262226 WHI7E CITV CLERK CO1111C11 262�2s
' � � Cou il R so tion E l
Pre•aented $y
�-�. y:.
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED� by the Council of the City of Saint Paul , that
Chapter 764, Laws of Minnesota for 1g'73, approved the 24th
day of May, 1973, entitled:
'�An act authorizing the city of Saint Paul to create
development districts within its corporate boundaries ;
to acquire , construct , reconstruct , improve , alter,
extend, operate , maintain and promote development
programs to be carried out in each of the districts
created; to authorize the city to issue bonds to
carry out such development programs ; to authorize
the city and the county auditor to use the tax
increment created in the development districts to
pay off the principal and interest on sueh bonds ;
to authorize the city to operate pedestrian systems
and special lighting and similar systems ; to authorize
the city to assess the cost of operations a�ainst
the development districts ; to authorize the city
to lease space in structures and to lease or sell
air rights over structures and to lease or sell _.
property for private dev�lopment. "
a certified copy of which is filed herewith, shall be and said
Act hereby is in all things approved;
RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City Clerk, as the chief
clerical officer of said -City of Saint Paul , shall forthwith
file with the Secretary of State a certificate in form
prescribed by the Attorney General stating the essential
facts necessary to said approval of said Act hereunder and
including a copy of this resolution of approval of said Act.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
�� Butler ln
Konopatzki '"' In Favor
Meredith L� Against BY
� Rcedler
Mme.President �3IId�Ir �_
' SEP 2 5 1973 Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date �
Certifi Pa d by Co 1 Se y BY ��e��
Appro y . Date
SEP .?i s �97 Approv for Submission to Council
euBUS��► �. 2 9197�
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%��F f�* � V
Harry E. Marshall �+'� ��, � �E a\a� ,
CitT C?erlc and # 1 ,;, : ,�v s ' � Albert B. Oison
Couucil Secret¢ry �,"�, `'"'�,�-'r Council Recorder
��'� ^
�86 City Hall St.Paul,Min�zesota 5510w
September 25, �.g73
�.�. . ,
' ��
Mr. Arlen I. Erdahl � "� , g'""��`��
Secretary of State - � �, ;� �
180 State Office Bldg. 'r z �
St. Pau1, Minnesota
Dear Sir:
Attached ior filing in your of�'ic� is a certificate of the City
nf Saint Paul, approving Chapter 761+, Laws oy I�:innesota Tor �973.
Will you please time starnp ttze enclosed copy of this le�ter and
the certificate and return them �o me?
Xours ve.r,z,T truly,
,. � �� �j ':�_
� J � u;2,�-,.�•r:t.,X
tV1:-c`.�.ti.`-�.�.-� � �
Gi�y CI erk 1 �;/J_
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��p� �1973
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(Pur�ua.it to P:��inne-�o+..a Statute�, 645. 0� and 645. C)�i)
�5�����7'�. 0��' P"IP1��T�,SOT�; �
C�u���:�,� ��f Ramse.y _ � -
T , 'l,.. ;"�,'Ci=;._,T.'i�?.T 0�' �Tr�`?'E Gr i,^.L�.�; �;�",�:
� ' �I''��Ul, ��i' i��OTICP;, T'hat tlie undc�� ,�n_n d e�.�.., c�_�ric:�l. �;�ff'icer of' tl.e
_ City of Saint Paul __
(name of E=overnmentnl uuit) —
P�);�;.'� .,:�R�,Bi CI;RmII'Y, t'r�at in compliance �1i�h ti;e prov�_sions o�' Law;;, 19;-'_, C"�ap�er
+�� requirin�; approvul by a * r�ajorit�� vote of �he �overnin�; body of said local
:`�tiT���..�r��,ltal unit before. it becomc,s efiective-., tl:e Cit�,� of Saint Paul
(designat� go��ernin�� bohyl
��t a r;_.crtirl� dul,y Y�eld on the ?�h d��r �f' September , 19�, b;� re�oiut,�on
�" F No 2�2226
�.�...�_ . • , . . T ,.,, -, ,c�� - }.,:
�.---"' --- C�]_Ci "u'�JpT'OVf�: Sc11Ct ,�cz,dv� 1 .i l�. C,-�. .Gt,;,r' �__�
(i( other than resolution; specifyl -
Ly a _.__.__� m��j or ity vot�� of all of the mernl�er��. thereof
�E���'r`:; 6�� i10E='S � � �ibSEI7t; 07' I70� VOtli1�; l �� 3iiti t;:c fO.�1G>Y7..� cil:��li;lO:lc�l StC'I�S�
�.`' ��:��,�, req�irFd by statute or charter were tak�1�:
-. copy of the resolu��ion is liereto anri,�xed �.�:i ;�;��;�c a u�ri, of thi; ccrtif:icatc=,
b�.� r�_, . ��nce.
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SZ..)T:C',�. y�°� � /j' . .
