262317 '�HITE` -M CITY CLERK " "t� `�- ' � ' �
P1NK =FINANCE CO1111C11 262�1'7
` � Co ' olution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RE�OLVED, That upon and pursuant to th� pertinent appesl,
under the Zoning Code, by Skyline Towers Company, owner of the
subject real estate, situate in the City of Saint Pa�l and more
particularly described as follows:
_�;� �-,.,.,,
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Konopatzki In Favor
Meredith Against BY
Mme.President Butler
Form Approved City rney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
• �
Approved by Maxor: Date A�pp�ced by M r bmissio o Co il ����
�l `�
. ,- �
�. _
_ __ _ ____--__._ ._� ___----
.__ ----_�__�_
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2 ,
. ' pa_cal :1 - Lots 1Z, � 13 a:t� 14,� �Ioc'� 3, axtd I.,ots 1 and 2, Bloc?t 5, incl�cdiag t,it�� �a�t
o€ adj�iui�� �flaohna Strp��, zar��riy Eohrs AV2:I�12 vac�ted, ,ly�ng Nea� of th�. ext_n�ion
acr�ss �s�=d Str�et o'r tha East iines oi said Bloc�CS 3 and 5, .ar.d E�st o.f a c,u:v2d Ii�s
coacx�a to t:�e �,Ja9z havfn�.a radius ai �:5.5 faet, th� cent�r o� said cizcuia� �u�rr
� bein3 laca�ed 33 feat distanc� £ast of the South�a�st� coraer o� said I,ot I2, B�,oc�c 3, as
. a�es9ur�d alang �na.5outh Iine cf said Lot 12,, ar.d 32.75 f��t South frcc� t�:$ �cuth Ziae
. oF sa�d �,ot 12, subjec� te tha rights af �he City af St. ?aul ia that part at Zot 12:
_ ia 9�id Blac�s.3., and. ia tflts 1 aad 2 ir� said nZac� 5 cantai�ed wit'r:i� thQ circn 3r
cur*sa pass?ng throuoh the Sout}:-�est corner oi said Lot I2, Bloc:� 3 and 'navi�g $�����,�s.
o� 4�.5 i�et, tne cent�r o� said circular curve being lacated 33 i��t di.s�aace East. ot tha
-South�a�C co:�er oz said Lot i2, Bloc'�c 3, as �easursd aloag t►:e South kiue az said Lat
�I2 aStd 32.7b faet Sout;� ar said Sont'� lzne o£.Lot 12, also sub;zct te th� rights a� th� -
.- City af S�. �aui irt the Yo:�h I�J. f�et o� Lot 2, �!ock 5; ;iid�ray Iac�us tri�L. Divi3loa ly�ag.
� We9t a= said circular curye, a3d Lot �, �lock S, aad Lot S to 10 ieciusi�rz, �3,ac� 5, .
.... ;�cludia� �hat part af t�� PTort;� 1/Z of adjoi�iaQ Bigelc,r S�re�t, vacate�?, 1�iz.� �e�r,,a�r.
�tzs �x�?r.sions across said sz,:�rt of t':a WzsC lia� o� sai3 LoC 5 an� �re Ezst ?i:�� af
sai-' Lat '_�, all in Mid-aay �uduscrial TJivision, acear3in� �o tZ� pl�� ��Ze��of o� �iiQ an� o
reca,� ia t�� office o� ta� Reoistar oz Deeds in and :or said Cou:c�y and S�at�, a�d
a,,�.s? 3 - - .. .�. _ . �
:i::ac g�r� o� t�t� Sou�h 1/2 �__ �acat�d Biga?� �vznu$ �ccr�in; Lo 3io�_� 8, ,t��-.ray Znc�;:3tr�.ai
_ �ivis:.o;z, 3�in� E�st��:ly or �n= cast linn oF Sy^dica�e �tre2[ ar.j t�zs*�riJ ot the ~r�23C �:.��
�i G::���� Sr_,:p��, zccordia; co t:�� z��oxdad giat thereoi, a�1 �yir.o *,�itz�� t�:_ to3l�aizg
dzscr?�?ci li:��s: .
Der1�2_°_: J£ P�Tc2Is :� and $ . . " .
