02-390�('^�; !!��^ // CITY OF ST. PAUL '`' •- .�.� � COUNCI FILE d.� � 3�� FINAI, ORDER By : ' �me`^��� - Fi1e No. 02 4,50 34 M a��� 3�0� Voting Warcl 4,7 Ia the Matter of sidecvalk reconstruction at the followiag locatioas: CL 502024 - Soth sides Liacoln Aveaue from South Prior Aveaue to 3outh 8owe11 Straet. �} �L�T� (Laid ovar from April 24, 2002) *ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION RATES RESIDENTIAL RATES (One, two or three family structures) Reconstructioa (replacement of ol& sidewalk) -$10.49 per front foot for a five (5) foot wide walk and $12.59 per front foot for a six (6) foot wide walk. A11 other widths will be prorated accordingly. New construction (where no walk existed) - 100e of the actual cost estimated to be approximately $4.69 per square foot. Al1 corner residential properties will receive a credit up to the first 150 £eet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the "long side" o£ the property. MULTI-RESIDENTIAL (MOre than three family structures), NON RESIDENTIAL RATES For new and reconstructed sidewalk; 100g of actual cost estimated to be approximately $6.35 per square foot. under Preliminary order approved The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereb�r order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City o£ficers shall calculate all e�enses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 oE the City Charter. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Nays r�Benanav ✓Blakey +�ostrom ✓Coleman vHarri s r�Y,antry /�"ei ter � In Favor O Against Adopted by Council: Date C` ,�, 1� �ao� Certif�ied Passed by Council Se retary Mayor (�/� T.M.S.iREAL ESTATE DIVISION � Date: Apri125, 2002 � Green Sheet Number: ontaM Person a�t Phone Nanil�ec: Tom Sawyer 266-8850 co,�� n �: �� � � 2�DZ- `AL # OF SIGNA'1'URE PAGES )N REQ17L,' S"PID: ostruct sidewalks in Wards 4,7 F�le #'s �IlNIIVDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RF.IECT (R) Pl.ANNING COhA1LS5ION A STAFF CIVbSERViCE COMMLSSION c� coKMrrrea WfIICH COUNCIL OSJECTIVE? COUNCII, WARD(S) a��] PROBLEM, ISSUE, OYPOR'P[J1vTCY (Who, What, When, Where, Why?); DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII, YES NO YES NO The pmblem "defective sidewalk" was caused by multiple probkms, treet roots, poor subgrade materials, freeze/thaw cycles, service life limits, chemical additives, extreme temperature variations, etc. These probletns cecur on a citywide basis and must be addmssed and corre��ted annually. LeFt nnconected, the sidewalk condition wauld wotsen to a state where it would be unusabk and subject to increased pedestrian iqjuries from falls and possible litigations. IFAPPROVED: The community will benefit from this project because it will pmvide safe defect free sidewalks for its citizens. The sidewalk contracts are done by private contractors generating public sector jobs. g' nPrxovEV: Historically, the sidewalk reconstruction has created negative feedback because of construction procedures and assessments. Property owuers question the assessments, despite the fact that up to une-half the assessmen[ is City subsidized Having to assess for walk reconstruction remains a controversial issue. )ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: This option wouid allow the infrastructum of sidewalk stock to deteriorate, which in turn, will generate mom personal injury siuts, msulting in the expenditure of larger dollar amounts in repaus and replacement as well as claim payouts. DTAL AMOi7NT OF TRANSACTIOPi: � COSTIREVENUE BUDGE'CED (CIILCLE ONE) AC'TIVI'PY NI7MBER: INDING SOURCE: VANCIAL IlVFORMAT'iON: (EXPLAIN) EPARTh�IT DIILE('COI ,:"�'°�` nrroxr� UDGET DIRECI'OR YOR (OR AS57S'1'ANT) (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAI'URE) ���, aa , _� ccExg '� OF FINANCIe1L SVCS. RSONAL SERVICE CONIRACTS MUST ANSWER TFIE FOLLOWING: Has the person7firm ever worked �wder a conlreM for this deparhnent? YES NO Has Utis persoNfum evu be� a City employee? Does this persoNtfrm possess a skill not normallp possessed by any current City employee? YES NO �F� � � ��0� . City of St. Paul COUN � ILE NO. �a, 3°to R&SOLIITION RATIFYING ASSSSSMSNT By ' 3� (''� File No. SEE BELOW � 1 � � !� a � t � � U f 1 V%�{ �„_ Assessment No. SEE BELOW Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for 2 50106AA (0952) Summary abatements (property clean-up) for properties located at 429 Sherburne Ave., 231 Front Ave. and 844 Jenks Ave. LAID OVBR BY COUNCIL ON 4-24-02 to 5-1-02 LBGISLATIVE HBARING WILL NOT BE SCH8Dt7L8D. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further aonsidered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified. RBSOLVSD FURTHER, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in One equal installments. COUNCILPSRSON Yeas Nays ✓Benanav ✓�lakey �Bostrom �Coleman ✓�Iarr i s vLantry vP�eiter �� In Favor p Against Date l a---. Passes by Council Secretary % Mayor Adopted by the Council: To Legislative Hearing Officer - will not be scheduled Public HearinE Date - 5-1-02 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION ontact Person and Y6oue P{umF�i�: Roganna F7ink 266-8859 Date: ..ev.ra � O �. 3R0 Green Sheet Number: lll 949 DIItR('IOR C1TY COUNCII, �.Gf�t��7.Ix� be on Council Agenda by: TIDGET DIItEG1'OR �.& MG7. SVC. DIIL 6e in Cou¢cii Research Oftice IAYOR (OR ASSISTANI') 1 COiJNCII, RESEARCH on oo Friday pnblic hearing is $-1-02 TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) TIOI�i REQUESTED: At council's request on 4-2402 to 5-1-02 summary abatements (property clean-up) for properties at 429 Sherburne Ave., 231 Front Ave. and 844 Jenks Ave. were laid over for further PLANNING COMhhnSSION M CIVII. S&RVICE COMMISSION CID COMM1TiEE rts whitlh Council Objective Neighborhoods A STAFF Code A Enforcemeut A 2 Has the person/Tirm ever worked under a cootraM Cor this depar[ment? Has this personlrrm ever been a City employee? . Does tLis person/6rm possess a sldll not normally possessed by any current City employee? Explain all YES answers oa a sepante sheet and attach. vG PROBLSM, iSSUE, OPPORTUNIII' (Who, Whay When, Where, Why?): "SEE ORIGINAL GREEN SHEET NUMBER l ll649" IF APPROVED: IFAPPROVED: IF NOT APPROVED: » �� rp � r; Z,� s^�`",�"Y . �.r. '` � �+� ��� a ^.. t YES NO YES NO YES NO TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTTON: $($$.00 COSTJREVENUE BiJBGETED (CIRCI.E ONE) FUNDINGSOURCE: ASSCSSII78lltS OIII}' ACTNITYNUMBER: i'INANCL4L, INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 3 nrouertv owners wili be notified of the nublic hearin� and charEes. 4126/02 YES NO f City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Dept. of Technology & Management Serv RBPORT OF COMPLSTION OF ASS$SSMBNT COUNCSL FILE NO. File No. SEE BELOW Assessment No. SEE BELOW 0����� Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for 2 J0106AA (0952} Summary abatements (property clean-up) for properties located at 429 Sherburne Ave., 231 Front Ave_ and 844 Jenks Ave. LAID OVBR BY COUNCIL ON 4-24-02 to 5-1-02 LBGISLATIVE HEARING WILL NOT BF3 SCI3EDUI,BD. To the Council of the City o£ St. Paul The Valuation and Assessment Engineer hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Total construction costs Engineering and Inspection Real Estate Service Fee Process Serving Charge Charge-Code Enforcement Abatement Service Charge $553.00 $ $ $ $75.D0 $60.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Charge To Net Assessment .:: �� ..: �� Said Valuation and Assessment Engineer further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of 5688.00 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Valuation and Assessment Engineer, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action t�hereon as may be considered proper. /J _ _ Dated y - '�9-�a ion and Assessment Engineer ri W � � a a c� a W a � N T O � H £ � � v � V � 0 � 1 � I � I � � i N � T � b � A.� �� �� ; H I O � O � O I I I � 1 � � � � � � � � i y � c1 � N � N a 1 1� 1 I W i M � N � t'1 (y i (�f � N � N Q i 1 1 I � � a � m �rn '°' ' P+ � N � N � N � 1 1 1 I 1 1� I m 1 b � i (V � N � M � i + � tA � o O O 4 O i O O O II o i O O O II O� (-i i O o O 11 O� o O o II O� O o o II O� z , .� .� . . . . � . . .�� .� �� t7 N O II (A � O l41 O 11 tfl � O ILl O 11 �tt I O�� N N II N� Ul N N II Ol i N(V �V II l0 I � � N LlV+ 11 M��-i +l� L? II .i �� U� t? II '-I i � t? il +? ��? ➢ ih � L} 11 vT + n � u � n � a � n � n � n � p� n � u � n � Ei � 11 � Il � II U� 11 � 11 � II r Q � n � n � n � w � n � u n ' ' � cA � o 0 0 � o 0 0 � o 0 0 E. i o 0 0 � o 0 0 � o 0 o i N I O O O � O O O � O O O �; O O O � O O O � O O O ; i � i t�] �i .-1 � O fi .--I � O e-1 rl i �. I � � � � N � � � N � � � � � F � I I U i i i i � i ' � w � � � i i � � Wi000 i0oo �000 � � i000 i000 �000 � �000 �000 000 � a � . . � . . . � � �ino � r+�no � ti�no i N� N N N N N N � H 1 1 � � � � 1 I � I 1 ; 1 1 1 I � ; ; I � 1 � 1 � I ' 1 I I � 1 ' � 1 w W 1 1 • � W ' W W � I W�] � 1��� 1 W(� [� � i F t# ; W �� O x � 0.�1 Q x �� O x � � i r.�U V � FCUU � FC V U i i a� aU V � f�LUU , aUU � °��xx> ��x> ��x> ; � �x ��ua � U� VCG W W OW W w � �nau � mx�n � �nacn i � � � �� � �� � � � � H � , o � � F.7 � � � i fi � � � i 2 i QFC � � °;o�°' z �� � H� • O� � N h� CG N� a�me+ ..,�� •.c.��a "°'� H �- N W M � tA W�0 � fA W�f1 � q F o�- E o� F o� m��O 2 2 m'z � W i w �k � W �k i .i �i i Q �wH�ma�� N �x� A m xv,x� r� Nx�cw u xaw+a aaw a xuawA�q�zawa��n mwA� i U a1.7cti � O W.7w' � .7a � w�aw ao� � ao�m�o�wo� a � wm�r � Frn x.�M � ° a � w a � �AH: a � �caH: a � a�]oo o��QO o �z�o o� � �cHa � � w�a a � � a a � � � � � � � � � � + x � i .i � � N � N � o i rl o i O i �� � H � � �� � c� � m m i c� � GL .i N� rl N� rl O i r� i i r.� o i i M i i �[� m o� v) ri �t � m W.i � i �-+ �+ O F�n o i .i > o i i i O o . i a�,r-+ .. i O� .. � cC � x E+ ,-� W W � DG W.�, W W i E.1 trl W � a � m�n>o � �a�n>o � �n�zo � x� � z �+ �C � a �n �c � z �n a � wa m� NJ wa �m� t+>>+w�[-�(C � `�wEx� �'�ao�a`� � a��� oc� � am zc� � c�� wo i o z axz� aar�z�z azz� a � aaa�`o � ��Q�o � z�a�`�A � � w� i-+ a.-, z�� d' wwz � o ao,z � g ��"'me.c`Oia � woE.wa ��W[�+�w � O�� C Ule # i C1 r1(/le e i CCnx s i 000no 0 0 o u o •II M�nonm �nrm um �n .nvr n �o v, n vr u u n ii n n n II II II u •ww ii W [n U' 11 q��ii W O x II Q U U n 11 �W'UU II � R] H I{ F x�no � U W II H wwn Na �iiu aaa��w �C RG FC n h E+HF u O 000na EHE��a � a w U � a E a W X W 0 N w �a a r� va-�qb To Legislative Hearing Officer - 49-02 Public Hearing Date - 4-24-02 T.M.S.lREAL ESTATE DIVISION tactPersonandPhoneNu er: Roxanna Flink� be on Councii Agenda by: be in Cnuncil Research Office 266-8859 3-27-02 noon Oa Friday 3-1�-�z �TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES __ l REQUESTED: 2!7lQ2 EPARTMENtDI mnrro���v Green Sheet Number: lJ�-�q 111649 couxcu. C�LS$.'d,'! r���� (OR ASSISTANI) ALL LOCATIONS ROR SIGNA �senacx Set date of public hearing and approve assmts for Summ abate (property clean-up) during July 2001 to Jan 2002, Grass cutting during July 2001 to Nov 2001, Board-up of vac bldg from duly 2001 to Jan 2002, Towing aband vehicles for Apri12001 to Jan 2002, Demo of vac bldg for July 2001 to Feb 2002 and Garbage hauling serv for fourth quarter of 2001. File No.'s J0106A, J0103G, JOlOSB, d0106V, J0105C and JOITRASHQ4. dbIEhDATIOYS:APPROVE(A)ORREJECT(R) ERSONALSERVICEC0�7RACTSbIDSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWING: PLA7NING COMbIISSIOii A STAFF L Has the person(firm ever worked under a contracf Cor this departmenf? YES NO CML SERVICE COM�IISS[OY c�s comm�rree rts whidh Cauntil Objective Neighbarhoods A Publ'�c Aea�th A vacantbldg Explain all YES answers on a separate sheet and attach. PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whaq When, �Vhere, Why'): YES NO YES 11'O Property owners or renters create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paul when their property is not kept up. IF APPROVED: Da te: � Has this person(firm ever been a City employee? DoeS [his person/firm possess a skili not normaily possessed by any current City employee' Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Summ Abate, Grass cutting, Soard-uQ, Towing aband vehicles, Demolition and garbage hauling. This includes cutting tall grass and �veeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofas, chairs and all other items. In winter this includes the removal of snow and ice from sidewalk and cross walks. IF APPROVED: If Council does not approve these charges, General Fund would be required to pay the assessment. Assessments are payable over 1 or 10 years and coilected with the property taxes if [F NOT APPROYED: Neighborhoods would be left to deteriorate and property values would decline. Nobady would take care of their property, especially vacant or rental properties. Rodents, filth, gar6age and trash would accumulate everywhere. Disease and pests could become a problem. TALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION: �306 ,224.47 COST/REVEYUEBUDGE7'ED(CIRCGEOYE) souace: Assessments only ACTIVITYNUMBER: YES \C \LINFORh1ATION:(EXPLAIN) 494 nropertv owners will be notified of the public hearing and Oa-��o REPORT Date: April 9 and 23, 2002 Time: 10:00 a.m. Place: Room 330 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard l��ti(.Yllyyi+i�:i�71�[ii.y Gerry Strathman Legislative Hearing Officer Note: April23 recorrtmendations are in bold italics. April 9 recommendations are not 1. Resolntion ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 418 Blair Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing O�cer recommends granting the owner six months to rehabilitate the property on condition that a$2,000 bond is posted by noon of Apri124, 20Q2. 2. Summary Abatements: J0106A Property clean-up dnring part of July 2001 to January 2002. J0103G Grass cutting by private contractor during part of July 2001 through November 2001. JOlOSB Board-up of vacant buildings from July 2001 through December 2001. J0106V Towing of abandoned vehicles from grivate property for part of April 2001 to July 2001. JOlOSC Demolition of vacant buildings during part of July 2001 through January 2002. JOITRASHQ4 Provide weekly garbage hauling service for the fourth quarter of 2001. 604 York Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing O�cer recommends approval of the assessment. 331 Aurora Avenue (JOl O5B) Legislafive Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 1266 Berkeley Avenue (70105B) Legislative Hearing O�cer recommends approval of the assessment. 1180 Hague Avenue (70105B) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 1000 Idaho Avenue West (JOl O5B) Legisiative Heazing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. oa-��° LEGISLATIVE HEARING REPORT OF APRIL 9& 23, 2002 Page 2 1022 James Avenue (J0105B} Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 1027 7essie Street (J0106B and J0103G) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessments. 667 Mamolia Avenue East (J0103G and JOl O5B) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 122 ManitobaAvenue (7Q106A) L,egislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 1732 Munster Avenue (J0106A) Legislafive Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 1105 Oa�ford Street North (J0106A) Legislative Heazing O�cer recommends approval of the assessment. 1117 Portland Avenue (JOl O5B) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 811 StrYker Avenue (JOl O5B) Legislative Heazing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 646 Thomas Avenue (J0103G) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 1308 Victoria Street North (JOlOSB) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 346 Hone Street (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 173 Ackex Stzeet East (J0103G) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessmerrt. 492 Andrew Street (JOI06A) Legislative Hearing Offacer recommends approva[ of the assessment. 731 Aurora Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 6a -�°`° LEGISLA'ITVE HEARING REPORT OF APRIL 9& 23, 2002 Page 3 834 Beech Street (70106i� Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment from $632.05 to $293.53 plus the $45.OQ administrative fee for a total assessment of $338.53. 1083 Beech Street (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment from $288 to $100 plus the $45 aduiiuistrative fee for a total assessment of $145. 711 Blau Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment from $1,200 to $1,000 plus the $45 administrative fee far a total assessment of $1,045. 1188 Bush Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing O�cer recommends reducing the assessment from $288 to $100 plus the $45 administrative fee for a total assessment of $145. 706 Charles Avenue (10106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 928 Case Avenue (J0106A} Legislative Hearing Officer recommends delefing the assessment. 542 Pasne Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment from $438 to $318 plus the $45 administrative fee for a total assessment of $363. 