D00958� CSriginal—City Cierk C I T Y O F �' A I N T P A U L Copy--Finance Department Copy--Department OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • � 1 11 •, �• 1 • I\I)ull�i(.`TIY: : \ � : � : No.: �� � U Date: � �0� WHEREAS, the claims funcrion has been transferred from the City Attomey's Office to the Risk and Emgloyee Benefit Management Division, and WHEREAS, this transfer will allow better coordination of safety, risk management and claims management, and allow the City Attorney's Office to concentrate on litigation issues, and WHEREAS, the claims manager has the authority to process and settle claims as established by City Council, and WHEREAS, to facilitate the settlement of claims in a timely and efficient manner, an imprest fund has been established in ffie amount of $20,000 to direcfly pay these claims, and WHEREAS, a list of clanns paid will be submitted at the time the imprest fund needs reimbursement, and all the claim files wIll be available for audit in the Risk and Employee Benefit Management Division; OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the claims manager in the Risk and Employee Benefit Management ision has the authority to issue payments in settlement of claims from this imprest fund. This account will be reimbursed from General Government Account - Activity 09081. APPROVED AS TO FORM ����=C� b��a��� Assistant City Attomey u Date Adtninistrauve Assistant to Mayor ;. . _ . � ( � �.}� fOR GREEN SHEE 31356 INITIAVDATE INfMUDATE DEPARTMENT DIPECTOR O CITY GOUNCIL CfTV A7TORNEY � CRY GLERK BUOGET OIRECTOF O FlN. 8 MGi. SEFiVICES Dlfl. MAVOR(OFlASSISTANT) � drrfo TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES one (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) 5 Finance, �_�x.ni�^i.� 4 Establish an imprest fund to pay approved clai.ms: _ PLANNING COMM15$ION _ C1VIL SEHVICE CAMMISSION _ CIB COMMfTTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ WS7fitCTCOt1RT _ SUPPOpTS WNICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVEI - PERSONAL SERYiCE CONTRACTS 1AU5T ANSWER 74tE FOLLOWING QUESTiONS: t. Has Mis personflirm e�er vro�iced untler a contract tor Mis d9partmenY? - YES NO 2. Has this persoNfirm ever 6een a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this personMirm po5sess a skill not normaliy possessed by any current city empiqree? YES NO Expiain all yes answers on separate Sheet and attach to green s�eet INITIATHJ6 PROBLEM,ISSUE, OPPEIRTUNI'fY (WYw, WhBt, When, Whera, Why): The current system does not allow the City to efficiently and expediently pay individuals for legitimate claims against the City. '�'or justified claims, the Claim Manager will be able to directly issue a check to the claimant. Citizens with legitimate claims wi11 be treated courteously and in a timely manner. . RECEtVE �i�N 171996 a�� None. � , .., , . , ' ,` t� � M: ���aY ? 2 ;��r � u `�,� � � ���������� - Citizens with legitimate claims may have to wait two- to four-weeks before receiving payment £rom the City. TOTALAMOUNTQFTRANSACTION $ ZO,OOO.00 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDiHGSOURCE TOTt Ll8'D1S.1t� GL QOL ACTIVITVNUMBER 090R1 fINANCiALINFOflMAT10N�(EXPLAIN) �