02-367OR1GiNAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Refened To Council File # C�� — 3 (P � Green Sheet # �0 � Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the City Council originally adopted Council File # O1-1319 on December 19, 2001, 2 which authorized the City to demolish the property at 2281 Priscilla if the owner failed to make 3 repairs within 15 days; and 5 WHEREAS, property owner Meredith Smith requested additional time to complete the necessary 6 repairs on the property; and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WHEREAS, Ms. Smith Paid her vacant building fees, posted a performance bond on December 28, 2001 and recently obtained a code compliance inspection—which are all requirements of nuisance abatement on the property; and WHEREAS, based upon the properiy owner's willingness to obtain a code compliance and post a performance bond, the City Council is desirous of giving the properry owner additional time to make the necessary repairs; therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby amends Council File #Ol- 1319 as follows: 2. 3. That line 8 ofpage two of Council File #O1-1319 be amended to read, be completed within �)150 days a$er the date Ms. Smith posted the performance bond. That lines 51-52 of page two of Council File #O1-1319 be amended to read, removal of the structure must be completed within frf4eeir{i�) 150 da �s after the date that Ms. Smith posted the �erformance bond. That all other parts of Council File #O1-1319 remain in effect. ORIGINAL �a-��7 Requested by Department of: By: Apps By: ay: Form Approved by City Attorne� / /� BY � �.. � Approved by Mayo for Submission to Council Adopted by Council: Date ��f� q�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary tTMENT/OFFICNCOUNCIL DATEINITWTEO �� y ��� ���bers�a� oaizaio2 GREEN SHEET No �� Q�� 8 \CT PERSON & PHONE 1nMIaW#s Ntt1aW#e ilmemberBenanav 266-8640 ' � oEr�anaroutceraz ancarca BE ON COUNCII AGENDA BV (OAT� )2 Suspension assi�N NUMBFRFOR CRY�iTOPNEY qi'ICtFRYt ROUTING ORO F114MCAN.BF]MLEYdR Al�t1CJLL�ERVIALCTG ❑ WYOR(ORK98TAM) ❑ 70TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE7 �N RE�UESTF� il approval of resolution amending council file #01-1319 to clarify deadline for rehab or removal of strvcture at 2281 Priscilla PLANNING COMMISSION C16 COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION NOUNT OF TRANSACTION S SOURCE MFORMATION (IXPLNN) Has this persoMfirm eHer xrorketl under a contract for this tleparfineM? YES NO Hss this Pe�'+o�rtn ever been a cdY emWaYee? YES NO Does this persoNfiim possess a skill not nortnallypossesseU by eny current ciry em0�oyee7 YES NO Is this person/firtn a tarqeted vendoYJ YES NO COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) VES NO ACTNI7Y NUMBER OR1GiNAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Refened To Council File # C�� — 3 (P � Green Sheet # �0 � Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the City Council originally adopted Council File # O1-1319 on December 19, 2001, 2 which authorized the City to demolish the property at 2281 Priscilla if the owner failed to make 3 repairs within 15 days; and 5 WHEREAS, property owner Meredith Smith requested additional time to complete the necessary 6 repairs on the property; and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WHEREAS, Ms. Smith Paid her vacant building fees, posted a performance bond on December 28, 2001 and recently obtained a code compliance inspection—which are all requirements of nuisance abatement on the property; and WHEREAS, based upon the properiy owner's willingness to obtain a code compliance and post a performance bond, the City Council is desirous of giving the properry owner additional time to make the necessary repairs; therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby amends Council File #Ol- 1319 as follows: 2. 3. That line 8 ofpage two of Council File #O1-1319 be amended to read, be completed within �)150 days a$er the date Ms. Smith posted the performance bond. That lines 51-52 of page two of Council File #O1-1319 be amended to read, removal of the structure must be completed within frf4eeir{i�) 150 da �s after the date that Ms. Smith posted the �erformance bond. That all other parts of Council File #O1-1319 remain in effect. ORIGINAL �a-��7 Requested by Department of: By: Apps By: ay: Form Approved by City Attorne� / /� BY � �.. � Approved by Mayo for Submission to Council Adopted by Council: Date ��f� q�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary tTMENT/OFFICNCOUNCIL DATEINITWTEO �� y ��� ���bers�a� oaizaio2 GREEN SHEET No �� Q�� 8 \CT PERSON & PHONE 1nMIaW#s Ntt1aW#e ilmemberBenanav 266-8640 ' � oEr�anaroutceraz ancarca BE ON COUNCII AGENDA BV (OAT� )2 Suspension assi�N NUMBFRFOR CRY�iTOPNEY qi'ICtFRYt ROUTING ORO F114MCAN.BF]MLEYdR Al�t1CJLL�ERVIALCTG ❑ WYOR(ORK98TAM) ❑ 70TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE7 �N RE�UESTF� il approval of resolution amending council file #01-1319 to clarify deadline for rehab or removal of strvcture at 2281 Priscilla PLANNING COMMISSION C16 COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION NOUNT OF TRANSACTION S SOURCE MFORMATION (IXPLNN) Has this persoMfirm eHer xrorketl under a contract for this tleparfineM? YES NO Hss this Pe�'+o�rtn ever been a cdY emWaYee? YES NO Does this persoNfiim possess a skill not nortnallypossesseU by eny current ciry em0�oyee7 YES NO Is this person/firtn a tarqeted vendoYJ YES NO COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) VES NO ACTNI7Y NUMBER