02-340�p������,� Presented By Referred To Council File k OZ- .��'}� Green Sheet # 106314 M1fVNESOTA a6 Committee: Date 1 4VHERF,AS, the adopted Capital Budget for 2002 includes two changes from the CIB reeommended budget totaling 2 $4SQ000 that will result in $ 24Q000 in Public Works street maintenance operating funds, and $240,000 in Public 3 Works sewer operating funds to be channeled to eapital projects 4 S WHEREAS, one of these changes is the addition of RE-1700750 "xndoor Saint Paul Farmex's Market' shown as funded with 6 with $240,000 "CIB Prior Yr Balance', wnich will remove $185,555 CIB financing from C98-2S151 `Phalen WeUand 7 Restoration Phase 2", and $51,445 from C95-2F015 "Sewer Maintenance Building Modification' with no available 8 replacement funding available escept for sewer service operating innds, 9 10 <VHEREAS, the other change is the replacement of $24Q000 CIB funding for $240,000 `Othei" funding for SU-1700755 ll"W abasha Bridge Shortfall", the first payment of a 5 year no interest loan from MnDOT, with nc available replacement 12 funding available except for street maintenance operating funds, 13 14 WFiEREAS, after considerable reseazch and negotiations by Public Works staffthe Army Corps of Engineers became 15 convinced Saint Paul had been overchazged for numerous construcHon and eserow items for the construction of the 16' Floodwall on the South side of the Mississippi River, and has mfunded "y605,539.58 to the City of Saint Paul, 17 18 19 `lQ 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3S 39 40 WHEREAS, the $605,539.58 has been deposited in C94-2CO33 `5t Paul Fload Control Project' WHEREAS, all Public Works documented costs associated with the floodwall have been recovered, WHEREAS, 68 0("�411,766.9ll of the original money paid to the Corps of Engineers from Saint Paul fcr the Floodwall came from CIB funds and 32% ($193,772.67) came from TLF fvnds for the FloudwaR, R'7�REAS, the South end oFthe Wabasha Bridge fs incorporated into the Floodwall, iVOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the 2002 Capital Budget be changed to refleet the $24Q000 "Othei" funding For 2002 be replaced with $193,7�2.67 (previously TIF for the Floodwa5l), and $46,227.33 (previously CIB for the F`loodwall) from C942CO33 `St Paul Flood Control Project", BE IT FURTFIER RESOLVED, the 2002 Capital Budget be changed to reflect the $24Q000 "CIB Prior Yr Ba7ance' shown as financing for RE-1700780 "indoor Saint Paui Fazmer's Mazket" be changed to $24Q000 (previously CIB for the Floodwall) from C942CO33 "St Passl Flood Control Project", BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, $125,539.55 (previowsly CIB for the FloodwalD be transferred to CIB Contingency, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that $605,539.55 is available for appropriation in the 2002 Capital Improvement Budgets, as heretofore adopted and amended by tlus Council, be hereby further amended in the Improvement Budgets, in the follovring partieulazs: ���1G����.�. 41 FIATANCII3G PLAI�� 42 Wabasha Bridge ShortFall 43 CO2-2R036 44 45 CIB 46 CIB Floodwall 47 TIF 4S Other 49 50 51 SPENDING PLAN 52 Wabasha Bridge Shortfall 53 CO2-2R036 54 55 Construction 56 57 58 FINANCING PLAN 59 Indoor Farmer's Mazket 60 CO2-7R�05 61 62 CIB 63 CIB Prior Yr 64 CIB Floodwall 65 66 67 SPENDING PLAN 68 Indoor Farmer's Mazket 69 CO2-7R005 70 71 Canstructwn 72 73 74 FINANCING PLAN 75 St Paul Flood Control 76 C94-2CO33 77 78 CIB 79 CIB 80 TIF 81 TIF 82 SSF S3 84 85 SPENDING PLAN 86 St Paul Flood Control S7 C94-2CO33 SS 89 Construction 90 91 92 FINANCINGPLAN 93 CO2-OT107 94 CIB Contingency 95 96 CTE 97 Current Amended Budget ChazyQes Budget 140,000.00 140,000.00 46,227.33 46,227.33 0.00 193,772.67 193,772.67 240,ODO.OD -240,000.00 D.00 38�,��D.�Q O.UO 380,000.