ae�in:�in� at �,`•e inters2ctian of th? *�Test liae oF Gr-!o�s Street and t�� Soucit Yin� o=
3igelcl �tract (nos� 3za�ior�a �v`nu�), thance Itiorth �J dQgre�s, I2 �inutes, 2Q s�con�s �,as.t
t3ssr�ed �aaring) aloao tns Wzst lin� of Grioos Street a dista*cce oz 55?.50 ��et �a tn�
�orth�as� corr.er oF Lo� 14 iZ said 31oc'_c� 3; th_ncz s,TesC a1on� tZe ��r�rtk� Zxn� 4� Ta�s I!�* `:
13 �::;: Z', o F said Sloc�s 3 �. dis tanc� of 374.� rQ?t ta tiea ho:�:�;�es t .cfl�er. of .Lo.- 1? o�
said 5?0.'� 3; ttte�ce So�stn 0 dz�:ae9, II ninutes 20 sLcoads �,��;t aloag �hz ��i�st Iia�. o�
sai.d �.v= 22, a distanc9 ot� 139.2� z��t ro t��e Saut��est corr.�r. o� said Lat 7.2; t.h��c�
. . .aa r. 3 t�;-�, the So�.st!? �i�e af j ot �? .vf �a;d ��ec?: 3 � d;sta�c� c� b5 £z� ti
'� t �:. �..� .i��zr-
s?c*_?cn =af tf� a circu�s� cur-v� t��^c�nt�r liaa havi�g a radius�of 4.5.5 `2et tn� z�n_s� a=
s3sa C:ZCL:'L32' Ctl:,'V� b�in� lflcated 33 f?et distant Las[ o£ tha Sout;z�e3t co,a�� �x sat�
Lo[ 12 �s ��asurad a7�oa� th� South lin= of s3id Lot 12 and 32.7b £eet Sout� o: saiu South
�I.l?a o� Loc i2; th�nc� S�ufih�erly along th� circula� ��:.;;tre for an arc .dist�nce oc 33 .59
fe�� �o -;�e :;orth ti n�` o£ ?.o� 1 of said �locs 5; t�Qnc� ?��3t alo�g tfi� ?';arC!: Iwr.� o: L�ts
1 a:�� 2 0;: said 31oc:: 5, a �ista�c� o� iO4.2o fe�t to ti:? a;ortha�st corr�,- o€ Lor 2 of sa;d
3�QC'_: �� �:'°_I1C� SOLI�il � t�i@�►2°3� 11 �ir.ut�s, 20 SQGOIId3 ;�23�� 2 a:,St31C.°. Oa Ia5.75 .C°��
370TIj =i1� Hi��C �1122 C�`. 33�C� i.0� ? t0 ±'�2 .SOLl�:l'•�t�3t C�JZ::°r O.� 531d ;.0� 2� [aT°'.IC? t323t 3i0ils
tn� ;:��_-t� linz oi Lat :� in said Bioc�c 5, a d�s t�c•� o� ?99.53 is?*_ �� . "? ���� �_�_ D�.
J��.Z�?.�.1L2 .5�1'�°•t�tj i.R'�QC° .�'OLT�1'! � ��'-o°r°O9� �`C� tT.1S1Ll.t'.�4� Sd S2CC��3 i+?3t 3�O:;g �'R'.'. �83C �1i2_°
�' j ' J � c�� $ Ci�S�c1I:C$ fJt �? � �i
or Sy..d_c_c� t � . Z.5 :��t ta th? So�ctZ ���_ o� ;,���Ic� St,e�� (.^.c-�
����_C.! .1"O__^.L[°�i �}IE:RC2 F33� 31flT1,°> i.Cl? SOl!CR ZiP.� O� '�?�Z?CTJ J��.°.°_� :t j
' , I o� 599.81 � � � ( "a 3=�= �a ��;?;�s�}
�3.3 -:'••'� �2�� t0 ��'t8 pal � OL �J2�IA {��� SLt��2CC `.J �i°_ i-L^e:�t d= 1-• _ � -
J:.. ?:;3± `_*t Ln3 ar` L t Z J • � � :� Cx�y Q_
t p � o� o 1 in :,aic 3'.ack � ar.a Lo�s 1 ar.� ? o= s:zid 3I�c'.c �, `��:i��
�I{�.1�:: i.::'? C�SCLL�.Z� Cl::�2 Ct'.�.r°?il ��OVe Ci'�g Lri .`j�:�,
� '
. ' '_ : • � , '
VNHI7E •��� CITYlCLERK �^���� ��
f31NK + FINANCE COUI1C11 h■ .
� �� � Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
that the provisions of said Zoning Code hereby are determined and
varied as and to the extent necessary therefor to relax parking
requirements so as to accommodate a 311-car parking lot; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That Skyline Towers Company be and hereby
is granted a permit to remodel their parking lot to a 311-car
parking lot on property located on the north side of St. Anthony
Avenue between Griggs and Syndicate, more particularly described
above; all in accordance with 'plans dated Receiv�d May 14, 1973;
subject to the condition that said applicant-permittee, and its
succesgors and assign�, shall make due compliance with all
applicable provisions of municipal ordinances, state statutes and
x�les and regulations of public authorities having cognizance.
Yeas P�� Nays Requested by Department of:
Konopatzki S In Favor
Meredith Q Against BY
Mme.Presid ten � l�iM�' Q L'T 5 1973
Form Approved City A rney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certifie a s d by Co i'S By �
Approve y MaXo Date A ed by Ma or fo Su issi t ouncil ���
By ,
PUBLISHED 0 CT 13 1973
. �,
, ' ���t��
�ITY p
� R
�Q '�
Har�y E. Marshall o ;;����������� a Albert B. Olson
City Clerk and a� °�"-;.N:�' ,; Council Recorder
Council Secretary ,�'m ` hc
386 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 55102 � � V /�^� �
�.e � � � ,PT
��F�' 1 4 i9�
September 13, 19'73 R�oRA�1�'fy �;�jt1��s`,
Mr. R. Scot vies
City Attor ey
Room 647 City Hall
St. Pa , Minnesota
Dear Sir:
The City Council today adopted a motion requesting you to prepaxe
a resolution granting the Zoning Appeal to relax parking require-
ments and granting a permit to remodel an existing parking lot to
311 cars to Sk,yline Towers Company for property located on the
north side of St. Anthony between Griggs a.nd Syndicate.
