262631 WH17E -LITY CLERK �` COl1AC11 (�
� CAfyARY-UyPARTMEjfiT ���
BLUE -M,�YOR File NO.� � 9
� Coun 'l � ,
Presented By Leonard W. Levine
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED� that upon and pursuant to the pertinent application�
under the Zoning Code , by Juel Fairbanks After-care Residence ,
owner of the subject real estate , situate in the Gity of Saint
Paul and described as follows :
South 85 Feet of Lot Three (3) , Block Thirteen (13) ,
College place East Divisi4n to the Gity of Saint Paul ;
that Juel Fairbanks After-care � Residence be and hereby is granted
a special use permit to use fo� a group home-rooming house the
building located on the properlty described herein, which is in
a '�C" Residence district on the east side of North Albert
Street between Hewitt and Engl�ewood, subject to the condition
that said applicant-permittee , and its successors and assigns,
shall make due compliance with all applicable provisions of
municipal ordin.ances , state statutes and rules and regulation.s
of public authorities having cognizance .
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
�� Butler
Konopatzki �._ In Favor
Meredith � Against BY
S�� Roedler
Tedesco "
Mme.President�� $Urit
Adopted by Council: Date
N OV 2 7 1973 Form Appro d by ty Attomey
Certifi P ed by CG� y By � •
Appro by Ma r: Dat 8 19 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
pUSUSHED UEC 01 197�
, � ' � � ' .
. d-n rt:�-.. ,_,e'`i-
� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL '��'���-�
� �
R� ��
Harry E. Manhall o ;;���;;;;;;� � Albe�fi B. Olson
City Clerk and ad �"ti�"1' i Council Recorder
Council Secretary �� ~ ho
�86 City Hall St.Paacl,Minneaota 55102
November 1, 1973
Mr. R. S t Davies
City At rney
Room 7, City Hall
St. aul, Minnesota
Deax Sir:
The Couricil requests that you prepare a resolution granting the
application of Juel Fairbanks Af"ter-Care Residence for a group
home--rooming house on the east side of No. Albert St. between
Iiewitt and Englewood.
Yours very truly, �;
`---- V��
City lerk (�
�vov � ts7�
« , � . • • ��ur;�t..�b:�'�
October 29, 1973
Mr. Harry E. Marshall
City Clerk
Room 386 City Hall
Dear Sir:
This is written in response to the application of Juel Fairbanks After-Care
Residence for a permit for a group horne--rooming house on property located
` on the east side of North Albert between Hewitt and Englewood. This
property is further described as the South 85 feet of Lot 3, Block 13, College
Place East Division.
This matter was heard at the meeting of the Board of Zoning on October 4,
1973. The staff report indicated that the site is part of a larger area of
land which at one time was intended to be used as the site for a high-rise
housing project for the elderly. The group home would be a 24-hour-a-day
facility for 16 Indian persons, staffe�d by professional counselors at all
times. The 16 residents would be individuals with alcohol-related problems
who �aould be living in the group home during their rehabilitation. The site,
which is 18,215 sq. ft. in area, meets the minimum size requirements under
the proposed zoning ordinance.
Discussion by the Board concerned the tnakeup of the group of residents, the
nature and facility of supervision by staff inembers, the amount of traffic which
would be generated by the facility, and the possible detriment to the neighbor-
hood from the group home. The applica�it and others speaking in favor of the
proposal assured the Board that the grpup home would be adequately supervised,
that there would be a minimum of traff{�c generated by the facility, and that
there have been no complaints regardin� residents of this type of group home
by neighbors who live near these sorts of facilities in other neighborhoods.
Several neighbors spoke in opposition to the permit citing the lack of
recreation facilities at the site and lthe undesirability of the contact of the
neighborhood children and the home's r@sidents.
The Board, after discussing the desirability of placing such homes in neighbor-
hood settings and noting the home would be we11 run and regimented, heard a
motion to recommend approval of the permit. The motion was seconded and
passed unanimously.
,c� /P/Y� /�'1,��
D,AVID RON MADDOX �h*a 421 Wabasha, Sai�t� aul, Minnesota 55102
Secretary, Board of Zoning j � �
1�1 �,
Dxr�:ncw:�b ' (612) 298-4151
Zoning File 7540 .�.�....,__ '� ''�
� , �����
ON THURSDAY, QL'.TOBER 4, I973, .�T 2;d0 P..M�
PRESEi�ITT: Mme� Naxtou; Messrs, t�1i22its, Maddox anr Rupp of the Bc�ard;
�~ A4r� Berg, Assist�nt Gity Attorney; Mr� �,ric�son, Assistflnt City
Archirect; ��r, ityan, Mr� W•_'-1helm and �i�-5„ Barri�ul.t �f tne
l?lar.anf.r��; T?ep�rtr�eni- St�ffo
,TUEi, F'taiRBAfl3KS A�"TER--C�112a; RESITJENCE (�543�: AYl applica�ion fo?~ a p�r�it: fnr a
�L'OlE�S FT�Erit? �- Ko�mzng fiouse an px-op�rty loc�*ed on t:tae east side of Pdc���:ti �?iberr
�etla�er �iewit� ��nd LT1�I.P_G,00d,
t�r, f�fan s�id �his F�as �ari_ of the Missi.ona�-y All.iance �dmpus�. `:Che schoal. has
since n.ov�d ot�t of ii�e �;�:ea,. The campus some yp�sx's ag� wa� rezonee� ta "C�'
ttesidence and dc:rsi�y v��7•3ance.a and a pa�t�xny l.ot permit were �x�an��eJ for a high
rise f�:;� che elc3erl.�f c,�hich the Mi.ssiot��ry r�l.iiancP ����s ;:o build on �n� Sir.��.
'�hEy di.c� no� ga t`i��ugh �4ii.ti the buil.din��, Since �!�en the Hau:,iibg Ac��_hcarir,� has
b�agh� a-'F Pr��_t ;,f t4�� sit� a�id rece;ued �oda� p��k.e.ng l.at p��:inz�s _.�nc: ••a,-�ances
foz a �iigh �ise *o;. �he elc�erly, '�he Iaeid iri. c�ufistion tr,day is Ieft ove. frcaw the
origii�t�l�y nxoposed h�z£;h �:�i,e praject:, The ezse fa� kl�ich ti� pe�o:i� is .�ein� sought
p.s for a ha l fway E�.�+ase €or t'nci ians� £he peo�ple wh�a cc�n�� to Lhe house w#_t l be
released frc�cn c#e-t�x3_fic.�tir�n ��ertter�� �here is �3�OOi3SQ� to be at �r�ast �.E
resider.�ts i� tiie ��ais.di_�g . The�e wi3.1 alsu be a s'�aff..:. He safd 'r_hn pr.�pvsed
zoni.�.g r�rdznat2ce h�s � �rovi_siot� fhat woul.d F1�.ativ ha�fway ho�ises in :�1l. resiuenti�t
d�.s+�ric:r_� p�o��idec ehere :t.s rr±nzxgfi lcyl� a�rer3, thP zoning on tt�is �s�r.ce� is '�C'�
I�esidetttial.� Th�= corn��r.-�b�e roning �.n tfne proF,osn_d csr.dic�anr_� i�; RM-'�� In RM•-�
?f y�u wish to l�ave a haiF.fway n�use you wo�e�d rx�ec� ��?�t3 sc{c:��re £��et ���xs G(i0
aquatce f-ee� .fcsr ev:��y� ge�:;or_ �,ver the fi�st !-w�:. Th i.s co�tes o��: t� �,P i.3, 4(��
squ:are f�et n,�edeu f.o�: lb p���s�F�• , The 1.ot :�:�ze i��re is L8;'Z75 sc� : ft.: Thc� �roposa5.
