261999 WH17E — CITY CLERK . !!�-•w� PINK — FINANCE COl1TIC11 I� F ��� eBLUERY�M�EYAOR�TMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. �1�+`R��,� , ou cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Northwestern Bell Telephone Company Suburban District Engineer 2000 West County Road B2 St. Paul, Minnesota 55113 Resolved that permission be and is hereby granted to the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company to make necessary excavations for placing underground conduit and manholes along Matilda Street at 4' east of the west property line; commencing at Maryland Avenue 7' south of the north property line, to 12' north of the south Ivy Avenue property line. The Telephone Company to pay cost of publication incident hereto. �it+� - b���.� l.ru� COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas �gp Nays Konopatzki � In Favor Levine � — Meredith Against BY � Rcedler Tedesco Mme.President �17teG�C H�lrit AUG 2 9 1g73 pp y y y Fotm A rovec�b C� At ne Adopted by Council: Date \ Certifi ed by Coun ' e By � By Approve by Ma�o . Date Approv by May � Submission to Council � BY By t pUBLISHED �EP i 1973 =oos i. - • ����'�;� /�„..� H T nT ep rr/� .-,-, -�.�,� , HV.�VT LC� �.t ��I i�f JV..�+:i � �`� 7� •:fT t�7 �•...r.ti.. . r:.��1 L�i 1�.V ��V:.J L'� � 1VY AVENUE 62?,_5�-_?^,, IG;, I !^I.00:)' _.,._a, ..�..._—CI g t S E4!E R �' 6 2.2•-5�'•�-�1�� 1.^•3 1 !;`.''1�.I) X-�. L ��-r '^ '= P R O P E R TV L 1 N E Fi..� �C J-..'�. Z�3 L (:;�Uf�. ,�.�,,.,,X ,,,�, , 51 � � r'.."' �a _i. � � NOTES: . W � �• PIIICtNG OF CONOUi7 At,ONG EXISTtNC TREES IN W 33t H BOUl,EVJIRD CONFIRMEO 41tTH L • BURKMOLQER� ��-]3 W�.y . H 2• EXCAVATtON FOR MANHOI.ES TO BE �O FEET DEEP ac N . � w 3. COHDUtT TO BE PtACEO UNOER EXISTING SIDENa1.K. l+t . 3 p� • SIOENA�K TO 8E REPtACEO J J "L N-� J �H � W r d i- o m cc W � 0. O C � C ' PROPERTY LIME m 4�--�'t> < ' �.SEGtER � � KEY: ORAHGE AVEt�UE + W 10' pROPERTY ��Me ' ' : f �, PROPOS EO n�NHO�E,12�X 6�X 6�6� 2� APPROX CURB ��i '....�� PROPOSED CONOUIT LtkE �" � - � 4� � � PROPOSEO SEWER • /IPPROX t MATE • 2��— CURB LINE � 1 26� a � W W . AI.LEY •~c.usi � - � H � j,� NOT TO SC/'LE PROPERTY IiNE 41ATER t�1�RYLA.hD AVEhUE NORTfi'r',',STER�'i BELL TEi.?HGC:� CO:.1:�::Y sEwEa � � APPUCATION FOR PERWI:�S�ON T� PLAC'�. TEIEPHQNE PLANT ON C 1 TY OF S T PAtJL PROPERTY ST Ptt►l - HUMPOLGT ESTtMA7E� 6�_PRT � �t � PRTS � ENGRA• LIZ�KOWSKI�A4�IN �`I �QT`� ST.�AUL TEL �¢ b3 6"�j 38