262627 WH17E - CITV CLERK t .Ay [[[_���J . PINK - FINANCE COUTICll / ����� BLjj,E.RY•-AriAYGBTMENT GITY OF S�AINT PAITL File NO. f � - � Resolution Presented By ` Referred To �ommittee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED� Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve Lease Agreement betwe�n the City, on beha.lf of its Depa.rtment of Community Services� and Cha.rles W. Werneke providing for the lease by the City of Office Spa.ce at 1211 Randolph Avenue, Saint Pau1, Minnesota, for the West Seventh Youth Service Bureau at a monthly rent of $150.00 for a period commencing September 1� 1973 through November 30, 1973, and pro- _. viding for renewal of the lease by t�e giving of thirty-day written „ notice; and the proper City officersiare authorized to execute said Lease Agreement on beha.lf of the City of Saint Paul, to be cha.rged to Fund No. 33060. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays t�xt Butler Cammu ' Konopatzki � [n Favor Levine Meredith � Against BY �m�aRoedler Tedesco Mme.President �r H11Ylt N��� Z 3 �g73 Form Approved b City Atto ney Adopted by Council: Date Certi ' sed by C�ic' tary BY By .�� -.�� Approved M Date ��V Approved by ubmission to ouncil t By BY PUBLtSNEU DEC 01 19�3 . . . �v •w�.—wr�vr-��oRYlM� . . . � .�s ..��...��.� . . . ... . . . . � � I�.� . . . �jci�c �Inbenture, .��t�......_.,�.r���t....�......�.._....�...��__.....�..._�..��o�r.........��.�..._�.....�..�...., Ye.�3_., '� bb r�nd bctwee�...........���e�.W/.Wernel�s.... . ...w.»..........__.�...........»... ...�....»«.................�...........».�.�.....�.»..�.�.w. Pat'tU uf tlaa�rst part,Lesaor....., a�ed..........�it.�T.�p....O�£:..�t�....gs�t�.......»............... .....�.....................»»..»..........»................ ..................._.........�...........................................................................................................................................party of the�teoo�a'6 Pa�rb,Lea�s......, �{lntg�tett�. Z7uct tTie said parE�j of the�rat parE,i�a oa�aid,ena�io�s of the re�ts and oove�a�t, i herea��tar m,�ntioned,do..6gliereby Da�niae,7.eaae and Let unto the�aid pccrEb o�tTae aeoand par�, a»d th�a eatd pa,r�y of the seoond part do.e�hereby hira and take fioin tlae auid party of tTie ftra�pa.rb, �he follatar- iae,¢.deaar3bea�prasniaea,aitu�ated in th,a County of..........��e�..........................�............._...».........._.........».,a�ed State o}! . _....._.......................... .............. ..��,.............................., v�: pPfice ��� ���e� ,�t ��.i Aanaot�► �:o �abt xnb to �otD. �'JLE�L71DL6 TCIZtit[Z JJ1'C7lL�lIEd ib18� tT�d�L�LEddES......s ............_.........................J�ira and a,saigns, �or and durLng the f ult tcrnz o f.........��...�p���.......................... .......................f rorrb a�d a f fer the first �y o�.......s�'��P..:��.... ............ .....,; 19 ?.3:..., :�.Q....�T.S?.Y..�.....�Qs.....19:?.�........................... ........................... ..................... . .... . ..... .. �i� aeese is sub3ect to rer�ewal with a 30 day notice in writizzg .....�''G'�x^'...'��'�tSYfe'�...�o'�1'C2i;�...................................................................................................................................................... ................ ..........................:...................................................................................................................................................................................._.......................................... .Bnd the said Le�......agree�:.to and wi,th the sai,d Leaaor...... to pay aa re�i,t for the above snentio�zed prem- taea tlae �rum o�................�:''.au�.,hurlc��e d...a rtd...f i f t�......................................................................................... ...DOLL.qRS p�yab�.e on th� first of the month � ;� 15.0 Mo. in advance. T�esse will be �respons_ib]le for elec�rici�y, and for keepir� th� toxlat clean, � ....................................................................................... ........................................................for a�uL durin�the fulL terna of tlaia Lease. ...... �nd it is furtlzar a�reed by and bettveea.the partiea ajs �oLlowa: That ah.ould tTea said Lesaee...... fa�t _ to malce the above mentioned pabments as h�rein apeaifled, �r to pa� the ront afm+eaaid when dus, or falt to fulfllL any of the oovenanta herein oontained, th,en an� in that oase it shall be lawfut fdr t�lea eci�d Lesaor...... to re-anter and take poasasaion of�tha crboa�e rented�i e�niaea,and lr�old and enjoy the aanas withou� auoh r�-enterimg worlcing a forfeitura of tTze renta to be pai�and tha oov�naacte to b�parforrrud'by tlr�e�id Lessee......for the full term o�th,is Lease. .�nd tTie said Lessea...... alao eovenant.......aaid agme.�.. a�ed wdth th,e aaid Leaaor...... �to aaed,4n th�a '' aaa Leasa,or underlet th,e above rent,�p�miaee or a�.y part t�eof,without�raE obtainfi.�.g the writEen oonaanb of tJae sau�d Lesaor......,and tTzat............°..�.wilt,at th�axpiration�of the ti�ne aa lr�re�n rea�ed, quietly biald a�d surrancler the af,�ie�g�,d prerraises to the ea,�d Leeaor......,•.....................heira and aeai�na, iaa aa good oo�on arid repair as when.............'Y..toolc them, rutaonable wear and tta» and clama�e 1r� tlu alem�nta alons exospted. ✓!nd the said Lcasor......do�.g.eovanunt th.at the eaid Leeieea......, on PaUr.ng ths rent and perforrning the eovananta aforesaid, shalt and may pectoeubty und quietly hctve,hold a�r�d enfoy the aaid d,��niaed pramiasa for the term aforesaid. �tt �t�ctimottp �ifjtreof, Both partiea havs henunto aat th�ir handa a�d 8tctla the da and year ftra� abo�ua zaritten. � Si¢ned, Sealed and Delivcred$n Preaenee of . .. . ... .... .... .. ........ . ... ..............._.. ..... BE�L) � ...�?��'�....OF...SAINT PAUL:..:........... ................(SE.BL) � . . ......................... ..... � ,.......�.......................r...................._........._.................................... ............. ... .............. .. ............ ».. BE.�L) l' ...._._......... .........�.�.�.._.....................__.................�.1 .... . _.. ...� . .. .........................�........ �.�L, ity lerk Director, Department of Finance ...... ,___-_,_..----------------------- -----—--- �. :� <._. ,.._��. -.�'