262266 WHITE - CITV CLERK CO1111C11 2�2�ss P,u.�K 'FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANqRV -DEPARTMENT BLUE -MAYOR File� NO. u cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Department of Public Works, does hereby accept dedication of an easement for street purposes for the purpose of widening Wabasha. Street located in the City of Saint Paul as presented to the City by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, and the City Attorney is hereby authorized to record the Deed of Dedication in the proper office of recordation. COUIVCILMEIV R s d by art t of: � Yeas Butler Nays � K�on�o;patzki �_ In Favor Levine C l Meredith � Against �c Roedler Tedesco Mme.President�QC I'�Il't 0 C7 2 tg73 Form Approved b Cit Att r Adopted by Council: Date Certif' d a ed by ci S BY By Appro by , r: Date � Appr ved by Mayor for Submission to Counci��.�N. / r BY PUBLtsl16D 0 C T 6 1973 . � � � J.�WILLIAM DONOVAN �� 2�$-53z7 " Valua'�ion Enginesr . ROY E. BREDAHL, Jr. C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L Aea't val�ar�o� Eo9��ee� BUREAU OF VALUAl'ION$ 286 Ci Half ������ h S�iat Paul, IiAinn�set� 5!i102 May 24, 1973 � � 6�i ,� � � � � h►�i Y 2 9 i�� Mr. Jerame J. Sega1 �C�kP(Jf?: -, 647iCtayt�c� Attorney , ��'��!� ������� BtIILD2I� Re: HS�i,A Dee ication - Wabasha St. e G-'�3-0057 Dear Jerry: � Thi.s office has completed the review of the proposed dedication and wishes to report the following: The Depaxtment of Public Works and the Valuation Bureau recomanend acceptance but with certain changes in the grant of easement in order to be consistant with previous street vacations and easement grants in the area. The paragraphs referring to vacated Fairfield, Indiana and Chicago Avenues should be deleted because they were vacated to a line 30 feet SW'ly of and parallel to the SW'ly R�47 line of South Wabasha Street anticipating the subject grant of easement. A small portion of vaca-B:ed West Fillmore Avenue lies within the said 30 foot strip • of land for the widening of South Wabasha Street so tha.t para.graph � shou].d remain in the grant. It would be a�y recomanendatio� that the grant of easement should read as fo7lc�rs: The Northea:sterly 30 feet of lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 182 ofRobertson's Addition to West St. Pa.u1. , - �'he Nor�heasterly 30 feet of lots 1 thrtz 5, inclusive, Block 181 of Robertson's Addition to West St. Pa.ul. The Northea.sterly 30 feet of I,ots 1 thru 5, inclusive, Block 180 of Robertson's Addition to West St. Pa.ul. • ` �� The Northeasterly 30 feet of Lots 1 thru 5, inclusive, Block 166 af �� � Robertson's Addition to West St. Pa.u1. 1 ,� The Nartheasterly 30 feet of Lots 1 thru 7, inclusive, Bloek 167 of Robertson's Addition to West St. Pa.ul. That part of Fillmore Ave. va.cated lying between the Northwesterl,y right-of way line of South Wabasha Street extended and a line parallel �o and thirty feet Northwesterly of the Northz�esterly right-of-way line ,�South Wabasha Street extended. . ( � � � - . . - . . � . . . � , . - � . . �' � . -+ - ,�62,�66 r . . - � .. � . . � . _2_ If you concur in the revisions, please send the revised easement together with the necessary dacuments effecting the acceptance to me and I will forward the same alon�g with tqy report to the Mayor's Office. If you have any questions, please call me. Very truly yours, .� ^f^ �' , � �i: �� �,.�-�---- : � J. WiTliatn Donova.n -` Valuation Engineer J4dD:RJR:c1m . ce: William Pearson Walter Hurtley . ! � � ����ss CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY September 20, 1973 R. SCOTT DAVIES Mr. Frank D. Ma.rzitelli City Administrator City of Saint Paul 365 Building Re: Deed of Dedication for Street and Pedestrian Purposes -- Widening of Wabasha. Street - Our File G-73-0057 Dear Mr. Ma.rzitelli: The Housing and Redevelo�nent Authority ha.s submitted a proposed Deed of Dedication for widening of Wabasha. Street. This deed ha.s been reviewed by the Valua.tion Division and the Department of Public Works . Recommendations for change in the legal description were made by the Department of Public Works and incorporated in the deed which has now been executed and presented to the City of Saint Paul for acceptance. � I have prepared and transmit herewith a resolution whereby the City Council will accept this Deed of Dedication on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. If this is satisfactory, will you please present it to the Council for adoption, and following adoption by the Council, we will record the deed. Very ruly your , JERO . AL Assi tant Ci Attorney JJS:er Encl. cc:J. Wm. Donovan, Valua.tion Division Daniel Dunford, Department of Public Works Walter Hurtley, Department of Public Works Edward Helfeld, Housing and Redevelop�nent Authority City Hail, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612 298-5121 • „_ . •. APPKOVED BY AUTHORITY ' ����^ CO�II�SISSIONERS 2f21/73 ' b6' GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR STREET AND PEDESTRIAN PURPOSES THIS INDENTURE, Ma.de this Sth day of September , 1973* between the HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, a public body corporate and politic, here- inafter referred to as the "Authority", and CITY OF SAINT PAULs " MINNESOTA, a municipal corporation hereina.fter referred to as the �tClty'�r� � WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Pursua.nt to the provisions of the Minnesota Municipal Housing and Redevelop�nent Act (Laws of Minnesota 1947, Chapter 487, as amended), the Authority ha.s acquired certain lands as pa.rt of the Riverview Industrial Project, Minn. R-26, in accordance with the Redevelopmerit Plan f or said pro j ect; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Plan for said project provides for the dedication of certain lands for street purposes; and WHEREAS, In order to carry out said Redevelopment Plan, the Authority desires to dedicate for the widening of Wabasha. Street a 30-foot strip of land; � NOW, THEREFORE, The Authority does hereby grant, bargain, quit claim and convey unto the City forever an easement fur street purposes in that tract or parcel of land lying and being within the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, described as follows : The Northeasterly 30 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 182 of Robertson' s Addition to West St. Paul. The Northeasterly 30 feet of Lots 1 thru 5, inclusive, Block 181 of Robertson' s Addition to West St. Paul. . � ..r � . � � � � . . . � � �r. . . . . � _ . . 2�22�66 The Northeasterly 30 feet of Lots 1 thru 5, inclusive, . Block 180 of Robertson s Addition to West St. Paul. The Northeasterly 30 feet of Lots 1 thru 5, inclusive, Block l66 of Robertson' s Addition to West St. Paul. The Northeasterly 30 feet of Lots 1 thru 7, inclusive, Block 167 of Robertson s Addition to West St. Paul. That part of Fillmore Ave. vacated lying between the � Northwester�y right-of-way line of South Wabasha Street extended and a line parallel to and thirty feet North- westerly of the Northwesterly right-of-way line of �South Wabasha Street extended. � TO- HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, Together with all hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining thereto to the City in trust for use by the public fo� street and pedestrian purposes . The City agrees for itself and its successors and assigns to or of the property described herein or any part thereof, that the City and such successors and assigns shall nat discriminate upon the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin in the use of said property. It is intended and agreed that the foregoing agreement sha.11 be a covenant running with the land, and tha.t said agreement sha.11 be binding to the fullest extent of law and equity for the benefit and in favor of and enforceable by the Authority, its successors and assigns, and the United States of America against the City, its successors and assigns . Tt is further intended and agreed that said agreement and covena.nt sha.11 remain in effeet without limitation as to time. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, The Authority has caused this Deed to be executed by its duly authorized officers and its Seal hereunto . 2. t ; ' . ,',�. �: � , � � . . - . � � � �� . ���I� � . . s6 � affixed and attested to all of the day and year first above written. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY In the Presence of: OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINN�SOTA ' By � � � �,.v� � ,�,,, ,, � ' Its � , �, , , ,, � i ,;'�, ,,) � v B ����0 . � ', y ; �� � � �. � � '. ;� - ' � , � � � ; Its SECR A � � � ') t , ► ' � '�, i'�1 �/�� ��� ���i����'�� 1�� � . . . . . . . i �i ;1 � �1'ft„ f; STATE OF MINNESOTA � ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY On this Sth day of September � 1973, before me, a Notary Public within and for said County, appeared nonald Del �iacco and William Konopatzki � to me persona.11y known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that they are respectively the Treasu�r and the -Secretary of the HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF TH$ CITY QF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, the corporation na.med in the fore- going ins�rument, and tha.t the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate sealwof said corporation, and the said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority o£ its Board of Commissianers, and said Donald Del Fiacco and wiiliam_Kononarzki acknowledged said instrument as being ,, the free act and deed of said corpor tion. ' � ��� , � � �;�' ,� ��Zf�'1 � Notary Public, Ra.msey Courity, Minn. ' My commission expires � , 3. K!:TI-iRi'f`7 ^:iFLBY Notery Fubl!c, R: . _>�r Coun{y.!',"r?n�11. � Nly Comm:ssion Ex;>�,-:� J. ,.� 11, 1377