262224 WHI7E �CITV CLERK CO1111C11 FrI(N�K - FINANCE BLUERY- MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. 2S �24 Co ncil olution,, � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED! by the Council of the City of Saint Paul , that Chapter 268, Laws of Minnesota for 1973, approved the 16th day of May, 19'73, entitled: "An act relating to the city of Saint Paul ; authorizing the levy, cancellation, and relevy of special assessments for automobile parking facilities . " a certified copy of which is filed herewith, shall be and said Act hereby is in all things approved; RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City Clerk, as the chief clerical officer of said City of Saint Paul , ahall forthwith file with the Secretary of State a certificate in form prescribed by the Attorney General stating the essential facts necessary .to said approval of said Act hereunder and including a eopy of this resolution of approval of said Act . COUNCILMEN Yeas �.�x. Nays Requested by Department of: �t Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith _� Against BY fimt�i� �edler Tedesco Mme.President��!'� SEP 2 5 1973 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date • Certi 'ed a sed by C il ary BY ��C�Q By Approv by Ma . Date EP '�' 6 t _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUB61'H�0 2 9 1973 X r�'�+ � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,� �2v �����'?p t. j-.�.,.�� R.�% 3�� + � r -ji; �•\�'':� Harry E. Marshali ��� +` "°,� �'- t Albert B. Olson City ClerJ�and � �,'" .--4Y ��,;f Council Recorde.r Counczl Secret¢rv �,�;,��_��/,�� �'�*:...�,.:.�'� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall St. Paul,Nlinr�esota 55102 Septembe� 25, 1973 Mr. Arlen I. Erdahl �. , Secretary of �tate 180 State Cff'ice Bldg. St. Paul, Minr�esot;a 55157 Dear Sir: Attached for filing in your office is a C�rtiI1C8�',P of the City of Saint Paul, approving G`hapter %68, Laws oi N�innesata i,or �.�,+73. Will you please time starnp the enclosec? �op;� c�' tii:�s letter and the certificate and return trem to m�: Very tru�.y yc�urs, " 1 ` ,, ;,: ��--'-G,;;;� �� �'��n`,:z.;;,e,�'ut,� \ � C_.ty Cler�� ( ;'� � ��� , Attach. STATE OF MINNES4TA DEPARTMENT OF STAT� FILED . �EP�:8�1973 ��� � Se�ret�'ry of St;�X� ° O . �y---1 .. CERTIFICAT� OF APPR01'AL CC- SPECIAL LAW BY GOVERNIir'G BOCY (Pursuant to P,iir,n�^ot�: Statl�tes, �;4`, ri? ard 645. G?] ) �T,��'1_ u:�' ;�IT:�1i�,�;OTI� i;oan '.��, of Ramse�_ _ ._. .:� . . . .�_;Ct;i;TC,.zY 0� ST�'�I''r� 0:, r.t.I�,m�r;�OTr_: rr r r._ ,. �Si�, ltL>., NOTIC�, Tl�at the unue� � 1�;nec1 c;��.�f c].erical officer of ti�e. �._____ CitV of Saint P�ul ._ ._ ! (name of govern;:�ental unit) *� -��, }!;,;r :� *�m`r � • +F r ( c��, r, ��Or..� . _ cE,�Y CEct�.l��Y, that in eornp_ iance with �-�ie provi�ions o�_ =aws, 7_., � �, �hai,tE;_ �g _ ^�q�iri��; approva7 b,y a * majority vote of tri_; goverr.�;n�, ti;ody of sa:�.d local ,:;cv� r;:�:;ental uiiit before it becor�es eff'ective, the ��_ C�#�,� of Saint P�ul � - (JesignatF ;overnin; body) a�� __ .::F��,',inr; duly he7_d en tile2.�_day of S.�_t����' _, 1��.=(�, �y r�solutio:� �__.__.__t��.. No�262224 -- did a�p;ove �aid L�r,��, 1_y��, C} ;_ �t,,r 268 --- (�!7 c�thec than rescl.ution, specify) by �� _. n�ajorit�� vote o: all of' t1�e mE�-�c:;��s thcreof � (1�,,���. _� _; I'�oe�� � _; Abserit or not votin _1 _.) a.r;� t;he foi.i o;vi.n� addi ti_o.al + e� �� s�:c �:.�, i f <_ , ��quired by �tatutc� or cha.rter va..