262618 WHI7E - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAZTL Council [� CANARY - DEPARTMENT 1 ]�( . BL4E - M�kVOR Flle �O. �L �, � r , �� �°� � °�, N B�'U � 'l R,esolution Presented By Referred To Cotnmittee: Date Out of Committee By Date WI�REAS, the Boaxd of County Com�sissioners of Ramsey County, by Resolution, dated September 2�+, 1973, classified as non-conservation land certain land 1yir�g within the limits of the City of Saint Paul; and WI�REA3, a certified. copy of the c1a,s�ification resolution to�ether with a list of the land classi�ied has be�n submitted for approval of the elassification and sale of the land classified in accordance with N1SA Section 286.01, Subd. l; now, therePore be it RESOLVED, that the classifieation of the la.�i shown on said li8t as non- conservation land i� hereby approved; aryd be it FURTI�R RE80LVED� that the City Clerk be and is hereby authorized to file a certified copy of this resolution in the Office of the Land Commnissioner. RECElVED ��_�r a 1973 CpRPORATlON COUNSE!' COUIVCILMEN Yeas Bti'�ICr Nays Requested by Department of: � Konopatzki [n Favor Levine / Meredith � Against BY �aa SoeRdler Tedesco Mme.President S�[ Hli31t Adopted by Council: Date NOV 21 1973 Form Approv d by ity A orney Certifie s d by Co il ry BY By Appro d by M or: Date O Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By ' BY PUBLISHED DEC O 1 1g7� • • 9/29/'T2 2s���8 MS 282: • ' CIaASS:CFICATION C?F TAX FORFEYTED LANDS The act of classifying tax fo•rfe�ted lands prova.des for direct�.on of authority, but does not authorize the sale or disposition of such lands in any way. A11 parcels of land becoming the property of the stt�,te in trust, under the pra- viszons of any 1aw now existing or hereaf`ter enacted declaxing the forfeiture of lands to tlie st�.te for taxes, shall be classified by the county board of �he county wherein such parcels lie as conservation or n.onconservation. Prov�ided that if any such lands are located within the boundaries of any orga,nized totim, or incorporated raunicipality, the classification shall fa.rst be approved :�y such governing body insofar a.s the lands located therein are concerned. Conservation lands Under this section, the county board may by resolution declare lands so classified as pra.marily suita,ble for timber production, and which should be sold for such � purposes, subject to the approval of the commissioner of natural resources. � � The county board may also by resolution resolve that certain lands classified as • conservation lands be devoted to conservation uses, �.nd may submit such resolu- tion to the cor�missioner of natural resources. Lands so accepted by the s�ate • wi11 be placed under the jurisdiction o£ the department of natural resaurces, and will be held by the state free from any trust in favor of any and all taxing districts. Non Conservation Lands - ?