262221 ;,ITY CLERK i(73 ¢:j..a....-e�.._�^� ' �b. FINANCE C01111C11 r� � I 9��E -�aYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAIIL File NO.��G��� . • �//, Or ZIZGLIZCP. Ordinance NO. ��`� Z _ Presented By ��X.�/ �c�.,��� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � � � . An ordinance amending Chapter 412 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code entitled "Entertainment and Amusemen.ts" . Section 1. That Chapter 412 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be amended by striking in Section 412.06 thereof the words "eighteen years" and inserting in lieu thereof the words "sixteen years" to read as follows: "412.06. Minors ; Gambling. No person, firm or corporation licensed hereunder or under any other chapter shall permit to be operated in any such licensee' s place of buainesa any such machine or device, except amusement rides and music machines, by any , person under the age of sixteen years. No person employed by any person, firm or corporation lic�nsed hereunder or under any other ehaptEr shall permit to be operated in any such licensee ' s place of business any such machine or device, except music machines and amusement rides, by any person under the age of sixteen years. Neither any person, firm or eorporation licensed hereunder or under any other chapter, nor any employee of any such licensee, shall permit to be operated in any such licensee' s place of business any such machine or device for the making of side bets or gambling in any form. " Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force _ �hirty(30) days from and after its passage, approval and publicatim. x COUNCILMEN Yeas ��r Nays Requested by Dej3'artment of: n Konopatzki � In Favor Levine • � Meredith Against BY �c Roedler Tedesco Mme.President� I�i', Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date OCT �,n����— Certified a d by Council retar BY�� °�--^—^^�� `�" _('��S' By ( Approve May : Dat Approve Mayor ubmi o ici By , BY PuBUSt�� 0 C� 13 1973 lst '' 9/�.� , 2nd j0�,�- s 3rd ��� Adopted /a o � - Yeas � Nays BUTI,ER . KONOPATZKI �`� 26222� r� MEREDITH / ROEDLER V' TEDESCO � PRESIDENT (HUNT)