�z��e t�kF�l�: ._ copy ci t'�i�, resoiution is herc;to an:ie.:c��� �:r,:' ma7e a _��.7�t of t,iiis c::rtifica�� t,�r i��.,,�;�:r:;n��.. ° �-- � ; f/ � \ i f_-� �� ,j, � a. ��.''�.'. �� ����j���j��' � „��,•n� 'sa:��G�G---~/�—�"� ,,�_ '_/� / ,�-���11, ' Ci�_ Clerk --�--�. _.�— -- tCfficia?. de�ignatio� c: of.ficer) � ;Tnis fo�r,i prescribed by tY�e �tt�rney Cer:eral an.l furni�}ied by � the Secretar� of State as ��e�uir�d in t'.ninnesota Si;atutes f4;,. 027 ; `1.( c�xtraordinnry ma-jority is requ.ired hy th.e s�5eci�:� 1. !aw in.seri .f�'a�cttion o; �ercer.i- ��g�° ?iere. , S7�TE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF STA7E FILED S�R2 �1973 ��.� _;� :. :;�_.� � : S.a� . WH17E �— CiTY CLEFeK � 1 � � *r'�NK rFINANCE �ITY OF SL�INT j,�uL COUI1C11 A BLUERY— MAVORTMENT File NO. ��•����+�� � I � Co ncil � olutzon � , Presented B � � �-� ` �f �' c ^ C�'"` ` ' � Y °. `� �. � , ; Referred To Committee: Date - Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED� by the Gouncil of the City of Saint Pa.ul , that Chapter 268 , Laws of Minnesota for 1g73, approved the 16th day of May, 1973 , entitled: "An act relating to the city of Saint Paul ; authorizing the levy, cancellation, and relevy of special assessments for automobile parking facilities . " a certified copy of which is filed herewith, shall be and said Act hereby is in all things approved; RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City Clerk, as the chief clerical officer of said City of Saint Paul , shall forthwith file with the Secretary of State a certificate in form prescribed by the Attorney General stating the essential facts necessary to said �,pproval of said Act hereunder and including a copy of this resolution o� ap�proval of said Act . STATE OF MINNESOTA B�PARTM�NT 9F 5TATE �i��6� ' ��� �P��'�� 81�� 3 ,� � ' � Secretary of State COUNCILMEIV Yeas �er Nays Requested by Department of: Koropatzki � In Favor -- Leviiie � Meredith _� Against BY � Roedler Tedesco Mme.President�� Adopted by Council: Date SEP 2 5 i973 Form Approved by City Attorney • Certi 'ed a�sed by C cil ary j' BY-�•�C��- By Approv by Ma . Date EP �i G 1 _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By __ •u����� :�r� x�ata ���a ��.�o�c �.`t�a� �.��.� i� �ra. n¢a��}- u.zt�i�.a.z pr� a�.���3��..za� ak�. ptz�e ,za�.�aZ ��r��. 3o fido� ��so-�aua �t��. c�ure�� ��. �s��Zr� no.� ti-�-�� '£L6'C ,z�,� �a�.�s�.��tt�yy �� sn�� rg�� .za�.dr�v,� �Fnes��d� '�'�nsd ��gS .�� ���a �ct',} �c a�.�a-��'��T�a B ts� a��,�.�a ano� � �t'C'F,� �A� Pe�����d' ��S �aQ �S'[55 ��oseu�y�,r tZnBa •�.n '�PIf� ��'��.�(3 �^��S G�,T 3���.r ,�o R.z�t�.3.z��S 1"�px� `I u�'[� °�Ld £LbZ `Sz aaqaQa�.das . � `t-�-v-� - - - - — - ---V-� ,;----� � � � �" ' _ _ - , l � e , � .�? \ �`�;ETUit E d�� I � �R\ � _ �`\ �: � ,, �� =- �� _ � � �;' - - � ��� . :' j + '-:. . ,1 ... . \�/ �._�." . ., I ' p. �I/ � _, \ � ��� ;`��-��::._� ._� � ----- — ��� � —= � � / l, Ar[ en l. Erdahl, Secretary of State of the State of Minnesota, do hereby certify thot I have compared the annexed co9Y with record of the originol - Acts - fn my office of S. F. No. 2035, being Chapter 268, Laws of Minnesota for 1�73, approved May 16, 1973 as filed in this office May 16, 1973 - - - - and that said copy is a true and correct transcrt9t of said - Act s - and of the tihole thereof IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hond ond affixed the 6reot Seal of the State, at the Ca�ito[ in St. Paul, this / 5th dQy of June A. D. 19 73 ,, , ����.� v" �'.✓- C..�c-�_.-.�-�.lZ-�`-�...