262046 WHITE — CITV CIERK t (1�(���('�
C n 'l Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the Council deems it necessary and in the public interest
that advance notice be forwarded to elected officials prior to the holding
of public informational meetings by any department, bureau, agency or corrrannittee
of the City of Saint Paul , now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul :
1 . That any city personnel arranging or causing to be held any public
information meeting by or on behalf of any city department, bureau, agency,
board, comnission or advisory comnittee shall provide a minimum of five days'
advance written notice of such meeting to all members of the city council , the �
�y�,� - mayor, the city clerk, the city administrator and,the city attorney. 1!i■ii�e��,vw�� �
c�.e, may be waived in the event of an emergency.
2. For purposes of such notice, public informational meetings shall
mean any meeting for which members of the general public receive notice or
� invitation to appear for the purpose of presentation, testimony, consultation
j or otherwise.
3. Such notice shall contain the date; time and place of the meeting - -
to be held and a brief statement of the subject matter to be discussed.
4. The City Clerk is hereby directed to forward copies of this
resolution to the mayor, city administrator, all department heads, the
chairmen of every board, corrrwnnission or advisory committee to the city.
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Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Konopatzki In FaVOr
Meredith � Against BY
Mme.President Butler
Adopted by Council: Date AUS a� Q �� ' For Approved b City r
Certifi ed by Cou ' Se y
Appro by Mayor• Date 3 1 �� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Cou '
Pu6ust��n SEP 8197
m .s.�
Councilman P H O N E 6 1 2 /�5 3 7 O Legislative Aide
� August 28, 1973
T0: City Council Members
City Clerk ✓
FROM: Council President Hunt
Chairman, Council Committee on Legislation
RE: Resolution and ordinance pertaining to notice required
for informational meetings referred by the Council to
the Legislation Committee on August 14, 1973.
The Legislation Committee recommends for Council approval the
resolution as amended.
The ordinance to accomplish the same purpose is therefore
This action was taken at a committee meeting on August 28,
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Ruby Hux4�, Chairman
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- Ruby Hu��, Chairman
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MIi1[TTES OF MEETING: Tuesday, August 28, 1973 -
ORDER: 9:05 A.M. - Room 707
PRESIDING: Council President Ruby Hunt, Chairman
MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilwoman Butler
Councilman Roedler
Mayor Cohen
OTHERS PRESENT: Councilman Meredith, Frank Marzitelli
Scott Davies David Hozza
Martha Watson Frances Boyden
l. Resolution and/or Ordinance b Councilman Butler Providing
Notice of Publie Informational Neetings and Setting Forth
Details of Such Notification:
Mrs. Butler explained this is an effort to get notice to the Council
and the p_sblic; she cited instances of ineet�nga in tl�e community which
the Council did nut attend because it was not notifiecl.
Councilman MerEdith suggested these Lieetings should be put on the agenda
for the week. Mrs. Hunt said the procedure should be simplified as much
as possible, and there should be a clear definition of legislative and
adu.inistrative meetings.
Mr. Marzitelli distributed a memo on ir_terim administrative procedures
for public information Meetings and said the administration would follow j
those guidelines for meetings which were intended to give citizens an p
opportunity to react to proposals and make recommendations -- there would y
be no decision making. �
Mr. Roedler questioned the need for two sets of procedures, one adminis-
trative and one legislative. He suggested the Council should be involved �
if the matter eventually comes to a vote; also meetings should be co- �
ordinated so that several important meetings will not be held on the same �
night. �
Mayor Cohen expressed his support for having meetings open to the public !
and suggested using the City Clerk and drawing a distinction between ''
administrative meetings and those with Council involvement. Mrs. Butler !
cited the provisions of the Charter on open meetings.
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Page 2
Mr. Marzitelli supported use of a resolution rather than ordinance
for the purpose under discussion because it could be more readily
' revised.
The Committee agreed to amend the resolution to state that "the City
Clerk shall first be notified if any such public informational meet-
ing is to be held in the Council Chambers located within the City
Hall and Court House."
Chairman Hunt suggested the use of s:nall ads in the regular section
of the newspaper for adequate notice of public meetings.
MOTION: By Mr. Roedler that the resolution as amended be recommended
to the Council for approval. Motion carried.
Mayor Cohen announced he would soon be presenting a comprehensive
ordinance on administrative procedures; this wi11 be ready within ten
cays or tw� weeks.