,T �it,�Clerk `
� �_it:L
(�fTicial designati�a of officerl
(This form prescribed bv the Attorney �.,�nLral and furnished b,y �
the Secretary of �taie �� i°equir.d iri ::.inr�e�ot" St;atut;es 645. 0?lj
�If e_atrao�-di=�iary majority is required by the s���ecla:. la«� ins;+-t _fraction or �erce+zt—
a�e h�re. �
SEP 2 �1973
��� �
Secretary of State
s'WH1TE � - CITV'CLERK � 1 � � C°["j��•^,(((���
COZI Zl R SO t2012 � r�
Presented F� � � ' � �/ � ��,• � ;'"�-� `R •"'
Referred To Committee: Date - -
Out of Committee By - Date
RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul , that
Chapter 764, Laws of Minnesota, for 1973, approved the 24th
:1ay of May, 1973, entitled:
"An act authorizing the city of Saint Paul to create
development districts within its corporate boundaries ;:
to acquire , construct , reconstruct , improve , alter,
extend , operate , maintain and promote development
programs to be carried out in each of the districts
created; to authorize the city to issue bonds to
carry out such develo�ment programs ; to authorize
the city and the county auditor to use the tax
increment created in the development districts to
pay off the principal and interest on such bonds ;
to authorize the city to operate pedestrian systems
and special lighting and similar systems ; to authorize
the �ity to assess the cost of operations against
the development districts ; to authorize the city
to lease space in structures and to lease or sell
air rights ovex• structures and to lease or sell
property for private dev�lopment. "
a .ertified copy of which is filed herewith, shall be and said
Act hereby is in all things approved;
rtESOLVED FURTHER, that the City Clerk, as the chief
clerical officer of said City of Saint Paul , shall forthwith
file with the Secretary of State a certificate in form
prescribed by the Attorney General stating the essential
facts necessary to said approval of said Act hereunder and
including a copy of this resoluti�n of a,pproval uf said Act �
COUi�CILMEN Requested by Department of:
��;� Butler pEPARTMENT OF �TA7E
Kor,opatzki �'��� In Favor L
Meredith �` l�gaiilst By _- SEP 2 �1973
�p�c Roedler � _
Tedesco �. � . •
Mme.President B1i�&�r � SeGF�;�rY pf �t�l�
Adopted by Council: Date SEP 2 5 1973 ' Form Approved by City Attorney
Certifi Pa d by Co 1 Se y By� !�
By " `
Appro y . Date
SEP Z �? �g7 Approv r for Submission to Council '
By By
September 2�, 1973
Mr, Ar],en I, Erdahl
Secreta�ry of State
].8(? State Of�'ice Bldg.
St, Pau2a Mi.nnesota
near sirs
Attached �o� f'�.ling in your af�'�.ce ie� a c�rtificate o�' the City
of 5aint Paul,,, a��roving Chspter 76�, Laws of Mtnnesota far 1973.
Will you plea�e time stamp the enclosed copy of this letter arid
the cer�ificat� and return them to me?
Yours very tru],y,
Ci�y C1erk
September 2g, 1973
Mr. Vincent Couglilir�
Planning Caordinator
City P�anning Dept.
Grace �31dg,
St. Paul, ,'�linnesota
Dear S3.x':
The City Counci:l �Goday� upon pas�age of the attacned r�solution�
C,F. No. 252226, adopted a motian request3n� th� �lani�i.n� Dept.
to place high priority nn the Dc�t�mtown Development District.
Yours very trul,y>
City Clerk
, f •
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. -da,�;�-_. — — 7c
l, Arl en l. Erdahl, Secretary of State of the State of
Minnesota, do hereby certify thot I hove com�ared the annexed
co9Y with record of the originol - Acts -
in my office of H. F. No. 2247, being Chapter 764, Laws of
Minnesota for 1973, approved May 2b, 1973 as filed in this
office May 24, 1973, - - - -
and that soid copy ts a true and correct transcri9t of said
- Acts -
and of the tihole thereof
IN TESTIMONY WNEREOF I have hereunto set my
hand ond affixed the Great Seal of the
State, at the Ca�itol in St. Poul, tnis
5th day o f Jun J A. D. 19 73
��?:-� . �.cE_�!..,�2'-�c�-%�•
Secre ary of State �
� �
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_ .--•. , .
� � y
. � `• � H.F.No. ?.247 ,
1 �� � �/� , J
2 authorizinv t1�e c;lky of .Saint Pa'vl Co
3 cre�te de�elo�ment districts �►ithin it6 "
4 coroorate boundariest to ecquire, �
5 construct► reConstrucC. irn�rove, alterr � �
� 6 exten�• o�erate• maintein and �romote � �
� 7 development pro9r��ms to be carried out .
8 in each of the districts createdt to - .
g �uthorize the city to issue bonds to � , ,
. 10 carr� out such development progran�s� to . • �
11 euthorize the city and the countl .
