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WHI7E - CITY CLERK ^�^^�� PINK -..FINANCE �7� CO1111C11 i i�4 CANqRV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAI.iL r�� �`�'4� BLUE -MAYOR File NO. , Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. �.� �✓y Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative ordinance approving the terms and conditions of an amendment to the 1973 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Police Federation, THE COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the mutual agreement to amend the memorandum o£ agreement between the City of Saint Paul and Saint Paul Police Federation "dated as the effective date of this ordinance on file in the office of the City Clerk � is hereby approved and the authorized administrative officials of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement on behalf of the City. " Section 2. That this agreement shall become a part of the general collective bargaining agreement entered into between the City of Saint Paul and Saint Paul Police Federation for the year of 1973 and that as such all of the terms and provisions of this agreement shall take force and effect retroactively to January 6 , 1973, in accordance with the expressed intent and agreement of this Council contained in Council File No. 260367, Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. � �� COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Butler Nays �xam� � � In Favor Levine � Roedler � Against BY Tedesco MFne.President�K HliYlt Adopted by Council: Date �E.� 1 d 147'� Form Approved by City Attorney U'' " Certifi s ed by C il ary BY `�``^^ By Approv by Ma r: Date 5 E P 4 73 Approved ayor for S b ' ncil By BY �a SEP 2 2 1973 - � ����15 CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR FRANK D. MARZITELLI 14ugust 24, 1973 To: Hon. Lawrence D. Cohen Mayor, City of St. Paul 347 City Hall / From: Frank D, Marzitelli ��: City A.dministrator j 365 City Hall � Subject: Ordinance amending collective bargaining agreement between City of St. Paul and Police Federation by including rates for Radio Technician, �Radio Technician, and Supt. of Police Radio Division into the police bargaining unit We respectfully request that attached ordinance be submitted to the City Council. City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�02 O � . 26��� 5 �,:;t��t.1aL �`•.:�.'�f�.��I�\'I' TO A�iEti�D FZ �iI:tirr7R�NDT�,>' Gr _���'� � `-�E�'1' �E'P,`;L:E�; CI"��i' 0�' S�tI��T P�?TL �?.4:r� S��IN`I' �AUL nOLTCE FF�DERATIO� .�z i �art�es to the ";�Iem�randum Ajx•eem¢nt" betc,;een the City of Sai.:�+ �'auZ and the Saint Paul Police Fed�ration dated ;yZay 3 , 1973, her��}- mutual?y agxee to ntodify the �•2emorandum of �greeinent as : �:allo��rs ; Z �ecr_i�r_ 3 . Z is Y��ereTQ;� amended by deleti,ng thexefrom t�e j ob class �criminalist and the job class *radioman, II Section 3. 2 is hereby further amended by inserting therein the Fo�lo���ing jo� cla�ses : Radio Technician ��*Radio Technician Superintendent of Police Radio Pivision III A��pendix "B" zs hereby amencled by striking out the entire present appendix and inserting in lieu thereaf the foll�wing APP�n�i� B: APPENDIX "B" bVage Schedale Pol.ice Grades GP.ADE 2 Z ,� B C D : E F i 0 . 15 ;?ar�oe 1_ ;��� . SQ 318 . 50 3s� . 00 347 . 00 �63 . 50 379 , 50 ��0 . 0� 400 . 50 r�.ri�e ? s10 . 00 325 . 50 538 . 00 352 , j0 568 . 00 38� . 50 j9� , 00 �^t�05 . 50 ��atige s 315 . 50 iZ� . SO 343 . 00 357 , 00 s73 . 50 �89 . 5Q ��3Q . 