02-317�u-h5� ��t� � - ►=���;` \'`� 2-oa� Council File # �� ^---"'-___u ��r,,..1_� S Presented By Refened To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS the City of Saint Paul commenced civil and criminal enforcement actions seeking to 2 remedy the public nuisance created by ttte odor and noise errussions of the Gopher State EtYtanol 3 and MGCO2 operations; and 4 5 WHEREAS the City has settled its enforcement actions without prejudice (meaning that the actions may be brought again); and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 WHEREAS the City settlement terms addressing noise aze only effecfive if there is continuous and meaningful noise monitoring and enforcement action by the City; and WI-IEREAS the City is still receiving reports of odor and noise complaints by citizens suggesting that issues remain and that further enforcement may become necessary; and WHEREAS the citizen interveners in the City's civil action are negotiating fiirther terms to address some of the nuisance issues, attached hereto as E�ibit "A" is a copy of the settlement agreement in currenYs form which the City understands GSE and the Interveners haue reached an agreement upon; and WHEREAS it is in the City's interest to aid in the voluntary resolution of those issues in order to improve the quality of life for its citizens and to a�oid the need for further civil or criminal enforcement actions and expense; and WHEREAS the City Attorney's Office has negotiated a settlement with MG-0O2, a copy of which in its current forxn is attached hereto as E�ibit "B"; therefore, be it RESOLVED that: l. The City Attorney's Office is authorized to execute the MG-0O2 settlement and file the same with the Ramsey County District Court, State of Minnesota. The City Attorney is directed to take vigorous action to enforce the City's settlements with GSE and MG-0O2 in a11 respects, including the pursuit of court sanctions and/or injunctions for violations of the noise standards agreed to and ordered by the court as a consequence of the City's settlement. 3. The City shall vigorously enforce and ensure compiiance with the recommendations and acrions set forth in Knutson Ventilation Consulring, Inc. Report, dated March 8, 2002, and ensure compliance with the Apri130, 2002 implementation deadline date contained in the City's settlement. ba_��z `a 10 11 12 13 14 15 4. The City Attorney shall permit the citizen interveners, through their counsel, unfettered access to and use of the City's retained experts as if the experts were retained by the citizen interveners, including A1 Perez, the Chicago-based engineering fum, and Chazles McGinley, so long as they limit their consultation to the expert's analysis and findings and not inquire about the thoughts and mental impressions of the City Attomey and fixrther contingent upon MG-0O2 St. Paul LLC and Gopher State Ethanol LLC, through their respective counsel, waiving any azgument that City AttomeylExpert Confidentiality and Privilege is waived. 5. The Department of License, Inspections and Environxnental Protection (LIEP) shall conduct random, unannounced nighttime noise monitoring for at least one yeaz, to occur at least twice a month, or more frequently if requested by the City Attorney, with at least one of those tests during the month being conducted between the hours of midnight and 3 a.m. Adopted by Council: Date L�J_,__A �' 1,�Q� -�— Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Byc Apps By: Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by C'ty Attorney By: � by Mayor tor Submissioa to Council d�,- 3�'l DEMRTMENLVFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED � � V � � c�t coun��i GREEN SHEE CONTqCT PERSON & PHONE INITIA VDATE INffIAIJDATE ODEPARTMENT�IRECTOR OCITYCOUNCII Chris Coleman 266-8620 ASSIGN O CITYATTORNEY O CITY CLERK MLLST BE ON CAUWCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) NUdBEfl FOR O gUDGET DIRECTOR Q FfN. & MGL SEAVICES DIF. ROUTING 4/17/02 OPOEfl �MAVOR(ORASSISTANn O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AG710N REQUESTED: The City Attorney's Office is authorized to execute the GSE settlement and file with the Ramsey CounCy DisCrict Court RECOMMENDA71oN5' Approve (A) or Reject (fi) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION __ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this personffirm ever worked under a cont�act fOr ihis department? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ S7AFF 2. Hes this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO � DISTRIC7 COUR7 _ 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not normelly possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII O&IECTIVE7 YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attech to green aheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (Whc, What When, Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF iRANSACTION $ COS7/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDItiG SOURCE ACTNITY NUMBEH FINANCIAL MFOR6nATION: (EXPLAIN) �xh��-f A n�-�.� CASE TYPE: OTHER CIVIL STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY The City of Saint Paul, Plaintiff, � Dorian J. Ullman, Lisa L. Shaffer, Darren Wolfson, Tenence Mazkley, Shelley Mazkley, Mary Madden and Ross Winberg, Plaintiff-Intervenors, vs. MBC Holding Company, Gopher State Ethanol, LLC, and MG-0O2 St. Paul LLC, Defendants. DISTRICT COURT SECOND 3iTDICIAL DISTRICT CourtFileNo. CS-01-5074 (Judge Lindman) STIPULATION AND ORDER STIPULATION AND ORDER Plaintiff-Intervenors, Dorian J. Uliman, Lisa L. Shaffer, Darren Wolfson, Terrence Markley, Shelley Mazkley, Mary Madden, and Ross Winberg (hereinafter, "Intervenors"), and Defendants Gopher State Ethanol, LLC, (hereinafter "GSE") and MG-0O2 St. Paul, LLC, (hereinafter "MGCO2") have agreed to and hereby stipulate to the terms and conditions as set forth below. 1. Stinulation and Order. The parties to this agreement understand that the terms and conditions set forth in this Stipulation shall be incorporated in an order hauing the fixll force and effect of a Ramsey County District Court, State of Minnesota, arder and violarion of any ternn could constitute contempt of court. 2. Addifional Emission Remediation: Ex�ert Consultation, Arbitration and Implementation. A. A condition of intervenors' acceptance of this setdement is that the City Attomey shall permit the citizen intervenors, through their counsel, unfettered access to and use of the City's retained experts as if the experts were retained oa_ -��� by the citizen intervenors, including A1 Perez, the Chicago-based engineering firm, and Chazles McGinley. By signing this Stipulation, intervenors agree to limittheir consultation to the expert's analysis and findings and not to inquire about the tlioughts and mental impressions of the City Attorney. Further, MG-0O2 St. Paul LLC and Gopher State Ethanol LLC by signing this Stipulation, waive any azgutnentthat City AttorneylExpert confidentiality and privilege is waived by intervenors use of City experts. B. On or before April _, 2002, or as soon thereafter as the Intervenors, GSE, and the City can coordinate, GSB's engineering and mechanical experts in ventilation and pollution control ("Air Emission Consultants") shall present and explain their analysis and recommendations to Intervenor's counsel, and their expert(s). The e�erts (either individually or collectively) shall haue training and experience in the engineering and/or mechanical aspects of ventilation and/or pollution control. The City may participate. The presentation by the GSE Air Emission Consultant(s) shall include their recommendation to achieve overall odor emission reduction to approximate the historic level of emissions from the adjacent brewery and include an informational and explanatory tour of the GSE plant to explain the GSE Air Emissions Consultant(s) findings