262153 WH17E - CI TY CLERK � 1 ����' � PI�li4 � -��I'NANCE COUI1C11 � BLUERY - MAVORTMENT GITY OF� SAI�NT PALTL File NO. 4' un il Resolution , Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS� The Department of Community Services, Housing Code Division� ha.s issued an order to the owner of the property loca.ted at 1558 So. Point Douglas Road to abate a nuisance located on said property; and WHEREAS, The owner of said property within seven days of the notice, as specified by the City Council ordina.nce, has filed an appeal to the City Council for a review of the order issued by the said Department of Community Services for the abatement of the nuisance located on said property; and WHEREAS, A public hearing was held before the City Council, and the Council does hereby make the following order: BE IT RESOLVED� Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby confirm and ratify the order issued by the Cit3r' s Department of Community Services dated August 2, 1973, and the owner of the property at 1558 So. Point Douglas Road is hereby ordered to immediately and forthwith remove the specific dangerous and visible items constituting a nuis�nce located on this property, and that the remainder of the refuse and brush rema.ining on this property be removed on or before July 1, 1974, and in the event this order is not complied with, the Depa.rtment of Community S�rvices ma.y abate the nuisance and bring the cost incurred for such abatement to the City Council for purposes of assessing the same against the affected property in accordance with the Charter of the City of Saint Paul and the ordina.nces of the City. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �gr Nays Konopatzki � In Favor Levine �ficac Roedler � Against BY Tedesco Mme.President H[QC�t H11ri't Adopted by Council: Date SEP 1 4 i973 Form Approved by ity t r y Certifi ed by Co ' S y By By Approved b Ma Date � Approved by Mayor r Su ission to Council gy BY �u�ttco SEP 2 2 1973 . � . xsxoRax � v � �t Mr. �'ra�ak S�atl+�n�, Aatisi�g snd Huileling Code Snioroemer� � IM'T�s Aagust lg, 19'� FRqis l�rr. A3. Olsat�, City Clerk's t'KY'i� � �ti '��f 3.�� ti� �Cu. M��. t2tIDt�R:�'r 3k �tT� Ol1 � $� Abataaeat spgeal oi l4. Curtis Bt�ckherrdt �or p�'opsr�Y at 1g58 8auth Paint Do�glaa l�oad. 1ir. 3�go1, s�ggesta�d !�►t T pravi8e yc� �rlth u aap�r of a por�vio�s r��talntic� c�fira�g s stt�saiy absta�tt order snd he �vg�ested tba� 3r+� pre�'e a similar rssoltttim for pr�esea�t#aetioa t�c tl�e t�mail o� Angu�t 28, 1973, sho�ld #,he► t:c�cil coa�ir�a t.Ls a+�r�► �tmr�nt c►rdar. �' ,,' FiLED av� 7 s 49 a� �7� Portfolio Management, Inc. CITY CLERK�S OFfICE Curtis E. Burckhardt—President ST PAllL� MiNN. 2469 University Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55114 612-645-3677 Mobile Phone 612-535-7804 August 6, 1973 Clerk, City of St. Paul Room 386, City Hall St. Paul , MN 55102 Dear Clerk of the City of St. Paul : Please be advised that I hereby request a hearing before the City Council in regard to alleged refuse and brush on my property at 1558 S. Point Douglas Road cited as a nuisance on July 30, 1973, by the St. Paul Div- ision of Housing and Building Code Office. I understand that you will notify me in writing as to when this matter will be heard, and that no action will be taken pending the results of the hearing. Sincerely, ,,.`�. . ) .... ....,.. '�,G * ��� ��L ��__ urtis E. Burckhardt CEB:gg cc:Frank Staffenson Division of Housing & Code Enforcement 445 City Hall St. Paul , MN 55102 .��'..� ` � � � ,��� �./_"� ,,.. V ^ �/ ...���-, '�` � � � �/-� � � � , ��- t�.t�gti a t 2, 19T 3 N!r. Cur�is E. E3urek��dt 2�b9 University Ave�u� at. P�ul, MN 5513.4 Dear �ir: Cn JuZy 3J, 1973, an inspe�ti.on o� your property at 1558 So. ?�oint Dougias Road was ma�e and the fallc�rai�q nui�ance exi�ts: Re£u s� and Bru�h. A r+�insp�ction o�f th� �bov� propert�r �rill �e co�ductec3 oA Au�ust 13. 