' 12 � auditoP to use the tax incren�ent createcl
13 ln the development aistricts to pay otE . �
14 . thP �r!nciAal an�i lnterest on such ,
15 bon�9ss to authori�e *he city to o�erate •
� 16 • � pedestrian systeros ��d soecial lightin9 .� '
'� � 17 � and similar systems� to authorizQ the • �
le cttY to assess the c!+st ot ooerations � .
. 19 . ' against the develo�+ment districts� to ,
� ' , 20 a�thorize the city to lease saace in
21 Structures and to �ease ot sell air .
22 rights over structures and to lease or
23 •sell property for privete development.. '
. - �--
25 Section 1. [PURPOS�:.�, The leqisiature finds thet the
26 city of Saint Paui is fRted r+ith a need for new deveiopment ` �' �
27 . It is found �hat lack o� de:�elo�ments designed to improve �
28 physical facilities and the aeneral qualitiy of life; � �
29 , includinq a snfflci'snt su�ply of adeQuate, safe and sanitary
30 merket rate housing, contributes to the infiiction of . . � � '
, 31 blight, uqon the economic value o� the city, and by � �
32 impairing the Value of private irvestments thereinr
33 threatens the source ot public revenues and decentraiizes . � .
34 the con�r�,unity to other areas. This ne��r development is -
. . .
35 crucial in providing employrrent opportunities tor Saint Paul
36 citizens, in improvin.q the tax base for the community, and
37 in improving the qeneral economy for �he metxopolitAn arpa. �
� 38 UnAer � this actr the citY of� 3aint Paul would be authorized
� 39 to develop� a program tor improvinq a dlstrict of the city 3A . � �
. , � . . .
' . _ . � . , : , ' , . ; � ,
� 1 , , : �
� , , � .
, . ,
. - �',
. • ,�
. : .
� . ,
� ' I1.T�.No. 22�17
' �'� � • ' . ' '.
� i such r+aYs as providinq riimate controiled linkeqes betrreen
2 developments and activities, providinq impetua tor •
3 commercial development, providinq market rete housing,
� 4 providing increased employment, �protectinq pedestrien� �rom
5 vehicular traftic end inclement weather, proVidinq the ,
6 necessary linkage between persph�ral parkinq facilities and �
7 places o! employment and shoppinq� proVidinq olLwstreet
A parKinq Lo serVe the shoppera dnd emP7�oyees o! the district� , �
. 9 Drovidin4 open space reliet within the district� and � �
, ;.
. . ;:
10 providing such other facilities as' are outlined in the �� �
li development proqram adopted by the qoVernin9 body, it is �
: . �
� iZ hereby declared bY the ieqisieture o! the. state ot Minnesota . �
, , _
13 that the ections required to assi.st the implementation of �
14��� auch development'�pro9rams. ere a pubite purpoae and that the �
, � . , �
15 execution and linancing ot �uch programa are a pubiic '
� 16 purpose. � . ' .
..) , �
17 ' Sec. 2. � �AUTHORITY GRANTED.� The city o,� Saint Paul
18 may, after consultation aith its plannin9 aQency and after �.
19 public hearinqs, notice ot which' ahall have been pubiished �
� 20 for two successive weeks in the otficial newspapex of the
21 city ot Saint Paul, adopt development districCs within the � ,'
' 22 boundaries o� said city. 4�ithin said disCricts the city
23 maY, in addition to anY powers it may otherwise possess, � '
. 24 adopt a development proqrram consistent with which the city
25 may acQUire, construct, reconstruct, improvei alter, extend� •
26 operate, maintiain and promote deve�opments aimed at �
27 Smprovinq the �hysical facilities, quaiity o! li�e and _ .
28 qualitY ot transportation. The city may acquire land or �
( . . .
. , � . . .
_ -; . . ,H.1�'.No. 2247
�. �� • , .
, , �
1 easementa throuah neqotiation or �throu9h powers of eminent
� 2 domain. In all such acauisitions the ac9uiring authorlty ' �
3 shali provide. aa a cos� of acqu�sition the relocation
� 4 assist�nce, serVices� paYments and benetits required � bY the
5 Uniform Reioeattan Assistance and Real property Acqu�sition
.6 Policies Act o! 1970, 84 Statutes 1894 (1971) � 42 United � �
. � ,
7. Statea ,Code, Section � 4601� et seq. The city council may �
8 adopt ordinancea requlating tratfic in pedestrian skyway ,
9 systems, underQrou�d pedestrian concourses, public �arkin0
. 10 structures, and other lacilities constructed within the �',
il develo��nent districC. The city council may pass ordinancea �
, 12 requlatinq ecceas to pedestrian skyway systems and • -
13 under4round pedestrian concourses, and the conditions under �
14 which such acCess is allowed. TralfiC regulations mr�y
, a
15 include, but shall not be limi�ed to• direction and speed of .
