02-335ORIGINAL l Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Committee: Date o�, RESOLVED, that the Second-Hand Dealer license held by Budget Appiiance, Inc. d/b/a Budget Appliance (License ID Number 19990002814) for the premises located at 1315 Rice Street is hereby suspended immediately for failure to pay delinquent license fees. Said suspension shall be in effect until such time as the license fees and any late charges or penalties have been paid in full and written notice of the lifting of said suspension has been provided to the licensee by the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. This Resolution and the action taken above are based upon the £acts contained in the March 12, 2002 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee. The licensee did not contest the facts of the violation. Adopted by Council: Date f�,��c�y Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Apps Council Fiie # p 1 3 3 S Green Sheet # y�33 5 � RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Requested by Department oE: � OFFICE GF LIEP Date: �. xoqer Curtis, Director April 16 zoo2 GREEN SHEET � 266-9013 NO . 4 0 3 3 5 7 bz-�� � �, 1 EPAATMENT DIRECPOR 4 ITY COpNCIL ,� 'Z ITY A'tl'ORNEY ITY CLERR � ust be OTl C01111C11 Agenda• �°°•°� �ET DIRBCPOR IN. & MGP. SVG DIR. ril 24 2002 Consent Yox (OR ASSISTANT) AL # OF SIGNATDRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: That the Second-Hand Dealer license held by Budget : ppliance, Inc. d/b/a Budget Appliance (License ID # 19990002814) for the remises located at 1315 Rice Street be suspended immediately. CODII�NDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) BRSONAL SffitVICB CONTRACTS M[f5T ANSWER T88 FOLLOWING: PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE 1. Has the person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department� , OMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE _ BUSINESS REVIEW Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? � OUNCIL YES NO , STAFF _ Does this personlfirm possess a skill not nornially possessed by any Current City employee? DISTRZCT COURT _ YES NO laia all YES aaswers oa a seDarate sheet and attach. � UPPORTS WtIICH COUNCIL O&TECTIVE? INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): icensee, after repeated notification, failed to pay 2001-2002 license fees. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: , ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: : ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES O UNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER INANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) ���� ��Y��P.� ;�?w',�. L `� 2��2 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Manuel Z Cervnntu, C+tyAltorney O�.•335 CITY OF SA1NT PAUL a,,,1D,,,u,on Randy C. Kelly, Mayor 400 Ciry Hnl1 TelepGone: 65l 266-8710 ISii'estKel/oggBlvd Facsimile:651298-56/9 Saint Pattl, Mirtnuota 55102 i ApR111�20�2 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Owner/Manager Budget Appliance 1315 Rice Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 RE: Second-Hand Dealer license held by Budget Appiiance, Inc. d/bla Budget Appliance for the gremises at 1315 Rice StreeY, in Saint Paul License ID #: 19990002814 Dear Sir/Madam: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, Apri124, 2002 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enciosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts concernin� the failure to pay license fees has not been denied. As indicated, this matter has been placed on the consent agenda portion of the City Council meeting, during which no public discussion is allowed. The recommendation of the license office will be for the immediate suspension of your license. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, �C/C/L_ �L����� Virgima D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Christine Rozek, LIEP Kathy Cole, Executive Director, District 6 Planning Council, 1061 Rice St., St. Paul, MN 5 5 1 1 7-4920 AA-ADA-EEO Employer UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER o � , �� s Licensee Name: Budget Appliance, lnc, d!b/a Budget Appliance Address: Council Date: Violation: License Type: 1315 Rice Street Wednesday, April 24, 2002 Failure to Pay 2001-2002 license fees Second-Hand Deater License Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Immediate Suspension of Second-Hand Dealer License Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. License Information Report 4. February 12, 2002 letter from Christine Razek to {icensee 5. License information AA-ADA-EEO Employer OFFI� �F THE CITY ATTORNBY Mamre� , ,;en�nntes, Ciry Attorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL 0� 3'.tS Civi! Dirisioa Rnndy C. Ke11y, bfa}�or 40Q Ciry Hnll Telephone: 651 266-5710 !S 4Yest Kelfogg Bfed fncrimiler 651293-56I9 Sairt� Prsul, Alinneso�a 55102 � March 12, 2002 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Owner(Manager Budget Appiiance 1315 Rice Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 RE: Second-Hand Dealer license held by Budget Appliance, Inc. dlb/a Budget Appliance for the premises at 1315 Rice Street, in Saint Paul License ID #: 19990002814 Dear Sir/Madam: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against the Second-Hand Dealer license held by Bud�et Appliance, for the premises at 1315 Rice Street in Saint Paul, Minnesota. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On February ]2, 2002 a letter was sent to you by the Office of LIEP advising you that your license fees for 2001-02 rr•ere delinquent and that you had until February 22, 2002 to pay. The fees have not been paid and you have not notified the Office of LIEP that you are no longer operating in Saint Paul. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter admitting that they are true. The matter will then be scheduled for a hearin� before the Saint Paul City Council to determine what penatty, if any, is appropriate. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. The recommendation from the licensing office is for the immediate suspension of your license until all license fees and late fees have been paid in full. You may also pay the sum to the Office of License, Inspections and Em�ironmental Protection immediately to take care of this matter. If you wish to dispute the facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearin� before an administrative lawjudge. If you tivish to have such a hearing, please send a letter stating that yvu are contesting the facts. You will then be sent a notice of hearin� �vith the date, time and place for the hearin„ the name of the administrative law judge, and an explanation of the procedures. Pa�e 2 Budget Appliance March 12, 2002 oa-��s Please let me kno�v in writing no later than Friday, March 22, 2002, how you wish to proceed. If you have not contacted me by Friday, March 22, 2002, I will assume that you are not contesting that the license fees have not been paid. I will then schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it placed on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty will be imposed. If you have questions about these options, please feel free to contact me at 266-8710 to discuss them. Sincerely, �� �/c�wc��� �v�.c� a Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Ctuistine Rozek, LIEP Kathy Cole, Executive Director, District 6 Planning Council, 1061 Rice