in ��:esL-icar; mc.eEs �(re st�:radara.: Anatiier �XOVi�iQn c.� the �Y�apose� c:�L� i:: �h�:�t
thea:e �e one sp�,Le i��e::� �actz Lc.:;� peo�3e�
rir� Edwar.d "w�al'ro'or��;c�:tse, 3S� C�Yf�SLP.Ll�q said he is p.�x:f: �herokec� in�za^, and �; fu�ner
a�.c�t�a�.4_c�, He i�a?_d Ei� n�s�� ,�a�n� I'airb�n�s at A�� me�tings at the YM�;� and �:��e�:��_c�n
tnr;i.arc C;en.ter� Hn �rtd c�:�:�rs caere i.rii�ele5[?d :tA es�ab�.Lshing tF:i�s ctaf.iway fecsuse.,
M�-, �'a�.ri�<�a,3.l:s i�as :;i�ECe di.��r, an� LEaey taamed th:x c�r�anizalion a£te:k ��im Iie said
tha== a xa�„��� ;���c;��r.ta�;e �z :ir,c1=at-�s 1za�re c�rin�cing �cc�btc�ms�, It►ei.�: ot?4�cs:tx�✓e is to
net.3 ;~nt�ai:,#.l.it:aZe t.h��s ,�r:�.� `te�.n �hc�ca Lc* �« jol�s az�d a tsa.gtt�.; e�ucr�c:i.�t�„ �'+iey
�+TBili� (=�':i..S 1CZ c'� 't��;i1_C�,i�'C1.1:�i1�. ?`�QIOSi31i��E'. ��J Cl���? i'�1.5(G t.�i?�..."' �t2�7ITl� us:F?S'al.j<i�"�9� �f��T
tlie;' ��-� d�.scrs.�,�;ed fs�in Lhc� ;.�o;z7.e. t:hey wvuld �}e �QLR1Tl� �?c'iC�C EiTe 8f? uuz-p�aLtenl
has,.,s i� th��y a;e Ys.�%��; �:a sc��oa3. thFa}• ca�� ae,���.ir_ an �he f�c��i�y �s :r,ng �s
tl�a�✓ rieF�� fte�j�< Th�� :;��{�t ��ri3.t t�� r�ade t:p cs�= c��a�i.[a..c�d ccsunse�oxs---wl��ch wilt. �e
indians: '��Se staxti txas �o.z� es ��ie �Jttr��ersity u�f EJtat2 And have �e�en e�>��.;.i:�e<� .
thrn�s�h t;�e s�.ta�Q2 s�ts b<: coi�nselors a� �i�� hai?=T���y tio��s�: T'rfere »�ri.:�.�. sis� hE
��aine�s t4 he�p �,�e s�t�i:£:. �:l�ere wi.l3. be a u�aa�.z€i�d coA'tc anr3 .� sec:eta�y who cai3l
��1sc� �� Ind�.��?s� The ;_ac�lity wi:.?. be supert�±.secl by the Bo�x� of 7i_�-eceo�rs caf �he
Jt:et F���rb�i��s ReC•"t`�.'..'YZC�, Cf`LC.: TY'!CL°? c_�i.11 be ��`�.-tz�u� gupe�'v�sic.��s� "3'Fie resid�xYts
t,;il:� b� s�lec•red from r_�eat�:_en� c�n*_zrs �nd ii �:�ey cc�ze ho�u �nel�riated Lt-i�y wi�.i
zn�mediately be p�.aceei bar�c in ttre hreatment cen'r_ex�:� They have a Ul.ace �:4 gut a
�arlc.in� �.nt- heh�.nd �ne bui's c1=.ng,; �egard�n� tl�e out npa%ient�: they wr��a�d prob�ab7 Y
be ha�d��tzg about � �,ecs��F pc�r *aeek; so tti�r� wcxu�dn't be a 3at of �,���fic,
�1r, Ru�sp ask.ed i.f �t�.2z�� was �����:her f�4i.lity lit,.e [F►is in exiat•ence,.
JUEIL FAIRBANKS - �age 2 - Zoning File 7540
Mr� LaFramboise said there were none in St�o Pa�alo
�ir� Rupp asked if they wou2dn't try to squeeze more than I6 in there just because
of the need�
?�fr� LaFrombo�se said they wouAd stick to the 160
Mrso Nvsl:an asked i� they wouLd screen the appZicatttse
Mr�. I,AFrombo�se said tha� wauZd be hard to da, it would be harci to tell wha wauld
anc3 wauldn`i: b�nefit �rob� th�.s�
tyirs., Nbr�on as�ce� has� ae�ch supervisioa �he�'e wouYd be at ni�h��
Mra i,t��°ro�nboise said there would be ane person there at nighCa and durzng ehe day
there wo�ld be the �1��'ec�or, rwo cour.sel.orsa two traineesA the cook and sec�etaryo
Mrso Nor�on asked a.f they nnticipate that mast af the patipn�s wz1Z be worlcing
at the time th�y sta;� �aiti� �hem�
Mr� I,�Frncsbbafse 5ai�a they hoped ta hav� same oaf them that wQUL� b� self-suppor[ing�
2he Weifaze DegartmecaL wc�uld help wit{z the ones tha� weren't worle:tng�
Mr< Berg dsked a�� �hey would he getting �eople fraw places other th�n tre�tme�at
ho«ses anci was tolc3 they woce�.dn't,
M�a I:a�'aombaise saxd he hac3 two Zetters from other neighboxi�c�o�1s tha� i�ave
ha1£way houses which state �hey are nat detrimen.tal to the nei�hbor�oad�
Mrso No.rton ask.e� «hat �,:as xeGuired in hsif-saay houses in regard �c� s�aff s�a�exvision,
�Ir�, ityat� said it wc�ulc� b� iutpo�si�le to give ar�y aver�gea There a�e so rzany
c3ifferer:�. p�egzam� t��at it wa�Id be hard ro ,judge�
��� ��FP �s��� �-� � ���'��-�� ��aces fs going to b� enough with Lhe 15 ?"tqo�eise the
sta£f at�cl the p�ap�.e �c�tssx�ning tr� the facilic:y„
P�2r� ua2�•r�mboi.3e said r.:•�e �eop�E ir! the halfway f�ouse won't �ave cats� �.he parkin�
wau3.d be trdostly �'c�� �t�e visito�s ard the s�aff�
ti1r,. Dic� P�pp�nfza�., Cau�dana��o-r :�or �?co�oZ �nd Drug prog�r�css Gt th� St�� Pau�-
Ra�sey Mea��a�. Iiea��ca C�ncea=,; s�id �ar� of his responsi�ility i:s �o :staff an $U-member
ci�:�zen congni�tee r�� 3.t ���.a�es to alcoho3 and d�ug ahuse<, He sa�id Nix, L:a�`tamboxse
cac�e to �he� aboc�t a ye4d ago s�r.d askts3 for �heir �ssistauceo Tt�ey feF� e'�ic woul.d
be one of it� tap gxiGrities tio he�p �he Araerican �nd�.an, �o plan at'ci implem��t
�his pdogr.ata, He sai.d fundfr��g would be a �oiat�: venture between St� z's<<3.-Ran�,ey
Mental HeaYth �entex, tt�e 5tate Gou�mission on �lcohr�l Pro�?�ms and l��msey Co�n�:SYo
�Ir� BexcYa�d TZo�je. as ��esiden� o� the St� Pau�. Caunci�.� sa:i.d �1e has been .��a�king
