262196 r ' � � CITY OF ST.PAUL � UN ,F E NO" s21ss � FINAL ORDER • ` ` By � File No. In the Matter of ,.-,��._._ � .- . --- _. __..�._ �,w,---�-_.,.f . ,• .�.� --- : . - .:.._ -.-�: .. . . ,.,_.. . . _— .. ,_ ,.:.._.. __ ._...:...�.��...�._., Constructing a pub'lic storai sewer in CLEVELAND AVENUE from Hoyt Avenue to • Dudley Avenue and from Common�ealth Avenue to Como Avenue; in DUDLEY AVENUE from a:� Cleveland Avenue to Raymond Avenue; in �tAYMOND AVENUE from Dudley Avenue to Knapp . � Street and from Scudder Street to 300 feet South of Blake Avenue; in P[YTHE STREET �: fram Dudley Avenue to Hendon Avenue; in HENDON AVENUE from Hythe Streat to Cleveland ? � Avenue; in BUFORD AVENUE f�om Grantham Street to Hqthe Street and from Cleveland � Avenue to Raymond Avenue; in GR,ANTHAM STREET froan Dudley Avenue to Buford Avenue; ' � in CHELMSFORD STREET from Dudley Avenue to Knapp Street; in DOSWELL AVENUE from � Grantham Street to Hythe Street and from Raymond Avenue to Clev�land Avenue; in `t ; � CARTER AVENUE from Como Avenue to 300 feet West and from Cleveland Avenue to Raymond Avenue; in COA4i0NWEALTH AVENUE from Como Avenue to 450 feet West and from Cleveland ; Avenue to alley and from Keston Street to Gordon Avenue; in KNAPP STREET from Raymond >� Avenue to Hillside Avenue; in COMO AVENUE from Luther Place to Knapp Place and froa � � � Raleigh Street to Gibbs Avenue; .in KNAPP PLACE from Como Avenue to Knapp Street; in ' �,' LANGFORD PARK EAST from Gordon Avenue to Knapp Street; in LANGFORD PARK WEST from � - Knapp Street to 350 feet South of Blake Avenue; in KESTON STREET from Carter Avenue to Commonwealth Avenue; in GORDON AVENUE from Carter Avenue to Ludlaw Avenue and from . Scudder Stre�t to Raymond Avenue; in BLAKE AVENUE from Ludlow Avenue to Langford Park West 'and from Rapanond Avenue to Lang€ord Park East; in ATTY STREET from Scndder Street . ';' z , to Raymond Avenue; in PRISCILLA STREET from Raymond Avenue to ,Gibbs.- �lveriue; in GIBBS ; AVENUE from Como Avenue to Kasota Avenue; in LANGFORD PARK EAST fran Blake Avenue to � � 350 feeC South, and all to be knawn as the ST. ANTHONY PARK STORM SEWER SYSTEM � ` (5-0460E-1) and (S-0460E-2), , �� �<� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice `� thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers.are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. � COLJNCILMEN � � �\ Adopted by the Council: Date S��' 1 9 1g73 Yeas But1� Nays KOnopafiski Certified Pas ed by Council Secretary_ P 1 9 �97� Levine Meredith In Favor � Roed ler TedesCO Against Hunt Mayor . PUBLI�HE� S�►�.� 2 197� . ��J(11IPa. .� I"�.e}� V�:,�k L�� J./Y . . ��,� � ���i fJ i��J.\Y� .1 L� 'l1 L � T .� � � Fir4 . — F'r,.::r:c�C,sy�c. . IVO: C.