02-334OR(GINAL Presented By Referred To Council File # �Z � 3'3y Green Sheet # �"�03�J Sg RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a� Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 RESOLVED, that the Bituminous Contractor license held by Gangi Asphalt & Landscaping, Inc. (License ID Number 20000002209) is hereby suspended immediately for failure to submit the required replacement bond. Said suspension shall be in effect until such time as the required replacement bond has been submitted and written notice of the li$ing of said suspension has been provided to the licensee by the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. This Resolution and the action taken above are based upon the facts contained in the February 5, 2002 Notice of Violarion letter to the licensee. The licensee did not contest the facts of the violation. OFFICE oF LIEP Date: GREEN SHEET Roger Curtis, Director April 16,,2002 266-9013 No . 4 0 3 3 5 8 0l•�'`� 1 EPARTt�NT DZRSCIYIR 4 ITY CODNCIL ITY ATtY)RNEY ITY CLSRR x��seu ust be OTl Council Agenda• �°°° gT DIRECTOR IN. & MGT. SVC. DIR. . ,� ril 24 20 2 Cons nt sox �ox assisTarrr� TAL # OF SIGNATQRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR S IGNAZ'URE ) CTION REQUESTED: That the Bituminous Contractor license held by Gangl sphalt and Landscaping, Inc. (License ID # 20000002209) be suspended immediately, COMMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR R&TECT (R) BRSONAL SBRVICE CONTRACTS M[7ST ANSWSR T88 FOLlAWING: PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE 1. Has the person/firm ever worked under a contract for this depaztment? OMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE _ BUSINESS REVIEW 2. Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? OUNCIL Y£S NO STAFF _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a ski11 not nosmally possessed by any � Current City employee? DISTRICT COURT _ YES NO laia all YsS aaswera oa a seyarate sheat and attaeh. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Vdhere, Why): The sidewalk bituminous bond, required as a condition of this business license; had been canceled. Licensee was given until November 13, 2001 to provide information about a replacement bond. As of today's date, 'licensee failed to submit roof of a replacement bond. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES O UNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER INANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) R,��eaPCtt �°�t�t I.n_�. ''�i4, � � �Yl� OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY MnnuelJ. Cen•nrttes, CiryAttorney oz -a� CITY OF SA1NT PAUL av,rD;�rsron Rnndy C. Ke11y, Mayor 400 Ciry Hn11 Telephone: 6511668il0 ISWestKelloggBhd. Facsimi(e:65I29S-5679 Sain[ P¢ul, bfinrsuotn 55/02 i April 12, 2002 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Roger Gangl Gangl Asphalt & Landscaping, Inc. 2122 80"' Street East Lino Lakes, Minnesota 55038 RE: Bituminous Contractor License held by Gangl Asphalt & Landscaping, Inc. for the City of Saint Paul License ID #: 20000002209 Dear Mr. Gangl: Piease take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 24, 2002 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts concerning the failure to submit the required replacement bond has not been denied. As indicated, this matter has been piaced on the consent agenda portion of the City Council meeting, during which no public discussion is allowed. The recommendation of the license office will be for the immediate suspension of your license. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, �/ ti�.�����.