02-369Council File # p�- 3�� �-. � � � 1 s � ! i�" �`` � < l�aa..,�z:�; i� Presented Green Sheet # 110398 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA $ , Refesed To Committee Date 1 WI�REAS, Louis Patrick Cotroneo has, in the past, been officially appointed by the City Council as Saint Paul's 2 honorary ambassador to the National Hockey League(NI3I,); and, 3 WHEREAS, Louie, as he is more affectionately known, has, on his own time, volunteered to be Saint Paul's greeter, 4 host, and goodwill ambassador to the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) state championship hockey 5 toumament, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association(NCAA) Frozen Four; and, 6 Wf3EREAS, Louie coached Junior Varsity and Vazsity hockey at lohnson High School from 1954 - 1974, during 7 which tnne the Governors appeared in the Minnesota State Hockey Tournament seven times; and, 8 WI3EREAS, Louie has been honored by the American Hockey Coaches Association(AHCA) by being chosen as 9 the recipient of the 2002 John Mariucci Award. 10 WIIEREAS, The AHCA bestows this award to honor a secondary school coach who best exemplifies the spirit, 11 dedication, and enthusiasm of the "Godfather of U.S. Aockey", John Mariucci; now, 12 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council does hereby congratulate Louis Patrick 13 Cotroneo on his latest accomplishment and offers its sincere and heartfelt gratitude far Louie's untiring efforts in 14 making Saant Paul a great place to live. Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � App� Sy: Adopted by Council: Date `' \1 0 0 3� Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary CITY COi7NCII, � April 24, 2002 ONTAC7 PERSON & PHONE Council Pres. Dan Bostrom 6-8660 IUST BE ON COUNCIL AGFNDA BY (DAT� ` ASSWN NUMBERFOR RWi1NG ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES _ _ aa • 3 �`4 GREEN SHEET No 1 1039$ IONWID#e MMIYlpate oF,,w,roirowECrcn arvcoura ❑ CRYAiTORlgY ❑ pIYLLFRK ❑ FlWYJ4L8ERVICFSOYI ❑ R!6lItlIiLfFAV/IfCCi6 ❑r4YOrt(OR4YSSfeNn ❑ . (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Recoguiziug Louis P. Cotroneo as he is awazded the 3ohn Mariucci Awazd by the AHCA. vuv,i wrv approve (a� or rce�ea PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COAM1M{TfEE CIVIL SERVICE CAb1MISS10N (Who, � 7 Has this person/firm ever wo�ked untler a conVad for this department? VES NO 2. Lias th�s persoNfifin ever been a city employee? YES NO _ 3. Does this perean/Tirtn possess a sldll not nwmalypos.essed by any curtent city employee? YES NO _ 4. Is Mis person/firm a qrgetetl vendor? YES NO Emlain all ves answaw on seoa2te sheet aiW attach to areen sheet riOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONE) VES NO SOURCE ACTNITYNUMBER Council File # p�- 3�� �-. � � � 1 s � ! i�" �`` � < l�aa..,�z:�; i� Presented Green Sheet # 110398 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA $ , Refesed To Committee Date 1 WI�REAS, Louis Patrick Cotroneo has, in the past, been officially appointed by the City Council as Saint Paul's 2 honorary ambassador to the National Hockey League(NI3I,); and, 3 WHEREAS, Louie, as he is more affectionately known, has, on his own time, volunteered to be Saint Paul's greeter, 4 host, and goodwill ambassador to the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) state championship hockey 5 toumament, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association(NCAA) Frozen Four; and, 6 Wf3EREAS, Louie coached Junior Varsity and Vazsity hockey at lohnson High School from 1954 - 1974, during 7 which tnne the Governors appeared in the Minnesota State Hockey Tournament seven times; and, 8 WI3EREAS, Louie has been honored by the American Hockey Coaches Association(AHCA) by being chosen as 9 the recipient of the 2002 John Mariucci Award. 10 WIIEREAS, The AHCA bestows this award to honor a secondary school coach who best exemplifies the spirit, 11 dedication, and enthusiasm of the "Godfather of U.S. Aockey", John Mariucci; now, 12 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council does hereby congratulate Louis Patrick 13 Cotroneo on his latest accomplishment and offers its sincere and heartfelt gratitude far Louie's untiring efforts in 14 making Saant Paul a great place to live. Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � App� Sy: Adopted by Council: Date `' \1 0 0 3� Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary CITY COi7NCII, � April 24, 2002 ONTAC7 PERSON & PHONE Council Pres. Dan Bostrom 6-8660 IUST BE ON COUNCIL AGFNDA BY (DAT� ` ASSWN NUMBERFOR RWi1NG ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES _ _ aa • 3 �`4 GREEN SHEET No 1 1039$ IONWID#e MMIYlpate oF,,w,roirowECrcn arvcoura ❑ CRYAiTORlgY ❑ pIYLLFRK ❑ FlWYJ4L8ERVICFSOYI ❑ R!6lItlIiLfFAV/IfCCi6 ❑r4YOrt(OR4YSSfeNn ❑ . (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Recoguiziug Louis P. Cotroneo as he is awazded the 3ohn Mariucci Awazd by the AHCA. vuv,i wrv approve (a� or rce�ea PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COAM1M{TfEE CIVIL SERVICE CAb1MISS10N (Who, � 7 Has this person/firm ever wo�ked untler a conVad for this department? VES NO 2. Lias th�s persoNfifin ever been a city employee? YES NO _ 3. Does this perean/Tirtn possess a sldll not nwmalypos.essed by any curtent city employee? YES NO _ 4. Is Mis person/firm a qrgetetl vendor? YES NO Emlain all ves answaw on seoa2te sheet aiW attach to areen sheet riOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONE) VES NO SOURCE ACTNITYNUMBER