St., St. Paul, MAI 55117-4920 O1-1 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMSNTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on March 14, 2002, she served the attached I�SOTICE OP VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Owner/Manager Budget Appliance 1315 Rice Street St. Paul, MN. 55117 (which is the last known address of said person) depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United SCates mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of_ March, 2p02. Notary Publ P£TER P. PAhG�01��! NOTARYpUQUC • MMfiE$dtA MY CtlfdMlSAIdN EXaIf2F8 JA^J. �Ji, �� O�. • �3� � � 0 x i .. W O y r O r � O d V N � J � R a n 0 � O a K c O :' � E L M�. � m N c N U J N � R � � � m � 6 U � J � � C � � N N Q a -6 �� N S N � C C U � J d � 0 N �I N .Oi � � V M J� Nj0 N O CIO U � J � �a N u� F" N� �W U ��� 4�no ('J �LJ � � w U Z Q J �, a �a Q z W m � p0 � m U z W U 2 Q � J (�piQ �CI o�� a ° � �U C 7 O U v m � � o � m � X ll.� y c � � n E � Z U 0 a U C R � C N E NI Z � N Q OI U� N V c @ � c m` a � 3 Z N c � O � L a ,�, y � N � N m C v� N � m � �Z H � Z W H � O � m ro � _ M M O N � � 3 > LL � o � o � >. O d 'a� o Ua comp aQy y > �" �a `� '� U U R a o`_ �� ' ltl O �� �. U f1 U.�-. ��N O 0,�,0 J Q N E d0� y y O "O N ` fl N 0 N N d Q � Q. � y .0 N� w Q U (6 N > i.. � � � O �' m � a�'o "• ��.'� p E >:w o �o oU �� "� n�� �� o, c N�NU Oc � � a�3 Qa� °mo cNO - oV?�� (� N �'6 C N N C C ul 7 O- (6 d t4 C F"'d a�ga� C o N mm"- � ._ N — G� V� � N N N���6 � � a�i a °��`oC�" U � ��n. T L � 'O (6 t� �a �n. Ydyy m ro Q � � � y U � N �O_ � L �. ' O U O d J U U@ p Z y_J W m Y m ZO��t � a d NN N �N �.-- 00 00 r y Q p@040 � O �q 00003= otioUO o NNNN� NTN� O N N N y C C� Q '� O� � N = �� C �D�. O'00 t ch�c�w °' o °�� . O o 0 o V E V o� o N O� o S CITY OF SAII�iT PAUL Narm Coleman, Mayor � February 12, 2002 Budget Appliance Inc. Budget Appliance Contact: Charles A. Rychlicki, Ir. 1033 Hubbard St. St. Paul, MN 55104 RE: License ID #19990002814 OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND �3S ENVIRON�SENTALPROTECTION O�� Roberr Kusler, Director LOP/RYPROFESSIONAL BUILDING Telephone: 651-?66-9090 350 St. Pe1er Sireet, Saite 300 Facsimile: 651 ?66-9099 SaintPaul, Mirsnesotn 55702-IS10 651-266-9124 On OS/15/2001 your license for a Second Hand Dealer-Single Location expired in the City of Saint Paul. The fees now due aze: $ 66.00 35.00 $ 101.00 License Fee Late Fees Total These outstanding fees must be paid within ten (10) days or your license will be marked "Out of Business" effective February 22, 2002. Please note that without a current license you are not authorized to conduct business in the City of Saint Paul. ' If you have any questions regazding this action or wish to notify this office of a change of business location or status, please contact me at (651) 266-9108. Sincerely, ��� �. ���- Christine A. Rozek Deputy Director CAR/jl o�_��s Invoice ❑ Check this box if making any name, mailing address or phone # corrections. Please write the changes on this form. if your business license address is changing, please request a new business license application. February 11, 2002 To: BUDGETAPPLIANCEINC BUDGET APPLIANCE CONTACT: CHARLES A RYCHIICK( JR 1033 HUBBARD ST ST PAUL MN 55104 HOME PHONE:657�88-7414 BUS�NESS PHONE: 6 7 2-363518 7 l'ransaction Description Inv: 284715 990002814 Second Hand Deafer-Single Location Expires: 05/15/2001 @ 1315 RlCE ST Inv: 284834 Late Fee 7-30 days late (10%) Inv: 284897 Late Fee 31-60 days late (10%) inv: 284978 Late Fee 61-90 days late (10°Jo) Inv: 285042 Late Fee 91-12� days late (10°!0) Late Fee 121+ days late (10%) Requirements CITY OF SAINT PAUL O�ce of License, Inspections & Environmental Protection 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300 Saint Paul, MN 55102-1510 PHONE: (651)266-9090 FAX: (651) 266-9124 Invoice # : 286432 Invoice Oue Date: Upon Receipt Account Balance: S101.00 Pay this Amount: 510�.00 Transaction Totaf 66.