Yours very truly,
� , ^
City Cler ��
�`}L2�<- 9 "INANCE � T
Cie,NP -t��EPARTMENT� � . G I TY F SA I N l. PA LT L CO1111C11 � � ����
BL� MAYOR . Flle NO.
� �
- l Resolution ���'��
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOL�ILD, That upor�� and purs��an� to the �ertinent appeal,
ur.der the Zoizir�g Cade, 3�y 5kyline 'Tawers Camparil�, c�wner of �he
subject reaJ_ es�.ate, situate ir� th� C�_ty af S�ir.t Faul and mo�e
�:articularly described as fallows :
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Konopatzki In Favor
Meredith Agalnst BY
Mme.President Butler
Form Ap roved by City Attor
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
A r ved b Ma or for Submission to C uncil �
Approved by Mayor: Date � � y � � ���}�
� �!� �;' f �i f n� '°;.;�
By _ .�. �
� � 'a� ' �1
. _ �� � ��
2 `-
par�a3. {, - Lots 22, 13 a;td 14, Bloc:; 3 , a�d Lots i aad 2, 3locic 5, includiag that gart
e` adjoini:.� Bonohua Strp�t, ior�Qrly Bo:�n Aver.�sa vacat�d, l.yin� Nea� of the �xtea�iaa
acrnss said Str�et o,E th� East iines ot said BLoc�CS 3 and 5, ar.d East of a cuzv2d Ii��
concav2 to the West havin; a radius �z �,5.5 i��t, th� ��ntar of said �ircular curve
bein5 locared 33 fe�t distanca r.ast o` the Sout?�:��st coraer of said Lflt I2, Bloc?c 3, as
aeasured alcng tne South line of said Lot 12, a._d 32.7� f�et South �rcm th� �-auth liae
of said Lot 12, subj�c� �o thz rights af th� City af St. Paul in that part o= Lo� 12
in said Bi�c?� 3, and in Lots 1 and 2 in said Bloc� 5 contained witi:iz thQ circa3,�r
cur�e pass;.ng throu�h the Soutirwest corner oi said Lot 12, Bloc:c 3 and 'naving ajradius
o= 4�. 5 i��t, tne center of sa�d circular cur�e being locate�3 33 t��� dis�ance East ot th�
South�est corner oi said Lo� 12, Bloc�C 3, as zneasur�d along t�e Sout'rt tine of said Lot
12 and 32.75 f�et South ot said Sout'� lia� o£ Lvt �2, also subj?ct tc the rights of the
Citq of St. naul in the North 10 f�et ot Lot 2, �lo�� 5, ;",idWay Industrial Div?�ioa lying
��est a= said circular curve, and Lot A, 81oc!� 5, and Lot 5 to 10 irciusive, �1ac�C S,
' inclu�ia� that part of thQ Piort;� I/Z �� adjoinia� Bigaicw Street, �acat�d, 3ji:t� �et���en
ths ext?nsions across said str�=t of [':e West iine of sai�� Lot 5 a;�d ��e East ?i:�e of
sai-' Lot _a, �?1 ia ;tid-aay lndus trfal Divisioa, accar�in� to t�� pZ�� t;��-L�� en fiie anc� oi
recorc: ia t?�� oifice oE t;�� Register at De�cis in �nd for said County and Stat�, a�d
p,-_ .7 u� - .
T!^•at ,73r� oz thE Sou�k� i/2 �?= Yac��ed �ig�lcu �vanue accruin; �o �ioc'.�c 8, �iu'��ay Industrial.
