does he determine what is the right amount and how much is too much for Code Enforcement. He 3�as one dog. Mr. Betz responded he should clean it up every other day. (The order is withdrawn. John Betz closed the file.) Resolution ordering the owaer to remove or repair the building at 952 Farrington Street. If the owner faiis to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. (Steve Magner presented photographs. They were later returned.) Larry Zielke, Shapiro and Nordmeyer, 7300 Metro Boulevazd #390, Fdina, representing Ameriquest Mortgage, appeazed and stated Ameriquest started out foreclosing on this property. There was a sale set for November, but it was postponed because of a pending insurance claim. It is now scheduled for May 8. Mr. Zielke I�as gone to court and maintained an order that says when they do go to sale, the redemption period will be five weeks. T'hey are doing what then can to expedite the issue. A decision from the insurance company will come in a few days. (Mr. Zielke submitted documents to Gerry Strathman, which were later returned.) Mr. Strathman asked if he looking for more time. Mr. Zielke responded yes. After the insurance decision, the mortgage company will decide what they want to do with the groperty. Mr. Magner reported this property has been condemned since Apri12001 and vacant since February 4, 2002. The owner is Irene Nelson. Five summary abatement notices have been issued to seeure the structure, cut tall grass, remove rubbish. On February 20, 2002, an inspection of the building was conducted, a list of deficiencies which constitute a nuisance condition was developed, and photographs were taken. An order to abate a nuisance building was issued on March 6, 2062, with a compliance date of March 21, 2002. As of this date, the property remains in a condition which comprises a nuisance as defined by the legislative code. The vacant building fees aze due. Real estate #aaces aze paid. T�ation has placed an estimated LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES OF APRIL 23, 2002 40. vZ�� 3 Page 7 mazket value of $9,300 on the land and $41,900 on the building, but the building estimate is prior to any of these conditions. There is no code inspection nor bond posted. The estimated cost m repair is $70,000. The estimated cost to demolish is $7,000 to $8,000. Mr. Magner stated the dwelling is small, delapidated, deteriorated, and 3/4 of the north foundation wall is collapsed. There is a partial basement. There aze a number of inherent building deficiencies that would have to be corrected if this building is to be saved. The foundation will have to be completely rebuilt. There will have to be an egress stair to the basement. There is no functional plumbing system. There has been little or no maintenance. This is a very substandard property. It would be best off as a lot for redevelopment. Mr. Strathman asked is it a hazard. Mr. Magner responded the foundation failed last year at this tune. It is somewhat stabilized. He does not expect more movement, but he cannot guarantee anytlung. If the house collapsed in, that would constitute a life safety issue, and Code Enforcement would take immediate action. Mr. Stnthman asked how much time would they need. Mr. Zielke responded four weeks. It would either go to sale by then, the mortgage company will make the decision to take it back, or the company will walk away from the building. Mr. Magner stated that is a prudent course of action at this time. Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the May 28, 2002, Legislative Hearing. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 1586 Point DouQlas Road. If the owner faits to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the bn�lding. (Laid over from 3-26-02) (No one appeazed to represent the property.) (Steve Magner submitted photographs.) Steve Magner repotted he had no contact with the owner. Mr. Magner was by the property yesterday. It is still boarded. Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the resolufion. � Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 1114 Magnolia Avenue � East. If the owner fails to comply with the resolufion, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. (No one appeazed to represent the property.) (Steve Magner submitted photographs.) o��G� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINiJTES OF APRIL 23, 2002 page g Steve Magner reported the building has been vacant since March 2, 2001. There have been seven summary abatement notices to remove snow and ice, secwe building, and cut tall grass. On February 13, 2002, an inspection of the building was conducted, a list of deficiencies which constitute a nuisance condition was develoged, and photographs were taken. An order to abate a nuisance building was issued on February 21, 2002, with a compliance date of Mazch 25. As of tlus date, the propezty remains in a condition which comprises a nuisance as defined by the legislative code. The vacant building fees are due. Real estate taxes aze unpaid of $1,33037. Taxafion has placed an estimated mazket value of $15,600 on the land and $27,300 on the building. As of Apri123, 2002, a Code Compliance Inspecfion has not been agptied for, nor has a bond been posted. Code Enforcement estimates the cost to repair tius structure is $40,000 to $50,000; estimated cost to demolish, $7,000 to $8,000. Mr. Magner staied he is surprised the owner is not here. Code Enforcement has not had recent communication with the owner. The owner bought it as a possible project. Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the resolution. The meeting was adjourned at 11:17 p.m. � :u �*k ���K�� . x a � 4 a �t �� � y w \ya,4� . . ' " _ i r_� �� �— � � -_.,. r . . .. ..� � � a " �C: �o.� . ��� �" ,` .� ...� z u �� ; ���� ��� _. _ _ ° w�.«..:, .; :ir'=?. .. . _°:,�_ ,�,._ i� ,ra`,�,¢q..�. � G,x , � 4 �' . \' �� � � i I b � _ . �w g r _ = i i _ ,; ' i .; —____` �._— � � I � � r .�. - _ 4 �� I �� � �'; . n _ ._ . 1 : _ - : . . .. ,�,. .. .. .. . . ,. . '.. ,. u � _ ......; .. � 'i �� ' _ n a fi'� ,'\, , .-,�, �, , , +Yj*+' i. _ .. a�� Ili � � ! � �' � ;