16 traffic, poiici�g of pedestrianwaYs, hours that . •
17 ' pedestrSanwaYs ere open 'to the public, kinds of� service
� 18 activ�tiea that wiil be allowed in parks and plazas, fares
19 to be charged on the people movers, and rates � to be chaxged �
20 in the parking structures. The city shaii have the power to
- 21 require private developers to construc� buildings so as to ,
. ,
� 22 �eccommodat'e arfd support such pedes�rian systems which are � ,
23 part o! the proqram for the� developmenC district. 4�hen .the
24 city requJ,res the developer to construct columna, beams or �
• 25 � qirders wlth 4�'eater strength than required tor normal .
26 buildinq purposes, trie city� ahall relmburse the develaper � .
27 !or the add.ed expenae. The city sha12 haVe the authority to
28 install speciai iiqhtinq systems, speciai street siqns and ,
• ' 3 : .
� •
. .
�� � ` H.F.No. 2247 :
. � �
� i street lurniture, special lendscepin9 0! streets and public
• � 2 property. The city shall have 'the authority to install
3 special snow semoval systema. The City shail have the power
� 4 to ac9uire property !or any and eil purposes outlined in the
5 development proqram for the district. The city 6ha11 have •
: �6 the poner to lease or asii air rtqhts over public buiidin4a � �
7• and to spend public tunds for constructiing the foundations
8 and columns in the public buildin9s strong enouqh to support
9 the buiidings to be constructed on air riqhts. The city , '
10 shall have the authority to lease ail or portions of public �
� 11 buiidinqs constructed in the district. The city shail have •
12 the authority to negotiate the sale or lease of property tor
13 private development, includinq but not limited to market •
14 rate housinq� it such development is consistent wi�h the �,
15 development proqram !or the development proqram !or the �
, 16 district. The city may contract !or the construction or
17 operation of facilities �euthorized by this act.
18 Sec. 3. �DEFIPITTIONS.� (a) A ��development district" is •
� 19 a specific area xithin the corporate limits o� the �ity ot �
20 Saint paui which has been desiqnated by the rity council aa
21 a development district. Each district so designated ,shali . ,
_ 22 be given a separate development diatrtct number. No less '
� � ` 23 than 60 percent ot the aree� o! enY such diatrict �shali �
24 consist of land which has been platted and developed. 7he
, 25 area of such district shall not be enlar4ed after three -
26 years tollowing the date� ot� desiqnation o� such diatrict.
. . ,
27 At the time of adoption �ot the tirst develonmen� district in �
Z8 ' the city ot Saint Paulr the qovernin4 body shaii by lormal .
4 . ' . .
. � '
.i .
� - �
� � • . � � H.r.N�. 2247
. �� , '
i ection adopt one ot the three loilowin9 elternetive - . �
2 restrictive options. Once the choice is made, the �
3 municiPality must use the aame option !or ail succeedi�g
4 development distriets. �
• � 5 (1) The totel acrea4e inclu.ded in any one development •
6 district ahel,l not exceed one percent o! the total acrea0e
�_ 7 of the municLPality. At no time shall the total current
6 ecreage withi� deveiopment districta tor which unrecevered � � �
•9 cost of bonds remain �exceed three percenti ot the total , ��
la acrea4e o� the municipalitY. ' �
il ��2) The totai market valve ot taxable real property o! '
12 anY one development district when adopted� shall not exceed :
. _.
13 five percent o! the totai market value o! taxable real �
14 � property in the municipaiity as then most recentiy certitied
15 by the countY auditor, and ahell not when added to the • .
16 current market value o�E texable real property within � , � .
17 development distrtcts !or which unrecovered cost o! bonda
18 remain exceed ten percent ot the totai market 'Value ot .
19 taxable rea� property .in the municipality as moat rece�tly
20 certified by the county 'auditor, � , .
21 (3) The c�overninq body maY adopt one development �
22 district whiet� shail not exceed six acrea in area.� At no .
23 time shall ano�her development district be adopted by 'the
24 qoverninq body of the municipal�ty until all cost of bopds � }
25 tor the pr'eviously edopted district has been paid. •�
26 (b) A ��development program" ls a statement ot
- 27 objectives ot the clty of Saint P4u1 for improvement� ot e
ZA �development district• Such development proqrem shali � .
, � . . .
. .. ',
5 . � :
. . , ti.r.No. 2��i7
. �, ,,_ . ,
�_ � � .
� , � �
1 contain a compiete statement as to the public fecilities to . �
Z be constructed within the district, the open space to be � �
� 3 created, the environmental controla to be applied, the ' .
4 propose reuse ot priv$Ce propert�y, and the proposed � �
5 operations o! the district ePtex the capita�l ,improvement�
; •
6 within the district have been completed. � �
7 �c) "Pedestrien skYrray system'� means any system ot '
8 p.rovidinq for pedestrian traffic circulation, mechanicai or �
• 9 `otherwise, elevated above qround, within and without the �
SO pubiic right-ot�way, and� throuqh or above �private property �� �
11 and buildinqs, and includes overpasses, bridqes, ;
12 passaqeways, walkways, con�oursQS, hallways, corridors� .