�iviszc�zi, ?J1.�1� �,�sCerly aL tn= East linn ot Sy�di�ata �tre2f ar.d L;"zst�rtJ ot th� ;�2st I�a�
of G�=���s Sr.re�t, accor�ia; to t:�� r�cordad plat th?r�of, a11 ?.yino ;�i�zia tt:e foil�.riag
dasczitiPr� lia�s:
Peri�2�er ��f Parc2ls A and B
�2�in:�i,� at t;e intars2ction oi the *d�st lin� o� Grio�s Street and th� Soutn 1.ine o=
BigQlca ;;tr�c�[ (no�a 3i�zl�a �venu�); th�nce riort� 0 dpgr�es , 12 �inutas, 2fl seconds �.ast
�assY.�ed bearing) alan; tn� West line of �rigos Stre�t a distaace oc 55i.b0 .£�et �o tn�
�(orthzast eorner of Lo� 14 iZ said Bloc�s 3; ti�enc� �1est along thQ ��ort�: line oc jots 14,
13 a^;,' �? oF said Bloc:c 3 3 dist�nce o.� 374.9 iQet t� tna �3ort;�«zest cornez af Lo; 12 ot
said 31oc'�c 3; th��sce South 0 d�grees, 11 ninutes 20 s�c�nds �,��;t along thz *,iest l.ie� of
said Lo= i2, a distsnce o£ i39.25 ��et to Li�e Sout:��est cflrner of said Lot 12; thenca
�'3a� 1L0^? ��'1� �no.l*h �ir� n_,?� 7pt 17 q� c3�Sri '�27�C:: � 3 C��.�.'*3�C� .._ �v i2£� �v �i:2 iZi2Z"
S�CCion ait� a circu�ar cu:v� the cQntar ii�a haviz� a radius of 45. 5 `�et the cente: �z
said �irc�siar curve �zin� lvcated 33 f�et distanL East ot tha Sout;z*ae3t corner of said
LoL I2 a:� �.easured aionu th� South lin� of s�i� Lot 1Z and 32 .7b feet SouLh o� saia Sovth
'lfr.a Q� Lo� i2; thenca S�utherly alQng the circular �srvs for an arc d{stance �t :13 .59
�e�t t�� �;;e i;orth li n� o:E Lo� i of said BlocA 5; than�� ?-iest along th� ?{orth lz^e o= Lots
1 and 2 �t said �loc� 5, a distaacz of 10�.Zo feat to tnQ �;orth:aast cornsr vL Lot 2 �f said
3'ocx �; t::ence South 0 dearees, 11 minu[es, 20 seconds ;Jest, 8 fly,SC3flCZ ot 165.75 ze�t
a?on� _;,�� F+�st line ar �aid Lot 2 to thz Sout:�vest cor:Qr of �aid Lot 2; th��cc �test a�ong
tne .;o_th lin2 oi Lot � in said �locic S, a dist:�c� ot �99.53 s�Qt t� t;:� �ast li�s oz
S;�adic3t2 Str�et; tnar.ca South 0 d�grees, GS miz�ut�s, 50 seconds t;�zst a�o;;g ti�� �asC ?iz+�
oi Sy�d�cac� Str�et, a dist�r.ca �f 222.5 zz�t to t�� 5out:� liu� oF �,io�Ic� Straat {no-�
�1�^c:C.d t�.'it?r1i1°�� C312RC2 F39� alon� �t12' SOlitTl I�tl° �: '�1�2�OW J�:?C`L �:1C',a 31�?�C.l :�V�llli°�
a dis__..:� o; 599 .8I �e�t to t�e pnint of 'ue�in:�i�,, suS�zct to t�:� rig'�t� or th� City Qz
5�. ?�ui i� L'nat par� of Lot �2 in said �.ack 3 and Lo�s l ar.d ? o` said 3!vc.{ S, iy���
��:v:zi: -�:� c?rcula� cu.--ve nerein abo+�e d�scrib�;?,
. `
, . ,T� ��ERK TF'1 �T Council �^R
i -' ' "�EPqR MENT GITY OF SAINT 1 All L ��� "Y�
•' ' A�AYOR File NO. �L �.�
Council Resolution
? Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date _
that the provisians of said Zor.ina, Code her�by are determir�l ar...�?
varied as and to the �xtent necessar�t tY�sere�c�r to reiax l�arkir��
a:E:���i��merts sa as to accommc�d�t� a ?11-ca� parking lot; and be ��
FUR'1'�IEt� RESOLG'EP, 'I'hat Skyl,inF "�okxErs Comp�ny be ar_d hereby
is granted a permit ta remodel their parking 1at to a 31i--car
parking lot on property lacateci on +;�.e north si�e of St. E,nthon�
Au€�nue between Gricsgs and Syndicate, mare paria.cularly aeseribed
��,��-e; all in acc�raance t�ifi�� +�].ans d�te� Rec��iver3 r�ay i4, 1973 ;
4ubject to the �onditinn that said agplicant--p��'rc�itt.ee, and its
succ�sso�s and assigns, s?�.al.l make due compliance with all
app�icable �ravisions o� municipa�. or�.�ir.ance��, stat� statutes ar.d
t-��1.es and regulat�cns of pub?�.c auth�r�t�i e� i:av�ng Y�gr.i��anc�_
COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of:
Yeas ,� Nays �
�Y�FX ,
I{onopatzki �� In Favor
Meredith `� Against BY
��t Roedler
Mme.President �X Hunt
Adopted by Council: Date
AU G 2 4 1973 Form Approved by Ci Attor
� g � �
Certif� d sed by C retary y
By -
Au Approved by Mayor for ubmis ' o Council
Approv by M or: Date
By By
PdBLISHED $EP � �973
. . ��. �. �'C��,,�� 7
September 11, 1973
Mr. Harry E. Marshall
City Clerk
Room 386 City Hall
Dear Sir:
This is written in response to the appeal of Skyline Towers Company
to relax parking requirements, and their application for a permit to
remodel an existing parking lot to a 311-car lot, on property located
on the north side of St. Anthony between Griggs and Syndicate, and
further described by the legal description on file.
This matter was heard by the Board of Zoning on August 14, 1973, the
date for reconsideration of those matters heard by the previous Board
when it was not properly constituted. (This matter was heard by the
previous Board on May 17, 1973.) The staff said they told the previous
Board that their observations tended to confirm the appellant's study
which showed the parking lot to be under-utilized. It was noted that
the previous Board recommended denial of the appeal and permit and the
Council approved them.
The appellant's attorney gave a brief explanation of the proposal. As
the Board discussed this matter, one member said his personal knowledge
of the situation confirmed that there is a problem with the children not
having a place to play. Subsequently, the Board acted to reco�nend
approval of the appeal and the permit by a vote of 5 to 0.
