262818 W�7E -�CITV CLERK t ^^���� PI K - FINANCE COl1T1C11 � j�'� BLUERY- MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. ���� Council Resol t 'on Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RLSOLY&D: Tl�t licen�ea applie� for by the followina persons at tke aa�dre+�+�e� atateal be �nd the sa�e are hereby aranted. iihoopee, Inc. 678 Selby Eest. C-2 App.60398enewal n �� Tavern a � n n �� Oft 15a1e M�lt �� n �� t' '� Ciaarette �' " �' A & E Inc. 656-�6y%60 Grand 8est. C-2 " 61'70t' �� �' Cig�'ette �� !� �� l�yron Katz 203 W. 7th (�4rocer3r A-1 " 6212" Clayton Club, Inc. 61� IIni�ser�ity R��t. C-1 " 6�72" n �' Tavern " " " '� �' �ff Ssle l�lt " " " " �' Ci�arette " " " The Best Steak Houae, Inc. �63 x. �nellin6 8e,�t. C-2 *' 6725p � " Ci�arette " " " Jens Christian Jun.6e 1991 $tillva�er C�a Sta�. �P n 6760•' a " Gen.Bep.Qra�.r. �+ et �� " " Ci�arette " " " Ca�ir S. Waldoch 617 Stryker Ga�s J�t�. 4P � 69�3„ �� � (�en.Rep.Eirar. n �a n Hontaaffiery Y�rd & Co. 1440 IIn3ver+aity Confect. B �' 7122�' n �� Groeer�r /�-1 � " �� n �' F1coi8t�IQur�ery � n » a t� H�'dwt9lTe e� n rt :' " Pet Shop " " *' �:, n �� � St�. $P n ?1�3u •i rt E�en.Rep.C�ax'. .n u n COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by MaXor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WH17E -�CITV CLERK [[['''��� fy\ CANARY - DEPAR MENT CO�lI1C11 'J��r`�� BLUE - MAYOR GITY OF SAINT PAIIL File NO. Nv v , Council Resolution Presented By yrr�arcr r_n�nrrm�rr - Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contd. Pase 2 Mary Ann Wavack 1324 Rice Beauty Shop App.']1g3Eenewal Dahlke Trailera Sale�, Inc. 2215 IIniver+�ity New MV Dlr. " 8317" n � 2n.d �d MV Dlr. " " n Jane �denwald 1984 �til].:ater Beauty Shop " 8844" Dola Village Pharnacy, Inc. 2061 gord Pkwy. Confect. B '� 9124'' n ++ Ci�rettc n n �� John J. Ksufman 61 S. Hamline (3en.8ep.Q��r. "9198 " Anthony Podaor�ki 619 van Buren (�� Sta. 4P " 9240N n *� Gen.Bep.t3ar. n u n �+ �� Ci�rette '� " n Phillip R. Hill.�an 39$ �e xe+�t-Nur�.Home � 9456" � � �'ood l�:Btab. a �� n � Herbert E� B. Christen�en 901 I�. �nelling Hotel 26 room,� " 9533" n p t)ri�. Cont. D a n n �+ �� ei6arette •, u n G4eor� D. Ricoa 1585 �elby B�rber " 9542�' Richard J. Fleisch�ker 670 arand � " 95�3t' Kex�it P. Qui�tasi 31g w. Marylanat Barb�r � 95t�+n J. B. Keenanr. 191-3 Grand 2nd Hd D1r.Gen. " 955?'� C. 8aymond Anderson 436 Le�fond Ldy/DC Plt. " 95�3" Ra J. Pomorski 873 Rice Beirber " 9586� COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hun t Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Ma�or: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHI7E -•CITY CLERK COl1C1C11 •/py��/�� PINK - FINANCE TT . BLUERY- MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAI,NT PAl1L File NO. ��v U Council Resolution Presented By LICSfISE CO1�IIT`!'EE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contd. Page 3 Grazia Beauty Salon, Inc. 542 �ice Beauty Shop App.96o6R�n�Wa1 Robert C. Burdick 297 Maria H�rd=are � 9�7n Joan C. Scbmitz 1041 Oaceola� Beauty �hop �' 9610" Joseph Pillis 1104 Rice Ldy/DC Plt. " 961�" Adolph A. B�era 572 N. Snellin�; T.V. 1�laster " 9623�� �+ '� 3 S�rvicemen " " " Jack Yona 367 �elby 8e+�t. C-2 '� 9630�' et " Ci�,arette � " " Q Petroleum Corp. 2057 Marshall aaa :3ta. fiP „ 96�8*� " " Grocery A-1 �' " " " " Off Sale Malt " " �' �� a Cig�trette " *' " John C. Taylor 2097 Como Ldy/DC P.II. Sta.