262575 WHITE - CITY CLERK ^�A��� PINK - FINANCE COU1lC11 i r CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAiTL File NO. ��V rV BLBUE - MAYOR � r Ordinance N 0. ����� Presented By Leonard W. Levine � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending the Zoning Code , Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive , of the Saint Paul Legislative Code , pertaining to Use Distriets , Height Districts and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul , as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Code , Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive , of the Saint Paul Legislative Code , pertaining to Use Districts , Height Districts and Rezoning o� certain properties in the City of Saint Paul , as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following described property from "B" Residence District to "Light Industriai" Distriet , to-wit: Lots 1 through 16, Block 4, Edmund Rice ' s Fourth Addition, situate on property located on the west side of Terrace between Case and York in the City of Saint Paul . Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage , approval and publication. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith � Agalnst BY � Roedler Tedesco Mme.President�t$� Hunt Adopted by Council: Date N OV 3 0 1973 Form Appro d by Ci ttorney Certified Pa s d by Coun ' Secretary BY ` By �"�� Appr ed by Mayor. _ Approved by May for Submission to Council By By vus�►sHEa � ' Hatry E. Marshall Albert B. Olson City Clerk and �'T'' aF Council Recorder Cvmmisioner of Registration .��`w�''', � � ���� v � � � � �_.� ; .� �r � OFFI'CE OF THE CIT1G CLERK ��T � � 1973 CITY OF SAINT PAUL co����,��-�e� ������� BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 5510,2 October 25, 1973 Mr. Sc tt Davies City ttorney D r Sir: The City Council requests that you prepare an ordinance granting the petition of Marrell and Ma.r3orie Hathaa,iay to rezone from "B'� Residence to Light Industrialr Lots 1 through 16, Block 4, Edmund Rice�s Fourth Addition on the west side of Terrace between Case and York Avenues. Very truly yours, � I O�� �� ! / '� . 1 ity Cle � ABO:ml O . { • / 1 �����17 BOARD OF ZONING CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT VINCENT M. COUGHLIN PLANNING COORDINATOR October 24, 1973 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir: This is written in response to the petition of Marrel G. and Marjorie A. Hathaway to rezone, from "B" Residence to Light Industrial, property located on the west side of Terrace between Case and York, and further described as Lots 1 through 16, Block 4, Edmund Rice's Fourth Addition. This matter was heard at the Board of Zoning meeting held September 20, 1973. The applicant proposed to develop the area with some type of light industrial use. The staff report indicated that there were considera- tions which were to be weighed both for and against this proposal. This area adjoins other industrially-zoned land on the south and west, which would indicate that the rezoning would be a reasonable expansion of industrial zoning. On the other hand, I-35E separates it effectively from a large portion of the industrially-zoned land on the west. The proposed Zoning Ordinance calls for multiple-family dwellings in the area, but the County plans to build an ice arena on the southeast corner of Terrace and Case, and the heavy traffic generated by it and existing industrial uses make the site undesirable for residential use. Based on these factors, the staff recommended that the area be rezoned to Light Industrial. Discussion by the Board concerned questioning the applicant regarding the specific use to which he planned to put the property. The applicant assured the Board that a light industrial use, and not multi-family dwelling units, would be developed on the premises. The Board heard a motion to recommend approval of the request. