02-376. Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall '��_�$ �'�y. :� � F ;ti a.�s:i� r�.3 .�. . ; �-.� i i �: i .� RESOLUTION OF Presented By ReSerred To MINNESOT. Committee: Council File # di - 37� GreenSheet# tt1Ry( �S WFIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul operates a recreation center (West Minnehaha Recreation Center), on property legally described on attached : WHEREAS, in order to comply with the Minnesota Department of Children, Families and L.earning, Youth Enrichment Grant, the City of Saint Paul needs to impose certain restrictions on the property BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council of Saint Paul hereby authorizes the proper City Officials to file this resolution with Ramsey County Property and Revenue Department imposing the following restrictions on said property; io i i The fee title to, lease of, or easement on Real property is bond financed property iz wittun the meaning of Miun. Stat. 16A.695, as amended from fime to 5me is subject to is ffie encumbrance created and requirements imposed thereby, and cannot be sold or ia otherwise disposed of by pubiic officer or agency which has jurisdicflon over it or is owns it without approval of the Minuesota Commissioner of Finance, which approval i5 must be evidenced by a written statement signed by the Commissioner of Finance and �� attached to the deed or instnunetst used to sell or otherwise dispose of the fee tifle to, is lease of, or easement on Real Property. �9 The fee UUe to, lease of, or easement on the Real Property shall remain subject to this resviction unfii; (i) the 2o resiricflon has been fully complied with as evidenced hy a written approval from the Minnesota Commissioner zi of Finance, or (ii) a written release, releasing the fee 6tie to, lease of, or easement on the Real Property from ?? the restriction, signed by the Minnesota Commissioner of Finance, is recorded in the real estate records cs relating to the Rea1 Property. W�sr M�NUr.r+ �.E.c.�t�oN li�rrf� LEGAL DESCRIPTION Subj to Northern Route; Streets and alleys accruing as vac in TS Doc. 410589, and athers and fo1: Lots 9 thru 22, Block i3, Lots 9 thru 22, block 16 and all of Slocks 14 and 15, Butterfield Syndicate No. 2. CF194i9? - 10-1-59 - vacated: Englewood Avenue from the east line of Grotto Street to the west line of the Northern Route as opened; St. Albans St. from the north line of Minnehaha Avenue to the south line of the Northern Route as opened; the aliey in Block 14, Butterfield Syndicate #2; that part of the aliey in Block 13, Butterfield Syndicate #2, lying west of the s w'ly line of the Northern Route as opened, across Block 13; that part of the alley in Block 16, Butterfield Syn. #2, lying west of the west line of the Northern Route as opened across Block lb. Ts 410589, B 22, Ps. 789-218 168-179 258-269. oa-��� Generit GO Gryrt Agreemen[ for End Grar.ts 2� Ver - 2/'�.�98 � (Gnrc GO Gmt Agrmnc-End Ln) ° 1 F.M.S.IREAL ES�'ATE Novak i� ALL LoCATIONs , "�.� Councii Resolutian to place a deed restricrion on West Minnehaha Recreation Center for the Division of s & Recreation e.wanas:eerxove c»oxaeiectuu ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MI7ST ANSWER TfIE FOLLOWING: >�'���+A%�o+ _� �^m' . Has the persod6rm ever worlced under a contract for fhis deparbnent? YES NO cmcseancecoenw.moN . Aas this perso�rm ever been a City employee? YES 1V0 � . Does this personH"mn possess a skill not normally possessed by any WfiICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) DISTRICT PLANIVING COUNCIL ATING PROBLEM, ISSIIE, OPPORI'UNITY (Who, Whay When, Where, Why?): Division of Parks & Recreafion has a applied for a grant from the Department of of Children, Families LearninQ and needs to file a deed restrictfons to comnlv with the grant APPROVED: will receive the 2rant for the Date: April l'7, 2001 Green Sheet Number: 1 � 194s � oz•3�1b x�.-: ,., � � 266-8863 � IFAPYROVED: AP� i '7 �6Gi.� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: 0./' Y 3 9 il S: Y t 4'f 'Y {� £ Division of Parks & Recreation will not receive the grant for the improvements and will need to �ind another eunding source. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: UNDING SOURCE: NANC7AL INFORMATION: (EXPLAII� NA COSTfREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) ACTIVITYNUMBER: YES NO 1 . Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall '��_�$ �'�y. :� � F ;ti a.�s:i� r�.3 .�. . ; �-.� i i �: i .� RESOLUTION OF Presented By ReSerred To MINNESOT. Committee: Council File # di - 37� GreenSheet# tt1Ry( �S WFIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul operates a recreation center (West Minnehaha Recreation Center), on property legally described on attached : WHEREAS, in order to comply with the Minnesota Department of Children, Families and L.earning, Youth Enrichment Grant, the City of Saint Paul needs to impose certain restrictions on the property BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council of Saint Paul hereby authorizes the proper City Officials to file this resolution with Ramsey County Property and Revenue Department imposing the following restrictions on said property; io i i The fee title to, lease of, or easement on Real property is bond financed property iz wittun the meaning of Miun. Stat. 16A.695, as amended from fime to 5me is subject to is ffie encumbrance created and requirements imposed thereby, and cannot be sold or ia otherwise disposed of by pubiic officer or agency which has jurisdicflon over it or is owns it without approval of the Minuesota Commissioner of Finance, which approval i5 must be evidenced by a written statement signed by the Commissioner of Finance and �� attached to the deed or instnunetst used to sell or otherwise dispose of the fee tifle to, is lease of, or easement on Real Property. �9 The fee UUe to, lease of, or easement on the Real Property shall remain subject to this resviction unfii; (i) the 2o resiricflon has been fully complied with as evidenced hy a written approval from the Minnesota Commissioner zi of Finance, or (ii) a written release, releasing the fee 6tie to, lease of, or easement on the Real Property from ?? the restriction, signed by the Minnesota Commissioner of Finance, is recorded in the real estate records cs relating to the Rea1 Property. W�sr M�NUr.r+ �.E.c.�t�oN li�rrf� LEGAL DESCRIPTION Subj to Northern Route; Streets and alleys accruing as vac in TS Doc. 410589, and athers and fo1: Lots 9 thru 22, Block i3, Lots 9 thru 22, block 16 and all of Slocks 14 and 15, Butterfield Syndicate No. 2. CF194i9? - 10-1-59 - vacated: Englewood Avenue from the east line of Grotto Street to the west line of the Northern Route as opened; St. Albans St. from the north line of Minnehaha Avenue to the south line of the Northern Route as opened; the aliey in Block 14, Butterfield Syndicate #2; that part of the aliey in Block 13, Butterfield Syndicate #2, lying west of the s w'ly line of the Northern Route as opened, across Block 13; that part of the alley in Block 16, Butterfield Syn. #2, lying west of the west line of the Northern Route as opened across Block lb. Ts 410589, B 22, Ps. 789-218 168-179 258-269. oa-��� Generit GO Gryrt Agreemen[ for End Grar.ts 2� Ver - 2/'�.�98 � (Gnrc GO Gmt Agrmnc-End Ln) ° 1 F.M.S.IREAL ES�'ATE Novak i� ALL LoCATIONs , "�.� Councii Resolutian to place a deed restricrion on West Minnehaha Recreation Center for the Division of s & Recreation e.wanas:eerxove c»oxaeiectuu ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MI7ST ANSWER TfIE FOLLOWING: >�'���+A%�o+ _� �^m' . Has the persod6rm ever worlced under a contract for fhis deparbnent? YES NO cmcseancecoenw.moN . Aas this perso�rm ever been a City employee? YES 1V0 � . Does this personH"mn possess a skill not normally possessed by any WfiICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) DISTRICT PLANIVING COUNCIL ATING PROBLEM, ISSIIE, OPPORI'UNITY (Who, Whay When, Where, Why?): Division of Parks & Recreafion has a applied for a grant from the Department of of Children, Families LearninQ and needs to file a deed restrictfons to comnlv with the grant APPROVED: will receive the 2rant for the Date: April l'7, 2001 Green Sheet Number: 1 � 194s � oz•3�1b x�.-: ,., � � 266-8863 � IFAPYROVED: AP� i '7 �6Gi.� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: 0./' Y 3 9 il S: Y t 4'f 'Y {� £ Division of Parks & Recreation will not receive the grant for the improvements and will need to �ind another eunding source. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: UNDING SOURCE: NANC7AL INFORMATION: (EXPLAII� NA COSTfREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) ACTIVITYNUMBER: YES NO 1