Plans dated received May 14, 1973, meet design standards.
Very uly yours,
D D ON MADDOX �����'�;:�' �:�.�'� �� '
Secretary, Board of Zoning �",>> r� `
��` .;����� .
DRM:PLR:mb �
Zoning File 7477 and 7511 �
,� ��
421 Wabasha, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
(612) 298-4151
�� ��� � � � � � U � �
t���� MAR 12 q
P.O.BOX 161'I Sal�it Pc3t1I, Minnesota
March 1, 1973 �
The flonorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council.
c/o City Clerk
Room 386, City Hall and Courthouse
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Pursuant to Section 64.03i of the St. Paul Legislative Code, applicant
Skyline Towers Company makes application for a variance of the zoning
code designated herein.
A. The name of the applicant is Skyline Towers Company, 1550 East 78th
Street, �iinneapolis, Minnesota 55423.
B. The applicants telephone number is 861-7261.
C. The legal description of tne property invoZved is:
Patcel A - Lots Twelve (12) , Tnirteen (13) , and Fourteen (14) , Block
Three (3) , and Lots One (1) and �tao (2) , Block Five (5) , including that
part of adjoining ;�onoiiue Street, for:zrl.; Bc?�n Avenue vacated, lying
West �f the extension across said Street of the East lines of said Bloc'�s
Three (3) and Five (5) , and East of a curved line concave to the West
h2vi.ng a radius of forty-six and five tenths (46.5) feet, the center of
said circular curve being located thirty-three (33) feet distance East
of the Southwest corner of said Lot T�aelve (12) , Block Three (3) , as
�easured along the South line of said Lot Twelve (12; , and thirty-two
and sevent;�-six hundredths (32.76) feet South from the South line of
saad Lot 2taelve (12) , subject to .*.he rights of the City of St. Paul in
that part of Lot Ttaelve (12) in said Block Three (3) , and in Lots One (1)
and Two (2) in said Block Five (5) contained within the circular curve
passing through the Southwest corner of said Lot T�aelve (12) , Block Three
(3) and having a radius of forty-six and five tenths (46.5) feet, the
center of said circular curve being located thirty-three (33) feet distance
East of the Southwest corner of said Lot �taelve (12) , Block Three (3) , as
measured along the South line of said Lot 'I�aelve (12) and thirty-two and
seventy-six hundredths (32.76) feet South of said South line of Lot 'Itaelve
(12) , also subject to the rights of the City of St. Paul in rth Ten
� R � sf,�p
���! � � � -� ; r;,� � . �a..Sa - ��""���
� . . . #} - -, -- ---- - - ---
. � 2 March 1, 1973
� �'
'� (10) feet of Lot Two (2) , Block Five (5) , Midway Industrial Division
� lying jJest of said circular curve, and Lot A, Block Five (5) , and
y J� Lots Five (5) to Ten (10) inclusive, Block Five (5) , including that part
�J of the North Half (N�) of adjoining Bigelow Street, vacated, lying between
/ the extensions across said street of the West line of said Lot Five (5)
and the East line of said Lot Ten (10) , all in Midway Industrial Division,
according to the Plat thereof on file and nf record in the office of the
Register of Deeds in and for said County and State, and
Parcel B - That part of the South Half (SlZ) of Vacated Bigelow Avenue
accruing to Block Eight (8) , Midway Industrial Division, lying Easterly
of the East line of Syndicate Street and Westerly of tne [,Test line of
Grfggs Street, according to the recorded plat thereof,
All lying within the following described lines:
Perimeter of Parcels A and B - Beginning at tne intersection of the West
line of Griggs Street and the south line of Bigelow Street (now Bigelow
Avenue) , thence North Ool2' 20" East (assumed bearing; along the West line
of Griggs Street a distance of 557.50 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot
14 in said Block 3; thence West along the North line of Lots 14, 13 and
12 of said Block 3 a distance of 374.9 feet to the Northwest corner of
Lot 12 of said Block 3; thence South Ooll'20" West along the West line of
said Lot 12 a distance of 139.25 feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot 12;
thence East along the South line of Lot 12 of said Block 3 a distance of
66 feet to the intersection with a circular curve the center line having a
radius of 46.5 feet the center of said circular curve being located 33 feet
distant East of the Southwest corner of said Lot 12 as measured along the
South line of said Lot 12 and 32.76 feet South of said South line of Lot 12;
thence Southerly along the circular curve for an arc distance of 33.59 feet
to the North line of Lot 1 of said Block 5; thence West along the North line
of Lots 1 and 2 of said- Block 5 a distance of 104.26 feet to the Northwest
corner of Lot 2 of said Block 5; thence South 0°11'20" '�a distance of
165.75 feet along the [,lest line of said Lot 2 to the Southwest corner of
said Lot 2; thence West a�ong the North line of Lot A in said Block 5 a
distance of 19°.63 feet to the East line of Syndicate Street; thence South
0°08`50" West along the East line of Syndicate Street a distance of 222.5
feet to the South line of Bigelow Street (now Bigelow Avenue) ; thence East
along the South line of Bigelow Street (now Bigelow Avenue) a distance of
59R.81 feet to the point of beginning, subject to the rights of the City
. of St. Paul in that part of Lot i2 in said Block 3 and Lots 1 and 2 of said
` Block 5 lying within the circu�iar curve herein above described.