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously. Sincerely, ,� �°o� / DAVID RON MADDOX �� G I � y �"' Secretary, Board of Zoning �� J DRM:DGW:mb Zoning File 7531 421 Wabasha, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612) 298-4151 e , . . • � v . � - CITY OF SAINT PAUL �,tY op 2�25"�5 �� ; � , Ha�ry E. MarsMali o " .... � Albert B. Olson �n� �uo� City Clerk and .a` :",.'�' �t Council Recorder Council Secretary .y� � �o +.. OPFICE Of THB CITY CLERK •UREAU OF RECORDS �86 City Hadd St.Paul,Minnesota 56102 October 5, 1973 Zon�ing Board Grace Bldg. St. Pattl� Mir�rt. QeIItle�ea: The Couacil referred to you for reco�nendation the attached petitioa of M�errill and Me�r�orie Hathawweiy to rezone Lot�s 1 thro�xgh 16, Block 4, Ednur►d Rice's Fourth Addi�ian. Yo�rs v+ery traly, City l�rk C Aao:3m�+ Attsch. ZC�f�Il�G F�LE �� 1� (� � � D �� � , C!'1'Y N � r 1 � �9T3 �inc�p��M`' �(1�,�#11 '` �� �ao� e � ' ' 4' . •- � • . � • /'.� / / / �s���5 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � , being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the owner of the property to be rezoned, or has authority to lawfully bind the owner of the property to be rezoned, which is described as follows: c� J �b Z'S � ��u !G , .v�:a G K ��. �.O�f c��!!� �'l G E.S- �G' T- �UO/7�"/6�to . � that affiant does not have any legal or equitable interest in, is not in the act of purchasing, nor has he purchased or sold within one (1) year preceding the date of the attached petition any land contiguous to the property sought to be rezoned as described above, except (N9Z}E-) ( ' ) ; that affiant �� s c� ,Uc.� or:J understands the word contiguous" as used herein to meanjparcels of property sharing a co�non boundary at any point without regard to the presence of public thoroughfares. , > 67'� / '7 qc, ! `� �"�� u � � .��oc � �� �o�tvu0 � � � �`S � � �l '� '� � p�7-� � "� ' ��O `-(° o�, Sub�cribed and sworn to before me "` � ` �his 26th day of September, 1973. �'� �r �: ' � _,����� k ����_� T `t <, u..w':.�« ..��G���..r�-- �n,� ��,'t �n,�/A��--- JEANNE M. ANDERT Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. ]Vly Commission Expires Sept. 27, 1973. . � 262��5 MII�iJTES 4�' TI3� 1?UBLIC H�ARTNG BEFORI: 'rHL BQARA OF Z�NTNG Urr �HURSDAYR SFPT.EMB�R �?Or 1973, AT 2:Ofl P,M� PRES�NT: ASmea� Cochrane and Norton; Messrs, Wfl�its ax�d Rugp af r_h� Board; Mr� Eri�:�sson, �,sste City �rchii.ect; I�ir, Rosetter ac�d �irsu B�rriau;.t of the PZann�.ng Departu�ent Staff. NiARItEL: Gn AND Nlk+:RJORTE �,. HA'I�tAW�Y c;?S31'N : A petition to rezone froin '°B" Res�.dence �� I,ight Indus�ri�l property locaated on the west szdc ot Terrace between �ase arzd Yorl�. M,_� Rase�ter read the s�aff. report fp�c ,�his m�tter, �e ssid t;�at one factor in t�var �f th.Q petitzor �s that "Light in�justr.ial zaning exfs�s acr.•oss Terrace, so�th af 1'arl.c and irrun�diat��y sd�jafnin� thfs site to the weste Agaizcst the �Seti:�.an, the Ligt�t I��dcas::rial zcs�ing taas puC ir� as part o£ the c��x��.r..ai O�C��illeiIlCE a� whz.ct-t time Z-35E was no� in,. Si.nc� the freeway was p�z� �n, it �e.aves �:he �,ight :i:�.�ustri�al distriet high and dcy, heing sepaz�ai.cc� ':,y 1';,,ri� and ��'sSE, ALattzer fac.tor i.s the area j�st on t�h� soutiieast coxt�er Qi T�x�r�Ece and �;ase�. T«exe is � l.a�ge �;acan� par.