diligecatly 47l.L11 Lhes� �a�r�p'te �nd p�;rticulaxly r.��tf� the Ii�dxar�s� I�e s�Ld ��e;.e is
a halfaaay ho�.se vn or3C� S�P�ra�t Avenue which has been Chere abaut �S years, a�ad h�
didn't �ti�ink. tt�ey !aad a co��3.ai_nt ai�nut any of those p�opleo
�irs o Daubney Cn�istiansc�z'is Director af �:he Renviil.e Halfway Hoc.ase £r�r Flomen and
the Team Iiouse f.a�- E4er_.. ;��a she operates t���cr heI€way houses �nd nevar izad any
groblerQS with Lhe -�eigh�Qx•��, �ne izas 31 women �rnd the other has 3Z me�.o She said
.7Ut��; �'<�it�3tiiW1�� - Ej��;� 3 - �c�xting �`ile 7540
ahe knowa tbe men selectea far this particular halfway house and said they are
better qualified than most conr_selors anc3 have had 2 to 3 ye�rs af training ss
Mro Frank Za7.esky stated he had reviewed the budget fnr Chis aad it campares
�avorably with other na�.fway houseso The State wiil heip fund t�ais pro�ramo They
will put in 12'�'29`0 of the funding pl+sa a special graiit of $11,6?_5 for fixfng up tEie
facil.ity so it will seet atandardso Theix budget is $100,004� Federa3. participa-
tian ;mder soc�al sexvice amendmen.ts w�ll p3ck up aZmos� 7590 of che bucigeto T�.e
balauce �vi11 ne picked ug by �he S�:ate and �he County Mental Health Center, Zf
the project star�s sl.ipp�ng, thPy wiLl sL-op �unding.
Helen '.�a:�,ska, 797 No?-�h r�lbert; saa.d she had � handfu� vf petitfon.s against s,hiso
She said there are n.o ;.ecreatiunal facilfties a� 806 North Albert fc�-r thes� people<
Janet Nie?ser., 799 Noreh Han�J_�.ne, said she is agains�: the fact that �tta� alcohol.i.cs
c,�ill be in contacL• wi.�h ttze �xeightnr�vod ch:�Idrei:.
�traa �.ind�erg, 8i33 North Haml.�.ne, said ChaC if they clase docm Yhe alley by �he
high r�_se, �he resic�eF3�.s of the home won't be abte to. get the:ir car� in �he �ar�king
One neighbor said L-hey sho�.i�.d pu,t the facility in an outlying �rea where some
usAfua activf�:� s�ct� �s farming caa be c�x•ried on.
Oxee nezghbor saic3 s'rae dirin`� 2hxnk iC. would be a gaod idea �o prz� ttiis �}*p2 nf
faci�IiCy k�.tCyreorne� tcs :� home f�r the elde�ly�
�1r� �i��t Ba.ker of the �h�in3.caL B�pendency P�og�am apol�e abaut o�heti ha�.fway houses
and said they h�ve h�ad tao pxoblem with the�n4
On� neip;hbor a�ked wt�p is gog.r.g to �esp ttte place rspo
Mro �aic�x said %hc res�de�i:s daa
Rev� Sh��ard s.�id he wds �.n charge of Indi�n �rark ar�d said he was famili�ar wi.th the
2nci��n G�est Youse ��z ?��ixineapo�.ia� 'rt� said Each xoomer i.s assignec' certazn chor.es,
M�s:: 3�I�z'tt9t� sazcl t�hey f?�ve to �-ecogni:ce 3t� would be n?ca Ef al� tt�QSe �axr��aiex;ss
wen� acasy� Slze saad i.ta�f:Taay hoLSes have worked oae ve�y �aell acic� ha;�e�s°t dis�urbed
�h� nei�;hbors� Pfos t of �:h�m hc�vc bec=.n a�prehPres3 ve when th�y €d.�.:i a�st �ne i� going
in ��ei� n�iahbarl��o!�.. .it i.g ���;�te�, h�weve�-. t� p�ECC Lhese peop�.:� 3 YZ ne�.ghborhood
set�.ir=-��, S�? fe�.t assu..eci thJ.a 4,o�;±d be � e�t�}.��run halfway house �t�d �Ile�'efo�e
ma��nd t#iey recav�a��d �3pproval ;:>f. the p�xmito �i�F mot��.on was sec��debi i�y ?ir� kSac�dox
and thQ �no�i�n c�r��.�d ur�anima..sZy�
�3uri.re� `�he v:��e, �s.r„ ltup� :�aid 'r►e wm�Id scnppo�t �his� They ax�e car.der a r�gir�er_r�d
�ypn of grog��m, `:ihey cic� t?ave 3ssi�ned �asks that are under coeanselzn�a �Ef t_here
axe a�ay vio?a�io:�s, L�I1£!y '�d��.�. I3P autc�maricr�Ily �c�maved to a tr.�at•msz�� centero ff
the r.ei�hbo.rs �ivE i� a �h�nce, zhey usonrt aotice �oo �ruch a�,ffe�°ertc` i���w aay
oth�r �ype af ho�s�.ng�
Sc�bmitited by: Nppxoved by;
ttogEr i�: Ryan Williaan :�� Rupp, Jra
� City C1'erk ' ' • ,
O�tober 19, 1973
Fi1e X1410, pager
Yoa are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Counc3l
Chambers of the City Hall and Court House at 10:00 a.m. on November 1, Ig73
on the applicstion of Jue! Fairbanks AEter-Csre Residence for a permit for a
group home-rooming house on the groperty described as follows:
�outh 85 feet of Lot 3, Block 13, College p2ace East Division.
The property is located on the East side of North Albert Street between
�w3tC and Englewood Avenues,
For further information, contact the Pleaning Board, 421 Wabasha Street, or
telephone 298-4151.
To coanply with the City Charter, the Department of Finance is charged with
informing you of thia public hearing.
If you have any queations, it is recommended that you attend this pttP►lic
hearing to af£ord you the opportunity to make qour views, both pro and con,
known to the City Council.
. �� � ;. � . : . . . . .. :,�����
�' ` •. � .' - � .zr. �.�� �h' l /
. �Ti���:;� t��;r���. � 3
'1..''.�'�e', LF, �':�lZi��Liii�.� i�'�iv�:.I�a ��STL�:C1-'.',� 3:iG'.
:ox Ync.i�:. =r�!��r_i.a�u,:� -
XP,G�Iiyi .