. .
13 courts, plazas, mails, elevatorsr escalators,� heated
' 14 � canopies� and accesses and all fixtures, tuxn�ture, si4na, .
15 equipment, facilities, services, and appurtenancea which in '
16 the judqment o! the city council wiil enhanre the movement, , '
� , 17 safety� security, convenS,ence and enjoyment of pedestrians �
18 and benetit the city and adjoining properties. The use of a � •
19� pubiic street or public right of waY for pedestr�a� travel �
20 oniY constitutes a pubiic use and sha11 not . reQuire e ' �
21 vacation of the street or riqht ot aay.
. ,
Z2 (d) "UnderQround pedes�rian concourse�� means any system
23 ot providing tor pedestrian tra�f�c circulation, mechanical
+ 24 or otherwise, be�owqround, within end without the public � .
25 riQht-of�way� and throuqh or below private property, end �
i� inciudes tunnels� passaqeways, .waikways, concourses,
2?' hallways, �orridors, piazas, elevators, escalators,� .and ,
� 28 'accesses, and al1 �ixtures, aions, farniturc, equipment�
f .
� �
. 6 .
. � ,
' . �. • '
. , ,, .
' , '. . � ' ' Ii.I�.No. 2247
. • . ,
. vr . . •
t , .
- i facilities, and appurtenance� which in the judgmenC o! the '
I .
� 2 city council will enhance the movement, se�eCy, security,
3 convenience and enjoyment of pede�triens and benefit the
4 city and ad�oininq propertiea. � .
5 �e) "People mover system" means anY system o� providinq .
6 tor me�hanical pedestrian tratfic circulation; aboveqround, �
7 on-qround, or belowqround� within and without the public � �
8 right-of-way� separatel�y or in conjunction with Che
9 pedestrien skYweY system, �the underqround pedestrian '
10 concourses, and rapid transit systems, and throuqh, above or �
ii below private property and buildinqs, and inciudes
12 overpessss, bridges, passaqewaYs, walkways, roncouraes,
� .
13 hallways� corridors, coUrts, atations, tunneis, elevators, f
14 e.scaletors� heated� canopies� heated sidewalks, and accesses,
, , .
15 and all �ixtures� siAns, furniture, equipment• facilities,
16 and appurtenar►ces which in the judgment o� the city councii .
17 will enhance the movement, safety, security, convenience and �
18 enjoyment ot pedestrians and �benetit the city and ad�oining , .
19 properties. • i
20 (f) ��Market rate housinq project�� means a�y work or � �
21 unQertaki�q to demolish, ciear or remove buildings trom any ,
22 bliqhted area acquired �undex the prqvisiona of this act and � '
23 the providinQ ot decent, , safe and sanitary urban dweilings, � _
� 24 apartments� or other livinq accommodations tor persons. ot :' �
25' ail incomes. � �
Z6 � (q) ��Speciai liQhtin4 systems!� meana iiqhts or ligfit
27 dispiays ot any type located within or withovt �he "public
, 28 riqht�o!•way. � . •
- . . _ . .
� . • . �.
7 " • _ .
, ,
' � ` � H.F.No. 2247
- � � . .
1 � (h� nParkin4 atructure�� shall mean any buildinq the .
2 principel use of which is deaiqned for end intended !or �
3 parkinq of motor vehicies. Open air parkinq on parki�g lots
4 may also be construed as parkinq structures � �ar the purpoaes
5 of this act. . � .
6 (i) pMaintenance and operationn shail i�nciude aii�� �
7 ectivities necessary to maintein facilities after they have �
8 been developed and all ectivitiea necessarY to operate the � . "
. 9 tacilities including,� but not limited to, informationai end : � ,
10 educational proqrams . and safety and surveiilance activities. � .
11 �j) ��Texabie value�� shall mean ttie assessed Valuation
� 12 of aii taxabie real property in the di�trict. �
13 � � Sec. 4. [TAX STATUS.] The pedestrlan skyway system,
, . .
14 underQround pedestrian coneourse, the people mover system
. , � � .
15 and publiriy owned parkin9 structures are aii declared to be :
16 public property to be used gor essentiai pubiic and •
� 17 governmental purlaoses and such property shall be exempt from
' . 18 all taxes and • speciai asses6ments of city, countyr state, or
19 and political subdiVision thereof. Taxea do not in�lude
20 charqes for utilities and speci+�l services such as heat,
21 water� electrieity, qas, sewaqe diaposal� or 9arbage ,
22 removai: � . �
23 Sec. 5. tGRAiJTS.7 The ,city o! Saint Paul may accept � �
24 qrants or other financial assistance �rom the government ot
25 the United States or anY other entity to do studies,
2b construrt and operate the pedestrian skyway system, � �
. 27 underqround pedestrian concourses, peop7►e mover systems, � and ,
28 other public improvement� authorized under this act, � � ,
� e , . : � � .