838 Clear Avenue (JOlObA) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 286 Congress Street Bast (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 57 Da1e Street North (J0106A) Legislafive Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 929 Euclid Street (30106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 838 Fifth Street East Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment from $288 to $100 plus the $45 administrative fee for a total assessment of $145. 767 Fourth Street East E70106A) Legislafive Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. Oa-�`� LEGISLATIVE HEARING REPORT OF APffiL 9& 23, 2002 Page 4 63 Front Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. � 231 Front Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 370 FullerAvenue (.T0106T� Legislative Hearing Dfficer recommends deleting the assessmen� 597 Geranium Avenue East (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 528 Harrison Avenue (J0106V) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 396 Hone Street (J0106i� Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessmenz 800 Iglehart Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. � 844 Jenks Avenue (J0106A) Legisiative Hearing Officer recommends reducing Uie assessment from $288 to $150 plus the $45 administrative fee far a totai assessment of $195. 425 dessamine Avenue East (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approvai of the assessment. 59 Lawson Avenue West (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that the assessment be paid over a ten year period. 952 Lawson Avenue East (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessme�it. 106 Litchfield Street (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 1116 Marvland Avenue East (.T0106A) Legislative I�earing Officer recommends reducing the assessment from $30b to $61 plus the $45 administrative fee for a total assessment of $I06. 1042 Mclean Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. oa-�`t'� LEGISLATIVE HEARING REPORT OF APRIL 9& 23, 2002 Page 5 426 Miunehaha Avenue East (J0106� Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 1346 Miunehaha Avenue West (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 327 Morton Street East (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 606 Ohio Street (J0106� Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 668 Payne Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 1204 Ross Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 1278 Ross Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment. 724 Seventh Street West (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 1820 Sims Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 907St. AnthonvAvenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Offcer recommends approval of the ttssessment. 1884 St. Clair Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. � 429 Sherburne Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment from $390 to $120 plus the $45 admiiiistrative fee for a total assessment of $165. 600 Stryker Avenue (JOl ObA) Legislative Hearing Offiaer recommends approval of the assessment. 957 Third Street East (J0106A) Legislative Aearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. oa-��� LEGISLATIVE HEARING REPORT OF APRIL 9& 23, 2002 Page 6 502 Thomas Avenue (J0106A} Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 803 Thomas Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearivg Officer recommends deleting the assessment. 302 Universiry Avenue West (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 885 Wilson Avenue (JOl ObA) Legislative Hearing O�cer recommends deleting the assessment. 305 Winifred Street East (70106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 896 York Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment. 964 Woodbridge Street (JOlOSB) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 23I FullerAvenue (J0106A) Legislatzve Hearing O�cer recommends approval of the assessment. 82 Jessamine Avenue East (J0106A) Legislative Flearing �cer reeommends apprnval of the assessment. 291 Topp� Street (J0106T� Legislative Hearing Off cer recommends deleting the assessmenx 935 University Avenue West (JOI D6A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends dedeting the assessment 1109 Ma�nolia Avenue East (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends laying over to the May 28, 2002, Legisiative Hearing. l24 Dale Street North (J0106A) LegisYative Hearing Offzcer recommends approval of the assessment. 5 Jessamine Avenue East (J0106A) Legislntive Hearing Offzcer reeommenzds approval of the assessmenG 25 Marvland Avenue East (70106A} Legislative Hearing O�cer recommends approval of the assessment. o a-��� LEGISLATIVE HEt1RING REPORT OF APRIL 9& 23, 2002 Page 7 II95 Edgerton Street (J0106T� Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reduczng the assessmentfrom $682.I0 to $400 p[us the $45 adminrstrative fee for a total assessment of $445. II04 Rice Street (JOI06A) Legislative Hearing Offieer recommends Zaying over to the May 14, 2002, Legislative Hearing. 3. Resolution orderina the owner to remove or repair the bnilding at 304 Lawson Avenue East. If the owner fails to comply with the resolufion, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommends gran6ng the owner six months to rehabilitate the properry on condition that the following is done by noon of April 24, 2002: pay the vacant buiiding fee, get a code compliance inspection, and post a$2,000 bond. �r�n �a , 3 �� MINUTES OF TI� LEGISLATIVE HEt�RING Tuesday, Apri19, 2002 Gerry Strathman, Legislarive Hearing Officer Room 330 Courthouse The meeting was called to order at 10:02 a.m. STAFF PRESENT: John Betz, Code Enforcement; Bob Connor, City Council Offices; Roxanne F1'ank, Real Estate; Fong Lor, LIEP (Licensing, Inspections, Environmentai Protection); Steve Magner, Code Enforcement; Harold Robinson, Code Enforcement Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the buiiding at 418 Blair Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. The following appeared: Calvin Jones, owner, 310 Arundel Street Apartment A, and Denise Hester (phonetic}, tenant, Steve Magner reported the building was condemned May 2001 and it has been vacant since June 15, 2001. There have been six summary abatement nofices issued to secure buildings, cut tall grass, and remove refuse. On January 29, 2002, an inspecrion of the building was conducted, a list of deficiencies which constitute a nuisance condition was developed, and photographs were taken. An order to abate a nuisance building was issued on Febrnary 4, 2002, with a compliance date of March 6. As of this date, the properry remains in a condition which comprises a nuisance as defined by the legislative code. The vacant building fees and real estate taxes are paid. Taacation has placed an estimated market value of $8,700 on the land and $48,500 on the building. A code compliance inspection was obtained within the last week. A bond has not been posted. Code Enforcement estimates the cost to repair is $50,000; estimated cost to demolish, $10,000 to $12,000. Mr. Stratlunan asked the plans for this building. Mr. Jones responded his plans are to get an improvement loan and remodel the building. Ms. Hester responded she got a code compliance inspection last week. They wanted a step in the front and a beam in the basement. Mr. Strathman stated they wi11 need to post a$2,000 bond in order to compiete the rehabilitation. Mr. Magner stated the plumbing and heating need to be inspected. It did go through the winter without heat. Ms. Hester asked will the vacant building designafion be ceased. Mr. Strathman responded when the property is brought up to code, it will be removed from the vacant building list. Gerry Strathman recommends granting the owner six months to rehabilitate the properry on the condition that a$2,000 bond is posted by noon of Apri124, 2002. ���� q� LEGISLATIVE HEARINCr MINUTES OF APRIL 9, 2�02 Page 2 Summary Abatements: J0106A Property clean-up during part of July 2001 to January 2002. J0103G Grass cuttiug by private contractor during part of July 2001 through November 2001. JOlOSB Board-up of vacant buildings from July 2001 through December 2001. J0106V Towing of abandoned vehicies from private property for part of Apri12001 to July 2001. 30105C Demolition of vacant buildings during part of July 2001 through January 2002. JOiTRASHQ4 Provide weekly garbage hauling service for the fourth quarter of Z001. 604 York Avenue (J0106A) Note: Fong Lor provided interpreting services for this properiy. Mr. Strathman told Mr. Lor to explain to the owner that he is a City employee, he is here as a translator, and not as an advocate. Houa Her, owner, appeazed. Ms. Her stated that the properry was cleaned. Her neighbors threw gazbage azound. She did not get a notice from the City, and now she has a biil. Gerry Strathman asked what information the City has on this property and did the owner receive notification. Steve Magner responded an inspection of the property was conducted on August 13. A refrigerator was found in the rear yard. Ms. Her responded the refrigerator and tires were thrown in her rear yazd from the neighbors. The rest of the junk was put in the back of the property, but some items were too heavy to move. Mr. Magner went on to say the original correction order was issued with a compliance date of August 21 to the owner of record: Chia Xiong and Houa Her. There was no compiiance and a summary abatement was issued to the same parties and to occupant at 604 York for just the refrigerator with a compliance date of September 11. On September 19, the City removed one refrigerator. Mr. Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. The City did the work and this is the cost the City paid to have it cleaned up. The cleanup order was issued to her and mailed to her. 331 Aurora Avenue (JOlOSB) (No one appeared to represent the properiy.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 1266 Berkelev Avenue (JOlOSB) (No one appeared to represent the property.) Gerry Stratlunau recommends approval of the assessment. oa��`�� LEGISLATIVE HEAl21NG MINUTES OF APRIL 9, 2002 1180 HaQUe Avenue (JOl O5B) (No one appeared to represent the property.) Gerry Strathman recommends approvai of the assessment. 1000 Idaho Avenue West (J0105B) (No one appeazed to represent the properry.) Gerry Strathtnan recommends approval of the assessment. 1022 James Avenue (J0105B) (No one appeared to represent the properiy.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 1027 7essie Street (two assessment: 70106V and J0103G) Page 3 Chris Fiksen, owner, P.O. Box 26, Champlin, appeared and stated he had two notices o£ assessment. He would like to address JO10bV first. He asked why the assessment was not recorded at the time of occurrence. He purchased the property on July 20, 2001. This assessment happened second quarter of 2001. The title company said there was no record of this assessment. Mr. Strathman responded the assessment was probably pending at that time. The owner was probably nofified to remove the vehicle. The seller is suppose to advise the buyer of pending assessments. Mr. Fiksen asked why the assessment was not recorded so the title company can find out about these things. Mr. Strathman responded the assessment is not placed against the properry untii it is approved by the City CounciL This hearing is preliminary to that approval. Mr. Fiksen asked what information they have about it. Mr. Strathman responded it is a gray Pontiac which lacked current license tabs, unsecured, missing parts. The owner was notified on May 31, 2001, that the vehicle would be removed, it was reinspected on June 1 l, and towed by the police department on June 20. The total cost is $632.05. The other abatement order (J0103G) was issued on May 31, 2001, to clean up tall grass and rank plant growth. It was not cleaned up by June 1 l, and the City had the grass cut on June 16 for $270. Mr. Fiksen said he went into that neighborhood and turned the properry araund. Mr. Strathman responded these aze not penalties, but costs the City incurred. Gerry Stratlunau recommends approval of the assessment. The awner may have recourse with the seller, but that is a civil matter. oa -��o LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES OF APRIL 9, 2002 667 Magnolia Avenue East (J0103G and JOlOSB} Page 4 Vicki Knight, owner, appeared and stated this is an assessment for securing the building. Ms. Knight responded there was a fire in December 2000. They have not coliected the money from the insurance company. T'tiey had to take them to court. They paid off the mortgage on the property. The City has torn down the buildings. They are paying three times their amount on rent now and living without a lot. She does not have the money to pay this. Gerry Strathman stated the cost is $86.50 and the total cost is $181.50. Mr. Magner responded that is an enor; the total should be $131.50. Mr. Strathman asked can she delay paying this. Roxanna Flink responded they have to charge interest because that is the law. The owner can make payments. This will be before the City Council on Apri124. After that, Real Estate will send out invoices which will allow people 30 days to pay any part of it or all of it with no interest. After November 15, the owner will pay Ramsey County whatever is left on the taac statemenYs. Mr. Magner asked why the service charge has an extra $50. Ms. Fiink responded she would check on that. Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 122 Manitoba Avenue (J0106A) Pang Doua Fang, owner, 733 Aurora Avenue, appeared and stated he received a letter that he has to pay $384, but this property is code compliant. They purchased the property in September. Mr. Strathman responded this happened before they owned the properiy. This is for a cleanup on August 21. Gerty Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. The assessment goes with the properry. Even though the owner did not own the properiy when the work was. done, he now owns it and is responsibie for the cost. The seller had an obligation to inform the buyer about the assessment. Mr. Fang needs to pay this assessment or go to the seller. 1732 MunsTSr Avenue (J0106A} (No one appeared to represent the properry.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 1105 Oxford Street North (J0106A) John Conway, representing owner David Schell, appeazed and stated he does not know what this is about. Mr. Strathman responded this is about improperly stored and accumulated refizse, old oa-�a� LEGISLAI7VE HEARING MINUTES OF APRIL 9, 2002 Page 5 refrigerators, tall grass. An order were mailed on October 23, 2001. It was still not cleaned up by November L The work was done on November 5. Mr. Conway stated his situation is similaz to the previous two couples: the owner purchased the properiy after the assessment occurred. Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. The owner should go to the selier. 1 ll7 Portland Avenue (JOlOSB) (No one appeared to represent the properry.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 811 Strvker Avenue (J0105B) (No one appeared to represent the properiy.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 646 Thomas Avenue (J0103G) (No one appeared to represent the properry.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 1308 Victoria Street North (J0105B) (No one appeared to represent the properiy.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 346 Hone 5treet (J0106A) (A videotape was shown.) Soliving K. Kong, owner, appeared and stated he got a notice from the Citzen Service O�ce about a tire in the back yard. He removed one tire. The next day, he called the City and the fire had been taken care of. The next week, his neighbor threw a mattress and box spring in his alley. He called the City again and said he would like to make a report because the neighbor dumped a box spring in the alley. He was told that nothing could be done because he did not actualiy see anyone throw them in the alley. The person told him to talk to the neighbor and ask him to remove the mattress. Mr. Kong said that he could not do that and did not have the authority. A week later, the mattress had been removed. oa-3q� LEGISLAT'IVE HEARING MINiJTES OF APRIL 9, 2002 Page 6 Gerry Strathman asked about the order. Hazold Robinson responded it reads discarded mamess in alley and north yard. The tire abatement was separate from the mattress abatement. The tires were gone on the recheck. An order was sent to Song Kong and Lee Her at 346 Hope Street. No letters were retumed from the post office. Bob Connor asked was there a question abou# the number of mattresses. Mr. Kong responded he does not think there were seven. Mr. Robinson responded the videotape showed seven mattresses and Parks and Recreation removed seven mamesses. Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. It seems the owner was first notified on November 6, and the City did the cleanup on November 29. 173 Acker Street East (Ja103G) (No one appeared to represent the property.