�� 380,000.00 0.00 380,000.00 380,000.00 0.00 380,000.00 195,000.00 195,000.00 240,000.00 -240,000.00 0.00 240,000.00 240,000.00 435,000.00 0.00 435,000.00 435,Q00.00 �.00 435,000.00 435,000.00 0.00 435,000.00 1,139,650.00 411,766.91 1,551,416.91 -411,766.91 -411,766.91 193,7'72.67 193,772.67 -193,772.67 -193,772.67 772.49 772.49 1,14Q422.49 0.00 1,140,422.49 1,140,422.49 0.00 1,140,422.49 1,140,422.49 0.00 1,140,422.49 0.00 125,539.58 125,539.58 0.00 125,539.58 125,539.58 2 0�-3`�1° �RsGl�l �,�. 98 SPENDING PLAN 99 CA2-OT107 S00 CIB Contingency 101 1D2 Construction 1�3 'f6� 9t. II�snl Lomg'� `�1�'+�a' 2mptaoean�f � �pMittee received this request on �datd �� � �d recommQadffi .� _ �.!1�,,,--� ��-_- 5�- . � y .... MY� Current Amended Budget CLanges Bssdget 0.00 125,539.08 125,539-58 0.�0 125,539.58 125,539.58 oz.-7`�c , . , :. .,, .irr • , Y— � - - Il Nays � � II (I � Requested by Department of: ' E u lic Works 1-28-02 By: 2- S � OZ Approval Recommended by Office of Financi rvic s Direc r: Adopted by Councii: Date �, `�_°��} �-Oq�BY� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � App� � Form Approved by City Attomey: oi-a�lo �eriw � m�iv uvrr�wworn.i� nm inu wmu Public Works ��zs�aoo2 GREEN T �o. 106314 CAMACTPER^�N&PHONE INITAt/DAiE � � CITYCdUNCIL Ed Warn - 266-6142 q❑CITV A7TORNEV 0 cm c�K MUST 8E ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DpTE) 3❑&IOGEi DIflECTOR O FlNANCEACCOUMI�NG -�;�-;-}-- OMAYOR(ORASSI5fANn Y�f EdWa�NDIticRupert V (' POTALAOFSIGNATUREPAGES (CLIPALLLOCATIONSFORSIGNA7llR� �SEMORMGR,_ I�DEPARTMENTACGI�UNT ACTIONRE�UESTED ` - r f4dt Approvai of attached Council Resolution amending the financing and spending plans of the Wa ortfall, Indoor Farmer's Market, Saint Paul F7oodwall and the CIB Contingency projects. n?t%3 � �.�� �- � ��:,�v � AECOMMENDATONS:Apprwe (A) orRejec[ (A) PLANNINGCOMMISSION CMLSERVICECOMMISSION � GYB WMMITtEE _ � STAFF _ _DISTRICTCOUNIXL _ SUPPORTS WHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE� PERSONAI SERYICE CAMRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. Hasttd5persoNfirmeverworkedUnquaWM2ctfOrlhiStlepartrneM% YES NO 2. Has fhis perSONfirtn ever been a ciry,emplayee?_ - � YES NO ' '3� �.. , - 3. Does ihis person/firtn possess a sltill iro[ rrortnally possessetl by any current ciry employee% YES NO Expfain all yes a�Wers on separete sheet af W attach to green shee� � INI7fATING PA08LEM, iSSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAS, WHEN, WHERE, WHV)' The adopted Capital Budget for 2002 includes two changes from the CIB recommended budget totaling $480,000 that will result in $240,000 in Public Works street maintenance operating funds, and $240,000 in sewer operaang funds to be channeled to capitai projects. One of these changes is, the addition of RE-1700780 "Indoor Saint Paul Farmer's MarkeP' shown as funded with $240,000 "CIB Prior Yr Balance", which will remove $188,555 CIB financing from C98-25151 "Phalen Wetiand Restoration Phase 2", and $51,445 from C95-2F015 "Sewer Maintenance Building Modification" with no available replacement funding available except for sewer service operating funds. The other 'change is the repiacement of $240,000 CIB funding for $240,000 "Other" funding for SU-1700785 "Wabasha Bridge Shortfall", the first payment of a 5 year no interest loan from MnDOT, with no available replacement funding available except for street maintenance operating funds. Neither the Sewer nor the Street Maintenance operating fund budgets reflect these expenditures. After considerable reseazch and negotiations by Public Works staff the Army Corps of Engineers became convinced Saint Paul had been overchazged for numerous construcrion and escrow items for the construction of the Floodwall on the South side of the Mississippi River, and has refunded $605,539.58 to the City of Saint Paul. The $605,539.58 has been deposited in C94-2CO33 "St Panl Flood Control Project" and all Public Works documented costs associated with the floodwall have been recovered. 