� Virgima D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Christine Rozek, LIEP AA-ADA-EEO Employer - UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER Licensee Name: Gangl Asphalt & Landscaping, Inc. Address: Council Date: Violation: License Type: 2122 80�' Street East, Lino Lakes Wednesday, April 24, 2002 Failure to Submit Replacement Bond Bituminous Contractor o ,_ 1�y Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Immediate Suspension of Bituminous Contractor License Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Viotation 3. License Information Report 4. November 2, 2001 letter from Christine Rozek to licensee 5. License information AA-ADA-EEO Employer OFFIC" `F THE CITY ATTORNEY Mnnvel�. _trvames,CityAteorney CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Randy G Kelty, �Ltayor Civil Division a0a Ciry Hnt! IS Wer[ Kellogg Blcd. Saint Pau1, hfinnuota 55102 oa � � Te(ephone: 651 266-8710 Facsimile: 65/ 298-56l9 February 5, 2002 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Roger Gan�l Gangl Asphalt & Landscaping, Inc. 2122 80` Street East Lino Lakes, Minnesota 55038 RE: Bituminous Contractor License held by Gangl Asphalt & Landscapin„ Inc. for the City of Saint Paul License ID #: 20000002209 Dear Mr. Gangl: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) has recommended adverse action against the bituminous contractor license heid by Gangl Asphalt & Landscaping, Inc. in Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On November, 2001 the Office of LIEP sent you notice that the sidewalk/bituminous bond, required as a condition of your business license, had been canceled. You were given untii November 13, 2001 to provide information about a replacement bond. As of today's date, you have failed to respond to that letter and have not provided the necessary information. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter admitting that they are true. The matter will then be scheduled for a hearin� before the Saint Paul City Council to determine what penalty, if any, is appropriate. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. The recommendation from the licensing office is for the immediate suspension of your license until a replacement bond has been provided. You may also submit the required information to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection immediately to take care of this matter. Page 2 Roger Gangl February 5, 2002 �o�-� � y If you wish to dispute the facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearin� before an administrative law judge. If you wish to have such a hearina, please send a letter statin� that you are contestin� the facts. You will then be sent a notice of hearing with the date, time and place for the hearin„ the name of the administrative law jud�e, and an explanation of the procedures. Please let me know in writin� no later than Friday, February 15, 2002, how you wish to proceed. If you have not contacted me by Friday, February 15, 2002, I wili assume that you are not contesting that a replacement bond has not been provided. I will then schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it placed on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty �tvill be imposed. If you have questions about these options, please feel free to contact me at 266-8710 to discuss them. Sincerely, �/ �-���.u.�-, �` Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, LIEP o�-��y STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on February 5, 2002, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Roger Gangl Gangl Asphalt & Landscaping, Inc. 2122 80 Street E. Lino Lakes, MN. 55038 (which is the last known address of same, with postage prepaid, in the Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of February, 2002. Notary f'ET�R. P. P=.i�v�'•'J��� t�OTARY !=li. JC - NiMYE�TR FP.'� :A'YIFdi55 Fx�"d'c5 JA'! 39 ��"'G� said person) depositing the oa-��4 � � 0 x �... W O ��n � < � O d tJ N O7 J O n. N O � O Q d O.' C O .� � L ° c m N C N V ...