-(�' • Secreta'�y of State } ���� � ��a j J �' . j� � .. ^ `�� , s.r.rro. 2035 cxArrEx rro. .�1'�. �l. � �C�. � � � i , � 2 relatinq to the city of Saint Paulf 3 au�horizinq the levy, canceilation, and 4 � re].evy og specl.al assessmenCs for ' S automobile Parking facilities . • 6 BE IT EIvACTED BY THE I,EGISY,ATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTAS 7 Section 1 . [ST. PAUL, CITY OFt AUTQ PARK BENEFYTSS • 8 SPECIAL AS5E.SSMENTS.� The council of the city o� Saint Paul 9 may levy special assessments as provided in MinneSOta IO Statutes, Section 459. 14, Subdivison 7, aqainst properties il in the city specially benefitted by the acquisition and , 12 betterment of autonobile parkinq facili•ties as defiaed in 13 Minnesota Statutes, Section 459 . 14, Subdivision 1 . On or 14 before October 1 . in any year the council may cancel the 15 installments of the special assessments levied gor any such 16 facility t•rhich are due and payable in the followinq year and 17 all subse4uent years� and may levy a new assessment for such. 18 facility as provided in said section 459. 14,• follAwing' the 19 procedures set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.061, 2o except that the amount to be assessed shall not exceed the 21 totai principai amount of the installments of ass�ssments so 22 cancelled. In determining the special bene�it and levyinq � 23 the new assessment against any lot or parcelr the council 24 shall not be bound by its determination of .special benefit 25 in any preyious prece.eding, but the new assessment levied on , 2b any lot or parcel, together with the �rinciAal amount of th� 27 installments of special assessments previousiy paid or .to be • 28 paia in tY�e current year for �hat lot or parcel with respect 29 to the automobile parking fac�ilty to be assessed, 1f any, � � 30 shall not exceed the total special benef�t to the lot oz' j , 1 , , :. / � ' �w� ' ' ' � Y . S.F.No. 2035 . " 1 pa:cel from such automobile parkinq facility. The 2 provisions cf this section shall not apply to real property 3 used for the purpose of a homestead without the prior 4 consent o¢ the property owner. ' 5 5ec, 2. [APP�,ICATIOJ� OF .SECTXON 1 ,] Not�ing in seCtlOh 6 1 shall prevent the council from tr�akinq supplemental 7 assessments or reassessments and dividin5t assessments for 8 the. purposes and under the conditions stated iA Minnesota 9 .Statutes, Section 429.071 . � 10 Sec. 3. [EFFECTIVE AAxE.� This act shall becom�e 11 effective only a�ter its appro�al by a najority of the 12 �overning body of the city of Saint Paul and uPon rompliance � 13 with the provisions of MSnnesota. Statutes, SectS,on 645.0210 . , . � 2 w , � � � ��� � .�, . ,� _ , . ' . , � , , � S.F.No. 2 0 3 5 i I � i ��,� � . � � � � � � r � �� ' Alec G. Olson � Prerident of thc Scnate. � ; ; - • • i � � . �Z� _ � . � � ; Martin O.Sabo ! , � Speaker of the House of Rcpre.centatives. � .: . � / I • Passed the Senate this �Ith day of May in the year of Our Lord one thousand n�ne hundred and seventy-three. � . i , ' � �. ' . Patrick E.Flahaven . '. Secretary o f the Senate. RPassed the House of Represeivatives this 5th day of May in the year of Our Lord one r . thousand nine hundred and seventy-three. • � . ; . ' � � t � Edward A. Burdick i Chief C1erk,Housa of Represcntatives. APProved ��/'2/" � � � Y� . � . . . • � . f�.i'.._<-'%✓..2.�.s Wendell R Anderson � Govcrnor of the Stau of Minnesota. �..' � Filed `��.�e.,,/' ��� . Y973 � � ., Cs��,,,� ' . -� - . . Arlen T.Erdahl � Secretary of State. 3 .