262589 WHITE - CITV � ERK � 2�25�9 PINK - FINANCE �7� CO1111C11 BLUE^Y-.MA��'ORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAI� L File NO. . , r n il Resolution Presented By � ,� J � '� i� Referred To �� `r^�^ � a `� � � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Whereas, the new City Charter pravides in Sec. 7.05 that the city primary election shall be held on a date set by the council which sha.11 be no less than six weeks before the city election, and �lhereas, the city election will be held on the la�st Tuesda� in April� 1974, in accordance with �ec. 7.01, and therefore, be it Resolv�,d, th�t the cit9 primary election in 19?4 shall be held on Marc h 19, the third Tuesday in March, and be it F'urther Resolved, that na affidavit of candidaey may be accepted later than 5 :00 P.M. of the last day for filing in accordance with Sec. 202.06 32 of Minnesota Election Laws, and be it Further Resolved, that �.t the city primary election and a�t the city general election the polls shall be open from 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. COULVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Butler Nays x� � ('itv�l �rk Konopatzki In Favor Levine � �Roedler Against BY , Tedesco a �dp��t��b'�f1'rRri : ��'��ate N OV 1 6 t973 For pprove City �ey Cer ' ie a sed by Cou il S ary B By Appro by M , Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to C il By BY , PUBUSHED HQy �� �97� �f�, G�y�� `° S f���� - - II'1G �'�= 9Q8�e@Be BiHEb5dBBB �Bf��B CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL CZTY HALL AND OOURT HOUSE VICTOR J. TEDESCO SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55102 MICHAEL H. SIRIAN Councilman P H O N E 6 1 2 \ 2 9 8-5 5 O 6 Legislative Aide November 26, 1973 Mr. Harry E. Ma.rshall City Clerk 386 City Hall BUILDING Dear Mr. Marshall: Please be advised the proposed resolution establishing a city prima.ry election date in 1974, and referred to the Community Services-Election Committee for its consideration, was considered at an informal meeting of the aforesaid committee members and forwarded to the Council with a recommendation for adoption. The purpose of this notification is to clear the Community Services-Election Committee calendar of this subject matter. Yours truly, � �� � Victor J. esco Chairma.n, Community Services-Election Com. VJT:MS:lc � ,-��`?z �g � ✓�; �v� T�ovember l�, 1�73 I�fr. V3ctor Ted�e�co, Chairmen Cnmmunity Services and Electic+n Committee Room 701, G3ty Hall :�t. Paul, NLinnesota Dear Sir: The City Council re�'erred to tha Com�munity Services and Electiaa Commiti:�e i'or ecansiderat�on and recommendation a resolution setting �. date for th� City pr:tmaxy e1�:ctio�. Your�s very trul.y, City Clerk ABO:�mw