andrecommendations. All statementsmade by any of the experts dw�ing and in connection with the presentation and the tour are hereby deemed to be confidential settlement communications, subj ect to Rule 408 of the Minnesota Rules of Evidence. MGCO2 has retained an HVAC expert ("Air Emission ConsultanY') who has tranung and experience in the engineering and/or mechanical aspects of ventilation and(or pollution control. Within 6Q days after the issuance of the expert's report and recommendations based on the expert's inspection of MGCO2's plant, or as soon thereafter as the Intervenors, MGCO2 and the City can coordinate, MGCO2's expert shall present and explain his analysis and recommendations to Intervenors' counsel and their expert(s). The Intervenors' experts sha11 also have training and experience in the engineering andlor mechanical aspects of ventilation andlor pollution control. The City, through one of its representatives, may participate in the presentation. The presentation by MGCO2's eapert sha11 include his recommendations to achieve overall odor emissions reducfionto approximate thehistory level of emissions from the ad}acent brewery and include an informational and explanatory tour of the MGCO2 plant for the Intervenors' counsel and their expert. All statements made by any of the experts during and in connection with the presentation and the tour aze hereby deemed to be confidential settlement communications, subject to Rule 408 of the Minnesota Rules of Evidence. 2 o a -'� ��t C. Witivu one week after the GSE tour and presentation, the Intervenors experts must present to GSE experts any proposals for additions or changes to GSE's recommendarions. Each side will designate one of their experts possessing the qualifications described above to act on behalf of their team to confer and reach awritten agreement on any measures and timetable for nnplementation to achieve overall reducUon of odor emissions to approximate the level of the historic brewery. The agreement shall strive to be comprehensive and address fugitive emissions as well as major emission points such as the distillation scrubber. Within one week after the MGCO2 tour and presentation, the Intervenors' experts must present to MGCO2's expert any proposals for additions and or changes, if any, to the MGCO2 expert's recommendations. Each pariy will designate one of their experts possessing the qualifications described above to act on behalf of their parly/team to confer and reach a written agreement on any measures and timetable. D. If the parties are unable to agree on any issue under paragraph 2C, the issue(s) in dispute sha11 be immediately submitted to the Honorable Dale B. Lindman for binding decision. Any affected party may schedule a Court telephone conference or hearing date after consulting the other parties. It is understood by all parties that the conference/hearing is based upon written submissions provided at least one day before the conference(heazing, there will be no testimony, and the conference/heazing will last no more than thirty (30) minutes. The Court will attempt to schedule the hearing within seven (7) days from the date of the request and will rule by the end of the day of the hearing. The parties aze each limited to a total of fifteen (15) pages, including affidavits and e�ibits, in which to set forth their respective posifions. The briefs may be in letter brief form. E. Any written agreement or decision by Judge Lindman shall be binding and implemented by GSE and/or MG-0O2 as provided therein. F. This agreement is not intended to delay implementation of the December 28, 2001 settlement between GSE and the City of St. Paul. If, however, the April 30, 2002 implementation deadline for completion of the recommendafions contained in the Knutson Ventilation Consulting, Inc. Report, dated March 8, 2002 ("the Knutson Report") as necessarily impacted by procedures and modifications emerging from this agreement, then the parties hereto, to wit the Lntervenars and GSE, agree to jointly request a deadline extension to pertnit modification of any measures remaining to be implemented if such modification has been deternuned to improve odor control under the provisions of this settlement. Nothing in this Agreement 3 b a -`� i'Z prolubits the City from objecting to any deadline extension request joinfly agreed upon by the Intervenors and GSE. It is also recoQn;�ed that fiuther recommendations may occur whichmay haue their own independent deadlines and/or some combination of such events. 3. Res�onse to Minnesota Department of Health. Within 30 days of receipt of any report or recommendations by the Minnesota Department of Health, GSE will provide intervenors with a comprehensive and detailed written response to the report and will specify any remediation or mitigation plans GSE will undertake, including a timetable and the facival basis and justification for the plans. If intervenors wish to discuss the response, GSE agrees to meet and make a good faith effort to answer questions, and to discuss and consider any questions, concerns or requests for fiuther action. It is fiuther agreed that Health Department representatives may be invited to such discussions. 4. Additional Air Emission Testine: GSE will provide access for Tntervenors and the City to repeattheodortestingofthermaloxidizeremissionsinaccordancewiththe 12-28-01 Stipulationand Order by measuring both the inputs and output of the thermal oxidizer to determine sulfur gases and VOC's with TIC's using test methods M-16 (for sulfur gases) and TO-15 and/or TO-14 (for VOCs and TIC's) and that the results of all such testing shall promptly be made auailable to Intervenors without editing or revision. If odor emission rates are to be calculated, then the testing sha11 simultaneously include EPA methods 1, 2, 3 and 4. 5. Noise Control. GSE agrees that it will not apply to the City of Saint Paul for a variance from City or State noise standards for a period of at least one yeaz following entry of this Stipulauon. Acceptance of this settlement and Stipulafion by Intervenors is conditioned upon passage of a City Council Resolution directingregulaz and continuous noisetesting andrequests for strict enforcement of the noise provisions of the GSE/City Stipulation and Order of December 28, 2001. 6. Twentv-FourHourComplaintHotline. GSEagreestoinstituteandpublicizeaspecialhotline telephone number, and to accept, make a record of, and (when adequate identifying information is provided, which GSE sha11 request) respond to a11 complaints concerning noise and air emissions. A record of all complaints shall be maintained by GSE on a complaint log, which log shall include the GSE response (ifany) to the complainant. GSE shall make next business day response, including an explanation of any action taken or planned regarding the complained of condition, to all complainants who provide their name, address and telephone number along with the tune and description of the complained of condition. GSE sha11 provide a copy of new entries in its complaint log to Intervenors' counsel on a weekly basis until six months after final implementaUon ofany measures required under this Stipulation and Order. Any complaint implicating the operarions of MG-0O2 shall immediately be provided to MG-0O2. MG-0O2 agrees to respond to any such complaint and to record and report such responses in the same manner as provided for GSE. � 6�_'�ti'2 7. Upon approval ofthis Stipularion and Order by the Court, the Court shall dismiss Intervenors' complaintwithoutprejudice, providedthat such disznissal shallnotprecludeproceedings broughtby Intervenors for the enforcement of this Sripulation and Order. �a-`J��l Dated: , 2002 RIDER, BENNETT, EGAN & ARUNDEL, LLP By Michael VJ. Unger (131416) Attorneys for PlaintifF Dorian J. Ullman, Lisa L. Shaffer, Darren Wolfson, Terrence Mazkley, Shelley Mazkley, Mary Madden and Ross Winberg 333 South Seventh Street Suite 2000 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612)340-7951 ATTORNEYSFORINTERVENORS 0 0 2- -� �`� Dated: 2002 LINDQUIST & VENNiJM, P.L.L.P. : Thomas L. Fabel (27996) 444 Cedaz Street Suite 1700 St. Paul, MN 55101 (651)312-9203 ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANTS John J. Lee, President and CEO Gopher State Ethanol, LLC fd oa - '3 �'� 2ooz FREDRICKSON & BYRON, P.A. Kent G. Harb3son (_) 1100 International Centre 900 Second Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55402-3397 (612)347-7077 ATTORNEYS FOR MG-0O2 ST. PAUL LLC b �- � �� ��� � 1. The terms and conditions set forth in the Stipulation above are hereby adopted as the Order of the Court as if set forth fully herein. 