262347 WHI7E — CITY CLERK 1 !^,� PINK — FINANCE CO11T1C11 ��l�� BLUERV -aMAYORTMENT GITY �OF SAINT PAUL File NO. ��LJ��.Je_`:�� � C ncil Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That upon recammendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the following transfer additions and 3eductions from the Contingent Reserve - General Activity 09060 to the Salary (100) accounts in the following Activities, is hereby concurred in and approved: RESOLVED, That the following Activities be increased in the General Gwernment offices and accounts: Municipal Court - Total Additions 00050-100 $ 49,992.00 Ma.yor Mayor's O�fic� OOlUO--100 $ 5,649.00 Emergency"Preparedness 00120-100 10,724.00 City Planning 00140-100 3,443.00 Civil Service 00155-100 10,875.00 Total Madyor -- Additions 30,691.00 City C1erk - Registration 00260-100 620.00 " " -- Elections 00266-100 1,722.00 Total Ci�ty Clerk - Additions 2,342.00 � Health and Welfare Adm. - Additions 959.00 Total - General Governinent Of€ices and Accounts - Additions 83,984.00 In the Department of Finance and Ma.nagement Services -.- Resolved, That the followin� Aetivities be increased: Administration 01001-100 425.00 Building Design 01020-100 4,500.00 Debt Service 01160-100 576,00 Finance Cashi,er , 01200-100 2,359.00 Parking Meter Collectors 01201-100 1,343.00 � Division of Assessment and 01202-100 Valuations 01300�100 7,667.00 COUIVCILMEN Yeas $ut12r Nays Rec�,uested by Department of: K�onopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY x�� Roedler Tedesco Mme.President� Hunt For Appro�ved b i ey Adopted by Council: Date „r Certified Passed by Council Secretary B By Approved by Maxor: Date Approv y M sion uncil By BY , � �' �����'7 •- r,�e� -• . . - 2 - Department of Finance and Management Services: (cont.) Resolved that the following Activities be Increased: (cont.) Division of License and Pextnit - Administration 01350-100 4,561.00 Total - Department of Finance and Management Services - Additions 21,431.00 In the Department of Finance and Management Services -- Resolved, That the following Activities be decreased: Division of Accounting 01150-100 13,413.00 Parking Meter Monitors 01202-100 4,632.00 Division of Purchasing 01250-100 3,386.00 Total - Department of Finance and Management Services - Deductions 21,431.00 In the Department of Public Works -- Resolved, that the following Activities be increased: Traffic Design 02105-100 1,458.00 Survey Unit 02110-100 4,476.00 Paving Design 02115-100 1,846.00 Grading and Sidewalk Design 02125-100 1,014.00 Constructioa Inspec�ion 02130-Z00 1,486.00 Bridge Design and Inspection _ 02135-�.00 942.00 Electrical Design 02140-100 946,00 Operations Administration 02200-100 1,220,00 . Traffic Operations 02205-100 17,144.00 Signal Maintenance 02210-100 9,134.00 Litter Baskets 02220-100 808.00 Weed Cutting 02235-100 1,411.00 Bridge Fence & Stairway Maintenance 02240-100 10,618.00 Lighting Maintenance 02245-100 6,978.00 Lighting - Building Maintenance 02250--100 512.00 Total - Deparisnent of Public Works - Additions 59,993.00 In the Department of Public Works -- Resolved, that the following Activities be decreased: Administration 02001-100 5,752.00 Sewer Design 02120-100 3,548.00 Total - Department of Public Works - Deductions 9,300.00 In the Department of Community Services -- Resolved, that the following Activities be increased: Administration 03001-100 16,482.00 Library Service 03050-100 104,332.00 Library Building Ma.intenance 03051-100 23,381.00 St. Paul Council of Arts & Sciences 03060 6,524.00 ..... �' - 3 - ������� �� Department of Community Services: (cont.) Resolved, that the following Activities be increased: (cont.) Parks & Recreation - Building Ma.intenance 03102-100 $ 4,864.00 " " - Vehicle & Equip. " 03104-100 6,028.00 Conservatory 03120-100 1,442.00 Zoo 03122-100 7,429.00 . Parks - Ground Ma.intenance 03132-100 7,071.00 Recreation Centers 03170-100 17,137.00 " " Custodial & Ground Mtnce. 