' Oi nar-�icttt� concern_ t� this p-�c,;r.�:� is �:r.a broal scone of the
�:.'coh�lic �;robler� �,:-�on� ��c Ir_`ian r;:a��e li���..o �n tne Ci+y of Sa.i.n-�
?�::t.'.l ��...`^i� P�S2y CO«.'1i.�''� Vi�2d 1:�.:'2 210 i��l�lf;�t iC�Z' con�ir�uu.�a Oi C2.�E lTI
zi_� co::�.urZity. ti�ere axs a�aro:.i�a�ej;,� 7,400 Tndi2n n�cp i� livin� in
i,'_+'i� C?ty. Statis�ics on fil� a� the �:�e�_c�n 1:r.ciia.n Center in. Saint �
�aul in�iica-ce �. Fossibility of 2,pk7?'O.�i:�=�','�-Y J-,50� aGUtt Ir.dians, 750
i�r��'� an �.Icohol- p�oble�� lnis �cL�n.�s �o �,-r�out ane-n^1� oz tn2 adul.t
inC?wn p��,ulatzc�r, of �he City �d is cau.s� for al.ar�z, TRe �erican
?n,�ian Cen�er hlcohol ar_d_ Dx�c� tro��z.� fil.es a�.o�r �i���c lj9 �lconolics
�.3 1? dYvv �,ddicts had rz�uested a�sis:,2.nc� b�+;��een JanuaL-�y� lst and
A���st 33s•�, 1971, This pr o�:�a �•rill be dir�c�e3 pri�a:rily -co�Y�e pro-.
bl�r� �or� Indian people but will a_lso �ielp peo�le of all e-thiic grouz�s,
��30G?���f CZ�,7LC;lIVE�
Our objective is to provide �. sez�ice �rhic� will ena�lz the India...n.
alaoholics of our co�:-aunit3� �o xespond to •the cu?-tu�.e �jus�r±en� �.n our
urba� a..r.e�, 7Ii3 Alcoholics Ano�raous t�o�,..� t•ril7. be u�ilized to he?�e �t
4re ir_3ivz�u.a]_ find his sobrie�y. Es-�ablishin.� co�-�ac�s with e�.s�ina � -
�..�Qr_c�es f�i p?'o�essiortal ps�'cYti2.trio trea+m�nt or di�ect hosai-Lali�
z:.zion. �y establi.s��i.��.� an adult proex� to pxoviciE cot��?selin�� groun
thera�v, job re�erra.l., place�en�, an:Z further e?ucatia�, �io profide
out-p�,�ient caunseZin� for up to 2G�0 out-�atient cli���s. Tnio-�.tion
� abou-c and referral �o related social service �.�encie� ��ri�hin -the ce�.-
�uz�ty. _.
F�Cir2��i 3C`lIVI1'Ir^��' . .
ihis nropos�I. in�ends -co address the prob3e� of -�he a.lca?�a?ic, nor�
sp�riii.c?11;� �he alcohoZic wno ha.s been releassd fro� de�oxi=ic�,tior_,
t�ea�ren� centers a.�d these who h�.�.re no place to go, 1r_e �L�+@I�—:'•u.?"@
�esicl�i��� �rill �ao.e the inclividual fro� �he detoxifieation �n.d •trca�-
mer� cer.�ers and pxo�ride him �ri�h food, s�i�Itex, cle�n C1O LLL7S�J' �nd
couns�lir_�; �o hel� him �etuz� to a r.cz�!z.1.., proauctive life, - �
T'r_e �esidsnce t�ill have a capaci�f of 16 beds; kitchQn, din.iz�; �ew, .
a�Y� xe;;rea�ion iacilities a3nqua.te for fu?1 ewpacity oi p�.zie�Z�s, �1�'h.e
st?�f Kill �:or:r wi��i thes� pa+ienF; prep�:?�� th�� foz�-thei� .���;u:n Lo
�. no�^�:�.1 I.ife in their co�:�un.it;j, S�•�h prapax�.4ion :t?11 i.nclt.��e 'tar�fin�
c�z�", c�,«ir.ir•..a job trainir�� �or eli�ible recipients, oo��v�.�.^..ino j�o�,
3oca,zr�� livi.�; qua.r-terU ir_ the co.:�ti:ri�y, �nd th� li?:e.
�s �eaidnn.ts are clischaar���ct to -ta'_:e �h�ir p�.�cL ir. �r.e cerw:;u�ii.�ty,
-r,-,xicr�.ic CGLlI1S°i122c; sess�.ons 4rill �e pros?de�. i�hef :rill L:c�e� :r�z'r_Zy
�� r?isc�.zss pro�ie�s �nd �rovide on� �na�::�r z�ri�th -che r�ora�. :>��A nort r_ec-
es;�t�� :a ;3;;tU.irl fxo� �lcohcl z:���, �':,11o:r--u_ F:i11 b� ra.�l`:::.ir:�ci +o �
i n-e.:�p -�� -,-'- i� a �• 1 ��- , � COX:S�1,::T;t;l�:: "�i �., i.l .0�. L,£LC�2
u:'t..� IO"1 x x'E.'S2u[;TL'E,;� �O (10� J°j� �?,:,''1�- -,1 .�t
rC;i.`�iE:1"�i Il:��Ori ,�.l.;,C�'1�'�.S;E' fI'0�2 �ilt? �'3:;?CL^?1C@� 'v;l.tl 'C�� 2.��:�1.t��t.x �;O � pc3Ax
�)=v�_D "c':2C1 i.I1S�"i.i�'C�Ett Z:il".�'G p:.rt;',1Cl.�w'GlU't': 3.2? �0:1� T?^f'�?i.•�3 1:�� ?I:'�82C�.J
,r7 ,-, ;; � � ' � �s^i::t::,'.I b;,�'
r:,..r_;ia,i�.,,,;. I'c iv �r.z�icip�.-c�d i;'t:w�t 20� i�r_ ividL�,,1 r?_� o
t�ic -o:.o,,.��a.
..uv,�.i`1' W�i�. �:�S3.S"� xE.�1G.f'I2��.S �i0 G1J�:a.?_Tl j0�.�'. 't,}''iiOLt�.CI t'C�2 :"12t?��t:30��
�t�:1.;r �i��;_:r�t:aen'c of i�iG.:�ro:;er ier�i:.�s, S�.. 7:,;.v1 Offic�> ��c��£ Y:iil also
- � - � .:• , ; �, • ' �����,��
4�r' � . - � � � -
1oca,te �u�table livin.o qu�.rters for residQnts upon th�ir d.i.scha._.roe froa _
� t'r.e RLsidence as2d will provide £ox xe�zl�sly scheduled counselint; ses -
sians �.f�er cli.sc'r.ur;;e. One staff ne�ber will reside in �he ��ftAr--Ca.xe
Residence a.nd ti�us provide 2d. hour cazrera�e.
lhe Jt�el Fairbar�'_�cs After--Care Residence i�rill also provide for its
occupants such personal. n�eds as haa�.th �nd den+al care, clothin�, toile�
as�icles, and recrLa�ion21 activities. Hea1-ch Gna de�tal needs �af be
provided throtz5h exi.stinn Fealtih Centers. ,,Teciui.ca? �ss�s��ance t•�ill be
given to the staff by R�sey L�ction Fro;ra.�s, Ca:��?��.i.tf Iiental Nea�th
Center, Depa�t�ent of t�lelfare, a..�d other social �.ctior_ a�encies,
T'_�e pro�.m ��rill also pro4ide o�portunit;� �nro,zr;n B�I.4, funds for �
the -trainirig of addi-�ion�.l alcohol arsQ d�ag_ cot�nseloxs at ��e West2rn
� Ind.ian Tra�nino Cen-�er a�c thv Uni:rersit3r Of ULc..�.. inese ir_cLv��iu�.3s -
*�ust �eet the entrance require��nts o£ the Trainir�; Center and will pra-
vide additional intQrn counselor st�ff �d rez�lace�en� st�,sf for tre
Residence. One sta.ff �e�ber will receive tra.ining in 2�n�ni S�T�.�3.V@
procedures at the ���n�� Center.