68% ($411,766.91) of the original money paid to the Corps of Engineers from Saint Paul for the Floodwall came from C7B funds and 32% ($193,772.67) came from TIF fund for tne Floodwall. The South end of the Wabasha Bridge is part of the Floodwall, therefore, Public Works xecommends the 2002 Capital Budget 6e changed to reflecf the $24Q,OOQ "Other" funding for 2002 be replaced with $193,772.67 -- (previously TIF for the Floodwall), and $46,227.33 (previously CIB for the Floodwall) from C94-2CO33 "St Paul Flood Control l'roject" Furthermore, Public Works recommends the 2002 Capital Budget be changed to reflect the $240,000 "CIB Prior Yr Salance" shown as financing for RE-1700780 "Indoor Saint Pau] Farmer's Mazket" be changed to $24Q000 (previously CIB for the Floodwal]) from C94-2CO33 "St Paut Flood Controi Project" Finally, Public Works recommends $125,534.58 (previously CIB for the Floodwall) be transfeired to CIB AOVqNTAGE54FAPPpAVED: Monies refunded by the Cotp of Engineers will be used to fund ttte Wabasha Bridge Shortfall instead of using operating funds. The Indoor Farmer's mazket will be funded without using prior approved CIB funding that is needed for other projects. Finally, there will be a surplus added to the CIB Contingency to be used on other projects. ""'—' D�SADVAMAGES �F APPROVED None. Sewer and Street maintenance operating fund budgets will have to be reopened to create and approve the use of these operating funds for capitat budget expenditures. TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION S 605.539 58 C0.ST/REVENUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONE) yEg no FUNUING SOURCE C'-omg of Bner CiR S[ & Sewer M[ce Funds ACTIVI7Y NUMBER CO2-2R036, CO2-7R005, C94-2CO33 CO2-01'107 FINANCIALINFORMATION: (EXPWN) �p������,� Presented By Referred To Council File k OZ- .��'}� Green Sheet # 106314 M1fVNESOTA a6 Committee: Date 1 4VHERF,AS, the adopted Capital Budget for 2002 includes two changes from the CIB reeommended budget totaling 2 $4SQ000 that will result in $ 24Q000 in Public Works street maintenance operating funds, and $240,000 in Public 3 Works sewer operating funds to be channeled to eapital projects 4 S WHEREAS, one of these changes is the addition of RE-1700750 "xndoor Saint Paul Farmex's Market' shown as funded with 6 with $240,000 "CIB Prior Yr Balance', wnich will remove $185,555 CIB financing from C98-2S151 `Phalen WeUand 7 Restoration Phase 2", and $51,445 from C95-2F015 "Sewer Maintenance Building Modification' with no available 8 replacement funding available escept for sewer service operating innds, 9 10 <VHEREAS, the other change is the replacement of $24Q000 CIB funding for $240,000 `Othei" funding for SU-1700755 ll"W abasha Bridge Shortfall", the first payment of a 5 year no interest loan from MnDOT, with nc available replacement 12 funding available except for street maintenance operating funds, 13 14 WFiEREAS, after considerable reseazch and negotiations by Public Works staffthe Army Corps of Engineers became 15 convinced Saint Paul had been overchazged for numerous construcHon and eserow items for the construction of the 16' Floodwall on the South side of the Mississippi River, and has mfunded "y605,539.58 to the City of Saint Paul, 17 18 19 `lQ 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3S 39 40 WHEREAS, the $605,539.58 has been deposited in C94-2CO33 `5t Paul Fload Control Project' WHEREAS, all Public Works documented costs associated with the floodwall have been recovered, WHEREAS, 68 0("�411,766.9ll of the original money paid to the Corps of Engineers from Saint Paul fcr the Floodwall came from CIB funds and 32% ($193,772.67) came from