262612 WHI7E -< CV�}+/ CLERK f �� ��(� PINK a _�FINANCE COUT1C11 � / BLUERY- MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAIIL File NO. � ,•/ Cou il Re olution Presented By �ICENSE COMMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenses for permits to c onduct Bingo games, applied for by the following organizations at the addresses stated, for the days, dates and hours indicated on each application, be and the same are hereby granted. Conway Heights Booster Club 951 Arcade Street 13 Pds. Appn. M 9953 Renewal St. Paul sokols Gymnastic, Soc. 156 W. 9th Str. 26 'r " 10757 New r COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: i�c Butler Konopatzki � In Favor Levine Meredith D Against BY � Roedler Tedesco Mme.President� xunt NpV 2 1 1973 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certifi ed by Co il tary BY �i By Approve by Ma r: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By ' BY PUBUSHED pEC 1 'I ,� �''