262626 WHITE - CITV CLERK (����('�('1 �
� - il Resolution
� .
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED� Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul does
hereby approve Lease Agreement between the City, on behalf of its „ ti ' :�
Depa.rtment of Community Services, and Charles P. McCann and
Charles P. Schletty, DBA "600 N. Fairview"� whereby the City will .
lease for the Northwest Quadran� Office of the Youth Service
Bureau office spa.ce in the building .at 600 North Fairview Avenue
for a term of twelve months commencing on the lst day of October,
1973� at the rate of $165.00 per n�nth; and the proper City officers
are authorieed and directed to execute the Lease Agreement on beha.lf
of the City, to be charged to Fund No. 33060.
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Konopatzki [n Favor CO U t 1" �C
Meredith � Against By
Mme.President S�Btlt 12r
Adopted by Council: Date -�)
M1 � ? ��� Form Approved City Att ney
Certi ed ssed by n ' tary By
By G
Approve by M or: Date NOV Z ? 19� Approv r for bmission to Council
� ��V��
No.`t5:i!� —�E/y'JFr��nQC�I BOlm MILL6R.OAY1!GO.�wiNN��rou*
�t�' �21st September
�1�C1ttUCe, Made this.........................�...._............................................day o�.................._.........................., .T9.73.....,
bb and betwee�..�harles ,�.. 11cCann and Charles P. Schletty, �� ..600 N. Fairview"
......... ......................................... ._.................w.................... �� ............. ....._................
PartU of tlu�rst part,Lessor...�, a�rd......G��.l'...of...��i�i�...��3�.1............................................ ._........._...................__.........._......
_... .........._...................... . .................................._....._....................._.........................._..........................pdr�/o�'the aecond pccrt,Leasee.....,
�tttttstgtt�. Tluct th.e aaid par�y of tlre�itr8t part,in oonai,d,eration of tlae renta a�d oo.vena�r#a,
Jiereinafter m,cntionad, do...... leareby Damiae,Leaae and Lat unto the said party of tha s�oond pccr�, and tlr,�
ecaid purty of the 8eoond part do.�S hereb� hira and take fronz tlu aaid par�of tke fitret par,t, tha fottow-
i�a�d�eecribed premiaea,aituated{n the County of..........................������Y........................................................... csr�d Sta.te o�
� Minnesota �
........ . ..........................................................................................., viz:
Lower office area in building known as 600 N. Fairview (approx. 450 sq. ft.) including
35 lin. fC. of wall partitions with wood paneling both sides and 3 doors. These doors
and walls will be installed bq lessor within the first 30 days of occupancy by lessee
where directed by Iessee. '
Lessor to furnish heat, electricity, water, and air conditioning.
Lessee to furnish own 3anitorial service wi,thin their own office.
'GCo 3'i�abt �na to �o[a. The above rented pramisea unto tice aai�td Lessee.s.., ......................... luira and
assigns,for and durinF ths full tarm of twelve months ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,from and after tfu
...................................��r.s..�................day of....................4��o�?�x:..............., I9.......�3, ..............................._....................................�....._.....
.�nd the auid LeaBee......agree...... to and wf,th the said Lessar...... to pay d8 rent for tha above mantioned prem-
laea the �um.of............ .One...thousand eighty and.no/100...-----------------.-.-...................DOLLAI�S
. . „ �
at the rate of one Hundred Sixty.,Five dollars per month payable at 600 N. Fairviec,r,
St. Paul, Minnesota; 55104
. . . .. .__ ... . _ _..- - -- - --- - ----- -• .� -- -
_ - -- - -- �
.....................................................................................................................................................for and durBng the fult ter�n of thia Lease.
./!nd it is furtfcer agreed by and bedivca�a tlte partiea as follow8: That sh.ould the said Lea�s.s.. fa�t
to r►ta14;e the above mentioned paym�ents a�a h�in speci�le,d, or to pa.b the rant aforesaid wlaen due, or �ait
to fulftll any of the eovenanta harein eontained, then and �n that oasa it sTucll be lawful for tl� said ;
Leseor..s. to ra-enter and take possession of the abova rented pre�nisee,and hold and enjo�the aarrze witTtout �
suoh re-entering worlcing a forfeiture of tTie rants to be paid and tlu oave�nants to be�perfornLed by th�e said ;
Leseee...... for the fudl ter»t o�this Lease.
.qnd t7Le aaid Lesaea...S also oovenant..s..and agras...S to and with the aaid Lesaors... not to aasi�n thia
Lease,or underlet the above rented pr�misea ar anb part thereof, with�out�itra�obtain�ng tlr,�w�titten oo�escn�
of the said Lessm�.s..,and tTzat....theX..will,at the expiration of ths ti�ne aa harain recited, quietly yi6dd and
eurrencter tice caforeactid premises to the sctid Lessor.s..., .....................)uirs an.d assigna, in as good oonditio�a and I
repair as when...theX...�]c them, reaaonctble wear and tear and damcage Lb the elesnanta aloxe ea�,oepted, '�
.qnd the aaid L�ssor.s..do......00vanant tTutt tlte said Lcsaee......, on payi�.� the rent and performing the '
covenants aforesaid, sfiulL and�nay peaaeably und quietly have, lLOld cand enjoy t)te aaid desraised premiaea ��
for tfce term aforesaid. ,i
' �t[ �t�timonp ��jtreot, BotT�par�ties have Tieraunto ast 'r Jtanda and aeals th�e d,dy and year�IlreE !
above urritte�a. � LR� ;
S=�red, Sealed and Delivena�n Pre•ence o� • � .. . ,�.�..'..L.. ...._ _..._...... �
� �SE.qL
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