02-326r �`������-� � � � � v ;�� � RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Council File # O Z• 3 a(� Green Sheet # 106866_ Committee Date 1 2 3 4 � RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached Memorandum of Agreementbetweenthe City of SaintPaul and Tri-Council, Local 120, Local49, andLocai 132 to delineate the impact of the new title, Water Utility Aide, on employees currently working in the title of Water Utility Worker I. Yeas Na s Absent Benanav ,� Blakey r Bostrom Coleman Hams � Lac Rei Ado� Ado� By: Appi By: Requested by Department o£ Office of Labor Relations BY� ����� � DEPARTb�1VT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: DATE IlVITTATID GREEN SHEET No.: 106866 ��• 3 �� LABOR RELATIONS April 11, 2002 COIVTACT PERSOIV & PHONE: � 71V1'npLmn7'E i�v177ny�pnTE JULIE KRAUS 266-6513 ,�IGN 1 n�,�Tt�tar Dm. �� a crrr coutacn, n*�ggg 2 CItY ATl'ORNEY �� CITY CLERK MIJ5C BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) F�R BUDGEf DIIL FiN. & MGT. SEftVICE DIR ROUTING 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNAT.[IRE PAGES_I (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATORE) � ncnox �QvesrEn: Resolution approving the attached Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Saint Paul and the Tri-Council, Local 120, Loca149 and Local 132 to delineate the impact of the new title, Water Utility Aide, on employees cuFreently working in the title of Water Utility Worker I. RECO�IDA1'IONS: Approve (A) or Rejea (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MOST ANSFYER TIIE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMIvIISSION _CSVIL SERVICE CONIMISSION i. Has this person/fim� ever worked under a contract for this deparlmmt? _CIB COMhfl11'EE Yes No _STP.FF 2. Has this personlfimt evec been a ciTy employee? ffiSIRICT COURT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICH CO[7NCIL OBJECTIVE? 3. Does this persoNfvm possess a skill wt normaily possessed by any cmrent ciry employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and a[tach to green sheet 1NTTIA7'IlVG PROELEM, ISSUE, OPYORTUNTTY (Whq W hat, When, W herq Why). A new job title was created, staff worked with the bargaining unit to deternune the nnpact. ADVANTAGESIFAPPAOVED: � A smooth inuoduction of the new job tiUe. � �������� �P,�148P DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: * - None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Another agreement would have to be reached with the union. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: 0 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVII'Y NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIIV) o � _� y� , � . • MEMORANAUM OF UNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of Understanding (hzreinafter "MOU") is made and entered into this 1D_ day of��, 2002, by and between the City of Saint Paul (hereinafter "City"), and the Tri-Council, Local 120, Loca149 and Local 132 (hereinafter "Tri-Council") to delineate the impact of the new titie, Water Utility Aide, on employees cunently working in the title of Water Utility Worker I. This MOU applies to a11 individuals employed by the Saint Paul Regional Water Services in the title of Water Utility Worker I on the date of this agreement and all individuals who will be empioyed in the title of Water Utility Aide. The parties understand and agree to the following: Water Utility Worker Ps, employed by the City on the date of this MOU, shall be considered to have senioriTy in the Water Utility Aide title based on their seniority date as a Water Utility Worker I. Water Utility Worker I's can use this seniority to bump Water Utility Aides to avoid layoff. A Water Utility Worker I who is moved into one of these Water Utility Aide positions shall be paid as a Water Utility Aide. 2 Article 9.16, Seasonal Layoff, shall be amended as follows: "Article 916 shall not apply to employees in the title of Parks Worker II or Water Utilitv Aide." 3 Article 9.22 shall apply to Water Utility Aides. This MOU modifies the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City and Tri- Council. This MOU shall be included at the back of the next Collective Bargaining Agreement and shall expire when the last employee who was a Parks Worker on the date of this MOU has lefr City employment. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,� Terry altiner Labor Relations Manager Approved as to form: TRI-COLJNCIL �1/ Tom Ohlson B siness Rep., Loca1 120 arrel Hazaldson Business Rep., Loca149 Page 1 of 2 � ` z-��7� � �_ • John McCormick Assistant City Attorney • • To B w nf � Business Rep., Local 132 �� !''` i Gary Reed� Business gr., Local 132 Page 2 of 2 O �. -� �-S. o a-'�a� 'i � • MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter "MOU") is made and entered into this � day of AM , L , 2002, by and beiween the City of Saint Paul (hereinafter "City"), and the Tri-Council, Local 120, Loca149 and Local 132 (hereinafter "Tri-Council") to delineate the unpact of the new title, Water Utility Aide, on employees currently working in the title of Water Utility Worker I. This MOU applies to all individuals employed by the Saint Paul Regional Water Services in the title of Water Utility Worker I on the date of this agreement and all individuals who will be employed in the title of Water Utility Aide. The parties understand and agree to the following: Water Utility Worker Ps, employed by the City on the date of this MOU, shall be considered to have seniority in the Water Utility Aide title based on their seniority date as a Water Urility Worker I. Water Utility Worker I's can use this seniority to buxnp Water Utility Aides to avoid layoff. A Water Utility Worker I who is moved into one of these Water Utility Aide positions shall be paid as a Water Utility Aide. 2 Article 9.16, Seasonai Layoff, shall be amended as follows: "Article 9.16 shall not apply to employees in the title of Parks Worker II or Water Utilitv Aide." Article 9.22 shall apply to Water Utility Aides. This MOU modifies the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City and Tri- Council. This MOU shall be included at the back of the next Collective Bazgaining Agreement and shall expire when the last employee who was a Pazks Worker on the date of this MOU has left City employment. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,� ! Terry aitiner Labor Relations Manager Approved as to form: TRI-COUNCIL /r/rV Tom Ohlson B siness Rep., Local 120 arrel Haraldson Business Rep., Loca149 Page 1 of 2 o �..3�6 � ��� John McCormick Assistant City Attorney L� � To B w � Business Rep., Local 132 �1 ,. L;� � hi V Gary Reedj Business gr., Local 132 Page 2 of 2 r �`������-� � � � � v ;�� � RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Council File # O Z• 3 a(� Green Sheet # 106866_ Committee Date 1 2 3 4 � RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached Memorandum of Agreementbetweenthe City of SaintPaul and Tri-Council, Local 120, Local49, andLocai 132 to delineate the impact of the new title, Water Utility Aide, on employees currently working in the title of Water Utility Worker I. Yeas Na s Absent Benanav ,� Blakey r Bostrom Coleman Hams � Lac Rei Ado� Ado� By: Appi By: Requested by Department o£ Office of Labor Relations BY� ����� � DEPARTb�1VT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: DATE IlVITTATID GREEN SHEET No.: 106866 ��• 3 �� LABOR RELATIONS April 11, 2002 COIVTACT PERSOIV & PHONE: � 71V1'npLmn7'E i�v177ny�pnTE JULIE KRAUS 266-6513 ,�IGN 1 n�,�Tt�tar Dm. �� a crrr coutacn, n*�ggg 2 CItY ATl'ORNEY �� CITY CLERK MIJ5C BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) F�R BUDGEf DIIL FiN. & MGT. SEftVICE DIR ROUTING 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNAT.[IRE PAGES_I (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATORE) � ncnox �QvesrEn: Resolution approving the attached Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Saint Paul and the Tri-Council, Local 120, Loca149 and Local 132 to delineate the impact of the new title, Water Utility Aide, on employees cuFreently working in the title of Water Utility Worker I. RECO�IDA1'IONS: Approve (A) or Rejea (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MOST ANSFYER TIIE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMIvIISSION _CSVIL SERVICE CONIMISSION i. Has this person/fim� ever worked under a contract for this deparlmmt? _CIB COMhfl11'EE Yes No _STP.FF 2. Has this personlfimt evec been a ciTy employee? ffiSIRICT COURT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICH CO[7NCIL OBJECTIVE? 3. Does this persoNfvm possess a skill wt normaily possessed by any cmrent ciry employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and a[tach to green sheet 1NTTIA7'IlVG PROELEM, ISSUE, OPYORTUNTTY (Whq W hat, When, W herq Why). A new job title was created, staff worked with the bargaining unit to deternune the nnpact. ADVANTAGESIFAPPAOVED: � A smooth inuoduction of the new job tiUe. � �������� �P,�148P DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: * - None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Another agreement would have to be reached with the union. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: 0 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVII'Y NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIIV) o � _� y� , � . • MEMORANAUM OF UNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of Understanding (hzreinafter "MOU") is made and entered into this 1D_ day of��, 2002, by and between the City of Saint Paul (hereinafter "City"), and the Tri-Council, Local 120, Loca149 and Local 132 (hereinafter "Tri-Council") to delineate the impact of the new titie, Water Utility Aide, on employees cunently working in the title of Water Utility Worker I. This MOU applies to a11 individuals employed by the Saint Paul Regional Water Services in the title of Water Utility Worker I on the date of this agreement and all individuals who will be empioyed in the title of Water Utility Aide. The parties understand and agree to the following: Water Utility Worker Ps, employed by the City on the date of this MOU, shall be considered to have senioriTy in the Water Utility Aide title based on their seniority date as a Water Utility Worker I. Water Utility Worker I's can use this seniority to bump Water Utility Aides to avoid layoff. A Water Utility Worker I who is moved into one of these Water Utility Aide positions shall be paid as a Water Utility Aide. 2 Article 9.16, Seasonal Layoff, shall be amended as follows: "Article 916 shall not apply to employees in the title of Parks Worker II or Water Utilitv Aide." 3 Article 9.22 shall apply to Water Utility Aides. This MOU modifies the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City and Tri- Council. This MOU shall be included at the back of the next Collective Bargaining Agreement and shall expire when the last employee who was a Parks Worker on the date of this MOU has lefr City employment. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,� Terry altiner Labor Relations Manager Approved as to form: TRI-COLJNCIL �1/ Tom Ohlson B siness Rep., Loca1 120 arrel Hazaldson Business Rep., Loca149 Page 1 of 2 � ` z-��7� � �_ • John McCormick Assistant City Attorney • • To B w nf � Business Rep., Local 132 �� !''` i Gary Reed� Business gr., Local 132 Page 2 of 2 O �. -� �-S. o a-'�a� 'i � • MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter "MOU") is made and entered into this � day of AM , L , 2002, by and beiween the City of Saint Paul (hereinafter "City"), and the Tri-Council, Local 120, Loca149 and Local 132 (hereinafter "Tri-Council") to delineate the unpact of the new title, Water Utility Aide, on employees currently working in the title of Water Utility Worker I. This MOU applies to all individuals employed by the Saint Paul Regional Water Services in the title of Water Utility Worker I on the date of this agreement and all individuals who will be employed in the title of Water Utility Aide. The parties understand and agree to the following: Water Utility Worker Ps, employed by the City on the date of this MOU, shall be considered to have seniority in the Water Utility Aide title based on their seniority date as a Water Urility Worker I. Water Utility Worker I's can use this seniority to buxnp Water Utility Aides to avoid layoff. A Water Utility Worker I who is moved into one of these Water Utility Aide positions shall be paid as a Water Utility Aide. 2 Article 9.16, Seasonai Layoff, shall be amended as follows: "Article 9.16 shall not apply to employees in the title of Parks Worker II or Water Utilitv Aide." Article 9.22 shall apply to Water Utility Aides. This MOU modifies the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City and Tri- Council. This MOU shall be included at the back of the next Collective Bazgaining Agreement and shall expire when the last employee who was a Pazks Worker on the date of this MOU has left City employment. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,� ! Terry aitiner Labor Relations Manager Approved as to form: TRI-COUNCIL /r/rV Tom Ohlson B siness Rep., Local 120 arrel Haraldson Business Rep., Loca149 Page 1 of 2 o �..3�6 � ��� John McCormick Assistant City Attorney L� � To B w � Business Rep., Local 132 �1 ,. L;� � hi V Gary Reedj Business gr., Local 132 Page 2 of 2