262346 WHI7E - CITY CLERK PINK �FINANCE e CANARV -DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL F le ci1NO• � ����� BLUE - MAYOR r� . ' r Z1ZGLIZCP. Ordinance N O. i���� _ Presented By Referred To ' Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date AN ORDINANCE AMENDIN6 CHAPTER 216 OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE PERTAINING TO STREET OBSTRUCTIONS. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sectton 1 . That Chapter 216.02 (C) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby deleted in its entirety and the foliowing substituted in lieu thereof: C) Various Locations Permit. The sum of fo�ty dollars ($40.00) pe� permit pe� cal�ndar year for various locations. A Various Locations Permit may be issued only to cornpanies cformi,ng_maintenance work of short duration and minimal c , at tfie dts�retion and ,joint approval of the Di�ector of Pablic Works and the Saint Paul Police Depa�tment, Traffic Diviston. A Yarious locations Permit is to be used by the permittee for not more than a single day per location, in the normal course of the permittee's normal work day, and sald Permit shall not be valid in rush hour zones during rush hours. The amount of Public right-of way to be used shall not exceed fifty lineal feet of stredt f�ont- age. The width of said frontage may include the sidewalk and/or bcwleva�d and/or ten feet of traveled street as measur� from the curb line or edge of the traveled street and shali be subjact to COUIVCILMEIV Yeas Butler Nays Requested by Department of: �� Publ ic Works Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith �`� Against BY � ' � Roedler Da�iel J. n ord, Di ctor DOL Tedesco Mme.President�et4�er�t _ Form Approved by City Attor y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approve to C cil By By _ . � , + ����� _ �� . �2� approval by the Depa�tment of Public Works, Emergency use of a Various Locations Permlt du�ing hours not covered by this Section shall be subJect to approval by the T�affic Divtsion of the Saint Paul Police Department. The Pe�mit shall be subJect to revocation without fee refund upon evidence of noncompliance with any of the provtsions of this Section. Permittees may, in the pe�formance of their work, place derricks, hoists, ae�1a1 ladder outriggers and pads on and over sidewalks in acco�dance with the �ules and regulations established by the Department of Public Works. Said permittee shall abide by all rules and regulations promulgated by the Department of Public Works regarding: 1 . The tlmes and places whe�e, by reason of traffic conditions and other public safety conslderations, work may not be performed; 2. The times and places where the consent of, or notice to, the Department of Public I�lorks is required before starting of any work; � 3. Protection of pedestrians and automobile traffic against injury. Provided, however, that no ticensed person may be forbidden to perform work on any site where his truck may be lawfully parked in accordance with existing pa�king regulations otherwise applicable to trucks or passenger vehicles and their work will not constitute a danger of haz- ard to persons or property. Sect�on 2. That Chapter 216 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby ame�ded by adding a new sectlon thereto which reads as follows: 216.20 Sign and �illboard Contractor's Bond and tnsurance. WHITE - CITY CLERK P�K • -�FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council ������c, C�ANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE -MAVOR File NO. '`°��' �U , � rdin�nce Ordinance N 0. �`� �'�� _ . Presented By _ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date (3) The bond and insurance required by Stction 22.02 of this code pertaining to sign and billboard contractors shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements set forth in Sections 216. 12 and 216.13, and no additional bond o� insu�ance shail be required of these co�tractors. Section �3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from a�d after its passage, approvai and publication. jm COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Butler Nays � 6 Public Works Konopatzki In Favor Levine �' � Against BY - �a Roectl.er Daniel J. Dun rd, Direct (DOL) ,'�'eMesco �$i�:., .. y ..:�,.�e.a AdopYe'cFeby�o'�4L�1�Ryr��ate ��T 3 0 1973 Form Approved by Cit Attorney Certified 7�'e by C un ' ecre ar / BY By �.Y���,-� � _ �,..J Appro by Mayor. Dat 0 CT 31 1 Approved y a or issi o Council By By n�us�� �av 3 t913 . � , m � '��,�:�.� CITY OF ST. PAU� � � � � DEPRRTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS a : �:- April 16, 1973 - Amendment to Chapter 216 of the St. Paul Legislative Code ;: . pertaintng to "Street Obstructions" B�ief Summary of Recent History ` � : 1. January 18, 1973 - Letter of complaint about existing ordinance from Robert W. Johnson, �epresenting Law�ence Stgns, Inc. , transmitting ftne payment on vlolations ticket. 2. February 16, 1973 - Letter frmn Robert W. Johnson e�tering Lawrence Sign's " plea of NOT GUILTY on a second violations ticket. Defendent changed plea to GUILTY on date of scheduled court appearance. 