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 492 Andrew Street (J0106A) (A videotape was shown.) Dorrian Kollander, owner, 19827 White Pine Street, Deerwood, Minnesota, appeazed and stated this was a rental property. He was in the process of evicting the tenants and he could not get their stuff out of the properry. He finaily had to give her the papers when she was in jail. It took him 60 days to get her to court and another 30 days to get her out of the house. He tried to cleanup the property several times. He had the police there. She said she would sue him if he removed anything. He told the City he would ciean it up. The truck and trailer were his. The truck on the videotape was currently licensed, but it was towed later. He never received a notice. The notice was posted on the house, but the tenant took it off. Gerry Strathman stated the address for this order is Deerwood, Minnesota. Mr. Kollander responded that he talked to Joei Essling (Code Enforcement) about this and Mr. Essling agreed that it was never mailed to him, but it was mailed to 492 Andrew. Mr. Strathman stated he has a copy of the order. It has his name and address on it. Mr. Robinson responded Code Enforcement never received any returned maiL Mr. KoTlander stated he already spoke to Mr. Essling and it was never mailed to him. The tenant kept the mail. Mr. Kollander owns other properties and cooperates with the City to take care of these matters. This particulaz tenant was very difficult. Two sheriffs had to physically remove them from the house. Roxanna Flink stated they printed their hearing list on Mazch 12, and it still showed Dorian Kollander at 492 Andrew Street. They remailed the notice of ttus heazing to 19827 White Pine Drive. They picked up that address from reuuned mail. Ramsey County records still show up 6a -3 ao LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES OF APRIL 9, 2002 Page 7 the address as 492 Andrew Street. Mr. Kollander responded he called Mr. Essiing and gave him the proper address. Mr. Strathman summarized: he talked to Mr. Essling prior to this work being done and Mr. Essling knew the correct address. Mr. Kollander responded that is conect. Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the April 23, 2002, Legislative Hearing in order to talk to Mr. Essling. Mr. Betz and Mr. Strathman told Mr. Kollander that he should change his address with Ramsey County. 731 Aurora Avenue (J0106A) Pang Doua Fang, owner, 733 Aurora Avenue, appeared again. Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. The work was done by the City on November 5, 2001. This assessment was done before they owned the property. Again, the owner will haue to go to the seller. 834 Beech Street (J0106V) (No one appeared to represent the properiy.) Gerry Strathman recommends reducing the assessment from $632.05 to $293.53 pius the $45.OQ admaristrative fee for a total assessment of $338.53. Mike Marehead (Code Enforcement) felt the assessment shouid be cut in half due to an erroneous properry tasation address on the notification. 10&3 Beech Street (J0106A) Malika Keo, owner, 7597 Sherwood Road, Woodbury, appeared and stated she had a cleanup on her rental property. They were out of town for two weeks. They put things by the trash container and the trash company was suppose to pick it up. Hazold Robinson reported the notification went to Vann Yean and Malika Narin Keo at 1083 Beech Street. No mail has been returned. Aiso, the reriirn address on the green card was 1083 Beech Street. Ms. Keo stated the address was changed. For the property taYes, it was sent conectly to their address. (A videotape was shown.) Mr. Strathman recommends reducing the assessment from $288 to $100 plus the $45 administrative fee for a total assessment of $145. It did not look like much of a cieanup. The owner was notified. oa^ 3`t� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINLTT'ES OF APRIL 9, 2002 711 Blair Avenue (30106A) Page 8 Zack Madison, owner, appeazed and stated he is doing a remodeling on his properly. He had a big pile in the backyazd. Instead of getting a dumpster, he left it out there because a dumpster is charged by the day. He never received a notice. He was at the properiy everyday working on it at the time. He does not know if anything was posted at the property. When the people came to clean it up, he asked them to stop right away and he would take caze of the rest. They said they couldn't do that. He does not think the assessment should be deleted, said Mr. Madison, but he is looking for a little relief. (A videotape was shown.) John Betz stated Ramsey County has the notice as Ra1ph Madison, 711 Blair. The inspector knocked on the door. He did find a telephone number for Ralph Madison, tried to call him, and was not able to reach him. Zack Madison responded that is his dad. Mr. Strathman asked for details on the cost. Mr. Betz responded the Ciry was there for three hours for $675, they leased a mac truck for three hours for $90, 20 yazds of refuse for $360, one appliance for $30. Mr. Madison asked why the City did not stop when he asked them to. Mr. Stratl�man responded they haue orders to proceed. It is the same situation as when a tow truck has a car: they haue already 3ncurred a large amount of the cost by sunply getting there and renting the equipment. Gerry Stratlunau recommends reducing the $1,200 assessment to $1,Q00 pius the $45 administrative fee for a total assessment of $1,045. 1188 Bush Avenue (J0106A) The following appeared: Chao Tao Moua, owner, and Yee Chang, son. (A videotape was partiaily shown.) Mr. Chang stated his dad did not receive the order. He wonders what other notices were sent to the house. He purchased the house on October 25. Harold Robinson reported the orders were mailed on November 13. The owner was Matthew Carlson at 1188 Bush. Nothing has been returned to Code Enforcement. That was the oniy notice sent out. Mr. Chang stated that was the only notice his father received. Mr. Strathxnan asked when Mr. Moua purchased the property. Mr. Chang responded October 25, 2001, but he did not get the notice. During that time, Mr. Carlson said he would take care of everything that was his. He came by almost everyday to do some work. oa -��� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MIIVUTES OF APRIL 9, 2002 Page 9 Mr. Chang asked why the City cannot go to the previous owner. Mr. Strathman responded the assessment is against the property and the City goes to the owner of the property. That is where the City's authority resides and that is the way it has to be done. Gerry Strathxnan recommends reducing the assessment from $288 to $100 plus the $45 admiuistrative fee for a total assessment of $145. It seems the $288 is too much for picking up a desk. The owner can pay it or talk to the seiler. 706 Chazles Avenue (J0106A) (No one appeazed to represent the property.) Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the Apri123, 2002, Legislative Hearing. (Note: At the meefing, Mr. Strathman's decision was approval of the assessment; however, the owner appeared later in the afternoon because she thought the hearing was at 3 30 p.m. Therefore, Mr. Strathman changed his recommendation.) 928 Case Avenue (J0106A) Lee Johnson, owner, 2580 Western Avenue North, Roseville, appeazed and stated he received a notice. There was brush and rubbie in back of their garage. They moved the brush and the rubble to the neigJibors where it belongs. (A videotape was shown.) Gerry Strathman recommends deleting the assessment. It appeazs the rubble was not on his property. 542 Pavne Avenue (J0106A) Lee Johnson, owner, 2580 Western Avenue North, Roseville, appeared again and stated he responded to the abatement orders. He wonders what this is about. (A videotape was shown.) Mr. Johnson stated that is the house, but $438 is too high. From looking at the videotape, the grass was tall and there were plants in and out of the fence. Gerry Strathman stated there is one hour for cleanup and one hour for grass. He asked is it the same crew that does the grass and also picks up the t.v. Mr. Robinson responded he cannot answer this one specifically, but his understanding is that there is a minnnum. Gerry Strathinan recommends reducing the assessment from $438 to $318 plus the $45 administrative fee for a totai assessment of $363. 6a -��� LEGISLATIVE HEARiNCs MINIJTES OF APRIL 9, 2002 838 Cleaz Avenue (J0106A) (No one appeared to represent the properiy.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 286 Coneress Street East (J0106A) Page 10 The following appeazed: Darlene Gannon, Office Manager for REM, and Jen Cadwell, Directar of Program Services at REM, both of 1951 University Avenue. Ms. Cadwell stated she received a notice to cleanup brush, and they had the work done. Then, they got a biil from the City. (A videotape was shown.) Ms. Cadwell stated they will take up this matter with the people who said they did it. REM paid to have it done. Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 57 Dale Street North (J0106A) (No one appeared to represent the properry.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 929 Euclid 5treet (J0106A) (No one appeazed to represent the properry.} Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 838 Fifth Street East (70106A) Sandy Triemert, owner, appeazed and stated there is a problem with peopte driving through her alley and dumping refuse. She pays for the garbage to be removed. (A videotape was shown.) Ms. Triemert stated she received no notice. Mr. Strathman responded it was mailed on August 23, 2001. Mr. 5trathman stated the arder reads box spring, but he did not see one on the videotape. On the reinspection, responded Harold Robinson, the box spring was gone. b� -� i� LEGISLATIVE HEARING NIINiITE5 OF APRIL 9, 2002 Page 11 Ms. Triemert and Mr. Strathman asked is the ailey her properry. Mr. Robivson responded half the alley. Public Works will pick up things that are blocking the alley. Ms. Triemert stated people push the items into the bushes neaz her properiy. (The videotape was shown again.) Gerry Strathman recommends reducing the assessment from $288 to $100 plus the $45 aduiinistrafive fee for a total assessment of $145. The owner was notified, but the chazge does look too high. 767 Fourth Street East (J0106A) (No one appeared to represent the property.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 63 Fxont Avenue (J0106A) The following appeared: Richard and Bonnie Carver, owners. Mrs. Carver stated they never received a notice. They do have signs on the properry with their name and phone number if there are any concems about the property. They would like to know what was done and proof of any notice that was sent. Harold Robinson reported the nofice was mailed on August 8, 2001, to Richard Carver at 1051 Sherburne Avenue and occupant at 63 Front. Nothing was returned from the post office. Mrs. Carver responded 1051 Sherburne is not the cortect address. Steve Magner responded 63 Front is listed with Ramsey County. The inspector found some sort of posting for 1051 Sherburne Avenue. Mr. Strathman asked do they live at 63 Front. Mrs. Carver responded no. Mr. Carver responded their P.O. box is posted at the property. They received the notice for today's hearing at their box. (A videotape was shown.) Mr. Strathman asked who is living at 63 Front. Mrs. Carver responded renters. The cement in the videotape is on the neighbors' properiy. Mr. Strathman asked why the mail did not go to the posted address. Mr. Betz responded they do not routinely look through buildings for a posted address. Mr. Strathman asked why Ramsey County does not haue the correct address. Ms. Flink responded there is a post office box there now. Sometime between August and now the address has been changed. Mrs. Carver responded she is not sure how far behind Ramsey County is in their records, but she should not be penalized for that. They had the address posted, which is according to the law. There ate no piles of garbage there. There is weekly gazbage service. Mr. D3 LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUT`ES OF APRIL 9, 2002 Page 12 Carver stated he has receipts for trailer loads of trash hauled out of there because he was in the middle of cleaniug it up. Mrs. Carver stated they drive by their properties almost every day. Mr. Strathman stated they should haue seen the mess. Mr. Carver responded that is why he was constantly cleanirtg. It is messed up again two days later. Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. The City sent the notice to the address listed with Ramsey County. They went fi�rther and sent it to the Sherburne Address, even though that is not where the Carvers live. It did seem like it was a significant cleanup. If the owners had kept the Ramsey County Property Recards current, they would have received a notice. The City met its responsibility of legal notice. 231 Front Avenue (J0106A) Maria Yuardao, owner, appeared and stated she does not know what happened. (A vadeotape was shown.) Ms. Yuardao stated the tires were not hers. She does not know why people dump on her properry, and it is not fair. Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. The owner is responsible for keeping the yard and a11ey around the properry clear of debris. 370 Fuller Avenue (J0106V) The following appeazed: Terry Luther, owner, 890 Rice Street, and Maria Meyer, 372 Fuller Avenue, the tenant. Mr. Luther stated he would like to know more about the abandoned vehicle. John Betz reported notice was mailed to Terrance Luther at 890 Rice and the occupant at 370 Fuiler to remove a black Ford with eYpired plates by June 8, 2001. A reinspection was conducted on June 8, and the vehicie was impounded on June 13. (Photographs of the vehicle was shown to Mr. Luther.) Ms. Meyer watched the previous tenant and Mr. Luttter move the vehicle off the properiy. Mr. Betz stated the police towed the vehicle. He asked is the owner saying it was not there on June 8. Mr. Luther responded it was there, but he and the vehicle owner moved 'at to the street before the police came. Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the Apri123, 2002, Legislafive Hearing in arder to find out where the vehicie was when the police picked it up. If the vehicle was in the street, he will delete the assessment. If the vehicle was stiil on the property, the assessment will stand. � LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES OF APRIL 9, 2002 597 Geranium Avenue East (J0106A) (No one appeazed to represent the properry.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 528 Harrison Avenue (J0106V) (No one appeared to represent the property.) Gerry StraClunau recommends approval of the assessment. 396 Ho�e 5treet (J0106V) (No one appeared to represent the properry.) Page 13 Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the Apri123, 2002, Legislative Hearing. The owner was here earlier, but had to leave. 80Q Iglehart Avenue (J0106A) (No one appeazed to represent the property.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 844 Jenks Avenue (J0106A} Rosa Siluk, owner, appeazed and stated she and her husband never received notice about the cleanup. Harold Robinson reported a notice was sent on December 3, 2001, to occupant at 844 Jenks and Dennis and Rosa Siluk. It was cleaned up in January. Mrs Silult stated she rented the property. The tenants picked up the trash every week. In November, when the tenant moved out, some items were left. (A videotape was shown.) Gerry Strathman asked when she became the owner. Mrs. Siluk responded October 2000. Harold Robinson reported it was mailed to the listed owner: Dennis and Rosa Siluk at 844 Jenks. Nlrs. Siluk responded she never received the notice. Ca--�`� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES OF APRIL 9, 2002 Page 14 Gerry Strathman recommends reducing the assessment from $28% to $150 plus the $45 administrarive fee for a total assessment of $195. He did not see much that needed to be done at the property. 425 7essamine Avenue East (J0106A) (No one appeared to represent the property.) Gerry Stratlunau recommends approval of the assessment. 59 Lawson Avenue West (JO1Q6A) Jacqueline Malaski, owner, appeared and stated she is not saying the gazage did not need to be fixed. Her quesfion is where the items went. She dad get a notice to clean the garage. She was going through a divorce and her husband was in the workhouse. She only received two notices. He was fixing up some of the items. He was suppose to be here today, but he did not show up. There were a lot of things in the garage: tools, clothes, wood. (A videotape was shown.) Gen7 Strathman stated the answer to her quesrion is that the items went to the lan�ll except for the materials they left behind. The caz was towed to Budget Towing and probably auctioned off as a junk car. Looking at its condition, it probably wasn't worth anything. The workers are instructed to leave behind things that are in good working order or of value. Roxanna Flink asked could he recommend a ten year payback. Gerry Strathman recommends that the assessment be paid over a ten yeaz period. 