�' 9777�' I�eo Huppert 911 Bice �t. El.ec.App.Rep. p 9?�8a A�athony 1+l�n�iai 961 Rice 5t. 8est. C-2 " 9793" " " Cigarette �' � " Clarence �'. I�4is6en 912 Arcade Elec.App.Bep. � 9798n M�ry Jan� Ziehl 685 N. Sne11in6 Beauty �hop " 9799" D�ni.el L. �"rye 210 W. gth Gen.Rep.CC3��ar. " 9801p Lawrence J. Palmer 159 Dousman Qren.Rep.Cx�r. �' 9802� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hun t Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Ma�or: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WH17E -'GITV CLERK COl1ilC11 �1��`J�V PINK - FINANCE TT BLUERY- MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAIlL File NO. � v ('� . Council Resolution Presented By LIC�TSE CO1�IllIT�EE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Co�atd. Pa�e 4 �'or�ster-Johnson, Inc. 636-�E 54 IIn.i.versity New 1� Dlr. App.98038enewal " " 2nd Hd D1r.1�V �' � " � n Dlr.$ep.Qrar. n n a Richard Rector & Georae Organ 1205 Homer ��a� Sta, 3p " 98U6n n �' D1x.Rep.(3rar. n n u " n Ci�trette *' " " B-Line Service, Inc. 220 E.8th St. Qen 8ep.�rar. �' 98�8*' James H. Hilliard 619 st. Anthony aa€; Sta. 8P " 9811°t u � Gen.$ep.Gar. r� e, n Michael, Jo� g Joseph Latuff 868 IIniveraity Gen.Bep.Gar. " 9812" M�eum� Coro�ada Products, Inc. 197 Concmrd Bakerq B " $� 9814" Geor6e R. Cook, Inc. 460 St. Peter Re�t. C-1 p 981�leneral a u Tavern � � r� " " Off ".�le I�lt n " �' " " Ciaarette " �' � Rich�rd R. �onb�son 344 Re�tk aen.Bep.Gar. n 9g1,?n " a Ciaarette n t� n Edwar� F. Fssehi�auer 490y2 S. Ha�aline 8eat. �-1 " 9g19TM e' " Ori Sale Ms lt e� n a " " Off �4ale Mal� p " " " R' Bowlin� 8 a11ey�" " " " �' Cig�x'ett� +i " n Robert b. Wal�h 21� W. 7th Hardwar� " 9821" Walter Ho�chette 44 M1 p �' COUKCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by MaXor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By WH17E -•CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council /^�^• ■(� BLUERY- MAYORTMENT File NO. 2,1+ •`J' •� � � Council Resolution Presented By T TC *c� �nu�rr�+� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contel. Paae 5 Orri� H. Shulatad 2199 Scudder Flori�at/Nur+sery App.98238enewal Aesoa M. & Donna V. Fester 1821 IIuiveraity On Sa�le Malt " 982�" LeRoy W. Anderle 218 Bate� (�n.8ep.aar. " 9g3()'� Haaen Ho�r,ren Drug, Inc. 11A6-8 W. 7th ConEect. B " 9832" � r� Cig�tx'ette �� n :i �IE �lbert I�. Mintz 134? St. Clair Bea�t� Shop " 9833" 8oland J. & Fern P. Yebber 1520 tJttiversity Baker�r " 9834�� Moun�ds Park 8est Home, Inc. 908 Mound Rsst-Nurain�; Ho�e 9835" Rice Phillips I,a�nd�ry Co. 740-� E. 7th Ldy/DC Plt. �' 9g36" �� �� Ci�x'ette n � � Jack �2. IIalbert 1�16 N. Hazel (�rrocery A-2 " 983$" n " I+`rozen Foo�+� n •' � " �' Off Sale M�ttlt n n a '� u Ci�ar�tte n n nn Texaoo, Iac. 1742 W. 7th (3sa Sta. 4�P " 9842" � " Qren.