� D. The street location of the property is north of the north service road of
� Interstate 94 between Griggs and Syndicate Street.
� E. ThE property is currently usEd as a 506 unit high-rise, middle- ow income
; � apartment building under Section 236 of the Feaeral Housing Act. The property
� also provi�'ss parking spaces for the 506 units. Approximately 35% of the
j buildir.g is occupied by elderiy residents.
f F. The purpose of this application is to request a variance from the following
1 provisions of the St. Paul Legislative Code:
� 1. Applicant requests variance from the provisions of Section 64.03T to
� �round and ark areas on the park-
permit the construction of expanded play� p
ing lot at an estimated cost of $40,000. The variance would permit e
deletion of 199 parking spaces, but would provide t s of tY�
'��T x�'��� � `�� �
���� .
, _
� _ -
� 3 March 1, 1973
' �` .
.� building a more pleasing atmosphere in which to live. Additionally,
it would give the children who now live in the building a place to
play actively on the grounds of the building.
chael R. Caro
irector of Property rianagement
:�iRC:l e
�����'�i� ��L� -
�_. . . .
�.. - - .
City ot Saint Paul, Minnesota ^ t q " "
- (Please print or type)
. � the City Clerk _ �
-. - City of Saint Paui, biinnesota -
Application is hereby made to remodel or reconstruct an existing (cross one out)
instalT and operate a new
No. of islands and pumps :
No. of tanks and capacity:
_ � PAIiKING IAT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public vse) (other)
1 (�ndicate type)
Capacity of parking lot �c�� S /2��s
To be used #:� connection with: /q�+ i
. • (indicate type sucb a5 Drive-in Ref reshment Stand, Used Car
Lot, Dry Cleaning Y�ick-up �tation, Ice Vendor, etc.)
` '= Capacity of parking areas
- *Location � �✓m. S��oC� �T �/. ��p'��on 4�p `�f k�l:���Te '� V ri5► S
� � _ y � �
Legal Description : Lot � � � .� r� Block Addit3on
>, � Appii:�ant•s Name
��-����te� p���t. �Lrp � , � s��
� Hame nr Office Address: ��.j"� � '7���. ��f(S- '"' '�� '�
Ph� s� Numter : $(v�- �5 �l
, S^'/ �i- � 1Qa� o�. I"��c u►� �
(Signature (date) � �'�
�- � ;
Address . �`Q��j�'J� N�• / �
Phone No.:
�r �
VVhen completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints oY �
the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, �s�
Aoom 386� City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota �`
� Z-3 6/11/56
*EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of biain St, and First St. - �
2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. �
z _
_.._._..�_ -
_____ _ , ,
, �� ��r
, ,
,-. - -------- � , . '
� -
Plat Map �k22
Acting under Le�islative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 �
passed August 22, 1922, .as amended to January 27, 1971.
_ i � 7477
1. APPLICANT'S NAME . Skyline Towers Cocnpany 6928
2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment aX Appeal � PermiC � Other 610
3. PURPOSE . Relax Parking Requirements ,
4. LOCATION . North side of St. Anthony Avenue between Griggs and Syndicate
6. PRESENT ZONING: Heavy Industrial
7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64 Section: .03 Paragraph:
8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: April 27, 1973 By: PLR
A. HISTORY: An appeal to relax density standards and a permit for a parking lot
were granted in 1970.
B. PROPOSAL: The appellant proposes to develop a portion of the parking lot as
a recreation area and as a play area for children.
C. VARIANCE: The appellant requests a reduction of the 506 stall lot previously
pern�itted to 311 stalls. This is 195 stalls short and a variance of 38.54%.
D. AREA ZONING: University Avenue frontage is zoned Commercial. The rest of
the area north of I-94 is zoned Heavy Industrial.
E. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is developed with a high rise apartment building
on its southern end. The rest of the site is a parking lot except for a sod
border around the building and around the parking lot.
F. AREA CONDITIONS: The north frontage road of I-94 runs one way west-bound
adjacent to the south of this site. East, across the street is a large
medical clinic. North and west are mixed industrial uses. This development
and a smaller apartment at St. Anthony and Lexington are the only residential
uses in the area bounded by I-94, Lexington, University and Snelling.
9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend o Approval � Denial Council Letter
� Yeas Nays
� Moved by . Maddox X Cochrane Sept. 11, 1973
X Maddox Date of
Seconded by: Willits .X Norton Hearing•
X Willits
Secretary's remarks: X Rupp Sept. 13, 1973
' Council Action:
� � " - - Date:
� .
, Plat Map ��22
Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64
. _ ._ pass�d August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. 7511
1. APPLICANT'S NAME . Skyline Towers Company 74��
2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appeal aX Permit � Other 6927
3. PURPOSE , Remodel existing parking lot to a 311-car lot 598 '
4. LOCATION . North side of St. Anthony Avenue between Griggs and Syndicate
6. PRESENT ZOiJING: Heavy Industrial
7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 60 Section: •23 Paragraph: 4b
8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: June 12, 1973 By: PLR
A. HISTORY: An appeal to relax density standards and a permit for a parking lot
were granted in 1970.
