Otte, Johnathan ��-:�.�.;���_� �=_�,,�9 �- NOTICE OF CLAIM FORM to the City of Saint Paul, Mi�i��s�b���� �� Minnesota State Statute 466.05 states that"...every person...who claims damages from any municipality...shall cause to b�pr'eSercteed to�t►iet governing body of the municipaliry within 180 days after the aUeged loss or injury is discovered a notice stating the time,place,and circumstances thereof,and the amount of compensation or other relief demanded." Please complete this form in its entirety by clearly typing or printing your answer to each question. If more space is needed,attach additional sheets. Please note that you will not be contacted by telephone to clarify answers,so provide as much information as necessary to explain your claim,and the amount of compensation being requested. You will receive a written aclznowledgement once your form is received. T�e process can take up to ten weel�s or longer depending on the nature of your claim. This form must be signed,and both pages completed. If something does not apply,write`N/A'. SEND COMPLETED FORM AND OTHER DOCUMENTS TO: CITY CLERK, 15 WEST KELLOGG BLVD, 310 CITY HALL, SAINT PAUL, MN 55102 .-� ^ I.JTC First Name �bv��,�ah Middle Initial � Last Name e— Company or Business Name Are You an Insurance Company? Yes/��o If Yes,Cla�im Number? Street Address �� I�L-l� e, �. /� r � � City ��6 t t-�,�'i.e c..S Stat�e � � Zip Code ��1 Daytime Phone��')�2-26Y8 Cell Phon�) - Evening Telephone(_) - Date of Accidend Injury or Date Discovered J���\ �3� Z�� / Time % yS am/�m Please state,in detail, what occurred(happened),and why you are submitting a claim.Please indicate why or how you feel the City of Saint Paul or its employees are i�volveda�/or responsible for your mages. 61:Le ` c/' �c.v�r �,e�il � e Si � Ple e check the box(es)that most closely represent the reason for completing this form: My vehicle was damaged in an accident ❑ My vehicle was damaged during a tow ❑ My vehicle was damaged by a pothole or condirion of the street ❑ My vehicle was damaged by a plow ❑ My vehicle was wrongfully towed and/or ticketed ❑I was injured on City properiy � Other type of property damage—please specify ❑ Other type of injury—please specify In order to process your claim vou need to include coaies of all aunlicable documents. For the claims types listed below,please be sure to include the documents indicated or it will delay the handling of your claim. Documents WILL NOT be returned and become the property of the City. You are encouraged to keep a copy for o lf before submitting your claim form. Property damage claims to a vehicle: two estimates for the repairs to your vehicle if the damage exceeds $500.00; or the actual bills and/or receipts for the repairs O Towing claims: legible copies of any ticket issued and a copy of the impound lot receipt O Other property damage claims: two repair estimates if the damage exceeds $500.00; or the actual bills and/or receipts for the repairs;detailed list of damaged items O Injury claims: medical bills,receipts O