262527 WHITE - CITY CLERK COl1C1C11 26252`7 PINK -,FINANCE TT COpJARY -4'JEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAI.iL " � BLUE - MAYOR File NO. � ' uncil Resolution Presented By w Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the budget of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, for the calendar year 1974, having been heretofore filed by said Authority with the Department of Finance and Mana.gement Services of said City, in accordance with the budget procedures of said City, applicable thereto, the particulars of said budget of said Authority being the following: Budget requirement for the fiscal year 1974 for accutrrulation in the redevelopment project fund for the eventual replacement of Federal advance is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $330,000 is hereby in all things approved; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with the authority con- tained in .Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.545, Subdivision 6, there be and is hereby levied for the support of the said Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, the amount of $330,000 which does not exceed the sum of ten cents on each $100.00 of taxa.ble valua.tion of all property real and persona.l, within the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, with adjustment for untaxed personal property as authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.64 and adjustment for homeste�ad exemptions on real property authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.13, Subdivision 7a; and adjustment for the reimbursement for tax exempt persona.l property provided for by Minnesota Statutes, Section 477A.02; COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In FaVOr Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by it Attorn y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by MaXor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . By BY WHI7E - CITY CLERK 1 PINK FINANCE COUC1C11 C-^J ^-) Cg�ERY,-�nEPAOR�TMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. �v^�+"�� - � � Cou 'l Resolution , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date which levy has been adjusted for ar�aount of State aid equal in amount to such aid received in 1973 on account of exempted persona.l property; but in no event shall the levy exceed the limitations as provided by law and as specified above; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is directed to certify a copy of the tax levy as aforesaid, collectible in 1974 to the County Auditor of Ramsey County immediately upon adoption and approval of this resolution. COUIVCILMEIV Yeas �tler Nays Requested by Department of: 1#�E Konopatzki .�_ In Favor Levine I Meredith J Against BY 9pp�c Roedler Tedesco Mme.President � �'t N OV Z 3 1973 Form Approved by ity Attorn y Adopted by Council: Date Certi ed ssed by c' etary BY By +� Appro�by or: Date � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . B - -� �� BY Y PUBLISHED NOV 1 ? 1913 J � I 1 P N'KE - FINANCE RK TT CO1111C11 CAyARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAl1L BLUE - MAYOR File NO. . Counc 'l Resolution . � . . Presented By Referred To �� � �� Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED= By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, Tha.t the budget of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, for the calendar year 1974, having been heretofore filed by said Authority with the Depa.rtment of Fina.nce and Mana.gement Services of said City� in accordance with the budget procedures of said City� applicable thereto, the particulars of said budget of said Authority being the following: (Item 1) Budget requirement for the fiscal year 1974 for accumulation in the redevelopment project fund for the eventua.l replacement of Federal advance is . . . .$ 750 ,000 . (Item 2) Budget requirement for relocation service for the fiscal year 1974 is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 75,000 is hereby in all things approved; and be it FURTHER RESOLVEDs Tha.t in accordance with the authority con- tained in Minnesota Statutes, Section 462 .545, Subdivision 6� there be and is hereby levied for the support of the said Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, the amount of $ 750,000 which does not exceed the sum of ten cents on each $100.00 of taxable valua.tion of all property real and personal, within the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, with adjustment for untaxed personal property as authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.64 and adjustment for homestead exemptions on real property authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Section 273. 