TLF fvnds for the FloudwaR, R'7�REAS, the South end oFthe Wabasha Bridge fs incorporated into the Floodwall, iVOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the 2002 Capital Budget be changed to refleet the $24Q000 "Othei" funding For 2002 be replaced with $193,7�2.67 (previously TIF for the Floodwa5l), and $46,227.33 (previously CIB for the F`loodwall) from C942CO33 `St Paul Flood Control Project", BE IT FURTFIER RESOLVED, the 2002 Capital Budget be changed to reflect the $24Q000 "CIB Prior Yr Ba7ance' shown as financing for RE-1700780 "indoor Saint Paui Fazmer's Mazket" be changed to $24Q000 (previously CIB for the Floodwall) from C942CO33 "St Passl Flood Control Project", BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, $125,539.55 (previowsly CIB for the FloodwalD be transferred to CIB Contingency, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that $605,539.55 is available for appropriation in the 2002 Capital Improvement Budgets, as heretofore adopted and amended by tlus Council, be hereby further amended in the Improvement Budgets, in the follovring partieulazs: ���1G����.�. 41 FIATANCII3G PLAI�� 42 Wabasha Bridge ShortFall 43 CO2-2R036 44 45 CIB 46 CIB Floodwall 47 TIF 4S Other 49 50 51 SPENDING PLAN 52 Wabasha Bridge Shortfall 53 CO2-2R036 54 55 Construction 56 57 58 FINANCING PLAN 59 Indoor Farmer's Mazket 60 CO2-7R�05 61 62 CIB 63 CIB Prior Yr 64 CIB Floodwall 65 66 67 SPENDING PLAN 68 Indoor Farmer's Mazket 69 CO2-7R005 70 71 Canstructwn 72 73 74 FINANCING PLAN 75 St Paul Flood Control 76 C94-2CO33 77 78 CIB 79 CIB 80 TIF 81 TIF 82 SSF S3 84 85 SPENDING PLAN 86 St Paul Flood Control S7 C94-2CO33 SS 89 Construction 90 91 92 FINANCINGPLAN 93 CO2-OT107 94 CIB Contingency 95 96 CTE 97 Current Amended Budget ChazyQes Budget 140,000.00 140,000.00 46,227.33 46,227.33 0.00 193,772.67 193,772.67 240,ODO.OD -240,000.00 D.00 38�,��D.�Q O.UO 380,000.�� 380,000.00 0.00 380,000.00 380,000.00 0.00 380,000.00 195,000.00 195,000.00 240,000.00 -240,000.00 0.00 240,000.00 240,000.00 435,000.00 0.00 435,000.00 435,Q00.00 �.00 435,000.00 435,000.00 0.00 435,000.00 1,139,650.00 411,766.91 1,551,416.91 -411,766.91 -411,766.91 193,7'72.67 193,772.67 -193,772.67 -193,772.67 772.49 772.49 1,14Q422.49 0.00 1,140,422.49 1,140,422.49 0.00 1,140,422.49 1,140,422.49 0.00 1,140,422.49 0.00 125,539.58 125,539.58 0.00 125,539.58 125,539.58 2 0�-3`�1° �RsGl�l �,�. 98 SPENDING PLAN 99 CA2-OT107 S00 CIB Contingency 101 1D2 Construction 1�3 'f6� 9t. II�snl Lomg'� `�1�'+�a' 2mptaoean�f � �pMittee received this request on �datd �� � �d recommQadffi .� _ �.!1�,,,--� ��-_- 5�- . � y .... MY� Current Amended Budget CLanges Bssdget 0.00 125,539.08 125,539-58 0.�0 125,539.58 125,539.58 oz.-7`�c , . , :. .,, .irr • , Y— � - - Il Nays � � II (I � Requested by Department of: ' E u lic Works 1-28-02 By: 2- S � OZ Approval Recommended by Office of Financi rvic s Direc r: Adopted by Councii: Date �, `�_°��} �-Oq�BY� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � App� � Form Approved by City Attomey: oi-a�lo �eriw � m�iv uvrr�wworn.i� nm inu wmu Public Works ��zs�aoo2 GREEN T �o. 106314 CAMACTPER^�N&PHONE INITAt/DAiE � � CITYCdUNCIL Ed Warn - 266-6142 q❑CITV A7TORNEV 0 cm c�K MUST 8E ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DpTE) 3❑&IOGEi DIflECTOR O FlNANCEACCOUMI�NG -�;�-;-}-- OMAYOR(ORASSI5fANn Y�f EdWa�NDIticRupert V (' POTALAOFSIGNATUREPAGES (CLIPALLLOCATIONSFORSIGNA7llR� �SEMORMGR,_ I�DEPARTMENTACGI�UNT ACTIONRE�UESTED ` - r f4dt Approvai of attached Council Resolution amending the financing and spending plans of the Wa ortfall, Indoor Farmer's Market, Saint Paul F7oodwall and the CIB Contingency projects. n?t%3 � �.