Photographs are always welcome to document and suppoR your claim but will not be returned. Page 1 of 2—Please complete�nd return both pages of Claim Form i Failure to complete and return both pages will result in delay in the handling of your claim. All Claims—alease comnlete this section Were there wibnesses to the incident? Yes No Unknown (circle) Provide their names,addresses and telephone numbers: Were the police or law enforcement called? Yes No Unknown (circ ) If yes,what department or agency? Case#or report# Where did the accident or injury take place? Provide street address,cross street, intersection,name of park or facility, closest landmar etc Please be as detailed as possible. If necessary, attach a diagram. �ci.�� St, l''�e�✓' _ t� v Please indicate the amount you ar seeking in compensation or what you woul�l like the City to do to re olve this claim to your satisfaction. d� � ,1�� a"`�- O"` �� �``°�� �, � Z ' �� o �� ✓a, f f � e. ak b o r.,��2 `�'��1�-� e�LDl.�n^�hK�'G`1 a{' ¢, r�a�t.��1 E.. �� ►My c. . Vehic e Cl ' — lease co lete this section `•� ❑check box if this section does not a 1 Your Vehicle: Year 2, , Make c Model +^ ' License Plate Number 1 � � State�_Color � Registered Owner Driver of Vehicle Area Damaged �' e fi � C City Vehicle: Year ?�d 1 Make a( Model f License Plate Number po I� � State M k Color � 2 Driver of Vehicle(City Employee's Name) n/t,'� �.�.el 1�ov�.�a-S �� � A Area Damaged Iniurv Claims nlease comnlete this section check box if this section does not applY How were you injured? What part(s)of your body were injured? Have you sought medical treatrnent? Yes No Planning to Seek Treatment(circle) When did you receive treatment? (provide date(s)) Name of Medical Provider(s): Address Telephone Did you miss work as a result of your injury? Yes No When did you miss work? (provide date(s)) Name of your Employer: Address Telephone Check here if you are attaching more pages to this claim form. Number�f additional pages�. By signing this form,you are stating that all information you have provided is true and correct to the best of your knowledge. Unsigned forms will not be processed. ' 'n a alse claim can result in prosecution. Date form was completed �- � � ��� Submitti g f �, —' Print the Name of the Person who Completed s Fo J fl�d`� Signature of Person Making the Claim: Revised February 2011 Accident Report Page 1 of 1 - _ ��. IIKN i.1f Iq -.. .. . NAE�DED ^Y•�. :i � '�� ��'j.��� '�•� cs,,s yts : rc.•.I.a•�:�. ' 7t 44� � d ... �C,. 4� .�� �1. 1414 4 2 5 S I� :.,:�ir�tr'� i' 't �'+�:ii►'�'�'.��'�'�t'�-/ ,�+!►<1R,. �'TC.►�a*s pp'���. .,c 1$�" _ S J ..i.iva.�, n»rnas vF.a ro �a�ro «ancu �t.w� :�i'1�,'��.E�� ..w'��"'� °i 3 2 0 1 4"'�un 1 9 4 8 a N Y 0 2 0 0 '0 0 Y �►.. . .as m pDIRCBVBRV XOI.IiMYIWMtNI51REE1MI1! OIIE(.1�7N lo Dale 51. j M OA�CT�ON� OR 'c � �� �8 gwrc� � 1+�_ �� COIMYM �n MTrIlM Ilfr[A[��f1MM� 11(VRN\ ROl•1[/R11lEfCdMIMT.OR(GT11Rk 62 �M. St Paul +_ 10 Orange St (� � 4.