The �ext meeting o� the Com�iLtee will be held or. Monday, September 10,
197�. st 2:00 P.M. in Room 707. The d�� •rderly conduct ordinance will
be ���ssed.
AD.;�_ _,ED: 9:45 A.M.
�� � � � �
September 11, 1973
Hon. Lawrence Cohen
Dear Sir:
The City Coa�ilnncil instructed me to transmit �o you fox your
infornuation a copy of C.F. No. 262046 gertainin� to advance
notification of public informational meetin�s held bq any
department, bureau, agency or cosmnittee of the Citq of
Saint Paul.
Very truly yours ,
Citq Clerk
September 11, 1973
Mr. Frank Marzitelli
City Adiainiatrator
Dear Sir:
The Citq Council instructed me to transmit to �ou for your
information a copy of C.F. No. 262046 pertaining to advance
notification of public informational meetiags held by anq
dapartment, bureau, agency or co�ittee of the City of
Saint Paul.
Very truly yours,
City Clerk
September 11, 1973
Mr. Richard Rowan
Chief of Police
Pub13c Safety Bldg.
Dear Sir:
' The City Council inatructed me to tran�mit to qou for your
information a copy of C.F. No. 262046 pextaining to advance
notification of public informational meetings held by any
department, bureau, agency or committee of. the City of
Saint Paul.
Very truly yours�
City Clerk
September 11 , 1973
Mr. Steven Conroy
Fire Chief
Public Safety BlcTg.
Dear Si r:
The City Council instructed me to trnnsmit to you for your
information a copy of C.F. No. 262046 pertaining to adv ance
notification of public in£ormational meetings held by any
department, bureau, a.�ency or comr�ittee of the City of
Saint Paul.
Very trulq yours,
City Clerk
; -
September 12' 1973
Mr. Thomas Kelley
Dept. of Community Services
Dear Sir:
The Ci[y Council instructed me to transmit to you for your
information a copy of C.F. No. 262046 pertainin� to advance
notification of public informational meetings held by any
department, bureau, agency or cammittee of the City of Saint
Very truly yours,
City Clerk
5eptember 11, 1973
Mr. Daniel Dunford
D irec tor
Dept. of Public Works
Dear Sir:
The City Council instructed me to transmit to you for your
information a copy of C.F. No. 262046 pertaining to advance
notification of public informational meetings held by anq
department, buresu, agency or committee of the Citp of
St. Paul.
Very trulq yours,
City Clerk
September 11, 1973
Mr. Robert Trudeau
D�pt. o€ Finance and Mansgement Servicea
Dear �ir:
The City Council inetructed me to transmit to you for your
information a copy of C.F. No. 262046 pertaining to advance
notification of public informationat meetings held by any
department, bureau, agency or committee of the City of
Saint Paul.
Very truly yours�
City Clerk
�� � � I
� l�
September 11, 1973
Mr. D. Donald Wozniak
Board of Appeals
538 Minneaota Bldg.
St. Paul, Minn.
Dear 51r:
The City Council instructed me to transmit to you for your
informatioa a copy of C.F. No. 262046 pertaining to adv ance
notification of public infor�ational meetings held bq any
department, bureau, agency or connaittee of the City of
St. Paul.
Very trulq yours,
City Clerk
September 11, 1973
Cable Tel�evision Task Force
c/o Fred Fischer
Room 347
City Hall
The City Council instructed me to transmit to you for your
iaformation a copy of C.F. No. 262046 pertaining to advance
notification oF pubiic informational meetings held by any
department, bureau, agency or committee of the Citq of
5aint Paul.
Very truly yours,
City Clerk
September 11, 1973
Mr. Otto H. Hu�ner
Longe Range Capital Improvement Bud�et Committee
1887 Saunders Ave.
St. Paul, Minn.
Dear Sir:
The City Council instructed me to transmit to you for your
information a copy of C.F. No. 2b2046 pertaining to advance
notification of public in£ormational meetinge held by any
department, bureau, agency or comimittee of the City of
Saint Paul.
Very truly yours,
City Clerk
September 11 , 1973
Mr. Gregory Bleea
Executive Secretary
Long Range Improvement Budget Committee
421 Wabasha
St. Paul, Minn.