� N � � � W � N c N � a a�i > V U J Q O U � N C m p °' U �--� tn N � ,� o C C � � U � J m 0 O N � < d � � m � N Z N w o U O J N � W W � N � N = 'O O � � � ¢ N M N � N tn c� 2 Q � J Q N = �a N Q Z J m � 0 Z Q � J ��IZ (�p�Q ZIU` C Q_' O�W �I� aio � �U C 3 O U � N � N N O W c� y o C O — N 0 N n O � a � � Z U . a M N � V c � � ya � � — U N W Z Z c � � � Q � � U Z � C W � � � � N W C � � a � � Z N C ti o � L . Q. � N � N N N � C 7 � m � � � O N � F ,� 0 W H � _ 0 � N N N N� �' (0 a E� �Q � _ o o � �U> .o wa � � J � � � � � � G O C� C N Q� ( n O' 0� C� . C C� � � W � `6 Q ry C�p �p V C y �p Q N U�p_ U��rno. oy QQ^�axi om�yc%�`o �� '�Uo`oa� "- N�O N � C p_ "6 � M C C ' � U C O N�p C� M O f6 a� o vi > > > C� V>. C N O � � �N �YOO a y� C N� o-C °�oU�W � y� �°�N�= N O i J N U� � q U� 3 U (6 m y O C O�� L V �� � t d N N`' U'D=p •...0 01 C� O-O"a O N O N a N'O Q=p rA i� O y N � c � c o E'°U � a�3Na ° cco' �a��- oc�jE o ah � � -°�w.wo'� a� `m�po� N �� � N N�` � � � O O� U� C O �� m �(p 7� M d.' �' �Q c Q. ' Z in 9(6 � � d J N rA N(6 i Y 'p Z (� . (� C � � � N.'� N C C C C N 000 �O 030����ooa0000�o N mN � N� y NN.��-N NNN�� �.YQ O N O( �Nr V'm R` N �N U�'U7 Q NOa-O N�O O � 0 3o m �'� �o��°000 a`o OFFICE OF L[CENSE, IDiSPECT10tiS AND ENVIRON�tENTAL PROTECTION ^ RogerCnrfis, Director O�_J ,�y CITY OF SAINT PAUL �Yornt Cetemars, hfayor November 2, 2001 20000002209 Roger Gangl Gangl Asphalt & Landscaping Inc. 2122 - 80�' St. East Lino Lakes, MN 55038 RE: Cancelled Bond Dear Licensee: LOiYRYPROFESSIONAL BUlLDLVG TelrpGone: 65l-266-9090 350 St. Pe�erStreet, Sui[e 300 Facsimif<: 65l-166-9/24 Saint Pnul, Nfinnesotn SSl02-!S/0 Web: www.ci.s�pauLmn.us/liep After reviewing your business license for Bituminous Contractor in the City of Saint Paul, our office has determined that your bond has been cancelled. In order to remove the hold that has been placed on your license, the following requirements must be met: Submit a Sidewalk/Bituminous bond in the amount of $5,000.00 for the period of July 6, 2001 through July 20, 2002. The bond must have no lapse in coverage. (Note: The bond expiration date must coincide with the license expiration date of July 20, 2002 or be filed as continuous.) You hace until Tuesday, November 13, 2001 to respond by submittin� the required papenvork . If there is no response received by Tuesday, November 13th, this office will begin the administrative hearing process to suspend your license until all requirements are met. You have the opportunity to appeal the City's decision through this proceeding. If you have any questions, please contact Laura at 651-266-9102. Regards, ��.lf�� Christine A. Rozek LIEP Deputy Director .,�• ���, CAR/lab License Group Comments Text L:eensee: ROGER GANGL DBA: GANGL ASPHALT & LANDSCAPING INC License #: 20000002209 0 1/25/200: ba- 0125l2002 No bond. To CAO for license inspedion. CAR 7 �/02l2001 Sent letter regarding candd bond. Must submii bond by 17/13/Ot. LAB 70/Ot/2001 Sentietterrequestingcurrentbond. LAB OS/21/2000 Ins and renewal request letter sent. CAA 06/14/2000 Refund of 5123.00 pracessed V-330.3727.ES OS/OSl2000 Mailed 6ond back to have it put on eortect bond form, pro rate fee for 3 months to expire wifh insurance expiration date of 720/2000. KRD o � ��y Adtlress Lic�ee I CaNect � License � Caroiwkierl "'_ - ' LiCenue Neme _' '. . .. ." _" "' QBA ANGL ASPHALT Sales 7� IQ �— ��+-., _' .. `B�e���� wt:m,p�, �S� " w k _,���, �R°F`X.:£? p;� 7:21 ba-'J 3'-1 At1CLE ��' L� ��"��r-� Licravsx OGH2GANGL _ ' _ � �'�I`��-'�,....�_- DBA MGLASPNALTBLNDSCAFWGQJC �. �. ' '' __' " ' '" '__ _ ' " _ " Sale. �ense licensee Lic.Types , Insvar�ce �.. _ gp� Requ'vercrerRs _ �. ".. .. _ � '�' %opnty r Licensee �` Unofficiel � PfojectFaN3ator. ASUNqON,COPoNI� ;F, ' Street Y: 122 Ativerse Acllrn Lommp,rps Street Neme: OTN Street Type: T� Dvectian: �— UnA Ind �— Un0 #: � �Y WO UVCES Littnse Group Corrvner2s , Stete: MN Zip 55p� 1RSR002 Na band. To CAO iw Gcense suspwsion �*:n^FS_, 1A22(7�7 Serd letter regerdcy cane'tl borN. Mus[ . ubmII band hY 11713N7. LAB — -- _ OA1 f2001 Serd Ie11er repuestinq pmer6 bontl. Lqg � Llcensee: OGER GANGL Licensee � DBA: ANGI ASPHALT 8 LANDSCAPWO P1C ��� � ?