�ands so classified may be offered for sale if it shall be determined by the county board that it is advisable to do so, subject �;o the approval of th° local governing body wherein such �ands lie. � Lands so classified may be withheld from sale by the county board, if the board is of the opinion that such lands may be required by the state or any municipal subdivision thereof for public purp�ses. Lands so classified may be acquired by any governmental subdivision of the state by direction of the cou.nty board upon payment of the appraised vaZue, or by direction of the commissioner af taxation, subject to the approval. of the county board, w5.thout payment of any consideration, but subject to certain restric�:ions as to public use. � Since the Ccun�y of Ramsey does not have timber lands, or sta�e conservation areas within its boundaries, all tax forfeited lands are usually classified as non-conservation lands so that jurisdiction over such lands remains with the county and its subdivisions. . - OFTICE OF THE Lt�TJ'D i3O:�4f,ISSI0i1.c.R f � � � ' � .� t,���� � �' ' ��f ; �. ��.�� ; � i, . �� �� 1 � J. WILLIAM DONOVAN ���' 1 Voluation Enqlneer �F�-�hs�'.��3 7 ROY E. BREDAHL, ��. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L A..�� v�i„at,o� Enyfn�ar BUREAU OF VALUATIONS zee c�ti H.0 S�int ��ul, Minnaof� 66102 November 8, 1973 Mr. Phil Lee Office of the Mayor Room 347 BUILDING Re: 1973 Tax Forfeited I,ands Dear Mr.Lee: Attached you will find a resolution effecting the classification of the land listed. as non-conservation. The procedure is more flilly explained in the attached memo Prom the LandComQnissioner's Office. This office ha.s also requested from all City Depe.rtments their recommen- dations, if any, on what ta,x forfeited lands should be withheld from sale and for what purpose. When all reports are received, they are reviewed and a report is sent to the Land Co�nmissioner's Office requesting the various pa.rcels be withheld fro�n sale for a specific purpose. I therefore recormnend the attached. resolution be approved by the N�.yor for submission to Council. I� you have any questions on this matter, please let me knaw. Very truly your ,�%��� �_ �� . William Donova.n Valuation En�ineer JWD:RJR:dm Attach. D�cember 4, 1973 Mr. �.'ony Rieter S.and Comrois�ioner Valuationa Bureau Room 286, City Ha.11 Dea� air: �'ransmitted herewith for your informat3.on is a certified copy df Resolution C.F. No. 2fi2618„ �,dopt�d November 2i� 1973� which approv�$ the cla�sif3ce�tion of` lands�, aa listed izt the resolution� aa nan-canservation la.nd. Yours very truly� City Clerk �� Attach. � � ����f� .� �, November 27, 1973 h1r. C. Thc�rrias Os�ho�'1 L�.nc� �:>rnrni�s�.c�ne�. �2�om 13�?, Ci�;y �Iall ;�>�. Paul, `��Iar�t�esc�ta i�ttr air: Tranamitted herewith for yaur inYormation is a certi�'ied ec�uy of ZZ�solutic�n C.F. No. 262�i1R, adopted November �l, 1�73, w'rlich ap��:rove,s t�ie c:Lassifa.catic�n a:�' lands, �.s :Listeci in the ?•eso)�uti.on� �.s nan-conse.rvat�.on l��nd. Yours very �z•u�.Y, City Cl�rk J�� Attach. � _,; .r� rTJ,:',^,I'r'IC.",TTn*d I�I^T ���i��� .� ;=;ept�.�ber 11, 1�73 NOTfCE ITOWNSMIP RANCiE No. SUBDiVIS10N oR �R Code ` I �or s�ocK ----=, CTTY- �r �`^—�.T?T pnln, I � � -- I :ti'E;RD �PTE Arlin�-t;on Hills a�?�ition to "�.int P�.iil in the C`OUPIf,�r nr T�an��n�r �n�j �t�,t,c Of' !�'`:1?'?t'1PSnt3 6 15 o1-il000-060-15 4darren f,� !�J�nsl_o�r�s a��iition to the To;•m of S�;. ?'aul West 1/2 of 2 8 01-81200-0?_1-08 WAR?� T:��O �zrlinr�ton Hei�?hts, Pivision No. 2 Ra.msev C,o. b4inn. 28 7 02-166�0-280-07 29 7 02-15610-2go�o7 � 30 7 02-16610-300�07 � � 31 7 02-16610-310-07 `ti'��;D ?'