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 Invoice Amount Due: $101.00 Your account is overdue. Pfease mail payment today!! oa. -�35 DOG LICENSE AND COMPETENCY CARD RENEWALS DO NQT NEED TO COMPLE7E 7HE WORKERS COMPENSATION INFORMATfON FOR BUSINESS LICENSE RENEWAL ONLY: CERTIFICATION OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVER4GE PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTE §176.186 I hereby certify that I, or my company, am in compliance with the workers' compensation insurance coverage requiremenis of Minnesota statute f176.�82, subdivision 2. 1 also understand that provision of false information in this certification constitutes sufficient grounds for adverse action agai�st all licenses held, including revocation and suspe�sion of said licenses. Name of Insurance Company: Policy Number: Coverage from Licensee / Applicant Signature (REQUIRED FOR ALL RENEWALS) Remit Payment to: The City of Saint Paul O�ce of LIEP 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300 Saint Pauf, MN 55102-1510 Make Checks Payable to: The City of Saint Paul to Date Dog Licenses and Alarm Permits may be renewed online at <www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/liep> Ciick the ONLINE LICENSES link. *'*"*"`�*`*"""' PAYMENT CAN NOW BE MADE BY CREDIT CARDlf! `�*""�'"'*""�'� IF PAYING BY CREDtT CARD PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: � MasterCard Date: Name of Cardholder (please print) � Visa Amountc Charge: $ Signature of Card Holder (required for all cnarges) EXPIRATION DATE: ACCOUNT NUMBER: Licanse Group Comments Text Licensee: gUDGE7APPLIANCEINC �BA� BUDGET APPLIANGE License#: �9990002814- oa -��s 03f02/2002 R���I�.l�D t�AR (l �. Zu�t �ITY A�Tt�RNEY 03/OZ/2002 No payment. To CAO for adverse action. CAR OZ/12/2002 �elinquent letter sent- must submif fees by 02l22/2002.d1 08/24/2007 Licensee came in to pay, per his letter, 566.00 for license which had expiration date of 5/15/2000, that's all the money he had so he vrill he in on Monday 8127f2001 to pay for Vicense to 2002. KRD OS/74/2001 Notice of Delinquent license fees from CAO. Owes 566 plus late fees. Given to 08/24l2�01 to respond. CAR 07/282001 License fees still not paid. To CAO for adverse action. CAR 03/07/2001 Expired lice�se and invoice mailed. �icensee given 30 days to pay -waive all late fees. CAR 03/02/2001 KS has noted that business is open.Approve for Fire to issue already expired license. CAR d ��'S�.S Nd6lL ��N� ;'r�rojs:piaooyfg� �� � .. . . � . _ . . . . . . , {=`z ,��.�...._[. . . _ . I�w9 "NO'z � J/�oysry{oisa6uay�aneg bL8Z0006�#asuaa�� 00'99E �leyol 00'998 N t00USW50 666VSVS0 2J uayaoo�ai6uiS-��IgappusHpuoo25 �„7 L8LS69£2L9d:auo4dsnB `JNION3 �PlxelsaleS r , = -, s�uawwo� 3JNdlldda 13'Jdf1� �80 — aasua�� Jld 3JNbllddtl 13'JOfi� .aasua�i� vay�a� 5iy iaa'Aetl o� Ui aumo aasuaor7 L007IbUB ' -- '-- "- — — 1C'ZOOUZ7IL �'IntmoJ�!0 i h9 saa7 EwGns W�+"Y�s sa77al Wanbuila0 ZOOZILIR %a�snid���' �y :P�eM � t 'uogaeas�an e�o a � LLISS :d2 N .ais{5' P 107J al'Wawhed oN Z0071LNE � � :s7uawwo� tlna� asuaoi� V7tr'd 1� :A�� �I ` �� :#YUfI �J AuIAWI' —J .uoiAanp 15 :atl/�133a�15 '.xDJ � 3JI�' _ Yufl i sWawwo�uoiUyasianpy I SLE :#i�a.� �ai�Q 3NMJ0�'NOqNfiSV �W7P�a��abid � B��!}}ou� � aasuaori � Ayratlmd �j aiyq �sWawannbaa � pupg I aouamsN saddAroi� I I asuaoi� a �� 3JNVi'Iddb' 13`Jdfl$ 70p a �� �M 3�NYI�ddV 13'JOfI� �sua�i� W° '"S �M�` ut4 wud xed 3tlAi . C�' ,�. �Z. W ' � $ , ❑ - . q .. _ . .. '" "'. ..' `..... $.: 3�PPb' �C ` tQ 14d02C � �(�[�i�l ��Tl+ojs?