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i Sec. 6. [ISSUANCE OF BOND5.� The council ot the city
! 2 of Saint paui may authorize, lssuer and sell bo�ds which � .
3 shaii mature within 30 years trom date o! issue to finance
4 the acquisitio� and betterment o�t reai and personal property
5 needed to carrY out the development �roqram within the .
6 development d�strict toqether Mith all relocetion eosts
7 incidental thereto in accordence with Minnesote 8tatvtea, •
8 3ections 475.54, 475.55, 475.56, 475.60, 475.61, 475.62,
9 475.63� 475.65� 475.66, 475,69• 475.70, 475.71� and 475.74. _
10 Al1 tax �ncrements received by the� municipal�ty pursuant to ,
ii section 7 shail be pledged fo.r the payment of �uch bonds and �
12 used to reduce or cancei the taxes� otherwise required to be ,
13 extended for that purpose, and the bonds shal� not be
� 14 inciuded when camputinQ the c�tY�s net debt.
lb COSTS�] I� the city of .Saint Poul exercises the powers of �
17 this actr it .sheli certlEY to the audltor ot Ramsey county
18 each development district creatcd under the act, givinq the .
19• toliowinq informationl� (1) legal description� �Z) total �
20 cost of bonds ' issued to develop the d�,strict� (3) interest
21 rate on bonds. The county, auditor shall then certity to the
, .
22 municipality the assessed value of all taxabie property in
23 the district as most recently determined (or the fraction
24 thereof equal to the fraction o� the assessed value o� all
- 25 taxable property in the municipality that constituted the
26 base for computln4 the local tax rate under M1.nnesota �
. � .
27 Statutes� Section 473F'.08, Subdivision 4• it applicable) , :
' 28 vrhich is regerred to herein as the „ori41na1 taxable v�lueat ;
_ ' �
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' `r - � , � ' ' . 1i.1�.No. 2247
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1 and shall also certity the assessed velue of such property �
Z as redetermi�ed in ' each year thereafter �or the fraction � , .
3 thereo! equel to the lraction constitutinq the locai tex � �
, 4 rate base under 6ection 473F•08�• subdi�iision 4, i! �
5 appiiceble.) , ahich ia reterred to ,herein aa the "current �
6 taxable value". No more than the ori9inal texable value
� 7 shall be inrluded in any year in the tax base on which the �
8 county auditor computes the rate nec��sary to Produce the �
. ' 9 emounts of taxes levied bY the municipality and other
- 10 qo.vernmental units within whose boundaries the district is ,
il • situated (othe�r than the portiion thereof to be �produced by a
12 metropoiitan 'axea�wide tax rate under section 473F.08, ' �
. 13 subdivision 5, i� applicable) , until the total cost o�E �
14 '. principal and interest paYmen�s on the bonds has been paid ,
15 to the municipality lrom tax incr�ements as provided below, - .
16 However� the rate so ,determined shali neVertheless be �
. 17 extended each year eqainst the� current taxable value as
18 defined above, until such cost has been paid.
19 It � the development proqram is cerrted out in stages, . � ;
20 the city may emend the statement on bonds issued and
21 Snterest rate being paid from time to time as required.
22 The county auditor shaii warran� and the county
Z3 treasurer shali distribute texea from the affecCed property . �
� 24 to each ot the taxi.nq authorities aa followst
25 (a) It the current taxeble value is less than or the .
� 26 same as the oriQinal taxable value at the time the Qistrict
27 was created, tax�s as determined by the curres�t levy� �
ZS ; (b� I! the current taxable value exceeds the oriQina�
, � 10 � �. . . : • '
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• � ' � � Ii.r.No. 2247
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1 taxable value at the time the diatrict was � create4, taxes
2 shail be distributed in the proportion that the ori4�nal
3 taxabie value bears to the current taxable velue�
� 4 �c) The residue o! taxes aa coilected, reterred to
5 herein as the tax increment, if any, shall be paid bY the . ,
6 countY treasurer to the city of �aint Paui. Payments made�
7 in� lieu ot texes on propexty �in the development district, . � �
r 8 whether mede voluntariiY� pursuant to the provisions o� e �
9 tederallY supparted, program� or pursuant to Minnesota
ti �
10 Statutes� Sections 272.68� Subdivi�sion 3� -273. 19� or
11 462.471, sheli be considered as a part of the residue o;E . .
12 taxes. Said moneya shail be kent in a special account �for �
13 the development district involved. Peyments to the
14 �' development district lund shall continue until total costs � �
� �
15 as indicated above have been paid int,o the tund. When the �
�6 total costs .have been paid into the deVelopmen� district .
i7 � fund, taxes shali be distributed accordinq to the then •
18 current levies.
