02-342- -�, _ _. .-'. . � < ' i: . . W Council File # � �. — 3 � � Resolution # Green Sheet # � �D � RESOLUTION OF SAINT MINNESOTA °�p Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLUTION APPROVING A REVISED AND RESTATED AMENDMENT TO THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR THE NEW HOUSING AND SLIGHTED LANDS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND THE SAINT PAUL NEIGHBORHOOD REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (SCATTERED SITE, SPRUCE TREE/METZ, AND SNELLING AND UNIVERSTTI� 8 WFiEREAS, the City Council of the City of Saint Pau1(the "City") has heretofore approved, at the 9 request of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "Authority"), l0 a Redevelopment Plan (the "Housing Redevelopment Plan") for the New Housing and Blighted Lands 11 Development Project (the "Housing Project Area") in order to provide new housing, including housing for 12 low and moderate income persons and families, on muitiple separate, blighted sites; and 13 WIIEREAS, the City Council of the City has also, at the request of the Authority, heretofore approved 14 a Redevelopment Plan (the "Neighborhood Redevelopment Plan") for the Saint Paul Neighborhood 15 Redevelopment Project (the "Redevelopment Project Area"); and 16 WHEREAS, in order to finance public redevelopment activities in the Housing Project Area and the 17 Redevelopment Project tlrea, the Authority, with the approval of the City (a) established within the Housing 1s Project Area Tax Increment Financing District Nos. 12 and 27 (the "Housing TIF District"), (b) estabiished 19 within the Redevelopment Project Area, Tax Increment Financing District No. lA (Scattered Site), No. 83 20 (Spruce Tree/Metz) and No. 9D and 9E (Snelling and UniversiTy) (collectively, the "Redevelopment TIF 21 Districts"), and (c) adopted Tax Increment Financing Plans for the respective tas increment financing districts 22 (collectively, the "TIF Plans"); and 23 WIIEREAS, at the request of the Authority, and in response to certain legislation that was pending in 24 the Minnesota legislature (the "Pending Legislation"); the City adopted on Apri125, 2001, Resolution No. 25 (the "Prior Resolution"), which approved the amendment of the TIF Plans to, among other things, (a) 26 increase the expenditures authorized by the TIF Plans for the Housing TIF District and the Redevelopment 27 TIF Districts in order to promote redevelopment and housing development in the Housing Project Area and 28 the Redevelopment Project Area, (b) to increase the bonded indebtedness for the Housing TIF Disri-ict and the 29 Redevelopment TIF Districts, (c) to delete certain parcels from the Housing TIF Dishict and Tax Increment 3o Financing District No. lA (Scattered Site), (d) to authorize, to the ea-tent permitted by law, the expenditure of 31 t� increments on affordable housing throughout the City, and (e) to authorize, to the extent permitted by law, 1276291v3 oa- �`�� 32 the pooling tas increments from the Housing TIF District and Redevelopment T`IF Districts to fund deficits in 33 other t� increment financing districts located in the City, all as set forth in a document dated April 25, 2001 34 and entitled "Amendment of Tax Increment Financing Plans" (the "Amendment"); and 35 WHEREAS, the Authority provided an opportunity to the Ramsey County Boazd of Commissioners 36 and the School Boazd of Independent School District Number 625 to meet with the Authority and presented 37 them with copies of the Amendment; and 38 VJHEAEAS, the Pending Legislation was not enacted into law, and the Authority has detennined that it 39 is necessary and desirable to revise and restate the Amendment to remove the provisions of the Amendment 40 which deleted certain pazcels from Tax Increment Financing Districts No. 12 and lA; and 41 WHEREAS, the Authority has prepared a document entitled "Revised and Restated Amendment to Tax 42 Increment Financing Plans" dated , 20Q 1(the "Revised Amendment") to remove from the 43 Amendment the provisions which deleted certain parcels from Tas Increment Financing Districts No. 12 and 44 1 A. 45 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul that the 46 following findings are hereby made: 47 1. Upon the data and other information specifically stated in the Revised Amendment, and other 4s information available to the Councilmembers, the Redevelopment TIF Districts are "redevelopment dishicts" 49 within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, subdivision 10, and the Housing TIF District is a 50 "housing district" within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, subdivision l 1. The findings 51 set forth in the prior resolurions of the Ciry Council approving the establishment of the Redevelopment TIF 52 Districts and the Housing TIF District are hereby ratified and confirmed. 53 2. The land within the Redevelopment Praject Area and Housing Project Area and the TIF 54 Districts would not be made available for redevelopment or development, nor would the provision of new low 55 and moderate income housing reasonably be expected to occur solely thxough private investment witlun the 56 reasonably foreseeable future without the use of taY increment and the other public assistance sought and to 57 be provided under the TIF Plans. 