�.�:crY— C''F!- ��,_�. c��•-r�ic�r: or- z•itz, �t.�tc�z{ i��J � �� G�� Date: / AD�II(�1iSTRATIVE ORDER � ����� �--., 1r' 14 —� — .. � . ��, '. . �r���;;��zs���t�:�.T��r� o�DFr�, � {:� <":a r:;ati.nr c��= �ns�i-►.�c�ing �p�.kh1Z� stor�n s�aaers irt the foltowing streets: !s-: i:`cti��<-�n� �iti°y�. �ra�rn Hilyt ��e. La Dudiey Ade. and �rom Car�nwealth . fr�iir6L� t.� l.:l.'..'� f��fis � � -.... � � 3sY ::�u}�d �1u�. sran Clevelu�d Ave. �c� R��nd Aae. I� ;a;;-�:��3 �v�. fs-o:z Dudie� �;�r�. to t:na�p Sg. and frorn Scudriar S*. za ;;J�' ���r� o�a= i33ake M�,r�. . 'f: in t��t�a St. ft'os:z D�ld�ey �'.v�. tv #ien�on Ave. jr ir, FlLrc'.�n t�vL. frv� tiyt�� S�. to i.l�:v�l,:�:3 Ave. j' Fn ���Qrd f�-�r�. �;-�n Gra�tf�a�� St. �� l=ptl�e St. and rrora Ci�vsland Ava. ' �� ��yr:�nd �a���. '�� �n G:�arx�'�am S�. t ra;t Dudj4y t'ive. to Sufvrd A�ie. t:� C�e�:-��o�� �;.. i-rac� Du�ley Aus. ta �.°�app 5t. " t� I:�.ss�a�3 � A���, frv.�+ 6rantham S�. LQ };yt�� St. and from ftayc�o�ui Ave. �a C��ve3::n:� .�v:;. !n Carfier :�vz;. �ran C�r<�o Av�. tv 300' �,'�st as�d f�am Cleueiand Av�. t� ��vr;�n�i �,ve, fi� ��;T»�^cYiE`2il��i tive. fro;n Co:� ave. tn �i50' NQst and �sora Clav�lanci Ave. �� .t>1�ey Ur� r�n t.es'Con ��. to G.�s`c'�n Hv4. _ f, !n F:��app St. �ro� �{aymanr3 11u�. tfl ti i I 1�i d� Ave. ; i» C<.;;-.� Az�e_ -�r�r� Luiher F'I . to isna�p PI. ar�d �rora Ral�igh St. to � +.,;�3» t�.Y�• _ . _ ' 3� >..�a�� i't, ,rt��t Cc�:ao Ave. �o Kr+app SL. . . }r, {�n�tt�rd f':;. �a�R from Cordon Ava. to +Cnapp St. !r, °��giocd i�;:. `:�st �rDn 'f:s�sa�P St. to 35a� so�r�, of Biak� �►v�t. 1.F1 s:.r:.�t�rs �t. fra�s Cartef /�ve. to Cvcr�on�rea#th r�ve. � frr f����{on �'�ve, r";om Carter Ave. to Ludtos�rr Ave. an�# from Scudder St.. � ° ,,1` ����� �o ;ay,:�nc3 �.��re. �r� �;� J tn �la'te Ave, fr�r� Ludiow 1',ve. to La�gf�rd Pk. iJest and f�or� Raysac��d ,� ,�f�, � F:v«, �c� La�g�or� Pk. ELst ��!✓' ;', .j�1� i� r`;t�.y 5~. fr� Scu�de� St. to �ayraond Ave. . �; l '� �`�;; Ij is� ►"-�isLi lIa S�. �:�:.i Ra��i�nd Av�. to Gib�s Ave. ^ � � icz �'s�bs 1�ve, €rora�Corx� fi�ve. �c� �asata nve. "� � � j�, !r� f.�r.�for� F":. East �rora �ila�,s Ave. ta 3�0' Sca�th i?�,�� '.� j �,{L � �lt i tc� b� kr�c��Yn as t;�e SL. ttr�thony Park Stoe�:^� S�Wer System {S-0�54£—!) and ' (S--C�i i��-2) ,-�.._._.. At'PZOVED AS"I'O FUR�1 . . �`�, f�! .� � ` /� � � . [l . l / � , `' '' �;= _ '� � t' � _t` .j ,� �,.i r'? Ci'� �—T fwss:stant City:At[orney ; D partmcnt Head J . ' ��', � . . . `' � • � �/ j� " � - )��!{i' ! — — __ Administrutive Ass:stant to hl�yor • ���� .— � . � . � . ��l ! , �.�o-� �ITY ��1� i.1.I �;T P.�LTL � � No: � ��.�.