262806 I �v-` ( WH17E - CITY CLERK COU11C11 ���V��J PINK �.- FINANCE BLUERy - MAVORr_E"T - GITY OF � AINT PAUL File NO. ` � �- � �` � Coun ' esol ' �, Presented By � ` � . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That pursuant to Se tion 231 .02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Sewer Service C arges (as amended by Ordinance No. 14662, approved December 1 , 1970) and upo the reco�nendation of the City Administration, the Council of the City of Saint P ul does hereby establish the amount and basis for Sewer Service Charges to be levied and collected during the year 1974. These rates shall apply to 11 sewer service bills rendered by the City from and after January 1 , ig7 . These rates shall be as follows : 1 . .28 per l0U cu. ft. for he lst 100,000 cu. ft. .27 per 100 cu. ft. for he next 200,000 cu. ft. .25 per 100 cu. ft. for he next 200,000 cu. ft. .23 per 100 cu. ft. for he next 500,000 cu. ft. .205 per 100 cu. ft. for all over 1 ,000,000 cu. ft. 2. The minimum charges for roperties served by sewers during the year 1974 shall be based upon water meter sizes and in the amounts as follows: Wa . � � Meter Size Charge � ` Meter and smaller $ 3.60 per quarter �' :� eter $ 6.30 per quarter 1�" Meter $ 2.80 per month 1�" M�ter $ 4.40 per month 2" Meter $ 10.00 per month 3" Meter $ 21 .00 per month 4" Meter $ 52.00 per month 5" Meter $ 75.00 per month 6" Meter $ 100.00 per month 8" Meter $ 172:00 per month 10" Meter $ 246.00 per month 12" Meter $ 340.00 per month All ovsr 12" Meter $ 500.00 per month and be it: COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith g . Sprafka Roed i er Against I 3' Tedesco Mme.President Butler I� Form pproved i ey Adopted by Council: Date i i .. Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By I� Approved by Ma�or: Date Approv by r io oun �I By BY - i � � . WH17E — CITY CLERK PINK �= FINANCE � GITY OF AINT PALTL Council 2�'���� L�ANARY — DEPARTMENT BLUE — MAYOR- File NO. � � t � -a-�' Council Resolution _. �:. Presented By . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �� a FINALLY RESOLVED, That for th se properties served by a water meter of one-inch or less, the Sewer Ser ice Rate Charge for the first quarterly statement rendered by the City for 1974 shall be the rate to be charged the same property for the remainin quarters of the year 197�+. I COU(VCILMEI�1 I Requested by Department of: Yeas p„��er Nays K�on�opatzki � In Favor , Levine J ._ Meredith Against I BY gprafka Roed 1 e r Tedesco Mme.President HiDt'!�f Ht3Yit O[C � a 1973 t Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date , Cert' e sed by Co ci etary BY By Appro by M . Date � I Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By , BY pueus�tEO DE� 2 9 � ' 1972. .... .. .. rivuoc .,. ��......,..r ... _ .19�2�,� hestos Twofores. Each fit- uary 11, 29i3 to considcr thc advisabii- ted �vith one 20 amp_ male ity and aecessity of ordering the and twa 20 amp. _emale t�rrect�on ur w�reckinS and removal of - - connectors. {3 pin - pin �sa,d structures on the avove described --By Rober4,F. � Connectors") .............. 8.75���.�pe;ry �asmuch as said strectures total amount of contract ..$11� 1.�6'`;,re reported to cor.;:itc[e a nazard to �sion be and is Terms: *iet-30 Days i oublic hcalth, sazety an�l tir'eliare; be it Diurt2n est�cn ag g =esult of Formal B:d Number "2B4� Further Resoi-�ed. That .h_ Division �-, y to ma' P>ncc- �d the specificatlons incornor 2ed��f Housing ana Building Coae E:nforce- ,,0� �d to pi.