{ 'fi M i�L l.h {� ����y'� My(IqN IINNFf1114TNffRMY�'At• 'j•• v• ST�i[ CNDS ,OLSIAN9 ,IOMtIM pWWLICDI9EMUMB[t1-t •liRTF t.AV O191�IVJ �1(M� ° O1 Q267163915315 MN D O1 • O1 NE D O1 ul w±o�r .w�a+aruauw,� c.rc«wm� •wua�rwtwim.•.��wr� OhT[O/MM �.crwi MICHAEL THOMAS TSCHIDA 11 24 81 ' Jonathan E Otte_�, 07 16 92 N.Wl4 /r'MFCf dlvWl't! 11R .t �'lM�•�'s �� .`_ W VIf%1 1! , tIAMR • 07 367 Grove St N O1 2026 Keene Dr •— N O1 O1 r.ma urr.n�r�w � cnvsuir+v nnxi O1 St Paul 55101 �bsli 291-1111 ' Columbus 68601 �02-992-264B O1 NO1.ypq�,4y YFx COYt ��CCPT M40 sJkCf W 9!` �Y.d1t6f OC< H11'• RNt faol YOM GCR �Wlkv IICI}MC - °`�' � M �4 09 09 OS N '°t�"' M �9 ''"04 04 04 N O1 �IGK TTE MW T1'E Ih�CW ifWYiPfw�i 4MUANLF6TR�CF Aw'4�VIfrt ?N.QI I�Mt 011W Mk TOWTlP TIW.VON� �MX1tAW'ilkANLY y� IIIwMWfA �y iesr � p�,,� o-a� rssr N 0� lV p encn O ornt� OCCIIF OM'CRWME ME� .fM�IkNXWE rYM OCLIA O1 City of St Paul N : Same N O1 ���.w. �.n - .�o ��: N al� O1 367 Grove St � ♦FMIIBF U'Y.iI11ELV .... � � NA�IVI: OIM/CI G�lli'AIM./V � � O� O�� Q7 St Paul, MN 55101 "Kl` O1 � OYfIIOC 4�Y2 a'MfFI Y[AA COIM WME 4cN.Y_ vfM COldl ]M6lOC 02 Ford 9dr 201 wht ' Ford focu 00 gol 08 OM(:YW �'I�IF• lTI� KMK+ �d`�LOiLVMp.tl �YT�VR�f'AY� �IATC/ YIIRU Y�WNkC YO��trIPlMp• y+ �f14i�Mi41MM a�OLv �2 POLICE Mn 014 O1 O1 lOBJl NE 19 O1 ,,,y�� nar.r�e � •aawwaa..�ru +aaw�uiura �City of St Paul • Kessler Agency 028336870 �"^0O "�'�� "'""�D ���'0"' �iV°��� ¢AGCIDENT INVOL A COMMERCUL MOTOR YEHICLE,SCHOOL BUS,OR HGG START BUS �0 �� �0rwc rvvt xnc � qEMEMBER TO NOTI THE ETATE PATROL(naulnd undsr ME 1!l.M1�nd 1HAl11►. {,'OWLitU.4vFM.�fMMBkPf M�IRIRURPiFRWWF pO:NYWII CQ1�Y�dNKMqLCM�MBG]MOipflJMilNMN.! MTKIMfA N�1S[FOCpl.M1'/Ik85t1 �NT BIN IM1lU WIIII�BEA IVPE Wk �Y�O FJFCT 1lU9(L T01qV IIWJ9'M1 � � O�, AYiSkllVllk NIIMMIV9C11 OA�N4 j-� Oy� Y�1�IM�I:f PlMN11HIfN , O pt411� ` — — • : O� WMRNf1 RMNJW� _ ` . Qnrwr� , � U� (IWNfrt1Y�'MfR�W�f[DPPOfCII'YMOOC6fAMT�ON(iWMIQVYOICNYM160R1k11t]Ntll(IMl11MFt) _ -"_ M1Mfi01N/WRfYIKIIOMIM�IM6.R } .�1 � ,�..,w t; .,.�„�. -- - �- O1 �p��y a 98 IiC•�lM1Y • �•• •� Y j� 'f �I I,pr ��iar.r� I I I � !�`{ Veh #1 was N/B Dale, i❑ the Left lane He rf 03 �� -""" " �I I I `I� attempted to make a u=turn Veh A2 was in the �, �� LOf1M � riqht lane and next to Veh Y1 Dr ! said he._. 3 9S O1 '1 � checked his mirrors�and thought he was Clear to wewmc� � make the u-turn He said he swung to the righ[ a � MTM� N i _ _ _ _ _� little to'make a tiqhter u-turn and made contact 01 mec-wr� � with Veh i2 � Dr 12 said he was'ok and the other�, �� 96 A =� 3 damage on the front end was from previous � � l ,� �� accidents t�� iy I I ( , � MMq�I �T � Q 1 MVN[Htl a: . - Nt6�Nf 5�. 'M�t�RM" I ' ,t, �! I � : PfIE•GV � .� r.�r �05 �� ( I � �7 ' ;; O1 L O 1 i'� I I � ��` �: ,,, _ . '� Y nnci.u+ �� ( � ( iu w.a.w � �2 02 �; �c. OFt1LEAlIMKMNE�MD��DfiE� MCYCY MTPO'S 'I[`v O LI��tMIMR IOLY Sergeant Robert Jerue 153 � �/ St Paul PD � p�w�, p o.� 1..