262333 � ,`t':���4 �ir�K�'' .h
��. 1 Council
�' * �n,�.,�� ��y; GITY OF SAINT PATTL File N0. a (�a33�
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" � Ordin�nce flrdinance N 0. ��1�Q
, � � F
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Presented B�V�
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An ordinanee amending Chapter 74 bf the Saint
Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to the Department
oY Human Rights , to include prohibition against
discrimination by reason o� age or disability.
Section 1.
That Chapter 74 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be
and the same is hereby amended by deleting Sections 74 .01
through 74.0� , inclusive , and substituting in lieu and in
place thereof the following :
74.01 - Declaration of Policv. _
The Gouncil finds that discrimination in
employment, :education, housing , public accommoda-
tions, and. public services based on raoe, creed,�y��''"
� sex, oolor, national origin or ancestry, affectional
or sexual preference, age or disability adversely
affects the health, welfare, peace and safety of -
� the community. Persona subject to such discrimina-
' tion suffer depressed living conditions , poverty, �'
and laek of hope , injuring the publie welfare , �
placing a burden upon the public treasury to
ameliorate the conditions thus produced� and
creating conditions which endanger the public
- peace and order. The public policy of S�int Paul
is declared to be to foster equal opportunity for
all to obtain empl,oyment , education, housing, pub-
lic accommodations , and public services without
` Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Hozza In Favor
Rcedler Against BY
President Hunt
Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
. - � oZ(aa 333
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Page 2.
regard to their race, creed, sex, color, national
origin or ancestry, affectional or sexual prefere-
ence, age or disability, and strictly in accord
with their individual merits as human beings.
74.02 - Definitions . As used herein, the term -
A. Affectional or Sexual Preference means having
or manifesting an emotional or physical attachment
to another consenting person or persons, or having
or manifesting a preference for such attachment .
B. A�e - Prohibitions of discriminatory prat�tices
with regard to age shall be limited to persons wh:o have
passed the age of majority. With respect to diserimina-
tory practices in employment only, proh�t�titions of
discriminatory pra�tices with regatrd to age shall be
limited to persons who have passed the age of majority
but have not attained the age of 65 years .
�. ` Disabilitv means a mental or physical condi-
tion which constitutes a hand�c��-, Nothi.�g in ttris
ehapter shall be construed to prc�hibi� any p�ogram,
service, facility or grivilege afforded to � person
w�.t� s�!diaability which is intended to habilitate ,
r.e��di�iTitate , or aceomm.odate that gerson. It is a
d�'fense to a complaint or action brought under this
chapter that the person bringing the complaint or
action suffers from a mental or physical disability
which poses a serious threat to the safety of other�.
The burden of proving this defense is upon the
D. Discriminate or Discrimination includes
all un��e��. ual treatment of any person by reason o� race,
creed;"""c'b`�or, sex, national origin or ancestry,
affectional or sexual preference, age or disability•,
provided that the imposition of a religious test as
a bona fide condition of employment by a religious
organization shall not constitute discrimination.
E. Educat�on �.ncludes : all ,educatiflna�l services
and all other services offered by educational ins�i-
tutions, wheth.er �o�g,,�ni,zed: for,px�ofit � or otherwise,
which are open `to �r� �solic�:t t12e patronage of the
gene ral public ; provided that an educational insti-
tution ope�rated und�r the .a�$�ie�s of �: religious
organizatia� may .�� vire that all stude�tts 'admitted
profess the garticu.�ar religion involved.
F. Emglovee includes every perso�. who works
for wages , salary, or commissions or any combination
, � . , a�,o�.3 33
,� . r � ° y . ° ' �r�,�e. (.�"�7�n
Page 3.
thereof, and in context the term also includes those
who are seeking or applying for employment.
G. Employer includes all persons , firms, or
corporations , wherever situated, who employ one or
more employees within the city , or who solicit indi-
viduals within the city to apply for employment
within the city or elsewhere ; the term includes the
city itself, the board of education, and all other
political subdivisions , public corporations , and
governmental units conducting any activity within
the city.
H. Employment A�ency includes all persons ,
firms , or corporations, including government
agencies and charitable institutions , who with
or without compensation undertake to refer persons
to potential employment .
I. Housin� includes any improved or unimproved
real estate which is used, capable of being used, or
intended to �e used as a permanent or temporary resi-
dence or sleeping place for one or more persons ,
whether by sale , lease, or otherwise . It specifically
includes lots suitable for single or multifamily
residential development ,
J. Labor Union includes any formal or informal
organization w�ich includes among its purposes the
representation of one or more employees of an employer
or employers with respect to wages , hours , working
conditions , or grievances .
K. Person includes individuals , partnerships ,
associations, organizations, corporations, legal
representatives , trustees, receivers , political
subdivisions , boards, commissions, an d their officers
and agents .
L. Public Accomocations includes every business,
accommodation, refreshment , entertainment, recreation,
or transportation facility, whether licensed or not ,
whose goods , services , facilities , privileges , advan-
tages , or accommodations are extended, offered, sold,
or otherwise made available to the public. By way
of example, but not of limitation, "public accommodation"
includes facilities of the following types :
(1) A facility providing service relating to travel
or transportation;
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Page 4.
(2) A barber shop, beauty shop, bathhouse ,
, swimming pool, gymnasium, reducing salon,
or other establ ishment conducted to serve
the health, appearance, or physical condi-
tion of the individual ;
(3) A comfort station, dispensary, clinic ,
hespital, convalescent or nursing home '
or other institution for the ill or infirm,
or a mortuary;
(4) A hotel , motel, resort, restaurant, or trailer
, park.
M. Publie Services includes any public facility,
department , agency, board or commission operated or
managed by or on behalf of the City of Saint Paul,
and any p�zblic facility, department, agency, bna rd,
or commission, operated by an� other uni� of go vern-
ment, whieh does business in or provides public ser-
vices in the City of Saint Pau� or to the residents
of the City of Saint Paul .
74.03 - Prohibited Acts in Eg�plovme�t. Except
when based on a bona fide occupatianml quaTification,
it shall be unlawful -
A. For a labor union because o� race , creed,*�����^�
color, sex, national origin or ancestry, affectional
or sexual preference, �ge or disab'ility, '
(1) To deny full and equai membership
rights to an applica�t for membership
_ or a mem ber; -
(2) To expel a member from membership;
(3) To discriminate again�t a member or
applicant with respect to hire , tenu�e ,
referral , apprenticeship, eom�gensation,
terms, upgrading, or other oonditions ox
privil�ges of employment ;
(4} To do o�r to commit any other act witY�
' respect to a member or applicant whi�h
a�rises out of, or is activated by, con-
sideration of race, creed,'`��"cblor, �ex,
national origin or ancestry, affectional
or sexual preference , age or disability.
� . . . � . . ac�.333
� � " ,� � . .� �. ' b,,� No i.s7�o
Page 5.
B. For an employer, because of race, creed, r'�'�-9'� '
color, sex, national origin, ancestry, affectional
or sexual preference , age or disability,
(1) To refuse to hire an applicant for employment ;
(2) To dischar�e an employee ;
(3) To discriminate against an employee with
respect to hire , tenure , apprenticeship,
compensation, terms , upgrading, or other
conditions ar privileges of employment ; •
(4) To do or to commit any oth er aet with
respect to an employee or applicant which
arises out of, or is activated by, consider-
ations of race, creed,"�''o�olor, sex, national
origin or ancestry, affectional or sexual
preference, age or disability.