�UTI� OF ST9�'
The Direc-tor will emnloy and di.scharne personnel. Direct t�e ac-E--
ivities of tnz en-�ire probr�, such ws assi�n.ing duties to each s-taff
P2y�Ar• Tntervie�r a11 referr��.].s �d �s 4he final decision for a.clni�-
zance. �r�e�t witn the xesource �zncies t�.at are in sympa�hy :�ri�� the
�xo�r.�. �Lttend Seminaxs and Conferences.
One Counselor �rill.be assiF,..�ed to inple�en� vr o�'ra.-r.s, sLCn as;
obt����nb fur�her educatian, job trairin�, job pl�cere�lty spot jobs?
' out-patier_� cot�nselir..�, assi��:Ling disch�ss�ed client to peer �roups,
�.nd loca�zn.a sui.table living qt�ters ior clients. '
`i'�•ro Counselors will be assi�.ecl �io in �ouse eour_sel�, incLivz--
dual cour�seli�, conductino tnerapy �roups, conductin; Ll:�.. 2iee�inos,
atter_ditz; Sersin�xs and Conferences,
�•ro C�u,�selox Trai.nees will �.l-cernate livi?:o in -�he Residence.
ihe�r iYill, r�a.inta.in order in the house, will assi�. house dt�ies ��o
pa�ier.ts. 1n�y ��ill invo�ve the�selves in Cotmselor Trainir� a^nd atfie:zd
Se;nin.ass and Confexences. .
�iTne liead-Coo?� ��iill pischase �nd prepase all food. T'ne Coo� �riZl be
un3�r �he supervision of the �ea�-Cook. -
T:ie Sacr�taxy will record a1.1 r�ew applica.�ts and pnrfo� genexal.
• clerica�l duties.
�ne Juel Fa.irban�cs Aftercaxe Residence� �nc. is a non-profit or��.n-
� ization.
tilest Seventh Street Federation
3Q5 Goocaxich Avenue
St, Pau1, l�innesota
Au�ust 16, 1973
St. Paul City Counca.l
City Hall azd Court House
St. Paul, tiinnesota
Hon. Ruby Hunt and Council ��Ier.ibers:
The West Seventh Street Federation has recently been notified of plai2s
for the establishment oi a half-way hr�use in tne 1n'est Seventh Street
are a.
From our observations and dealings with the presentZy exi.sting Fellowship
Club, we have no reason to anticipate any problens deriving from -the
program. The Fellowship Club has proven to be a beneiit and an asset to
our comrnu.nity� and we can only anticipate that the creation af another
similar facility will prove to be equ�l.ly beneficial.
��e are submitting this letter as evidence of our support and to let it
be knohTn that we hearti3y endorse the efforts being made toisards the
est�lishment of a facility of this nature.
SincerelyL , ,
�; F ��`ri +L�.�Z�i
J rry ranciscus� President
West Seventh Street Federation
. .�,��;���_,.~;�� . . . % �` ��w�� ��- �--�-�.��;
�j�.�� �`�� � j s� �.�-��_L..�
. �L h��} � � �� .
�. �/ f$ �y .�. r
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�. :_.
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�rzc��a.n. u..��.t o�o u�
Tel. (612) 824-5501
Juel Fairbanks After-Care Residents, Inc. August 22, 1973
of St. Paul, Minnesota
It has always been the attitude of society to take a negative view
of the alcoholic individual. But particularly in this case, which
would re�lect a more negative attitude in xegards to the Indi,an . �
Alcoholic. • �
Thexe is a dras t3.c need �or such af ter-caze �ac�,li,ties �n the metro- .
politan..azea. And a tremendous need for such �acilities wh3,ch the
Juel Fa�zbanks A�tex-Caxe Rrogram would prov�de, fox the a��licted
male Indian Alcaholic.
Since the opezation o� the Guest House Pxogram began heze i.n the
City of Minneapolis, back in June 1969, we have exper3enced no
problems with the nei,ghborhood or with the surrounding axea, for
when our property was rezoned and we were given a condit3.ona1 use
pex'n4it to opexate as a halfway house, we met with_no opposition,
even that one �ndiV�dual wrote and stated we were "good ne�ghboxs".
I sincerely hope you look �avoxably upon this projeet and vote i,n
thei,x �aVox. �
er�L. Stxong
�xogxaul D�,xecto� .
� � . ������
�� ,,,;
� -'-`' �j ����� �4
� ' r u �iV �.�i�GL(/ � • V • �i����L�/(!
� (612) 224-2029
October 16, 1973 -
Edward LaFromboise
354 Chestnut
St. Pa�:l, r�innesota 55102
Dear i�Fr. LaFromboise:
As a future neighbor of yours I u�ould like to welcome you and
your very special project into my nPighborhood.
Being the only Indian Fariily in our immediate Vicinity the
past three years I can vouch for my neighbors as being ur.derstanding,
consiaerate, and open mir.ded. My immediate neighbors have welco,��ed
us grGciously �z:� accepted us as part of their comrnunity. I trust you
will fin� their Christian attitudes and philosophies not just verbalized
i�ut apparent in practice.
I �vas extremely happy to be an established part of the conunanity
you are about to enter and want to be included among those who support
;�ou fu111�. Tnis h�s been a long over due fulfillment of need within the
Indian Community and totiaards the welfare of the general community as a
- Sincere wishes and best of luck in all your efforts. God bless
you all, and all trose wonderful neigl:bors.
�7a,�,�Lp ��GLu S,y�
/ `
� P:arae �.nderson
140� �nglewood
644 - ,i198
'� I ���Li�
St. Paul, Minnesota
October 12, 1973
Mr. Edward LaFromboise
354 Chestnut
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Mr. LaFromboise: �
We are gratified to learn that the appropriate city officials have
acted to approve the establishment of a Half-way House in our neighborhood
at 807 North Albert Street. Had we been aware that a hearing was to be held
concerning this matter, some of us would have been pleased to have appeared -
and to have spoken on behalf of this new facility. Although the news item
in the St. Paul Pioneer Press for October 5 and an earlier petition circu-
lated in the community indicated the presence of some mild opposition, we
wanted you to know of our presence also in the area and of our interest in
community-based programs of social service.
Please know therefore that we and others will welcome your program and
its new residents when the House opens. As individuals, families, and
citizens we want to do whatever we can to assist these men and to provide �
social support to them as individuals and as a group in their endeavors to
relate to the community around them. � '
Thus, please call upon us if we can be of any assistance in these days
ahead. Af ter the House is opened we will welcome opportunities to come to
know our new neighbors.
. Most cordiallq,
��6 � _
�� ��
� v���am� sr� .���,
Bob y and r'�'6ger Walker ,I Bett and Don Irish
1443 Englewood " 1387 Englewood
� � ;, 7 � ��
�' �' � . �. , , ,
r� ��,, Gu' . �r...:.!'.i_ 1��.= ( � � �'F'��-�=2/����
�uce and vretta Buller Eleanor andi Russell Nelson �`LG"
���j�+9_=S�,:,��SOn��. �,�'f,,��, �(�� • 805 Holton
n �'r�`' ��- `,1"Ck,7tt_ ��,:��_ ������Y� LCt.2�
Dixie and Don Y.ull Jane`Ann and Olaf Runquist d.
