262632 WHI�. � CITY CLERK ��(� cA;,,�Y`ao�$AN�CE'�NT GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council 2sh ��+ BLUE -`MAYC`� File NO. � ��` Council R�solution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, An ordinance has been submitted to the Council under Council File 262269 whereby there would be a Health and Welfare Insurance Advisory Committee established; and WHEREAS, This proposed ordinancle was approved by the City Council on November 7, 1973; and ; WHEREAS, The above described oridinance allows for eleven (11) members to be appointed to the Healt� and Welfare Insurance Committee; and � WHEREAS, The Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to the provisions of the City Charter has nominated the following persons to the proposed Health and Welfare Caommittee: Roger Mattson Richard Wheeler Richard Schroeder '� � Clemens J. Schlecl� William Q. Patton Lillian M. Pranke , Lyle J. Larkin , Ronald Jones Bernice Rhodes I Frances Boyden � Elizabeth Atchison now, therefore, be it COUIVCILMEN i Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form ApprQved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � � � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY�� By Approved by Maxor: Date Appro a ubcnlis�ion to Council , 1 By By yy�.{�Y't CITY CLERK r PINK � " FINqNCE ;� i GITY OF �AINT PAjIL F le ci1N0. ���+'��� CANA�2Y -\DE.PAR'�MEN BLUE — '��o6R � � Council �Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul consents to and approves that the following persons be appointed to the proposed Health and Welfare Insur�nce Committee for the terms as indicated below. To serve for a one year term; Roger Mattson Richard Wheeler , Richard Schroeder Clemens J. Schleck To serve for a two year term: William Q. Patton Lillian M. Pranke �s- Lyle J. Larkin ' Ronald Jones I To serve for a three year term: Bernice Rhodes 'I ��dees Ho�den �, Elizabeth Atchison � COUNCILMEN Yeas Bt�'C1tT Nays Requested by Department of: K�opatzki � In Favor Levine Meredith a Against BY �t Roedler Tedesco Mme.President �'1mL H1iII$ Adopted by Council: � Date N OV 2 7 1973 Form A�ed by City Attorney Certif' ed by C 1 ary BY By Approv by a , r: Date - Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . By � BY wust�sM�Q DEC O 1 1973 GITY OF SAINT PAITL - OFFIG� OF TE3E MAYOI� e�eaas •a��aieao �nr `i'<`� ����`��� r LAWRENCE D. COHE:V .�AYOH November 2 0 , 19 7 3 Council nresident Rut�v Hunt and Honorable Members of -�he Citv Council. near presid.ent F-iunt ar.d Council "�embers : pur�uant to C�t�� Council Resolution #262269 , I have an�ointed the fc�l,lo�a.i_n? citv emnlo��ees to serve on the Health and LJelfare InsurancP A�visorv Committee : Roae.r. Matts�n Rud�et '�i�e�tor Richard Tti�heel.er '?ublic `r�lorks Richard Schroeder Ci��.� Aclri. Office Clemens �?. Schleck Finance �a�illiam Q . patton Grant-In-Aid Lill�.an "T. pranke '�Tavor' s Office Lvle J. Larki.r. School '�istr�_ct Ranald Jones Huma.n Ri;hts Bernice Rhodes Ci�vil SPrvice Frances Boyden Le�islative Aide Elizabeth .Atchison parks I feel that these annointees renresen-t a broaci s�ectrum of citv emnlav�e interests , as �aell. as a considerable financial exnertise. I urge vour irunediate confirmata.on. It is �..mnortant that tk�e Advisary Comma_tt'ee beg�n functionin� i.n the verv near future. -- 'ncerely, _. LA��]< .ENC�' n. COHERt Mavor I�DC/l.m .�-��,.'2 . - �.- ��,'�� ��.�'1.�+�_;� . :...� .oo...b�..e s e�s� _ s . C~ITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICF. OF THE CITY COIINCIL CITY HALL AND OOIIRT HOUSE VIGTOR J. TEDESCO SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55102 , MICHAEL H. SIRIAN Councilman pHpNF e�a � �g���298-5506 Legislative Aide November 9, 1973 Madam President Hunt and the Honorable City Council City of St. Paul Dear Ma.dam President Aunt and the Honorable City Council: The Council Management and Personnel Committee at its November 8, 1973 meeting adopted a motion approving the "selection of names for the Health and Welfare Advisory Committee as set forth in the accompanying resolution. Yours truly, -✓,�,�- • �� � Victor J. Tedesco Chairman Council Management & Personnel Committee Enc.