�� �- � ��:,�v � AECOMMENDATONS:Apprwe (A) orRejec[ (A) PLANNINGCOMMISSION CMLSERVICECOMMISSION � GYB WMMITtEE _ � STAFF _ _DISTRICTCOUNIXL _ SUPPORTS WHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE� PERSONAI SERYICE CAMRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. Hasttd5persoNfirmeverworkedUnquaWM2ctfOrlhiStlepartrneM% YES NO 2. Has fhis perSONfirtn ever been a ciry,emplayee?_ - � YES NO ' '3� �.. , - 3. Does ihis person/firtn possess a sltill iro[ rrortnally possessetl by any current ciry employee% YES NO Expfain all yes a�Wers on separete sheet af W attach to green shee� � INI7fATING PA08LEM, iSSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAS, WHEN, WHERE, WHV)' The adopted Capital Budget for 2002 includes two changes from the CIB recommended budget totaling $480,000 that will result in $240,000 in Public Works street maintenance operating funds, and $240,000 in sewer operaang funds to be channeled to capitai projects. One of these changes is, the addition of RE-1700780 "Indoor Saint Paul Farmer's MarkeP' shown as funded with $240,000 "CIB Prior Yr Balance", which will remove $188,555 CIB financing from C98-25151 "Phalen Wetiand Restoration Phase 2", and $51,445 from C95-2F015 "Sewer Maintenance Building Modification" with no available replacement funding available except for sewer service operating funds. The other 'change is the repiacement of $240,000 CIB funding for $240,000 "Other" funding for SU-1700785 "Wabasha Bridge Shortfall", the first payment of a 5 year no interest loan from MnDOT, with no available replacement funding available except for street maintenance operating funds. Neither the Sewer nor the Street Maintenance operating fund budgets reflect these expenditures. After considerable reseazch and negotiations by Public Works staff the Army Corps of Engineers became convinced Saint Paul had been overchazged for numerous construcrion and escrow items for the construction of the Floodwall on the South side of the Mississippi River, and has refunded $605,539.58 to the City of Saint Paul. The $605,539.58 has been deposited in C94-2CO33 "St Panl Flood Control Project" and all Public Works documented costs associated with the floodwall have been recovered. 68% ($411,766.91) of the original money paid to the Corps of Engineers from Saint Paul for the Floodwall came from C7B funds and 32% ($193,772.67) came from TIF fund for tne Floodwall. The South end of the Wabasha Bridge is part of the Floodwall, therefore, Public Works xecommends the 2002 Capital Budget 6e changed to reflecf the $24Q,OOQ "Other" funding for 2002 be replaced with $193,772.67 -- (previously TIF for the Floodwall), and $46,227.33 (previously CIB for the Floodwall) from C94-2CO33 "St Paul Flood Control l'roject" Furthermore, Public Works recommends the 2002 Capital Budget be changed to reflect the $240,000 "CIB Prior Yr Salance" shown as financing for RE-1700780 "Indoor Saint Pau] Farmer's Mazket" be changed to $24Q000 (previously CIB for the Floodwal]) from C94-2CO33 "St Paut Flood Controi Project" Finally, Public Works recommends $125,534.58 (previously CIB for the Floodwall) be transfeired to CIB AOVqNTAGE54FAPPpAVED: Monies refunded by the Cotp of Engineers will be used to fund ttte Wabasha Bridge Shortfall instead of using operating funds. The Indoor Farmer's mazket will be funded without using prior approved CIB funding that is needed for other projects. Finally, there will be a surplus added to the CIB Contingency to be used on other projects. ""'—' D�SADVAMAGES �F APPROVED None. Sewer and Street maintenance operating fund budgets will have to be reopened to create and approve the use of these operating funds for capitat budget expenditures. TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION S 605.539 58 C0.ST/REVENUE BUDGETED (qRCLE ONE) yEg no FUNUING SOURCE C'-omg of Bner CiR S[ & Sewer M[ce Funds ACTIVI7Y NUMBER CO2-2R036, CO2-7R005, C94-2CO33 CO2-01'107 FINANCIALINFORMATION: (EXPWN)