2. Pursuant to the terms set forth in the Stipulation, the above-entitled matter is dismissed without prejudice as between the Plainriff Intervenors and Gopher State Ethanol, LLC. 3. The Court Adurinistrator is directed to enter a judgment without prejudice unmediately there being no just cause for delay. LET .NDGMENT BE ENTERED IMMEDIATELY with no stay of entry. Dated: April _, 2002. BY THE COURT: The Honorable Dale Lindman Judge of District Court 831942-1 oa-3.�. SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT �. THIS AGREEMENT is made this _ day of . 20Q2, by and between MG-0O2 St Paul, LLC ("MG-COz") and the City of St Paul ("City"). RECITAInS 1. WHEREAS, on or about March 27, 2001, the City commenced an acfion in ' Ramsey County District Court, State of Minnesota, against MG-0O2 (Court File No. 62-CS-Ol- 005074) (hereinafter "Action'� conceming ciaims that MG-0O2 had allegedly violated state and. local noise standards and public nuisance standards in the operation of its equipment and facilities located at 882 West Seventh Street, St. Paui, MN 55102; 2. WHEREAS, MC-0O2 has generally denied the City's claims. It admits that the operations of its equipment and facilities have in the past coniributed to increased noise levels and the emission of some odors affecting the overall site occupied by MG-0O2 and other two defendant companies in the Acrion; 3. Wf��REAS, MG-0O2 does not believe that it is now contributing to odor probiems or significantly contriburing to increased noise levels and that its remedial actions during the past year have substantially reduced MG-0O2's noise levels and have eliminated odors from its carbon bed facility; {-. 4. WHEREAS, the City and MG-0O2 now desire to settle all claims between them which were or could have been asserted in the Action. NOW, THEREFORE, in considera6on of the promises and agreements, mutual covenants and condirions contained herein, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. Dismissal Without Preiudice. In exchange for the fuifillment of the other terms, conditions, and covenants herein, the City agrees to dismiss without prejudice all of its claims and causes of acfion asserted in the Action in the StipulaGon and Order for Disarissal form attached hereto as E�chibit A - 2. Court Order. The City and MG-0O2 understand that the terms and conditions set forth tti this Settlement Agreement shall be incorporated in au order having the full force and effect of any Ramsey County District Court, State of Minnesota, Order and vioiarion of any term could constitute contempt of court, 3. Emissions. MG-0O2 agees to ensure that a heating, veatilarion and air conditioning (HVAC) expert shail be retained to examin� its facilities to assess contral of &gi$ve emissions, if any, arising from MG-CQYs operations and further agrees to implement atl recommendations, if any, pertaining to MG-0O2's operations, so long as such recommendations aze deemed reasonabie mutually by both parties. If the City and MG-0O2 are unable to agree as to what constitutes a reasonable recommendation, then either party may submit the issue to the � Court for resolution inciuding a reasonable deadline(s) for implementation. -1- - - - - - Exhibit 8 �X O a. .'b 1'1 4. TestinQ of Emissions. MG-0O2 agees that the City shall be able to test at the M-i and the M-3 locarions when the MG-0O2 facility is not operating but when the ethanol �� plant owned by defendaut Gopher State Ethanol and the brewery owned by defendant MBC --' Holding Company aze operating and also test when the MG-0O2 facility is operating but the brewery is not operating. The operating facilities of all three defendants, including IvIG-0O2 shall be functioning at 100% capacity during the testing. The purpose of the testing is to enable the City to attempi to identify more precisely major sources of noise and their independent noise leveis from the overall site occupied by all three defendant companies. The timetable, logistics and other related detaiis of the tests shalT be determined by mutual agreement among the parties and all reasonable requests by the City regarding the tes6ng shall be met by MG-0O2. MG-0O2 , understands that such testing might take up to one-half a day in duration. - ;� 5. Coolina Towers. MG-0O2 and the City agree that MG-0O2 does not own, operate or have responsibility for the cooling towers that are jointly nsed by MG-0O2 and defendant Gopher State Ethanoi, and, consequently, MG-0O2 shall not have any liability or responsibility for a¢y noise athibutable to the cooling towers. Tlris mutual understanding regarding responsibility for the cooling towers is based, in part, on representations made to the court during a conference on February 27, 2002, by representatives of defendant Gopher State Ethanol that Gopher State Ethanol accepts responsibility for the cooling towers. 6. bIPCA Variance Aoolication. MG-0O2 agees to the withdrawal of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Variance Application now on file with that agency and further agrees that any future filings of a variance application, if any, will be with the City of St Paul and not the Minnesota Pollution Controi Agency. `� 7. Esverts and TestinQ Comuanies. Regazding odor and noise assessments pertaining to MG-0O2's operations, prior to the retention of any testing companies or the HVAC expert, MG-0O2 agees first to obtain approval of the use of the expert(s) from the St. Paul City Attorney or the City of St. Paul License Inspections and Environmental Protection Office and shall consult writh the plaintiff-intervenors in the Ac6on. 8. Carbon Bed. MG-0O2 agrees that it shall dischazge gases from its cubon regenezation bed only when ffie thermal oxidizer owned and operated by defendant Gopher State Ethazrol is operating. 9. Minnesota Deuartment of Health. MG-0O2 agrees to cooperate fully with the. Minnesota Department of Health to conduct and pay for any reasonable tests conceming MCr- CO2's facilities requested by the Minnesota Department of Health and immediately supply all test results to the Minnesota Depamnent of Health. 10. Deadlines. All deadline dates imposed by provisions of this Ageement are subject to modification only by the written consent of both parties. 11. Identifv of Parties. All obligations, rights, and duties of the City extend to ali of its officers, agents, agencies, employees, departments and assigns. All obligations, rights, and � -2- " '� � - �t" - L- 6 3- - ;>>�1 duties of MG-0O2 extend to ali of iu officers, employees, agents, directors, shareholders, " successors and assigns. 12. No Admissions. This Agreement is intended to resolve disputed claims and defenses. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as an admission by either party of any liability or unlawfui or inappropriate conduct. Z3. Como(ete Aereement This Agreement consritutes the entire and complete agreement between the parties and may not be modified, altered, or changed in any respect except upon the express written consent of both parties. The Agreement supersedes all prior oral and written agreements and communicafions between the parties that relate or pertain in any respect to the claims, causes of action or defenses asserted in the Action and the subjects addressed in this Agreement. ' 14. Severabilitv. If a court mles that any provision of ttris Agreement is invalid, over-broad, illegat or unenforceable in any respect, the validity, legality and enforceability of all remaining provisions of tbis Agreement shall not in any way be affected or impaired. �,. 15. Minnesota Law. This Ageement shall be construed and inteipreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. St. Paul City Council Dated: By Its Dated: City Attomey for City of St. Paul MG-0O2 St. Paul, LLC � Dated: ::ODMA�pCDpC$1F BDOCS I �2540713\3 -3- By Kent G. Harbison (#41154) Rick L. Petry (#2925U3) FREDRIKSON & BYRON, P.A. 900 Second Avenue South 1100 Intemational Ceatre Minneapolis, MN 55402-3397 (612) 347-7119 / 347-7107 (612)347-7077 fax q � � STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY aa�3�� DISTRICT COURT " SECOND NDICIAL DISTRICT Case TyQe: Other Civil City of St Paul, Intervenors: Dorian J. Ullman, Lisa L. Shaffer, Darren Wolfson, Terrence Mazkley, Shelley Markley, Pvlary Adadden and Ross Winberg, Plainriffs, Conrt File No: CS-01-5074 (7udge Lindman) STIPULATION AND ORDER OF DISNIISSAL WiTHOLIT PREJLTDICE ['i MBC Holding Company, Gopher State Ethanol, LLC and MG-0O2 St. Paul LLC, Defendants. The parties, through their undersigned attomeys, pursuant to the Settlement Agreement that is a part of and incorporated herein, hereby stipulate that this action shall be dismissed without prejudice and without costs to any party. Date: March _,_, 2002 Eric D. Larson, Esq. (#22667J� St. Paul Assistant City Attomey 500 City Hall and Courthouse I S West Kellogg Boulevazd St. Paul, MN 55102 651-266-8728 Attorneys for Plaintiff City of St Paul P ,� ' '8 A l � ,` � � __ ' ' Y . \ �a--��`� , �_ - � Date: March� 2002 Kent G. Harbison (#41154) Rick L. Petry (#292503) FREDRiK,SON & BYROI�I, P.A. 900 Second Avenue South I 100lntemafional Centre Minneapolis, MN 55402-3397 (612) 347-7119 i 347-7107 ` Attorneys for Defendant MGCO2 St Paul LLC ORDER Upon the foregoing Sripulation, the above-entitled matter is hereby dismissed without pre,}udice and without costs to any party and judgment may be entered accordingiy. BY T'HE COURT Dated: The Aonorable Dale B. Lindman Judge of District Court ::ODMA�PCDOCS�FBDOCS I12622910�I a � n _\ 2 - -- - . - - - y�. ORIGINAL Council File # ° a � � �� Green Sheet # 3 ��3 Presented By Referred To ' RESOL �F SA1NT � � MINNESOTA i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Committee: Date WHEREAS the City of Saint Paul commenced civil and criminal e remedy the public nuisance created by the odor and noise emissions LLC ("GSE") and MG-COZ St Paul LLC ("MG-0O2") operations�, WHEREAS the City has settled its enforcement actions that the actions may be brought again); and WHEREAS the City Attorney's Office has negotiated a which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; therefore, bejr� RESOLVED that: nent acrions seeldng to Gopher State Ethanol without prejudice (meaning with MG-0O2, a copy of 1. The City Attomey's Office is authorize to execute the settlement and file the same with the Ramsey County District Court, 5tate of mnesota. Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council By: Approved by Mayor: Form A ed ity A rney By: +yt_ _ Approved by Mayo for Submission to Council By: By: a�-3i� SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made this day of MG-0O2 St. Paul, LLC ("MG-0O2") and the City of St. Paul ("City"). RECITALS 1. WHEREAS, on or about Mazch 27, 2001, the City co� Ramsey County District Court, State of Minnesota, against MG-0O2 2002, by and between d an action in File No. 62-05-Ol- 005074) (hereinafter "Action") conceming claims that MG-0O2 ha allegedly violated state and. local noise standazds and public nuisance standards in the opera ' n of its equipment and facilities located at 882 West Seventh Street, St. Paul, MN 55 2; 2. WHEREAS, MG-0O2 has generally denie the City's clauns. It admits that the operations of its equipment and facilities have in the p t contributed to increased noise levels and the emission of some odors affecting the overall ite occupied by MG-0O2 and other two defendant companies in the Action; 3. WIiEREAS, MG-0O2 does no believe that it is now contributing to odor problems or significantly contributing to inc ased noise levels and that its remedial actions during the past year have substantially red ced MG-0O2's noise levels and have eliminated odors from its carbon bed facility; 4. WHEREAS, the City an� MG-0O2 now desire to settle all claims between them which were or could have been asserte�d in the Action. NOW, THEREFORE, in/consideration of the promises and agreements, mutual covenants and conditions contain�d herein, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. Dismissal Wit out Pre'udice. In exchange for the fulfillment of the other terms, conditions, and covenants rein, the City agrees to dismiss without prejudice all of its claims and causes of action asse ed in the Action in the Stipulation and Order for Dismissal form attached hereto as ExhibiyA. 2. Court rder. The City and MG-0O2 understand that the terms and conditions set forth in this Sett ment Agreement shall be incorporated in an order having the full force and effect of any Ram y County District Court, State of Minnesota, Order and violation of any term could constitute ntempt of court. 3. missions. MG-0O2 agrees to ensure that a heating, ventilation and air conditionin (HVAC) expert shall be retained to examine its facilities to assess contral of fugitive e ssions, if any, arising from MG-0O2's operations and further agrees to implement all recomm dations, if any, pertaining to MG-0O2's operations, so long as such recommendations are dee ed reasonable mutually by both parties. If the City and MG-0O2 are unable to agree as to w t consfitutes a reasonable recommendation, then either party may submit the issue to the Court for resolution including a reasanable deadline(s} for implementation. -1- Exhibit A ', �` o� - � �� 4. Testin� of Emissions. MG-0O2 agrees that the City shall be able to test at the M-1 and the M-3 locations when the MG-0O2 facility is not operating but when the ethanol plant owned by defendant Gopher State Ethanol and the brewery owned by defendant MBC Holding Company aze operating and also test when the MG-0O2 facility is operating but the brewery is not operatin�. The operating facilities of all three defendants, including 1V�P-0O2 shall be functioning at 100% capacity during the testing. The purpose of the � the City to attempt to identify more precisely major sources of noise and their levels from the overall site occupied by all three defendant companies. The and other related detaiis of the tests shali be determined by mutual agreeme and all reasonable requests by the City regarding the testing shall be met b M understands that such testing might take up to one-half a day in duratio o enable ;nt noise logistics among the parties 3-0O2. MG-0O2 5. Coolins Towers. MG-0O2 and the City agree at MG-0O2 does not own, operate or have responsibility for the cooling towers that are ointly used by MG-0O2 and defendant Gopher State Ethanol, and, consequently, MG-C sha11 not have any liability or responsibility for any noise attributable to the coolin; t ers. This mutual understanding regarding responsibility for the cooling towers is based, ' part, on representations made to the court during a conference on February 27, 2002, by r resentatives of defendant Gopher State Ethanol that Gopher State Ethanol accepts responsibil' for the cooling towers. 