03172-100 43,852.00 Municipal Athletics 03174-100 1,975.00 Special Recreation Activities 03176-100 1,423.00 Environmental Protection Adm. 03200-100 2,403.00 Health Laboratory 03204-100 2,170.00 Vital Statistics 03206-100 4,537.00 X Ma.trnal and Child Health 03208-100 2,941.00 Food Regulation 03212-100 10,679.00 Canine Control 03218-100 4,473.00 Testing Laboratory 03222-100 1,729.00 Housing & Bldg. Code - Adm, 03300-100 10,898.00 Housing Inspection 03305-100 3,879.00 Building Inspection 03310-100 59,158.00 Plan Examination 03320-100 3,200.00 Total-Department of Conaaunity Services - Additions $ 348,007.00 Department of Community Services -- _ .- Resolved, that the following Activities be creased: Parks and Recreation Administration 03100-100 10,911.00 Dental Health 03210-100 1,801.00 �,�;_ Medical and Inspectional 03214-100 21,296.00 Tuberculosis 03216-100 1,533.00 Occupational Health and Safety 03220-100 2,265.00 Total - Department of Community Services - Ueductions 37,806.00 In the Department of Police -- Resolved, that the following Activities be increased: Police Administration 04001-100 64,107.00 Office of the Chief 04030-100 8,527.00 Police Uniformed Division 04100-100 195,512.00 Police Detective Division 04120-100 47,962.00 Police Service Division 04140-100 24,843.00 Police Building Ma.intenance 04145-100 5,126.00 Total - Department of Police - Additions 346,077.00 In the Department of Police -- Resolved, that the following Activity be decreased: Youth Service Program 04002-100 3,317.00 WHI7E - CITV CLERK (�l� PIN.K - F�NANCE C011I1C11 �i �y�P�� BI.U�'��~,MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � � C ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date - 4 - In the Department of Fire Services -� Resolved, that the following Activities be increased: Fire Administration 05001-100 $ 12,599.00 Fire Station Maintenance 05050-100 6,566.00 Fire Prevention 05110-100 4,579.00 Fire Fighting 051a0--100 291,819.00 Total - Department of Fire - Additions $ 315,563.00 In the Department of Fire Services --. Resolved, that the following Activities be decreased: Fire Plans and Training 05100-100 2,628.00 Fire Connnunications 05140-100 14,300.00 Total - Department of Fire - Deductions 16,928.00 COUKCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �ax�c $utler Konopatzki �. In Favor Levine Meredith d Against BY x�p�c Roedler Tedesco Mme.President�BplCheC Hunt Adopted by Council: Date OCT 12 1973 Form Approved by City Attorney Certifie �ed b, Co '1 Secretary BY B �II����1 Y Appro d by Ma r: Date `5 �g Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �uetistir� OCI 2 01�973 � - , . . , • � 2����� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR FRANK D. MARZITELLI October 3, 1973 T0: Mayor Lawrence D. Cohen /, FR: Frank D. Marzitelli ��i Attached hereto is a resolution transfering funds from the Contingent Reserve - General to the various departments and bureaus to fund their salary needs for the remainder of 1973. This resolution was prepared from reports received in the Department of Finance and Management Services - Accounting Division from all departments and bureaus on forms requesting said information. This budget revision includes only those salaries groups for which negotiations had been completed as of July 31 , 1973. Your approval of this resolution and submission to the City Council is hereby requested. FDM/ca Attach. 1�lE�EI'�1�� ocY � a ��� Office of Vi�illiam Konopat?ki �,> �'� i,%... �._ �, �. City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�02 � � �v O ' � .s �� .�Y J , ���,; ' ` �� SUMMARY Contingent Reserve Additions Deductions Net Municipal Court -0- 49,992.00 49,992.00 Mayor -0- 30,691,00 30,691,00 City Clerk -0- 2,342.00 2,342.00 Health and Welfare 959.00 959.00 Dept, of Finance & Management Services 21,431.00 21,431.00 -0- Dept, of Public Works 9,300.00 59,993.00 50,693.00 Dept, of Co�unity Services 37,806,00 348,007,00 310,201.00 Department of Police 3,317.00 346,077,00 342,760.00 Department of Fire Services 16,928.00 315,563.00 298,635.00 88,782.00 1.175,055.00 1.086,273.00