262091 WH17E - CITY CLERK CO11f1C11 . ��/.f�� PN�4K -'R'INANCE �GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARY - DEPARTMENT rti i�vvrv�! BLUE - MAYOR File NO. a ` , ncil Resolution Presented By i � , Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Cota.ncil of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve Applications for Abatement submitted by the Housing � and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul to abate and cancel assessments for flushing� street oiling, alley oiling and tree-trimming cha.rges on the grounds tha.t the Housing and Redevelop- ment Authority by statute is exempt from payment of assessments for local improvements; this cancellation of assessments affecting those real properties located within the City of Saint Paul and as more pa.rticularly described in the Applications for Abatement as iden- tified in the attached ;letter from the Ramsey County Department of Property Taxation and dated August 8� 1973; and the City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Director of the Ra.msey County Depa.rtment of Property Taxation. �. COUNCILMEN Yeas Butler Nays Requested by Department of: �x Konopatzki � In Favor Levine J Meredith Against BY �t�c Roedler Tedesco Mme.President7�E H113rit Adopted by Council: Date S�P � 1 197`� Form Approved by City At orney Certi 'e ed by C nci tary y BY By Approved M or• Date � # Approv y �EaI or for Su mission to Council . . By pu�us��o $�P 15 l9 3 By ; . , � 262t191 D�PARTMENT OF PR�PERT� TAXATION COUNTY OF RA�'VISEY ' 126 Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 L.OU McKENNA DIVISION MANAGERS: Direct�r � William E. Carfson J�HN A. KLEIN Rroperry Valuation AdministrativeAssistant William M. Kiileen Revenue AU�''US t $� I.973 C. Thomas Osthoff Land Reeords €�t�. Ha.rr� �Iarshall City Clerk Aoom 38b Court House Attention: Prtr. Albert B. Olson Council Aecorder � 8E: Applications for abatement submitted by Housing & Fiedeveloprnent Authority. Dear Sir: Enclosed are copies of the following abatem�nts: 85716 8�821 85923 85920 85929 �5932 �5999 8�7�3 85822 8592� �59�7 $5930 85933 8bo22 8575� 85823 85925 85928 85431 85995 86oz� There are assessments levied against �the various parceis ��h�� are to be c,.r_celled. by resolution of the City Council, as folloyvs : Flush Street Alley Tree ?l�,rd (� 2 Oil �#36) Oil (i#37) Trim (�'i�) 3 �1�1.38 � z8.56 �163.66 �� 5.10 b 22.34 8.62 � 18.46 7 2.54 8 9,56 12 4.22: Please take wr�atever action is nec�essary. Yours ver.y trL?ly, Lou F�IcKenna, Director ��n�rtr:� r�t of Property iaxation BZ �=�_�z�_ J _ C. � eputy DT:ay E;L��3.C:'1. , • ` � � �� � �� � September 12, 1973 IVtr, Lou McKennay Director Dept, of Property Taxation xoom i26, city �►ii St. F�t�l., Mtnnesqta I1ear Sir: Attached is a copy of C.F. Na. 262091 which apprave� the appli- cation by the Hou�ing �,nd Redevelopment Authority for abat�ment �f assessments for flushin�, street oiling, alley oiling and tre� trimming. Your� very truly, c�.ty cier� 3� Attach.