C. For an employment agency, because of race ,
ereed,r'c���or, sex, national origin or ancestry,
a"ffectional or sexual preference , age or disability,
(1) To refuse or fail to accept, register, properly
classify, or refer for employment any person;
(2) To comply with any request by any employer
for referral of applicants if the request
indicates directly or indirectly that the
employer desires any limitation of appli-
cants to persons of particular racial,
religious , or national characteristics or
in any other way fails to comply with the
requirements of this chapter.
(3) To do , or to commit any other act with respect
to an applicant for referral or employment
which arises out of , or is activated by,
considerations of race, creed;`���lor, sex,
national origin or ancestry, affectional or
sexual preference , age or disabili-ty..
D. For any labor union, employer, employment
agency, or other person to require any applicant or
employeey�o furnish information respecting his race,
creed��c�olor, sex, national origin or ancestry,
affectional or sexual preference , age or disability,
except where require d by a government al agency.
. at��3.�3
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Page 6.
E. For any person to circulate or publish any
notice or advertisement relating to employment or
m�bership in a labor union which indicates directly
or indirectly any preference , limitation, specifi�aa,�-
tion, or discrimination based upon race , creed;"y`c�blor,
sex, national origin or ancestry, affectional or
sexual preference, age or disability.
The provisions of this section shall apply
to a joint labor-industry apprenticeship committee
or board and to each individual mem ber thereof not-
withstanding the employer mem bers of such committee
or board are not in fact the employer of an apprentice
against whom an act of discrimination has been com-
mitted, to the extent the membe�s of such committee
or board partic ipate in the ac t of discriminat i on.
It shall not be considered a violation of any
provision of this section for a religious or sect��ian
organization to require as a bona fide occupational
qualification membership in a religious group.
'74.03A - Affirmative Requirements in Emplovma7t.
All City contracts shall include the following
provisions , which may be incorporated .by reference
to this section:
During the performance of this contract, the
contractor agrees as follows :
1. The contractor will not discriminate against
any eraployee or applicant. for employment
because of race, creed;�'"c`b`ror, sex,
national origin or ancestry, affectional or
sexual preference , age or disability. The
contractor will take affirmative action to
insure that applicants are employed and that
employees are treated during employment with-
out regard to their race , creed,'�`b'�or,
sex; national origin or ancestry, affectional
or sexual preference , age or disability.
Such action wYll include , but not be limited
to , the following: employment , upgrading,
demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruit-
ment advertising; layoff or termin�.tion;
rates of pay or ather forms of compensa-
tion; and selection for training, including
. . a��3�
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Page 7 .
apprenticeship. The contractor agrees to
post in conspicuous places available to his
employees and applicants for employment
notices to be provided by the Department
of Human Righ:ts setting forth the provisions
of this non-discrimination clause .
2. The contractor will , in all solicitatians�;
or advertisements for employees placed by
or in behalf of the contractor, state that
all qualified applicants will receive con-
sideration for ,e�loyment without regard to
race, creed,�"'��color, . sex, nat ional origin
or ancestry, affectional or sexual preference,
age or disability.
3. The contractor wi 11 send to each labo r union
or representative of workers with which he
has a collective ba�rgaining agreement or
other contract or understanding a notice
to be provided by the Director of Human Right� '
advising the labor union and workers ' repre-
sentative of the contractor' s commitment
under this ordinance and shall post copies
of the notice in conspicuous places available
to employees and applicants for employment .
4. The contractor will comply with all provi-
sions of Chapter �74 of the Saint Paul Legis-
lative Code , and of the rules , regulations
and relevant orders of the Human Rights Com-
mission issued pursuant thereto.
5. �corr�ractor will furnish all information and
reports required by Chapter 74 of the Saint
Paul Legislative Code , and by the rules ,
regulations and orders of the Human Rights
Commission issued pursuant thereto, and
will permit °,access to his books , records and
accounts by the Department of Human Rights
for the purpose of investigation to ascertain
compliance with such rules, regulations and
6. In the event of the contractox' s non-compli-
ance with the non-discrimination c�lauses of
this contract or with any of such rules,
regulations , or orders , this contract may
,. , � � � . � . ac�3�
. .
' - .� •, p� r1a /57/a
Page 8.
be terminated or suspended in whole or in
part, and the contractor may be declared
ineligible for further City contracts , and
such other sanctions may be imposed and
remedies invoked as provided by Chapter
74 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code , or
by rule , regulation or order of the Human
Rights Commission, or as otherwise provided
by law.
7. The contractor will include the provisions
of this ordinance in every subcontract so
that such provisions will be binding upon
each subcontractor.
8. Each contractor havin� a contract with the
City shall file an.d shall cause each of
his sub-contractors to file compliance
reports with the Department of Human
Rights as may be required by the Director.
Compliance reports shal�� be filed within
such time and shall contain such information
. as to the practice, policies, programs and
employment policies and employment statistics
of the contractor and each sub-contractor
and shall be in such form as the Director
of the Department of Human Rigl�ts may
prescribe with the approval of the Human
Rights Commission.
9. In any contract with the City subject also
to the requirements of Executive Order
1124F for filing of "Compliance Reports"
or such other inf ormat ion and rep orts�-�
as may be requir�d by the Government of the
United States in provi ding for equal oppor-
tunity in Federal employment, proof of
satisfaction of such Federal requirements
shall be deemed and considered as full
compliance with the requirements of Section
74.03A, subdivisions (1-2-3-8-9) .
10. The Director of the Department of Human
Rights shall be responsible for the ad-
ministration and enforcement of this section
pursuant to such rules, regulations and
orders as the Human Rights Commission may
deem necessary and appropriate to achieve
. ��.3�3
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� Page 9.
the purpose of this section. Fai lure to
comply with such rules, regulations a,nd
orders shall be subject to the civil and
criminal enforcemen:t provisions of this ordinanee.
74.04 - Prohibited Acts in Education. No�p����on
shall discriminate , on grounds of race , creed,�i�tilor,
sex, national origin_ or ancestry, affectional or
� � � sexual preference , age or disability, with respect
to access to, use of, or benefi:t from any institu-
tion of education or services and facilities
rendered in connection therewith, except that a
school operated by a religious denomination may
require membership in such denomination as a
condition of enrollment, provided such requirement
is placed upon all applicants .
�Tothing in this chapter shall be construed to
requi��� any educa�ional institution to provicle any
special service to any person or to modify in any
mann.er its existing buildings , grounds , facilities
or admissio� procedure:: because of the disability
of any such person.
74.05 - Prohibited Acts in Housin�. It shall be
unlawful -
A. For any person to discriminate on graunds
of race, creed;`�c�b�or, sex, national origin or
ancestry, affectional or sexual pre�erence, age or
disabiiity, in the sale , lease , or rental of any
- housing unit or units.
B. For any broker, agent, salesman. or other
person acting in behalf of another to so discriminate
in the sale , lease , or rental of any housing unit
or units belonging to such other person. -
. . . . . � ac���
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Page 10.