3.- February, 1973 - Public Works prepa�ation, wlth advice from Public Works field i�spectors, of a proposed ordinance amending Chapter 216 of the St. Paui Legislative Code. ` 4. March 1 , 1973 - Public Works letters to Vernon Peterson, Pubiic Works Traffic Operations Engineer, and Captain Wilfred 0. Jyrkas, St. Paul Police Department, Traffic Division, _ sequesting review of prapos�d aTec�dirg ordi�ance. 5. March 2, 1973 - Verbal approval of p�oposed amending ordinance from �< Vern Peterson. 6. March 7, 1973 - Written approval of proposed amending ordinance �eceived _ from Captain Jyrkas. ` 7. March 7, 1973 - Public Wo�ks written request to Je�ome Segal , Asst. City � Attorney, requesting review and approval as to form of proposed amending ordinance. 8. March 9, 1973 - Public Works letter with copy of proposed amending ordi- nance to Robert W. Johnson. 9. March 21 , 1973 - Minor revistons to proposed amending ordinance and ap- proval as to form by Jerome J. Segal . 10. March 23, 1973 - Public Wo�ks lette� to Mayor Cohen, through City Adminis- trator Marzitelli , �equesting review and app�oval of pro- posed amending o�dinance, for presentation to Public Works Council Committee meeting on March 28, 1973• il. March 28, 1973 - Consideration and approval of p�oposed amending ordinance by Public Works Council Corrnnittee. 12. March 30, 1973 - Fis-st reading of proposed amending ordlna�ce in Council , introduced by Councilwoman Ruby Hunt. • ;.� J �. . . . . � � � ' ..� i•� ', � .r. . � � �� . � .. .. .� r � . � . a, . � - P F£ _ ���X • - : g. �'����� . _ . r 2- ��� � � . . . � � w . . ; _ . , � , • .. - s ' . # , � r , . . _ . � . . , . , . , .,- ? t . . _ . . . . . , ,: : �..� � -. , . . r . . . . . p < � .�. : � �.. , � � . . . ... � . . � " = . � .. -- _' . . . . ��� . . . . . . � , � . e S�. , . � . . . .. 5 *�:� { k�"t T . .. . . , . �-. ; �jy ^ y�"' 13• APri1 13, 1973 - �ending ordinance adopted by the Council . � s 'tb. April 16, 1973 - Amending ordinance approved by the Mayor. � ; � ��. . . . . � . � � : . � . . g . . 15. May 10, 1973 - Public Works Ietter to 164 companies, potential "Use-of Street" permittees under Chapter 216 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, with enclosuces: 1) copy of updated _ . law, 2) blank bond form, and 3) copy of lnsurance speci- ' fications. 120 of these companies maintained satisfacto�y � "Use-of-Stt-eet" bond and Insurance during 1972. 16. May 14, 1973 - Public Works �eceipt of copy of letter of complaint to . Mayo� Cohen from Sheet Metal Workers' International Association, Local #76, Martin A. Companion, Bustness Representat ive. , _ •`�'�= 17. May 22, 1973 - Public Works, Housing and B�ildtng Code Enforcement and City Attorney Staff ineeting with Sign Contracto�s to discuss the Contractors' complaints concerning the amend- ' � " ing ordinance as passed a�d now effective. ��` 'F': � _#� 18. June ), 1973 - Public Works and City Attorney Staff ineeting with Joseph � Summe�s, rep�esenting tfie Twin City Outdoor Advertising Association, to discuss potential solutlons to the S1gn : . ` �ontractors' complaints. Y��� `��'; 19• ��1y 9, 1973 Submittal to Mr. Dunford by M�. Summers of a proposed ordlnance amending Chapters l , 22 and 216 of the St. Paul , :� : Legislative Code. �. .,. .. . . _ � �-< ` ;._�.� : - � .� �.; . 20. July � August, 1973 - City review of ordinance proposed by M�. Summers. 21. September 5, 1973 - Mr. Summers' presentation of proposed amending ordi- nances to the Council Public Works Committee. It was determined that Mr. Su�ners would meet with Staff from = the City Attorney's office and the 0epartment of Public � � - ` ": � 1�lorks to w�ork out an amending o�dinance agreeable to - ` all parties. , ;,�� . 22, September 12, 1973 - The City Attocney's office presented re-ds�afted amend- ` t�g ordinances to the Council Publlc Works Committee ..�:`�,_ , ' �� ` and indicated they were acceptable to Mr. Surtmers. The matte� was iaid over for one week to permlt an : appea�ance by M�. 5ummers. : rj _ 23. September 19, 1973 - Presentation to and approval by the Counctl Committee on Public Wo�ks of an amending ordinance prepared by the Department of Pub11c Works which was considered �- - : � accepiable ta the Sign and Billboard Contractors by - : Mr. Summers, with one minor alteration pertaining to _ . _ outriggers. r � � . ` . _ . : : r : , > . , ,.�t�.- : : , ',,, ` x ; , , . � � . . ' . � . . �. .T � _ - 7 �.i_ 'C f }���k,. . .. � . . .� .- . -..:�*,, . , s t-..a - . : .... ^_.��o. . . . �'$ <:,. . � . i ' 'M. .. �� q ' . . " . ' . . ,.�`�_� .. .. . '� . .. ._:.�.,t. � . . , � � - . . . . - . . .. . , - � Y . . . . � . . . .. .:f�.. � DOl/jm ; . ::�; i' �� , , y<� . . _ _ . _ . , ��: :; ' . . ,; . . . ., ti � .�. > ' _ i � �at.� ��� Q Z `��� ;��. � ��� ' ,2na � /T L�j _..,__� �._..� 3ra ���� /�►,►�t3 �� � � � '��'�� ;pdapted �p��,d��� � . Yeas Ways BUPLBR ItON�PATZKZ - � � 2s����� � �o�n�t � . TIDESCA lM�r. Vi�c�e�Prea'��den�t�:x • • cfh'