B. AREA ZONING: University Avenue frontage is zoned CaRanercial. The rest of
the area north of I-94 is zoned Heavy Industrial.
C. DESIGN STANDARDS: Revised plans dated received May 14, 1973 meet design
D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The site has frontages of 557.50 ft. along Griggs St. ,
599.11 ft. along St. Anthony Avenue and 22250 ft. along Syndicate St. for an
area of about 338,141 sq. ft.
E. REFERRALS: The Fire Department, Sewer Design office and Traffic Engineer
approved the plan.
F. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is developed with a high rise apartment building
on its southern end. The rest of the site is a parking lot except for a sod
border around the building and around the parking lot.
G. AREA CONDITIONS: The north frontage road of T-94 runs one way west-bound
adjacent to the south of this site. East, across the street is a large
medical clinic. North and west are mixed industrial uses. This development
and a smaller apartment at St. Anthony and Lexington are the only residential
uses in the area bounded by I-94, Lexington, University and Snelling.
9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend � Approval � Denial Council Letter
� Yea s Na ys
� Moved by : Maddox X Cochrane Sept. 11, 1973
X Maddox Date of
Seconded by: Willits X Norton Hearing:
Secretary's remarks: X Willits Sept. 13, 1973
- Council Action:
� � - Date:
�Il.�:U�`ES Qr �'3� PUB?,�;�' �-�.�t�.AIt:�PtG BE�'QR� `�"Ii� BaART� Oi' ZO_1TING
t3N £iT�SUAYf AUGt3ST Z�, ?973, Q1 L:OQ Pol+go
PRFSEIv"�° I�ies� Go�h��ne ��td Adortan; i�3�ssrs. Ma�dox, Rt�pp �RC� �Ji.l�it5 oE
tl�e uva:��3; ��Ir� Rya�, i�ir�� �os��t:e� az�d 1�1�-so Barriault of �he S�af£.
SKXLII�TE TC3X��RS CoI•;.tA�F'2 <7477 a�zd 753.1} o A�, �ppeaZ to reiax parki��
requirereen�s «nd .ar_ 4p�licGtiort f4x a p4rr�i� �o remodel an e::isting p�3!'IKll1�
Iot to �� 3iI ��� lot a!�. pxope�ty 2r�r:�ted or� t��:o�e;:�y Iac�ter� �n the north
sic�e o� 5L-� �inLt�at��T �€�:�eer� Sy�,�icaCe aad G:ri.�gs.
Mr, Rose�Cer s�i.� �:hf.s �at�er e:as denieci by +:k�e Zonist� Baarr� and ap�roJ�d
by the �ozane z�>
Stceven Ru�zi��, xeg�ese��ic�g Sh�1�.�r Go�po���zor aud Skyliae To�rers, gave
a brief es�pl.a�a�io� of �he proposrzl,
Mr. i�faddox stated �� used to ex�.z a �usitt�ss i� �his area and saic� ?-hey do
have a pr.oblem with t?-te kic�se They �.�v� �cs p��ce L� play> rec.aus: o� tliis,
he moved they secau�e�d �,pprov�l a�f �he apgeal. a�.d p�r�i�.
Af�er �sk3.ng questio�s about *�ahe�c �he part�i�; c�o�.�Id be elks�inate�.,
Mre t,7illi�s sec�oi�dec� the matio� ��d :ie c�r�ie� �u�±a�i�ously.
Submi�ted bY� �pproved bye
PauZ L, Rosett.e?- (�;�Z��� h. �.,�,��
August 31, 1973
City Clerk
386 City Hall
St. Paul, Minnesota
File XI333, Page 1
You are her�by notiffed that a public hearing will be held in [he Council
Chambess of the City Hall and CouXt House at 10:00 a.m. on Sepiember 13,
I9�3 on the applfcatfon of Skyline Towers Coapaay to relax the parking
�equirements on the property described on the attached sheet.
The property is located on the North side of Highway 94 between Grigga
and Syndicate Avenues.
For further information, contacC the Planning Board, 421 Wabasha S treet,
or eelephone 298-4151.
To caeply with the City Charter, the Department of Finaace is eharged
wiCh informing you of this public hearing.
If you have any questions, it is reco�nsaended that you attend this public
hearing to afford you Che oppo�ctunity to make your views, both pto and
con, knowa► Eo the City Couacil.
