02-330".'--- - �r,� ��'�; �� i � �'ti;,��t: „i=.� � � . council File # Q Z. 3 O Green Sheet # 110060 RESOLUTION Presented By Referred to CITY SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Committee: Date 2 3 4 � WHEREAS, North Da1e Recreation Center is owned and operated by the City of Saint Paul, Division of Parks and Recreation; and WHEREAS, North Da1e area resident Raymond L. Bissonnette, age 90, was one of the original signers and solicitors of signatures on the original petition to allocate resources to purchase the property at 1410 North St. Aibans Street for constructing a reczeation center; and 7 WHEREAS, Mr. Bissonnette subsequently served as a volunteer for both youth and adult 8 activities at North Dale Recreation Center for more than 50 years, including spending many 9 suuuners giving tennis lessons to countless children in the North Dale area; and 10 11 12 13 WHEREAS, the North Dale Booster Club supports naming the two tennis courts located at North Da1e Recreation Center after Mr. Bissonnette; and WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation supports naming the tennis courts at North Dale Recreation Center the "Raymond L. Bissonnette Tennis Courts"; and i 4 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission believes "Rayxnond L. 15 Bissonnette Tennis Courts" is a suitable name for this facility consistent with the criteria set forth 16 in the policy, "Naming Parks and Recreation Sites"; and 17 WHEREAS, on March 10, 2002, the Parks and Recreation Commission approved 18 Resolution #02-11 which "endorses the proposal to name the tennis courts at North Dale 19 Recreation Center the "Raymond L. Bissonnette Tennis Courts"; now, therefore, Page 1 of 2 �`�''{��; � P � �'� 1 0�_�30 \,j ° � � t a " � Es . `... 20 BE IT RESOLVED, that the tennis courts located at North Dale Recreation Center shall 21 henceforth be known as the "Raymond L. Bissonnette Tennis Courts." r Yeas Nays Absent Benanav a/' Blakey �/' Bostrom ✓ Coleman ✓ Harris _� Lantiy _ ✓ Reiter ,� 5 , O ,� �. , Adopted by Council: Date � �O � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By Approved%b��Mayor: . '3 �'2. L� sy: Request d by: Divisi n of Parks and B �.ti�, -( � Form Approved by City BY� "% V _�--�. Approv y Mayor for Su ission Counc' ` " By: �GiC� Page 2 of 2 � O�-��o Parks and Recreation GOMACT PERSON AND PHONE Mike Rossberg 266-6447 OATE INITATED April 12, 2002 GREEN SHEET INIIIAL/DATE 1 DEPAATMENT DIPECTOP Z CT' ATTOflNEV � FINANGIAL SERVICES DIR. 3 MAYOR (OR ASSISTAN'p I NO. 110060 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY �DATE� ss�cr� NUMBER FD FlOUTING OPDER TOTAL S Of SIGNANRE PAGES � CIiP ALL LOCA710N5 FOR INITIAL/DATE 4 arr courica � CITY CLERK � FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG r J Mike Rossberg - 300 CHA ACTION REQUESiED: Signatures authorizing naming the tennis courts located at North Dale Recreation Center the "Raymond L. Bissonnette Tennis Courts." RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or RejecC (R� _ — — � ����. � _ PLANNING LOMMISSION - CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION A DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION A PAHKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION w; '. �.�.. 4. � �^. PERSONAL SERVICE CONr1iACT5 MUST ANSWEN THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: .im Has this person/f(rm ever wo�ked uatles a coni�ac[ for this depaRmen4T tl4 VES NO 2. Has this ye�sonffirm eve� been e city empbyee? YES NO 3. Does this personflitm possess a skAt not normaily possesseE by any current ary employee? YES NO Is this persoNfirm a[arge[etl ventlor? YES NO Explain all yes answers on sepamte sheet and attach to green sheet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSVE, OPPORTUNITY �Wha, What, When, WhB�e, Whyl: North Dale area resident Raymond L. Bissonnette, age 90, was one of the original signers and solicitors of signatures on the original perition to allocate resources to purchase the properiy at 1410 North St. Albans Street for constnicting a recxeation cente�� and subsequently served as a volunteer for both youth and adult activities at North Dale Recreation Center for more than 50 years> His volunteer effoits included spending many summers giving tennis lessons to counUess children in the North Aale area. The North Dale Booster Club, Division of Pazks and Recreation and Parks and Recreaiton Commission wish to honor him by naming the tennis courts at North Dale Recrearion Center the "Raymond L. Bissonnette Tennis Courts." ADVANTAGES IF APPROVE�: A fitting honar will be bestowed on Raymond L. Bissonnette, a 50 yeat volunteer at North Dale Recreation Center, by uamiug the tennis courts there after him. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED� None. DISA�VANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED The opportunity to bestow a fitting honor on Raymond L. Bissonnette, a 50 yeaz volunteer at North Dale Recreation Center, by nanung the tennis courts there after him will be lost. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TPANSACTION S COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO � FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVfTY NUMBEN FINANCIAL INFORMATION: �EXPLAIN7 ".'