00 410 . 50 �ail��; :i �%5 . 00 338 . 50 .i5.s . 00 3b7 . 00 38� . 5� 399 , 51i ��10 . 00 4Z0 . 5G � , _ 2S�a 15 �'L B C D �: F 1 t) I 4 �I:i'1±�r 30 �'��r;:_� '.. 410 . SQ �?9 . OC ��43 . 00 468 . �0 �81 . OQ �95 . 0� R�.r4 e � 4:?5 . 5Q 4�3 . 50 453 . �JO �73 . 5� 43t; . 50 �99 . SO ,t:ints� � 420. 5� 439 . 00 458 . 00 �78 . 50 491 . 00 505. GC �ange 4 450 . 50 449 . 00 468 , 00 =�88 . 50 5n1 . �0 51� . 5D GR1�DE 35 nang� l �t�Q . 00 448 . 00 468 . 50 490 . 00 512 . 00 536. 00 55I . 00 566. 50 P.ange %' ��:� . 50 453. 00 473 . 50 495 . 50 517 . 5Q 541 . 00 556 . 00 572 . 00 Range 3 �-:�9 . 00 458 . 00 478 . 50 500 . 00 522 . 00 546 . 00 56i . 50 57b. 50 Range 4 �r�9. 00 ��b8 . 00 488 . 50 510 . U0 532 , 00 556. 00 57� . 50 586 . �0 GRADE 37 uange I YS% . 50 47s . 50 495 . 50 518 . 00 541. . 50 566 . 50 533 . �Q 598 . 5t� Ran�e 2 �57 . 50 478 . 50 SOO . �JO 523 . 00 546 . 50 572 . OU 587 . 50 604 . 00 Rang� :; �-t62 . 50 483 . 50 505 . 50 528 . 00 552 . 00 576 . 50 593 . 00 508 . 50 :?an;e ;� ='-72 . 50 493 . 50 51� . 50 5�8 . 00 562 . 00 586 . 50 b02 . 50 E19 . 00 GRADE 38 I2?.ige I ���5 . 50 4�6 . 5Q 508 . 50 531 , 50 555 . 50 5�3 . 00 598 . 50 615 . 5� :�a:��e 2 �70 . OJ 49� . 00 513 . 50 536 . 50 56? . (�0 58' . 50 604 . 00 b20 . S0 Ran�e� 3 475 . 50 49b . 50 518 . 50 541 . 50 566 . 50 593 . 00 608 . 50 625 . 00 :tanUe � <<�5 . 5Q 50b , 50 528 . 50 552 . 00 576 . 5Q 50Z . 50 619 . 00 635 . 00 GRADE 41 Rar.ge 1 5GS . 50 528 . 00 553. 00 578 . 00 b05 . 00 6�3 . 00 551 . 50 669 . 50 �ang� 2 510os1� 533 , 00 557 . 50 583 . 50 b10 . 00 638. 50 656. 00 674 . Sa :�a.�ge 3 SI5 . 50 538 . 00 563. 00 588 , 00 615. 00 b43 . 00 fi6I . 50 67�. 50 Range ^� 5"�5 . 00 547. 50 573. 00 598 . 00 624 . 50 653. 00 671 . 5Q 6�9 . 50 SUBPROFESSIOIv'.4L GRADES GRADE 30 351 , 50 367 , Q0 384. 50 402 . 50 4� 21 . 5G 441 . 00 453 . U0 456 :50 GRADE 33 ;80 , 50 399 . 00 418 . 00 438 . 00 457 , 50 4%� , 00 493 . OQ 507 . 00 � . „ _ � �6,�� . - .1� 1N.,r �.he Empluyer : ��or the Federation: , �ray;�r esl ent , Saint Paul Police Fede tian . �• Chie o Pol�.ce Directox, Department o Fznance arzc� �lanagement Services �'c�rm appro�%ed: J I Assi t? t ��y �ttoxney "�praved as t� execution �ti�i� dw J n± � 19?� . Ass::.s�ant C�.�}r Att�rneyr -J- . . • f � . . . . . , . . . .. . . � . . . . . � � �s�/.� . • ty15 i°�;U'?'UAi. AGRi��'i�?Z,NT TO Ai��E`v� � ',1E�l0iZA�iLjUl�1 �JF �GRE£���ENT �ETy1'EEN CITY OF S�I?vT PA.UL AND SaINT PAUL POLI�.F� FFDEP.f�TTO'd r�il paxti�s to the 'r�lemorandur� Agreement" b�t��reen th� City of Sair.t Paul and the Saint �'au1 Police Federation dated May 3 , 1g73 , hereby mutually agree to modify the P�iemorandum of Agreement. as �ollows ; z �ecticn 3 , 2 is hereby amended by deleting thexefrom the job class '�criminalist and tl�e job class �radzoman, II Section 3 . 2 is hereby fur�hex amended by inserting t}�erein the fo?lotti�ing job classes : Radio Technician Y�Radio Tec}in�ician Superintendent of Police Radio Division III Appendix "B" is hereby amended by striking out the er�tire present appendix and inserting in lieu ther�of the following Appendix B: APFENDI?C "B" �`�age Sc�iadule Police Grades GP�ADE 2 2 � B C D E F 10 . 15 Ranbe 1 305 , 50 3I8 . 50 333 . 00 3�?7 < 00 3o3 . 5G 3"9 . 5�J �90 , 00 400, 5J Range 2 31Q . 00 3?3 , 50 338 . 00 352 , 50 3e8 , 00 384 , SC1 �95 , G0 4G5 . 50 Range s 315 . 50 328 . 50 343 , 00 357 . 00 37� . 5� �89 . 50 �C�0 . 0(3 4I0 . 50 Range 4 �25 , J0 33� . 5Q s5� . 00 3G7 . 00 383 . 50 39� . �0 �:1Q . 00 �-Z0 . 