262367 � `�'is' �o-�-oc. WH17'E �.� CITY CLERK ������ PINK — FINAfICE t �ANARYi�YORTMENT GITY �OF SAINT PALTL COUI1C11 e� BLVE .•� � File NO. �'} ' � � rdin�nce Ordinance N�. �J�✓b 3 _ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date AN ADMINISTRATIVE ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 15007, ADOPTED JANUARY 4, 1972, AS AMENDED, AND ESTABLISHING RATES FOR SOLID WASTE COLLECTION BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 319 OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That Ordina.nce No. 15007, adopted Janua.ry 4, 1972, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting the follow- ing and in lieu of Section 1 contained in said Ordinance No. 15007: Section 1. In accordance with the provision of Chapter of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby establish rates for solid waste collection to be performed by the Department of Public Works, which rates are as follows: a) One-family dwelling with no limit on the number of containers, bags, and bundles per week, $1.00 each week b) Two-family dwelling with no limit on the number of containers, bags, and bundles per week, $1.50 each week c) Three-family dwelling with no limit on the number of containers, bags, and bundles per week, $2.00 each week COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas B�',1,�P Nays "Konopatzki In Favor ��bl ;c Wnrkg Levine � Meredith Against BY � Rcedler Tedesco Mme.President� �}� Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by 'ty Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary ' BY � _. By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved Ma or ubmission to Council BY BY � ' '� � . ���� � �s ��:r.. �_ti� b✓�Q. I�o �5.'�I�3 (2) d) Four-family dwelling with no limit on the number of containers, bags, and bundles per week, $2 .50 each week e) Bulk pickups from commercial, insti- tutions, and other establishments, $4.50 each cu. yd. or fraction thereof f) Pickup old appliances, furniture and other miscellaneous items, $7 .50 minimum for one piece $2.50 each additiona.l piece g) One-family dwelling with no limit on the number of containers, bags or bundles per week for senior citizens, widows, and other low income families (ha.rdship cases) who ma.ke application and are approved by the Solid Waste Collection Special Assistance Committee. The City Council sha.11 subsidize the difference between the 35� rate and the $1.00 rate, (65�) per one-family dwelling per week, $0.35 each week h) Pickup from the Housing and Redevelop- ment Authority, the Independent School District No. 625, and Parks and Playgrounds and other governmental agencies on a force account basis, subject to negotiation with the Department of Public Works and approval by Council Resolution. .: ,,; WHITE ��- CITY CLERK PINK �- FINRNCE TT COIIIlCll /��y CANARY -�DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PA l.l L �� �N.�T- ei�UE ,r MAYOR File NO. '� � . , 0 rdin�nce Ordinance N 0. �%�'�� Presented By Referred To . Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date (3) � Section 2. �'�-v�c��xa�e-s���--t�l�e-�f-€e���.�-be-a�-€e�^ee-��.���-�3A�1- d.a�s-��r-a����-���s--gas�s�ge�--�p�.c}val-a�-�rb��e�tre�r. This ordina�nce she,ll take effect a�nd be in force on Dec�mber 31� 19?3. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas �r Nays Konopatzki � In Favor PLlblic Works Levine Meredith � Against BY � Roedler Tedesco Mme.President � j� Adopted by Council: Date N OV 2 7 1973 Form Approved b City Attorney t� Cert' ied sed by c' etary BY ' 3 B l Appr e by r: Dat 97.� Approve y May for Submission to Council � By By PUBlISHED �f C Q 1 ��7.� � • `�C{TT �.'x �''S�rA = r �` L����.��� ♦jt '""" w �.• CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnssota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 Cii�r HaM d� couri Hous. ss�OZ Daniel J. �unford, P.E. Director October 4, 1973 The Honorable Lawrence D. Cohen Mayor of the City of St. Paul Room 347 City Hall BUILDING ATTENTIONc Mr. Frank D. Marzitelli Dear Mayor Cohen: In my letter of April 16, 1q73 I explained the financial condition of the Refuse Collection Fund and suggested that a fee increase of S.1� be made as of September 17, 1Q73. �n July 1R, 1973, an �rdinarrce increas- ing the fee $.1� was sent to the City Attorne}�'s Office for approval as to form. We ���ere informed that the President 's price controls, phase 3 1/?