5s 3. The proposed development and redevelopment within the Housing Project Area and 59 Neighborhood Project Area has not occurred nor wouid occur solely through private investment within the 6o reasonably foreseeable furixre without significant public financial assistance, that usual sources of public 61 revenue aze not adequate or available to provide the required level of such public assistance and that, 62 therefore, the use of taa� increment financing as proposed in the TIF Plans, as amended by the Amendment is 63 necessary to the accomplishment of the development and redevelopment of the Housing Project Area and 64 Redevelopment Project Area, in accordance with the Redevelopment Pian and Housing Plan. 65 4. The Revised Amendment will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of 66 the community as a whole far the provision of new housing development and other development or 67 redevelopment of the Housing Project Area, the Redevelopment Project Area and the Energy Park District by 68 private enterprise. ,`-` � p ��' ( ; ;, :; i¢L��•t"._ oa-��� 69 S. The Revised Amendment conforms to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and the general plan 7o for the development of the community as a whole. 71 RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Priar Resolution is hereby supplemented and amended to the extent 72 set forth in this Resolution. 73 RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Revised Amendment is hereby approved as submitted and the 74 AuthoriTy is directed to file a copy of the Revised Amendment with the Minnesota Department of Revenue and the Ramsey County Department of Tasation and Records Management. Requested by Department of: Plannina & &conomic DeveloPment Adopted by Council: Date � �-v Q'a---- Adoption Certified by CounCil SecYetary Hy: � 1 v- . ��.— _ �\ Approved by Mayor: J�-�'Z-1�� BY: Hy: � � Si�� Approved by Financial Services By: \ �„���t� id�,�" ' � / c� Z �� Approved by City Attorney By' Approved by BY: 1276291v3 3 BUDGET AMENDMENT NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT SCATTERED SITE TIF DISTRICT # 1A Carrent Budget Change FiNANCING PLAN Tax lncrements 148-76304-1030-00000 Bond/Note Proceeds 148-76304-6201-00000 Total Financing SPENDING PLAN Transfer to HRA Debt Service Fund Section 108 Loan 148-76304-0560-64704 New Bonds P&I 148-76304-0560-64704 Land/Building Acquisition 148-76304-0551-64747 Total Spending 5,658,490 2,470,000 8,125,490 1,574,028 4,084,462 2,470,000 8,128,490 (4,084,462) (2,470,000) (6,554,462) 0 (4,084,462) (2,470,000) (6,554,462) 6�--�`� Amended Budget 1,574,028 0 1,574,028 1,574,028 0 0 1,574,028 ,/ DEPARTIYIENClOFF[CElCOUNCII.: DATE �'T['IATED GREEN SHEET No.:106910 � �`� PED April 18, 2002 a� CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: � IlYI'CIAU�AT� mlT7nTJUA'rE MarieFranchett 1DEp,at�1�MENrDm i% �,n ASSIGN ? CTTY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK M[JST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) � � FINANCIAL SERV D +� FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG April 24, 2002 �oR ROUTING 4 MAYOR(ORASSTJ _CLV[LSERVCCE ORDER COMIvIISSION 6 Marie Franchett TOTAL # OF SIGNAT6RE PAGES _1_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATI7RE) acriox �QUES�v: Signatures required for Council Resolution regarding Revised Amendment to Scattered Site TIF Districts RECOMMfiiVDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRAC['S M[JST ANSWER TE� FOLLO{i'�'G QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMIvIISSION 1. Has ihis persoNfirm ever worked u�der a contract for this department? CIB COMbIITl'EE Yes No CIVIL SERVICE COMbIISSION 2. Has this person/fum ever been s city employee? Yes No 3. Does th�s persoNfirm possess a sldll not nonnally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Eaplain alt yes answers on separate sheet and attsch to green sheet INI1'IA1'ING PROBLEM, LSSUE, OPPORTfINITY (Who, What, Wheu, Wpere, Why): Due to threatened legislative changes in 2001, the HRt1 and City Council adopted a resolution to decertify significant portions of the Housing and Neighborhood Scattered Site Districts. Since the state legislation was not adopted, it is no longer necessary to decertify those parcels. The attached resolution basically just rescinds the old Tesolution. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Scattered Site District is generating significant revenue that the HRA will continue to be able to utilize for redevelopment efforts. DI5ADVANTAGES IF APYROVED: NA DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Loss of significant revenue. ��� ���,,�� TOTAL AMOUN'I' OF TRANSACTION: NA g,� kv �+)@119 t h.3 LII{IL COSTlREVEINUE BUDGETED: F[JNDING SOURCE: ACTIVI'1'Y�NUMBER � FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) The HI2A will be adopting a simi]az reso]ution and will be amending its budgeC to reverse the previous budgEt amendment. See attached budget amendment fot more detail. ._ -_ . _ _ . ... . . . - F� - -�, _ _. .