262807 CITV CLERK � •)����� F FINANCE ,. � � � t' C♦.. , -DEP.AFyTMENT GITY OF �AINT PAIIL Council M �I �, J.LI E - MiAYOR File NO. 4. ' � = . Ord n�znce Ordinance N 0. l��./J r Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date I of this Ordinance between the Ci�y of Saint Paul and Local 1842 District Council 91 of the Ameri an Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees on file ' n the office of the City Clerk is hereby approved and the autho ized administrative officials of the City are hereby authorized a d directed to execute said agreement on behalf of the City. � Sec ion 2. �. That all the terms and cond 'tions set forth in said "Memorandum of Agreement" shall take force a d effect on the first pay period for the city employees in the y ar of 1974. Sec ion 3 . That any other ordinance rule or regulation in force when said agreement takes effect inconsist nt with any '�rovision of the terms and conditions of said agreemen is hereby repealed. Section 4. That this ordinance shall ake effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approva and publication. COUIVCILMEN ' Yeas Butler Nays Requested by Department of: K�on�oCpatzki � In Favor Levine � Roedler o Against BY Tedesco Mme.President�K ��t Adopted by Council: Date �AN 4 1974 � Form Ap�ved by ity Attorney / Certi e a ed by ci r tary BY By �' Approved or:,..�ate 74 I Approve by A yor ' sio ouncil By BY PUBLISHED JAN 12 1974 i CITV CLERK � �i I F FINANCE . � GITY OF SA�INT PAITL Council ������ CA���_ - DEPA MENT �`3Ll'E - MAYa� File NO. _ � . � • C - � • IG nce Ordinance N0. �`��3� _ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative ord nance approving the terms and conditions of a collective bargaining agreement between the Cit of Saint Paul and Local Union 1842 District Council 91 of the American Federation of St te and County Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO. WHEREAS, the Council pursuant t the provisions of Section 12.09 of the Saint Paul City Charter and t e Public Employees Labor Relations Act of 1971, as amended 1973, recogn ' zes Local 1842 District Council 91 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees as exclusive representative for thos classes of positions within the City of Saint Paul certified by the ureau of Mediation Services and Case No. 74-PR-7-A for the purpose o meeting and negotiating the terms and conditions of employment for all iull time personnel and said classes of positions as set forth in the agreement between the City and the exclusive representatives he einabove referenced, and WHEREAS, the City through desig ated representatives and the exclusive representatives have met i good faith and have negotiated the economic terms and conditions of employment for the calendar year of 1974 for such personnel as are se forth in a "Memorandum of Agreement" between the City and the e clusive representatives; now, therefore, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section . That the "Memorandum of Agreemen " dated as of the effective date COUIVCILMEN Re uested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hun t Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against Y � Roedler Tedesco , Mme.President Butler - For Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary Y I � gy I Approved by Mayor: Date - App�oved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By � , . . �' j :* ��� - - • .�<< . . -- . �r� _ .. -: - _ . MEMORANDUM O�' AGREEM�NT ,����� _.� � � THIS MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT by sad botwe�n the Cit�r of � Ssint Paul and the technicsl pereoanel it represent�d by Local Uaion 1842. Diatrict Council 91� of the Americsn ederstion of State. County. snd Muafcipal Employees� AFL-CIO. The partiee hereto hav�e sgreed thst the followiag silary snd trin�e improvements ehall conatitute the econiomic settlement betwaen th� parties - � for the yesr 19?4: � � i � ;, 1. A salary increase of 5. 5% (E�'ive sad one-half per cent) spplied to all grsdea. , 2. An improvement in the vacs oa achedul� in the following � estegoriea: (s) For those emploxee� �vi h at les�st fiftoen (15) yeare, but lese than tweaty-fi° (25)yesrs' aervice. sdd one day paid vacation to pr�; ent Schedule. (b) For thase err�ployees wi h twenty-five (25) ycars or more of s�rvice, adsl two days paid vacation to prceeat schedula. 3. Modify the sick leav+e cunver ion to vscation policy, to allovv eligibility for convexsioa wh a 180 dayo have been accurne�lsted. ;,_ (Replacee present 200-day r quiremeat. ) 4. Add $500. 00 to severance pa allowance. (Severance allowraace ' will now become $3, 500. 00. ) . 5. Provide psid health ineursac (same as for ictivo omployee� encept for life insursac�) for thoee who retire prior te a�e b'�, � . to be contiaued to age 65. , b. Add one paid flosting holiday.� ; ; ; , _ , ..;1.. .•. .. � ... . . . . . . .L�'. . . . .. . .. . ..._m.e.�:. �a �.�_ �__------ _. - - --.-- - _ _ _—_ _ -- . .� _ --—-- -- __ . -_._ .... �,- • � . . . :� _ � - - + '. � , ,��� _ , i ���y. � . It ia understood that the sbove mprovemente will ba fncorporatmd into s coll�ctive bargaining agreement�between the partiee, snd thst th� non-economic proviaione of euch agre �ment ehall contiaue to be bargainad. IN WITNESS yVHEREOF, the rtiee hereto hsv� sffixed their signstare this first dsy of November, 973. : _ _ ,� _ Citq of St. Paul ocal Uaioa 1842. District Cauacil 91 f the American Federation of Stats, % ounty, and Muaicipal Employ��r. ,- • FL-CYO � I L�--t/C�c �D'�--zJ�_ � � .� / ����� �� � � , � � . _ , . ; , ; _2_, .. �4���. � . _. _ . .. .. I. . .. . . .. . . _ .. . . ._.. . ..._.... .... .. ... . .. . ...�. . . • � . . a. � �n,.- r '�.�. �'x...... 'Ya.:.._. - . � ' - � � � ` The attached �ordinance pr��i.de for the img#��b�tttatioa.o€ the eeonornic � •_ ., . � < . � ., ��ise�es �g�+sed to i� �egotiations with L caI 184�, �iett�fct Goimcil 91. Bargai�ing � ° 'is coatfn�ted with re�ard to aon-eco�o ic issues and when this is completed the r: aigned coatract will �e submitted for C uncil approval. �6'2�n . �l� Approval by the City Council of this ordinance will enable the Citp:to graat e�pl�yeee ia t�ais bargaining uni the negotiated salary increase asd fr�tnge - benefits without waiL�ing unfiil the comp ete contract ia signea. '� ----- ---- ---------------- � � ! �Do not detach t is m��orandum from �.h� ordir,ance so that this information wiii be ! avaitable to the C ty Counc+l. : � ' � , � ���w ��� . � ls'�' �..� � vL 4\ � � ����1 T1 _�� : . -TT � �. 3z.d, , ,. Adapt�,��' \ i ��� , `` ♦' � . . } �..: , . "" Yea� �F� �°����� l�aya �� � `` L�.TI'T�:R KOii�PATZKI c,������ l.rr �''v��i' � � � RO�L�I,�R � � � TIDES�O i 1�;� PFtT:SID;iiT (3ZTi�T) � � i