� �� r https./ldvscrash.x.state.mn.us/dvsmfo/aceidentrecords_2008/Includes_LE/PrmtReportIndiv 7/14/2014 RAYMOND AUTO BODY� INC. Workfile ID: 154d7248 FederalID: 41-0888257 1075 PIERCE BUTLER RTE, SAINT PAUL, MN ' � ' ' 55104 Phone: (651) 488-0588 FAX: (651) 4$8-4794 Preliminary Estimate Customer: OTTE,)ONATHAN ]ob Number: Written By:JAKE ERICKSON Insured: OTfE,JONATHAN Policy#: Claim #: Type of Loss: Date of Loss: Days to Repair: 0 Point of Impact: il Left Front Owner: Inspection Locatidn: Insurance Company: OTTE,JONATHAN RAYMOND AUTO BO�Y, INC. CUSTOMER PAY 2026 KEENE DRIVE 1075 PIERCE BUTLER RTE COLUMBUS, NE SAINT PAUL, MN 55104 (402)942-2648 Day Repair Facility , (651)488-0588 Business V�HICLE Year: 2009 Body Style: 4D SED VIN: 1FAHP35N69W101001 Mi�eage In: 98085 Make: FORD Engine: 4-2.OL-FI License: 10-BJ1 Mileage Out: Model: FOCUS SE Production Date: 7/2008 State: NE Vehicle Out: Color: YELLOW Int: GREY Condition: Job#: TRANSMISSION Dual Mirrors AM Radio Front Side Impact Air Bags Overdrive Console/Storage FM Radio Head/Curtain Air Bags 5 Speed Transmission CONVENIENCE Stereo SEATS POWER Air Conditioning Search/Seek Cloth Seats Power Steering Intermittent Wipers CD Player Bucket Seats Power Brakes Tilt Wheel Auxiliary Audio Connection WHEELS Power Windows Rear Defogger Satellite Radio Aluminum/Alloy Wheels Power Locks Keyless Entry SAFETY PAINT Power Mirrors Message Center Drivers Side Air Bag Clear Coat Paint DECOR RADIO Passenger Air Bag 7/21/2014 1:53:20 PM 019495 Page 1 Preliminary Estimate Customer: OTTE,70NATHAN 7ob Number: Vehicle: 2009 FORD FOCUS SE 4D SED 4-2.OL-FI YELLOW Line Oper Description Part Number Qty E�ctended Labor Paint Price# 1 FRONT BUMPER 2 0/H bumper assy 1.9 3 * Rpr Bumper cover �Q 2•6 4 Add for Clear Coat 1.0 5 FRONT LAMPS 6 Repl LT Headlamp assy 8S4Z13008F 1 249.33 Incl. 7 Repl Aim headlamps 1 0.5 8 FENDER 9 Repl LT Fender w/o grille 8S4Z16006A 1 190.38 1.9 1.8 10 Add for Clear Coat �•� 11 Add for Edging 0.5 12 Add for Clear Coat 0.1 13 R&I LT Fender liner Incl. 14 FRONT DOOR 15 Bind LT Outer panel 1.1 16 R&I LT Belt w'strip , 0.2 17 R&I LT Mirror assy w/power w/o 0.3 heated glass 18 R&I LT Door glass Ford 0.6 19 * R&I LT Run w'strip � 20 R&I LT Handle,outside black 0.4 21 R&I LT R&I trim panel 0.4 22 MISCELLANEOUS OPERATIONS I, 23 Repl Cover car/bag 1 0.2 24 # Hazardous waste removal 1 6.00 X 25 # Color tint/color match 1 0.5 26 # Repl Corrosion protection primer 1 0.4 27 # Repl Flex additive 1 8.00 Zg # ***OPEN TO HIDDEN OR 1 ADDITIONALDAMAGES*** SUBTOTALS 453.71 8.7 8•7 7/21/2014 1:53:20 PM 019495 Page 2 Preliminary Estimate Customer: OTTE,70NATHAN 7ob Number: Vehicle: 2009 FORD FOCUS SE 4D SED 4-2.0�-FI YELLOW ESTIMATE TOTALS Category Basis Rate Cost$ Parts 447.71 Body Labor 8.7 hrs @ $54.00/hr 469,80 Paint Labor 8.7 hrs @ $54.00/hr 469.80 Paint Suppiies 8.7 hrs @ $34.00/hr 295.80 Miscellaneous 6.00 Subtotal 1,689.11 Sales Tax $743.51 @ 7.6250% 56.69 Grand Total 1,745.80 Deductible 0.00 CUSTOMER PAY 0.00 INSURANCE PAY 1,745.80 WHILE WE HAVE MADE EVERY EFFORT TO WRITE A COMPREHENSIVE REPORT OF THE VISIBLE DAMAGE TO YOUR VEHICLE, IT IS IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER THAT THIS IS ONLY AN ESTIMATE. THERE ARE A NUMBER OF