�iadad.tg.I ,;','�,-.�'D�+?�!l� .��!l5dfA3� ��A°�7a?dSdIlJ3� ..'CxW-asma+w��9 Ne�g� —_ ___. . .. . � � _ _ .. —.. I i.� . _ � droA= - �. ���: ���,'�– r . _� J J�o�siH o� sa6uay� ana5 �,„ : ":saNatlo7E �ep�� Ssa�PPVasWa�J lae.".`.'...�.�.,.�.�.r.��:.'��.t,�„xF",�.`."�.�.'�y,�.y.�.", �eyw�oll�W J . —:ol aoionulBeW ssaippy/ asua�� � 7�e1�� ol i!Qlq J —:oy asuaoil I.row� J P��ay wnoasb 000aroao D60�Od :P.�aa Suvic�l qy pppp�pp� =`s2t}ratl0.� OOObONO 'tlwo�s,�aH�oM J�pJOid��oN �JNION3 3�NbilddV 13°JOfI� - a�.hc�. . �w a�NO�iaav i3�an$ 'sy�awannbay I puog I a�ue�nsu� I sad.tl'�!l � aasueai 3�Ntr7lddV13`JO(i� V9p �� . DiJ13�NVI1ddV1300f1�aesuaorl i y �-l."-' "�� �,;. p asuao�� i�o-. �S, �„� P�i�apo� ax j qy� �YJ �R�z213'�R�o'J bV PI Xel saisg ti raa �z,�o 2weN aasueal zi;g � asuaoi� �'� a�g . '.p . +. 'w!W: kd. �tlJ.j ., ' :..�;: - $ ;' ,7�.f3�,5 31 Pad ..�F.� ,,,( PanMoy M�4� Puna6�osg ORIGINAL l Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Committee: Date o�, RESOLVED, that the Second-Hand Dealer license held by Budget Appiiance, Inc. d/b/a Budget Appliance (License ID Number 19990002814) for the premises located at 1315 Rice Street is hereby suspended immediately for failure to pay delinquent license fees. Said suspension shall be in effect until such time as the license fees and any late charges or penalties have been paid in full and written notice of the lifting of said suspension has been provided to the licensee by the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. This Resolution and the action taken above are based upon the £acts contained in the March 12, 2002 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee. The licensee did not contest the facts of the violation. Adopted by Council: Date p„��ay Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Apps Council Fiie # p 1 3 3 S Green Sheet # y�33 5 � RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Requested by Department oE: � OFFICE GF LIEP Date: �. xoqer Curtis, Director April 16 zoo2 GREEN SHEET � 266-9013 NO . 4 0 3 3 5 7 bz-�� � �, 1 EPAATMENT DIRECPOR 4 ITY COpNCIL ,� 'Z ITY A'tl'ORNEY ITY CLERR � ust be OTl C01111C11 Agenda• �°°•°� �ET DIRBCPOR IN. & MGP. SVG DIR. ril 24 2002 Consent Yox (OR ASSISTANT) AL # OF SIGNATDRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: That the Second-Hand Dealer license held by Budget : ppliance, Inc. d/b/a Budget Appliance (License ID # 19990002814) for the remises located at 1315 Rice Street be suspended immediately. CODII�NDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) BRSONAL SffitVICB CONTRACTS M[f5T ANSWER T88 FOLLOWING: PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE 1. Has the person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department� , OMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE _ BUSINESS REVIEW Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? � OUNCIL YES NO , STAFF _ Does this personlfirm possess a skill not nornially possessed by any Current City employee? DISTRZCT COURT _ YES NO laia all YES aaswers oa a seDarate sheet and attach. � UPPORTS WtIICH COUNCIL O&TECTIVE? INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): icensee, after repeated notification, failed to pay 2001-2002 license fees. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: , ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: : ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES O UNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER INANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) ���� ��Y��P.� ;�?w',�. L `� 2��2 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Manuel Z Cervnntu, C+tyAltorney O�.