262273 - � : 2 : �,��
, q0 FIL 0. °
By ,�,, {;_ ,: � `
Resdl'ution Ratifying A�st�ssment
File No. �
� In the matter of the �ssessm�ent of ��s�s � +� � �' ���L ���
� artE �tr +M �rs tr�� !�r �i�ai�r � � #�i�t�rr� � ���s .
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}� : s��+de�Prelimineay Ord�x ��. ,aPProv�� #�AMM��' �!. 1�'fi1 ,
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��"� Intermi�d��rg Order � ,apProved � #�� �� ��.,
Fiz�al Order � � �aPProvpcl �I� �.� .. ,
A public hearing havix�g lie�n had npon the asseasment for the above improvement,and said assess-
ment having been fu.rther considered by the Council, and ha.ving been considered finally satisfactory,
be it t�terefore
RESO!I.VED, That th'e said assessment be and the aame ia herebq in a.11 re,spects ratified, ,a.nd the
same is hereby ordered'to be submitted to the Distriet Court of the County of Ramaey for canfirmation.
BE IT FURTHER �4LVED, Tha.t the said asseeament be and it i� hereby determined to be
pa.Yable in , S� equal installments.
"1 J .
Yeas Nays
�'e��!-.r Adopted by the Council �CT 3 19j�
r� =, �,��r� T 3 1973
t�� .��r �a � -- �
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T� Favor
� Maqor
Form R-2 2M 10-68 s� Against pUBLISHED OCT G �9?�
� 2�2�`73