FACTORS THAT CAN AFFECT�fHE ACTUAL CO5T OF REPAIRS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO HIDDEN DAMAGE, PARTS PRICE CHANGES, AND INSURANCE COMPANY INVOLVEMENT. PLEASE CONSIDER THIS WHEN MAKING DECISIONS RE ARDING THE REPAIRS TO YOUR VEHICLE. � 7/21/2014 1:53:20 PM 019495 Page 3 Preliminary Estimate Customer: OTTE, 70NATHAN Job Number: Vehicle: 2009 FORD FOCUS SE 4D SED 4-2.OL-FI YELLOW Estimate based on MOTOR CRASH ESTIMATING GUIDE. Unless otherwise noted all items are derived from the Guide DR2)K08, CCC Data Date 7/17/2014, and the parts selected are OEM-parts manufactured by the vehicles Original Equipment Manufacturer. OEM parts are available at OE/Vehicle dealerships. OPT OEM (Optional OEM) or ALT OEM (Alternative OEM) parts are OEM parts that may be provided by or through alternate sources other than the OEM vehicle dealerships. OPT OEM or ALT OEM parts may reflect some specific, special, or unique pricing or discount. OPT OEM or ALT OEM parts may include "Blemished" parts provided by OEM's through OEM vehicle dealerships. Asterisk (*) or pouble Asterisk (**) indicates that the parts and/or labor information provided by MOTOR may have been modified or may have come from an alternate data source. Tilde sign (�) items indicate MOTOR Not-Included Labor operations. The symbol (<>) indicates the refinish operation WILL NOT be performed as a separate procedure from the other panels in the estimate. Non-Original Equipment Manufacturer aftermarket parts are described as Non OEM or A/M. Used parts are described as LKQ, RCY, or USED. Reconditioned parts are described as Recond. Recored parts are described as Recore. NAGS Part Numbers and Benchmark Prices are provided by National Auto Glass Specifications. Labor operation times listed on the line with the NAGS information are MOTOR suggested labor operation times. NAGS labor operation times are not included. Pound sign (#) items indicate manual entries. Some 2014 vehicles contain minor changes from the pre�ious year. For those vehicles, prior to receiving updated data from the vehicle manufacturer, labor and parts data�from the previous year may be used. The CCC ONE estimator has a complete list of applicable vehicles. Part� numbers and prices should be confirmed with the local dealership. The following is a list of additional abbreviations or symb�ls that may be used to describe work to be done or parts to be repaired or replaced: SYMBOLS FOLLOWING PART PRICE: m=MOTOR Mechanical component. s=MOTOR Structural component. T=Miscellaneous Taxed charge category. X=Miscellaneous Non-Taxed charge category. SYMBOLS FOLLOWING LABOR: D=Diagnostic labor category. E=Electrical labor categor�. F=Frame labor category. G=Glass labor category. M=Mechanical labor category. S=Structural labor categoly. (numbers) 1 through 4=User Defined Labor Categories. OTHER SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS: Adj.=Adjacent. Algn.=Align. ALU=Aluminum. A/M=Aftermarket part. BInd=6lend. BOR=6oron steel. CAPA=Certified Automotive Parts Association. D&R=Disconnect and Reconnect. HSS=High Strength Steel. HYD=Hydroformed Steel. Inc1.