1►ii� 81333
Pareel A • Lota 1�, 13 aad 14, Elock 3, aad Lots 1 aad 2. Btock S, �auludiog that
part of sdjoiaing Do�ohw Street, for�nerly Bohn Avaaut vacated, lying Weot oi� th�
exteasiaa acrosa said Street of the Baot liaea o� said Blocka 3 and S, aad 8ast o!
a cutved line coacave to the fl�st, haviag a radius of 4b.S feet, ths aeates ot
sai�d cirrular curve being located 33 feet distanse 8aat of tUe Saathaest cosner of
said Lot lZ. Siock 3, aa measured along the 8outh iin� of uid Lot 1�, aud 32.76
#eeC South fram the South ltne o� aaid Lot 12, subj�ct to the righte oi the City
of St. P+�ul in ehat part o� Lot 12 ia aaid Blocic 3, ond in I.ota 1 aod 2 ia s�id
Block S, c�tsiaed withfn the circulsr canre passiag through ttu SoutM+t�t coraee
of eaid Lot 12. Slock 3 aad hav:.ng a radius of 46.5 feet, the �eater oi ssid
�irculatr cnsve beiag located 33 feet dfstance 8aat of the Southweit corner of
auid Lot 12, Block 3, as a�asura�d aloag the South lii,3 of sai8 Lot 1Z aad 32.Tb
#eet South of said 3outh line of Lot 12, also subject Co the righCS o� the City
of Sr. Paui ia �he �Torth 10 feet of Lot 2, Siock S, Midaay iadustrial Divisioo
�yiag �1�at of s�id circular curv�e.a�d I.ot A, Block 5. and Lots 5 Co 10, 1aclwivt.
Block 5, iacluding that part of tha Nortt� �./2 0# adjoiping Bigelaa Street, vacattd,
lying b�t�eea the exteasioas acroes eaid atreet of th� W�ec liae of aaid Lot S
aod Che 8ast 2iae of said Lot 10, ail ip Midway Iadnstrial Dtvi�ioa, sccordia� to
the P2at thereof oa �Eile aad of. record in the of�ice ot the Register of Dseds itt ae�d
for said Couoty aad 8tate aad
Parcel 8 - That part of tha South 1/2 of vuated Bigelar Av�nue aecruing to Hloek
8, Midaay xndustrial Divisioa� lying Baaterly a! the 8aat lieN of Syadicite Str�et
aad �-Jesterty of the Weat line o# Grigg� 3traet, according to the reaorded plat
theseof, eil lying wfthin the folloaing described I,iaes:
, R�rime,te�c.,of, arcel�s,A aad B - Begianiag at the iaterseatioA of the H�st liae ot
4rigg,� Stre�t aad ehe South liae af Bigela� Street (noa� $igeloa Av�nue), tbeocs
l�arth 0 degrees, 12 �niautes� 20 seconds 8ast (arsu�aed beariug) atoag tbe We�it liae
ot Gr#.gg� Street a distaace o� S57.S0 feet to the Northesst coratr of Lot 14 io
•aid Slock 3; theace Weat a2ong the North ifne of Lota i4� 13 aad 12 of :aid Blo'ck
3. a distance of 374.9 feee to the Northwest corher of Lot 12 of aaid Slock 3; tb�ac�e
South O degreea, 11 miaute8, 20 secoads S,Test along the �Test liae of said I,vt 12� �
d#sttaca o# 139.Z5 f�at to the Sovrh�eat coraer of said Lot 12; thence Sast aloag
the South lic►e of Lot 12 of �aid Elock 3, a distance of 66 fe�t to the iaterseatioa
aith � �iscular curve, the ceater liae haviag a radius of 46.5 feet, the cene�r o!
ssid �isaular curve being located 33 leet distaa� 8aat ot ehe Sauthae�t oornsr o!
said Lot 1Z aa �neasurad atlong the South line of said Lot 12 and 3Z.76 !`eet South
of said Soath liae of Lot 12; theace Southerly along the �ircul�s curw �or aa aro
distauce of 33.59 �eet to ehe laorth Iine oF' Lot 1 vf said Block S; thence We�t
alpag the �orth line ot Lots 1 and 2 of eaid Block 5 a distaace o! 104.26 le�t to
the Florthaest coraer of t,ot 2 of sai,d �lock S; theaee 'South 0 degraes, ii mitwtes„
20 se�oads We�rt, a distance of 165.75 feet along th� West liAe af said LoC 2 to ths
Southae�t �oraer of �aid Lot 2; kher}ae West along the Horth line ot Lot A in s�id
alock 5, a distaace of 199.63 f�et to the East line of Syndicate 8tr�et; thtaae
3outh 0 dagrees, 08 ad.nutes, 54 aeaoada Weet alo+ng th� 8ast �int of Syadicate
Street � di�tsnce of 222.5 feet ta the $outh line of Bigelow 3trest (aow Sigelow
Aveaae); thetace Baet aloag the South lia� of Hige2oa Street (a�w Biploa Avtnue)
s dittae�ce of 598.81 feet to the poiat of beginni.ag, oub�tct to the rigbts o! tA�
City of St. Paul ia tbst part o� Lot 12 in said Block 3 tnd I.ots 1 aad Z o! said
Block 5► ly3ag wiehia the circular cvrve herein abow described.
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E . AREA �,��r'
AFPLICANT _ Skyline Towers Companv LEGEND
PURPOSE Relax parking requirement� ��1�s� SUBJECT PROPERTY
FI�E �y0. 7477 � TW� FAAIlILY
DATE Mav 3, i973 ��" � �"•�ULT�3�LE FAMILY
° 0 �' COtd��;ERC;laL
5���.�" ; #"= �Op` ����-N � �� INDUSTRIAL
r'�`..;.e4. �`' '.:L PLANNIf�SG t'�.OARO � V Vl�'CiaNT �