262361 � YVHI7E �- CITY CLERK COUI1C11 ����,�� � PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAiTL ���•� � BLUE - MAYOR File �NO. Co ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Northwestera Bell Telephone Ccmpany District Engineer 223 Plato Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota 55107 JO 45017 RESOLVED, That the Northwestern Bell Telephone Companq be given permissioa to construct and thereafter maintain a manhole as folloas: Eight feet long by four feet wide by six feet deep, 48 feet from the west property line of Cedar Street and 26 feet from the north propertq line of Tenth Street measured to the cenCer of the manhole structure, as per attached and approved application and plans. Northvestern Bell Telephone Companq shall pay the cost of publication incident hereto. i1 L. v G � y � � � � (��;�i � 1913 O•K, GORp�,R.�Ti�� �Ot�NSEL �'r``' COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Butler Nays �!t Konopatzki �_ In Favor Levine Meredith J Against BY � Roedler Tedesco Mme.President � g�t 0 CT � 2 1973 Form Approved b Cit Attor y Adopted by Council: Date Certif' sed by C cil S ary BY By Approve y Ma or: ate 5 �g7 Approved M ' sion ouncil By By ����� OCT 2 01973 , �� �r��s� � NORT}ItlCSTEf:Pi EFLL TElEP110t�E COr�Pl1NY Date September I4, .i9i3 , • dob Orde� 45017 Gffitc Engincer � . Ocpartnent of Pubt ic 4Jerks � � � � i '� � � City of 5t. Paui 234 City H��i ! and Court Nouse St. Paui , htinnesots 5�102 ��'�^ � �� Dear 5 i r: C��ppRl��'i�� COtJNS�L Application is hereby made for p�rmissian to (a�racatat��/construct and thereafter maintain) : a nanhole on the west side of Cedar Street north of Tenth Street • in aeeorda,�ce with t�`�e sk�tch attached hereto; work to start on or after October 22, 1973 and to be completed on o� before October 2fs, 1973 . The applicant, in carrying on any and ati of the work referred ta i�n this applieatien, shall strictiy conform to the terms of sueh applicaticn as approved tageth�r ►vith any special provisions a:hich are made a par; thereof. The applic�nt specificaily agrees to be bour�� thereby. The applicant shali also conply +��ith the regulations of- all other governmenta) aoencies for [he protection of the public. The �•:ork shail be accomplished in full ca�pliance with a11 apFlicable ��rtions or the City of St. Paul Speeifications fo� Street and Sewer Conscruction. Application submitte-d by: p � � NORTN�•lE57ERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPAidY SEP 211973 ���� L7El�A�7l�Ei�Y' OF �istrict Plant Engineer PUBLIC WO�KS (Address) 223 Plato Boulevard BY St. Paul , Minnesota 5>1 07 Resolution Council File � <►doptcd , 19 • Approved . 19 DISTRIQUTIO;� � COMMEHTS: 15 Copics 12 Copics to Publ ic ll�rks (Public Works will rccuc-n 3 copics ta NWQ In stampcd � self-addressed envclope enc;oscd. Dat� Reccivcd at North�res[crn Be11 7c?e.pt�onr. Cc.;npany: , 19 � . � ����5� . - � � � � � v � � � K. ; . c�G i � ts?3 E:LEVti1�TH C�RP��I�•T��rJ (;UUN��L ---_____ � � . --�_�_ -�--� ' ' S� '-�-----___ � . m ' � _ : � I a c� Z a P B C �I � � CAPITOL u �� HEALTH � f SQUARE �t;iLDING � 18t 32t O' � - 32� ( BUIL�lNG � � � i, 58 ---,� � � � EXISTING . I � �-----�--�--48 —� I � 1-3t� CND � / 1 ! � � � � I I � � � � � I � I� � �' � ____� � � � � � � I --�- — � — �I I 1 r �- I _' -- ---� 26� Pw�H 606 REBUILD � i MANHOl.E �.�_ a �, �, , �`�a; � } f + cuas s LL 'q, WI[T ER A �'�,�1 W � � .�.�-f TENTH ST E � � . j"'• � EXIS7IPIG � 3-STD , -�Y- EXNIaIT fAf nEX 1 ST I NG MaHNO�� NORTN�VESTEr�N BE�L TELEPHONE CO����HPAN`r U 4�s� t x 3'6� t x 2�o� � HPPL i CNT f OfJ FOR PERN'i iga I C�1 TU RtBU I LL EX IST(iuG f�,tiidHULE ST. PAUL - N�ARI�7 PROPOSED MANNOLE e' x a� x 6ts� � JO 45017 PRl�ii 1 OF 1 EfJGR. R.c. JOi�JcS 221-`_�i�-S N� SChLE 9,174f7:3