262381 WHI.X'E - G�TV CLERK C011IIC11 262381 PINK - FINANCE BLUERY - MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PATTL File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the reappointment , by the Mayor , of Orville E. Anderson as a member of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul for a five-year term to expire September 15, 1978. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays E�� �io- Konopatzi�ci In Favor Levine � � �edler Against BY Tedesco Mme.President ��€r HUrit OCT ,L� '�3 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified P e by Cou � Sec ar BY -1�������� By - Approb�d by Ma _ r: D�e-— CT � 8 is7� Appro \ y a7 ubmiss' n to Co cil ,� gY By Puetist�w 0 C T 2 � 197� ;�sz3�.� GITY OF SAIl�TT I�AIIL O1�'N'IGF OF TH]: MAYO}i :�e� o��e�sa ���r�s LAWRF.NGE D. COHEN MAY°g October 10 , 19 73 �'ouncil Pres�dent� R.;_z;��,r ���, iiunt ar�d r�onorab]_e I��en:i�ers of the Cit;� �ounc��� 1 Sa�nt FaLI , ,,;innesota - �ear Pres�dent Latrnt ar�d Cotanc:�l ''�em�.�ers : G:ttached you s�;ill f_ind r_esol.utiorr r�ap�>ointin4 Orville ^nderson t:o �h� Housing �nu ?ZeuevelQnrnent Autnority Board of Commissioners , fo.r a five-year t�rm expirinv Sept�a�ber 15 , 1978. Y�ur prpmpt , _f�vorable contiideration af t]Zis a.npo�..ntment �•�ill be Vr�atly a�preci.��t�:� . c�t full•;r ,,ubmifi Led , �u •. . ;C� D. �i N i�ia 7 o.r �DC%j�r attar�hment za