19 • 5ec. 8. �COSTS, ASS�SSMENT5.� SUbdiVision 1. LCOSTS,
� 20 ' ESTIMATES, CAT�GORIE�S.� On. or before �July 1 of �each year,
21 the clty adm�nistrator� with the assistance. of the advisory ,
22 board, ig any, shali repor� to the city couneil an eatimate
23 ' ot the cost o� operating and maintaining and annual
24 Smprovement costs to each develo�ment district in tne city . .
25 for the next fiscai xear of the city to be incurred under .
26 the development program then in effect� and an estimate of
27 changes in the ,amounts of �such costs which would fo7,low upon
28 'the edoption ot any additiQn or amendm�nt to the development .
11 , • �
, P • .
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� � II.I�'.No'. 22117
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1 program recommended tb or under con,sideretion by the city
2 council. Such estimate ahali be reasonabiy itemized and
3 shali inciyde a summarY ot the cateqories of cost properiy �
4 chargeable as foilowss
5 ta) The amount o! costs. to be charqed a9ainst bene�ited
. 6 properties in the district in prpportion to benetita � which �
7 shell be the ag�regate of costs o! ennual improvements to be �
8 made in the �district during the ensuinQ year� r►ot exceedin0 �
9 the ag9reQate ot beneLits to the assessable tracts and
• 10 percels of land in the district received from auch annual `
11 improvemen'ts. ,
12 (b) The amount of costs, if eny, to be aperially taxed
. �
13 aqainst properties in the district Sn proDortion to the cashl �
14 valuation of such aroperties, whic�h shali be the nex amount �
15 of estimated costs remaining aftex deductinq the amounts to �
� 16 be specially assessed pursuant to clause (a) and rentals to
17 be received on account of use of the district� s facilities. _
19 LIMITATYON.] The council shall receive and consider such � '
20 estimate and the items oE cost after such nottce and hearinq � •
21 before it or its appropriate committee as it shall deem
. . .
22 necessary or expedientr and shali approve the same, with
23 such amendments• thereto as it shall find necessary, and the
• 24 amounts of each item of cost estimated shall be deemed � �
' 25 appropriated and expendabie for and to opexate, maintain and _ •
. 26 . impro�e the development district durin� the ens�uinq fiscal
27 year. The amount of the special tax to be Charged 'pursuant
28 to clause �b) ot subdivialon i s•hall not, however, exceed 50 �, ,
, 12 , . � ' • � , '
, �
� I . 1
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� � ' 1i.T�.No. 2247
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1 cents per 8100 ot essessed veluation o! taxabie property �n
2 the district�` and the eouncil shail make sach adjustment in
3 costs of operatin9 and mainteint�q the district as may be
4 necessarY to keeP the amount of auch tax within said
5 limitation.
7 APPEAL8.7 When the council shall have acted on the estimate �
8 ot costs, there shali be prepared an assessment roli setting
9 forth separ�tely the amounts to be speclally a6se�sed
10 aqainst the benefited and essessable properties in the � `
� il district in proportion to the benetits, descriptions of such .
12 properties, and the name� of the� owners of such properties, '
. .
13 so far as sucb names are availabie to him, Qhe assessment ,
14 roll� when so prepared, shall be filed in �he oflice of the
15 city clerk and be there evailable for inspsction. The city
16 council shail meet to consider ob�ections to the amounts ot �
17 such special assessments at least ten daYs after a notice of '
18 hearinq has been� published once in the officiel newspaper
19 and mailed to ` the named owners of ali tracts, parcels and '
20 lots of property proposed to be assessed, The notice shall
21 set forth the time and place of ineetinq, and set forth the , •
22� purpose of such meetinq, but may refer to the assessment
' 23 roil �or further particulars. When the � city eouncil shall
24 have approved Che amouttts of special assessments set forth
25 therein, or as may be changed by it, the city clerk shall �
26 torthwith certi�y a copy ot the assessroent roli, with sueh
27 chanqes, if any, to �he county auditor to be extended on �he
28 tax liats ot the CountK and to be collected with and in the � .
, .
� � 13 .
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• ' . , . 1�.F.No.� 2247
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1 same manner as other taxes on property for the current Year,
Z Within 20 daYs after the adoption ot the aasessment, eny
3 person aQqrieveQ maY eppeal to the district court, as
4 provided in Minnesota Stetutes, Sec,txon 430.03, except Chat
5 commissioners ahall not �be appoin�ed to consider the emount ,
, 6 ot benefits� i! the court shall �ind that the assessment is � �
, . . , . . �4 . '
7 not arbitrarY� unreasonabie, or made under a demonstrable
8 misteke o! fact or erroneoua theory o! law, it sheii confirm
9 the proceedinqa, but othexwise shall remand the same to the
, �
10 city councii for reconsideration end reassessment •of the
11 benefits upon like notice and hearin4 as in the cese oE '
12 oriQinal assessments under this subdivision. A11' ob�ections
13 to. the assessment shail be deemed waived unless presented on
14 such appeal. �
16 the purposes of this sectio� "annuai improvements�� shailr .