1471 Hewitt 1440 Englewood
��c2 e��fi✓�.,2(t� � ,
' Alice and Wesley c$`t. J
80�. Holton
. %��� `�%�`+rr,c✓��`7��
cc. Mr. William R. Grace Kay�and Stewart Shaw
Office of the Mayor 791 Holton
, . .
Dr. Jordon Arvold Ron Bruns
11.L�l� Arcade Street Ramsey Cty. �r1eZf. Dept.
St. Pa.ul, Minn. 55106 333 �ibley St,
771-5563 st. Paul, r:inn. 55101
(T � T) 298-�.7ltl
(T & �)
Phyllis Barnett (Labor & Indus.)
Team House
5�. �T. Exchange St. Bob Buck
St. Paul, Minn. 55102 758 t�ohican Lane
222-0701� St. Paul, P�Iinn. 55120
(Pub. Ed. & Info.) l�5�-?305
(Pub. Ed. & Inf o.)
Rev. Carl Becherer
St. Paul-Rarasey Hospital June Carpenter
6�.0 JacYson Family Services
St. Paul, Riinn. 55101 355 ti'lashington St.
222-l�260, Ext. 565 St. Paul, r�inn. SK102
(T & T) 222-0311, Ext. 238
(Pub. Ed. R� Info.)
Arnold Beyer
�l�5 Court House AZary Lou Caskey
Nousing Code Dept. St. Paul Schools Rehab. Unit
St. Paul, Minr_. 55102 360 Col'oorne St.
298-561��. St. Paul, N�inn.
(T & T) 298-5901
(Pub. Ed. & Info.) (Pub. Ed. & Inf o
Bob Bizanz Merle Chollet, Counselor
131�9 S. Robert St. Dept. of �oc. Rehab.
West St. Paul� Minn. 55118 1�321 ilniversity Ave.
227-8859 St. Paul, Minn. 551.0�
(T & T) 6�.6-78�1
(Ind. �c Labor)
Oscar Ducept
American Indian Center Danny Christiansen
Y.1`�.C.A., �75 Cedar St. Granville Corp.
St. Paul, rlinn. 5s1o1 33t� r�ounds F31vd.
222-0771 St. Paul, P•rinn. �51Q5
(T & T) 771-071t9
(I3d. Ifemher, Ist V. Pres. )
�.lT?ily Brule (Pub. Ed. & Inf o.) (T Fc T)
Dru�; Education for YouLh
�15 Surunit Avenue Sister Letitia C1ose
St, Paul� Nlinn. 55102 Dru�; Education for Youth
22l�-1�385 41� Sum�it Ave,
(Pub. Ed. & Info.) St. Pa,.�l, I�1ir�n. 55102
(Bd. Meraber, Secty.)
(Legal Pc Legis.) (T R� T)
' •, ' �'iJ���,�,���
Neil P. Convery, Atty. Renee Gardner
4T. 860 lst Pdat'l. Bank Bldg. St. Paul Schools Pehab. Unit
St. Paul, riinn. 360 Colborne Sti.
22�.-9�t87 St. Paul, Niinn.
(F3d. of Directors) 29�3-5901
(Le�al Rc Legis.) (Pub. Ed. Rc Info.)
Leo Cullen Walter Gardner, N?.D.
Ra.'nsey Cty. Recg. Center 1068 F;owry piedical Arts Bldg.
297 So. Century Ave. St. Paul, Minn. 55102
St. Paul, rlinn. 55119 22l�-32I1
739-�.535 (Ba. of Dir.)
(Pub. Ed. & Info.) (T F.� T)
P�:arjorie Cullen Bill Gowan
565 Dayton St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital
St. P�ul� r�inn. 55102 6I�0 Jackson 5t.
222-1oa9 St. Paul, r?inn. 55zoZ
(T & T) 222-l�260, Ext. 562
(T & T)
Maryellen Daly
ADAPT - Unit Betty Haan
Ramsey Cty. �lelf. Dept. Ram.sey Cty. Welf. Dept.
333 S ible�r 333 S ibley S t.
St. Paul, Minn. 55zo1 St. Paul, Niinn. 55101
298-�.296 298-l�290
(Pub. Ed. �c Inio.) (Ind. & I,abor)
(T & T)
Barb Dugar �
Retreat House Richard Hallan
532 Ashland St. Pa ul Schools
St. Paul� Nlinn. 55102 360 Colborne St.
222-5851 St. Paul, Minn.
(T e� �r) 298-5156
(Pub. Ed. R� Indo.)
Gordon Dupre �
Team House xllie I�ae Hartpton
5� W. Exchange 149? �1est AtTenue r1.
St. Paul� Minn. 55101 St. Paul, T��inn. 55117
227-06l�9 l�89-2;87
(Pub. Ed. & Info.) (Pub. Fd. & Inf�.)
Harold Erickson Rev. A. D. Hartmark
Theodore Harrnn Co. Door of Hope, Inc.
720 Payne Avenue 31�1 Dayton Ave.
St. Paul, Niinn. 55,165 St. Paul, l�:inn. 55102
776-1561 226-3000
(Ind. & Labor) (T �: T)
� .
Shirle,y Hatlestad Cherie Jefferson �
Granville Fiouse 769 Holly
331� Mounds Blvd. St. Paul, riinn. 5510I.1
St. Paul, rtinn. 55106 226-97��-�-
776-2737 �� � T�
(Pub. Ed. & Inf�.) (Pub. Ed. Rc Info.)
Don Henry ��Ialter Jefferson
Ramsey Cty. Tr7elf. Dept. Ramsey Cty. Recg. Center
333 Sibley St. 297 So. Century Ave.
St. Paul, l�iinn. 5�101 St. Paul, P�?inn. 5�119
298-528b 739-ZG535
(T � T) (Pub. Ed. & Info.)
(T & T)
T��Tilliam Hoffman, Professor
Continuing Ed. in S ocial Work Gene Jensen
321 Plolte Center Ramsey Cty. ZATelf. Dept.
University of Minnesota 333 Sibley St.
riinneapolis, P�Ii.nn. St. paul, l��inn. 55101
373-5831 298-�.636
(T & T)
Frank Johnson
� Marjorie Holderness Retreat House
St. Paul Public Schools 532 Ashland
Ind. District #625 St. Paul, �?inn. 55zoz
360 Colborne St. 222-5851
St. Paul, P�iinn. (T & T)
(Pub. Ed. Rc Info.) Ken Johnson
739 Lake St.
Diane Holdridge St. Paul, ?iinr_.
Training Center for 735-0�,90
Com�unity Corrections (Labor &. Ind.)
1813 University Ave. S. E.
rlinneapolis� r�Iinn. 554�,. Rev. �Ialter Jones, Director
331-1831� Drug Rehab. Program
(Pixb. Ed. Rc Info.) �.90 North Dale
St. ?a�zl, rTinn.
William Huot, V. Pres. 225-0l�65
Huot Mfg. Co. (T & T)
550 North ti�Jheeler
St. Paul, Minn. 551OI� Robert Kinney
6It6-I869 Ramsey Cty. UTelf. Dept.