13, Subdivision 7a; and adjustment for the reimbursement for tax exempt persona.l property provided for by Minnesota Statutes� Section 477A.02; and the proposed relocation tax levy budget for the year 1974 in the amount of $ 75,000 which does not exceed the sum of one cent on each $100.00 of taxa.ble valua.tion of all property, real and persona.l, within the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, with COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays , /� Hunt ' (, Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approve by ity At ney Adopted by Council: Date • � i Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by MaXor: Date Approv or - uncil � -- �.. By BY WHITE. - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CAf�ARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE -- MAYOR File � NO. . Cou il Resolution . - _. , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. adjustment for untaxed personal property authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Section 272 .64 and adjustment for homestead exemptions on real property authorized by Minnesota Statutes� Section 273.13, Subdivision 72; which levy has been adjusted for amount of State aid equa.l in amount to such aid received in 1973 on account of exempted personal property; but in no event sha.11 the levy exceed the limitations as provided by law and as specified in Items 1 and 2 above; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED� Tha.t the City Clerk is directed to certify a copy of the tax levy as aforesaid, collectible in 1974 to the County Auditor of Ramsey County immediately upon adoption and approval of this resolution. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hun t Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by C y At rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved Ma r Submiss' to Council I gY BY __. . �. � ' I . '..F ;: . ,. <. ,_. _ .... . I .�'� �yf . P ' �! �ir�' -c�TV c�e�n � :, � � �: � �� � �` � �� �'f:g IC ' - FIKA�N.LE � � �. .� 'f s �` � 53 ��i��� . .z ss ►�..o���R�,r,�. .. � ��'T`5� ��►�' �AIN� �',.��'��"' .� � I,...�..;.. __. -� �:c'MAYOR ,... :•r. �..... .. . '. . _ .. .. . . -- . .. . . . . . ..:: . - ',: ' :..� .. .��. ��'x ' � ';. , .� , . ',�. ._ � - _ . •, i : � ' ' '!� .� ' ., . : ' ��1� Z� .�����t�t�� ; . -- � ' � �.. s# ., - �� . �a.� �� � � � ��a ,� ���t�a �� ,�� .. . . - _ ; . �}� , , � , , :.; . � - _,�. r- -.l�- .. ... . . .� ..`. � t .� ' _. +t ... � . '. . .� . � . . . � ,� ,� . : '"C. Referred To ' . :, �, , Coi�m�,ttee:`: . . 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'... �.. ..: � n . +F.. �_... J_ _.: ,s4� �.., htlUSll�lC Al�� ���iEV��.��f��iVTfi��"Ht��BTY OF �t� E ClTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA • G-7 . . � i3O/20-60 � CERTIFICATE OF SECRETARY The undersigned hereby certifies as follows : 1 ) That he is the duly qualified and acting Secretary of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesot�, , � herein called the "Local Public Agency" and the keeper of the records of the Local Public Agency; � 2) That the a�ttached Resolutior� No. 73-10/31-5 is a true and correct copy of the resolution as adopted on the 31st day of october , ]9 73 ; 3) That the seal affixed below constitutes the official seal of �he Local Public AgAncy and this Certificate is hereby executed under such official seal ; and 4) That ti�e undersigned is duly authorized to execute this Certi- _ ficate. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunta set my hand and the seal of said Housing and Redevelopment`Authority of the City of Saint Paul , �`�iY111P�Q��a this lst day of November , 19 73 • r ., �, t 1 � ( S E A L ) , /� �.�,� � —St RE RY 4 � ' � RESOLUTION N0. 