17 with respect to development distri�ets, mean end inciude anY ,
18 reconstruction� retilacement or �epair ot undergzound � � �
• 19 pedestrian concourses, pedestrian skyway and people mover �
2Q systems and 'other facili�ies o� development districts, and • .
. 21 anY other local improvement which benefits properties withln `
22 the district. For the purposes ot this section, ��costs��
23 sha11, with respect to annua3, improvements to and operAtion
24 and maintenance o� development districts, mean and inciude
25 costs of annual improvements � fees oi consui�ants employed
26 . by the city council• to assist in the Dlannin9 of annual �
27 improvementst premiums upon fire and extended Coveraqe
28 insurance� pubiic l3ability insurar►ce insurinq the city and ,
14 . '
t " � � �
� ' � ' � � II.r.No. 2247
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' • • •
1 users of the development district and upon property demaqe
2 insurance �or development districC lacilities� reasonable �
3 and necessarY costs� to Che city tor the time of ciCy • �
1 � 4 officiels and emploYeeg apent in connecLion aith .annuai :
5 improvements to and operating end maintainin4 development •
6 districts levyinQ and collectinQ, speciai a6sessments and. � ,
7 apeciel texes therefor� pubiication co6ts� and ail other '
8 costs incu•rred or to be incurred Sn connection wlth annual �
� 9 improvements to and operetion .and maintenance ot Geve�,opment
10 districts. , � . , �
� 12 Moneys ap�ropriaCed and collected on arcount o� snnual
�3 improvement costs and costs of operatin9 and maintaining
14 ' development distric'ts shali be credited to a special
� �
iS account. The councl.l shall have euthoritY to incur costa .
. 16 � for annual improvements to or operatinq and maintainin4
� 17 � development districts durinq anY fiscal year, thouqh noti
18 provided tor in an approved estimate �or such fiscal year, .
19 if in its discretion •it shali deem i� necessarY to provide
20 tor such annual improvements or operation oz maintenance
21 prior to the succeedin4 fiscal Year. 2n suCh case, the
, .
22 costs incurred shail be included in the next estimate of
23 costs to be approved. Any balances to the credSt ot the
24 account established for a development distict and remaining
25 unexpended at �he end of the fiscai year shail be char4ed
26 aqainst the proper cateqorY o� the next esttmate o� costs to �
27 be apnroved� . . .
28 '� Sec. 9. [ADYiSORY BOARD.) Tne city councii shall �
; • is • _
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i eppoint en a�visory boara consistin9 ot at leaat seven
2 persons . At least a majority of the members shall be owners �
� , 3 or occupants ot property located in the development district �
4, which they Serve. Such en advisory board wo,uld advise the
5 city c�ouncii on the co�structdon and implementation ot the
6 development program a�d maintenance and operation of the
7 district atter the development program has been compie�ed. , `
8 Sec. 10. The provisions ot this act shall be effective �
9 notwithstanding any contrary law or charter provision. .
10 Sec. il . This act shall become effective only af�er � �;
il its approval bY a majority of the qovexninq body o� the city -
12 of Saint Paui and upon compiiance �with the provisions o!
13 Min�esota Stetutes, Section 645.021. . � ' �
: :.: , , � , . . • . -
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� . H.F.Na' 2247
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. . • Martin O. Sabo
� � Spea�er of the Houre of Representatiaes. '
� .
. . .
Alec G. Olson � .
Presrdsat o f the Senau.
. ,
° , . ,
Passed the House ot Represcntatives this 17th daq of May in the year of Our Lord one
thousand nine hundred and aeventy tliroe. , ' , . ' '
. :
, .
. �` wazd A. Burdick
� � Chief Clerk,Houra of Representatives. ,
Passed the Senatc this 15th day of May in the year of Our. Lord onc thousand nine
1 hundred aad seventy-three. ,
� , �: , r
' Patrick .Flahaven
. ' • , • , ' Seaetary of tht Senate. .
. , • .
: Approyed Igry� � � , '
. s -ay- 73 � . � .
. � �
. . � Wendell R.Anderson
. Governor of the Stau of Minnesota. � .
� a� . .
Filed ��"C�� � . x97'3
, � . , ��
. . �
� . Arlen I.Erdahl
• : ' Secruary of State.�
. ,
, lT .
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that Council File 262050 is hereby amended
by adding to the membership list of the Energy and Environ-
mental Conse=vation Subconmtittee the following named �
Councilman Victor J. Tedesco
Yeas BLitl@r Nays Requested by Department of:
Konopatzki In Favor
Meredith _� Against BY
3�c� Roedler
Mme.President � �}�
Adopted by Council: Date SEP 2 5 1�73 Form Approved by City Attorney
B /?.�5�`c• �ctl� s
Certifi ed by c' tary Y
Appro d by M Date �P f Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
�Usus�t� $EP 2 � 1973