+�.'M`�; � Sales Tax id 44260818 Bus Phon� 65114�f 26-969] � crtuminousc:Ormector ___'___R__ :License# 00002209 Seve _' – ,.:�+ x,:.;: ���..:ir: ;`k::::ai{`, . - . _. .- . '. , . . . . . - , . . _ . . oa-3�y lice S.�s?:�. �r,�J.: " r4�'. LicenSee O(+`Ef2GANGL <Fiy:� �''��Frira `;&3g':� :.�FYn;� Swome QBp DBA M1GL ASPFIRLT 8 LANDSCA.PWG WC Sele License Licensee � ��, 7 I y � g � ftequ'vemerds I , Licansee Neme: OGER GANOL �,.��. ��,�vF'::r.- DBA ANGL ASPHALT 8 LANDSCAPING WC ' SalesTa<Id 44260878 Non-ProtQ:rvVarket'sComFe OA0.9000 .�.�;�Pe,�?4:� . AA CmHred fteckt AIOlU000 pq TraNing Rec'Q OAOA000 : AA Fee CoOeded: N000 Discqm[ ReNd r C¢her A mc Licenses Fnanciel Hold fteasons O�FIXr � k°°�`^ c;e�ct�s��''_' 1 Cwdact3 iathis L'��G � " � � (�� .�YP��C�,'�. - �� �-Md�ans�Ta: � . . �� .. �� �� r Meil To Cardact� '' .�i"'�eit gusinessRdO5N9fApp00NON00iGANGL ' _ ' _ROGH� =qNNF� (657)42fi9497v1('LicroseACdress � Mad Invaice Ta � r � w r hlal To CoMac[ �� N•^ <�:s°'a s ^.':�" '`�`a zSk:.,: ".�t�,., . ' _ .. . = w .. a _ . _ .'� � 4Cen6e Adtlress Beckgrouitl Check Rapuretl � ��nywy�' ��r� � :ense # 00�022(19 Seve Chenaes to Hatorv � .?s .._ e.^ ==:�n:�- r�x:� �r..c ..::: .w-�;. �. ��� . ; �7���?r7".'. -.s ' ' Famtl o,,.�� y �. ��w. =;e�r._: ��"a; �� .. . Sale License - ' Licetue Typ� ' � B�tl Type: � Bwid A: . i ComPeny. ! AdtlreSs ; PYrorre t �* � ��� ���oo��.�o� -- DBA lWGL q$pWtLT 8 LNDSG4PING WC l Licensee l Lic.Types l 4iswance Bond �Requcements i d�minous Crntrxtor � iofl � S�tlewalk Bond 20002330 ' � _ ) • i Amount ; Etfective ' ' Expvffiiort �—� CoNirwous: 8ontl Rec'd Cancded Cencel ftec'd �.k'et A9enty: f . ._ _ � Atldress: . Phore C �� ('pr2e�t ":3!ac1+.�l� Y��S�` ��i License �"�, i o� ti �:s�> OR(GINAL Presented By Referred To Council File # �Z � 3'3y Green Sheet # �"�03�J Sg RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a� Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 RESOLVED, that the Bituminous Contractor license held by Gangi Asphalt & Landscaping, Inc. (License ID Number 20000002209) is hereby suspended immediately for failure to submit the required replacement bond. Said suspension shall be in effect until such time as the required replacement bond has been submitted and written notice of the li$ing of said suspension has been provided to the licensee by the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. This Resolution and the action taken above are based upon the facts contained in the February 5, 2002 Notice of Violarion letter to the licensee. The licensee did not contest the facts of the violation. OFFICE oF LIEP Date: GREEN SHEET Roger Curtis, Director April 16,,2002 266-9013 No . 4 0 3 3 5 8 0l•�'`� 1 EPARTt�NT DZRSCIYIR 4 ITY CODNCIL ITY ATtY)RNEY ITY CLSRR x��seu ust be OTl Council Agenda• �°°° gT DIRECTOR IN. & MGT. SVC. DIR. . ,� ril 24 20 2 Cons nt sox �ox assisTarrr� TAL # OF SIGNATQRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR S IGNAZ'URE ) CTION REQUESTED: That the Bituminous Contractor license held by Gangl sphalt and Landscaping, Inc. (License ID # 20000002209) be suspended immediately, COMMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR R&TECT (R) BRSONAL SBRVICE CONTRACTS M[7ST ANSWSR T88 FOLlAWING: PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE 1. Has the person/firm ever worked under a contract for this depaztment? OMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE _ BUSINESS REVIEW 2. Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? OUNCIL Y£S NO STAFF _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a ski11 not nosmally possessed by any � Current City employee? DISTRICT COURT _ YES NO laia all YsS aaswera oa a seyarate sheat and attaeh. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Vdhere, Why): The sidewalk bituminous bond, required as a condition of this business license; had been canceled. Licensee was given until November 13, 2001 to provide information about a replacement bond. As of today's date, 'licensee failed to submit roof of a replacement bond. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES O UNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER INANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) R,��eaPCtt �°�t�t I.n_�. ''�i4, � � �Yl� OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY MnnuelJ. Cen•nrttes, CiryAttorney oz -a� CITY OF SA1NT PAUL av,rD;�rsron Rnndy C. Ke11y, Mayor 400 Ciry Hn11 Telephone: 6511668il0 ISWestKelloggBhd. Facsimi(e:65I29S-5679 Sain[ P¢ul, bfinrsuotn 55/02 i April 12, 2002 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Roger Gangl Gangl Asphalt & Landscaping, Inc. 2122 80"' Street East Lino Lakes, Minnesota 55038 RE: Bituminous Contractor License held by Gangl Asphalt & Landscaping, Inc. for the City of Saint Paul License ID #: 20000002209 Dear Mr. Gangl: Piease take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 24, 2002 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts concerning the failure to submit the required replacement bond has not been denied. As indicated, this matter has been piaced on the consent agenda portion of the City Council meeting, during which no public discussion is allowed. The recommendation of the license office will be for the immediate suspension of your license. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, �/ ti�.�����.� Virgima D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Christine Rozek, LIEP AA-ADA-EEO Employer - UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER Licensee Name: Gangl Asphalt & Landscaping, Inc. Address: Council Date: Violation: License Type: 2122 80�' Street East, Lino Lakes Wednesday, April 24, 2002 Failure to Submit Replacement Bond Bituminous Contractor o ,_ 1�y Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Immediate Suspension of Bituminous Contractor License Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Viotation 3. License Information Report 4. November 2, 2001 letter from Christine Rozek to licensee 5. License information AA-ADA-EEO Employer OFFIC" `F THE CITY ATTORNEY Mnnvel�. _trvames,CityAteorney CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Randy G Kelty, �Ltayor Civil Division a0a Ciry Hnt! IS Wer[ Kellogg Blcd. Saint Pau1, hfinnuota 55102 oa � � Te(ephone: 651 266-8710 Facsimile: 65/ 298-56l9 February 5, 2002 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Roger Gan�l Gangl Asphalt & Landscaping, Inc. 2122 80` Street East Lino Lakes, Minnesota 55038 RE: Bituminous Contractor License held by Gangl Asphalt & Landscapin„ Inc. for the City of Saint Paul License ID #: 20000002209 Dear Mr. Gangl: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) has recommended adverse action against the bituminous contractor license heid by Gangl Asphalt & Landscaping, Inc. in Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On November, 2001 the Office of LIEP sent you notice that the sidewalk/bituminous bond, required as a condition of your business license, had been canceled. You were given untii November 13, 2001 to provide information about a replacement bond. As of today's date, you have failed to respond to that letter and have not provided the necessary information. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter admitting that they are true. The matter will then be scheduled for a hearin� before the Saint Paul City Council to determine what penalty, if any, is appropriate. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. The recommendation from the licensing office is for the immediate suspension of your license until a replacement bond has been provided. You may also submit the required information to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection immediately to take care of this matter. Page 2 Roger Gangl February 5, 2002 �o�-� � y If you wish to dispute the facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearin� before an administrative law judge. If you wish to have such a hearina, please send a letter statin� that you are contestin� the facts. You will then be sent a notice of hearing with the date, time and place for the hearin„ the name of the administrative law jud�e, and an explanation of the procedures. Please let me know in writin� no later than Friday, February 15, 2002, how you wish to proceed. If you have not contacted me by Friday, February 15, 2002, I wili assume that you are not contesting that a replacement bond has not been provided. I will then schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it placed on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty �tvill be imposed. If you have questions about these options, please feel free to contact me at 266-8710 to discuss them. Sincerely, �/ �-���.u.�-, �` Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, LIEP o�-��y STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on February 5, 2002, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Roger Gangl Gangl Asphalt & Landscaping, Inc. 2122 80 Street E. Lino Lakes, MN. 55038 (which is the last known address of same, with postage prepaid, in the Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of February, 2002. Notary f'ET�R. P. P=.i�v�'•'J��� t�OTARY !=li. JC - NiMYE�TR FP.'� :A'YIFdi55 Fx�"d'c5 JA'! 39 ��"'G� said person) depositing the oa-��4 � � 0 x �... W O ��n � < � O d tJ N O7 J O n. N O � O Q d O.' C O .� � L ° c m N C N V ...� N � � � W � N c N � a a�i > V U J Q O U � N C m p °' U �--� tn N � ,� o C C � � U � J m 0 O N � < d � � m � N Z N w o U O J N � W W � N � N = 'O O � � � ¢ N M N � N tn c� 2 Q � J Q N = �a N Q Z J m � 0 Z Q � J ��IZ (�p�Q ZIU` C Q_' O�W �I� aio � �U C 3 O U � N � N N O W c� y o C O — N 0 N n O � a � � Z U . a M N � V c � � ya � � — U N W Z Z c � � � Q � � U Z � C W � � � � N W C � � a � � Z N C ti o � L . Q. � N � N N N � C 7 � m � � � O N � F ,� 0 W H � _ 0 � N N N N� �' (0 a E� �Q � _ o o � �U> .o wa � � J � � � � � � G O C� C N Q� ( n O' 0� C� . C C� � � W � `6 Q ry C�p �p V C y �p Q N U�p_ U��rno. oy QQ^�axi om�yc%�`o �� '�Uo`oa� "- N�O N � C p_ "6 � M C C ' � U C O N�p C� M O f6 a� o vi > > > C� V>. C N O � � �N �YOO a y� C N� o-C °�oU�W � y� �°�N�= N O i J N U� � q U� 3 U (6 m y O C O�� L V �� � t d N N`' U'D=p •...0 01 C� O-O"a O N O N a N'O Q=p rA i� O y N � c � c o E'°U � a�3Na ° cco' �a��- oc�jE o ah � � -°�w.wo'� a� `m�po� N �� � N N�` � � � O O� U� C O �� m �(p 7� M d.' �' �Q c Q. ' Z in 9(6 � � d J N rA N(6 i Y 'p Z (� . (� C � � � N.'� N C C C C N 000 �O 030����ooa0000�o N mN � N� y NN.��-N NNN�� �.YQ O N O( �Nr V'm R` N �N U�'U7 Q NOa-O N�O O � 0 3o m �'� �o��°000 a`o OFFICE OF L[CENSE, IDiSPECT10tiS AND ENVIRON�tENTAL PROTECTION ^ RogerCnrfis, Director O�_J ,�y CITY OF SAINT PAUL �Yornt Cetemars, hfayor November 2, 2001 20000002209 Roger Gangl Gangl Asphalt & Landscaping Inc. 2122 - 80�' St. East Lino Lakes, MN 55038 RE: Cancelled Bond Dear Licensee: LOiYRYPROFESSIONAL BUlLDLVG TelrpGone: 65l-266-9090 350 St. Pe�erStreet, Sui[e 300 Facsimif<: 65l-166-9/24 Saint Pnul, Nfinnesotn SSl02-!S/0 Web: www.ci.s�pauLmn.us/liep After reviewing your business license for Bituminous Contractor in the City of Saint Paul, our office has determined that your bond has been cancelled. In order to remove the hold that has been placed on your license, the following requirements must be met: Submit a Sidewalk/Bituminous bond in the amount of $5,000.00 for the period of July 6, 2001 through July 20, 