�ep.Gar. " a " Orrin Nystrom 1742 W. 7th Trailer 8e�ta1 " �843" Rudy Garcia 542 ohio 8eat. C-2 *' 9844*' " " �igarette " p � Fanny F�rmer Candy ShAps, Inc. 147� Univ�r�ity Confect. B �' 9853" John P. Tracy 13�$ M�r�hall aas Sta. 14P *' 98�4" COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hun t Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by MaXor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WH17E -+CITY CLERK . 1 PINK - FINANCE TT COl1IIC11 �1 CktJARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAl1L � p�� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �►��y/� ���_ Council Resolution Presented By ISCENSE COM!lITT�E Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cantd. P�a� 6 John P. �'r�cy 1345 Marshall Bullc Oil 3�e. App.98�4Remewal n n Liq.�'ttel Dlr. r� n a EdWard & Ernest Gruetzman 8,56-8 Thoma�� Grocery A-2 � 98�6*� " " B�tcher r� � �, " � Cigarette " " p Kim v. Won6 2048 I�arsh�ll 8est. C-2 " 985?" Mr�. Y�hti Ran�om 864 I�iller Beauty whop •'9858 " Midrray Bc�ok Stores, Inc. 1��9 Ttniversity 2nd Hd Dlr.aen. " 9859" William K. Meston St. Thomas Colle�e 211� wummit Barber " 986�'.' aeri 7ru�t ZZ 2175 Grand Be��ty Shop "986Z" " Thrifty Mark�t, Inc. � 2071 �t. Clair Grocery A-2 � 9g63'� " " Butcher " *' �' " " Of f aale I�lt �' �' " '� ,� Ci6arette n � a Laurie G�a, Inc. 6�5 Y. 7th t�a�a �ta. 6P App.986�� �� n Ci�;arette n n n Sanit�s Service� of Minn. Inc. 43? IIaiver�ity Win�aw Clna. a yg71n Yalter Hoachette 9�t0 W. 7th H�rdw�x� " 9g72�' John Eaaen ?5S N. Snelling " " 9873*� Peter+�on Maytaa, Inc. ?98 �. 7th �1ec.App.Rep. y 98'75" COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by MaXor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHI7E -�CITV CLERK COUIICll -)(�`,���� PINK - FINANCE BLUERY- MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. v�� � Council Resolution Presented By rTGg�g� �,n�rr�rr� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont�l. Pa�e 7 xonald '1'�ritbo 133 Concord 8eet. C-2 App.9876Renewal ++ � Ci6arette " �' " Peter J. DeMaio, Jr. 1379 Bice T.V. Ma.�ster " 9877" n �� 1 �erviceman " " " N�tior�wide Food 5ervice Divn. A�tomatic Canteen 531 N. T�iheeler Rest. C-2*' 987$`� Bernie GEarhofer 1698 Grand Barber �' 9879" Jerry Prostka 29� Maria ldy/DC Plt. " 9884" Acem Linen, Ine. 200-6 IIniversity Ldy/DC Plt. " 9885" Ray�ond Zopf 89� Rar�dalph Elec.App.Rep. *' 9887:' Weyana�t Bro+s. Inc. 9A4-6-8 Rice Hardware " 9$$9" Edward A. Hanson 1528 tJ�i.versity Beauty Shop *� 989E)" Applebaum's Food Market, Inc. 2147 �'ord Plcxy. t�rocery A-2 " 9891" n n Butcher " " '� �+ t� Off Sale Malt " " " N t� Ciaarette �' " " Socony �Iobil Oil Corp. 8}2 Hatl�awa;� Bulk �il utae. " 9892'� D. Richard & June x. Ha+�aett '791 Hampden Bulk Uil Stge.1 " 9893" n a I,:i�Futel Dlr. n � n � H Pri�ate Qras Pusp� a n Ur+�u]..a� A. Callahan 962 Burr aracery A-2 �' 