(Ind. R..: Labor) A�APT - Unit
333 Sible�T St.
Jane Huotson , St. Paul, r�inn. 55101
A�APT - Unit 29II.-�29b
Rar,isey Ctyo �•Jelf. Dept. (1^ & T)
333 Sibley St.
St. Paul, I��inn, 55101
(T & T)
John T�Zathews Ray P�ioss
Twin City Barge �: ToT�,ing Boy Scout Executive
. P.O. Box 3032 393 Niarshall Avenue
St. Paul, hTinn. St. Paul, rlinn. �5102
735 5t�4o 221�-1891
(Ind. Rc Labor, Chairnan) (Pub. Fd. � Info.)
Dr. Tom P'fayer Barbara I�laiditch
IJGM Granville House
235 E. 7th St. 331� Mounds Blvd.
St. Paul, Minn. 551oz st. Paul, t�Iinn. 55106
22t�-?857 77b-2737
(T & T) (Pub. Ed. & Info.)
Wm. I��cCutcheon, Deputy Chief Joe NoVaic�i
St. Paul Police Dept. Alcohol R Drug Unit
101 E. lOth St. Hastings State Fiospital
St. Paul, 1�1inn. 55101 Hastings, riinn. 55033 .
291-Illl 1�37-311I, Ext. 2�.1
(Bd. of Dir.) (T g, T�
(Legal & Legis.)
Lee Parks, ?ro�ram Coordinator
TrTarren 1�1cGinley Niounds Park Hosnital, A �C D Unit
Public Pro�ram Coordinator St. ?'aul, tiinn. 55106
Co�,rnunity PZental Health Center 77�._590I, Ext. 26�.
529 Jackson St. (Bd. of Dir.)
St. Paul, rTinn. 55101 (1 �.� T)
(T R: T) Dixie Patryzyn
� Ca�munity PZental Health Center
Allison r;cMonigal 529 Jac�;son St.
Granville House St. Paul, P1inn. 5>ZOl
334 r7ounas Park Blvd. 298-�.2b1
St. °aul, Ninn. 55�ob (T �_ T}
776-2737 (Pub. Ed. & Inf o.)
(T � T)
Joe Perry, Att�r.
Don Niead � 916 Co;�irr:erce Bld;.
Ramsey Cty. Czvil Service St. Paul, P�Iin.n.
18�.5 Court House 222-6896
St. Paul, �Sinn. 55102 (Legal & Legis.)
(Bd. of Dir.) Charles Rsfferty, President
St. Paul Trade 8; Labor Assoc.
John 1�ietz, Exec. Dir. 1�18 Auditorium St.
St. Paul Goodwill Industries St. Paul, 1�Iinn. 55102
25l�3 Corao Avenue 776-521�3
St. Paul, h?�nn. 55108 (Ind. & LaUor)
(Labor R� Indus.) Bernice Rhoc?es
St. Paul Civzl Service
Les Pliller 265 Court House
li.5. Post Office, Rr!. l�12 St. Paul, 2•1inn. 5�102
180 E. Kellog� Blvd. 29�-�t221
St. Paul, I�inn. 5�101 (Public Ed. �r I�fo.)
(Labor & Indus.)
y , , .. _ '��'*��`�
, . ��
Ed LaFromboise Pete Leigh
American Indian Center Roth Dist. Co. Inc.
Y.r�i.C.A., }�75 Cedar 7373 Washington Ave. So.
St. Paul, Minn. 55101 Edina, P�`inn.
222-077I or 227 5226 9It1-5760
(Bd. of Dir.) (^1 & T)
(T & T� Chairman) (Ind. �: Labor)
Dan Lambrides, Director " Boris Levich
Shoreview Treatrnen�t Center 1I�80 Randolph, Apt. 203
Time P�Iedical Bldg. St. Paul� 1�Iinn. 55105
St. Paul, Ninn. 699 5270
(T 8c T) Janet P•2ae Zittle
(Pub. Ed. � Info.) 2022 Surimit Ave.
St. Paul� 1+�Iinn. 55105
J. Herbert Larson b99-3772
3h: Personnel and Services (Public Ed. & Info.)
3M Center
St. Paul, Minn. The Hon. James P7. Lynch
733-�671� Rm. 1509 Co�.zrt House
(Bd. of Dir.) St. Paul, P�inn. 55102
(Pub. Ed. & Info.) 298-}�7I7
(Labor & Indus.) (Bd. of Dir., 2nd. V. Pres.)
(Lega2 & Le�is.)
OrviTle Larson, Director
Fellowship Club Eugene J. MacauZey�
680 Ste��art Ave. Deputy Ramsey Cty. Administrator
St. Paul, Minn. 55102 Court House
227_7637 St. Paul, Minn.
(Bd. of Dir.) 29�-5591
(T & T) (Labor & Indus.)
(Le�al & Legis.)
riaryanne Marchand
Ted La�rrence Granville House
Ramsey Cty. Welf. Dept. 331� Mounds Blvd.
333 Sibley St. Paul, r?inn. 55106
St. Paul, Minn. 55101 776 2737
29g_1�7�g (Public Ed. & Inf o.) .
(Leg. �c Legis., Secty.) Vince Marien
Elizabeth Lee St. John's Hospital
805 Portland A-I Unit
St. Paul, Minn. l�03 r?aria .
226-1982 st. �'aul, Minn. 55106
(Legal &. Le�is.) 228-3l�71
(T Rc T)
Kay Leigh
2201� So. Shore Blvd. Jin Aiaring
17hite Bear Lake, Minn. 55110 LTGM
429-6�.97 23> F. 7th St.
(T & T) St. Paul� I�I�nn. 55�01
(Ind. ?� Labor) 22?�-7a�7
(1 8:. T)
� . , , " , • ����I�
� , � � ��4��� .
Michael Rodruguez riary Shea
321 East Curtice Buildin� Dept.
ti�Jest St. Paul, hlinn. l�1�5 Court House
226-0�.02 S�. Pat�l, R'�nn. 55101
(T & T) 29u-�212
(Pub. Ed. Rc Info.)
Thelma Ronay
St. paul-Ramsey Hospital Vance Skahen
8th Floor, A Rc D Unit �R.a:�sey Cty. Recg. Center
St. Paul, Minn. 55101 297 South Century Ave.
222-1�260, Ext. 563 St. Paul, Minn. 551z9
(T & T) 739-�.535
(Pub. Ed. � Info.} (T & T)
(Ind. Rc Labor) (I,�aal & Legis.)
Donald Sault Lloyd Soderberg, Alcohol Counsel.or
2005 Juliet Avenue St. John�s Hospital
S+. Paul, Minr_. 55105 1�03 Maria Ave.
699-1682 St. Paul, l�:inn. 55106
(T & T) 228-3�.71
(Pub. Ed. & Info.) (� � 1)
(Legal �c Legis.) (L�gal �c T,egis.)
(Ind. & Labor)
Phillip Sayers
Ar�erican Indian Center ponna Soderr.man .
Y.A?.C.A., 1�75 Cedar 2673 ��ayer Lane
St. Paul, Minn. 55101 St. Paul, Piinn. 55��.9
222--0771 739-8891
(T & T) , (^1 � T)
Ed Scharlau Jar�es Steave, Counselor
3M Personnel and Services St. John�s Hospital-A-1 Unit
3P: Center �.03 I�:aria
S�. Paul, N;inn. St. Paul, Minn. �5106
733-�-71�2 228-31�71
(Pub. Ed. �C Info.) (Pub. Ed. & Info.)
