262582 WH17E - CITY CLERK CO11I1C11 262�8�
�4�JE - MAYOR File NO.
� " ouncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, The City Council , pursuant to Ordinance No. 15311 , Council
File No. 260426, adopted January 23, 1973 did hold a public hearing on
March 2, 1973 in the City Council Chambers for the purpose of establish-
ing the level of service of Street Maintenance to be performed in the
City of Saint Paul and the amount of service charges to be levied against
benefitted property; and
WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul did determine that the
program of Street Maintenance Services to be performed within the City
should be in the manner as set forth and described in the attached re-
port of the Department of Public Works; and
WHEREAS, The Department of Public Works did perform the Street Mainte-
nance Services in a manner as set forth and described in the attached
report of the Department of Pubiic Works; and
WHEREAS, Pursuant to Ordinance t�o. 15311 the Department of Public Works
has submitted to the Department of Finance and Management Services a
report showing the total cost of Street Maintenance to be $2,515,000.00
a copy of such report has heretofore been delivered to the City Councii ;
now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the City shall pay $735,000.00 of the cost of Street
Maintenance by using Municipal State Aid ($3 5,000.00) Trunk Highway
Aid ($165,000.00) and County Aid ($175,000.0�; and be it further
RESOLVED, That $1 ,7$0,000.00 shall be assessed against benefitted pro-
perty according to the foliowing rates;
Class I - Downtoam $.6Q per front foot
Class II - Outlying Cafinercial and
Arterial Streets - Cam�ercial
Property $.40 per front foot
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Konopatzki [n Favor
Meredith Against BY !
Mme.President Butler
Form Approved by Cit�/?A, orney •
Adopted by Council: Date ( ,
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � ,
By '.. �f
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
BY By� �!/ � f�� �
WH17E - CITY CLERK CO1111C11 262582
� � Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Residential Property $.20 per front foot
Class III - All Residential Streets
Residential �roperty $.20 per front foot
Canmercial Property $.30 per front foot
Class IV - All Oiled and Paved
Alleys $.10 per front foot
Class V - Unimproved Streets and Alleys
Streets $.10 per front foot
Alleys $.05 per front foot
and be it further
' RESOLVED, That a public hearing shall �e held in the Councii Chambers of
the City of Saint Paul at 10:00 a.m. , November 3�, 1973 for the purpose of
adopting service charges against all benefitted properties to be collected .
in the same manner as other real property taxes in 1974.
Yeas Butler Nays Requested by Department of:
� � Public Works
Konopatzki [n Favor
Levine '
Meredith `� Against BY
S�c Ro�dler Daniel J. Dunford, Director (JFS)
dkt Tedesco
Mme.President � IiUrit
Adopted by Council: Date N�-v,1 5�,Q7�-- Form Approv�d by City torney
Certified ed Cou ' Secreta� BY
Approv Ma r: � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
pusus�� HQ�Ii 8419�3
. � �62�8
. .
Notice is He�eby Given, that Public Hearing will be held on the 30th day of
November, 1973, at 10:00 A.M. in the Saint Paul City Council Chambers, City
Hall and Court House, Saint Paul , Minnesota, the purpose of the Public Hear-
ing being to consider the service charges for the levei of service of Street
Mai�tenance pe�formed in the City of Saint Paul in 1973 and to consider xhe
cost of such se�vice to be cha�ged against benefited property according to
Ordinance No. 153� 1 , Councll File No. 260426.
The particular service performed and the estimated costs as proposed by the
Department of Public Works, a�e as follows:
CLASS I - Downtown or Loop Streets
Class 1 service wiii be performed on atl dow�town or loop st�eets with-
in the following boundaries: Keilogg Boulevard on the south and west,
Eleventh Street o� the north and Broadway on the east.
P�oposed 1973 Level of Services:_
The downtown streets will be swept three times per week and flushed fiv�
times per week. All routine maintenance, including patching and repair-
ing of street surfaces will be pe�formed on an as needed basis.
Proposed Assessment:
• All Class 1 service will be assessed at a rate of $.60 pe� front foot.