Dear Sir:
The City Council instxucted me to transmit to you for your
information a copq of C.F. No. 262046 pertaining to advance
notification of public informational meetings held by any
department, bureau, a$encq or committee of the City of
Saint Paul.
Very tzuly yours,
City Clerk
September 11, 1973
�. Pe�ry M. Wilson, Jr.
Doherty, Rumble & Butler
E. First Nativnal Bank Bldg.
St. Paul, Minn.
l�ar S ir:
The City Council instructed me to transmit to you for your
information a copy of C.F. No. 262046 pertaining to advance
notification of public informational meetings held bq any
department, bureau, agency ox committee of the City of
St. Paul.
Very truly yours�
City Clerk
September 11, 1973
Mr. John Friedman
Mana�3ng Director
Civic Center Authority
143 W. Fourth St.
St. Paul, Minn. 55102
Dear Sir:
The City Council instructed me to transmit to you for your
information a copy of C.F. No. 262046 pertaining to advance
notification of public informational meetings held by any
department, bureau, agency or co�nittee of the City of
Satnt Paul.
Very truly youre,
City Clerk
Sept�mber 11, 1973
Mr. John fi aid er
Civil Service Com�nission
Citp Hall
Dear Sir:
The City Council inst�ructed me to tranamit to you for your
information a copy of C.F. No. 26204b pertaining to advance
notification of public informatianal meetings held by any
department. buresu, a�ency ox comm:Lttee of the Citq of
Saint Paul.
Verq txuly qours,
City Clerk
September 11, 1973
Mr. Frank Schn�ider
Consumer Affairs Advisory Committee
770 W. CotCage Ave.
St. Paul, Minn.
Dear Sir:
The City Council inatructed me to transmit to qou for your
information a copy of C.F. No. 262046 pertainiag to advance
notification of public informational meetiags held by any
department, bureau, agency or committee o� the City of
Saint Paul.
Very truly qours,
Citq Clerk
Septamber 11, 1973
Mr. Orvil]e E. Anderson �
St. Paul Aousing and Redevelopment Authoritq
255 Produce Bank Bldg.
St. Paul, Minn.
Dear Sir:
The Citq Council inOg�cF�No� 262046n$ertaininouto�advance
information a copy p g
not�fication of public informaci���m�e�ofnthe Citq of8n�
department, bureau, agency
Saint Paul.
Very truly youre,
City Clerk
September 11, 1973
Reverend Harry Maghakian
St. Paul Haman Ri�hts Commission
703 Portland Ave.
St. Paul, Minn.
Dear Sir.
The City Council instrueted me to transmit to you for qour
information a copy of C.F. No. 262046 pertaining to advance
notification of public informational meetings held by any
department, bureau, agency or committee of the City of
Saint Paul.
Very truly yours,
City Clerk
September 11, 1973
Mr. William M. Atahlum
Metxopolitan Rate Authority Committee
707 W. Cottage Ave.
St. Paul, Minn.
Dear Sir:
The City Eouncil instructed me to transmit to you for your
information a cop}+ of C.F. No. 262046 pertaining to advance
notification of publ�c informational meetinga he].d by any
department, bureau, agency or coimnittee of the City of
Saint Paul.
Very truly qoura,
City Cl�rk
September 11, 1973
Planning Commission
c/o Vincent Coughlin
Grace Bldg.
St. Paul, Minn.
Dear Sirs:
The Citp Council iastructed me to transmit to you for your
imformation 8 copy of C.F. No. 26204b perta2ning to advance
notification of public informational meetings held by any
depaxt�nent, bureau, agency or committQe of the City of
Saint Paul.
Very truly yours,
City Clerk
September 11, 1973
St� Paul Port Authority
c/o Robert Spr�fka
1130 Minnesota Bldg.
St. Paul, Minn.
The City Council instructed me to transmit to you for your
information a copy of C.F. No. 262046 pertaining to advance
notification of public informational meetings h�ld by any
department, bureau, agencq or co�amittee of the City of
� S aint Paul.
Very truly yours,
City Clerk
September 11, 1973
Boaxd of Water Commissioners
c/o Mr. Clifford Hamblin
General Manager
City ria11
'xhe City Council instructed me to transmit to you for your
information a copy of C.F. No. 262046 pertaining to advance
notification of public 3nformational meetings held by any
d�partment, bureau, agency or corn�ittee of the City of
Saint Paul.
Very tru7E� qours ,
Citq Clerk