�:e�i prc�pased to be a C:ouney ic� �r.en�, Countv of�icf.s�s s�y ti�is is Sf:'i�.I �ra�rarinn�d�. s�:�ce t�r.ey k�ork out. �t�e �xcRZt�ec�uraf. pYO��i.PU�s art tt�e ane:� the�� hsve L2C3Gl., +�heY �7i?.l t.ake maXe actioi� o:� gee�{ng othex` ice aren�s bu�1Y � Fia� s�i� the sta.Ef was csnsiue�in� wh�t i.tie b��t txse �f the proper.tp wouid b� i� tl�e 5ce. ar.e.za w�s pui: zt�� �chey nated th�` rsrt���c�wc�:l �r�%r+ance call.ed faa� mu:�:��:te fa�nii.y use af rE�zs ax�e;�., rlul.ta_p1e ismi�y r•sigl�t: :20� be the besr. :�se becau;e of rtte t.raffzc �enerati�n �t. r.i�c9:t w:eich wau�.c� r.onf?.icC wii:h the i.c.e a�ena� �f��y ca;�e ta ±-.i.ze �encl.usic�� th.�t ?.��hc Iredustrial. <<�.i.f;ht ba � ;:easonable use fo� �his r�YbpeY•�y because i.� ��zz1.d mast� ,�zl;e�.y genex���� �r�ffi.c dL�f.r�g the da� c�i�e.� ai�d '�ecause ir is tao a.si�F:itecl � s�i�e �j� d�.vei��; �aith a s�r«sli, cr►�aerc�a� use� P�r� i��:o�g� �;st�and, z°���re:;entic��; tt�� �seC:.°:s.��ne�-; Mar!-et €3�s�h�w�y. st��tac? ir wo�:�.d be ca��ly i:a e�se ct�is as a ��tult:i�s�cy fami?.}° are�v Mr� �:upp asked �f �tiey wcu:�i nut r.p�rt��r.c^ z.:; tl�ere, 2�r, Ost�razi� sNi,] ti�ey ::�;c1 � €��si.,�;�.9.ry� ,�i�dy �sd�, and fc�±�czc� ��a�. ti�:�� ��rest �s�e of �_h� propeY`�Y troii�.ci l�� �4iglzt i.r.�c�sr�ri�3 :. Mr, Berg ;:�om th2 �;�.ty �i:�erney`s U&'f_�:�cc�; �s.�ad vil��t pos� iL1.� ��se� rhey toe�e conside�.�in� ,L t'r�e �.«n� �•7as •tez�ned . P•4r; Osr:Ya��l� :ic�;C� t:�l���/ �i7�:.'`� !.:�12'��.Cl`x.�,'::Sj� Slr(t�2 1-J(?E? C?L tilc3�?',3I�r'tt1�i.T�.�,: MY , �£?r�T 1�llti? �2S[cE?:I !.� r�C"I i1:�V2 .921�% cc�nt.�a,:i.z� ::r�n�ingene tSr+:32 �?i i:i '"cT at3?ai.i11? �?i1� W8S f:O�Cj ri2L?� (�`1i� liCt�.:�. j��: �,V'�.��.1t:C tT1��Veta i:l.c:y :-t�<•CT[GT;E'!t•�1 £i�,��s"C'.Ta� tli L{?2 �:�2!'lYl]-Clg., li: :Ic7S s-_<.•�,r�ded �1y' T�4�s , hr�:tc��� t�c�d �:he r��rz.c�r.•. ca?-:-�e�l ��n.ac�i.rrou�3 iy� S;.tbmi�:�.ed 'a:>'; .�:�?,��rc�v:;ci t�.y�; P�ut L, Rasetf:e:ti iJi7,lia� H� 1�cxp�� ,T�� .- , ' % CITY OF ST. PAUL ���""''"�� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ASSESSMENT DIVISION 113 CITY HALL ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 October l2, 1973 File X1311, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Ciry Hall and Caurt House at 10:00 a.m. on October 25, 1973 on the petition of Merril�. G. and Marjorie A. Hathaway to rezone from a "B" Residence Bistrict to a "Light Industrial District" on the property described as follows: Lot 1 thru Z6, Block 4, Edmund Rice's Fouxth Addi�ion The propertq is located east of 1?i�hway 35-E between Case and York Avenues. For fur�her inf�rmation contact the Planning Bcs�rd, 421 Wabash8 Street or �t�;.�;�hone 29i3-4151. To comply with the Ci*_y �a�rt�r, th� D�gartme�t of Finance is charge3 with ir.f�rnir.g you o� t�►i3 pub�ic h��xing. If you have any questians, it �s �������end�d t�at you attend this public h�aring to sfford yc�u the �o�ruor�ur�r_y to aake your views, both pro anrl �on, knowa to ta� ��ty Caer�cil. ROBERT W. TRUDEAU L'��r-:L��,r � , , . . _ . . , �` . . � � . CITY OF Sr'1INT PAUL, f2INNESOTA � � v / � PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thrtl 64 OF THE LEGISLATTVE (ZONING) CODE Note: T:e signer should apprise himself of the uses p€rmitted under the new classi•- fication before signing this petition. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 298-4151. (Please type or print) Date: September 18, 1973 TO TFiE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code and riinnesota Statute 462,357(5) , we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated withi.n 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real est,ate k�eld by the own�r of the real estate to be rezon�d or by any party who has purchased oY� is pi�rchasing any such contiguous property within one (lj year preceding th� da-�e of this oetition, such property including the property to be rezoned, hereby acqt:iesce; ar�d we� t«e owners of 50� or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your�i�onoral�le Bo3y ta rezone the following described property: (legal description and street address) � .� � ,r / „ from � �'l E s� r>�N c � District to ���'`�T !'N�`'s T.�' District, for the purpose of installing, consfixucting and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) ����-L c �,.�� tit T RECORD OWNER SIGN TURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: ' . �rz_ Burlin ton Northern Inc. st.Director-Prop. Mgmt: See Belo Except part i�icluded ir Fdmund Rice's r ourth l��:jr itic:�, and �xcen� tract conueyed ;n Book 6-S r�eecis, pa�e 609; T�;at part of Edmund Ri.Ce' s Trout �rook Addition - _ _ _ _ .._ :_ lying easterlv of ,.iiss.issippi St. and northeasterl,y o.f �oo �,ire ,_ . Plat-�iVo-. 5, also �hr�t �art of Bloc�: 2C l�Tin� so�;therly .of Lots-�r�n _�j_ "F;� and that p-�rt of nlock I9, l,vi7� northerly of Lot "C�" of said _ , _.___. _. So� Lir.e Plat incl.udin� all vacated st.reets ar.--� alle��s. l�lso co:nmencin� a.t +he sc�;athwest corner of. I�ot 1 , $lock lf�, �:c'.r:ur.^� pice�s rourth Adc3iti�n,_ thence Yr`est 30 ft. thenee North 3C ft., tre:,c�: sc;��theaster•lv to be�inn�r:�, __._ _ _ �eir.� part of east � of Vale Street, vac«t�d, 41so cc�r.n;encing at t:�e south-_ Yrect "corn�r nt' I;ot 3, �aid B?�ck 1�^, t�-:erce so��;h 3G' ft. , thence ea�t State af Minnesota) �� f't. ther.ce northP:esterl.t� tn �e�-inr�r�7, beir.� part of ) ss r.orth � of V!h,ta1� St. �facate-;. �� � . _ County of Ramsey ) � �1��o,��.=-�- �, ��s j"�fS �v u being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of ��N�pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed imtuediately following each name; that each of th�•p�.rties described above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year preceding the t�3te of this petition which is contiguous to the groperty above descri.bed; that none of the parties described, above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above described property witY�in one {1) year of the date of this petition; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so descri.bed. k.� �.� , -� �_� . , -:�..� ( � -� �-_ �c;:�� Subscribed and sworn to before me �ddress: �6 �S� Nc�` ' A v� � � Telephone No. _s"T, 1�'.� ��-, /`�iuk, SS/ C � this���ay of �q 7`,3 Approved as to form 8-27-73 � , Office of the City Attorney Notary Public, Ramsey County� 'nn. x nnn•�^•^.^v�,^�v�nn� My commission expires L� 2 2� /Q7�o �,v�.as;� R. H. BROECOP? � ,. ,.;;� NO7P,RY PU�3L1C-t'3r+1::SOTA ._. _ _.�_�.� _.-�-a--- --_ _.r'.=-.,� _ ^�'s' R�41�3 Y Cr"������Y ��_-_-.-_ _ .,, , hfyC . , , omm Ez�ires r:�,ril 22 1976 � • �`+►4f-�--.�.-lt WWvvvVVVWWs � � , � _ � , , CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � �� � � PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATTVE (ZONING) CODL Note: The signer should apprise himself of ,the uses permitted under the new classi-- fication before signing this petition. For furthez' informatian about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 298-4151. (Pleaae type or print) Date: .S�"�' T, � S��/9 7 3 TO TI-iE HONOBABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code and riinnesota Statute 462.357(5) , we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of rcal estate held by the own�r of the real estate to be rezon�d or by any party who has purchased oz- is pi�rchasing any such contiguous property within one (11 year preceding thc da'�e of this oetition, such property including the property to be rezoned, hereby acc�iesce; ar�d we, �i�� owners of 50� or more of the frontage to be recZassified, petition your Honorable Bo3y tc rezone the following described property: (legal description and street address) �Q r,5 / T�``!