262581 WH17E - GTV «ERK � � 262581
Council olution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the Council has ratified and approved
Laws 1973, Chapter 538, giving the option to the
Saint Paul Civic Center Authority to contract the
management of its ramp to a private party, subject
to the approval of the Council,
hereby approves the Civic Center Authority' s request
for bids in the matter of the management of the
Par7cing Ramp.
Yeas Butler Nays Requested by Department of:
K�on�opatzki �_ In Favor
Meredith . L) Against BY
R�a Roedler
Mme.President� �'t
N OV 1 197 F m Approved b C' rney
Adopted by Council: Date _�
Certified P s b ounc' Secr a�
BY -s .
Appro d by Ma�or Date Appr v by M or r Submission to Co
PUBUSHED H01f �41973
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A bid is requested for a .,������oPeration of the ,
Civic Center eight-level parking ramp located at 146 W: Kellogg Blvd. ,
� . _ �,�� .. � �
�St, Paul, Minnesota. It is the desire of the - .�M _. , „
acting by and through the Civic Center Authority, to contract with a �
� who has had such experience in operat-
' ing parka�ng garages with large capacities as would demonstrate their
ability to carry on such operations. Such parking ramp management
service shall be referred in these specifications, to "Operator" .
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The Ope�ator wi11 agree to furnish to the Civic Center Authora,ty
all goods and services necessary �to operate and manage the parking ramp,
including but not limited to the following:
' a. Active management participation during all times mentioned
`µ.' � ' To make available .
herein to include . _ � .._ ,. -
to Owner 'the services of its trained personnel; general and special
knowledge of parking operations, and give the operation the benefit of
any savings resulting by reason of block purchasing of insurance, garage
forms and other supplies, and parking deck management expertise.
. b. Personnel, including the operating manager, are to be �he _
emp7.oyees of the operator and not of the owner, and the �����,
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during the term ofr the contract with the Civic Center Authority.
� Sufficient personnel shal7. be employed and scheduled to insure the
prompt and efficient operation of the parking ramp.
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parking ramp into an account of the Owner ., �
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d. Payment of all fees, charges and costs which represent � ��' �
�s the same are hereinafter defined.
. ,
e. The institution and continued maintenance of an effective
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which shall include:
1. Maintenance of ertaining .to volume
and income.
, 2. . contents of which and the frequency
of submittal shall be mutually agreed upon. �
3. Preparation of payroll checks and� payroll tax deposits and
returns. � �
4. Preparation and submittal of
, . ,����I�d any incidental financial and operating reporting
. , statements deemed necessary by the parties or as provided in the normal
• course of operation of a parking ramp as custom and usage sha1T dictate.
5, �shall be prepared and made available
. , , � �
� "Direct Operating Costs" are de�ined as follows:
a. Total wage payments for all personnel, including operating
. , ,
manager, ����.�:;:���.��� ����:.-�.. _.,;. :•. _ .
,x�r�,����St;�a,.�. fthe"-�ka� �am�. The said wage payment shall
include additional wage costs such as Worlcmen's Compensation and unern-
ployment comgensation insurance, social security, hospitalization insur-
ance and any other fringe beriefits necessary to maintain competent
b. Total cost of operational suppli�s (tickets, forms, postage,
billing services, and other office materials) .
c. Total cost of maintenance materials and services, including
� equipment service. � �
d. Total cost of customer damage payments. `
e. Total cost of uniforms and laundry. �
f. Total costs of signs and operating equipment. .
g. Total cost of all utilities.
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h. �;�1;,3,�, �;; �i,.i�,�� the amount and extent of cover-
age being agreed upon by the parties as described in the Bid specifi-
cations, :�� �� '�4!� ��` ��, ���'�+�����".'-����"����?�r
i. Total cost of such other ,equipment, material, supplies or
� serv�.ces which may be agreed upon as neCessary for the efficient
operation and managem�nt of the parking ramp.
j . Legal expenses to comply with present and future wage and
price regulations and labor relations matters.
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��ty" and shall relieve the owner of any liability or obligation
whatsoever to pay the operator any fees, charges or reimbursements
which may then or thereafter assure the terms of this agreement. No
, _.. ,,,�. ,
employee or agent of operator shall ��a►tw'�,�ct�.���"� ����'��e�.g; +�
either as an owner, employee agent, or having an interest therein, for
services. over and above his or her duties or scope of employment, ����
. � ��:t�# �� �a�al �. �he ��� �`C��;:�.��y.:�
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The parking rates as set �orth below shall be in effect the day
the operator enters into a contract with the Civic Center Authority, but .
;�# �a��� �ay b�,��:�i�t�t�� o� mcfdi�i.� �t at�:;t�mer ;.�" t�+�._s€�.+�`��..�.�,►
�^s�i�: t�f ��t�.C.iv�,•_�e����;Autho�'f:�`. The following rates shall initially
be in effect: .