50 ' _ 2���.15 �. B C D E F 10 1 S GRf'�TI�; �0 �:a�;;� �'t 410 . 50 429 . 00 448 . 00 4b8 . 50 48I . 00 =�95 . 00 kar.�Tn � 41� . 50 435 . 50 455 . 00 +73 . 50 4�t� . 5Q z99 . 50 P,ano° 3 42t� . �0 439 . OU 458 . 00 478 . 50 491 . 00 505 . 00 Rar!os 4 430 . 50 449 . 00 46S . 00 483 . 50 501 . 00 514 . 50 GRABE 35 R�.nge I 429 . UU 448 . OQ 468. 50 490 . Q0 512 . 00 536. 00 551 . OQ 566. 50 Range 2 Y33. 50 453. 00 473 . 50 495 . 50 517 . 50 54I . 00 556. 00 572 . Q0 Range .� 439 . 00 458 . 00 478 . 50 500 . 00 522 . 00 54f� . 00 S61. Sa 576 . 50 Ranoe �- 449 . 00 �68. 00 488. 50 510 . 00 532 . 00 556. 00 571 . SU 586 . 50 GRADE 37 �anoe 1 452 . 50 473 . 50 495 . 50 518 . 00 541 . 50 56b . 50 583 . 40 598 .50 Ran;e 2 457 . 5G 478 . 50 500 . 0� 523 . 00 546 . 50 572 . 00 S$7 . 50 6Q4 . OQ RangQ 3 4b2 . 50 • 483 . 50 505 . 50 528 . 00 552 . 00 576 . 50 593 . 00 608 . 50 Ra:?Qe 4 472 . 50 49� . 50 515. 50 5�8 . 00 562 . 00 5�6. 50 602 . 50 619 . OQ GR�DE 3� 2az�;e 1 <<65 . 50 486 . 50 508 . 50 53� . 50 SSb . 50 SS� . OJ 598 . 50 615 . 5Q Range Z �r70 : 00 491 . 00 5I� . 50 53b . 50 Sb2 . 00 5�7 , 50 60rt . 00 620 . 5Q �targe� 3 475 . 50 496. 50 518 . 50 541 . 50 5b6 . 50 593 . 00 E08 . 50 625 . 0(� R.an.ge 4 '+85 . 50 506 . 50 528 . 50 552 . 00 576 . SQ 607. . 50 619 , 00 635 . 00 l,RAD r 4 l Range 1 505 . 50 528 . 00 553 . 00 578 . 00 b05 . 00 633 . Q0 651 . 5t7 b69 . 50 Range 2 510 . 00 533. 00 557 , 50 583 . 50 b10 . 00 638 . 50 b56 , 00 674 . 50 Ranae 3 �15 . 50 53$ . 00 563 , 00 588 , 00 615 . 00 b43 . 00 661 . 5�J b79 . 50 Range 4 525 . 00 547. 50 573 . 00 �98 . 00 b24 . 50 b53 . 00 bi1 . 50 bs9 . 50 SUBPROFESSION�aL GRADES G R�.DE 3 0 3a� , 50 367 , 00 384 . 50 402 . 50 42I , SC 4�I . Q0 453 . Q0 466 . 50 GREIDE 33 380 . 50 399. 00 418 . 00 438 , 00 G57 , 50 4�9 , 00 493 . OG �07 . 00 ,2 � , 2���,15 t��:.�r ��he Employ-er : For the 'r'ecieration ; � .. S - . . . .. � i,�a or esl ent, Saint Paul YQlice F ' ' ratian . Lhiet o Palice Dzcectox, llepartment o F�.nance and `�fanagement Sei•vices ?;orri approved; '.� � � , . �issista t City Attorney �i�rcv ed as to execution i.h�s day of R 197.� , Assistant C�.ty Attorney -3- , ; T h i a o rd3�aaaca s�de the collective bargainin�s agreemeat be�w�eu the City aad the - St. P�,�,1 Police Fetle�lation by ir�c�ludimg rates for Itadio Technician, �Radia Techaician, aud Superintendent of �Police Radio Division iato the police bargai.n.iffig unit. ��f1�� ' ll It deletea ther�from t�e titles Crirninalist, aad Radiomaa, wh�ch is in agreemeat with the certified bargainix�g tuiit from the State Medistor�s office. This will give the Radio Technicians an� 5txpt, of Police Radio Divisiton a 5. 5% increase, �the sar�e as they gave to all other tnembers of this ba.rg�.iniang uait. This chaage is nece�sary because the Radio Teehnieiaas were included i.a the ba.rgai.ning unit by the Sta:te Mediator, but rates fo.r these poaitions were not iacluded in the contraet. Ra,d�.axnan was included in this ce�rtificatioa prior to the time th�.t the Couacil passed an ordinaa�e giving a 5% increa�e to those employees who were �ot ia a barga.iai.��ianit. Thue, Radio�Teclanicians did'not get the 5. 5% given in the police coatract� nor did they get the , 5%. Db not detach this memarandum frorr� tl�q " ordinance so that this information wli! be ava��lable to the City CounciL , ; ,� l�t . .�,, �. .��� �d ,,.�� -�=- --_.-..'_�' � � •�,��'? Adopted 9^ I_r/�I- Yeas ` : Nays Bi1PLER ��— � 26�4►15 �- � � R�IDLER TEDESCO t�ne PRESIDEIP� (H[JNT)