6. NIPCA Variance Aaulication. G-0O2 agrees to the withdrawal of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Variance Application now on file with that agency and further agrees that any future filings of a vari ce application, if any, will be with the City of St. Paul and not the Minnesota Pollution Contr Agency. 7. Es erts and Testin om anies. Regarding odor and noise assessments pertaining to MG-0O2's operations, p� or to the retention of any testing companies or the HVAC expert, MG-0O2 agrees first to obta' approval of the use of the expert(s) from the St. Paul City Attomey or the City of St. Paul cense Inspections and Environmental Protection Office and shall consult with the plaintiff-i ervenors in the Action. 8. Carbon Bed MG-0O2 agrees that it shall discharge gases from its carbon regeneration bed only whe the thermal oxidizer owned and operated by defendant Gopher State Ethanol is operating. 9. Minn sota De artment of Health. MG-0O2 agrees to cooperate fully with the Minnesota Dep ent of Health to conduct and pay for any reasonable tests conceming MG- CO2's facilities quested by the Minnesota Department of Health and immediately supply all test results to Minnesota Depariment of IIealth. 10. Deadlines. All deadline dates imposed by provisions of this Agreement are subject to odification oniy by the written consent of both parties. 1. Identitv of Parties. All obligations, rights, and duties of the City extend to all of its officers, a�ents, agencies, employees, departments and assigns. All obligations, rights, and -2- ` _ _-_ _ �� O�- �`� duties of MG-0O2 extend to all of its officers, employees, agents, directors, shareholders, � successors and assigns. 12. No Admissions. This Agreement is intended to resolve disputed claims and defenses. Nothing in this Agreement shali be construed as an admission by either party of any liability or uniawful or inappropriate conduct. 13. Comnlete Agreement. This A�eement constitutes the entixe and complete agreement between the parties and may not be modified, aitered, or changed in any espect except upon the express written consent of both parties. The Agreement supersedes prior oral and written agreements and communications between the parties that relate or rtain in any respect to the claims, causes of action or defenses asserted in the Action d the subjects addressed in this Agreement. 14. Severabilitv. If a court rules that any provision of Agreement is invalid, over-broad, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, the validity, legal' and enforceability of all remaining provisions of this Agreement shall not in any way be affe ed or impaired. 15. Minnesota Law. This Agreement shall accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. St. Dated: Dated: construed and interpreted in City Council City Attorney for City of St. Paul MG-0O2 St. Paul, LLC Dated: 1313 �� By Kenf G. Harbison (#41154) Rick L. Pehy (#292503) FREDRIKSON & BYRON, P.A. 900 Second Avenue South 1100International Centre Minneapolis, MN 55402-3397 (612) 347-7119 ( 347-7107 (612) 347-7077 fa�c $ d o��� �� STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY DLSTRICT COUR.T � SECOND NDICIAI, DISTRICT Case Type: Other Civil City of St. Paul, Intervenors: Dorian J. IJilman, Lisa L. Shaffer, Aarren Wolfson, Terrence Markley, Sheliey Markley, Mary Madden and Ross Winberg, Plaintiffs, u MBC Holding Company, Gopher State Bthanol, LLC and MG-0O2 St. Paul LLC, Defendants. Court File No: CS-01-5074 (Judge Lindman) STIPULATION AND ORDER OF DISMISSAL WITHOUT PRENDICE The parties, through their undersigned attorneys, pursuant to the Settiement Agreement that is a part of and incorporated herein, hereby stipulate that this action shall be dismissed without prejudice and without costs to any party. Date: Mazch � 2002 Eric D. Larson, Esq. (#22�67X) St. Paul Assistant City Attomey 500 City Hall and Courthouse 15 West Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55102 651-266-8728 Attorneys for Plaiutitf City of St Paul EXHIBTT A - -. - - - � Oa-3��, Date: Mazch � 2002 Kent G. Hazbison (#41154) Rick L. Petry (#292503) FREDRIKSON & BYRON, P.A. 900 Second Avenue South 1100Intemational Centre Minneapolis, MN 55402-3397 (612) 347-7119 / 347-7107 " Attorneys for Defendant MGCO2 SY. Paul LLC •'71 - �7 Upon the foregoing Stipulation, the above-entitled matter is hereby dismissed without prejudice and without costs to any party and judgment may be entered accordingly. BY THE COURT The Honorable Dale B. Lindman 7udge of District Court ::ODMA�PCDOCS�FBDOCS 1�2622910\I 2 - - _ - €a - �u-h5� ��t� � - ►=���;` \'`� 2-oa� Council File # �� ^---"'-___u ��r,,..1_� S Presented By Refened To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS the City of Saint Paul commenced civil and criminal enforcement actions seeking to 2 remedy the public nuisance created by ttte odor and noise errussions of the Gopher State EtYtanol 3 and MGCO2 operations; and 4 5 WHEREAS the City has settled its enforcement actions without prejudice (meaning that the actions may be brought again); and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 WHEREAS the City settlement terms addressing noise aze only effecfive if there is continuous and meaningful noise monitoring and enforcement action by the City; and WI-IEREAS the City is still receiving reports of odor and noise complaints by citizens suggesting that issues remain and that further enforcement may become necessary; and WHEREAS the citizen interveners in the City's civil action are negotiating fiirther terms to address some of the nuisance issues, attached hereto as E�ibit "A" is a copy of the settlement agreement in currenYs form which the City understands GSE and the Interveners haue reached an agreement upon; and WHEREAS it is in the City's interest to aid in the voluntary resolution of those issues in order to improve the quality of life for its citizens and to a�oid the need for further civil or criminal enforcement actions and expense; and WHEREAS the City Attorney's Office has negotiated a settlement with MG-0O2, a copy of which in its current forxn is attached hereto as E�ibit "B"; therefore, be it RESOLVED that: l. The City Attorney's Office is authorized to execute the MG-0O2 settlement and file the same with the Ramsey County District Court, State of Minnesota. The City Attorney is directed to take vigorous action to enforce the City's settlements with GSE and MG-0O2 in a11 respects, including the pursuit of court sanctions and/or injunctions for violations of the noise standards agreed to and ordered by the court as a consequence of the City's settlement. 3. The City shall vigorously enforce and ensure compiiance with the recommendations and acrions set forth in Knutson Ventilation Consulring, Inc. Report, dated March 8, 2002, and ensure compliance with the Apri130, 2002 implementation deadline date contained in the City's settlement. ba_��z `a 10 11 12 13 14 15 4. The City Attorney shall permit the citizen interveners, through their counsel, unfettered access to and use of the City's retained experts as if the experts were retained by the citizen interveners, including A1 Perez, the Chicago-based engineering fum, and Chazles McGinley, so long as they limit their consultation to the expert's analysis and findings and not inquire about the thoughts and mental impressions of the City Attomey and fixrther contingent upon MG-0O2 St. Paul LLC and Gopher State Ethanol LLC, through their respective counsel, waiving any azgument that City AttomeylExpert Confidentiality and Privilege is waived. 