C. For any person engaged in the business of
�inancinb the purchase , rehabilitation, remodeling,
or repair of housing units or in the business of
selling insurance with respect to housing units to
refuse to provide such finaneing or insurance or
to discrimin.ate with regard to the terms or condi-
tions th�reof by reason of the race , color , sex,
creed;`'�n`a�ional origin or ancestry, affectional or
sexual preference, age or disability �of the appli-
cant or because of ihe location of the unit or
units in are as of the city occupied by. persons of
a particular race , color, sex, creed;``national
origin or ancestry, affectional or sexual preference,
age or disability. _
D. For any person, havin� sold, leased, or
rented a housing unit or units to any person, to
disc.riminate with respect to facilities , services,
or privileges ,�,f occupar�cy by reason of race, color,
sex, creed,"'�.i�'a,tional origin or �.ncestry, affectional
or sexual preference , age or disability.
E. For any person to make or publish �any state-
ment evidencing�`an�intent to discriminate , on grounds
o� race, creed, c�olor, sex, national origin or an-
cestry, affectional or sexual preference , ege or
disak�ility, in t�he sale, lease, or rental of a
_ housing unit or units.
F. For any person�t�a make any inquiry regarding
race, color, sex, creed, na�ional origin or ancestry,
affectional or sexual preference, age or disability,
or to keep any record or use any form of applica.tion
designed to elicit such information, in .connection
with the sale , lease , rental, or f inancing of a :�ousing
unit or units .
G. F�r any person, for the purpose of inducing
a real estate transaction from which he may benefit
. . ac�.3��
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Page 11.
(1) To represent that a change has occurred
or will or may occur in the composition of
the block, neighborhood , or area in which
the property is lbcated, in respect of the
race, color, sex, creed;`�ational origin or
ancestry, affectional or sexual preference,
age or disability of those living there ; or
(2) To represent that this change will or may
result in the lowering of property values ,
an increase in crime , or antisocial behavior,
or a decline in the quality of schools in
the block, neighborhood, or area concerned.
H. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed
to require any person or group of persons selling,
renting or leasing pr operty to modify the property
in any way, or exercise a higher degree of care for
a person having a disability than for a person who
does not have a disability; nor shall this chapter
be construed to relieve any person or persons of
any obligations generally imposed on all per�sons
regardless of any disability in a written lease ,
rental agreement , or contract of purchase or sale ,
or to forbid distinetions based on the inability
to fulfill the terms and conditions, including finan-
cial obligations of such lease , agreement or contract.
74. 06 - Prohibited Acts in Public Accommodations .
No person shall discriminate , on the grounds of race,
color, sex, creed;`���a`�ional origin or ancestry, af-
fectional or sexual preference, age or disability
with respect to the access to, use of, or benefit
from any public accommodation, or to make or publish
any statement evidencing his intent �o do so.
'74.07 - Prohibited Acts in Public Services .
No person shall discriminate again �tz�a„n�y person, on
grounds of race, color, sex, creed, national origin
or ancestry, affectional or sexual preference , age
or disability with respect to access to, admission
to, full utilization of, benefit from, or impartial
and equal administration of any public service.
74.0'71 -' Aid in Discx�imina�f on-: � at �ha_ll__be_ ,
unla.wful for any �p��eon.� whe�her or not �,n enployer,
• • emplo�ment agenc�a or.,labo�r._organization; to aid,
ab�►b� or� conspire .�o co�xmi� an.y aet dec�ared� to .
be unlawful by this chapter.
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Page 12, �
74. 08 - Pla n to Reduce or Eliminat e Imbalance .
It is not a violation of this ordinance �or any per-
son subject thereto to carry out a plan to reduce
or eliminate_ �mhalance with respeet to race, color,
sex creed "`�n�a.tional ori
, „� gin or ancestry, affectional
or sexual preference, age or disability, even though
such plan may mean selectivity with respect to em-
ployrr,ent , housing, or education, provided such plan
is filed with the Department ar�l is not disa�proved
by the Director or Commission on grounds it is not
a bona fide plan to reduce imbalance . All persons
executing such approved plans shall at the re que st
of the Director provide relevant inf ormation con-
�erning their exec��tion.
74 . Og - Violation; Penalt.y. Violation of any
provisions of Sections 74. 03 through 7� .08 hereof
is a misdemeanor, and every person who l�nowingly
participates in any prohibited act, or intentiorially
fails to comply with xegulations issued to comply
�;T�tr. re��aia�l;i��s �:s�:�a ',�y� th� Y,:u�nan Rights Commission
pursuant to any section of this ordinance, whether
as an officer, agent , manager, employee , or otner-
wise �is liable as a principal , and it shall be no
defense that the person charged was acting in ac- �
eordance with the instructions of his principal
or employer. .
BLUE -� qY'bR
.. ' , .... . �
` � � Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. 1�7��
. ,.
. ,
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Page 13.
Section 2.
This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul
'� Legislative Code and shall be xncorporated therein and given
an appropriate chapter and�or "section number at the time of
the next revision of said Legislative Code.
Section 3.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in foree thirty
days from and after its passage, approval and publication.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza In Favor
Rcedler �_ Against BY
President Hunt
Adopted by_ Date �CT 1 1974 Form prove City y
' Certi 'ed � ssed b ou, ' Secretar� BY �
,� O
By -
Approved by• or: Approv by ion t u il
By By
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September 4, 1974
Mrs. Rose Mix, City Clerk
386 City Hall
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102
Dear Mrs. Mix:
The Legislation Comnittee has considered Council File 262333, amending
Chapter 74 of the Legislative Code pertaining to the Department of
Human Rights, and refers the matter to the Council with the recommenda-
tion that it be approved.
John E. Christensen
WHI7E - CITY CLERK ` / P � ��' `��
P�� -�NANCE (jITY OF SAINT PAITL Council 2�2(-l�
CA ARY -. PARTMENT File NO. `-'��
.l •
� . ' � Ordin�nce _
_� ,
Ordinance N 0.
Presented By -
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Section 1 .
That Chapter 74 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same
is hereby amended ajt deleting Section 74.01 through 74.08, inctusive,
and substituting in lieu and in place thereof the following:
74.01 - Dec�aration of Policy.
The Council finds that racial and religious discrimination
in employment, education,°housing, public accomnodations, and
public services adversely affe�ts the health, welfare, peace
and safety of the canmunity. Persons sub�ect to such dis-
crimination suffer depressed 1 i ving condi tfc3ns, pover�y, and
lack of hope, injuring the public welfare, placing��,. burden
upon the public treasury to ameliorate the conditions t�i�s
produced, and creating conditions which endanger the public
COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Butler Nays
-� Human R'
Konopatzki In Favor
Meredith Against BY •
�cadicx Roedler
Mme.President But�er j�rit
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved b r Sub ' si to Council
By By _
� b
�c��;s ,
`1 peace and order. The public policy of Saint Paul is declared
to be to foster equal opportunity for all to obtain employment,
� education, housing, public accomnodations , and public services
`�, without regard to their race, creed, sex, color, national origin,
ancestry, age or disability, and strictly in accord with their
indivfdual merits as human beings.
74.02 - Definitions. As used herein, the term -
A. Age - Prohibitions of discriminatory practices with
regard to age shall be limited to persons who have passed the
age of maturity but have not attained the age of 65 years.
B. Disability - means a mental or physical condition
which constitutes a handicap. Nothing in this chapter shall be
construed to prohibit any program, service, facility or privilege
afforded to a person with a disability which is intended to
habilitate, rehabilitate or accommodate that person. It is a
defense to a complaint or act�on brought under this chapter
that the person bringing the complaint or action suffers from a
mental or physical disabjlity whict� poses a serious threat to
the safety of others. The burden of�proving this defense is
upon the respondent.