--- - �r,� ��'�; �� i � �'ti;,��t: „i=.� � � . council File # Q Z. 3 O Green Sheet # 110060 RESOLUTION Presented By Referred to CITY SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Committee: Date 2 3 4 � WHEREAS, North Da1e Recreation Center is owned and operated by the City of Saint Paul, Division of Parks and Recreation; and WHEREAS, North Da1e area resident Raymond L. Bissonnette, age 90, was one of the original signers and solicitors of signatures on the original petition to allocate resources to purchase the property at 1410 North St. Aibans Street for constructing a reczeation center; and 7 WHEREAS, Mr. Bissonnette subsequently served as a volunteer for both youth and adult 8 activities at North Dale Recreation Center for more than 50 years, including spending many 9 suuuners giving tennis lessons to countless children in the North Dale area; and 10 11 12 13 WHEREAS, the North Dale Booster Club supports naming the two tennis courts located at North Da1e Recreation Center after Mr. Bissonnette; and WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation supports naming the tennis courts at North Dale Recreation Center the "Raymond L. Bissonnette Tennis Courts"; and i 4 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission believes "Rayxnond L. 15 Bissonnette Tennis Courts" is a suitable name for this facility consistent with the criteria set forth 16 in the policy, "Naming Parks and Recreation Sites"; and 17 WHEREAS, on March 10, 2002, the Parks and Recreation Commission approved 18 Resolution #02-11 which "endorses the proposal to name the tennis courts at North Dale 19 Recreation Center the "Raymond L. Bissonnette Tennis Courts"; now, therefore, Page 1 of 2 �`�''{��; � P � �'� 1 0�_�30 \,j ° � � t a " � Es . `... 20 BE IT RESOLVED, that the tennis courts located at North Dale Recreation Center shall 21 henceforth be known as the "Raymond L. Bissonnette Tennis Courts." r Yeas Nays Absent Benanav a/' Blakey �/' Bostrom ✓ Coleman ✓ Harris _� Lantiy _ ✓ Reiter ,� 5 , O ,� �. , Adopted by Council: Date � �O � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By Approved%b��Mayor: . '3 �'2. L� sy: Request d by: Divisi n of Parks and B �.ti�, -( � Form Approved by City BY� "% V _�--�. Approv y Mayor for Su ission Counc' ` " By: �GiC� Page 2 of 2 � O�-��o Parks and Recreation GOMACT PERSON AND PHONE Mike Rossberg 266-6447 OATE INITATED April 12, 2002 GREEN SHEET INIIIAL/DATE 1 DEPAATMENT DIPECTOP Z CT' ATTOflNEV � FINANGIAL SERVICES DIR. 3 MAYOR (OR ASSISTAN'p I NO. 110060 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY �DATE� ss�cr� NUMBER FD FlOUTING OPDER TOTAL S Of SIGNANRE PAGES � CIiP ALL LOCA710N5 FOR INITIAL/DATE 4 arr courica � CITY CLERK � FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG r J Mike Rossberg - 300 CHA ACTION REQUESiED: Signatures authorizing naming the tennis courts located at North Dale Recreation Center the "Raymond L. Bissonnette Tennis Courts." RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or RejecC (R� _ — — � ����. � _ PLANNING LOMMISSION - CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION A DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION A PAHKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION w; '. �.�.. 4. � �^. PERSONAL SERVICE CONr1iACT5 MUST ANSWEN THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: .im Has this person/f(rm ever wo�ked uatles a coni�ac[ for this depaRmen4T tl4 VES NO 2. Has this ye�sonffirm eve� been e city empbyee? YES NO 3. Does this personflitm possess a skAt not normaily possesseE by any current ary employee? YES NO Is this persoNfirm a[arge[etl ventlor? YES NO Explain all yes answers on sepamte sheet and attach to green sheet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSVE, OPPORTUNITY �Wha, What, When, WhB�e, Whyl: North Dale area resident Raymond L. Bissonnette, age 90, was one of the original signers and solicitors of signatures on the original perition to allocate resources to purchase the properiy at 1410 North St. Albans Street for constnicting a recxeation cente�� and subsequently served as a volunteer for both youth and adult activities at North Dale Recreation Center for more than 50 years> His volunteer effoits included spending many summers giving tennis lessons to counUess children in the North Aale area. The North Dale Booster Club, Division of Pazks and Recreation and Parks and Recreaiton Commission wish to honor him by naming the tennis courts at North Dale Recrearion Center the "Raymond L. Bissonnette Tennis Courts." ADVANTAGES IF APPROVE�: A fitting honar will be bestowed on Raymond L. Bissonnette, a 50 yeat volunteer at North Dale Recreation Center, by uamiug the tennis courts there after him. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED� None. DISA�VANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED The opportunity to bestow a fitting honor on Raymond L. Bissonnette, a 50 yeaz volunteer at North Dale Recreation Center, by nanung the tennis courts there after him will be lost. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TPANSACTION S COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO � FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVfTY NUMBEN FINANCIAL INFORMATION: �EXPLAIN7