5. The Department of License, Inspections and Environxnental Protection (LIEP) shall conduct random, unannounced nighttime noise monitoring for at least one yeaz, to occur at least twice a month, or more frequently if requested by the City Attorney, with at least one of those tests during the month being conducted between the hours of midnight and 3 a.m. Adopted by Council: Date L�J_,__A �' 1,�Q� -�— Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Byc Apps By: Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by C'ty Attorney By: � by Mayor tor Submissioa to Council d�,- 3�'l DEMRTMENLVFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED � � V � � c�t coun��i GREEN SHEE CONTqCT PERSON & PHONE INITIA VDATE INffIAIJDATE ODEPARTMENT�IRECTOR OCITYCOUNCII Chris Coleman 266-8620 ASSIGN O CITYATTORNEY O CITY CLERK MLLST BE ON CAUWCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) NUdBEfl FOR O gUDGET DIRECTOR Q FfN. & MGL SEAVICES DIF. ROUTING 4/17/02 OPOEfl �MAVOR(ORASSISTANn O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AG710N REQUESTED: The City Attorney's Office is authorized to execute the GSE settlement and file with the Ramsey CounCy DisCrict Court RECOMMENDA71oN5' Approve (A) or Reject (fi) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION __ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this personffirm ever worked under a cont�act fOr ihis department? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ S7AFF 2. Hes this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO � DISTRIC7 COUR7 _ 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not normelly possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII O&IECTIVE7 YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attech to green aheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (Whc, What When, Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF iRANSACTION $ COS7/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDItiG SOURCE ACTNITY NUMBEH FINANCIAL MFOR6nATION: (EXPLAIN) �xh��-f A n�-�.� CASE TYPE: OTHER CIVIL STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY The City of Saint Paul, Plaintiff, � Dorian J. Ullman, Lisa L. Shaffer, Darren Wolfson, Tenence Mazkley, Shelley Mazkley, Mary Madden and Ross Winberg, Plaintiff-Intervenors, vs. MBC Holding Company, Gopher State Ethanol, LLC, and MG-0O2 St. Paul LLC, Defendants. DISTRICT COURT SECOND 3iTDICIAL DISTRICT CourtFileNo. CS-01-5074 (Judge Lindman) STIPULATION AND ORDER STIPULATION AND ORDER Plaintiff-Intervenors, Dorian J. Uliman, Lisa L. Shaffer, Darren Wolfson, Terrence Markley, Shelley Mazkley, Mary Madden, and Ross Winberg (hereinafter, "Intervenors"), and Defendants Gopher State Ethanol, LLC, (hereinafter "GSE") and MG-0O2 St. Paul, LLC, (hereinafter "MGCO2") have agreed to and hereby stipulate to the terms and conditions as set forth below. 1. Stinulation and Order. The parties to this agreement understand that the terms and conditions set forth in this Stipulation shall be incorporated in an order hauing the fixll force and effect of a Ramsey County District Court, State of Minnesota, arder and violarion of any ternn could constitute contempt of court. 2. Addifional Emission Remediation: Ex�ert Consultation, Arbitration and Implementation. A. A condition of intervenors' acceptance of this setdement is that the City Attomey shall permit the citizen intervenors, through their counsel, unfettered access to and use of the City's retained experts as if the experts were retained oa_ -��� by the citizen intervenors, including A1 Perez, the Chicago-based engineering firm, and Chazles McGinley. By signing this Stipulation, intervenors agree to limittheir consultation to the expert's analysis and findings and not to inquire about the tlioughts and mental impressions of the City Attorney. Further, MG-0O2 St. Paul LLC and Gopher State Ethanol LLC by signing this Stipulation, waive any azgutnentthat City AttorneylExpert confidentiality and privilege is waived by intervenors use of City experts. B. On or before April _, 2002, or as soon thereafter as the Intervenors, GSE, and the City can coordinate, GSB's engineering and mechanical experts in ventilation and pollution control ("Air Emission Consultants") shall present and explain their analysis and recommendations to Intervenor's counsel, and their expert(s). The e�erts (either individually or collectively) shall haue training and experience in the engineering and/or mechanical aspects of ventilation and/or pollution control. The City may participate. The presentation by the GSE Air Emission Consultant(s) shall include their recommendation to achieve overall odor emission reduction to approximate the historic level of emissions from the adjacent brewery and include an informational and explanatory tour of the GSE plant to explain the GSE Air Emissions Consultant(s) findings andrecommendations. All statementsmade by any of the experts dw�ing and in connection with the presentation and the tour are hereby deemed to be confidential settlement communications, subj ect to Rule 408 of the Minnesota Rules of Evidence. MGCO2 has retained an HVAC expert ("Air Emission ConsultanY') who has tranung and experience in the engineering and/or mechanical aspects of ventilation and(or pollution control. Within 6Q days after the issuance of the expert's report and recommendations based on the expert's inspection of MGCO2's plant, or as soon thereafter as the Intervenors, MGCO2 and the City can coordinate, MGCO2's expert shall present and explain his analysis and recommendations to Intervenors' counsel and their expert(s). The Intervenors' experts sha11 also have training and experience in the engineering andlor mechanical aspects of ventilation andlor pollution control. The City, through one of its representatives, may participate in the presentation. The presentation by MGCO2's eapert sha11 include his recommendations to achieve overall odor emissions reducfionto approximate thehistory level of emissions from the ad}acent brewery and include an informational and explanatory tour of the MGCO2 plant for the Intervenors' counsel and their expert. All statements made by any of the experts during and in connection with the presentation and the tour aze hereby deemed to be confidential settlement communications, subject to Rule 408 of the Minnesota Rules of Evidence. 2 o a -'� ��t C. Witivu one week after the GSE tour and presentation, the Intervenors experts must present to GSE experts any proposals for additions or changes to GSE's recommendarions. Each side will designate one of their experts possessing the qualifications described above to act on behalf of their team to confer and reach awritten agreement on any measures and timetable for nnplementation to achieve overall reducUon of odor emissions to approximate the level of the historic brewery. The agreement shall strive to be comprehensive and address fugitive emissions as well as major emission points such as the distillation scrubber. Within one week after the MGCO2 tour and presentation, the Intervenors' experts must present to MGCO2's expert any proposals for additions and or changes, if any, to the MGCO2 expert's recommendations. Each pariy will designate one of their experts possessing the qualifications described above to act on behalf of their parly/team to confer and reach a written agreement on any measures and timetable. D. If the parties are unable to agree on any issue under paragraph 2C, the issue(s) in dispute sha11 be immediately submitted to the Honorable Dale B. Lindman for binding decision. Any affected party may schedule a Court telephone conference or hearing date after consulting the other parties. It is understood by all parties that the conference/hearing is based upon written submissions provided at least one day before the conference(heazing, there will be no testimony, and the conference/heazing will last no more than thirty (30) minutes. The Court will attempt to schedule the hearing within seven (7) days from the date of the request and will rule by the end of the day of the hearing. The parties aze each limited to a total of fifteen (15) pages, including affidavits and e�ibits, in which to set forth their respective posifions. The briefs may be in letter brief form. E. Any written agreement or decision by Judge Lindman shall be binding and implemented by GSE and/or MG-0O2 as provided therein. F. This agreement is not intended to delay implementation of the December 28, 2001 settlement between GSE and the City of St. Paul. If, however, the April 30, 2002 implementation deadline for completion of the recommendafions contained in the Knutson Ventilation Consulting, Inc. Report, dated March 8, 2002 ("the Knutson Report") as necessarily impacted by procedures and modifications emerging from this agreement, then the parties hereto, to wit the Lntervenars and GSE, agree to jointly request a deadline extension to pertnit modification of any measures remaining to be implemented if such modification has been deternuned to improve odor control under the provisions of this settlement. Nothing in this Agreement 3 b a -`� i'Z prolubits the City from objecting to any deadline extension request joinfly agreed upon by the Intervenors and GSE. It is also recoQn;�ed that fiuther recommendations may occur whichmay haue their own independent deadlines and/or some combination of such events. 