� v '�, f31_G C:.K 4l ,E/�M c.N o /�/L-CS -�-! r�� ,� O D; i t �' r-r from �� �� �.5'/���'ni C'E District to�/Gf/T ; .'�v u s T'h/� � District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed tacility) j-��,,t f� l v I � c>f��'i/` iJ j` RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: � �' / �I�- L �G c' G�/E LE �G � c^ _ c 19 � 1'CR �. /�/� WF'1,��� =Zn / ,�o�aat�s`1�E .�LO l s ` �.-�e�v�U� ,.�r� , �. �-z� � ,;j�'C�,�.s�c�� �Kus i Ef= � State of Minnesota) } ss County of Ramsey ) ��� �D being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person o circulated the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that each of the partieg �described above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any property,owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one tl) year preceding the date of this �hetition which is contiguous to the property above � described; that none of tl�e parties described above has purehased or is purchasing property from affiant cont�iguous to the above described property within one (1) year of . the date of this petition; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures .above are the true and eorrect sic�natures of each and all of the parties so descrkbed. � �:., ��� � ' �? �-� �-�,�z � Subscrib�d and sworn to before me �ddress.`�/� y� A-�r r s A-v� , Tele,phone No. 7 7 i - 3 7` � 7 this �lp day of �� �� Approved as to £orm 8-27-73 , Office of the City Atto�ney Notary Public, Ramse� County, Minn. My commission expires - �. PECHMANN Z����i��7�� ���� � �� Notery PuWic, Ramsey County, Minn. ��� My Gomrnisslon Expires Jan. 10, 1976 ` `� - — . . • , � ' �.� ' , � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTER.S 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- fication before signing this petition. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. (Please type or print) ' Date; TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL � c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall ' � � .. ..___i n.,..1 71Ri nnAR[l'I:fl DEPARTMENT OF FINA CEAND MANAGEMENT SERVIC�S ASSESSMENT DIVISION ������ 113 CITY HALL 5T.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 July 11, 1973 To the Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: I have rechecked the attached petition of Merrill G. and Marjorie A. Hathaway, in the matter of rezoning, Lots 1 thru 16, Block 4, Edmund Rice's Fourth Addition. The property is located east of Highway 35-E between Case and York Avenues, from a Class "B" Residence District to a "Light Industrial District", and find that said petition is sufficient. Yours very truly, , , ���"��z�.' ���� bert W. Trud'eau - Director epartm�.�o �'inanc�.& Management Services � ��r�t� Re: X 311 c.c. Building Department Zoning Board Robert W. Trudeau Frontage: 100% Parcels Eligible - 20 Parcels Signed - 14 or 70% I Needed - 14 or 66-2/3% r,+ { i t... �;� �;.-' i� t�",?f ' ir. �;:1 1� 4� �; � r:� ..: !!..., ,,.; :. _ ., i__a !,'.: �r� �'�ry `� �.. . ,. .. , . l k r :r� u�. .�. ,�';� w�� ;`_�' �4 dt;.� .�F „ i�� ''=.. �'�;,, _...--.