CLASS II - Outlying CoRrtnercfal and Arterial Streets
- Class II service wilt be performed on all outlying commerctai and at-terial
streets in the City. These are the major arteries in the City and have
both heavy volumes of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and, in most cases,
have business or cor�nercial propertles f rontfng o� them. Typicai examples
tMOUId be as follows: University Avenue, Snelling Avenue, West Seventh
Street, East Seventh Street, Rtce Street, Payne Avenue, Arcade Street,
Sur�nit Avenue, Grand Avenue, St. Cla1r Avenue, and others. All of these
Class II streets are accu�ately defined on a map available for viewing in
the Depa�tment of Public Works, Room 234, City Hall .
Proposed 1973 Level of Services:
The Class II streets would be swept or cleaned once per week. All routine
maintenance including patching and repairing of st�eet surfaces witl be
do�e on an as needed basis. �
� . . 2s��g
Notice of Public Hea�ing -2- Novembe� 14, 1973 �
Praposed Assessment:
U�der Class II service, there will be two assessment rates, one commercial
and one residential . The comme�cial property rate will be $.40 per front
foot and the residential prope�ty rate will be $.20 per front foot.
CLASS I11 - A1l Residential Streets
Class Iti se�vice w�ould be performed on all residentiat streets inciuding
o11ed st�eets, paved streets, and intermediate type streets.
Proposed 1973 Levei of Services:
All �esidential streets, including the oiled, paved, and lntermedfate
type streets under Class til will be swept and flushed three times during
the season. The spring cleaning wtll be completed by about June ist.
The second cleaning would be completed during the mid-summe� months, and
the third and final cleaning would be in late fall or after the ieaves
have come down, compteting it by Novembet- lst. All routine maintenance
1�cluding patching and repairing of the street surfaces, wili be perfo nned
on an as needed basis.
Pt'oposed Assessment:
Under Class I11 service to residentlal st�eets, we have two catego�ies
of assessment, one bei�g residentiai , the othe� commercial . The resi-
dential p�operty �ate would be $.20 per front foot and the commercial
praperty $.30 pe� front foot.
CLASS IV - All Oiled and Paved A11eys
Class IV service wouid be performed on all oiled, paved, and intermediate
type alleys within the City.
Proposed 1973 Level of Se�vice:
All oiled, paved and intermediate alleys would be swept twice during the
season. Effo�ts wauld be made to complete the first cleaning by July lst,
and the second cleantng by November lst. All routine mai�tenance including
patching a�d repairing of the alley surfaces will be performed on an as
needed basis.
Proposed Assessment:
Under Class IV alley service there wouid be one assessment whether it is
oiled, paved, o� intermediate. An assessment of 5.10 per frvnt foot is
i ` • ��ti
, . , 262�g�
Nottce of Publfc Hea�ing -3- November 14, 1973
CLASS V - Unimproved Streets and A1 �eys
Class V service will be performed on unimproved streets and alleys. By
unimp�oved we mean those streets and aileys that have not been developed
for one reason or another. They are platted City �ight-of-ways, however,
the abutting residents have never petitioned for their improvement nor
have there been any assessments levied. The�e are approximately 80 miles
of unimproved streets and 100 miles of unimproved alleys in the City.
� Because they are City �ight-of-ways, the City has the responsibiiity to
perfot-m minimal repai�s and maintenance work an them to reduce any haza�ds
o� potential hazards.
Proposed 1973 level of Se�vices:
The maintenance and �epair of these streets and alleys will consist of
patching, minor blading, placing of crushed rock and othe� stabtlized
matecial in order to ma ke them passable and reduce haza�ds.
Proposed Assessment:
Under Class V service we p�opose the foilowing two assessments. Since
the�e wiii be �o sweeping and fiushing invoived, the assessment is based
only on the patching and repair w��k that may be needed. For streets we
p�opose an assessment of one-half of the standard �esldential street
assessment proposed under Ciass ill , or $.10 per f�ont foot. Unde� alleys
we again propose an assessment of one-half of the alley assessment proposed
under Class IV,• or $.OS per front foot. These assessments will pravide the
bare minimum funds necessary to take care of these unimproved streets and
Total Estimated Cost S 2,515,000.00
Source of Funds
Mu�icipal State Aid S 395,000.00
• Trunk Htghway Maintenance Aid 165,000.00
County Aids 175,000.00
Total Aids $ 735,000.00
To Be Assessed 1 ,780,000.00
$ 2,515�000.00