=Included. LKQ=Like Kind and Quality. LT=Left. MAG=Magnesium. Non-Adj.=Non Adjacent. NSF=NSF International Certified Part. 0/H=Overhaul. Qty=Quantity. Refn=Refinish. Repl=Replace. R&I=Remove and Install. R&R=Remove and Replace. Rpr=Repair. RT=Right. SAS=Sandwiched Steel. Sect=Section. Subl=Sublet. UHS=UItra High Strength Steel. N=Note(s) associated with the estimate line. CCC ONE Estimating - A product of CCC Information Services Inc. The following is a list of abbreviations that may be used in CCC ONE Estimating that are not part of the MOTOR CRASH ESTIMATING GUIDE: BAR=Bureau of Automotive Repair. EPA=Environmental Protection Agency. NHTSA= National Highway Transportation and Safety Administration. PDR=Paintless Dent Repair. VIN=Vehicle Identification Number. 7/21/2014 1:53:20 PM 019495 Page 4 LATUFF BROS., INC. 880 UNIVERSITY AVENUE ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55104 (651)224-2828 FAX:(651)291-0677 FEDERAL ID#41-0777034 **"'PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE""'` 07/21/2014 02:22 PM ____.__ __ . __�_ __ , . _ __._._ � � __. �. + Owner Owner: JOHN OTTE Address: 9 WEST 7TH ST#244 Work/Day: Home/Evening: (402)942-2648 City State Zip: Saint Paul, MN 55102 FAX: , Inspection _ _. . . _ _.__. . _ __ __ �_ _._ _ _._ �._____ . __.___. . _-- _ _____. __ . . Inspection Date: 07/21/2014 02:21 PM Inspection Type: , Inspection Location: Latuff Brothers Inc Contact: Address: 880 University Ave Work/Day: (651)224-2828x FAX: (651)291-0677x City State Zip: Saint Paul, MN 55104 Work/Day: Email: general@latuffbrothers.com Primary Impact: Left Front Side , Secondary Impact: Appraiser Name: MATTHEW HOWARD �' Appraiser License#: ' Repairer �_. _... _._ _ __ . _... .. _ __ __ __ __._ .__ __ _ __ _ . _ _ ______ . ___ _ __. ,____. __ _—__ Repairer: Latuff Brothers Inc Contact: Address: 880 University Ave Work/Day: (651)224-2828 FAX: (651)291-0677 City State Zip: Saint Paul,MN 55104 Work/Day: Email: general@latuffbrothers.com �_ __..._ .._ ' Vehicle 'LU09 Ford Focus SE 4 DR Sedan 4cyl Gasoline 2.0 Dohc 4 Speed Automatic lic.Plate: 10-BJ1 Lic State: NE Lic Expire: VIN: 1FAHP35N69W101001 Prod Date: 01/2008 Mileage: Veh Insp#: Mileage Type: Actual Condition: Code: P1593C Ext.Refinish: Two-Stage Int. Refinish: Two-Stage Options �'� AM/FM CD Player Air Conditioning Alarm System Aluminum/Alloy Wheels Bucket Seats Center Console Chrome Grille Dual Airbags Halogen Headlights Head Airbags Intermittent Wipers Keyless Entry System Lighted Entry System MP3 Player Power Brakes Power poor Locks Power Mirrors Power Steering Power Windows Rear Window Defroster Rem Trunk-UGate Release 07/21/2014 02:24 PM Page 1 of 3 2009 Ford Focus SE 4 DR Sedan Claim#: 07/21/2014 02:22 PM Side Airbags Sirius Satellite Radio Split Folding Rear Seat Tachometer Theft Deterrent System Tilt Steering Wheel Tinted Glass Trip Computer Velour/Cloth Seats , -----.___ __.__ _ .____---- _._,_.. __�_.______�_ ____.__ __ _. ____ _..