262274 .. . �UN ' 2 `74 CITY OF ST. PAUL �x;.; `� % By— :�: - t. R,esoi�utaan Ratifying Ae�e�sment �le No In the matter of the asseasment of NMl�iR+�s +t�Mt +A� � � �uMt���tl�►� d�ts�ti ,�b ar1 �tW�ae� �s M�e si�r� �! � � �1 �t N� a► tl�e M� ii� t�# ;, _� �. �...: �`'�' undet�Preliminary Order �� ,approv�c�. � �• �� � ��: Intermediary Order �31l3! ,approvAd ,���li�" �.� ��'1 ,;.; . � . � Fina1 Order �I � aPProvec� �'�► !� i!°-�t , .. A public hearing having been had upon the �sseesment for the above improvement, and said a.ssess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been eonsidered finally aatisfactory, be it therefore RES(yLV�7�, That tlie said assessment be and the sa.me ia hereby in a11 respects ratified, and the same is herehy ordered to be aubmitted ta the I}iatrict Gourt of the County of Ramsey for canfirmation. BE IT FURTHER RdES4LVE�D, That the said assesament be and it is hereby det�rmined to be payable in `,�equal installments. `�< COUNGILMEN Yeas Butler Nayg � " � Adopted by the Counei� �C? 3 1973 Konopatski O V Levine � Me-edith Q 3 1973 jy r„er ve Te�;-,co !=.:nt �Favor Mayor V Form R-2 2M 10.68 H Agalll$t 1 � 19�� �° PuBC I�NED 0