_, would not ailow such a raise. Now, under phase 4, thP increase is allo���ed. I have, there.fore, attached an �rdinance for your consideration which would raise the fees $. 1�. The effective date of the Ordinance considering the public hearing, etc. , would probably not be until the middle of November, and, therefore , the t.l� increase would not quite be enough to make the operation self- sustaining. This , of course, assumes that the $.3S customers are goinc� to be subsidized. In addition to the increased costs cited in the April lh, 1q73 let- ter, Hre have been informed by American Systems that they will be raising their disposal fee 5.15 per cubic yard effective Septemher 17, 1q73. Disposal costs have increased from $1 .�5 per cubic yard to 51 .4� per cubic yard , since the Piq's Eye Landfill �yas closed July 1 , 1�72 . I would appreciate talkinc; over the refuse situation ��rith you in order that the Department of Public ��lorks may more clearly understand the intentions of the playor's �ffice. Yours very truly, c JFS/dkt Daniel J. �u ord Attachment �irector of Puhlic l•lorks cc: Richard L. tAJheeler Roger Mattson �. Kent Schonherger Jerome J. Segal �ona 1 d �►v�aa rd James F. Schwartz . � ' -, , . ��rr q� • w� +� a � � - �' ... � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cspital of Mmnesota pLPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 Cii�r FIaN �C Cour1 Hous. 6s�0� DANtEL J. DUNFORD, P.E. Director October 17, 1973 The Honorable Members of the City Council Seventh Floor, City Hall Saint Paul , Minnesota Dear Gouncil Members: An ordinance increasing Solid Waste Collection rates was introduced before you on October 16, 1973• I request that Section 2 which pro- vides for the ordlnance to take effect 30 days from and after its passage, approval and publication be amended as follows: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on December 31 , 1973. This ls the beginning of the week and will enable uniform rate throughout the city for the week beginning December 31 , 1973• You�s very truly, �'C.�G-��� ` Danlel J. D nford Director of Public Works JFS/jm cc: G. Kent Schonberger Donald Nygaard James F. Schwartz `� 3 V` � � � . . - r ¢ �, ` a � ► - ' � OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, 1972 575 M : . � • prepare plans and speciHcations tor other miscellaneous � said improvement, and submit same to items ..............7:50 minimum � the Council for approval; that upon for one piece ` said approval, the proper city officials and SO for are hereby authorized and directed ' each addition- ` � to proceed with the making of said a1 piece '{ � improvement in accordance therewith. g� One-family dwel- b Adopted by the Council July 11, 1972. ling with no llmit on Approved July 12, 1972. the number of con- (July 15, 1972) tainers,bags or bun- ? dles per week for � senior citizens, wid- r: " NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ows, and other low ;: i n c o m e tamilies ;; i (hardship cases) : � Notice.is hereb who make applica- � y given that the City tion and are ap- Council oi the City of Saint Paul will proved by the Solid hoid a public hearing on August 16, W a s t e Collection 'r % 1972, at 10:00 A.M., in the Council m Chamber in the City Hall and Court Special Assistance i Committee.The City � House, to consider the adoption of Council intends to � �? amended solid waste collection rates subsidize the differ- " to be charged against property ence between the f a served and collected by the Department 35t rate and the yB¢r �r�O a � oi Public Works. All persons or parties ��rate, $5� per one- � � lnterested in the proposed rates and/or �'> family dwelling per � � affected thereby shall be given an o week .......... � portunity to be heard as to the rate ••••• �5 eeCh week ` which he will be called upon to pay. h) Pickup from the � The {ollowing constitutes the proposed Housing & Redevel- � ordinance establishing such solid waste opment Authority, � collection rates: t h e Independent 3chool District No. An administrative ordinance, amend- �g. and Parks and � � � ing Ordinance No. 15007, Couilcil EYle playgrounds, a n d 6 No.256639, adopted January 4, 1972, other governmental ` The Council of the City oi Saiat Paul account basis, sube f Does Ordain: ject to negotlation � with the Department SECTiOIt* 1 of Public Works anc� � � That Ordinance No. 15007, Council approval b�y Council � File No.206639,adopted January 4, 1972, Resolution.' 