952 Lawson Avenue East (J0106A) Allen Woods, P.O. Box 65142, appeared and stated he would like to know the nature of the complaint. (A videotape was shown.) Gerry Strathman asked who was notified. Harold Robinson responded Quality Residences at 952 E. Lawson Avenue and Edwazd and Shirley Chadnowski (phonefic) at 952 E. Lawson. The Chadnowski letter was returned to the City by the post office; the other one was not. Mr. Woods stated he leased the property with the oprion to purchase it during this time. Then he subleased it He exercised his option after this assessment, and he is now the owner. He is responsible for the taxes during the period he leased. He never received a norice. Quality Residences' address is in Minnetonka. The properties they own are always mailed to the same address. The tenants that were in there during this period were in eviction. He imagines they � .�,. — 3`t° LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINt3TES OF APRIL 9, 2002 Page 15 retumed it and did not open it. Mr. Woods was never awaze of this action. Mr. Woods owns 50 units in Saint Paul and manages another 50. He has never had this problems before. He handles the gazbage problems hisaself. Hazold Robinson reported Quality Residences lists their address at 952 Lawson at the time of the assessment. There was no other listing at the property nor any phone ca11s. From experience, stated Pvlr. Woods, he knows that when the County gets something to record, they don't obey ffie instructions. If a person gives a mailing address other than the property address, it will sometimes still get recorded with the property address. He also knows they are six months behind in recording it. Mr. Woods asked what is his recourse if Ramsey County is not recording things properly. Mr. Strathman responded he does not know the answer; the owner may put that question to the County Attorney. Mr. Woods stated he can get a copy of the deed with the proper address as recorded. Then, he can demonstrate it was improperiy recorded by Ramsey County. Quality Residences would never ask that their records go to rental property. He requested that this property be laid over. Gerry Strathman recommends laying over this matter to the Apri123, 2002, Legislative Hearing in order for the owner to show a copy of his deed. 106 Litchfield Street (J0146A) Sandra Van Tassell, owner, appeared and stated the only thing she received in the mail was about a vehicle in her backyazd, which she had removed. (A videotape was shown.) Ms. Van Tassell asked when this took place. Mr. Strathman responded October 19, 2001. Mr. Srathman asked who was notified. Mr. Robinson responded Gordon and Sandra Van Tassell at 106 Litchfield Street. The vehicle was removed on reinspection. Mr. Strathman stated the vehicle and the suuun.ary abatement notice were sent the same day. Mr. Robinson stated they were mailed in the sasne envelope. If it came in the same envelope, stated Ms. Van Tasseil, she may not haue looked at the other piece of paper and assumed it was about the car. Gerry Strathman recoxnmends approval of the assessment. 1116 Maryland Avenue East (J0106A) (No one appeared to represent the property.) U�' 3 � ° LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUT`ES OF APRIL 9, 2002 Czerry Strathman recommends laying over to the Apri123, 2002, Legislative Hearing. 1042 Mclean Avenue (J0106A) (No one appeazed to represent the property.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 426 Minnehaha Avenue East (J0106i� (No one appeazed to represent the property.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 134b Minnehaha Avenue West (J0106A) (No one appeazed to represent the property.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 327 Morton Street East (70106A) (No one appeared to represent the properiy.) Gerry Strathman recommends approvai of the assessment. 606 Ohio Street (J0106V) (No one appeazed to represent the property.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 668 Pavne Avenue (J0106A) (No one appeazed to represent the properiy.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 1204 Ross Avenue (J0106A) (No one appeazed to represent the properry.} Page 16 Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 0�-3 LEGISLATIVE HEr1RING MINUTES OF APRIL 9, 2002 1278 Ross Avenue (J0106A) Page 17 Dan Tacheny, owner, 2303 Miunehaha Avenue East, appeazed and stated after he purchased the properiy, he hauled off four fifteen yazd duxnpsters costing over $1,000. (A videotape was shown.) NLr. Strathman stated it is clear most of what is cited on his report was cleaned up before the work crew got there. The only thing that remained was the brush. Mr. Tacheny responded his agent purchased the property for him in December. He got a phone cail that the previous owner disclosed he was in an azgument with the City about property cleanup. His agent contacted the City and was told there were no outstanding abatements. All he can do, said Mr. Tacheny, is come to the City and hope the employees aze diligent enough to find the record. Roxanne Flank stated Code Enforcement sent out a notice for work to be done. At that time, the owner has time to take caze of the problem. If the building has been rechecked and the work has been done, the notice goes away. If on the recheck the items ue still there, then there is a work arder issued. Once the City does the work, they fill out a work order, and then fax over the information to Real Estate. On the outset there is 48 hours when the arder is pending. Prior to that, only Code Enforcement would know about the order. Gerry Strathman recommends deleting the assessment. The assessment may have been in process during the tune, and thera was not much to clean up anyway. 724 Seventh Street East (70106A) (No one appeared to represent the properry.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 1820 Sims Avenue (J0106A) (No one appeared to represent the property.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 907 St. Anthony Avenue (JOl ObA) (No one appeared to represent the properiy.) Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the Apri123, 2002, Legislative Hearing. (Note: At the meeting, Mr. Strathman's decision was approval of the assessment; however, the owner appeazed later in the afternoon because she thought the hearing was at 330 p.m. Therefore, Mr. Strathman changed his recommendation.) 0�-" LEGISLA'I`IVE HEt1RING MINUTES OF APRIL 9, 2002 1884 St. Clair Avenue (J0106t1) (No one appeazed to represent the property.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 429 Sherburne Avenue (J0106A) . ,. . Anton Nguyen, owner, appeared and stated this is a duplex. He has a problem with the neighbors and children Also, he has a problem with people driving by and dumping. He rented a container. When he goes to the properiy, he puts things in there. Everything else, he puts in lus pickup. (A videotape was shown.) Mr. Strathman stated it looks like they picked up rires. John Betz reported the owner was chazged $225 an hour minimum and $10 per tire for $120. Mr. Strathman responded he did not see 12 tires in the videotape. Gerry Strathman recommends reducing the assessment from $390 to $120 pius the $45 administrative fee for a totai assessment of $165. 600 Stryker Avenue (J0106A) (No one appeared to represent the property.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 957 Third Street East (J0106A) (No one appeared to represent the property.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 502 Thomas Avenue (J0106A) (No one appeased to represent the properry.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 803 Thomas Avenue (J0106A) Bentley Durband, owner, appeazed and stated he recentiy received an assessment for properiy cleanup. He spoke to someone about it and he was told there were some items to pick up. There � ba-�9� LEGISLATTVE HEARING MINUTES OF APRIL 9, 2002 Page 19 was a refrigerator and a stove in the back of the garage. There were two assessments sent out. He was told one was sent out in November. Mr. Durband does remember receiving an order to pick up refuse behind the gazage. These were items that were not picked up by the trash service. There was also a notice sent in December, which was sent back to Code Enforcement by the post office. If he had received it, he would have placed the objects in a more suitable place. Gerry Strathman asked where the norice was sent. John Betz responded it was sent to 803 Thomas to Benfley Durband to remove appliances. The mail was not retumed from the post office. Mr. Betz went back to reinspect it, it was not taken caze of, and he sent out a suinmary abatement notice. That came back from the post office. The first notice was sent to 603 Thomas by the post office. Code Enforcement did not get any mail returned until after the abatement. One norice was received and one notice was not. Gerry Sirathman recommends deleting the assessment because the owner did not receive proper notification regarding the abatement order. 302 University Avenue West (J0106A) (No one appeazed to represent the property.) Gerry 5trathman recommends approval of the assessment. 885 Wilson Avenue (30106A) (No one appeared to represent the properry.) Harold Robinson reported he is recommending deletion because there was confusion between 881 and 885. Gerry Strathman recommends deleting the assessment due to improper notification. 305 Winifred Street East (J0106A) (No one appeared to represent the property.) Garry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 8R6 York Avenue (J0106A) Audrey McConville, 7540 i 5th Street Lane North, Oakdale, appeared and stated she is the property manager for 896 York Avenue. She did not receive notice from the City because they had the wrong address for the owner, but she received the nofice on Mazch 19 through a family member of the owner. The properiy tas had the corrent and incorrect address. The trash they were talking about in August was trash that the residents left. Ms. McConville stated she was in there cleaning. She ordered a dumpster. The City must have done the work in between C 6�_�9 � LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINLJT'ES OF APRIL 9, 2002 Page 20 dumpsters. Section 8 came out and inspected the properiy, they saw the trash, and she told them that a dumpster was coming that day to pick it up. Ms. McConville stated she has a notice from Section 8 that the refuse was picked up. She has pictures of the trash that was put in the dumpster by her and her son. The new tenant had new beds and mattresses. She called BFI and somehow the City got there before BFI did. She did pay BFI and she is checking on that. Gerry Stratlaman stated she cleaned up the material from this order and the materials the City did pick up was the stuff that came later. Ms. McConville responded that is correct and she never received an order on that. Mr. Strathman asked why the items they cleaned up matches the stuff on the order. Ms. McConville responded the dates do not match. The order from August 22 did not belong to the tenant because she did not move in until September l. Mr. Strathman stated the City went out on August 22 axid saw a table, mattresses, and cardboazd boxes. They went back on September 5 and still saw the same things. When the crew came out on September 10, the table, mattresses, and boxes were still there. Ms. McConville responded she has proof they were cleaned up. Section 8 will not give pernussion for someone to move in without hauing the property cleaned up. (Gerry Strathman looked at the paperwark from Section 8.) Mr. Strathman stated the inspector says there is a large pile of trash in the back yard. Section 8 is saying it is okay according to the paperwork. Mr. Strathxnan recommends deleting the assessment, although the situation is a little skeptical. 964 Woodbrid�e Street (J0105B) Steve Magner stated this was for an emergency boarding after a fire. It has been a vacant building since November 1999. This was possibly arson. The Fire Department put out the fire and then requested an emergency boarding. Yee Fang, owner, 957 Reaney, appeared and stated this happened on October 25. Mr. Strathman stated the insurance company will pay to secure the building after a fire. Mr. Fang responded the insurance will not pay for anything. He talked to his insurance adjuster, and they said they would not pay for anything that the City does around the building. They say they are not responsible. Mr. Strathman responded that is unusual. His experience is the insurance company will pay for the cost of securing the building after a fire. Mr. Magner concurred and stated that is part of the loss. The owner should get an ofticial denialletter from the insurance company. Mr. Strathman stated the City does not make money at this. There is a contractor that does it. The Fire Department deternuned this contractor was needed to protect the building from f�u�ther ��-39� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES OF APRIL 9, 2002 Page 21 damage and for public safety. They sent the City a bill, which the City passed to the owner for payment. Again, he is surprised the insurance company is unwilling to pay this. He cannot reduce the assessment; this is what it costs the City, Mr. Fang stated the $1,000 cost is ridiculous. NIr. Magner responded it is 23 boards for $21.75 per boazd. Mr. Robinson stated he worked in Vacant Buildings for eight yeazs, and this is the first tirue he has heard of an insurance company not paying for a boarding. Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 231 Fuller Avenue (J0106A) (Note: the green card was not returned on this one; therefore, the videotape was not available.) Pang Doua Fang, owner, 733 Aurora Avenue, appeared again. John Betz stated this is for a properry cleanup that took place on January 16, 2002. Gerry Strathman stated this has to do with an accumulation of bagged refuse in the backyard. If they want to see the videotape, they can come back in two weeks. Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the Apri123, 2002, Legislative Hearing. 82 Jessamine Avenae East (J0106A) (Note: the green card was not returned on this one; therefore, the videotape was not available.) Pang Doua Fang, owner, 733 Aurora Avenue, appeued again. Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the April 23, 2002, Legislative Hearing. 291 Top�g Street (J0106V) Gerry 5trathman recommends laying over to the April 23, 2002, Legislative Hearing at the request of John Betz who said the owner was unable to atCend today. 935 Universitv Avenue West Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the April 23, 2002, Legislative Hearing at the request of John Betz who said the owner was unable to attend today. ba LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINIJTES OF APRIL 9, 2002 1109 MaQnolia Avenue East (J0106A) Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the May 28, 2002, Legisiative Hearing. 124 Dale Street North (J0106A) Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the Apri123, 2002, Legislative Heariug. 5 Jessamine Avenue East (J0106A) Page 22 Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the Apri123, 2002, Legisiative Hearing, at the owner's request. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 304 Lawson Avenue East. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. Belinda Joy Roubik, attorney for owner, appeared and stated there was an arson investigation and another investigation regarding fraudulent insurance purchased on the property. Her client took over the properCy. When she talked to Mr. Magner, there were already notices sent to the address regarding substance in the yazd. The fire damage was cleaned up. Ms. Roubik stated she boarded up the property well, although Mr. Magner stated someone was trying to enter the property again. They are trying to seek financial arrangement to bring the properiy up to code. Ms. Roubik is requesting an extension on the bond. The rentexs were evicted. They set the house on fire the next day. Steve Magner reported this building has been vacant sance Apri130, 2002. The current owner is John Eggers. Three suuunary abatement notices haue been issued to remove refuse, cut tali grass, remove snow and ice. On January 30, 2002, an 3nspection of the building was conducted, a list of deficiencies which constitute a nuisance condition was developed, and photographs were taken. An order to abate a nuisance building was issued on February 4, 2002, with a compliance date of March 6, 2002. As of this date, the property remains in a condition which comprises a nuisance as defined by the legisiative code. The City had to boazd the building to secure it against trespass. The vacant building fees are due. Real estate taxes are unpaid of $823.22. TaYafion has placed an estimated market value of $7,600 on the land and $32,800 on the building. A code compliance inspection has not been appiied for. A bond has not been posted. The estimated cost to repair is $80,000; esrimated cost to demolish, $9,000 to $10,000. Mr. Strathman stated her intent is to rehabilitate this property. Ms. Roubik responded yes. The floor has not been bumed all the way through so they plan to rehabilitate this properry. Mr. Strathman stated she wiil need to pay the vacant building fee, get a code compliance inspection, and post a$2,000 bond. If they do these things by noon of April 24, he will recommend six months to rehabilitate the property. Mx. Roubik stated they cannot do anything else until the investigation comes to an end. Oa_ LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINTJTES OF APRIL 9, 2002 Page 23 Ms. Roubik asked can she get an ea�tension. Mr. Strathman responded she can attend the City Council meeting on Apri124; they have the authority to do whatever they think is appropriate. Gerry Strathman recommends the owner be given six months to rehabilitate the property on condition that the followiug is done by noon of Apri124, 2002: pay the vacant building fee, get a code compliance inspection, and post a$2,000 bond. If these requirements aze not met, his recommendation will be to remove or repair the properry within 15 days. Mr. Magner reiterated the recommendation. The meeting was adjourned at 1:41 pm. � 25 Mazvland Avenue East (J0106A) After the meeting, Gerry Strathman recommended laying over to the Apri123, 2002, Legislative Hearing, at the owner's request. �('^�; !!