989�" e� e Fro�ext Foad� � n n �� " Off Sale Irla�lt " " TM COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki [n Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WH17E -�CITY CLERK 1 CA�ARY - DEPA TMENT COUI1C11 �-► BLUE -MAVOR GITY OF SAINT PAUL . File NO. �Q1���1 � ��— Council Resolution Presented By LICffi�tSE COI�tITTE� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contd. Paffie 8 Dien. of Apsco Products 1680 White Bear (�en.Eep.Qr�r. App.9895��newal Di�nne �'enneil 1610 Randolph Sauna " 99�'�" Eovel, Inc. 110'� W. 7th Hardware " 9904" Jerome So�erha�ser 1�7� Grand Beauty �hop *' 990�" Joaeph Anderson Cleaner�, Inc. 912 Payne Ldy/DC Plt. " 9909" Yitali, I�c. 755 Jackmmon 8e+�t. C-1 �' 9910" *� �� Off Sale Malt " " '� �� �' Ci�at'ette � �' " Larry 0. Koup & Eobert �. Hinze 220 E. 8th Gen.Rep.(�s�r. �' 9912" Peter pombek 889 IIniversity Gen.Bep.Gar. " 9913" ffred A. Metzler 8Et8 White Bear Hardware �� , 9914" Cy's Diner, Inc. 2191 IIniversity 8eat. C-2 " 991�j" » �� Cigarette +, et t� Comcord Dru� Corp. 176 Concord Orig. COnt. D " 9917" . r� " Ci�x'ette � E' a Bruce C. Kerr S91 N. Ham].iae 2nd Hd D1r.G4en. " 9921" » tt T.V. 1�+Iel�tez' �+ tt n Walter �. Bruse 476 N. 8obert T.V. MM�+�ter " 9922" Kremer Sprina & Ali�ent Co. ine. 3?9 ilebaater �en.Bep.Gar. *� 9924�' •' " Cigarette � " '� COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt . Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Ma�or: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHI7E °CITY CLERK 1 "���� ^ PIQI.K - FINANCE CO1111C11 � l� BLUERYyMnEPAOR�TMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. f� `J Council Resolution Presented By TT['�T�iw ('('�1�MT�1'�Al�i'i Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date eonta. paae 9 Loui�e Jame+a 251-3 W. 7th St. 8e�t. C-2 App.99Z��enewal e� �� Cig�'ette r� n � Rudolph Schoen 13!�ZY4 Thomas Beauty Shop f' 992?" aencvieve K. John,BOn 689 �. 3rd St. " " 9928" Doual�s Kline 1901 �. Minnehaha Barber " 99�9" Gerald, Sanl & I�onard Weinberg 423 �• 7th St. IIardware " 9931" Lc►na Cadillac, Inc. 121 �I. 7th NeW MV Dlr. " 9934a �, ++ 2nd Hd MV Dlr. �' " " n �� D1r.8�p.C'aar. � n n Lc�vsrinae, Inc. l�tl8 grand Ldy/�C Plt. � 99�#2" Flarence Bies �tl �ice St. xest. �-2 " 99�3" Al.bert B. Da+se 842 Smith �ardware " 99�+" Lewis D�vidson 475 Rice Ldy/DC Plt. " 99�5" Ralpk J. La Le� 469 waba�sl�a Ldy/bC P.t�. Sta." 9946" The giinis�r I,�aaue �99 p$3ra� 2nd Hd D1r.Gen. � 99�'7�' Tho�s Jo�sson 1371 Arc�de Pet Shop " 9957�' Cretin Hi.gh School 495 $• �li�� �ood �stab. " 9959" . Irene T. Drerm�aer 168 N. Snellin�r 2nd Hd D1r.G�n. " 99�" Kenneth Dicl�en+�on 111 �. K�lloag Suite 234 Beauty shop '� 9961� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Butler Nays � Konopatzki In Favor Levine � � Roedler Against By Tedesco Mme.President ffi� HL1Ylt DE G Z 1 �973 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certifi Pa s d by Co ' Se ry BY By Appro Max : Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By �tlBUSHED pEC 2 g 1973