73-10/31- 5 � RESOLUTIO(V APPROVING REDEVELOP(�IENT AND RELOCATION BUDGETS, REVISED, FOR THE • YEAFt 1974, AND LEVY REDEVELOPMEIWT TAX OF TEP� CENTS ON EACH ONE HUNDRED • , DOLLARS OF TAXABLE VALURTION OF ALL PROPERTX, REAL AND PERSONAL, WITHIN THE CITY OF SAIt�T PAUL, MINNESOTA, AND A RELOCATION TAX OF ONE CENT ON EACH ONE N��IDREO DOt,LRRS OF TAXABLE VALl7ATI0PJ OF ALL PR�PERTY, REAL AND PERSONAL, � Gfi�TNIN-THE� C��Y OF SAIN�' PAUL, MTNNESOTA � WMEREAS, t1h� Housing ar�d P,edevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minn�ata has ��iewed its contemplated expenditures for its Redevelopment and R�7a�3�tion Pro�rans for t,�� year 19i4, and has estimated its Redevelopment Tax Levy Budg�t needs tr� i�e equival�nt to ten cents on each one hundred dollars of taxable valuation of a:�'1 property,. real and personal , in the City of Saint Paul , t�innesota, : wit��;�djus�men�t for homest�ead, and i.ts Relocation Tax Levy 6udget needs to be the equriv�lent of one cent on each one hundred dollars of all property, real and personal•, in the City of Saint Paul : Minnesota, with adjustment for homestead exemption and non�t,axed persp.�al property; and WHEREAS, the re has b�en presented to and considered at this meeting the Rede- ve�opment Budg�t for 197� and a Rel�cation Budget for 1974, as revised. � � NOW, THE��FORE, BE �T RESOLVED by the Housing and Redevelopment Authorit�� of the City� of Saint, Paul , Minn�sota that the proposed Redevelopment Tax Levy Budget for the yeaw 1�974, $7�;0,000 or t�n cents on each one hundred �ollars of taxable valuation of , all" property,> real and p�rson�l , within the City af Saint Paul , M�nnesota, with ada�stment far homestead exemption, and the proposed Relocation Tax Levy Budget for � thP�-year 1974, $75,000 or one cent on each one hundred dollars of taxable valuation on all proper-ty, real and personal , in the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, with ad,just- merrt for horre�tead exemption, are hereby approved. RESOLVEU� FURTWER, pursuant to the provisions of �linnesota Statutes , Section � 462..545, Subct: 6, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , ' Minnesota doe� hereby levy a speciaT tax of ten cents on each or�e hundred dollars of` the taxable val{ � -ion of all praperty, real and personal , located within the City of Saint Paul,, Minnesota,. for redevelo�ment purposes, with adjustment for homestead. exemption on real propert;y as autharized by f�innesota Statutes, Section 273.13, Subd. 7(a) , and in addition there to, does hereby levy a furth�r special tax of one cent on each one hundh�ed dol l ars of the ta�cabl� val ua�ion af a�1 propeti�ty, real and personal , with the City of Saint Piwl , Minnes�ta, with adjustment for homestead exemption on rea:l property as authoriled by Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.13, Subd. 7(a) , for relACation purposes. RESOLUED FURTHER, that the Executive Dire cto w is hereby authorized and directed to submit the Revised 1974 Redevelo��nent and Relocation Tax Levy Budgets to the P�layor of the City of: Saint Paul ,� Minnesota, for inclusion in the Budget of the City of Saint Paul , Mi:n�nesota to be submittEd for consideration and approval by the Council of the City of. Saint Paul , and after approval by said Council , of the Budgets herein approved and the special tax levies hereby made, for certification of said taxes to the Director of Taxation of the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota. HOI�SING AN-0 REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOT�1 � . REPORT TO THE COMMISSIONERS DATE october 30, 1973 R EG A R D I N G Tax Levy Fund Budget - 1974 - Revised , SUMMARY: Attached. is a,_xevised Tax Levy Budget stated in terms of 10 cents on a hund-red dollars rather than in terms of one Mill. Because of the elimination of the Personal - Property Tax adjustment, we will lose approx3.mately $28,000.00 of our estimated levy. A possible interpretation of the Authority's taxing limitation would permit a levy of . $752,000.00 or $422,000.00 over the prior budget. Request would be ma.dg of the City Council to approve this figure, subject ..to its acceptance by the State Department of Taxation. ' The additional maximum revenues of approximately $422,000.00 would be earmarked for the local Rehabilitation Loan Program. ACTION: Staff recommends approval of the revised Tax Levy Fund Budget for 1974 and transmittal of same to St. Paul for consideration. BACKGROUND: 1. Exhibit A lists "Expenses Estima.ted" and actual for 1973 for the Redevelopment portion of the Tax Levy Fund (no change from last submission) . 