1 be and the same is hereby amended by q � deleting Section 1 thereof and inserting SECTION 2 . � F the following in lieu and in place This ordinance shail take etFect and thereoi: be in iorce 30 days from and after ; i "Section 1. In accordance with the its passage, approval and publication. � � provision of Chapter 319 of the Saint Dated July 14, 1972. Paul Legis;ative Code, as amended, �ggl,E MARSgA � the Council oP the City of Saint Paul City Clerk. � � does hereby establish rates for solid waste collection to be performed by (Jul,y 15, 1972) � the Department of Public Works, s which rates are as follows: I a) One-family dwelling ? � with no limit on the V OFP'ICIAL PROCEEDINGS � number of contain- � d OF THE COIJNCIL � ers, bags, and bun-� dles per week . . g each week b) Two-Pamily dwelling � with no limit on the � �xDINANCES a � number of contain- '� � , ers, bags, and bun- � ; dles per aqeek ......�each meek Council File No. 259172—Ordinance No. c) Three-family dwel- 15151—By RosaIie L.Butler— � � ]ing with no limit on � t�sinersmbbagsf and Z'�0 CI.AIM OF ADALE SJ�WO KMAN bundles per week ..l�each week AGAINST TE�E CITY OF SAINT PAUL, d) Four-family dwel! �ye Council of the Cit of Saint Paul � ; ling with no limit Y ` on the number of�f S� Does Ordain: s rnntainers,bags,aad v' • bundles per week .,3.4�each week SECTION 1 I ? e) Bulk pickups from �at the proper City ofticers are I ; commercial, institu- hereby authorized and directed to pay ` tions, and other es- out of the Tort Liability Fund 0035-420. � i tabHshments .......4:50 each cu. to Dale J.Workman, the sum of$326.12, I yd. or frac- � fuil settlement of his claim of dam- � tion thereo! ages sustained on or about June 2, I i) Picku old a li- 1972 as more particularly set out in a 1 P PP communication to the City Council on � ances, fumiture and June 9, 1972. f • ' . I i I � , � � � � � z���� k: � rt., a - — - �«r er iny�y��•,�Cf, ']�Hail • "to°`t�oi'1siQ�r�th�`ald � sAlld' wyrK�te.�so11 t �`�B 'the b � ,s � a ` �11 perrut� ° �.ri� � ,; Sxt the�, So1� Sx }a � �8.°��u�p ;:' �� a ¢ i� t�e,.._ �k ' �Y�h�ng silC&; � ,rateo:..r: ���,� � :.�(�f)�4,�', a r aa��. _ ,�,,�,�,,,�, R' $ ` .�li� ,' �,WO1lK9�IN �! O� '1�'iS� GO ' ��a� �r]p- �' nci�of tke City o� .� ` r ���,. S�CTI013 1 ' �toi'�. �1��41�t � � �.� ��ent��� " ��,4 3922.as amen , ?herEby �ttrl�er oi�kls ahd� , ,tFse foAbv�!itla en ' bp Gouacil `S't cantained in sai ' tioa. +Da,1: In accorde7ay�; ��N 8-; on a.f ChapteT�38 0 o;divanes - Le�lelative Ceid�.� . � u�i,of the City �` ereby estaHllsh fa 3cb11G�etYoa to 1S� t ot pu `ra e as fotto fainily dwe31- ' ' .� ._ t►o limit en i �f�{ , • . per.We�fl;1.10 eac�, lY awe�3.- �1}; no lixnit . `�;t number oE b a,g s�. ., ,bundlee .p�r , �-a ..::..........#1.30 eacti f�n11y dweII- �Io,r►o ,limit tLtunber•of � b�a�s," � dles Qer �liy�$���� •nwnbfi' of ., � Bts.; bagi,��� ' �,�t1tSH� pC! 'r". ,. ...f...;2 DLckuPs lroa► ;, �a• ;� � ancl other �b . .$4' ��;. I�DC---zT�iis ordinance should be revieked in coordinatinn xith the alternative plans of the budget office for eliminatin,g b�the deficit and yours�pat's plgn for a nex mandatory ordinance.. ..�PL �����1� ;� DO ° e �, MAYOR'S OFFICE • From: i�ayor � _ -- - • Lae , . Fischer , Wozniak Other � � TO: �resident E Council �ommunity Service City Administrator Library► Planning Coordinator Parks � Recreation City Clerk Pollution Control City Attorney Health C�sumer Affairs Hbusing 8 Bldg. Code Civil Service Police Model Cities Fire Human Rights HRA Finance Port Authority Purchasing Civic Center Auth. Duplicating County Admi.nistrator Public Works �ther ACTI ON: ii . �*.:h p E �' � :'.S� f: . .. .J;. �� �S Y 4, lit � A .0 ��,��� � �.. �� �O Z3 ,,��—�' � �: ?�°�C �a�2-�- � Advpted l � ���L Yeas � Nays , HUTLER KONOPATZI� I � �'� 26���"7 �nrrx I aom�x � T�ESCo �e px�s�r (�rrr}