-'. . � < ' i: . . W Council File # � �. — 3 � � Resolution # Green Sheet # � �D � RESOLUTION OF SAINT MINNESOTA °�p Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLUTION APPROVING A REVISED AND RESTATED AMENDMENT TO THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR THE NEW HOUSING AND SLIGHTED LANDS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND THE SAINT PAUL NEIGHBORHOOD REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (SCATTERED SITE, SPRUCE TREE/METZ, AND SNELLING AND UNIVERSTTI� 8 WFiEREAS, the City Council of the City of Saint Pau1(the "City") has heretofore approved, at the 9 request of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "Authority"), l0 a Redevelopment Plan (the "Housing Redevelopment Plan") for the New Housing and Blighted Lands 11 Development Project (the "Housing Project Area") in order to provide new housing, including housing for 12 low and moderate income persons and families, on muitiple separate, blighted sites; and 13 WIIEREAS, the City Council of the City has also, at the request of the Authority, heretofore approved 14 a Redevelopment Plan (the "Neighborhood Redevelopment Plan") for the Saint Paul Neighborhood 15 Redevelopment Project (the "Redevelopment Project Area"); and 16 WHEREAS, in order to finance public redevelopment activities in the Housing Project Area and the 17 Redevelopment Project tlrea, the Authority, with the approval of the City (a) established within the Housing 1s Project Area Tax Increment Financing District Nos. 12 and 27 (the "Housing TIF District"), (b) estabiished 19 within the Redevelopment Project Area, Tax Increment Financing District No. lA (Scattered Site), No. 83 20 (Spruce Tree/Metz) and No. 9D and 9E (Snelling and UniversiTy) (collectively, the "Redevelopment TIF 21 Districts"), and (c) adopted Tax Increment Financing Plans for the respective tas increment financing districts 22 (collectively, the "TIF Plans"); and 23 WIIEREAS, at the request of the Authority, and in response to certain legislation that was pending in 24 the Minnesota legislature (the "Pending Legislation"); the City adopted on Apri125, 2001, Resolution No. 25 (the "Prior Resolution"), which approved the amendment of the TIF Plans to, among other things, (a) 26 increase the expenditures authorized by the TIF Plans for the Housing TIF District and the Redevelopment 27 TIF Districts in order to promote redevelopment and housing development in the Housing Project Area and 28 the Redevelopment Project Area, (b) to increase the bonded indebtedness for the Housing TIF Disri-ict and the 29 Redevelopment TIF Districts, (c) to delete certain parcels from the Housing TIF Dishict and Tax Increment 3o Financing District No. lA (Scattered Site), (d) to authorize, to the ea-tent permitted by law, the expenditure of 31 t� increments on affordable housing throughout the City, and (e) to authorize, to the extent permitted by law, 1276291v3 oa- �`�� 32 the pooling tas increments from the Housing TIF District and Redevelopment T`IF Districts to fund deficits in 33 other t� increment financing districts located in the City, all as set forth in a document dated April 25, 2001 34 and entitled "Amendment of Tax Increment Financing Plans" (the "Amendment"); and 35 WHEREAS, the Authority provided an opportunity to the Ramsey County Boazd of Commissioners 36 and the School Boazd of Independent School District Number 625 to meet with the Authority and presented 37 them with copies of the Amendment; and 38 VJHEAEAS, the Pending Legislation was not enacted into law, and the Authority has detennined that it 39 is necessary and desirable to revise and restate the Amendment to remove the provisions of the Amendment 40 which deleted certain pazcels from Tax Increment Financing Districts No. 12 and lA; and 41 WHEREAS, the Authority has prepared a document entitled "Revised and Restated Amendment to Tax 42 Increment Financing Plans" dated , 20Q 1(the "Revised Amendment") to remove from the 43 Amendment the provisions which deleted certain parcels from Tas Increment Financing Districts No. 12 and 44 1 A. 45 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul that the 46 following findings are hereby made: 47 1. Upon the data and other information specifically stated in the Revised Amendment, and other 4s information available to the Councilmembers, the Redevelopment TIF Districts are "redevelopment dishicts" 49 within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, subdivision 10, and the Housing TIF District is a 50 "housing district" within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, subdivision l 1. The findings 51 set forth in the prior resolurions of the Ciry Council approving the establishment of the Redevelopment TIF 52 Districts and the Housing TIF District are hereby ratified and confirmed. 53 2. The land within the Redevelopment Praject Area and Housing Project Area and the TIF 54 Districts would not be made available for redevelopment or development, nor would the provision of new low 55 and moderate income housing reasonably be expected to occur solely thxough private investment witlun the 56 reasonably foreseeable future without the use of taY increment and the other public assistance sought and to 57 be provided under the TIF Plans. 