2. Exhibit B shows the budget detail for 1974 (Redevelopment portion) . Exhibit B1 gives detailed explanations of each line in the Budget (both revised) . . �LEPORT TO THE COMMISSIONERS � . ' � Page 2 • October 30, 1973 3. Exhibit C lists "Expenses Estima.ted" and actual for the Rel:ocation portion of the Tax Levy Fund (no change from last submission) . 4. Exhibit D displays the Budget detail for 1974 (Relocation portion as revised) . ADMINISTRATION:AAD � . , o . Ausust 1, 1973 . F�iIIT;Y:f "A" � • Tl1X LF.VY FUTtiD - 1�1:D�'JELOPi•;EIvT � . � � � l.i'?3 l�CTli�'!i. /�:�D i:STIi,11Tr.D Balance in Fund. 12/31J72 . Cash-On-fl�.nd � � Investn�ent's, Securities & Account-s P.eceivable $ 979,506 .I13COi•1E � T� Levy - Actual & Estilik.�ed . _ 330,0�0 �Zental Incorae -- Do;atitoi�.*n I;--20 160,OU� Iuter.es4 on Invest�ents ~ 28,500 Reir�Uurs�ment I�DP Year IV - 1972 t..'}:penses 298,567 Oth�r Tncomes . J.8,000 Total Tncome - Year 1973 $ 835,3G7 Total on Fland & Receipts • $� 1,S1EF,873 � � LXl'I�_NSES . � � . " � - Admini.strative E�:penses - Do4mtown R-20 $ � 75,000 Genera.l ��pense - I�oii-Reim.Uursable Ite�as 45,000 Yay►��n::s-Ia-Licu ai Ta�es - (R-2:?) �32,000 F_.2 C�,�1p Fnfor.��,,,ez?t Pr��r-,�n ZG2�0�0 tlalf�•,�z;� �I�usE �:.c��:�o.'��c-??cic�c�*�on _ . 1CO,JuJ NDF Yc.�.r. III - Carr}* 0,=er 12,933 Office I'urniture � F.quipmezt � 14,400 Met-r� Transit Stt�ily . 2'C►�U Iiausi_ng Pr�ductiotz Pro�ram � 500 Site Ofiice Improveinents � Z'��Q , _ ., Extra Lot Cost SO�OOQ , � $ 495,833 Balance on Hand - Estimated 12/31/73 , $ 1,319,040 . � . . . ' ' • . .� - • October 30, 1973 ' . EXHIBIT nB,� . TAR LEVY FUND - REDEVELOPMENT BUDGET - 1974 Estimated Balance $1,319,040. INCOME 1. Estimated Tax Levy $752,000 2. Rental Income Downtown 110,000 � .3. Interest on Investments 15,000 ��,��.�� $2,196,040 EXPENSES � i 1. Administrative Expenses - Downtown $ 75,000 2. General Expenses 45,000 . 3. Pilot (R-20) 11,000 4. E-2 Code Enforcement Pro�ect 90,000* � 5. Lot Development Costs and SAC Charges 20Q,000 � � 6. Assessments for Street and Project Improvements 600,Od0 7. NDP Re-offers " 100,000 8. Reserve for Purchase of Unsold Year V NDP Land 200,000 9. Reserve fox Purchase of R-20 Unsold Land . 250,000 . 10. Local Rehabilitation Loan Program 422,000 - � $1,993,000 Une�ended Balance $ 203,040** * This represents the carry over of $90,000 from 1973 and does not call for any additional money over that originally budgeted. ** Not included is the reimbursement for Industrial Steel Container Corporation of - $695,423. This money is earmarked for Year VI NDP Development Activities. . � � October 30, 1973 _ . • • , EXEIIBIT ��B 1" BUDGET DETAIL - 1974 INCOME � . 1. Estimated Tax Levy Staff estimates the levy of 10� per $100 of taxable valnation will realize $752,000. 2. Rental Income Downtown � Expected rental income is less than 1973 because there are fewer parking lots as development continues. 3. Interest on Investments This income is declining due to decreased availability of funds as well as reduced � cash flow. EXPENSE ; � 1. Administrative Expense - Downtown Represents local share of the project administrative costs. 2. General Expenses . For those programs not identified with. Federal Activities. � _ 3. Payment in Lieu of Taxes - These payments are based on the further implementation of' the policy instituted in 1972, which reduced the payments to 207 in 1973 and 10% in 1974. 4. E-2 Code Fnforcement Proiect . Only a hal€ year is budgeted for this project. Th,e monies are carry over from 1973 and do not represent additional expenditure. 5. Lot Development Costs and Sewer Charges These extraordinary costs are not federally shared costs and hence must be assumed locally. 6. Assessments � $600,000 is set aside for assessments in NDP Project Areas, for project improvements as per City Council policy. . 7. NDP Re-offers . $100,000 is set aside for NDP Land Acquisition where acquisitions from prior years are re-offered at higher than the original offer. The df.fference must be made up locally. 8. Unsold NDP Year V Land HUD requires that a reserve for unsold NDP Year V I.and be established to facilitate close out. 9. Unsold R-20 Land � A similar reserve for $250,000 has been set aside to allov close-out of the Downtown Project. 