�ce and {�erein. Century Straad Ir.c. being the �ilent, or_ �enalf of the C�ty Cauncil, �S„� �ied cabie e o.15 � lowest responsible bidder under 'the I notiYy by mail the record owners of the �� t Water Street specificafions and t::e Corpor tion�p;�percy m 4ues[ion a* the last known � Counsel is hereby direcced to drait the!addcess. as wail as och�_r interes!ed rest of the��:est proper form of contracc and o' tain i peraons of record, oi the date and 'ume >ha Stree[, tivest the necessary performance and ay-;oi ;�;_ k:earing. (Ne�v� h :o encer tne ment bonds. The proaer c.iFy oPFi ials; �dopiefl by the Council December 26, �uilding.CaUie ate hereby auihorized to execute �aid;lg�� �t north oi the contract on behaif oi Yhe City oi Slaint A roved December �7, 1972. E Water Street, paul. pp Adopted by the Council Decembef 26,I (Decemher 30, 1972) iny to pay cost 197Z' I iereto. ApDroved December 27. 1972. il December 26. (December 30. 1972) Council File No.260385-By Leonard W . 7. 1972. Z¢vine- 19i2) Council File No.260379-By Leunazd W. Resolved, That the proposed lease -_ �Y�� ,agreement by and beriveen the County of Ramsey, therein reierred to as 3 - BY Dean Resolved, That the Councii hepeby�•'Coun:Y", and the City of Saint Paul. - rati&es and approves the action oi thetactir� by and througtt its Board oi Council here- Sa1nt Paul Board of Aopeais and Re-��Vater Commissionecs. and by and y view for ihe Iious:ng, Euildin� and I through?ts City Council, leasing a por- �n of the Pur- p`�e Pre�ention Codes Aertaininp� to j tion oi the Board's oroperty located in :he award o� a the iollowing listed property and as i the vicinity af Snelling and Ford , ° ar.d deliver:ng shown by the official minutes oi said I Parktvay for the purpose of constzuct- IGHTII�G iIt- Board of Appeals, dated .iovembe�} 22.I,ng an arhricial ice arena, approved as c �RIES for the 19?2, a copy of whicn. ma.^iced "EY-�to form by the City A2torney, be and ,h Sireet, Saint gIgIT A" is aitached hereto and�ade I the sz.me �s hereby ia atli things ap- a part hereof by reie:ence: 'proved, and the pr�per City otFicers a�C, Case 1Vo. 85-i2-P: Property. 4191are hereby authorized to execute said Charles: Appellant, Harvey i�lanke by�a�reement on behalf oi said Board oi �-527g_ Elmer Olson. i�Vater Commissioners, and the execu- i:�tirs �cP T;p. RA-72-B; Prooerty, 1355�az-Itinn thereof by said officers is hereby ; (Aed- �y Street; Appeliant, IJOna:d FaizOne;�ratified. color Case No. 89-72-$: Property, 1691 Ka-� adopted by the Council December 27. e came sate• Appeliant, lIalan Construction I 1972. lell in- Co.by Bob Copeland. ! Approved December 27,19:2. � R`�7 S 11$•�13 Adopted by the Council Decembei 26,i : �72 (December 30, 19i2) watt Approved December 27.1972. 119.33 (December 30, 1972) i `+ .�1.�'T 1.�.� . . i0 watt ,....... 122.36 Council File No.260368-By Ruby E�unt- P/I1100 Resolved.That pursnant to Sect�on 231.02 of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code 5�$� pertaining to Se�ver Service Cha�{ges fas amended by Oi•dinance TQo. 14662, •'�3�; approved December 1, 19i0) and u_on the recommendation of the City Admin- 3 watt istration, the Councii of the City of Saia; ?aui does hereby establish the �� amount an,.�d ybasis for Sewer Servi� Chargzs io be lecied and coliected during " i the ear 29�,3 These rates shall ap y to ali sewe: serv.ce bills rendered by the de4cnn Y �s!c�ib Citq trom and after January 1, � � Thcse rates shall be as Sollows: ���;,,, ' ���_$(�ppper 100 cu. it.Sor ihe ls IOOAUO cu.ft. • lg7^ .{ zy+�9Fper 1C0 cu.ft. for the n xt 200,000 cu.ft. pppr �-A.23 ger 100 cu. ft.for the n �t 1uU,000 cu.ft. ` .�.3�-021 per 100 cu.it.ior the n x:S��i�A00 cu.It. x:. u J . 0.19 per 300 cu. it.for all ov.r i3Ou0,GW cu.r.t. 2) The minimum charges for operties served by sewers during the year r � ' 1973 shall be based upon wac r meter sizes and in the ar:zounts as follows: ;; : � Water Meter Size I Charge ` ?4" bleter and smaller ......:.............. S 3.60 per quarter Coun�� r. 1" hleter . ................................ $ 6.30 per quarter I�. 1 . ': 1?�" Meter ................. ............. g 2.80 per month ben°�' llz" Meter ................. ............. $ 4.40 per month � j 2" Meter .................... .............. S 10A0 per month struct `a _ 3" Meter .................... .............. $ 21.00 per month dcnt�� - 4' Meter .................... .............. S 52.00 per monih • Dis.rr: � 5"Meter .................... .............. S i5.00 per month = 6" Meter .................... .............. S100.00 per month P. � ' ! 8"'hieter .. S1S?.OU per month ' - 10" Meter ................... ............. S_°46.00 per month and�' � 12"Meter . . .. ........ ............. 5340.00 per morah from All Over 12"bleter . $500.00 per montn �. � and be it . irom 3 Finally Resolved, That for th se pi•opertiAs served by a water meter oP F•� � one-inch or less. the Sewer S rvice Rate CharGc for the first quarterly statement sidc � � rendered by the City for�shall e the r te to be charged the same property F•� foi the remaining quarters o� the }• ar 197� frOAt Adopted bp the Council Dece er 22, 1972. soutl� Approved Deeember 29. 19'72 Stg� (Dec�mber 30,15i2) fr�:�'' - - -- k.' - irom F•! HESOLUTIO�i RATIFYING and work incidental thereto: Contract fT�m: ASSESS�IENT 71-3i-0826, Lecy No. 3, District No. 3, g.� ' Assessable: frp,�j y Council File No. 260382- F. O. 25338�-AUantic St.. both sides fran i iirorri Beech St. to 1linnehaha Ave, gt.. In the matter of the assessmer. oi' �''. n. �'����3-L.Fourth St.,nortn side benefits, cost and expenses for gra.in�;froi:z Gctzi;n S:. to Atlantic St. and surfacing v•ith bit�.iminous mat•r«<i =• n� 2`'��'=-E. Fifth St., south side F the alle in Block i, Como Pros>ec;,zrom Go?z.an SL to Atlantic SL. sid�' 3' F. O. °�::3:i1-Go'ziau St., northeast p�• ` Addition from Oook A�•enue ta Jr::s� : •_ �,i.. �'_ ,i �c. io :. Foa�th ^Y, g•r' mine Av�nue, uilder Prcliminary U u r' 17'"d on the sot._t�west sidc: of CoY�ian 231216, approved December �2, 4'�06,,`.' fr��} Intermediary Urde: "''166�, appr ve�d'�t. iiom the Sc�uth property iine of August IS, ?967, Fir.al Ui•der 2�54G:f,�a�>-�l.ot 51: Elk. `�1, A. Gotzian's Rearrange- F rovEd October 24, 19G7. �,'�°nt o r. rcurin Sl. i'`''� P ' F. p. 2531in'--Con`�vay St., north stde p ' A puUlic hearin� having been h �S�i`om irl St tn 1 ell Sf.. and on lhe U�,.' �oui n 1 oi C<m �y St. from E�:arl Sx. ��„�� �� � upon the asse�sm�»t tcr the �mr�� io th� � ���t il � of Telt St extended. improvemeni, ari: i�i as es�tt:en �,, �, �qi_p'rar.k St., cast side (`�^ _, hlviuR b��e�t iu :ncr i� �isufeicd hv '. � i.c.r.i ,� c c.i .t. tu B •ch St. !n, � Counul. t�n�� ha��inr b,•en con=u'er-± >' � ...� .lar,;aict �t.. so�ith side � t � fin^lly sati;factor�, be it theceiuta frcm H ree�e tiL to iarl St. l��' ' Resol:e�, TY,at ihe saicl assess�t,r_nt' y. U_ �>5-t;1�--'r'�rest :i!.. both SideS �1` t he ac;d the saine is ilereby ia all rc°;iror� "�lintieh-ina A�e. �o Beech St. �"" � spects rati(ied, r.�d the sa�n� is hriei�Y! onieted to h:a =u�mitied ta Lhe Di�Crict; Aion-Assessa�s'• � - . < . . . r,,.,.-� ..c �es,o�f•.,� ..... n4 Starc�.4e��� i.i�i .� �. ,.......�... .,._._, e.. �.'_',. _u__ � - � . _ . . ��� .y . . � �(�2 ' � , CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' OFFICE OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR December 18, 1973 ! FRANK D. MARZITELLI � � TO: Mayor Lawrence D. Cohen FR: Frank D. Marzitelli /• , RE: 1974 Sewer Service Charg s � I have reviewed the above ref�renced Resolution and am in agreement with same. Your � approval and submission to the City Council for action i$ recommended. This resolution should appear on tl�e Thursday, December 20, agenda. FDM/ca Attach. �( ; I ��� ' f„ i�� ;� ' City Ha�il, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�02