•335 CITY OF SA1NT PAUL a,,,1D,,,u,on Randy C. Kelly, Mayor 400 Ciry Hnl1 TelepGone: 65l 266-8710 ISii'estKel/oggBlvd Facsimile:651298-56/9 Saint Pattl, Mirtnuota 55102 i ApR111�20�2 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Owner/Manager Budget Appliance 1315 Rice Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 RE: Second-Hand Dealer license held by Budget Appiiance, Inc. d/bla Budget Appliance for the gremises at 1315 Rice StreeY, in Saint Paul License ID #: 19990002814 Dear Sir/Madam: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, Apri124, 2002 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enciosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts concernin� the failure to pay license fees has not been denied. As indicated, this matter has been placed on the consent agenda portion of the City Council meeting, during which no public discussion is allowed. The recommendation of the license office will be for the immediate suspension of your license. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, �C/C/L_ �L����� Virgima D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Christine Rozek, LIEP Kathy Cole, Executive Director, District 6 Planning Council, 1061 Rice St., St. Paul, MN 5 5 1 1 7-4920 AA-ADA-EEO Employer UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER o � , �� s Licensee Name: Budget Appliance, lnc, d!b/a Budget Appliance Address: Council Date: Violation: License Type: 1315 Rice Street Wednesday, April 24, 2002 Failure to Pay 2001-2002 license fees Second-Hand Deater License Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Immediate Suspension of Second-Hand Dealer License Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. License Information Report 4. February 12, 2002 letter from Christine Razek to {icensee 5. License information AA-ADA-EEO Employer OFFI� �F THE CITY ATTORNBY Mamre� , ,;en�nntes, Ciry Attorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL 0� 3'.tS Civi! Dirisioa Rnndy C. Ke11y, bfa}�or 40Q Ciry Hnll Telephone: 651 266-5710 !S 4Yest Kelfogg Bfed fncrimiler 651293-56I9 Sairt� Prsul, Alinneso�a 55102 � March 12, 2002 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Owner(Manager Budget Appiiance 1315 Rice Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 RE: Second-Hand Dealer license held by Budget Appliance, Inc. dlb/a Budget Appliance for the premises at 1315 Rice Street, in Saint Paul License ID #: 19990002814 Dear Sir/Madam: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against the Second-Hand Dealer license held by Bud�et Appliance, for the premises at 1315 Rice Street in Saint Paul, Minnesota. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On February ]2, 2002 a letter was sent to you by the Office of LIEP advising you that your license fees for 2001-02 rr•ere delinquent and that you had until February 22, 2002 to pay. The fees have not been paid and you have not notified the Office of LIEP that you are no longer operating in Saint Paul. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter admitting that they are true. The matter will then be scheduled for a hearin� before the Saint Paul City Council to determine what penatty, if any, is appropriate. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. The recommendation from the licensing office is for the immediate suspension of your license until all license fees and late fees have been paid in full. You may also pay the sum to the Office of License, Inspections and Em�ironmental Protection immediately to take care of this matter. If you wish to dispute the facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearin� before an administrative lawjudge. If you tivish to have such a hearing, please send a letter stating that yvu are contesting the facts. You will then be sent a notice of hearin� �vith the date, time and place for the hearin„ the name of the administrative law judge, and an explanation of the procedures. Pa�e 2 Budget Appliance March 12, 2002 oa-��s Please let me kno�v in writing no later than Friday, March 22, 2002, how you wish to proceed. If you have not contacted me by Friday, March 22, 2002, I will assume that you are not contesting that the license fees have not been paid. I will then schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it placed on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty will be imposed. If you have questions about these options, please feel free to contact me at 266-8710 to discuss them. Sincerely, �� �/c�wc��� �v�.c� a Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Ctuistine Rozek, LIEP Kathy Cole, Executive Director, District 6 Planning Council, 1061 Rice St., St. Paul, MAI 55117-4920 O1-1 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMSNTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on March 14, 2002, she served the attached I�SOTICE OP VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Owner/Manager Budget Appliance 1315 Rice Street St. Paul, MN. 55117 (which is the last known address of said person) depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United SCates mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of_ March, 2p02. Notary Publ P£TER P. PAhG�01��! NOTARYpUQUC • MMfiE$dtA MY CtlfdMlSAIdN EXaIf2F8 JA^J. �Ji, �� O�. • �3� � � 0 x i .. W O y r O r � O d V N � J � R a n 0 � O a K c O :' � E L M�. � m N c N U J N � R � � � m � 6 U � J � � C � � N N Q a -6 �� N S N � C C U � J d � 0 N �I N .Oi � � V M J� Nj0 N O CIO U � J � �a N u� F" N� �W U ��� 4�no ('J �LJ � � w U Z Q J �, a �a Q z W m � p0 � m U z W U 2 Q � J (�piQ �CI o�� a ° � �U C 7 O U v m � � o � m � X ll.� y c � � n E � Z U 0 a U C R � C N E NI Z � N Q OI U� N V c @ � c m` a � 3 Z N c � O � L a ,�, y � N � N m C v� N � m � �Z H � Z W H � O � m ro � _ M M O N � � 3 > LL � o � o � >. O d 'a� o Ua comp aQy y > �" �a `� '� U U R a o`_ �� ' ltl O �� �. U f1 U.�-. ��N O 0,�,0 J Q N E d0� y y O "O N ` fl N 0 N N d Q � Q. � y .0 N� w Q U (6 N > i.. � � � O �' m � a�'o "• ��.'� p E >:w o �o oU �� "� n�� �� o, c N�NU Oc � � a�3 Qa� °mo cNO - oV?�� (� N �'6 C N N C C ul 7 O- (6 d t4 C F"'d a�ga� C o N mm"- � ._ N — G� V� � N N N���6 � � a�i a °��`oC�" U � ��n. T L � 'O (6 t� �a �n. Ydyy m ro Q � � � y U � N �O_ � L �. ' O U O d J U U@ p Z y_J W m Y m ZO��t � a d NN N �N �.-- 00 00 r y Q p@040 � O �q 00003= otioUO o NNNN� NTN� O N N N y C C� Q '� O� � N = �� C �D�. O'00 t ch�c�w °' o °�� . O o 0 o V E V o� o N O� o S CITY OF SAII�iT PAUL Narm Coleman, Mayor � February 12, 2002 Budget Appliance Inc. Budget Appliance Contact: Charles A. Rychlicki, Ir. 1033 Hubbard St. St. Paul, MN 55104 RE: License ID #19990002814 OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND �3S ENVIRON�SENTALPROTECTION O�� Roberr Kusler, Director LOP/RYPROFESSIONAL BUILDING Telephone: 651-?66-9090 350 St. Pe1er Sireet, Saite 300 Facsimile: 651 ?66-9099 SaintPaul, Mirsnesotn 55702-IS10 651-266-9124 On OS/15/2001 your license for a Second Hand Dealer-Single Location expired in the City of Saint Paul. The fees now due aze: $ 66.00 35.00 $ 101.00 License Fee Late Fees Total These outstanding fees must be paid within ten (10) days or your license will be marked "Out of Business" effective February 22, 2002. Please note that without a current license you are not authorized to conduct business in the City of Saint Paul. ' If you have any questions regazding this action or wish to notify this office of a change of business location or status, please contact