C. Discriminate or Discrimination - includes all unequal
treatment of an.y person by reason of race, creed, color, sex,
national origin, ancestry, age or disability; �covided that the
. , . , �
� ���
\ imposition of a religious test as a bona fide condition of
employment by a religious organi2ation shall not constitute
D. Education - includes all educational services and
a11 other services offered by educational institutions ,
whether organized for profit or otherwise, which are open
to or sol�,icit the patronage of the general public; provided
that an educational institution operated under the auspices
of a religious arganization may require that all students
admitted profess t'�te particular religion involved.
E. Employee - includes every person who works for wages,
salary, or commissions or any combination thereof, and in
context the term also incl�des those who are seeking or applying
for employment.
F. Employer - includes all persons, firms, or corporations ,
wherever situated, who employ one or more employees within the
City, or who solicit individuals within the City to apply for
employment within the City or elsewhere'; the term includes the
Ci ty i tsel f, the board of educati on, and a�l l other pol i ti cal
subdivisions, public corporations, and govehnmental units con-
ducting any activity within the City. ��
G. Employment Agency - includes all persor�� firms, or
corporations, including government agencies and ch ritable
'i • ' .
. • ��
-4- �
institutions, who with or without compensation undertake to
refer persons to potential employment.
; H. Housing - includes any improved or unimproved real
es�te which is used, capable of being used, or intended to
be us�d as a permanent or te�porary residence or sleeping
place fiqr one or more persons , whether b,y sale, lease, or
otherwise:A It specifically includes lots suitable for single
or mul ti fami'�,v resi denti al devel opment.
I. Labor'�Jnion - includes any formal or informal
organization which includes among its purposes the repre-
sentation of one or�`�ore emplayees of an employer or empt�oyers
with respect to wages,'�hours, working conditions, or grievances.
J. Person - include� individuals , partnerships, associations,
organizations, corporations'� legal representatives, trustees,
receivers, political subdivis'ions , boards, comrnissions, and
their officers and agents. �'�,
K. Public Accommodations - i�cludes every business,
accomnodations, refreshment, entertai�.nment, recreation, or
transportati on faci 1 i ty, whether 1 i censed or not, whose goods,
servi ces, faci 1 i ti es, pri vi 1 eges , advanta�s , or accomnadati ons
are extended, offered, sold, or otherwise ma"d,e available to the
public. By way of example, but not of limitati'qn, "public
accommodation" includes facilities of the followi�i�� types:
•1 , • • , ��I� ^
(1 ) A facility providing service relating to travel or
t nsportation;
40�(2) A barber shop, beauty shop, bathhouse, swimning pool ,
gymnasl�,um, reduci ng sal on, or other establ i shment conducted to
serve the���health, appearance, or physical condition of the
individual ; ��,,
(3) A comfort station, dispensary, clinic, hospital ,
convalescent or nu�rsing home or other institution for the ill
or infirm, or a mortu�ry;
(4) A hotel , motel�, resort, restaurant, or trailer park.
74.03 - Prohibited Ac�s in Employment.
Except when based on a boaa fide occupational qualification,
it sha11 be unlawful -
A. For a labor union because c�f race, creed, color, sex,
national origin, ancestry, age or disal�ility,
(I ) To deny full and equal membership rights to an applicant
for membership or a member;
(2) To expel a member from membership;
(3) To discriminate against a member or applicant with respect
to hire, tenure, referral , apprenticeship, compen'�ation, terms,
upgrading, or other conditions or privileges of emp ent;
(4) To do or to commit any other act with respec to a member
or applicant which arises out of, or is activated by, con3,ideration of
race, creed, color, sex, national origin, ancestry, age or d'�sability.
� 'L •. . , �� .
. ���'
8. For an employer, because of race, creed, color, sex,
�, national origin, ancestry, age or disability,
'��,, (1 ) To refuse to hi re an appl i cant for employment;
`'�., (2) To di s charge an empl oyee;
��3) To discriminate against an employee with respect to
hire, tenyre, apprenticeship, compensation, terms , upgrading,
� ,
or other cond,itions or privileges of employment;
(4) To do' or to commit any other act with respect to an
employee or applic�nt which arises out of, or is activated by,
consideration of rac���, creed, color, sex, national origin, ancestry,
age or disability.
C. For an employment'��ency, because of race, creed, color,
sex, national origin, ancestry�,, age or disability,
(1 ) To refuse or fail to ac�ept, register, properly classify,
or refer for employment any person; ���,
(2) To comply with any request by'`any employer for referral
of applicants if the request indicates dir�ctly or indirectly that
the employer desires any limitation of applic'�nts to persons of
particular racial , religious, or national chara�teristics or in any �
other way fails to comply witfi the requirements ofi�,this chapter;
(3) To do, or to comnit any other act with res ect to an
applicant for referral or employment which arises out f, or is
activated by, considerations of race, creed, color, sex, ational
origin, ancestry, age or disability.
, •A ••• • I � ^
• • ��`J`
� D. For any labor union, employer, �nployment agency, or other
pers�qn to require any applicant or employee to furnish information
respect`i�ng his race, creed, color, sex, national origin, ancestry,
age or disability, except where required by a governmental agency.
E. For any person to circulate or publish any notice or
advert9sement relating to employment or membership in a labor
union which indicates directly or �indirectly any preference, limitation,
specification, or discrimination based upon race, creed, color, sex,
national origin, ance�try, age or disability.
The provisions of �his section shall apply to a joint labor-
industry apprenticeship cammittee or board and to each individual
member thereof notwithstandin,g the employer members of such
cor►xnnittee or board are not in fi�ct the employer of an apprentice
against whom an act of discrimina�.ion has been canmitted, to the
extent the members of such comnittee or board participate in the
act of discrimination.
It shall not be considered a violatian of any provision of
this section for a religious or sectarian organization to require
as a bona fide occupational qualification memb�rship in a religious
74.031 - Affirmative Require�nts in Employment.
All City contracts shall include the following pt�ovisions,
which may be incorporated by reference to this section: �'a
During the performance of this contract, the contract r agrees
•. •y • ' ���
as follows:
1 . The contractor will not discriminate against any employee
or a licant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex,
nationa ,,�origin, age or disability. The contractor wi11 take
affirmativ�,action to insure that applicants are employed and that
employees are ''�reated during employment without regard to their
race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age or disability.
Such action wi11 incl�.de, but not be limited to, the following:
employment, upgrading, d�qiotion or transfer; recruitrnent or
recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay
or other forms of compensation; and selection for training,
including apprenticeship. The con�ractor agrees to post in
conspicuous places available to his e�loyees and applicants
for employment notices to be provided by ,the Department of
Human Rights setting forth the provisions o�, this non-dis-
crimination clause.
2. The contractor will , in all solicitatio�� or ad-
vertisements for employees placed by or in behalf ci� the
contractar, state that all qualified applicants will ��eceive
consideration for employment without regard to race, c�or,
religion, sex, national origin, age or disability.