�—""' ,�_�!. ,.o_, Zv� � � _.. 1 , ��� ' .i; , ��`�ti — ►� . .,.r . . .,��� - � . - , ' . . ` n* � ._ . � � t � C ITY OF ST. PA U L DEPARTMENT OF �INANCE AND MANAOEMENT SERVICE� 11� C�w M� li10! Ztarch 6, 1973 To the Coti�eil City of St. Pstil Gentlemen: I have checked t�ie attached petition of Merrill 6. and Marjorie A. Hathaway, filed in the matter of re�oniag, Lc�ts 1 thru 16, Block 4, Bd�nd �ice'a Fonr�h Additioa. T'he property ia locat�d east of Highway 35-E between Case and York Avenues, fron a Class "B" Reaideacc District to a "Light Industrial Dimtrict;' and fisd tt►at said petitioa is insufficient. Yours very truly ������ � �c./ 8obert W. Trudeau- Director Depart�a���� � in e � Manage�neat 3erviees , Re: 1311 c.c. Buildimg Department Zoniag Board �obert ii. Trudeati Frontage: 100� Parcels Eligible - 20 Parcels Signed - 11 or 55?. Ne�ded - 14 or 66-2/3Z iC'� ��_ ,r:, ��, n�� i;=� ��,, � � " ,�� ;.� ; ;; �J!1 t`-.::_ t� � i!_ �; '•.'' i� ,�::i' �rJ�'�-i . . ` -, � .. - "� �`�� � '� :. + x� ;��-���� �;,��j ` _�,r E ,I, �ii ._,. �t� ��� . ` , . ,�� ,�/�, ai • . CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �'� �` ��' �3 , � PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE . ote: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- fication before signing this petition. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. (Please type or print) ��,�;�t�;� �, Date; TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ��� r �q��? c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � -'� Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property; (legal description and street address) Lots 1 thru �, Blk 4, Edmund Rice's fourth Addn. ✓ from B Residence to District to Light Industrial District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) development RECORD OWNER �SIGNATURE IAT BLOCK ADDITION gubject pro�perty: Marrel G. Hathaway ` a. 14 4i Edmund Rice's 4th „ �� • �, � 15 �� �� �� �, `�L� 16 „ �� �� �► °`'-,�..`.! 17 �� �� �� �► ►� �1 • � 18 ,� �� ir ,+ � _ � .� 19 rt tt i� �� � ._._ l 2p n �i �t � u ►► � � ' 21 n �� �' �� �� � exc t e Wly ft �', — 22 �� �i „ �� ' �3 �� �� ` �� �� „ �� ' � 24 �� �► � � � 25 �� t� ri r� � ` � � �' 26 i, r, X � Steiner Company � _ , � _,z,� ^ id /2 L 5 " Marsden Bld Maint Co. ��. � '"� S '/z L 1 5 �' a e o inneso a County of Ramsey � ss � being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he i the person who circulat d the within petition consisting of n/r� pages; that the parties descri above are the owners respectively of the lots placed • immediately following ea name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed and sworn before me this clay f �� � � ��� Address: �� `yG /�� � Telephone No. ��� � ary Pu ic, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires Approved as to form 1/4/65 FGI 1/5/65 Office of the Corporation Counsel FA`( ^. �,''::SER Not-r� P:i � ra-m C^��.irty� PAinn. � � . -- r � �;. , . (j� �l Fr - � t� a +" i � ��- �� j � ' �: My G�tnrni. ' ., �✓,,1�> , 'JOV, 2Q, 1� I i - r ��' , ' � i. � _, .. x"s r, r'ir?? . ���►���� ����°'" _pLy' � . �88 'A 1 �.iarJ...1�,1,'T.^w�i.� . 1�.� ^!a v�}.�i... � .i....�. .��.\til�il�1 .'t. .. � . ' ` ' . � � ~ _ _ — � .. • . ,_`, r T , I �' ' ' ? �s���5 1. Th� Stat � of `"'inn�sot � i. s th-� �vrnnr nf a7.1 of Lai. s 1 �.hr�ugh 15, and ( �'XCC?pt the � ' ly 10 . ��; ) L�± s ? c• anc? 17, al1 of 1_.ots 19, 20, and 21, ancl ( �xcep� th� :�! ' ly 30 fn� t ) , Lot.s 22 thr����;h ��, ���ck a, ��tmund P�ic�. Fourth Addition, Subj to unr�cor�i�d contrac � for �!n��d to Marr.el G Hath- away and Marjori� A, Iiathaw�,y. 2. I�U(�U$l. iv�l'�,1�?ll�r c�fl� T'.