262344 WHl7'.c' - CITY CLERK t � � Pf" �°� -�'INANCE COIIIIClI B�RV-MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. ���?�`�� � , . � rd n�nce Ordinance N 0. ���� �° w :t s __ _ Presented By - Referred To ' Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 1 OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE PERTAINING TO THE - ADMINISTRATION OF BUILOING CODE REGULATIONS. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . That Section 1.11 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended by deleting Subsectton 4 theref�om and inse�ting the following ,in lieu and t n p 1 ace thet-eof: , 4. Bonds and tnsurance Requi�ements. No 1 icense of the type 1 isted imner!iately below sha l l becarp� effec- tive until the iicensee shali have filed with the bwreau a su�ety bond in the penal sum indicated below, ope�ating in favo� of the City of Saint � Paul and conditioned that the City wtll be sav�d harmless f�om any loss or damage by reason of improper or inadequate w�ork performed by the � holde� of said license under the provisions e�F.�this code. Such bond shall be subject to approval as to fo�m, execution and surety. a. Gas Range Installers License . . . . $ 1 ,000.00 b. Wr�cking Contractors License . . . . $10,000.00 (The bond �equired for wrecking a single frame structu�e not over two stories shali be $2,000.00. Wrecking contractors are required to file wlth the City, certiftcates of i�surance covering Worbnen's Compensation and public Liability Insurance in adeqwate limlts.) COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Butler Nays �� Public Mlorks Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith , Spc� Roedler Against By e . u or� , r o Tedesco Mme.President�e� �t Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by ity Attor y Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By °�oroved by Mayor: Date Approve ay n to cil By WHlM£ - CITY CLERK P� MA oR E GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council ('y�r�A RY�DEPARTMENT File NO. ���`-^ �Y� ♦ Ordin�nce Ordinance N�. ���� _ r Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date c2� No license granted under the terms stated herein, except those • types of 1lcense designated a and b above shall become effective until the licensee shall have filed with the Bureau a copy of a ce�tificate of insurance covering public liabillty insu�ance, which policy shall cover and protect the licensee for personal lnjury to the extent of $25,000.00 for each pe�son tnjured and $50,000.00, and except that sign and billboard contractors shall carry insurance in the ara�unts spec if ied by Section 22.02 Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in fo�ce thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. 'm COUIVCILMEN Yeas Butlep Nays Requested by Department of: •I�n� 6 Pa b 1 i c I�Jor ks Konopatzki In Favor Levine .. �'e''`''�` � Against Roedler B &� y n . un r r or Tedesco � 3 Form Approved by 'ty A orney A�Tpt�'�f���$14��1: w� ate Or'T 0 1973 Certified as�by Coj ' Se � i BY gy 2����i Approv by Ma . Da OCT 3 � �97.� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By wes,ts�p i�OV 31973 ,, � _ . i `t{TT � Ar �7i �7�1� ' � .� O /� J���<.�!� w �.• CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Min�ssota DEPARTMENT OF PUBI.IC WORKS 234 �ii�r HaM �C Court Ha�. b6�OZ DANIEL J. DUNFORD, P.E. Director September 27, 1973 The Honorable Lawrence D. Cohen Mayor of the City of Saint Paul Room 347, City Hall BUILDtNG Re: Proposed Ot-dinance5 Amending Chapters l , 22 and 216 of the St. Paul Legislative Code. Dear Mayor Cohen: The referenced proposed ordinances are attached for your consideration and approval for submission to the Council . These o�dinances have been prepared in response to the dissatisfaction with the existing codes as expressed by the Twin City Outdoor and Electrical Advertising Assoclation, Inc. For your further tnformation, t have attached a brief summary of the recent history surrounding this matter. The amending ordinances accomplish basically the following: 1 . Establish license bond and insurance requirements for Sign and Billboard Contractors meeting or exceeding those requirements for obtaining a Use-of-Street Permit. Two bonds wtll no longer be necessary. 2. Pertaining to the Various Locations type of Use-of-Street Permit: a. The Permit Fee has been reduced from $50.00 per three-month period to $40.00 per calendar yea�. b. Work time limit at any one location has been increased from three hours to one fuil day. c. The two-hour advance notification �equirement of work at each location has been stricken. d. The Department of Public Works shatl promulgate rules and regulations pe�taining to work done under this type of permit. � ' � . . ��„�?� . . � �� ' The Honorable Lawrence D. Cohen -2- September 27, Ig73 These ordinances represent a compromise agreement between the Department of Public Works and the sign companies and are the culmination of a long series of discussions and meetings. We feel that we have provided for adequate regu- lation of this type of concern, without establtshing unnecessary restrictions. i , therefore, request that you approve these amending ordinances for submtssion to the City Council . Very truly yours, . Daniel J. Dunfor Director of Public Works WAH/DOL/jm Attachments cc: Walter A. Hurtley -�;: . ist- _ .`____/�d,/iz ; � 'a�a �a�Lq � _r�, 1� .� _..:,.,. Adc�P'ted _._.�6,�i �U — � Yees Aaya BUTI�IR KUNOPATZKI ����A 4 6� .. . . . •M•YU7m � � �.! � '�� � s TEDESC4 �;:�.,,c�.,r�.F�r�.:y' ,�;::;s��r' . .:� Mr. Vie � �x:3:::•:: , e PreBident (�'�,�;j�,