3. The contractor will send to each labor union or
representative of workers with which he has a collective
. �
, '.. ', . , �V�,
. �p�'�s�
argaining agreement or other contract or understanding a notice
to ..be provided by the Director of Human Rights advising the labor
union�and workers' represen tative of the contractor's comnitment
under t�r�s ordinance and shall post copies of the notice i�
conspicuous' places available to err�loyees and applicants for
employment. � .�
4. The contractor will comply with all provisi�ns of Chapter
74 of the Saint Paul ��,egislative Code, and of the rules , regulations
and relevant orders of tMe Human Rights Comnission issued pursuant
5. The contractor will `i�urnish all information and reports
required by Chapter 74 of the Safnt Paul Legislative Code, and by
the rules, regulations and orders of the Human Rights Comnissian
issued pursuant thereto, and will permit access to his books,
records and accounts by the Department of Human Rights for the
purpose of investigation to ascertain comp�iance with such rules,
regulations and orders.
6. In the event of the contractor's non-co�qpliance with the
non-discrimination clauses of this contract or with'�,,any of such
rules, regulations, or orders , this contract may be t�ninated or
suspended in whole or in part, and the contractor may be`��declared
ineligible for further City contracts, and such other sanc ions
may be imposed and remedies invaked as provided by Chapter 7 of
the Saint Paul Legislative Code, or by rule, regulation or orde
.,� ' , - , ��L#
o the Numan Rights Comnission, or as otherwise provided by law.
1. The contractor will include the provisions of this
ordin ce in every subcontract so that such provisions will be
binding ��iupon each subcontractor.
8. Eac'p, contractor having a contract with the City shall
file and shall �t�use each of his subcontractors to file compliance
reports with the De�artment of Numan Rights as may be required by
the Director. Compliarue reports shall be filed within such time
and shall contain such in�qrmation as to the practice, policies,
programs and employment polie.ies and employment statistics of the
contractor and each subcontractqr and shall be in such form as the
Director of the Department of Humat� Rights may prescribe with the
approval of the Human Rights Commisston.
9. In any contract with the City'��ubject also to the require-
ments of Executive Order 11246 for filing�of "Compliance Reports"
or such other information and reports as maj�. be required by the
Government of the United States in providing ib r equal opportunity
in Federal employment, proof of satisfaction of��uch Federal
requirements shall be deemed and considered as ful� compliance with
the requirements of Sect�on 74.031 , subdivisions (1-��,3-8-9).
10. The Director of the Department of Human Right� shall be
responsible for the administration and enforcement of thi section
pursuant to such rules, regulations and orders as the Human ' hts
' �., ,
.,. ��
Co�nission may deem necessary and appropriate to achieve the purpose
f this section. Failure to comply with such rules, regulations and
or rs shall be sub�ect to the provisions of Sections 8 and 12 of this
(Added or�, 14424, March 11 , 1970).
74.04 - 'Rrohi bi ted Acts i n Education.
No person sh,�►11 discrimtinate, on grounds of race, creed, color,
sex, national origi�r�, ancestry, age or disability, with respect to
access to, use of, or b�.nefit from any institution of education or
services and facilities ret�dered in connection �herewith, except
that a school operated by a r'�ligious denomination may require r�mber-
ship in such denomination as a c�qndition of enrollment, provided such
requirement is placed upon all app�+icants.
Nothing in this chapter shall be�-construed to require any
educational institution to provide any s�ecial service to any person
or to modify in any manner its existing buiq�dings, grounds, facilities
or admission procedures because of the disabil�ty of any such person.
74.05 - Prohibited Acts in Housing. It sha��'� be unlawful -
A. For any person to discriminate on grounds � race, creed,
color, sex, national origin, ancestry, age or disabili`t`�c,, in the
sale, lease, or rental of any housing unit or units. ''�,�
6. For any broker, agent, salesman or other person actin in
behalf of another to so discriminate in the sale, lease, or rental
• ` � �
. � , ,
� . ��°��
of any housing unit or units belonging to such other person.
��.� C. For any person engaged in the business of financing the
purch`�se, rehabilitation , remodeling, or repair of housing units
or in tt� business of selling insurance with respect to housing
units to r�fuse to provide such financing or insurance or to
discriminate ���vith regard to the terms of conditions thereof by
reason of the rh�ce, color, sex, creed, national origin, ancestry,
age or disability '�f the applicant or because of the location
of the unit or units `i�n areas of the City occupied by persons of
a particular race, color;, sex, creed, national origin, ancestry,
age or disability.
D. For any person, havin�, sold, leased, or rented a housing
unit or units to any person, to di,scriminate with respect to
facilities, services, or privileges `Qf occupancy by reason of
race, color, sex, creed, national origtr�, ancestry, age or
disability. `
E. For any person to make or publish any statement evidencing
an intent to discriminate, on grounds of race,'�creed, color, sex,
national origin, ancestry, age or disability, in ''�he sale, lease,
or rental of a housing unit or units.
F. For any person to make any inquiry regarding'�race, color,
sex, creed, national origin, ancestry, age or disability�or to keep
any record or use any form of application designed to elici'� such
, .
1 .. ... •M ' �
�information, in connection with the sale, lease, rental , or financing
b# a housing unit or units.
�`� For any person , for the purpose of inducing a real estate
transacti�on from which he may benefit financially,
(1 ) To r�epresent that a change has occurred or will or may
occur in the co�osition of the block, neighborhood, or area in
. which the property is. located, in respect to the race, color, sex,
creed, national origin, ancestry, age or disability of those living
there; or
(2) To represent that thds change will or may result in the
lowering of property values, an increase in crime, or antisocial
behavior, or a decline in the quali�y of schools in the block,
neighborhood, or area concerned.
H. Nothing in this chapter shall be aonstrued to require any
person or group of persons selling, renting or leasing property
to modify tMe property in any way, or exercise a higher degree of
care for a person having a disability than for a person who does
not have a disability; nor shall this chapter be ca�strued to relieve
any person or persons of any obligations generally imposed on all
' persons regardless of any disability in a written lease, rental
agreement, or contract of purchase or sale, or to forbid
distinctions based on the inability to fulfill the terms and
condttions, including financial obligations of such lease, agl�ement
� J 1 Y
`' �
, •M A
. ��'�
b�r contract.
��� 74.06 - Prohibited Acts in Public Accomno�ations.
1��.No person shall dfiscriminate, on grounds of race, color, sex,
creed,'�national origin, ancestry, age or .disability, with respect
to the acc�ss to, use of, or benefi t from any publ i c accomnodation,
or to make or. publish any state�nt evidencing his intent to do so.
74.07 - P1`a�n to Reduce or Eliminate Imbalance.
It is not a v'�,olation of this ordinance for any person subject
thereto to carry out a,,plan to reduce or eliminate imbalance with
respect to race, color, �sex, creed, national origin, ancestry, age
or disability, even though such plan m�y mean :selectivity with
respect to employment, housing, or education, provided such plan
is filed with the Department and fis not disapproved by the Director
or the Comnission on grounds it is no� a bona fide plan to reduce
� imbalance. All persons executing such approved plans shall at the
request of the Director provide relevant ii�formation cancerning
their execution.
74.071 - Aid in Discrimination.
It shall be untawful for any qerson, whether �or not an employer,
employment agenc,y or labor organization, to aid, abet., or conspire
to comnit any act declared to be unlawful by this chapt'+�;r.
74.08 - Violation; Penalty. �,
Violation of any provisions of this chapter is a misde�eanor,
WHI'1'� - CITY CLERK �52��3
=���- �r � ` 0rdin�nce _
Ordinance N 0.
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
and every person who knowingly participates in any prohibited act,
or intentionally fails to comply with regulations issued by the
Human Rigl�ts Camiission pursuant to any section of this ordinance,
whether as an officer, agent, manager, employee, or otherwise, is
liable as a principal and it shall be no defense that the person
charged was acting in accordance with the instructions of his
principal or err�loyer.