� �, . " .nca pept. �; '��. or• ��ict.. c�r• z•tr t: �i:��-o�c Date: ��� 7 ��� AD:�31�iiSTRATiV� URDE� � ,�� ���I� � _� [ _. APi�iI�IS�'RA'I'IVE OP.DER, " Pf�GE 2 ih$ �tepor� of the Qepartcr�Rt of Pu�t�c lJ;�rks ts accc��sd. 'Tha Cepart�:;�nt of Firunt� zs tzv�-eby dis-ect�3 to br€ng tt�ts Maiter �e�ore L�� Ci ty Cour°�c3 t fQr publ i c heari ng. . , � . # � F � � �/ � �,:, _ ,� � ,� � � ��PPROVEI� AS TO FOR:�1 :,. i; j; t� + ; f* . �` � ' � �'� ` Departroent Head � r--��ssist3nt City;ativrney t � � ,� S + ! `•• Sesret- Dep�rtnent � }iznry �!. Ja�kson . [)`jt� Administrative Assistrnt to 1�iayor . , ��L, •�;" t ' GLTY p�, / / ��/�{{{/'jjj / L../ 'S� > �'1� 4 _ y �����j� '� _ . ^c ���,��,� tJ �g '� d�5 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hall & Court House 55102 ,�r,�1���r !�����•�. DANIEL J. DUNFORD rt•�`� � c���� D i rector of Pub 1 i c Works �� JUI� �g `�� 7'� �.� .-�-. r-J c�, June 12, 1973 � r�aE.��� ��� � ' 1s a�� '''!�V,�.,�,��� ��� � � r� �..,�,. 'S �°�':. � p�:y�♦ Mr. Robert Trudeau '�� �,'� �,�;'�'��•'� �__��.,....� Director of Management and Finance Department Room 113, City Hall Re: St. Anthony Park Storm Sewer System S-0460-E1 and 5-0460E-2 Dear Mr. Trudeau: Herewith is the preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a public storm sewer to be known as the St. Anthony Park Storm Sewer System (S-0460E-1 and S-0460E-2) , and described under Administrative Order tJo. �-685, dated .lune 7, 1973. PROJECT COMMENTARY , Estimated Cost S-0460E-1 (Part 1) S-0460E-2.(Part 2) Construction $356,184 $665,340 Engineering (8.5%) 30 ,276 56,554 Inspection (2i) 7, 124 13,307 NON-CONTRACT COSTS Water Main S Service offsets 7,500 15 ,000 Vatuation � Assessment Services 4,700 3,170 Street Oiling � 1 ,366 3 ,404 Total Estimated Cost $�+07,15�i $756,775 � � �' �:��. . � � �� � �y � r _ � � -2- ��� � �� ���5 S-0460E-1 (Part 1 ) S-0460E-2 (Part 2)����' 1971 CIB $335,75� Proposed 1974 CIB $137,500 Assessments 71 ,400 Assessments 52,360 �7, 150 Proposed 1974 WPIF 566,915 5756,775 ✓ A public hearing before the City Council on this matter is hereby requested. The attached assessment area worksheet covers only S-0460E-1 . The worksheet for S-0460E-2 was previously forwarded to your department along with the assessment area worksheet for S-0460B. We also request that the following information be included in the tetters to property owners. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION .,�The proposed construction is part of the overall drainage plan to serve the St. Anthony Area. The completion of this plan will separate the storm and � sanitary sewers , thus alleviating the present sewer backup problems associated ; with the undercapacity of the existing combined system. Complete separation `, will also bring the sewers into compliance with the current pollution control ' standards. (!.f �-' The outlet for this system will be a 9' shaft at the south end of Langford `= , ; , �� Park which will drop into a 13' storm sewer tunnel and be drained to the � , �'� river. The proposed construction will be accomplished in two parts, with the first . part to be under contract possibly in 1973, and the second part in 1974. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. ✓ You s very truly, �� . Daniel J. D ord Director of Public Works HWJ/RL/kw Attachments -� ,�j ," a , ; �: . �����-. ;�, � . �. _ .�,� � ',,.,, �,� ., _. -, .�; � , �� °� - • � ; � �.h i}� ° � , .p - .X\ ^`. �,� s t�. 7 '`r�'{'�` �_) .. � � ���,� �� ��S �.�� � � 6 a�+� i�, �.9�'� � �. �m►�► ,��aua� n�tsn� �mr�r B�gs��ner Darpetrta�e�t at F�l�r� Wcarkar �Itd)II� D+ee.s� l�c. Jac�:�r�: P:]�+�ua��t to yc� �equE�! � b�►►v�e #�et f+wr't2u Y�trill.�a infc�rma�.ion p�pr�i��tt �o t�se propextg ssa��s.�aan� fa�r tbwe pro�+c��td i.�cr��e�t d�seribed ass S-#6�� L-� 9�. ant�tony Pc�k �a►� 1�y�t�q 'Shi to�te.l esti�ted �mo�nt r,ar.�►v�rabl+e �► a�te�+�nt i� ��,3+60.c�p ba�d +p� tbet fo�,,�.�rri�g ��1�.imated a.����t� ���rr�t � A�oB R+�t+�idletza�ial Prca�er�t.Y - �t�.0�� �r' �te�. t"t. , C. P.lr�i�,er!�;i�3. ar� Co�t'��l e�r�d ��:u��x ie�l l�x�p�act�r *� $4.t3� � sq, f L. Plew�tirs in�rpera�t�t t�e lc�lc�viz� e�d;ttiv�e�,?: �a�t� fn �� e�eti�e�Q tot.Rl �oc«� ;q�r�i�ura� �'or th�,� i�c�v��at: 9�.1u�t1�n �snd �t�f��'� �"'+�.�+ta - ��,Q�£1*C�Q . �dia�e�.2�n+�c�us G��t� - �2,1�a.� 1�iC].tadB� �.� rJt�' Q$'�'��$ T�p �� ',�'�'►1�' �.I,i�°Q�'A�"�.�.t?L� ilt�t� ti�ll. �N�OM' #'IttU�,"1'i Ik'�. �iOLt� CGTI�:'RI`.Z..IEI�G@. Y�sy ��u,�:.,,v y�t�`�� Rc�y �. 13a���:���.� �'�. A�,ai��t�t �T€�.�►t3.�n ��i�tx R88:Rr3�ts�tm �n�« � �a+�s Faul D�h „` . � �s�,�� � � � ����� ���� Novambex �7, 1972 Abr. Ii�nx�y Jackson Aeting Se�ter Engin�ax Dlpartanent of Publie Works Desac Mr. Jackson: puxsu,ant to your request, I have set fbrth herQin information p�rti:��it to the pro�e!rty assessmen-t for �,he proposed ir.�pravement described as; 5-0�60-E1 - St. An�ho�► P�rk Storrn S�wer System The total estimated amount 1^�CfOb�erabl� by as�essment is $71,�4C�.04 based on the folloxing es�jr�ated Assessment ra�es: A$� Res�.denti�,]. Propexty $0.022� �er sq. ft. `�C" Reaidenti�.l., Commercial $0.43 " s.nd Industxi�.]