Dorothy Schneider Brian Traynor, Counselor
Public Health Nurse Veteran's Hospital A & D Unit
590 Kirchner 5�;th �C 1.�8th Ave. So.
S�. Paul� Minn. 55Z1� t�iinr.eapolis, rlinn. 55Z17
227-l�0l�3 72;-6767
(T & T) (T :?- T)
Patt�r Seidel Bernard Troje, Director
752 E. Rose Ave. Ra;�sey Ctyo Detention &
St. Paul, P!inn. 5�106 Correction Authority
776--�b0�. Ca�merce Bldg., �.th & Ulabasha
(Pub, Ed. �� Info.) St. Paul, riinn. 55101
Pat Sheppard (Bd. of Directors)
3LG2 P�iississippi River Rd.
St. Paul, P�1inn. 55101�
(Pub, Ed. & Info.)
� . - .
2:att Vacha, Director
A & D Unit
St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital
6�.0 Jackson St.
St. Paul, Minn. 55101.
222-�.260, Ext. 568
(Bd. of Dir.)
(T & T)
(Ind. & I,abor} �
James TrJrich
Bus. & Industry Employee Pr�grar�s
State of 2�4innesota Corrm�ission on
Alcohol Problems
Z�i@tT'O Square Bldg.
St. Paul, Nlinn. 55101
(Ind. & Labor)
. , � '
. . ,
, . � � r
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� �.�
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t�tA.R-I IN C)I AV `Af3p. �UCaker
October 12, 197 3
The Honorable Ruby Hunt
City Hall - Courthouse
15 West Kellogg Boulevard �
St. Paul, Minnesota 55101
Dear Councilwoman Hunt:
Shortly the City Council will have before it the proposed rezoning of the
property on North Albert between Hewitt and Englewood for the Juel Fairbanks
facility. I believe that the Zoning Board passed the measure the 5th of
October, and if the regular schedule is adhered to, it should be before you
the week of October 22, 1973. I hope that you as a member of the Council
would closely review this facility.
It seems to me that you should keep in mind the general characteristics of
this neighborhood in making your decision. The Hamline area consists pri-
marily of one and two family residences. Recently the City Council approved
the construction of a Housing Authority project for the elderly in the same
area. The two proj ects to me seem incompatible.
From the information I have been able to gather, there is some doubt that
the facility, as proposed, will be adequately supervised by trained per-
sonnel. Therefore, I feel that it would have a detrimental effect to
maintaining a stable and safe neighborhood. I understand that the facilities
are needed; however, I think that the neighborhood and its primary charac- •
teristics, should be considered.
I would, therefore, hope that the Council would reject the permit at this time.
I would appreciate hearing from you before the matter comes to a vote.
Sincer ly,
Walter R. Hanson
State Representative
� 1
�� ;'WRH: cu
__ �
. . cc: Harry Marshall
/ y s�
S J��',
To the Honorable Mayor and City Counc�l:
c/o The City Cle rk
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
The Juel Fairbanks After-care Residence, a Minnesota non-profit
corporation, hereby applies for permis$ion to utilize the presently existing
premises at 806 North Albert Street in the City of Saint Paul as a half-way
house or group residence for fifteen Indian chemically dependant persons, who
have arrested their illnesses and since�ely wish through group interaction and
counselling to become and continue to be useful and responsible citizens of the
comm unity.
The legal description of the property, which is presently in:a as
"C" Residential District, is the South 85 Feet of Lot Three (3), Block ���'.�.��
-(�� Di✓! �-.i.-��
, College place East �dtlitzon to the City of Saint Paul. The present owner,
The Christian Missionary Alliance, from whom the undersigned is purchasing
the property, has a Certificate of Occu�a.ncy for four dwelling units.
Juel Fairbanks' ope rating bud�et will be fully financed through the
cooperative efforts of the Ramsey Coun�y Welfare Board, the Community
Mental Health Center, and the State Commission on Alcohol Problems, all of
which have endorsed the project. Capital financing through Foundation grants
and mortgage commitments is contemplated.
Juel Fairbanks believes that the premises are, or can readily be
made, conformable to all applicable ordinances of the City of Saint Paul, and
that the granting of permit herein pray@d for is necessary and convenient to
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the public welfare of the community as a:whole and of the District.
�tespectfully submitted,
#75 Cedar Street, Sai.nt Paul, Minnesota
$y �,�vv�-,.. � vJ�-�U�► /'t'-�I
Steven C. De Coste r, Boa rd Membe r
5� � Ce��--'�' �,�..e.�a�,.�,..,.
July 24, 197 3.
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� Plat Map ��27
- �Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64
, passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971.
� 7540
1. APPLICANT'S NAME . Juel Fairbanks After-Care Residence ����q
F�� 1
2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appeal a Permit � Other
3. PURPOSE . Permit for group home--rooming house
4. LOCATION . East side of No�'th Albert between Hewitt and Englewood
S. LEGAL� DESCRIPTION : South 85 feet of�Lot 3, Block 13, College Place East Division
6. RRESENT ZODTING: "C" Residence
7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 60 Section: .03 Paragraph: c
8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: September 27, 1973 By: DGW
A. HISTORY: This site plus an additional amount was rezoned from "B" to "C"
Residence in 1970. Also in 1970 a variance was granted for relaxation of
off-street parking and of density for a specific number of parking stalls and
of dwelling units. This �ariance was to allow construction of a high-rise
development for housing for the elderly. The development was never constructed.
H.R.A. later requested a similar variance for a smaller area which also
included the site.
B. AREA ZONING: The area i�nediately north and south on Albert Street's east
side is zoned "C" Residential. On the west side of Albert, the area is
zoned "B" Residential. Adjoining the proposed site at the rear is an area
of "B" Residential.
C. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The lot has a frontage of 85 feet on North Albert Street,
with a depth of 215 feet. The total area of the lot is 18,275 sq, ft.
D. STANDARDS: The Department of Housing and Building Code Enforcement defines
group homes for chemical dependants as within the definition of "facility
for the care of sic�t persons" (60.15, amended July 14, 1970) , and as such is
allowed only in "C" Residential districts or lower.
E. PROPOSED ZONING CODE: The area is proposed to be zoned RM-3. Institutional
group homes will not be allowed in this district under the new regulations.
F. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is presently occup'ied by a brick four-plex which.
is being used as a combination office and living quarters for staff inembers
of the Christian Missionary Alliance.
G. AREA CONDITIONS: The area surrounding the site to the north, east, and west
is developed as singl� and mu�ti-family residential. The Bible College to
the south is no longer in operati.on,
9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend , � Approval � Deni�l Council Letter
� Dated:
Yeas Nays October 29, 1973
Moved by Norton • X Nor*on
X P�iaddox Date of '
� Seconded by; Maddox . .X Willits � Hearing:
� . . X Rupp
Secre . ry's remarks: November 1, 1973
- Council Acticc:'
. . • Date:
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A�EA c���iP
Juel Fairbanks After-Care LEGEN�
PURPOSE Permit for group home - rooming
— house �
FiLc N0. 7540 - �� O
DATE October 4, 1973 i�
� ' � • � �► � COMMERCtAL � '
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