3. Res�onse to Minnesota Department of Health. Within 30 days of receipt of any report or recommendations by the Minnesota Department of Health, GSE will provide intervenors with a comprehensive and detailed written response to the report and will specify any remediation or mitigation plans GSE will undertake, including a timetable and the facival basis and justification for the plans. If intervenors wish to discuss the response, GSE agrees to meet and make a good faith effort to answer questions, and to discuss and consider any questions, concerns or requests for fiuther action. It is fiuther agreed that Health Department representatives may be invited to such discussions. 4. Additional Air Emission Testine: GSE will provide access for Tntervenors and the City to repeattheodortestingofthermaloxidizeremissionsinaccordancewiththe 12-28-01 Stipulationand Order by measuring both the inputs and output of the thermal oxidizer to determine sulfur gases and VOC's with TIC's using test methods M-16 (for sulfur gases) and TO-15 and/or TO-14 (for VOCs and TIC's) and that the results of all such testing shall promptly be made auailable to Intervenors without editing or revision. If odor emission rates are to be calculated, then the testing sha11 simultaneously include EPA methods 1, 2, 3 and 4. 5. Noise Control. GSE agrees that it will not apply to the City of Saint Paul for a variance from City or State noise standards for a period of at least one yeaz following entry of this Stipulauon. Acceptance of this settlement and Stipulafion by Intervenors is conditioned upon passage of a City Council Resolution directingregulaz and continuous noisetesting andrequests for strict enforcement of the noise provisions of the GSE/City Stipulation and Order of December 28, 2001. 6. Twentv-FourHourComplaintHotline. GSEagreestoinstituteandpublicizeaspecialhotline telephone number, and to accept, make a record of, and (when adequate identifying information is provided, which GSE sha11 request) respond to a11 complaints concerning noise and air emissions. A record of all complaints shall be maintained by GSE on a complaint log, which log shall include the GSE response (ifany) to the complainant. GSE shall make next business day response, including an explanation of any action taken or planned regarding the complained of condition, to all complainants who provide their name, address and telephone number along with the tune and description of the complained of condition. GSE sha11 provide a copy of new entries in its complaint log to Intervenors' counsel on a weekly basis until six months after final implementaUon ofany measures required under this Stipulation and Order. Any complaint implicating the operarions of MG-0O2 shall immediately be provided to MG-0O2. MG-0O2 agrees to respond to any such complaint and to record and report such responses in the same manner as provided for GSE. � 6�_'�ti'2 7. Upon approval ofthis Stipularion and Order by the Court, the Court shall dismiss Intervenors' complaintwithoutprejudice, providedthat such disznissal shallnotprecludeproceedings broughtby Intervenors for the enforcement of this Sripulation and Order. �a-`J��l Dated: , 2002 RIDER, BENNETT, EGAN & ARUNDEL, LLP By Michael VJ. Unger (131416) Attorneys for PlaintifF Dorian J. Ullman, Lisa L. Shaffer, Darren Wolfson, Terrence Mazkley, Shelley Mazkley, Mary Madden and Ross Winberg 333 South Seventh Street Suite 2000 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612)340-7951 ATTORNEYSFORINTERVENORS 0 0 2- -� �`� Dated: 2002 LINDQUIST & VENNiJM, P.L.L.P. : Thomas L. Fabel (27996) 444 Cedaz Street Suite 1700 St. Paul, MN 55101 (651)312-9203 ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANTS John J. Lee, President and CEO Gopher State Ethanol, LLC fd oa - '3 �'� 2ooz FREDRICKSON & BYRON, P.A. Kent G. Harb3son (_) 1100 International Centre 900 Second Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55402-3397 (612)347-7077 ATTORNEYS FOR MG-0O2 ST. PAUL LLC b �- � �� ��� � 1. The terms and conditions set forth in the Stipulation above are hereby adopted as the Order of the Court as if set forth fully herein. 2. Pursuant to the terms set forth in the Stipulation, the above-entitled matter is dismissed without prejudice as between the Plainriff Intervenors and Gopher State Ethanol, LLC. 3. The Court Adurinistrator is directed to enter a judgment without prejudice unmediately there being no just cause for delay. LET .NDGMENT BE ENTERED IMMEDIATELY with no stay of entry. Dated: April _, 2002. BY THE COURT: The Honorable Dale Lindman Judge of District Court 831942-1 oa-3.�. SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT �. THIS AGREEMENT is made this _ day of . 20Q2, by and between MG-0O2 St Paul, LLC ("MG-COz") and the City of St Paul ("City"). RECITAInS 1. WHEREAS, on or about March 27, 2001, the City commenced an acfion in ' Ramsey County District Court, State of Minnesota, against MG-0O2 (Court File No. 62-CS-Ol- 005074) (hereinafter "Action'� conceming ciaims that MG-0O2 had allegedly violated state and. local noise standards and public nuisance standards in the operation of its equipment and facilities located at 882 West Seventh Street, St. Paui, MN 55102; 2. WHEREAS, MC-0O2 has generally denied the City's claims. It admits that the operations of its equipment and facilities have in the past coniributed to increased noise levels and the emission of some odors affecting the overall site occupied by MG-0O2 and other two defendant companies in the Acrion; 3. Wf��REAS, MG-0O2 does not believe that it is now contributing to odor probiems or significantly contriburing to increased noise levels and that its remedial actions during the past year have substantially reduced MG-0O2's noise levels and have eliminated odors from its carbon bed facility; {-. 