(Amended ord. 14424, March 11 , 1970).
Section 2.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30)
days from and after its passage, approval and publication.
COULVCILMEIV Requested by Department of:
Yeas gutler Nays
-� Human Ri hts
Konopatzki In Favor
Levine •
Meredith Against Y
�maf�e Roedler
Mme.President-Bert�er �t
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date �
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �-� �=-
Approved by Mayor: Date Approve y M r Submi ion Council
By By
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,� '�` i, • �` , ` °18811975�'� Mt-LIAM G.SUMNER�Ed�tor , ' '
BERNARD H. RIDDER, ` .. E ecuqva Editor ' ' !'r t `'" ; ' ``�`''� ' '""'�'"'� �''��'s` �".,
R. FINPJEGATI, � ��.;�b�.' �-,f-��,.s � � �,�ti:.t�� x:= • �,ys����
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BERNARD H. RIDDERJR Preudent ,�o�x Lo��s M_.Ko3��.e:ier �y �b}�t�nothln hasha enedbeca
DONALD J Q GRADY,Mena�i�Editor p
'F I;O D 4 A S I..CARLIN, Publuher ��,� �t�,� ��- ti.-J� �J� R{��/ „ . �i g O l l'6:le gions of lobti yists
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R Friday,Oct,24, 75. ti ,.,.� . �� , � ..,,,, �.. . ,�, President Nelson Rv!�2feller pr�e . �oil,companies'is'eriormous. B
r a •,,� � i�,� •' � '� ,., "� �a� y4 `-'''' `'�- � ``- �' me when 1n,.1951a ttie,Justice Departr�
/; l�� � � r � a, ;.;'�, b g ' '',,'6, j�i' 7 ��.f T Y+. �, sides in the Senat,e� y,,y .
.�.x .. , �:'� � -i. �� �'�t�y�A .�� �;; ,'� - � �.�;` �, _;� .,_,, senators� aT'e debati�whether to f convenecl a"'grand jury to inv�
"� �+`� � �" ` break up �the- uiu�.tional oil - gate the multinational oil ca�
�A n _�n v a s i o n o f tp 1 �V C1 C ,�e.rlq`t-�. K .'�corripanies. :Rocke�£�K's grarid ' �The'oil' companies, secretly
� _},. , , �, � . ��r �r �'� t� + �-;� *� ' father founded Stai�i:�,Oil, the�;.`'pealed,to the State Departm
+ ;,\. ,� :, '...� . .�^ . ! .;.-. :.. r�., �L:�.� ��:.,, tyr �::y+ �:-' - si
� FoT egr'egious invasions`and vio-� t�onai�ty�,, municipal,.. ord„nance �,�„Aoriginal multinat�o�Qi1 octopus ��„�'�'��h�uman ordered theeJu:
lations of private rights,,the St. '�Vhat,_is_gerr►tan�7s whether that�� tliat today is Eraou, -�,'iron yt�� '�De art�ent._to,. drop., the .g�
Paul human rights ordinanc�has � ordiiiance is a yalid expression o# n,�,u:IT,WOULD BE �`,oted to '� ��u y,inve�tigation�and ,saved
few equals."; r.. ���-' ,�:''•'��;�'t�L�' ,concern for human rights or is, as{t� ,o� coiuse,,if'the�
• • ' " ' the other � oil com anies from criminal X
_ . ... . . . � -
Not content with the provisions� ,�.,We are convinced,an egregous in *-tbreak'`up Exxon � , y_„� P � i.,
,;.. � .
of federal'and state statutes for-.�,�,vasion of a v� �iz�p�tant�ight�of��3 y���eidean of o�the energy�� eC�'he carten,.still hvies. As Se
bidding discrirnination in housingr prrvac�►,;�,�� �,,�. �.��'�� M�,�'- .� . .. � - .., s�• �° many
,+�,:.:- , crists..by'�brea]flng�.��com j,� invesUgatibns, show,.,.
'`on,the l�a$is of race,_religian, na-.��; .Ns� one:argues�Y►at.3n therent ,��, anies: as'been arc�s?ncelong , ..companies,recently have �n
tional origin,color or,sex,the C�ty ing nr tiselling�of apartments,'con � `jnes ormed atv stations , political,contributions'�of hund
Council has decreed that a little' dommiums andihouses,'Lhe limita f �- . ����ade = of::thousands of doll'ars' in
� old lady with�a spare room�in her_ ` tions�set forth'in`the federal and ��:��'�'A years ago,_,The�e . � ,.,
home_cannot advertise that she '=`'state�codes are not only, proper3:.,`Commissio�� in �9��au'bed the� countiy. They've made mi]
' "prefers" another little old lad� ."and defensible but in the pubhe_in eighE liiggest_oil ,� :'�th ille dollar kickbacks to �olitic
_as roomer, or� even an,elderly ;:; },erest. But it:;was never contem „ gally monopolizi�.�.,refining, ab�d.��;-s�� +
.persoi�' . � - � plated in.these,laws that a house- `i- "�;``"''��_ �``"'� '_`"''w'"'�€*� �
. �,� ,. �
� !-•' � ��. � . r,.Z ht•• t-- � � � t+i�`. • �i, '
. The ordmance is a"year old It is .` holder:�ho had a"'spare room to �Ge{. ou�a �e! Li ke I�ke.e tel I i n, OV i
� time to revise it.�. : . .._ r � �•. ��.'.'rent,�:yvhere bath and other faciu , �� � , .;�, �� - .�.�y- ��,� .,��,�•�a.�
- The _city's ordinance is quite .; • ties were to be shared with the '" � � ' r ,A�J ` • �'�"' '` J
'} -=,resident_ �andlord, should be de e�l'I'IV@ TP0�11y 1'�Ch 1,111CI@ an�/ fI�Y1G �nOW
� specific:•,"It shall be unlawful '. - „'., •*, :t _ `a:-r_ .r?: , �;``,�= .. ,.
for any person to.make,or publish �.,nied the right to choose.such neC-�:pr��,,�> -
any statement evidencing an in- a 'essarily intimate company � , . ��„a,� , �� .r t,
� • �S.
tent to discriminate,on grounds,of�� =It was conceded,in other words, �9s •-
J race;. creed,_religion, color; sex; � ik � 3.`"'�`��, .�"�""`
f „ .�tha£�ari elflerly couple,:or a single�- � ,� � •
� national or�gin pr ancestry, a fec- �,�,omah.�;vdas not to be.forced to >: '� '�`+�'
� tional or sexual prejerence, age.or �"sliar� a small home with someone �� � � ��
�;. r -.
disability, in the sale, lease,.o�t :'en�irely incompatible'in age, sex *�
` rent�al bf. a housing unit or units� �'o=lifestyle.It was not contempla't-
� (or) to make any inquiry regard-'� �'- "� ��'�''
ed that because the pensioner or � . , �; )' r
ing..�any of the above) or to keep the ,yv'idow found it neec�ful to Tent '` � ,�°�` ` � i"'��._'.
any record or_use any form of ap- �"`out a room�or income to eke nut a � '+�`' �. �. ��i�
� plication,,designed to elic�t�such��Soci�l Security check'he�or_ she �,,_ ' '� "'
_ // �;:�►:.