10. Local Rehabilitation Loan Program $422,000 is 5et aside to enable the Authority to continue t�e Rehabilitation Loan Program. . , _ October 30, 1973 � EXHIBIT �rCrr ` - TAR LEVY FUND - RELOCATION . � 1973 ACTUAL AND ESTIMATED Estimated Relocation Levy 30,000 . Expenses Salaries 20',090 Travel 600 Retirement Contributions 2,460 - . Publications 50 Sundry Overhead Rent, Heat, Lights, Stationary, � Telephone, Etc. 4,800 � - Relocation, Financial Assis�ance 2,000 Total Expenses 30,000 � - October 30, 1973 EXEIiBIT ��D�` • TAX LEVY - RELOCATION BUDGET - 1974 , Estimated levy of l� per $100 taxable valuation 75,200 Expenses Salar:ies 64,200 Travel 1,000 Retirement Contributions 2,600 Publications 150 Sundry Overhead Rent, Heat, Lights, Stationary, Telephone, Etc. 4,750 . Relocation, Financial Assistance 2,500 � - Total Expenses 75,200 > « + " . RESOLUTION N0. 73-10/31- RESOLUTION APPROVING REDEVELOPt�1ENT AND RELOCATION BUDGETS, REVISED, FOR THE • YEAf2 1974, AyD LEVY REDEVELOPP�IEPdT TAX OF TEP� CENTS ON EACH OiVE HUNDRED � � DOLLARS OF TAXABLE VALUATION OF ALL PROPERTY, REAL AND PERSONAL, WITHIN THE CITY OF SAIi�T PAUL, MINNESOTA, AND A RELOCATION TAX OF ONE CENT O�� EACH ONE HUiJDRED DOLLARS OF TAXABLE UALUATIOPJ OF ALL PROPERTY, -REAL. AND PERSONAL, WITHIN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota has reviewed its contemplated expenditures for its Redevelopment and Relocation Programs for the year 1974,� and has estimated its Redevelopment Tax Levy Budget needs to be equivalent to ten cents on each one hundred dollars of taxable valuation of all property, real and personal , in the City of Saint Pau1 , Minnesota, with adjustment for homestead, and its Relocation Tax Levy Budget needs to be the equivalent of one cent on each one hundred dallars of all property, reai and personal , in the City of Saint Paul , Mihnesota, with adjustment for homestead exemption and non-taxed pe rsonal property; and . WHEREAS, there has been presented to and considered at this meeting the Rede- velopment Budget for 1974 and a Relocation Budget for 1974, as revised. � NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota that the proposed Redevelopment Tax Levy Budget for the year 1974, $750,000 or ten cents on each one hundred dollars af taxable valuation of all property, real and personal , within the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, with adjustment for homestead exemption, and the proposed Relocation Tax Levy Budget for the year 1974, $75,OQ0 or one cent on each one hundred dollars of taxable valuation on al l praperty, real an d personal , i n the Ci ty of Sai nt Paul , Mi nnesota, vri th ad,j�st- ment for homestead exemption, are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, pursuant to the provisions of hlinnesota Statutes, Section 462.545, Subd. 6, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota does hereby levy a special tax of ten cents on each one hundred dollars of the taxable valuation of all property, real and personal , located within the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, for redevelopment purposes, with adjustment fior homestead exemption on real property as authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.13, Subd. 7(a) , and in addition there to, does hereby levy a further special tax of one cent on each one hundred dollars of the taxable valuation of all property, real and personal , with the City of Saint �Paul , Minnesota, with adjustment for homestead exemption on real property as authorized by P�linnesota Statutes, Section 273.13, Subd. 7(a) , for � relocation purposes. - RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Executive Director is hereby authorized and directed to submit the Revised 1974 Redevelopment and Relocation Tax Levy Budgets to the P�ayor of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, for inclusion in the Budget of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota to be submitted for consideration and approval by the Council of the City of Saint Paul , and after approval by said Council , of the Budgets herein approved and the special tax levies hereby made, for certification of said taxes to - the Director of Taxation of the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota. - i , RESOLUTION N0. 