��^ // CITY OF ST. PAUL '`' •- .�.� � COUNCI FILE d.� � 3�� FINAI, ORDER By : ' �me`^��� - Fi1e No. 02 4,50 34 M a��� 3�0� Voting Warcl 4,7 Ia the Matter of sidecvalk reconstruction at the followiag locatioas: CL 502024 - Soth sides Liacoln Aveaue from South Prior Aveaue to 3outh 8owe11 Straet. �} �L�T� (Laid ovar from April 24, 2002) *ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION RATES RESIDENTIAL RATES (One, two or three family structures) Reconstructioa (replacement of ol& sidewalk) -$10.49 per front foot for a five (5) foot wide walk and $12.59 per front foot for a six (6) foot wide walk. A11 other widths will be prorated accordingly. New construction (where no walk existed) - 100e of the actual cost estimated to be approximately $4.69 per square foot. Al1 corner residential properties will receive a credit up to the first 150 £eet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the "long side" o£ the property. MULTI-RESIDENTIAL (MOre than three family structures), NON RESIDENTIAL RATES For new and reconstructed sidewalk; 100g of actual cost estimated to be approximately $6.35 per square foot. under Preliminary order approved The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereb�r order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City o£ficers shall calculate all e�enses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 oE the City Charter. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Nays r�Benanav ✓Blakey +�ostrom ✓Coleman vHarri s r�Y,antry /�"ei ter � In Favor O Against Adopted by Council: Date C` ,�, 1� �ao� Certif�ied Passed by Council Se retary Mayor (�/� T.M.S.iREAL ESTATE DIVISION � Date: Apri125, 2002 � Green Sheet Number: ontaM Person a�t Phone Nanil�ec: Tom Sawyer 266-8850 co,�� n �: �� � � 2�DZ- `AL # OF SIGNA'1'URE PAGES )N REQ17L,' S"PID: ostruct sidewalks in Wards 4,7 F�le #'s �IlNIIVDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RF.IECT (R) Pl.ANNING COhA1LS5ION A STAFF CIVbSERViCE COMMLSSION c� coKMrrrea WfIICH COUNCIL OSJECTIVE? COUNCII, WARD(S) a��] PROBLEM, ISSUE, OYPOR'P[J1vTCY (Who, What, When, Where, Why?); DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII, YES NO YES NO The pmblem "defective sidewalk" was caused by multiple probkms, treet roots, poor subgrade materials, freeze/thaw cycles, service life limits, chemical additives, extreme temperature variations, etc. These probletns cecur on a citywide basis and must be addmssed and corre��ted annually. LeFt nnconected, the sidewalk condition wauld wotsen to a state where it would be unusabk and subject to increased pedestrian iqjuries from falls and possible litigations. IFAPPROVED: The community will benefit from this project because it will pmvide safe defect free sidewalks for its citizens. The sidewalk contracts are done by private contractors generating public sector jobs. g' nPrxovEV: Historically, the sidewalk reconstruction has created negative feedback because of construction procedures and assessments. Property owuers question the assessments, despite the fact that up to une-half the assessmen[ is City subsidized Having to assess for walk reconstruction remains a controversial issue. )ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: This option wouid allow the infrastructum of sidewalk stock to deteriorate, which in turn, will generate mom personal injury siuts, msulting in the expenditure of larger dollar amounts in repaus and replacement as well as claim payouts. DTAL AMOi7NT OF TRANSACTIOPi: � COSTIREVENUE BUDGE'CED (CIILCLE ONE) AC'TIVI'PY NI7MBER: INDING SOURCE: VANCIAL IlVFORMAT'iON: (EXPLAIN) EPARTh�IT DIILE('COI ,:"�'°�` nrroxr� UDGET DIRECI'OR YOR (OR AS57S'1'ANT) (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAI'URE) ���, aa , _� ccExg '� OF FINANCIe1L SVCS. RSONAL SERVICE CONIRACTS MUST ANSWER TFIE FOLLOWING: Has the person7firm ever worked �wder a conlreM for this deparhnent? YES NO Has Utis persoNfum evu be� a City employee? Does this persoNtfrm possess a skill not normallp possessed by any current City employee? YES NO �F� � � ��0� . City of St. Paul COUN � ILE NO. �a, 3°to R&SOLIITION RATIFYING ASSSSSMSNT By ' 3� (''� File No. SEE BELOW � 1 � � !� a � t � � U f 1 V%�{ �„_ Assessment No. SEE BELOW Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for 2 50106AA (0952) Summary abatements (property clean-up) for properties located at 429 Sherburne Ave., 231 Front Ave. and 844 Jenks Ave. LAID OVBR BY COUNCIL ON 4-24-02 to 5-1-02 LBGISLATIVE HBARING WILL NOT BE SCH8Dt7L8D. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further aonsidered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified. RBSOLVSD FURTHER, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in One equal installments. COUNCILPSRSON Yeas Nays ✓Benanav ✓�lakey �Bostrom �Coleman ✓�Iarr i s vLantry vP�eiter �� In Favor p Against Date l a---. Passes by Council Secretary % Mayor Adopted by the Council: To Legislative Hearing Officer - will not be scheduled Public HearinE Date - 5-1-02 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION ontact Person and Y6oue P{umF�i�: Roganna F7ink 266-8859 Date: ..ev.ra � O �. 3R0 Green Sheet Number: lll 949 DIItR('IOR C1TY COUNCII, �.Gf�t��7.Ix� be on Council Agenda by: TIDGET DIItEG1'OR �.& MG7. SVC. DIIL 6e in Cou¢cii Research Oftice IAYOR (OR ASSISTANI') 1 COiJNCII, RESEARCH on oo Friday pnblic hearing is $-1-02 TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) TIOI�i REQUESTED: At council's request on 4-2402 to 5-1-02 summary abatements (property clean-up) for properties at 429 Sherburne Ave., 231 Front Ave. and 844 Jenks Ave. were laid over for further PLANNING COMhhnSSION M CIVII. S&RVICE COMMISSION CID COMM1TiEE rts whitlh Council Objective Neighborhoods A STAFF Code A Enforcemeut A 2 Has the person/Tirm ever worked under a cootraM Cor this depar[ment? Has this personlrrm ever been a City employee? . Does tLis person/6rm possess a sldll not normally possessed by any current City employee? Explain all YES answers oa a sepante sheet and attach. vG PROBLSM, iSSUE, OPPORTUNIII' (Who, Whay When, Where, Why?): "SEE ORIGINAL GREEN SHEET NUMBER l ll649" IF APPROVED: IFAPPROVED: IF NOT APPROVED: » �� rp � r; Z,� s^�`",�"Y . �.r. '` � �+� ��� a ^.. t YES NO YES NO YES NO TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTTON: $($$.00 COSTJREVENUE BiJBGETED (CIRCI.E ONE) FUNDINGSOURCE: ASSCSSII78lltS OIII}' ACTNITYNUMBER: i'INANCL4L, INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 3 nrouertv owners wili be notified of the nublic hearin� and charEes. 4126/02 YES NO f City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Dept. of Technology & Management Serv RBPORT OF COMPLSTION OF ASS$SSMBNT COUNCSL FILE NO. File No. SEE BELOW Assessment No. SEE BELOW 0����� Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for 2 J0106AA (0952} Summary abatements (property clean-up) for properties located at 429 Sherburne Ave., 231 Front Ave_ and 844 Jenks Ave. LAID OVBR BY COUNCIL ON 4-24-02 to 5-1-02 LBGISLATIVE HEARING WILL NOT BF3 SCI3EDUI,BD. To the Council of the City o£ St. Paul The Valuation and Assessment Engineer hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Total construction costs Engineering and Inspection Real Estate Service Fee Process Serving Charge Charge-Code Enforcement Abatement Service Charge $553.00 $ $ $ $75.D0 $60.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Charge To Net Assessment .:: �� ..: �� Said Valuation and Assessment Engineer further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of 5688.00 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Valuation and Assessment Engineer, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action t�hereon as may be considered proper. /J _ _ Dated y - '�9-�a ion and Assessment Engineer ri W � � a a c� a W a � N T O � H £ � � v � V � 0 � 1 � I � I � � i N � T � b � A.� �� �� ; H I O � O � O I I I � 1 � � � � � � � � i y � c1 � N � N a 1 1� 1 I W i M � N � t'1 (y i (�f � N � N Q i 1 1 I � � a � m �rn '°' ' P+ � N � N � N � 1 1 1 I 1 1� I m 1 b � i (V � N � M � i + � tA � o O O 4 O i O O O II o i O O O II O� (-i i O o O 11 O� o O o II O� O o o II O� z , .� .� . . . . � . . .�� .� �� t7 N O II (A � O l41 O 11 tfl � O ILl O 11 �tt I O�� N N II N� Ul N N II Ol i N(V �V II l0 I � � N LlV+ 11 M��-i +l� L? II .i �� U� t? II '-I i � t? il +? ��? ➢ ih � L} 11 vT + n � u � n � a � n � n � n � p� n � u � n � Ei � 11 � Il � II U� 11 � 11 � II r Q � n � n � n � w � n � u n ' ' � cA � o 0 0 � o 0 0 � o 0 0 E. i o 0 0 � o 0 0 � o 0 o i N I O O O � O O O � O O O �; O O O � O O O � O O O ; i � i t�] �i .-1 � O fi .--I � O e-1 rl i �. 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C�LS$.'d,'! r���� (OR ASSISTANI) ALL LOCATIONS ROR SIGNA �senacx Set date of public hearing and approve assmts for Summ abate (property clean-up) during July 2001 to Jan 2002, Grass cutting during July 2001 to Nov 2001, Board-up of vac bldg from duly 2001 to Jan 2002, Towing aband vehicles for Apri12001 to Jan 2002, Demo of vac bldg for July 2001 to Feb 2002 and Garbage hauling serv for fourth quarter of 2001. File No.'s J0106A, J0103G, JOlOSB, d0106V, J0105C and JOITRASHQ4. dbIEhDATIOYS:APPROVE(A)ORREJECT(R) ERSONALSERVICEC0�7RACTSbIDSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWING: PLA7NING COMbIISSIOii A STAFF L Has the person(firm ever worked under a contracf Cor this departmenf? YES NO CML SERVICE COM�IISS[OY c�s comm�rree rts whidh Cauntil Objective Neighbarhoods A Publ'�c Aea�th A vacantbldg Explain all YES answers on a separate sheet and attach. PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whaq When, �Vhere, Why'): YES NO YES 11'O Property owners or renters create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paul when their property is not kept up. IF APPROVED: Da te: � Has this person(firm ever been a City employee? DoeS [his person/firm possess a skili not normaily possessed by any current City employee' Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Summ Abate, Grass cutting, Soard-uQ, Towing aband vehicles, Demolition and garbage hauling. This includes cutting tall grass and �veeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofas, chairs and all other items. In winter this includes the removal of snow and ice from sidewalk and cross walks. IF APPROVED: If Council does not approve these charges, General Fund would be required to pay the assessment. Assessments are payable over 1 or 10 years and coilected with the property taxes if [F NOT APPROYED: Neighborhoods would be left to deteriorate and property values would decline. Nobady would take care of their property, especially vacant or rental properties. Rodents, filth, gar6age and trash would accumulate everywhere. Disease and pests could become a problem. TALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION: �306 ,224.47 COST/REVEYUEBUDGE7'ED(CIRCGEOYE) souace: Assessments only ACTIVITYNUMBER: YES \C \LINFORh1ATION:(EXPLAIN) 494 nropertv owners will be notified of the public hearing and Oa-��o REPORT Date: April 9 and 23, 2002 Time: 10:00 a.m. Place: Room 330 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard l��ti(.Yllyyi+i�:i�71�[ii.y Gerry Strathman Legislative Hearing Officer Note: April23 recorrtmendations are in bold italics. April 9 recommendations are not 1. Resolntion ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 418 Blair Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing O�cer recommends granting the owner six months to rehabilitate the property on condition that a$2,000 bond is posted by noon of Apri124, 20Q2. 2. Summary Abatements: J0106A Property clean-up dnring part of July 2001 to January 2002. J0103G Grass cutting by private contractor during part of July 2001 through November 2001. JOlOSB Board-up of vacant buildings from July 2001 through December 2001. J0106V Towing of abandoned vehicles from grivate property for part of April 2001 to July 2001. JOlOSC Demolition of vacant buildings during part of July 2001 through January 2002. JOITRASHQ4 Provide weekly garbage hauling service for the fourth quarter of 2001. 604 York Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing O�cer recommends approval of the assessment. 331 Aurora Avenue (JOl O5B) Legislafive Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 1266 Berkeley Avenue (70105B) Legislative Hearing O�cer recommends approval of the assessment. 1180 Hague Avenue (70105B) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 1000 Idaho Avenue West (JOl O5B) Legisiative Heazing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. oa-��° LEGISLATIVE HEARING REPORT OF APRIL 9& 23, 2002 Page 2 1022 James Avenue (J0105B} Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 1027 7essie Street (J0106B and J0103G) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessments. 667 Mamolia Avenue East (J0103G and JOl O5B) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 122 ManitobaAvenue (7Q106A) L,egislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 1732 Munster Avenue (J0106A) Legislafive Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 1105 Oa�ford Street North (J0106A) Legislative Heazing O�cer recommends approval of the assessment. 1117 Portland Avenue (JOl O5B) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 811 StrYker Avenue (JOl O5B) Legislative Heazing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 646 Thomas Avenue (J0103G) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 1308 Victoria Street North (JOlOSB) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 346 Hone Street (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 173 Ackex Stzeet East (J0103G) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessmerrt. 492 Andrew Street (JOI06A) Legislative Hearing Offacer recommends approva[ of the assessment. 731 Aurora Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 6a -�°`° LEGISLA'ITVE HEARING REPORT OF APRIL 9& 23, 2002 Page 3 834 Beech Street (70106i� Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment from $632.05 to $293.53 plus the $45.OQ administrative fee for a total assessment of $338.53. 1083 Beech Street (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment from $288 to $100 plus the $45 aduiiuistrative fee for a total assessment of $145. 711 Blau Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment from $1,200 to $1,000 plus the $45 administrative fee far a total assessment of $1,045. 1188 Bush Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing O�cer recommends reducing the assessment from $288 to $100 plus the $45 administrative fee for a total assessment of $145. 706 Charles Avenue (10106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 928 Case Avenue (J0106A} Legislative Hearing Officer recommends delefing the assessment. 542 Pasne Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment from $438 to $318 plus the $45 administrative fee for a total assessment of $363. 838 Clear Avenue (JOlObA) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 286 Congress Street Bast (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 57 Da1e Street North (J0106A) Legislafive Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 929 Euclid Street (30106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 838 Fifth Street East Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment from $288 to $100 plus the $45 administrative fee for a total assessment of $145. 767 Fourth Street East E70106A) Legislafive Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. Oa-�`� LEGISLATIVE HEARING REPORT OF APffiL 9& 23, 2002 Page 4 63 Front Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. � 231 Front Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 370 FullerAvenue (.T0106T� Legislative Hearing Dfficer recommends deleting the assessmen� 597 Geranium Avenue East (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 528 Harrison Avenue (J0106V) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 396 Hone Street (J0106i� Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessmenz 800 Iglehart Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. � 844 Jenks Avenue (J0106A) Legisiative Hearing Officer recommends reducing Uie assessment from $288 to $150 plus the $45 administrative fee far a totai assessment of $195. 