. Prop�z'ty The rates quoted harein are subject to chang� b�aed on pasaibl.e incr�se far th� �e�rt yer�r's pro�.r�m, as may be approved by t2xe C�.ty C�r�ail. The aatount recover- able by as�ea�ment �hould be adequate Yor eatimate purposes. Please inec�rposate -�he fol].cnring r�ddi.tional eoets in Lhe estinwated to'�al e�cPendi- tures fcr this im�rovemenf;. Valuation and As�essment Serv3ces $1,�00.00 Miacellaneous Cost,� 3,3�•� Enclosed is our esti.m�te ma� for your` inlorm�►tion and use. Pleaae re�urn at yottz� canvenience. - 0�ry truly yours, Roy L. Bred�,hl, Jr. Aesistant Va2uation Engineer � REB:RSRsdm Enc. ec; Pe�ul Desch _: - s ��-�.:<, r�-. �-� _- � ; �. � , � t�� �� � �i .. . � ������ p����4 .� � } ..�F.` � +'Y^� '��4 ��Mr.r�1.r . � l�io �11i�r Pair1�J. �er+►� y � � t: \ 4'� �' � . ���r C ` g „ Ho�ntit eY e, a fro i, -C Av �to� Io C+N�d A , � AF �d Attlnue; f YMO � irom, Dudley Al6�ne to Knap�,��St t a�ld, ?trom Sciidder Btreet to-�` ee4�3dutl� 'of �lake Avenue; in �FIYT from Dudley Avenue to H ' �A e- nue; in HENDON,AVENUE Yi e �'Street to- C eve}And Avenue; ' U- FORb A��:�rom Gran;ham.Street to 'Hythe 3tre�C'k and from Clevel8nd Avexiue to d Ai+enue;in C�RAN- TH�E'�d STR�oa►Dudl Avenue to Buferd Avenne?��� ia C ItD �STREET from Dtttlley Avenae t app Street; in D09WELL A � from' Grantham Street to Hythe'S1a�e�k and' from'�aymond Av �ti ,a�d � x �� - — Keeton "Stree�Gord A� ue� imn sn KNAP�;gTREET frOm. ymoRd Ave- nuVE���Iillside Av ; in.COMO A from Luther ce �p'Knapp I Place and from Raleigh eet .Gibbs Aveaue; in KNAPP PLA fr�I,AC�omo FO�u PARK�T fro�o dc�.,,FiRD nue K�n�p eet� A1NG7� P W�6� KhaZi� Street�0 35Q feet u OY leke Avenue• in KE8-. TOV� �eqai Carter Av�i?ugON Co nw �:Avenue• in �,T,�7ttp A 2 r Avenyg tb $ud- �IoW Aveaue ph from Scuddct Street ,to.R8ym ond A" ue• in BI.,�KE AVE'- sI�E trom L� Avenue��g Langford ' Bark Weet '"m Raym�nd Avenue . to Len ord 1�ark East; in ATTY xSTFjl��fsDm Scudder Street to-,Ray- mond AJdiae; in PRI3CTLLA 31ZiEET frorq Raymond Avenue to, p1N ve- nue: in ,C3IBB8 AVENUE o AvepueP to T�aso fro�B v e P'i�RD ARII q to 350 feet South,�and all to be �ao�vn. e $� AN'TFIONY PARK 9TORM Lrlt'�JY'$TEM (5-0480E-1) and (3-. 0 -2), under Administrative. Orde� D-888�apy�lqved June 7, 1873. L.����Coti13ci1 oi the�ly of Saint Paul lia .�+eceiv �h e ,repo rt of the �;idboVe i�provement, �an c ed said report, ':t�erbib�' . 1�.Tha e�'� , p8lt e1Rd'° the � same. here Y' oved"�arlth no alterna vea and tLe����s ted I : epat•thereot�� 1$0 00�(S-0lpE- 1) �756,775.0�1 ( -04�0$-9).}, 2. T�iet;,:a` ptiYi�ic hearing�,.pe had on.'dai1� itnprovettsent on "the ,. �8t�� d�a of Se 1 b r 1873 at 'E�o c1 � f�"C3uncil Chambers of the� Hqil and C64rt 8ouse Buli in tS� City ? of Saint Paul. ` 9. That notYee ot said ptAi2ic he�'Ing be yiven to the pereons an+d in ,,,,,th�ae�n�er�� p�p ided by the � tating�.�.•:�ime and t�h�e i�nproVeme� aMd r�"�total •• � cost therlGf as estimateds No. 17690. ' �ppted by the Counc3l A gust 15, i �_. Approved'°Au�ak 18,2D7i. (Auguet 25. 1�7d) i