�` ✓c� �1�.a°� 1�L' �L'�' `. ii^ OWC;�'.'S Of I.clt l�� �IOCk 4� �.dmun� F ic� �s rourth A�ldi t icn. 3. � h^ iI: 3 ? � Of i��llll'1"SO , �! 1.S '�'1P C�'N'�^ r' ,^f '_;> : S — :�r�!� :i� L',1C�C}< 3� ��C?Ufl!� F i.c� � s Fou:�th Ac:di? ic�n . � . l:�ai=c�^,'1 :�'.1�1C�1Il�S 1�/:71Ci!; nnf�r�(;o �_.C!. 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J_�,�inc� r���,t �r���n c��� ^?orth lin� of � Yo�rk Ave. and th� Sou�tn, i i.ne of Cas-� �+v�,. �n�' � p ���^�ises a�ut t 3_ng the r'ort�-South all�y in '�lock � , ��'�:�u�.� P-icr ' s i o�arrh �c��i � i�n. �4r��;e c�f !?iir�nFr����; 0f�'�.c� cj:� s� C�i�nty nf RF�n;sQ3, C��i:1;�� Ar,�.tr��.c� C��l•k Tr;E: a�b�t.a~�.ct C:1.�,,k i�i' �.t��'�f3r_y* G�,�>���tr �f�rc�t�jj c�7°t�.i�.°�i th�.t �hE:� � . pre���n� r�.pp�vr�rit a1�ilc�r�k��.�.� �f th� x�re=tr,i��s �.n uhe c€�pt�.or� r��rr�i - ac�ar39.n� t� the T°r����a �; in � '�he Off'3.�e ±�f Rr�t,3.�tpr c�f �f�F�� � �;.,z�/ax i:c�i�t��x c�►f T�.�;1�c l� ;;k���.�;r; ��,tr :��hi.bd i� �.9. n'tu�i � �'' -s���:� �n�. nu�:t��jr�d. Gr�z �:t� �through Fi �? (:,; . �'l.�rf'•i7 8.v ��1:. �='r,.�l�� ��'�.'�11t7.£.'.^1}�=. 4„'.d.� � :�": l"�F�g� L1F �nC�....�,..r ) c:.j�7L . at � o� �.��c�. a. r�. �,�abs�.�ty ��n���� rrl�.� c��t t���.��;,e l� _��.::,� �F��: tr� �2�.OU. «t�.tn�ar-��; r;y h�.�nd `2.t�d s+�v.�. �f C��'�°i�:e� ,�` �:� v;--�,�,�- � � � Ab�i,x°r� t C:l.^rk oF �t�r'1=?��y C;��an�;v ,�; �J � �.�. �_._..�_._.._.�.�____��.__ R ' �' .�� ��k � � r . ��,'j�. ' t ■��:� � W � a3_ ,�117�33 ! � � � + , -x ;,, ° "�-� s.,-�-a,- :;� , ��, - 1j�� -,,� •� ; , a.,...�'.:�. e.�� . .Sr. x._G���.. !�!, �.+. '� .^.�". �l7�A ' BOARD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION September 20, 1973 ��,��5 Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 plat Map ��24 passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. ' - 7531 1. APPLICANT'S Kt1ME . Marrel G. and Marjorie A. Hathaway 2. CLASSIFICATI::�: . X� Amendment � Appeal � Permit � Other 3. PURPOSE . Rezone from "B" Residence to Light Industrial 4. LOCATION . West side of Terrace between Case and York 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : Lots 1 through 16, Block 4, Edmund Rice's Fourth Addition 6. PRESENT ZOIJING: "B" Residence 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64 Section: .06 Paragraph: 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: September 13, 1973 By: PLR � A. SUFFICIENCY: In a letter dated July 11, 1973, the Director, Department of Finance and Management Services declared the petition sufficient with the owners of 8 or 72.7% of the 11 eligible parcels having signed the petition. � � B. HISTORY: There is no zoning history for this site. C. PROPOSED USE: The petition simply declares the proposed use to be develop- ment. The petitioner's sponsor has orally indicated the proposed use to be apartments or some type of light industrial use. D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The site has a frontage of 672.88 feet along Terrace Str2et and 100 feet along Case Avenue and York Avenue for an area of 67,288 sq. ft. E. AREA ZONING: Between the subject site and Mississippi Street, the remainder � of the block is zoned Light Industrial as part of the original zoning. Also the southern 100 feet of the subject site as well as of the blocks ad�oining to the east are Light Industrial. Additional property just north of the Light Industrial strip in the' block across Westminster is pending a change to Light Industrial zoning. A small Commercial district exists on the northeast corner of Westminster and York and a small "C" Residential district exi.sts on Cayuga Street east of Westminster. The general area � south of York Avenue is zoned Heavy Industrial while the general area north of York Avenue is "B" Residential. F. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan called for York Avenue to be a collector street which would curve southward just east of Terrace to follow the bluff line. Its intention was to use this major street as a land use boundary keeping all industrial uses south of it and residential use north of it. It called for high density residential use of the subject site and its iu�ediate surroundings. G. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is vacant and overgrown with trees and brush. It has variable topography but is well drained. H. AREA CONDITIONS: Mississippi Street, I-35E and railroad yards exist west of the site. Residential use exists on higher ground north of Case Ave. Eas�• of Terrace St. is vacant property on lower ground and residential use above the slope of troutbrook valley. Several light industrial uses front on the north side of York Ave. across Terrace from the subject site. The major land use south of York Ave. is railroad lines. The major land use to the north and easE of the site is residential. 9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend , � Approval � Denial Council Letter � Dated: Yeas � Nays October 24,1973 Moved by : Willits � • X Norton : X Cochrane Date of � Seconded by: Norton . . X Willits Hearing: � - X _ Rnpp • October 25,1973 Secretary s remarks: . • ' Counci Action: • . � Date: � _. _ . .___ _- - _ ,. ,,�:-._. � W - __ i , ( � � � � � � ��i O I � •.. � .. . � �/I�lIb �0 � � I�� I �I ' I I � ' � f � . � "' � � � �. i i ► � � � � ' ' l.l a � - ._ ' � TTr � I ' ' � � � � � I � � � � � � � � � I � ; ' I i u � �1I O0 �O Q a �� � � � � � b � i i i � � � � l � �, � J�N�cs ,�v�, � � � � o o u ,o o � o i��,�� � � � ., ' ���'° �° � ; ! . ' : .`f "". ! ' ' I ' � � ' � � � , �,�, -� � - � � � ., � I od � � �- o �J � � � � 000 . i ' S - -��-- . . --.�,vs�---- � , , , � , � _ T ;� � o � � ��o � , � � � � - - � �� � ��. � i , � i � ' � p �- i i ► �� �� � - C � O - - � � � f i I - - ,� v � I � I _ � � ' � i � i' ' `' � O O � ' ' Iv - -�-4 Si.�>" :�!1�'. � v - � � _, ,-.� �/ _ � aC,nG�inc.� `.��ht .l�� O ,� i �/ � r, ,Ll��C'G V � �'J�/ O "1.� � I � � V �' v �/ V O I I � � C��ty Cc'.'.�r�C:�t � t , . ♦� `J �' �' _.r�i � � � � ' � � �� � ��� - � � � ��/1 � ` � i� � r1�{, ,,, �0 v e �� ;� p'O _ � I l � ,�° �' � � L. � .�.�. �- - - -; yo2�c ��vE. T ----- -�-1 -i-1 � L ^ � --�4 r.��'`: � I I�/ I I � � — ,e, � i � i i � � -�-�-- , { i . � �,(J �.1_ -4--� � �'- � ,�� �� or --- - , __ > , � - , r � ' :. . ;---r . � _ �-:� �c�,� _ . � � --- \ i�ic_ ` � - ,' ,� - C��� .; '- .. ST , ��� , _�_- • ♦ �. I �-—� � -� �. '� 'v � �°` . � � � ; .r- -, h �_ � � ' ' - --� � �' , � , , . � � , � �� il� I � �' � _. _,.— i � � • � , �i� �a-i ��'1/�i r APPLICANT Marrel G. & Mariorie Hathawav LEGEND — — ZONING DIS7RICT BOUNOARY �,�� SUBJECT PROPERTY PURPOSE Rezone from""B" Residence to O ONE FAMILY Lieht Indus*rial , ^ TWO FAMILY FILE N0. 7531 � . ,., , �-�:;:- � MULTIPI.E FAMILY . OATE Spnrember 20. 1973 • e � n COMaAERC{AL SCALE�� I"= 200� NORTH 4' -�� �NOUSTRIAL #.�.�#'. . ' ' , 1�' -...�- I I I� �- � �' ,' �a ��� Z-�I 3rd t 1 I �z`� `aaop�ea C 1 ��.� r Yeas Nays `��.__ ��oPATZ� 2625"75 � MERSDITR ROIDLE'R � TEDESCO Mm� PRESIDEIPt (I3FJI�IT) , �. � t •,, .. I ������ •:�:�:,. . � ,�;'�"'�� �+�"`�.� .,:�n�u� I G�� � ''' - ,.r,,,,_ .� � � � ', � I � � ,l I � � '� Y� k ....�:.-.v{?1 � �f � ��'�.�. ��� . b P�ii�� �; 'M