2002. The bond must have no lapse in coverage. (Note: The bond expiration date must coincide with the license expiration date of July 20, 2002 or be filed as continuous.) You hace until Tuesday, November 13, 2001 to respond by submittin� the required papenvork . If there is no response received by Tuesday, November 13th, this office will begin the administrative hearing process to suspend your license until all requirements are met. You have the opportunity to appeal the City's decision through this proceeding. If you have any questions, please contact Laura at 651-266-9102. Regards, ��.lf�� Christine A. Rozek LIEP Deputy Director .,�• ���, CAR/lab License Group Comments Text L:eensee: ROGER GANGL DBA: GANGL ASPHALT & LANDSCAPING INC License #: 20000002209 0 1/25/200: ba- 0125l2002 No bond. To CAO for license inspedion. CAR 7 �/02l2001 Sent letter regarding candd bond. Must submii bond by 17/13/Ot. LAB 70/Ot/2001 Sentietterrequestingcurrentbond. LAB OS/21/2000 Ins and renewal request letter sent. CAA 06/14/2000 Refund of 5123.00 pracessed V-330.3727.ES OS/OSl2000 Mailed 6ond back to have it put on eortect bond form, pro rate fee for 3 months to expire wifh insurance expiration date of 720/2000. KRD o � ��y Adtlress Lic�ee I CaNect � License � Caroiwkierl "'_ - ' LiCenue Neme _' '. . .. ." _" "' QBA ANGL ASPHALT Sales 7� IQ �— ��+-., _' .. `B�e���� wt:m,p�, �S� " w k _,���, �R°F`X.:£? p;� 7:21 ba-'J 3'-1 At1CLE ��' L� ��"��r-� Licravsx OGH2GANGL _ ' _ � �'�I`��-'�,....�_- DBA MGLASPNALTBLNDSCAFWGQJC �. �. ' '' __' " ' '" '__ _ ' " _ " Sale. �ense licensee Lic.Types , Insvar�ce �.. _ gp� Requ'vercrerRs _ �. ".. .. _ � '�' %opnty r Licensee �` Unofficiel � PfojectFaN3ator. ASUNqON,COPoNI� ;F, ' Street Y: 122 Ativerse Acllrn Lommp,rps Street Neme: OTN Street Type: T� Dvectian: �— UnA Ind �— Un0 #: � �Y WO UVCES Littnse Group Corrvner2s , Stete: MN Zip 55p� 1RSR002 Na band. To CAO iw Gcense suspwsion �*:n^FS_, 1A22(7�7 Serd letter regerdcy cane'tl borN. Mus[ . ubmII band hY 11713N7. LAB — -- _ OA1 f2001 Serd Ie11er repuestinq pmer6 bontl. Lqg � Llcensee: OGER GANGL Licensee � DBA: ANGI ASPHALT 8 LANDSCAPWO P1C ��� � ?+�.'M`�; � Sales Tax id 44260818 Bus Phon� 65114�f 26-969] � crtuminousc:Ormector ___'___R__ :License# 00002209 Seve _' – ,.:�+ x,:.;: ���..:ir: ;`k::::ai{`, . - . _. .- . '. , . . . . . - , . . _ . . oa-3�y lice S.�s?:�. �r,�J.: " r4�'. LicenSee O(+`Ef2GANGL <Fiy:� �''��Frira `;&3g':� :.�FYn;� Swome QBp DBA M1GL ASPFIRLT 8 LANDSCA.PWG WC Sele License Licensee � ��, 7 I y � g � ftequ'vemerds I , Licansee Neme: OGER GANOL �,.��. ��,�vF'::r.- DBA ANGL ASPHALT 8 LANDSCAPING WC ' SalesTa<Id 44260878 Non-ProtQ:rvVarket'sComFe OA0.9000 .�.�;�Pe,�?4:� . AA CmHred fteckt AIOlU000 pq TraNing Rec'Q OAOA000 : AA Fee CoOeded: N000 Discqm[ ReNd r C¢her A mc Licenses Fnanciel Hold fteasons O�FIXr � k°°�`^ c;e�ct�s��''_' 1 Cwdact3 iathis L'��G � " � � (�� .�YP��C�,'�. - �� �-Md�ans�Ta: � . . �� .. �� �� r Meil To Cardact� '' .�i"'�eit gusinessRdO5N9fApp00NON00iGANGL ' _ ' _ROGH� =qNNF� (657)42fi9497v1('LicroseACdress � Mad Invaice Ta � r � w r hlal To CoMac[ �� N•^ <�:s°'a s ^.':�" '`�`a zSk:.,: ".�t�,., . ' _ .. . = w .. a _ . _ .'� � 4Cen6e Adtlress Beckgrouitl Check Rapuretl � ��nywy�' ��r� � :ense # 00�022(19 Seve Chenaes to Hatorv � .?s .._ e.^ ==:�n:�- r�x:� �r..c ..::: .w-�;. �. ��� . ; �7���?r7".'. -.s ' ' Famtl o,,.�� y �. ��w. =;e�r._: ��"a; �� .. . Sale License - ' Licetue Typ� ' � B�tl Type: � Bwid A: . i ComPeny. ! AdtlreSs ; PYrorre t �* � ��� ���oo��.�o� -- DBA lWGL q$pWtLT 8 LNDSG4PING WC l Licensee l Lic.Types l 4iswance Bond �Requcements i d�minous Crntrxtor � iofl � S�tlewalk Bond 20002330 ' � _ ) • i Amount ; Etfective ' ' Expvffiiort �—� CoNirwous: 8ontl Rec'd Cancded Cencel ftec'd �.k'et A9enty: f . ._ _ � Atldress: . Phore C �� ('pr2e�t ":3!ac1+.�l� Y��S�` ��i License �"�, i o� ti �:s�>