� in#ormation . , • -- >:, T��»ts:,�as _niust.be_forced to accept whomev- ; / ' ' �ay j;?ni1� �
, Not long ago'this newspaper ae- t��er`and whatever came khocking �
cepted�a classifisd advertisemen '�' ori�e door ,%w;%�, ,� �`.,�°,w �;=- � $�u -
in which it was stated;�,'Olde� �^�-- � Y ° � `
But., the. St. Paul law contem- �. ,.�,
couple preferred,.."�A �4year-old,_�plates all �this: .It says♦"touch "�
; woman filed a complaint,alleging � ��ce�to the little old lady who _ 1T
-that both the advertiser_and the,,..,�..
ould ,like anothe}� little;,,�ld lady
, li
ne�pspaper had violated_ the orditi �. � share-h ' home,to'the�elderly •
nance,�.chaTging the �acj'was�.iiis ��o wou�d:Iik�another,elder-.T �
criminatory an$ indicated'�an� ��:��m s"�o°'�haie�:hi, c eck�rs'
� ;tent'to"afford�preferential fr�a ,�,game�'��� ��'��� ���� �
' ment based on age;,',;.. "":�,'��;` ,�t,��: � ��-. . �= � Y. , '
'� `I1jaw,if St. Paul were a crty like,.�.�-�p►Ild r t�iat ls,,,not all the S�.Pau'1.: I � � :
- Berlin in the, fall of 1945.ar � �orcii ance does_I a oundabout•'.; q � �"' ,,,.,; � ' � •
Sa�. . t �. � ,
�mo�st utterly destrbyed and aimost X devlous and u'nspo'ker�way,it doe� � x �_ �,;: a
a . acknoWledge: 'tfie rigI�t o �irivac'y ��1-C�lj�}�N� ..;# „% , ,.
i�terall,y without a place for � §- 4� , o ; � -
Prson's head,on�„�, bY ailowing the landloT , as a last
'son�to.lav that p.., 1 certain res�ric � ' �� r � �
"might argue the practicality,°:i� ;� resort;;tQ: aPP Y '� .= t' � ''� , � ° � �;� t :..f5" '�x ' :�+ �.�'-',� ,
irot the moral righiness, of forbid -� tions�in an:,eifort to,do by round -�.�.. �. �,'�r � � _ ;, �'�,�
� ,, ;'C t'r. �' � '���
ding landlords to cl�oose be�,ween��, not do lethal�lSywThe landlord can; ., '��� - ��� r �Q��.'_S
the young and the old. But it;is - sti�ulate gconditions" the renter : �i n a I ��e r�;�; a rb i t;�l ��_ , �•� ;
not, and there is. a ludicrousness ' P � -
about using the words"discrimi �must accept: say,,lights out by 9� '� � ' • * F`��; ""and_la'bor �ubmit theu�nai�
A m., no radios, record players, , By YV����am Rl�e`ny�� �� to�an arbitrator who then ch
natory" and"prefcrential" in this . P• _ - - � �•t . �
context in this place. ._ - �� pets or unshod horses.in the room �: � �';. ,: �r:ashington one of,the offers mtact as the
� P�ossibl tnese just.might filter ' .I have always:t�t�g So1:. ' settlement. ' }�#'';�.'
But such arguments, of course, , Y� , � �
are not germane here, Technical-' ; ,out the unwanted tenant and let, 'a , - �,� to:_the _ � iT�ISN'T A'new concept,tl
_ .�_ ..a..,,r+;�ar whn nreferred '_ .through tbe wanted, .Tlie law en-� Amon s claim to �• • , .
. _..__ .,. ,_�_,__ rtParee that it u�ar'=�'� a�.his ,it,hasn t.been_used, Its chi
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October 27 , 1975 PIERRE N. REGNIER
To the Honorable Council
of the City of Saint Paul :
Re : Review of Saint Paul Human Rights Ordinance
ftelative to Discrimination in I�ousing on the
Basis of Age
On October 24, 19�5, the Saint Paul City Cauneil re-
quested that the City Attorney' s office revie�a the
Saint Paul Human Rights Ordinance in light of the
information contained in an editorial in the Saint
Paul Pioneer Press on October 24, 1�75 . Following
the City Council meeting , I obtained the file from
the Iiuman Rights Department involving the complaint
filed against the Saint Paul Pioneer Press . The
pertinent po�tions of that file �rovide the follo�4ing
inf ormat i on.
On September 3, 1975 , an advertisement appeared in the
Classified Sec�;ioii of the Saint Paul Pioneer Press as
follows :
"LAUREL 18XX - Lovely 5 rm, 2 BR apt in
colonial 4 pl.ex. Very clean, quiet &
secure bldg. Older couple pref.
CLAPP-THOriSSEN C0. 222-7311"
In answer to this ad, a 24-year-old female contacted
the realtor involved and the realtor allegedly ad-
vised this 24-year-old female that she would not
qualify for this apartmeni;, since the landlord
wanted only an older couple , since younger people
create noise and disturbance . On September 18 ,
1975, the 24-year-old female filed a complaint
with the Saint Paul Human Rights Department , al-
le ging a violation of the Human Rights Ordinance
by the landlord, the realtor and the Saint Paul
Pioneer Press-Dispatch. On September 30, 1975 , a
letter was sent to the President of the Saint Paul
Pioneer Press and Dispateh by the Assistant Director
of _ the Human Rights Department , advising him that
� City Hali, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
612 298-5121
. . . .
_ �_ _ .r.-._„F.,..
City Council
Page Two
October 27 , 1975
the Human Rights Depa.rtment was beginning a preliminary
investigation of the matter and outlining the basic
elements of the complaint. Enclosed with that letter
was a copy of .the Saint Paul Human Rights Ordinance .
On Oc�Lober 20 , 1975, a meeting was held between the
advertising director of the Saint Paul Dispatch-Pioneer
Press and an investigator for the Department of Human
Rights relative to this complaint. Subsequent to that
meeting , a letter dated October 21, 1975 was sent to
the Department of I�uman Rights from the advertising
director, a copy of which letter .is attached hereto
for your information.
I have discussed this matter as involves i;he complaint
against i;he Dispatch-Pioneer Press with the Director
of the Department of Human Rights , and he tias indicated
to me that it is his understanding that with the new
memo being supplied to all personiiel in the Dispatch-
Pioneer Press involving housing discrimination, the
Human Rights Department considers this particular
matter closed as applies to the Dispatch-Pioneer Press .
The portions of the Saint Paul Human Rights Ordinance
which pertain to this matter provide as follows :
1. Section 74. 02B, which pertains to the definition
of age , provides : "Prohibitions of discriminatory
praetices with regard to age shall be limited to
persons who have passed the age of majority.