___--.._.. _ _. _e.___ _....t_ ___. _ ___ � Damages Line Op Guide MC Description MFR.Part No. Price ADJ% B% Hours R Front Body And Windshield 1 EU 103 Fender,Front LT Replace Recycled $125.00" +25.00 2.4 SM 2 L 103 13 Fender,Front LT Refinish 4.1 RF 2.4 Surface 0.5 Edge 0.6 Two-stage setup 0.6 Two-stage Front Doors 3 BR 209 Pnl,Front Door Outer LT Blend ReFinish 1.2 RF 0.8 Blend 0.4 Two-stage 4 RI 25 W/Strip,Belt Outer LT R&I Assembly 0.2 SM 5 RI 243 Mirror,0uter R/C LT R&I Assembly 0.7 SM - 6 RI 518 Channel,Front Glass Ru LT R&I Ass�embly 1.0 SM 7 RI 645 Handle,Front Door Otr LT R&I Ass�embly 0.3 SM Manual Entries 8 SB Hazardous Waste Removal Sublet Repair $5.0�* SM' 8 Items MC Message 13 INCLUDES 0.6 HOURS FIRST PANEL TWO-STAGE ALLOWANCE r.._____._____________�_�_.____ .__..�.___._a..-------______�.__ ,_ �._.._ ____.._._. _.�.__ _.�._ ...____.__ j Estimate Total &Entries � Other Parts $125.00 Paint Materials $185.50 Line Item Markup $31.25 Parts&Material Total $341.75 Tax on Parts&Material @ 7j625°/a $26.06 Labor Rate Replace Repair Hrs Total Hrs H rs Sheet Metal(SM) $55.00 4.6 4.6 $253.00 Mech/Elec(ME) $85.00 Frame(FR) $75.00 Refinish(RF) $55.00 5.3 5.3 $291.50 Paint Materials $35.00 Labor Total � 9.9 Hours $544.50 Sublet Repairs $5.00 Gross Total $917.31 Net Total ' $917.31 i , Alternate Parts No SPPL Yes Zip Code:55104 Default 07/21/2014 0224 PM Page 2 of 3 � 2009 Ford Focus SE 4 DR Sedan Claim#: 07/21/2014 02:22 PM Audatex Estimating 7.0.226 ES 07/21/2014 02:24 PM REL 7.0.226 DT 06/01/2014 DB 07/15/2014 Copyright(C)2013 Audatex North America,Inc. 1.6 HRS WERE ADDED TO THIS ESTIMATE BASED ON AUDATEX'S TWO-STAGE REFINISH FORMULA. THIS ESTIMATE HAS BEEN PREPARED BASED ON THE USE OF ONE OR MORE CRASH PARTS SUPPLIED BY A SOURCE OTHER THAN THE MAI�TUFACTURER OF YOUR MOTOR VEHICLE. WARRANTIES APPLICABLE TO THESE REPLACEMENT PARTS ARE PROVIDED BY THE PARTS MANUFACTURER OR DISTRIBUTOR RATHER THAN BY THE MANUFACTURER OF YOUR VEHICLE. A PERSON WHO FILES A CLAIM WITH INTENT TO DEFRAUD OR HELPS COMMIT A FRAUD AGAINST AN INSURER IS GUILTY OF A CRIME. Op Codes " = User-Entered Value E = Replace OEM �I NG= Replace NAGS EC= Replace Economy OE= Replace PXN OE Srpls UE= Replace OE Surplus ET= Partial Replace Labor EP= Replace PXN EU= Replace Recycled TE = Partial Replace Price PM= Replace PXN Reman/Reblt UM= Replace Reman/Rebuilt _� = Refinish PC= Replace PXN Reconditioned UC= Repiace Reconditioned TT = Two-Tone SB= Subtet Repair N = Additional Labor BP.= Blend Refinish I = Repair IT = Partial Repair CG= Chipguard •• RI = R&I Assembly P = Check AA= Appearance Allowance RP= Related Prior Damage This report contains proprietary information of Audatex and may not be disclosed to any third party(other than the insured,claimant and others on a need to know basis in order to effectuate the claims process)without ''Acrda�ex Audatex's priorwritten consent. d s�,,Nr��ti�r��„� �Copyright(C)2013 Audatex No�th America,Inc. Audatex Estimating is a trademark of Audatex North America, Inc. Page 3 of 3 07/21/2014 0224 PM