me at (651) 266-9108. Sincerely, ��� �. ���- Christine A. Rozek Deputy Director CAR/jl o�_��s Invoice ❑ Check this box if making any name, mailing address or phone # corrections. Please write the changes on this form. if your business license address is changing, please request a new business license application. February 11, 2002 To: BUDGETAPPLIANCEINC BUDGET APPLIANCE CONTACT: CHARLES A RYCHIICK( JR 1033 HUBBARD ST ST PAUL MN 55104 HOME PHONE:657�88-7414 BUS�NESS PHONE: 6 7 2-363518 7 l'ransaction Description Inv: 284715 990002814 Second Hand Deafer-Single Location Expires: 05/15/2001 @ 1315 RlCE ST Inv: 284834 Late Fee 7-30 days late (10%) Inv: 284897 Late Fee 31-60 days late (10%) inv: 284978 Late Fee 61-90 days late (10°Jo) Inv: 285042 Late Fee 91-12� days late (10°!0) Late Fee 121+ days late (10%) Requirements CITY OF SAINT PAUL O�ce of License, Inspections & Environmental Protection 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300 Saint Paul, MN 55102-1510 PHONE: (651)266-9090 FAX: (651) 266-9124 Invoice # : 286432 Invoice Oue Date: Upon Receipt Account Balance: S101.00 Pay this Amount: 510�.00 Transaction Totaf 66.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 Invoice Amount Due: $101.00 Your account is overdue. Pfease mail payment today!! oa. -�35 DOG LICENSE AND COMPETENCY CARD RENEWALS DO NQT NEED TO COMPLE7E 7HE WORKERS COMPENSATION INFORMATfON FOR BUSINESS LICENSE RENEWAL ONLY: CERTIFICATION OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVER4GE PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTE §176.186 I hereby certify that I, or my company, am in compliance with the workers' compensation insurance coverage requiremenis of Minnesota statute f176.�82, subdivision 2. 1 also understand that provision of false information in this certification constitutes sufficient grounds for adverse action agai�st all licenses held, including revocation and suspe�sion of said licenses. Name of Insurance Company: Policy Number: Coverage from Licensee / Applicant Signature (REQUIRED FOR ALL RENEWALS) Remit Payment to: The City of Saint Paul O�ce of LIEP 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300 Saint Pauf, MN 55102-1510 Make Checks Payable to: The City of Saint Paul to Date Dog Licenses and Alarm Permits may be renewed online at <www.ci.stpaul.mn.us/liep> Ciick the ONLINE LICENSES link. *'*"*"`�*`*"""' PAYMENT CAN NOW BE MADE BY CREDIT CARDlf! `�*""�'"'*""�'� IF PAYING BY CREDtT CARD PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: � MasterCard Date: Name of Cardholder (please print) � Visa Amountc Charge: $ Signature of Card Holder (required for all cnarges) EXPIRATION DATE: ACCOUNT NUMBER: Licanse Group Comments Text Licensee: gUDGE7APPLIANCEINC �BA� BUDGET APPLIANGE License#: �9990002814- oa -��s 03f02/2002 R���I�.l�D t�AR (l �. Zu�t �ITY A�Tt�RNEY 03/OZ/2002 No payment. To CAO for adverse action. CAR OZ/12/2002 �elinquent letter sent- must submif fees by 02l22/2002.d1 08/24/2007 Licensee came in to pay, per his letter, 566.00 for license which had expiration date of 5/15/2000, that's all the money he had so he vrill he in on Monday 8127f2001 to pay for Vicense to 2002. KRD OS/74/2001 Notice of Delinquent license fees from CAO. Owes 566 plus late fees. Given to 08/24l2�01 to respond. CAR 07/282001 License fees still not paid. To CAO for adverse action. CAR 03/07/2001 Expired lice�se and invoice mailed. �icensee given 30 days to pay -waive all late fees. CAR 03/02/2001 KS has noted that business is open.Approve for Fire to issue already expired license. CAR d ��'S�.S Nd6lL ��N� ;'r�rojs:piaooyfg� �� � .. . . � . _ . . . . . . , {=`z ,��.�...._[. . . _ . 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