425 dessamine Avenue East (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approvai of the assessment. 59 Lawson Avenue West (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that the assessment be paid over a ten year period. 952 Lawson Avenue East (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessme�it. 106 Litchfield Street (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 1116 Marvland Avenue East (.T0106A) Legislative I�earing Officer recommends reducing the assessment from $30b to $61 plus the $45 administrative fee for a total assessment of $I06. 1042 Mclean Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. oa-�`t'� LEGISLATIVE HEARING REPORT OF APRIL 9& 23, 2002 Page 5 426 Miunehaha Avenue East (J0106� Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 1346 Miunehaha Avenue West (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 327 Morton Street East (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 606 Ohio Street (J0106� Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 668 Payne Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 1204 Ross Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 1278 Ross Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment. 724 Seventh Street West (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 1820 Sims Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 907St. AnthonvAvenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Offcer recommends approval of the ttssessment. 1884 St. Clair Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. � 429 Sherburne Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment from $390 to $120 plus the $45 admiiiistrative fee for a total assessment of $165. 600 Stryker Avenue (JOl ObA) Legislative Hearing Offiaer recommends approval of the assessment. 957 Third Street East (J0106A) Legislative Aearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. oa-��� LEGISLATIVE HEARING REPORT OF APRIL 9& 23, 2002 Page 6 502 Thomas Avenue (J0106A} Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 803 Thomas Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearivg Officer recommends deleting the assessment. 302 Universiry Avenue West (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 885 Wilson Avenue (JOl ObA) Legislative Hearing O�cer recommends deleting the assessment. 305 Winifred Street East (70106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 896 York Avenue (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment. 964 Woodbridge Street (JOlOSB) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval of the assessment. 23I FullerAvenue (J0106A) Legislatzve Hearing O�cer recommends approval of the assessment. 82 Jessamine Avenue East (J0106A) Legislative Flearing �cer reeommends apprnval of the assessment. 291 Topp� Street (J0106T� Legislative Hearing Off cer recommends deleting the assessmenx 935 University Avenue West (JOI D6A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends dedeting the assessment 1109 Ma�nolia Avenue East (J0106A) Legislative Hearing Officer recommends laying over to the May 28, 2002, Legisiative Hearing. l24 Dale Street North (J0106A) LegisYative Hearing Offzcer recommends approval of the assessment. 5 Jessamine Avenue East (J0106A) Legislntive Hearing Offzcer reeommenzds approval of the assessmenG 25 Marvland Avenue East (70106A} Legislative Hearing O�cer recommends approval of the assessment. o a-��� LEGISLATIVE HEt1RING REPORT OF APRIL 9& 23, 2002 Page 7 II95 Edgerton Street (J0106T� Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reduczng the assessmentfrom $682.I0 to $400 p[us the $45 adminrstrative fee for a total assessment of $445. II04 Rice Street (JOI06A) Legislative Hearing Offieer recommends Zaying over to the May 14, 2002, Legislative Hearing. 3. Resolution orderina the owner to remove or repair the bnilding at 304 Lawson Avenue East. If the owner fails to comply with the resolufion, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommends gran6ng the owner six months to rehabilitate the properry on condition that the following is done by noon of April 24, 2002: pay the vacant buiiding fee, get a code compliance inspection, and post a$2,000 bond. �r�n �a , 3 �� MINUTES OF TI� LEGISLATIVE HEt�RING Tuesday, Apri19, 2002 Gerry Strathman, Legislarive Hearing Officer Room 330 Courthouse The meeting was called to order at 10:02 a.m. STAFF PRESENT: John Betz, Code Enforcement; Bob Connor, City Council Offices; Roxanne F1'ank, Real Estate; Fong Lor, LIEP (Licensing, Inspections, Environmentai Protection); Steve Magner, Code Enforcement; Harold Robinson, Code Enforcement Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the buiiding at 418 Blair Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. The following appeared: Calvin Jones, owner, 310 Arundel Street Apartment A, and Denise Hester (phonetic}, tenant, Steve Magner reported the building was condemned May 2001 and it has been vacant since June 15, 2001. There have been six summary abatement nofices issued to secure buildings, cut tall grass, and remove refuse. On January 29, 2002, an inspecrion of the building was conducted, a list of deficiencies which constitute a nuisance condition was developed, and photographs were taken. An order to abate a nuisance building was issued on Febrnary 4, 2002, with a compliance date of March 6. As of this date, the properry remains in a condition which comprises a nuisance as defined by the legislative code. The vacant building fees and real estate taxes are paid. Taacation has placed an estimated market value of $8,700 on the land and $48,500 on the building. A code compliance inspection was obtained within the last week. A bond has not been posted. Code Enforcement estimates the cost to repair is $50,000; estimated cost to demolish, $10,000 to $12,000. Mr. Stratlunan asked the plans for this building. Mr. Jones responded his plans are to get an improvement loan and remodel the building. Ms. Hester responded she got a code compliance inspection last week. They wanted a step in the front and a beam in the basement. Mr. Strathman stated they wi11 need to post a$2,000 bond in order to compiete the rehabilitation. Mr. Magner stated the plumbing and heating need to be inspected. It did go through the winter without heat. Ms. Hester asked will the vacant building designafion be ceased. Mr. Strathman responded when the property is brought up to code, it will be removed from the vacant building list. Gerry Strathman recommends granting the owner six months to rehabilitate the properry on the condition that a$2,000 bond is posted by noon of Apri124, 2002. ���� q� LEGISLATIVE HEARINCr MINUTES OF APRIL 9, 2�02 Page 2 Summary Abatements: J0106A Property clean-up during part of July 2001 to January 2002. J0103G Grass cuttiug by private contractor during part of July 2001 through November 2001. JOlOSB Board-up of vacant buildings from July 2001 through December 2001. J0106V Towing of abandoned vehicies from private property for part of Apri12001 to July 2001. 30105C Demolition of vacant buildings during part of July 2001 through January 2002. JOiTRASHQ4 Provide weekly garbage hauling service for the fourth quarter of Z001. 604 York Avenue (J0106A) Note: Fong Lor provided interpreting services for this properiy. Mr. Strathman told Mr. Lor to explain to the owner that he is a City employee, he is here as a translator, and not as an advocate. Houa Her, owner, appeazed. Ms. Her stated that the properry was cleaned. Her neighbors threw gazbage azound. She did not get a notice from the City, and now she has a biil. Gerry Strathman asked what information the City has on this property and did the owner receive notification. Steve Magner responded an inspection of the property was conducted on August 13. A refrigerator was found in the rear yard. Ms. Her responded the refrigerator and tires were thrown in her rear yazd from the neighbors. The rest of the junk was put in the back of the property, but some items were too heavy to move. Mr. Magner went on to say the original correction order was issued with a compliance date of August 21 to the owner of record: Chia Xiong and Houa Her. There was no compiiance and a summary abatement was issued to the same parties and to occupant at 604 York for just the refrigerator with a compliance date of September 11. On September 19, the City removed one refrigerator. Mr. Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. The City did the work and this is the cost the City paid to have it cleaned up. The cleanup order was issued to her and mailed to her. 331 Aurora Avenue (JOlOSB) (No one appeared to represent the properiy.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 1266 Berkelev Avenue (JOlOSB) (No one appeared to represent the property.) Gerry Stratlunau recommends approval of the assessment. oa��`�� LEGISLATIVE HEAl21NG MINUTES OF APRIL 9, 2002 1180 HaQUe Avenue (JOl O5B) (No one appeared to represent the property.) Gerry Strathman recommends approvai of the assessment. 1000 Idaho Avenue West (J0105B) (No one appeazed to represent the properry.) Gerry Strathtnan recommends approval of the assessment. 1022 James Avenue (J0105B) (No one appeared to represent the properiy.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 1027 7essie Street (two assessment: 70106V and J0103G) Page 3 Chris Fiksen, owner, P.O. Box 26, Champlin, appeared and stated he had two notices o£ assessment. He would like to address JO10bV first. He asked why the assessment was not recorded at the time of occurrence. He purchased the property on July 20, 2001. This assessment happened second quarter of 2001. The title company said there was no record of this assessment. Mr. Strathman responded the assessment was probably pending at that time. The owner was probably nofified to remove the vehicle. The seller is suppose to advise the buyer of pending assessments. Mr. Fiksen asked why the assessment was not recorded so the title company can find out about these things. Mr. Strathman responded the assessment is not placed against the properry untii it is approved by the City CounciL This hearing is preliminary to that approval. Mr. Fiksen asked what information they have about it. Mr. Strathman responded it is a gray Pontiac which lacked current license tabs, unsecured, missing parts. The owner was notified on May 31, 2001, that the vehicle would be removed, it was reinspected on June 1 l, and towed by the police department on June 20. The total cost is $632.05. The other abatement order (J0103G) was issued on May 31, 2001, to clean up tall grass and rank plant growth. It was not cleaned up by June 1 l, and the City had the grass cut on June 16 for $270. Mr. Fiksen said he went into that neighborhood and turned the properry araund. Mr. Strathman responded these aze not penalties, but costs the City incurred. Gerry Stratlunau recommends approval of the assessment. The awner may have recourse with the seller, but that is a civil matter. oa -��o LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES OF APRIL 9, 2002 667 Magnolia Avenue East (J0103G and JOlOSB} Page 4 Vicki Knight, owner, appeared and stated this is an assessment for securing the building. Ms. Knight responded there was a fire in December 2000. They have not coliected the money from the insurance company. T'tiey had to take them to court. They paid off the mortgage on the property. The City has torn down the buildings. They are paying three times their amount on rent now and living without a lot. She does not have the money to pay this. Gerry Strathman stated the cost is $86.50 and the total cost is $181.50. Mr. Magner responded that is an enor; the total should be $131.50. Mr. Strathman asked can she delay paying this. Roxanna Flink responded they have to charge interest because that is the law. The owner can make payments. This will be before the City Council on Apri124. After that, Real Estate will send out invoices which will allow people 30 days to pay any part of it or all of it with no interest. After November 15, the owner will pay Ramsey County whatever is left on the taac statemenYs. Mr. Magner asked why the service charge has an extra $50. Ms. Fiink responded she would check on that. Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 122 Manitoba Avenue (J0106A) Pang Doua Fang, owner, 733 Aurora Avenue, appeared and stated he received a letter that he has to pay $384, but this property is code compliant. They purchased the property in September. Mr. Strathman responded this happened before they owned the properiy. This is for a cleanup on August 21. Gerty Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. The assessment goes with the properry. Even though the owner did not own the properiy when the work was. done, he now owns it and is responsibie for the cost. The seller had an obligation to inform the buyer about the assessment. Mr. Fang needs to pay this assessment or go to the seller. 1732 MunsTSr Avenue (J0106A} (No one appeared to represent the properry.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 1105 Oxford Street North (J0106A) John Conway, representing owner David Schell, appeazed and stated he does not know what this is about. Mr. Strathman responded this is about improperly stored and accumulated refizse, old oa-�a� LEGISLAI7VE HEARING MINUTES OF APRIL 9, 2002 Page 5 refrigerators, tall grass. An order were mailed on October 23, 2001. It was still not cleaned up by November L The work was done on November 5. Mr. Conway stated his situation is similaz to the previous two couples: the owner purchased the properiy after the assessment occurred. Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. The owner should go to the selier. 1 ll7 Portland Avenue (JOlOSB) (No one appeared to represent the properry.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 811 Strvker Avenue (J0105B) (No one appeared to represent the properiy.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 646 Thomas Avenue (J0103G) (No one appeared to represent the properry.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 1308 Victoria Street North (J0105B) (No one appeared to represent the properiy.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 346 Hone 5treet (J0106A) (A videotape was shown.) Soliving K. Kong, owner, appeared and stated he got a notice from the Citzen Service O�ce about a tire in the back yard. He removed one tire. The next day, he called the City and the fire had been taken care of. The next week, his neighbor threw a mattress and box spring in his alley. He called the City again and said he would like to make a report because the neighbor dumped a box spring in the alley. He was told that nothing could be done because he did not actualiy see anyone throw them in the alley. The person told him to talk to the neighbor and ask him to remove the mattress. Mr. Kong said that he could not do that and did not have the authority. A week later, the mattress had been removed. oa-3q� LEGISLAT'IVE HEARING MINiJTES OF APRIL 9, 2002 Page 6 Gerry Strathman asked about the order. Hazold Robinson responded it reads discarded mamess in alley and north yard. The tire abatement was separate from the mattress abatement. The tires were gone on the recheck. An order was sent to Song Kong and Lee Her at 346 Hope Street. No letters were retumed from the post office. Bob Connor asked was there a question abou# the number of mattresses. Mr. Kong responded he does not think there were seven. Mr. Robinson responded the videotape showed seven mattresses and Parks and Recreation removed seven mamesses. Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. It seems the owner was first notified on November 6, and the City did the cleanup on November 29. 173 Acker Street East (Ja103G) (No one appeared to represent the property.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 492 Andrew Street (J0106A) (A videotape was shown.) Dorrian Kollander, owner, 19827 White Pine Street, Deerwood, Minnesota, appeazed and stated this was a rental property. He was in the process of evicting the tenants and he could not get their stuff out of the properry. He finaily had to give her the papers when she was in jail. It took him 60 days to get her to court and another 30 days to get her out of the house. He tried to cleanup the property several times. He had the police there. She said she would sue him if he removed anything. He told the City he would ciean it up. The truck and trailer were his. The truck on the videotape was currently licensed, but it was towed later. He never received a notice. The notice was posted on the house, but the tenant took it off. Gerry Strathman stated the address for this order is Deerwood, Minnesota. Mr. Kollander responded that he talked to Joei Essling (Code Enforcement) about this and Mr. Essling agreed that it was never mailed to him, but it was mailed to 492 Andrew. Mr. Strathman stated he has a copy of the order. It has his name and address on it. Mr. Robinson responded Code Enforcement never received any returned maiL Mr. KoTlander stated he already spoke to Mr. Essling and it was never mailed to him. The tenant kept the mail. Mr. Kollander owns other properties and cooperates with the City to take care of these matters. This particulaz tenant was very difficult. Two sheriffs had to physically remove them from the house. Roxanna Flink stated they printed their hearing list on Mazch 12, and it still showed Dorian Kollander at 492 Andrew Street. They remailed the notice of ttus heazing to 19827 White Pine Drive. They picked up that address from reuuned mail. Ramsey County records still show up 6a -3 ao LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES OF APRIL 9, 2002 Page 7 the address as 492 Andrew Street. Mr. Kollander responded he called Mr. Essiing and gave him the proper address. Mr. Strathman summarized: he talked to Mr. Essling prior to this work being done and Mr. Essling knew the correct address. Mr. Kollander responded that is conect. Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the April 23, 2002, Legislative Hearing in order to talk to Mr. Essling. Mr. Betz and Mr. Strathman told Mr. Kollander that he should change his address with Ramsey County. 731 Aurora Avenue (J0106A) Pang Doua Fang, owner, 733 Aurora Avenue, appeared again. Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. The work was done by the City on November 5, 2001. This assessment was done before they owned the property. Again, the owner will haue to go to the seller. 834 Beech Street (J0106V) (No one appeared to represent the properiy.) Gerry Strathman recommends reducing the assessment from $632.05 to $293.53 pius the $45.OQ admaristrative fee for a total assessment of $338.53. Mike Marehead (Code Enforcement) felt the assessment shouid be cut in half due to an erroneous properry tasation address on the notification. 10&3 Beech Street (J0106A) Malika Keo, owner, 7597 Sherwood Road, Woodbury, appeared and stated she had a cleanup on her rental property. They were out of town for two weeks. They put things by the trash container and the trash company was suppose to pick it up. Hazold Robinson reported the notification went to Vann Yean and Malika Narin Keo at 1083 Beech Street. No mail has been returned. Aiso, the reriirn address on the green card was 1083 Beech Street. Ms. Keo stated the address was changed. For the property taYes, it was sent conectly to their address. (A videotape was shown.) Mr. Strathman recommends reducing the assessment from $288 to $100 plus the $45 administrative fee for a total assessment of $145. It did not look like much of a cieanup. The owner was notified. oa^ 3`t� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINLTT'ES OF APRIL 9, 2002 711 Blair Avenue (30106A) Page 8 Zack Madison, owner, appeazed and stated he is doing a remodeling on his properly. He had a big pile in the backyazd. Instead of getting a dumpster, he left it out there because a dumpster is charged by the day. He never received a notice. He was at the properiy everyday working on it at the time. He does not know if anything was posted at the property. When the people came to clean it up, he asked them to stop right away and he would take caze of the rest. They said they couldn't do that. He does not think the assessment should be deleted, said Mr. Madison, but he is looking for a little relief. (A videotape was shown.) John Betz stated Ramsey County has the notice as Ra1ph Madison, 711 Blair. The inspector knocked on the door. He did find a telephone number for Ralph Madison, tried to call him, and was not able to reach him. Zack Madison responded that is his dad. Mr. Strathman asked for details on the cost. Mr. Betz responded the Ciry was there for three hours for $675, they leased a mac truck for three hours for $90, 20 yazds of refuse for $360, one appliance for $30. Mr. Madison asked why the City did not stop when he asked them to. Mr. Stratl�man responded they haue orders to proceed. It is the same situation as when a tow truck has a car: they haue already 3ncurred a large amount of the cost by sunply getting there and renting the equipment. Gerry Stratlunau recommends reducing the $1,200 assessment to $1,Q00 pius the $45 administrative fee for a total assessment of $1,045. 1188 Bush Avenue (J0106A) The following appeared: Chao Tao Moua, owner, and Yee Chang, son. (A videotape was partiaily shown.) Mr. Chang stated his dad did not receive the order. He wonders what other notices were sent to the house. He purchased the house on October 25. Harold Robinson reported the orders were mailed on November 13. The owner was Matthew Carlson at 1188 Bush. Nothing has been returned to Code Enforcement. That was the oniy notice sent out. Mr. Chang stated that was the only notice his father received. Mr. Strathxnan asked when Mr. Moua purchased the property. Mr. Chang responded October 25, 2001, but he did not get the notice. During that time, Mr. Carlson said he would take care of everything that was his. He came by almost everyday to do some work. oa -��� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MIIVUTES OF APRIL 9, 2002 Page 9 Mr. Chang asked why the City cannot go to the previous owner. Mr. Strathman responded the assessment is against the property and the City goes to the owner of the property. That is where the City's authority resides and that is the way it has to be done. Gerry Strathxnan recommends reducing the assessment from $288 to $100 plus the $45 admiuistrative fee for a total assessment of $145. It seems the $288 is too much for picking up a desk. The owner can pay it or talk to the seiler. 706 Chazles Avenue (J0106A) (No one appeazed to represent the property.) Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the Apri123, 2002, Legislative Hearing. (Note: At the meefing, Mr. Strathman's decision was approval of the assessment; however, the owner appeared later in the afternoon because she thought the hearing was at 3 30 p.m. Therefore, Mr. Strathman changed his recommendation.) 928 Case Avenue (J0106A) Lee Johnson, owner, 2580 Western Avenue North, Roseville, appeazed and stated he received a notice. There was brush and rubbie in back of their garage. They moved the brush and the rubble to the neigJibors where it belongs. (A videotape was shown.) Gerry Strathman recommends deleting the assessment. It appeazs the rubble was not on his property. 542 Pavne Avenue (J0106A) Lee Johnson, owner, 2580 Western Avenue North, Roseville, appeared again and stated he responded to the abatement orders. He wonders what this is about. (A videotape was shown.) Mr. Johnson stated that is the house, but $438 is too high. From looking at the videotape, the grass was tall and there were plants in and out of the fence. Gerry Strathman stated there is one hour for cleanup and one hour for grass. He asked is it the same crew that does the grass and also picks up the t.v. Mr. Robinson responded he cannot answer this one specifically, but his understanding is that there is a minnnum. Gerry Strathinan recommends reducing the assessment from $438 to $318 plus the $45 administrative fee for a totai assessment of $363. 6a -��� LEGISLATIVE HEARiNCs MINIJTES OF APRIL 9, 2002 838 Cleaz Avenue (J0106A) (No one appeared to represent the properiy.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 286 Coneress Street East (J0106A) Page 10 The following appeazed: Darlene Gannon, Office Manager for REM, and Jen Cadwell, Directar of Program Services at REM, both of 1951 University Avenue. Ms. Cadwell stated she received a notice to cleanup brush, and they had the work done. Then, they got a biil from the City. (A videotape was shown.) Ms. Cadwell stated they will take up this matter with the people who said they did it. REM paid to have it done. Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 57 Dale Street North (J0106A) (No one appeared to represent the properry.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 929 Euclid 5treet (J0106A) (No one appeazed to represent the properry.} Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 838 Fifth Street East (70106A) Sandy Triemert, owner, appeazed and stated there is a problem with peopte driving through her alley and dumping refuse. She pays for the garbage to be removed. (A videotape was shown.) Ms. Triemert stated she received no notice. Mr. Strathman responded it was mailed on August 23, 2001. Mr. 5trathman stated the arder reads box spring, but he did not see one on the videotape. On the reinspection, responded Harold Robinson, the box spring was gone. b� -� i� LEGISLATIVE HEARING NIINiITE5 OF APRIL 9, 2002 Page 11 Ms. Triemert and Mr. Strathman asked is the ailey her properry. Mr. Robivson responded half the alley. Public Works will pick up things that are blocking the alley. Ms. Triemert stated people push the items into the bushes neaz her properiy. (The videotape was shown again.) Gerry Strathman recommends reducing the assessment from $288 to $100 plus the $45 aduiinistrafive fee for a total assessment of $145. The owner was notified, but the chazge does look too high. 767 Fourth Street East (J0106A) (No one appeared to represent the property.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 63 Fxont Avenue (J0106A) The following appeared: Richard and Bonnie Carver, owners. Mrs. Carver stated they never received a notice. They do have signs on the properry with their name and phone number if there are any concems about the property. They would like to know what was done and proof of any notice that was sent. Harold Robinson reported the nofice was mailed on August 8, 2001, to Richard Carver at 1051 Sherburne Avenue and occupant at 63 Front. Nothing was returned from the post office. Mrs. Carver responded 1051 Sherburne is not the cortect address. Steve Magner responded 63 Front is listed with Ramsey County. The inspector found some sort of posting for 1051 Sherburne Avenue. Mr. Strathman asked do they live at 63 Front. Mrs. Carver responded no. Mr. Carver responded their P.O. box is posted at the property. They received the notice for today's hearing at their box. (A videotape was shown.) Mr. Strathman asked who is living at 63 Front. Mrs. Carver responded renters. The cement in the videotape is on the neighbors' properiy. Mr. Strathman asked why the mail did not go to the posted address. Mr. Betz responded they do not routinely look through buildings for a posted address. Mr. Strathman asked why Ramsey County does not haue the correct address. Ms. Flink responded there is a post office box there now. Sometime between August and now the address has been changed. Mrs. Carver responded she is not sure how far behind Ramsey County is in their records, but she should not be penalized for that. They had the address posted, which is according to the law. There ate no piles of garbage there. There is weekly gazbage service. Mr. D3 LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUT`ES OF APRIL 9, 2002 Page 12 Carver stated he has receipts for trailer loads of trash hauled out of there because he was in the middle of cleaniug it up. Mrs. Carver stated they drive by their properties almost every day. Mr. Strathman stated they should haue seen the mess. Mr. Carver responded that is why he was constantly cleanirtg. It is messed up again two days later. Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. The City sent the notice to the address listed with Ramsey County. They went fi�rther and sent it to the Sherburne Address, even though that is not where the Carvers live. It did seem like it was a significant cleanup. If the owners had kept the Ramsey County Property Recards current, they would have received a notice. The City met its responsibility of legal notice. 231 Front Avenue (J0106A) Maria Yuardao, owner, appeared and stated she does not know what happened. (A vadeotape was shown.) Ms. Yuardao stated the tires were not hers. She does not know why people dump on her properry, and it is not fair. Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. The owner is responsible for keeping the yard and a11ey around the properry clear of debris. 370 Fuller Avenue (J0106V) The following appeazed: Terry Luther, owner, 890 Rice Street, and Maria Meyer, 372 Fuller Avenue, the tenant. Mr. Luther stated he would like to know more about the abandoned vehicle. John Betz reported notice was mailed to Terrance Luther at 890 Rice and the occupant at 370 Fuiler to remove a black Ford with eYpired plates by June 8, 2001. A reinspection was conducted on June 8, and the vehicie was impounded on June 13. (Photographs of the vehicle was shown to Mr. Luther.) Ms. Meyer watched the previous tenant and Mr. Luttter move the vehicle off the properiy. Mr. Betz stated the police towed the vehicle. He asked is the owner saying it was not there on June 8. Mr. Luther responded it was there, but he and the vehicle owner moved 'at to the street before the police came. Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the Apri123, 2002, Legislafive Hearing in arder to find out where the vehicie was when the police picked it up. If the vehicle was in the street, he will delete the assessment. If the vehicle was stiil on the property, the assessment will stand. � LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES OF APRIL 9, 2002 597 Geranium Avenue East (J0106A) (No one appeazed to represent the properry.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 528 Harrison Avenue (J0106V) (No one appeared to represent the property.) Gerry StraClunau recommends approval of the assessment. 396 Ho�e 5treet (J0106V) (No one appeared to represent the properry.) Page 13 Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the Apri123, 2002, Legislative Hearing. The owner was here earlier, but had to leave. 80Q Iglehart Avenue (J0106A) (No one appeazed to represent the property.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 844 Jenks Avenue (J0106A} Rosa Siluk, owner, appeazed and stated she and her husband never received notice about the cleanup. Harold Robinson reported a notice was sent on December 3, 2001, to occupant at 844 Jenks and Dennis and Rosa Siluk. It was cleaned up in January. Mrs Silult stated she rented the property. The tenants picked up the trash every week. In November, when the tenant moved out, some items were left. (A videotape was shown.) Gerry Strathman asked when she became the owner. Mrs. Siluk responded October 2000. Harold Robinson reported it was mailed to the listed owner: Dennis and Rosa Siluk at 844 Jenks. Nlrs. Siluk responded she never received the notice. Ca--�`� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES OF APRIL 9, 2002 Page 14 Gerry Strathman recommends reducing the assessment from $28% to $150 plus the $45 administrarive fee for a total assessment of $195. He did not see much that needed to be done at the property. 425 7essamine Avenue East (J0106A) (No one appeared to represent the property.) Gerry Stratlunau recommends approval of the assessment. 59 Lawson Avenue West (JO1Q6A) Jacqueline Malaski, owner, appeared and stated she is not saying the gazage did not need to be fixed. Her quesfion is where the items went. She dad get a notice to clean the garage. She was going through a divorce and her husband was in the workhouse. She only received two notices. He was fixing up some of the items. He was suppose to be here today, but he did not show up. There were a lot of things in the garage: tools, clothes, wood. (A videotape was shown.) Gen7 Strathman stated the answer to her quesrion is that the items went to the lan�ll except for the materials they left behind. The caz was towed to Budget Towing and probably auctioned off as a junk car. Looking at its condition, it probably wasn't worth anything. The workers are instructed to leave behind things that are in good working order or of value. Roxanna Flink asked could he recommend a ten year payback. Gerry Strathman recommends that the assessment be paid over a ten yeaz period. 952 Lawson Avenue East (J0106A) Allen Woods, P.O. Box 65142, appeared and stated he would like to know the nature of the complaint. (A videotape was shown.) Gerry Strathman asked who was notified. Harold Robinson responded Quality Residences at 952 E. Lawson Avenue and Edwazd and Shirley Chadnowski (phonefic) at 952 E. Lawson. The Chadnowski letter was returned to the City by the post office; the other one was not. Mr. Woods stated he leased the property with the oprion to purchase it during this time. Then he subleased it He exercised his option after this assessment, and he is now the owner. He is responsible for the taxes during the period he leased. He never received a norice. Quality Residences' address is in Minnetonka. The properties they own are always mailed to the same address. The tenants that were in there during this period were in eviction. He imagines they � .