With respect to discriminatory practices in em-
ployment only, prohibitions of discriminatory
practices with regard to age shall be limited
to persons wh o have passed the age of majority
but have not attained the age of 65 years . "
2. Section 74.02D defines "discriminate'� or "discri-
mination'� as follows :
'�-� � � Al1 unequal treatment of any person by
reason of race, creed, religion, color, sex,
national origin or ancestry, affectional or
sexual preference , age or disability; provided
that the imposition of a religious test as a
bona fide condition of employment by religious
City Council
Page Three �
October 27 , 1975
organizations shall not constitute discrimination. "
3. Sec�ion 74. 02I defines "housing" to include :
"� � � Any improved or unimproved real estate
� which is used, capable of being used, or intended
to be used as a permanent or temporary residence
or sleeping place for one or more persons , whether
by sale , lease , or otherwise . It specifically
includes lots suitable for single or multi-family
residential development. "
4. Section 74. 02K defines "person" to include
"� � � individuals , partnerships , associations,
organizations , corporations , legal represen�;atives ,
trustees , receivers , political subdivisions, boards ,
commissions , and their ofricers and agents . "
5. Seetion 74. 05A provides that it shall be unlawful
� "�or any person to discriminate on grounds o� race,
creed, religion, color, se�, national origin or
ancestry, affectional or sexual preference , age
or disability in the sale , lease or rental of
any housing unit or units . " (This particular
section would apply i;o the landlord. )
6. Section 74. 05B provides that it shall be unlawful
"for any broker, agent, salesman or other person
acting in behalf of another to so discriminate in
the sale , lease , or rental of any housinb unit or
units belonging to such other person. " (This sec-
tion would app�y to the :realtor. )
7. Section 7��. 05E makes it unlawful "for any persou
to make or publish any statement evidencing an
intent to discriminate , on grounds of race , creed,
religion, color, sex, national origin or ancestry ,
affectional or se�ual preference, age or disability
in the sale , lease or rental of a housing unit or
units . " (This section would be applicable to a
newspaper. )
It is our opinion that there is reasonable grounds to.
believe that a violation the above sections of the
Human Rights Ordinance has occurred with the actions
taken by the landlord, realtor and newspaper in the
City Council
Page Four
October 27 , 1975
above described matter. There are no provisions con-
tained in the Saint Paul fIuman Rights Ordinance which
would exempt this particular landlord, realtor or news-
paper from the prohibition sections of the ordinance
pertaining to housing and discrimination with regard
to age . Contrary to the statement contained in the
editorial of the Saint Paul Pioneer Press dated Friday,
October 24, 1975 , that the Human Rights Ordinance was
never contemplated to cover this situation, the specific
wording of the Sain� Paul Human Rights Ordinance does
prohibit the conduct which took place in this particular
case . While it is very difficult to drafi; exceptions
within the Human Rights Ordinance which will withstand
a challenge as being unequal in treatment of persons ,
I will work with the City Council in drafting any amend-
ments requested. In contempla�Ling and proposing any
amendments , the City Council should be aware of Section
74. 01 of the Human Righl;s Ordinance, which is the decla-
ration of policy, wherein the council has found that
discrimination in housing based on age affects the
health, welfare peace and safety of the community,
• and that Persons subject to such discrimina�t;ion suffer
depressed living conditions , poverty and lack of hope ,
injuring the public welfare and placing a burden upon
the public treasury to ameliorate the conditions th us
produced in-.creating conditions which endanger the
public peace and order. It is this policy which is
at the heart of any philosophical and academic dis-
cussion regarding any human rights law.
Yours truly,
�� � ,
� City Attorney
ec : Mayor Cohen
Thomas J. Kelley
Donald Lewis
/ � �
� � . . . ��.�.���tix� �T�;.�T����.�'
� , �#.�,1��x.L �t.��T.crz:�.�"x.r���
Robert C. Momsen 55 East Fourth Street
ADVERTISING DiRECTOR Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
(612) 222-5011
October 21 ��-.-���`�, G:�..E? ��3i ..:�.r' :
. ;;,.- � � �915
1 � '
Mrs. Dulce A. De Leon DEP_T. OF HUt�;A�v Kli�HTS
Affirmative Action Investigator
DeparL�rn�1t of Hu�i Rights -
City of St. Paul
515 City Hall
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Mrs. De Leon:
This letter is in reference to our meeting yesterday morning relative
to the ccmplaint filed by Ms. Debra Fl�nirzg alleging our violation of
chapter 74 in the St. Paul legislative code.
First of all, let me again thank.you for taking time to ccxne to aur
office to discuss this matter on a person-to-pesson basis. I readily
concur with you that it m-�kes for a much better underst.�nding on everybody's
part. Secondly, let me again reiterate that it is -- and alFrays has been --
the intent of these n�rspapers to fully co-opexate with gwerrnnental bodies.
As- I pointed out yesterday, I think the slip-up with respect to this
�rticular advertis�lt occurred as a result of a ca�arnanication we received
from the U. S. Depart-�nt of Justice in late June of this year asking us,
along with many other newspapers �n the countxy, to review our classified
columns and policies as they relate to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968.
As a result of this caYaiuuzication our classified manager issued a staff
m�norandum on July 11 again calli.ng theix atte.ntion to the fedexal statute
and the types of statanP�ts that are prol-Libited by law. Unfortunately,
when this menorandtun was put together, we did not realize that the federal
statute did not include several of the itans that are covered in the St. Paul
ordinance. Arui as yau and I discussed yesterday, we now find that there are
a couple of�itens in the state statutes which are not included in either the
city code or the federal statute.
As a result of your discussion with me, a meeting was held with aur
classified sales staff this nr�rning, at which time we reviewed the entise
situation. The attached staff m�io has been supplied to all pexsonnel
involved with the handling of real estate copy. Yau will note that the last
twn paragraphs of this mgno indicate that we are also going to change the
rlotice which appears at the head of the real estate classification effective
with t.cmorraw morning's newspapex. The basic charige involved is the addition
of the reference to the state and city laws.
) )
- , _
, . . d
Mrs. Dulce A. De Leon
Page 2
Again, we appreciate yaur calling this matter to our attention and
your understanding of the logistics irivolved in terms of fhe nwnbe.r of
ads that are processed, and the n�nb�s ar�d turn-over of people who are
involved. Yau may rest assured that we will do evezything humanly
possible to prevent a further recurrence.
R. . Nlcansen,
Advertising' Director
Area Code 612
298-4288,298-4144 ' 7 � cttY o� -
� • , ~`'` '
� �.
� y 1
. , : -- ..o� b�?��
.o ��.,z 3
Deputy-Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Chairman,Human Rights Commission
515 City Hall, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ERNEST A. GREENE
Septert�er 20, 1973 O�SEIH.TREJIOH
R � � � � � � � REV. KNEELY WILLIAMS
5EP 2Q �g�
Mr. R. Scott Davies �/
City Attorney CQRPQRa=�A� ��UNSEL
647 City Hall
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102
Dear Mr. Davies:
At the request of the Mayor's Office I am referring to you a proposed
ordinance amending Chapter 74 of the St. Paul Legislative Code
for your approval as to form.
Upon formal approval by you, would you kindly refer this document
to Mr. Phil Lee, Mayor's Office at the earliest possible date.
Sincerely, _
Dona d L is
Di rect
cc: Phil Lee
�- October y� Ig73
Councilwoman Ruby Hut�t
Chairman, Legi�lativ� Comm3t�ee
xoom n9, city xall
St. Paul, Minnesota
Dear Mrs� Hunt:
The City Counc�.l tvday gave First Reading and referred to the
Le�islative Committee for conaiderat3on and recommendation an
ordinance, C.F. No. 262333, amending Chagter 74 of the Leg3slative
Code, pertaining to the Department of Human Ri�hts.
Your� very truly�
City Clerk
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October 24, 1975
The editorial in this morning's Pioneer Press points out what
appears to be a flaw in our human rights ordinance. The issue appears
to be the right of privacy versus our effort to provide equal protection
in rental properties. It looks like this case goes beyond our intent
when the age amendment was made last year.
I feel that this matter should be reviewed by our legal staff.
� ` .
" � �M � M O
To: �� C�I S O n
Date: �Q - "1 �
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