1973, to ��tarmira� if �h�* c�n�ition h�s b�en corr�cte�. You are aa[it�.ad to app��l. thi� ord�r by r�qu�s�ing a gublie 'h�3sin� 'b��or� th� �ity Cc�un�il. I f ynu wx�nt the op�ortun�.ty for a hearinq, yo� mu�� ��3.e � writ��r� raauast w�.th th+� City �lerk, rocam 385, Cit�r Fi��I. and �our±: House withiA �even i7} �ays of this n4t3er�. You will th�n be notified by th� C�.�� �'l�r� when �h0 h��rzt�c� will b� h��d. You �.re entitl�ei tc� repre�e�t�tion �t this 2�e�rinq. Should the �?�ov� nuf.��nce r�m�.in on �he d�te a.� r�i��p�c�ioa �nd no reque�t for h��ring bc� fii�d. w� wi11 take the nr�c$��ax-y actio� to �bat� the nuis�ae� and �hg co,t� incurr�c3 will be �}i�tged ���in�t the real �sta�� �� :� spQCi:�l �ss�s�:nent to bc� collectec� in the s�:me rn�nn�r �.� taxe�. �hould yt>u h�ve �ny �uestions coneerr�inc� this oz�dRr, pl��se ca12 2�8-5644, Division of Housing and B�i2ding Cod� Enforc�m�nt. Yaurs tru�y Rran� A. St�L�en�on Sugervi3oe-Kausinq Cod�s �'pg:utv ecs City Clerk' s �ffice . September 14, 1973 Mr, Curtis E. Burakhardt 2469 Univereity Av�riuc St. Paul, Minneaota ��114 Dear si.r; I am tranemi�ting to yau a copy of Reaol.utiCn� C.F. 26?153� adapted by the City Ccaucxc�.1, c�n Sept�nber 1�+, perts�.ning tc� th� abate�nt of a nui$a�nce e�t 1�5$ Svuth Pta3nt Doug7.�►m Roa,d. Very txvly ynur�, City Clex'k SH/ve II�ciaaure ✓" rw ������ �_ , , ,.� August 28, 1973 Mr. Scott Davies City Attorney Attention: I�. Segal Dear Sir: The City Council todaq held a public hearing to consider an order of the Communitq Seryices DeparCment, Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement, to remove a nuisance on property owned bq Mr. Curtis Burckhardt at 1558 So. Point Douglas Road. The Council adopted a motion to require that specific dangerous and visible items be removed immediately, but that the r�mainder of the cleanup of the properCy be delayed un�il July 1 , 197k. Would you please prepare the proper reaolution confirming this actionY Very truly yours, City Clerk ABO:ml August 14, 1973 Mr. Curtis Burckhardt 2469 University Ave. St. Paul, Minn. 55114 Dear Sir: The City Council at your request, rescheduled a public hearing for August 28 to consider the order of the Community Services Dep artment, Divieion of Housing and Building Code Enforcement, to re�ve a nuisance on your property at 1558 So. Point Douglas Road. At that time, the Citq Council will hear all interested parties concerning this matter. Very truly qoura, GYty Clerk c.c. - Mr. Staffenson Building Department ABO:ml 4 .��u�uat 8= 1�73 �Rx, Cua:°tis �_,. �ux�k�Z��d� F'��I�i�i Url�vel"BJ:.fi�y .t��►"rt3a :,t. �'a�x1., ���.nnes��a 5��.14 ;�ar sir: The C�ty Coivacl�l w�.l ho].d a publi� h�aring an Thur�ci A �t 2 IJ73, at 14 a� �.1��5. �.r� th� City CQUncii C'lZambers, C:�ty I��a.11 ��� Cot�rt :��uae� tca c�zas�.cl�:r 'Ghe arc�er af the Cert�nunity S�►xv�.e�s �pt,� �iv�3.�ion o�' 'rlc�u��.z�� �c� �t'�t3.Zc�ing Cad� En�orc�me.nt, ta r�v�e a nuiaauc� on y�►u� �rr�p�rty �.t T.��$ �o. Pt. ihiuglas Ac3. At tk�� tica��, #.he City �au�x��. w�l�. ��ar ali inter�s�ecZ p�rties eanctsrn� tl�is a�tter. Your� v+�ry truly, City Clerk A'�s�m�+ cas Hu�.l.di.cag D��., �dr. Ste�'�'et�AOn ,5� ,�`��,.�. , , � . . cwi „ ` .: ;,,_ �„�a � �/ V V '� �� � ��} ~ � �� \T � �� ' //�.. y� �i�, „` V^ � r«� /v1 y.�V-yL_ W�. ,��� .�-�� .,�_ �.Y,,�Q. G . .� L� �/Z(,�l'l/YI' --- ��2�� ( S� (� /�O . `�j'� . � � �g����� �sz.� G�� �.�. c�.�,�Q� I���-o�-- �� � 1� - ,���--�- �y s-��� � � J �� � � To�.�, Date �/ /J1' /�.3 Time � � WHILE YOU WERE OUT M � of �..�r.��� �..l.i��h e��/�t� Phone � �. �- 3 � � 9 Area Code Number Extension TELEPHONEQ PLEASE CALL CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOD URGENT RETURNED YOUR CALL Me e , Operator EFFICIENCY� UNE No. 2725 -60 SHEET PAD �-- -..d-- --�., - �P�SER���,�?' , ��� �'�_ � ._ a� � PM � � , � ' L 'IL" `�' — i.. tdY � "_ ? s Q�G G .., i y . /97� 81Nt?i '�:;:i�ii=�iPE(l$CTQI SFRS�(-;': €� Portfolio Management, Inc. 2469 University Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55114 Clerk, City of St. Paul Room 386, City Hall St. Paul , MN 55102