�,. — 3`t° LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINt3TES OF APRIL 9, 2002 Page 15 retumed it and did not open it. Mr. Woods was never awaze of this action. Mr. Woods owns 50 units in Saint Paul and manages another 50. He has never had this problems before. He handles the gazbage problems hisaself. Hazold Robinson reported Quality Residences lists their address at 952 Lawson at the time of the assessment. There was no other listing at the property nor any phone ca11s. From experience, stated Pvlr. Woods, he knows that when the County gets something to record, they don't obey ffie instructions. If a person gives a mailing address other than the property address, it will sometimes still get recorded with the property address. He also knows they are six months behind in recording it. Mr. Woods asked what is his recourse if Ramsey County is not recording things properly. Mr. Strathman responded he does not know the answer; the owner may put that question to the County Attorney. Mr. Woods stated he can get a copy of the deed with the proper address as recorded. Then, he can demonstrate it was improperiy recorded by Ramsey County. Quality Residences would never ask that their records go to rental property. He requested that this property be laid over. Gerry Strathman recommends laying over this matter to the Apri123, 2002, Legislative Hearing in order for the owner to show a copy of his deed. 106 Litchfield Street (J0146A) Sandra Van Tassell, owner, appeared and stated the only thing she received in the mail was about a vehicle in her backyazd, which she had removed. (A videotape was shown.) Ms. Van Tassell asked when this took place. Mr. Strathman responded October 19, 2001. Mr. Srathman asked who was notified. Mr. Robinson responded Gordon and Sandra Van Tassell at 106 Litchfield Street. The vehicle was removed on reinspection. Mr. Strathman stated the vehicle and the suuun.ary abatement notice were sent the same day. Mr. Robinson stated they were mailed in the sasne envelope. If it came in the same envelope, stated Ms. Van Tasseil, she may not haue looked at the other piece of paper and assumed it was about the car. Gerry Strathman recoxnmends approval of the assessment. 1116 Maryland Avenue East (J0106A) (No one appeared to represent the property.) U�' 3 � ° LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUT`ES OF APRIL 9, 2002 Czerry Strathman recommends laying over to the Apri123, 2002, Legislative Hearing. 1042 Mclean Avenue (J0106A) (No one appeazed to represent the property.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 426 Minnehaha Avenue East (J0106i� (No one appeazed to represent the property.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 134b Minnehaha Avenue West (J0106A) (No one appeazed to represent the property.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 327 Morton Street East (70106A) (No one appeared to represent the properiy.) Gerry Strathman recommends approvai of the assessment. 606 Ohio Street (J0106V) (No one appeazed to represent the property.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 668 Pavne Avenue (J0106A) (No one appeazed to represent the properiy.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 1204 Ross Avenue (J0106A) (No one appeazed to represent the properry.} Page 16 Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 0�-3 LEGISLATIVE HEr1RING MINUTES OF APRIL 9, 2002 1278 Ross Avenue (J0106A) Page 17 Dan Tacheny, owner, 2303 Miunehaha Avenue East, appeazed and stated after he purchased the properiy, he hauled off four fifteen yazd duxnpsters costing over $1,000. (A videotape was shown.) NLr. Strathman stated it is clear most of what is cited on his report was cleaned up before the work crew got there. The only thing that remained was the brush. Mr. Tacheny responded his agent purchased the property for him in December. He got a phone cail that the previous owner disclosed he was in an azgument with the City about property cleanup. His agent contacted the City and was told there were no outstanding abatements. All he can do, said Mr. Tacheny, is come to the City and hope the employees aze diligent enough to find the record. Roxanne Flank stated Code Enforcement sent out a notice for work to be done. At that time, the owner has time to take caze of the problem. If the building has been rechecked and the work has been done, the notice goes away. If on the recheck the items ue still there, then there is a work arder issued. Once the City does the work, they fill out a work order, and then fax over the information to Real Estate. On the outset there is 48 hours when the arder is pending. Prior to that, only Code Enforcement would know about the order. Gerry Strathman recommends deleting the assessment. The assessment may have been in process during the tune, and thera was not much to clean up anyway. 724 Seventh Street East (70106A) (No one appeared to represent the properry.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 1820 Sims Avenue (J0106A) (No one appeared to represent the property.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 907 St. Anthony Avenue (JOl ObA) (No one appeared to represent the properiy.) Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the Apri123, 2002, Legislative Hearing. (Note: At the meeting, Mr. Strathman's decision was approval of the assessment; however, the owner appeazed later in the afternoon because she thought the hearing was at 330 p.m. Therefore, Mr. Strathman changed his recommendation.) 0�-" LEGISLA'I`IVE HEt1RING MINUTES OF APRIL 9, 2002 1884 St. Clair Avenue (J0106t1) (No one appeazed to represent the property.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 429 Sherburne Avenue (J0106A) . ,. . Anton Nguyen, owner, appeared and stated this is a duplex. He has a problem with the neighbors and children Also, he has a problem with people driving by and dumping. He rented a container. When he goes to the properiy, he puts things in there. Everything else, he puts in lus pickup. (A videotape was shown.) Mr. Strathman stated it looks like they picked up rires. John Betz reported the owner was chazged $225 an hour minimum and $10 per tire for $120. Mr. Strathman responded he did not see 12 tires in the videotape. Gerry Strathman recommends reducing the assessment from $390 to $120 pius the $45 administrative fee for a totai assessment of $165. 600 Stryker Avenue (J0106A) (No one appeared to represent the property.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 957 Third Street East (J0106A) (No one appeared to represent the property.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 502 Thomas Avenue (J0106A) (No one appeased to represent the properry.) Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 803 Thomas Avenue (J0106A) Bentley Durband, owner, appeazed and stated he recentiy received an assessment for properiy cleanup. He spoke to someone about it and he was told there were some items to pick up. There � ba-�9� LEGISLATTVE HEARING MINUTES OF APRIL 9, 2002 Page 19 was a refrigerator and a stove in the back of the garage. There were two assessments sent out. He was told one was sent out in November. Mr. Durband does remember receiving an order to pick up refuse behind the gazage. These were items that were not picked up by the trash service. There was also a notice sent in December, which was sent back to Code Enforcement by the post office. If he had received it, he would have placed the objects in a more suitable place. Gerry Strathman asked where the norice was sent. John Betz responded it was sent to 803 Thomas to Benfley Durband to remove appliances. The mail was not retumed from the post office. Mr. Betz went back to reinspect it, it was not taken caze of, and he sent out a suinmary abatement notice. That came back from the post office. The first notice was sent to 603 Thomas by the post office. Code Enforcement did not get any mail returned until after the abatement. One norice was received and one notice was not. Gerry Sirathman recommends deleting the assessment because the owner did not receive proper notification regarding the abatement order. 302 University Avenue West (J0106A) (No one appeazed to represent the property.) Gerry 5trathman recommends approval of the assessment. 885 Wilson Avenue (30106A) (No one appeared to represent the properry.) Harold Robinson reported he is recommending deletion because there was confusion between 881 and 885. Gerry Strathman recommends deleting the assessment due to improper notification. 305 Winifred Street East (J0106A) (No one appeared to represent the property.) Garry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 8R6 York Avenue (J0106A) Audrey McConville, 7540 i 5th Street Lane North, Oakdale, appeared and stated she is the property manager for 896 York Avenue. She did not receive notice from the City because they had the wrong address for the owner, but she received the nofice on Mazch 19 through a family member of the owner. The properiy tas had the corrent and incorrect address. The trash they were talking about in August was trash that the residents left. Ms. McConville stated she was in there cleaning. She ordered a dumpster. The City must have done the work in between C 6�_�9 � LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINLJT'ES OF APRIL 9, 2002 Page 20 dumpsters. Section 8 came out and inspected the properiy, they saw the trash, and she told them that a dumpster was coming that day to pick it up. Ms. McConville stated she has a notice from Section 8 that the refuse was picked up. She has pictures of the trash that was put in the dumpster by her and her son. The new tenant had new beds and mattresses. She called BFI and somehow the City got there before BFI did. She did pay BFI and she is checking on that. Gerry Stratlaman stated she cleaned up the material from this order and the materials the City did pick up was the stuff that came later. Ms. McConville responded that is correct and she never received an order on that. Mr. Strathman asked why the items they cleaned up matches the stuff on the order. Ms. McConville responded the dates do not match. The order from August 22 did not belong to the tenant because she did not move in until September l. Mr. Strathman stated the City went out on August 22 axid saw a table, mattresses, and cardboazd boxes. They went back on September 5 and still saw the same things. When the crew came out on September 10, the table, mattresses, and boxes were still there. Ms. McConville responded she has proof they were cleaned up. Section 8 will not give pernussion for someone to move in without hauing the property cleaned up. (Gerry Strathman looked at the paperwark from Section 8.) Mr. Strathman stated the inspector says there is a large pile of trash in the back yard. Section 8 is saying it is okay according to the paperwork. Mr. Strathxnan recommends deleting the assessment, although the situation is a little skeptical. 964 Woodbrid�e Street (J0105B) Steve Magner stated this was for an emergency boarding after a fire. It has been a vacant building since November 1999. This was possibly arson. The Fire Department put out the fire and then requested an emergency boarding. Yee Fang, owner, 957 Reaney, appeared and stated this happened on October 25. Mr. Strathman stated the insurance company will pay to secure the building after a fire. Mr. Fang responded the insurance will not pay for anything. He talked to his insurance adjuster, and they said they would not pay for anything that the City does around the building. They say they are not responsible. Mr. Strathman responded that is unusual. His experience is the insurance company will pay for the cost of securing the building after a fire. Mr. Magner concurred and stated that is part of the loss. The owner should get an ofticial denialletter from the insurance company. Mr. Strathman stated the City does not make money at this. There is a contractor that does it. The Fire Department deternuned this contractor was needed to protect the building from f�u�ther ��-39� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES OF APRIL 9, 2002 Page 21 damage and for public safety. They sent the City a bill, which the City passed to the owner for payment. Again, he is surprised the insurance company is unwilling to pay this. He cannot reduce the assessment; this is what it costs the City, Mr. Fang stated the $1,000 cost is ridiculous. NIr. Magner responded it is 23 boards for $21.75 per boazd. Mr. Robinson stated he worked in Vacant Buildings for eight yeazs, and this is the first tirue he has heard of an insurance company not paying for a boarding. Gerry Strathman recommends approval of the assessment. 231 Fuller Avenue (J0106A) (Note: the green card was not returned on this one; therefore, the videotape was not available.) Pang Doua Fang, owner, 733 Aurora Avenue, appeared again. John Betz stated this is for a properry cleanup that took place on January 16, 2002. Gerry Strathman stated this has to do with an accumulation of bagged refuse in the backyard. If they want to see the videotape, they can come back in two weeks. Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the Apri123, 2002, Legislative Hearing. 82 Jessamine Avenae East (J0106A) (Note: the green card was not returned on this one; therefore, the videotape was not available.) Pang Doua Fang, owner, 733 Aurora Avenue, appeued again. Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the April 23, 2002, Legislative Hearing. 291 Top�g Street (J0106V) Gerry 5trathman recommends laying over to the April 23, 2002, Legislative Hearing at the request of John Betz who said the owner was unable to atCend today. 935 Universitv Avenue West Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the April 23, 2002, Legislative Hearing at the request of John Betz who said the owner was unable to attend today. ba LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINIJTES OF APRIL 9, 2002 1109 MaQnolia Avenue East (J0106A) Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the May 28, 2002, Legisiative Hearing. 124 Dale Street North (J0106A) Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the Apri123, 2002, Legislative Heariug. 5 Jessamine Avenue East (J0106A) Page 22 Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the Apri123, 2002, Legisiative Hearing, at the owner's request. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 304 Lawson Avenue East. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. Belinda Joy Roubik, attorney for owner, appeared and stated there was an arson investigation and another investigation regarding fraudulent insurance purchased on the property. Her client took over the properCy. When she talked to Mr. Magner, there were already notices sent to the address regarding substance in the yazd. The fire damage was cleaned up. Ms. Roubik stated she boarded up the property well, although Mr. Magner stated someone was trying to enter the property again. They are trying to seek financial arrangement to bring the properiy up to code. Ms. Roubik is requesting an extension on the bond. The rentexs were evicted. They set the house on fire the next day. Steve Magner reported this building has been vacant sance Apri130, 2002. The current owner is John Eggers. Three suuunary abatement notices haue been issued to remove refuse, cut tali grass, remove snow and ice. On January 30, 2002, an 3nspection of the building was conducted, a list of deficiencies which constitute a nuisance condition was developed, and photographs were taken. An order to abate a nuisance building was issued on February 4, 2002, with a compliance date of March 6, 2002. As of this date, the property remains in a condition which comprises a nuisance as defined by the legisiative code. The City had to boazd the building to secure it against trespass. The vacant building fees are due. Real estate taxes are unpaid of $823.22. TaYafion has placed an estimated market value of $7,600 on the land and $32,800 on the building. A code compliance inspection has not been appiied for. A bond has not been posted. The estimated cost to repair is $80,000; esrimated cost to demolish, $9,000 to $10,000. Mr. Strathman stated her intent is to rehabilitate this property. Ms. Roubik responded yes. The floor has not been bumed all the way through so they plan to rehabilitate this properry. Mr. Strathman stated she wiil need to pay the vacant building fee, get a code compliance inspection, and post a$2,000 bond. If they do these things by noon of April 24, he will recommend six months to rehabilitate the property. Mx. Roubik stated they cannot do anything else until the investigation comes to an end. Oa_ LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINTJTES OF APRIL 9, 2002 Page 23 Ms. Roubik asked can she get an ea�tension. Mr. Strathman responded she can attend the City Council meeting on Apri124; they have the authority to do whatever they think is appropriate. Gerry Strathman recommends the owner be given six months to rehabilitate the property on condition that the followiug is done by noon of Apri124, 2002: pay the vacant building fee, get a code compliance inspection, and post a$2,000 bond. If these requirements aze not met, his recommendation will be to remove or repair the properry within 15 days. Mr. Magner reiterated the recommendation. The meeting was adjourned at 1:41 pm. � 25 Mazvland Avenue East (J0106A) After the meeting, Gerry Strathman recommended laying over to the Apri123, 2002, Legislative Hearing, at the owner's request.