5s 3. The proposed development and redevelopment within the Housing Project Area and 59 Neighborhood Project Area has not occurred nor wouid occur solely through private investment within the 6o reasonably foreseeable furixre without significant public financial assistance, that usual sources of public 61 revenue aze not adequate or available to provide the required level of such public assistance and that, 62 therefore, the use of taa� increment financing as proposed in the TIF Plans, as amended by the Amendment is 63 necessary to the accomplishment of the development and redevelopment of the Housing Project Area and 64 Redevelopment Project Area, in accordance with the Redevelopment Pian and Housing Plan. 65 4. The Revised Amendment will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of 66 the community as a whole far the provision of new housing development and other development or 67 redevelopment of the Housing Project Area, the Redevelopment Project Area and the Energy Park District by 68 private enterprise. ,`-` � p ��' ( ; ;, :; i¢L��•t"._ oa-��� 69 S. The Revised Amendment conforms to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and the general plan 7o for the development of the community as a whole. 71 RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Priar Resolution is hereby supplemented and amended to the extent 72 set forth in this Resolution. 73 RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Revised Amendment is hereby approved as submitted and the 74 AuthoriTy is directed to file a copy of the Revised Amendment with the Minnesota Department of Revenue and the Ramsey County Department of Tasation and Records Management. Requested by Department of: Plannina & &conomic DeveloPment Adopted by Council: Date � �-v Q'a---- Adoption Certified by CounCil SecYetary Hy: � 1 v- . ��.— _ �\ Approved by Mayor: J�-�'Z-1�� BY: Hy: � � Si�� Approved by Financial Services By: \ �„���t� id�,�" ' � / c� Z �� Approved by City Attorney By' Approved by BY: 1276291v3 3 BUDGET AMENDMENT NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT SCATTERED SITE TIF DISTRICT # 1A Carrent Budget Change FiNANCING PLAN Tax lncrements 148-76304-1030-00000 Bond/Note Proceeds 148-76304-6201-00000 Total Financing SPENDING PLAN Transfer to HRA Debt Service Fund Section 108 Loan 148-76304-0560-64704 New Bonds P&I 148-76304-0560-64704 Land/Building Acquisition 148-76304-0551-64747 Total Spending 5,658,490 2,470,000 8,125,490 1,574,028 4,084,462 2,470,000 8,128,490 (4,084,462) (2,470,000) (6,554,462) 0 (4,084,462) (2,470,000) (6,554,462) 6�--�`� Amended Budget 1,574,028 0 1,574,028 1,574,028 0 0 1,574,028 ,/ DEPARTIYIENClOFF[CElCOUNCII.: DATE �'T['IATED GREEN SHEET No.:106910 � �`� PED April 18, 2002 a� CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: � IlYI'CIAU�AT� mlT7nTJUA'rE MarieFranchett 1DEp,at�1�MENrDm i% �,n ASSIGN ? CTTY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK M[JST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) � � FINANCIAL SERV D +� FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG April 24, 2002 �oR ROUTING 4 MAYOR(ORASSTJ _CLV[LSERVCCE ORDER COMIvIISSION 6 Marie Franchett TOTAL # OF SIGNAT6RE PAGES _1_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATI7RE) acriox �QUES�v: Signatures required for Council Resolution regarding Revised Amendment to Scattered Site TIF Districts RECOMMfiiVDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRAC['S M[JST ANSWER TE� FOLLO{i'�'G QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMIvIISSION 1. Has ihis persoNfirm ever worked u�der a contract for this department? CIB COMbIITl'EE Yes No CIVIL SERVICE COMbIISSION 2. Has this person/fum ever been s city employee? Yes No 3. Does th�s persoNfirm possess a sldll not nonnally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Eaplain alt yes answers on separate sheet and attsch to green sheet INI1'IA1'ING PROBLEM, LSSUE, OPPORTfINITY (Who, What, Wheu, Wpere, Why): Due to threatened legislative changes in 2001, the HRt1 and City Council adopted a resolution to decertify significant portions of the Housing and Neighborhood Scattered Site Districts. Since the state legislation was not adopted, it is no longer necessary to decertify those parcels. The attached resolution basically just rescinds the old Tesolution. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Scattered Site District is generating significant revenue that the HRA will continue to be able to utilize for redevelopment efforts. DI5ADVANTAGES IF APYROVED: NA DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Loss of significant revenue. ��� ���,,�� TOTAL AMOUN'I' OF TRANSACTION: NA g,� kv �+)@119 t h.3 LII{IL COSTlREVEINUE BUDGETED: F[JNDING SOURCE: ACTIVI'1'Y�NUMBER � FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) The HI2A will be adopting a simi]az reso]ution and will be amending its budgeC to reverse the previous budgEt amendment. See attached budget amendment fot more detail. ._ -_ . _ _ . ... . . . - F