�,'E As��.lizm A��i.tion ?v'o. 1 to the Cit,y I ctif` �`± pa,`11� ?,�!i!?!'1. (Fxcept Bayar�3 Avenue) , 9 3 � 05-11500-090-03 � Colns rearr.angement of Block 1 and Bl.ock 2 and I � su.b•]iv9.si_on ar.d enlar�ement of block 3 of his Ran�3olph St and Pleasant Avenue Addition to st ��.�si With no access, the East 1 foot of the fol]_o�ti=ang: (Er.cept the r?or.th 10 feet) , j the ?�'est ��5 feet of Lots 9, 10 and I 11 2 � 05-1.9600-113-02 Nor:aood A�di.tion to St. Pr�ul, Minn. 8 8 05-55700-080-08 � I Re-Arrar,�;ement� of Hi�hl�,n� ?�ark Ac�dition Subject to hi�hwav an�i wi.th no access, 4 S 05-63200-042-05 Rice an� Ir'vit��` s �,�dition to rai_nt Paul 3 36 05-6400Q-o31-36 i Sti.r.son's Sub�i�rjsion of Block 10, Si.inson' s ���3iti on S��b ject to hiuhaa��, 51_ 7.0 i OS-70600-511-10 i � 47hitacre, �risbine & Mul]en's sub�ivision of I Lots 1 !� 2 of I:c�n�h's a��ition of �utlot�.� to I � t;he ±.o��n of�r�,i nt P<�,�il � � � � Sub�ect to hi�hwr�,y, 3 0;-�i?��n-�31-00 I � #a � ,, ;i �. (�1� fli , iu� . . . ."l7 . �.�� CI���`�IFICATI�TI LIST ��c���� September 11, 1973 NOTICE I TOWNSNIP RANO[ No. ( SUBDIVISION I �R °R I Code 1.0T ■LOCK w�Rn sTx I � Prospect P7 ateau (F,xcept alle,y) , 2 10 06-59900-020-10 WARD SF'��;td Mackuhin an�3 b'arsh�.11' s a��iitian t.o Saint Paul i (Fxcept idest 6 £eet) , 12 21 07-48500-1.20-21 "SeJ_b,y, McClun� an�3 Vanmeter's" Addition to Saint Paul l0 2 o7=68ioo-lo0-02 West Side Anner. of Lot 8 of Marshall's Sub�3i�rision of Blk. ?_7, Mackubin & Marshal_1' s �lddition 3 07-82900-030-00 I Woo�il.and P�.rk a�3dition to the Cit,y of St. Paul 5 15 07-84�+00-050-15 S�?ARD EIGtiT Auerbach & H�,nds A�diti.on to the Cit,y of St. Paul Lots 4 an� 5 47 08-12_800-050-47 �eife?ds Subdivision of Lots 12, 13 & 14 �vi 1_ki.n and Havs�rar�' s Out Lots West 2/3's of 3 2 � 08-1�+900-031-02 � Hager's Subdivision of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 1.5, 16, 17, 18, of Walcotts addition to � Cotta�e Homes � Part taken for Railway right-of-way of 4 2 08-32_500-041-02 Mack�zbin and Marshal]_'s a�dition to Saint Paul (Fxcept alley) , 21 gi 08-48200-210-Og • I Sm�.th' s Subdivision of Stinson's Division of the N. W. 1 of Section ?b, Township 29, Range 23 51 16 08-69020-510-16 Warren & Rice's addition to Saint Pa,ul . 3 23 � 08-82000-030-23 . I I � I % y � �, i� � -.. Fv <' _ � cr,ns;�Ir,a.��I'ON LIS�r .- - . Septemher 11, 1973 NOTICE I -_ TOWNSHIP RANl3C � _ ►JQ, - -- SUB��V�S��� I OR OR Code iI LOT •LOCK i YVtt�Jl 1Y11t:� I . , "Ashton an� 5herburne's Ad�ition to �aint Paul" , Wi.th no access to hic;hwa,y, the North 1 foot I of the `.�7est 50 feet of 15 1 09-12000-150-01 Westerl,y 1�2 of 5 13 09-12000-050-1_3 Ransom's Re-arrangement of Lots 1, 2, 3, & 4, Block l, of '•7eide an� Da<<�son's G��rden I,ots (Ex.ce��t the East 10 feet) of I,ot 13 09-63100-130-00 Lewiu' Ad�ition to St. Paul � 5 6 09-45000-050-06 ILytons A�dition to St. Pau7_, Minn, 9 3 09-47500-090-03 I Stinson's Rice Street Ad!iition to the I cit,y of St. Paul, Minn. �+ 5 o9-7oaoo-o�+0-05 wARD 7*r�'�'LVE Butterfield S�rndicate Ad�iition No. 1 � 22 3 I 12-16600-220-03 "Como;' South 27 feet of the West 60 feet of part East of center line of Section 23, Township , 29, Range 23 of 1 26 1?_-20?00-017-26 Como Park Second Addition � � � North 1�2 of 5 2 i 12-20510-o5i-02 � I I I I I �l ��>U`�r'. , w�:,y w _. , ��:;•�✓".