Hourly Parking -
.25 first hour
_ _
: .15 each additional hour .
1. 00 - Z2 hour maxi.mum
� 1.25 - 18 hour maximum
1. 50 - 24 hour maximuin
� " Daily Parking =
� 1.00 6AM - 6PM - 12 hours
� ..4_ , .
Parking (Cont. ) _
Monthly Parking -- .
' Individual, Mon-Fri. 6 AM - 6 PM $17.50 Mo.
. Individual - 7 day, 24 hours 22.50 Mo.
Commercial 25-50 cars 16.OQ Mo.
� Commercial 50-100 cars 15.OQ Mo. -
. Commercial 100-200 cars 14 .OQ Mo.
Commercial 200-500 cars � 12.50 Mo. .
Events Parking - " .
1.00 will be charged per car for each
Civic Center event. � � �
There are approxi.mately in the Civic `Center Parking Ra����
. W , At the present time, the Civic Center
' ,�:• . ..�;
Authority has granted the use of 150 parking stalls. The operator -
shall, at all times, allow the use of the parking faca.lities by such
parties as designated by the Civic Center Authority. ����
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At the present time, the Civic Center Authority has a contractual
' agreement with the Minnesota State High School. League, wherein 120
parking stalls are allotted on the f� level of the parking ramp
; during the 1974 Minnesota Stat��ecke.}� Tournament. Only to this
. event, the right of the operator to deny a stall, shall not apply. -
Upon advice, from the Civic Center Authority to the operator that
a special event requires security officers
_ . , .., � � _. � k
� ;�' �r� the operator shall, at the direction of the Civic Center
Authority, provide parking stalls to such personnel for such an event.
It will be acknowledged by the operator that such uniformed security
personnel, while on duty, are of direct benefit to the operator as
well .as to the Civic Center Authority. �
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A�Zaintenance & Repair (Cont. ) �
� Oth�r than parking facilities and. such mechanical assistance to
. activate inoperative vehicles as requested by the �patron, the operator
is advised that facilities for the individualized heating of cars during
th� winter seasfln are presently non-functional and will only be made
uaable at the discretion of tlze Civic Center Authority.
. . _..
- ��.. , .
The operator shall have the duty and responsibility to report ta
the Civic Center Authority, in writing, any damage or injury sustained
to persons or property, including parking ramp itself.
� .
� , .
� - �`at the time of contracting with •
the Civic Center Aut�nority for the management of its parking ramp
facility, to file with the Ofiice of th� City Attorney insurance eover-
ing the following areas in not less than the foliowing amounts, with
the Civic Center Authority and the City of Saint Pau1. named as the co-
insureds on all policiesc �
1. Workmen's Compensation Tnsurance Statutory I.i.mits
. 2. Garage liability policy
a. Bodily injury - 500,000 - one person .
1,�OQ, OQ4 - each occurrence
b. Property damage - 100,000 - each occurrence
3. Passenger elevator insurance
a. Bodily injury - 500,000 � - one person .
1,000,OOQ - each occurrence
, b. Property damage - 100, 000 - each occurrence
4. Garage-keepers liabila.ty insurance limits 5Q0,000.
a. Fire a�d explosion
b. Theft (of entire car) � :
� c. Riot, civi3. commotion, malicious misahief and
vandalism. �
5. Robbery and holdup insurance (inside and outside) -
$250 deductible. ,
Limit per case - 5,000.00
� �. � vF• . � � � � � � � . � � � � - . �
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.�:. g�c��s= �ipt� ,fzae� tI�e r�pe�ation o� tha pa�c�r�rari�g i�:s� �'�� �
�����r��t��q coats, as defined herein, and on that remaining
balance, the operator, at the time of making his bid, shall submit
�to th� Civic Center Autho-rity its . �= - .. . . � ri:� , �'�'�
���'� .
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Coupled with the experience of the operator, selec�.ion will be
based on the additional factor of the � ��t.��s���:���e
_ ... . ...
f.��i� ��►'ge�n'�;��=� �:vi�s':t:�ent�C �t�r3.t�. The oper.ator
.' shall submit with its bid, a current financial statement for .the pe�� �
usal and information of the Civic .Center Authority. : �
cozvT�cT .
It will be anticipated that the bidder selected by the Civic .
Center Authority, such selection being based on the bidder 's experience
.- and his financial proposal, shall enter into a w��:����,,�,�,
=��`$k-��r`i.+� �e�te�r 'Aut�t�aci� to -1e�ae� �or � �� pe�iod,.. a�. .��r�=�►
with the contract incorporating at a minimum, the various provisions �
• set forth in these specifications and such other items as shall be
negotiatec� between the Authority and the bidder. .
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It is understood that any agreement between the Cieic Center Author-
_ �.. _
ity and the bidder :r
.�,� x . . _ . ,_ ,.�
Any contract entered into between the operator and the Civic Center
Authority shall contain a clause allowing either party to ����-
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