73-10/31-5 , � ,� RESOLUTIOfd APPROVING REDEVELOPt�ENT AND RELOCATION BUDGETS, REVISED, FOR THE , YEAR 1974, A1fD LEVY REDEVELOPt�;ENT T�IX OF TEP� CENTS ON EACH OiVE HUP�DRED ` � • DOLLARS OF TAXABLE VALUATION OF ALL PROPERTY, REAL AND PERSONAL, WITHIN THE CITY OF SAItJT PAUL, MINNESOTA, AND A RELOCATION TAX OF ONE CENT ON EACH ONE HUiJDRED DOLLARS OF TAXABLE VAtUATIOPJ OF ALL PROPERTY, REAL AND PERSONAL, WITHIN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA . � WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority af the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota has reviewed its contemplated expenditures for its Redevelopment and Relocation Programs for the year 1974, and has estimated its Redevelopment Tax Levy Budget needs to be equivalent to ten cents on each� one hundred dollars of taxable valuation of ail property, real and personal , in the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, with ad,justment for homestead, and its Relocation Tax Levy 6udget needs to be the equivalent of one cent on each one hundred dollars of all property, real and personal , in the City o��f Saint Paul , Mii�nesota, with adjustment for homestead exemption and non-taxed pe-r�rrnal property; and . � WHEREAS, the re has been presented to and consi�ered at, this meeting the Rede- velopment Budget for 1974 and a Relocation Budget for 1974. as revised. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Nousing and Redevelopment Authority of the . City of Sa9nt Paul , Minnesota that the proposed. Redevelopment Tax Levy Budget for the � year 1974, $750,040 or ten cents on each one hundred dollars of taxable valuation of a1T property, real �-�d personal , within the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, with adjustment for homestead exemption, and the proposed Relocation Tax Levy Budget far the year 1974, $75,000 or one cent on each one hundred dollars of taxable valuation' on al l property, real and persoral , in the Ci ty of Sai�t Paul , Mi nnesota, vai t`�:. adj ust- ment for homestead exemption, are hereby approved. •RESOLVED FURTHER, pursuant to the provisions of h1innesota Statutes , Section 462.545, Subd. 6, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Mirinesota does hereby levy a special tax of ten cents on each one hundred dollars of the taxable valuation of all property, real and personal , located within the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, for redevelopment purposes, �yith adjustment for homestead exemption on real property as authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.13, Subd. 7(a) , and in addition thereto, does hereby levy a further special tax of one cent on each one hundred dollars of the taxable valuation of all property, real and personal , with the City of Saint Pau] , Minnesota, with adjustment for homestead exemption on real property as authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.13, Subd. 7(a) , for . relocation purposes. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Executive Director is hereby authorized and directed to submit the Revised 1974 Redevelopment and Relocation Tax Levy Budgets to the Mayor of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, for inclusion in the 6udget of the City of Saint �Paul , Minnesota to be submitted for consideration and approval by the Council of the City of Saint Paul , and after approval by said Council , of �the Budgets herein approved and the special tax levies hereby made, for certification of said taxes ta the Director of Taxation of the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota. �'y''1 �� November 1�, zq73 I�. Lcau MeKennas D�rector .Dept. oP Froper�ty Tax��ion �toom 132, City Ns+l'1 St. Paul., 2�.r�n�e�ote Dear Sir: Traa�smitted her�with f�r your ��'orma�iva i� a cert�.fied copY 4F G.F. Mo. 2d2g27� approv3ng t�he �iuclget of the iiousing snd Redevelopmerit Authority tor 19'� �d lev�r3ng a tax in the amount og $330,000 �'or the suppox~t of' the Housing Authority. Yattrs v�;ry �rulY', City C�ex�k �� Attach. � -`� ���.�z � November 6, 1973 Councilman William Konopa:t�lti Chair�an, Financ� Committee Room 716, City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: The City Council ref'�rred to the F3.nanee Committee for cons3deration and recorn�endation a resc�lution approving the Budget of �he Housing an,d Redevelopmen�t Authority and authorizing a �ex levy �.0 support a#' the Budget. Yrnxrs very truly, City Cle�k ABO:�mw