4. WHEREAS, the City and MG-0O2 now desire to settle all claims between them which were or could have been asserted in the Action. NOW, THEREFORE, in considera6on of the promises and agreements, mutual covenants and condirions contained herein, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. Dismissal Without Preiudice. In exchange for the fuifillment of the other terms, conditions, and covenants herein, the City agrees to dismiss without prejudice all of its claims and causes of acfion asserted in the Action in the StipulaGon and Order for Disarissal form attached hereto as E�chibit A - 2. Court Order. The City and MG-0O2 understand that the terms and conditions set forth tti this Settlement Agreement shall be incorporated in au order having the full force and effect of any Ramsey County District Court, State of Minnesota, Order and vioiarion of any term could constitute contempt of court, 3. Emissions. MG-0O2 agees to ensure that a heating, veatilarion and air conditioning (HVAC) expert shail be retained to examin� its facilities to assess contral of &gi$ve emissions, if any, arising from MG-CQYs operations and further agrees to implement atl recommendations, if any, pertaining to MG-0O2's operations, so long as such recommendations aze deemed reasonabie mutually by both parties. If the City and MG-0O2 are unable to agree as to what constitutes a reasonable recommendation, then either party may submit the issue to the � Court for resolution inciuding a reasonable deadline(s) for implementation. -1- - - - - - Exhibit 8 �X O a. .'b 1'1 4. TestinQ of Emissions. MG-0O2 agees that the City shall be able to test at the M-i and the M-3 locarions when the MG-0O2 facility is not operating but when the ethanol �� plant owned by defendaut Gopher State Ethanol and the brewery owned by defendant MBC --' Holding Company aze operating and also test when the MG-0O2 facility is operating but the brewery is not operating. The operating facilities of all three defendants, including IvIG-0O2 shall be functioning at 100% capacity during the testing. The purpose of the testing is to enable the City to attempi to identify more precisely major sources of noise and their independent noise leveis from the overall site occupied by all three defendant companies. The timetable, logistics and other related detaiis of the tests shalT be determined by mutual agreement among the parties and all reasonable requests by the City regarding the tes6ng shall be met by MG-0O2. MG-0O2 , understands that such testing might take up to one-half a day in duration. - ;� 5. Coolina Towers. MG-0O2 and the City agree that MG-0O2 does not own, operate or have responsibility for the cooling towers that are jointly nsed by MG-0O2 and defendant Gopher State Ethanoi, and, consequently, MG-0O2 shall not have any liability or responsibility for a¢y noise athibutable to the cooling towers. Tlris mutual understanding regarding responsibility for the cooling towers is based, in part, on representations made to the court during a conference on February 27, 2002, by representatives of defendant Gopher State Ethanol that Gopher State Ethanol accepts responsibility for the cooling towers. 6. bIPCA Variance Aoolication. MG-0O2 agees to the withdrawal of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Variance Application now on file with that agency and further agrees that any future filings of a variance application, if any, will be with the City of St Paul and not the Minnesota Pollution Controi Agency. `� 7. Esverts and TestinQ Comuanies. Regazding odor and noise assessments pertaining to MG-0O2's operations, prior to the retention of any testing companies or the HVAC expert, MG-0O2 agees first to obtain approval of the use of the expert(s) from the St. Paul City Attorney or the City of St. Paul License Inspections and Environmental Protection Office and shall consult writh the plaintiff-intervenors in the Ac6on. 8. Carbon Bed. MG-0O2 agrees that it shall dischazge gases from its cubon regenezation bed only when ffie thermal oxidizer owned and operated by defendant Gopher State Ethazrol is operating. 9. Minnesota Deuartment of Health. MG-0O2 agrees to cooperate fully with the. Minnesota Department of Health to conduct and pay for any reasonable tests conceming MCr- CO2's facilities requested by the Minnesota Department of Health and immediately supply all test results to the Minnesota Depamnent of Health. 10. Deadlines. All deadline dates imposed by provisions of this Ageement are subject to modification only by the written consent of both parties. 11. Identifv of Parties. All obligations, rights, and duties of the City extend to ali of its officers, agents, agencies, employees, departments and assigns. All obligations, rights, and � -2- " '� � - �t" - L- 6 3- - ;>>�1 duties of MG-0O2 extend to ali of iu officers, employees, agents, directors, shareholders, " successors and assigns. 12. No Admissions. This Agreement is intended to resolve disputed claims and defenses. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as an admission by either party of any liability or unlawfui or inappropriate conduct. Z3. Como(ete Aereement This Agreement consritutes the entire and complete agreement between the parties and may not be modified, altered, or changed in any respect except upon the express written consent of both parties. The Agreement supersedes all prior oral and written agreements and communicafions between the parties that relate or pertain in any respect to the claims, causes of action or defenses asserted in the Action and the subjects addressed in this Agreement. ' 14. Severabilitv. If a court mles that any provision of ttris Agreement is invalid, over-broad, illegat or unenforceable in any respect, the validity, legality and enforceability of all remaining provisions of tbis Agreement shall not in any way be affected or impaired. �,. 15. Minnesota Law. This Ageement shall be construed and inteipreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. St. Paul City Council Dated: By Its Dated: City Attomey for City of St. Paul MG-0O2 St. Paul, LLC � Dated: ::ODMA�pCDpC$1F BDOCS I �2540713\3 -3- By Kent G. Harbison (#41154) Rick L. Petry (#2925U3) FREDRIKSON & BYRON, P.A. 900 Second Avenue South 1100 Intemational Ceatre Minneapolis, MN 55402-3397 (612) 347-7119 / 347-7107 (612)347-7077 fax q � � STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY aa�3�� DISTRICT COURT " SECOND NDICIAL DISTRICT Case TyQe: Other Civil City of St Paul, Intervenors: Dorian J. Ullman, Lisa L. Shaffer, Darren Wolfson, Terrence Mazkley, Shelley Markley, Pvlary Adadden and Ross Winberg, Plainriffs, Conrt File No: CS-01-5074 (7udge Lindman) STIPULATION AND ORDER OF DISNIISSAL WiTHOLIT PREJLTDICE ['i MBC Holding Company, Gopher State Ethanol, LLC and MG-0O2 St. Paul LLC, Defendants. The parties, through their undersigned attomeys, pursuant to the Settlement Agreement that is a part of and incorporated herein, hereby stipulate that this action shall be dismissed without prejudice and without costs to any party. Date: March _,_, 2002 Eric D. Larson, Esq. (#22667J� St. Paul Assistant City Attomey 500 City Hall and Courthouse I S West Kellogg Boulevazd St. Paul, MN 55102 651-266-8728 Attorneys for Plaintiff City of St Paul P ,� ' '8 A l � ,` � � __ ' ' Y . \ �a--��`� , �_ - � Date: March� 2002 Kent G. Harbison (#41154) Rick L. Petry (#292503) FREDRiK,SON & BYROI�I, P.A. 900 Second Avenue South I 100lntemafional Centre Minneapolis, MN 55402-3397 (612) 347-7119 i 347-7107 ` Attorneys for Defendant MGCO2 St Paul LLC ORDER Upon the foregoing Sripulation, the above-entitled matter is hereby dismissed without pre,}udice and without costs to any party and judgment may be entered accordingiy. BY T'HE COURT Dated: The Aonorable Dale B. Lindman Judge of District Court ::ODMA�PCDOCS�FBDOCS I12622910�I a � n _\ 2 - -- - . - - - y�. ORIGINAL Council File # ° a � � �� Green Sheet # 3 ��3 Presented By Referred To ' RESOL �F SA1NT � � MINNESOTA i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Committee: Date WHEREAS the City of Saint Paul commenced civil and criminal e remedy the public nuisance created by the odor and noise emissions LLC ("GSE") and MG-COZ St Paul LLC ("MG-0O2") operations�, WHEREAS the City has settled its enforcement actions that the actions may be brought again); and WHEREAS the City Attorney's Office has negotiated a which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; therefore, bejr� RESOLVED that: nent acrions seeldng to Gopher State Ethanol without prejudice (meaning with MG-0O2, a copy of 1. The City Attomey's Office is authorize to execute the settlement and file the same with the Ramsey County District Court, 5tate of mnesota. Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council By: Approved by Mayor: Form A ed ity A rney By: +yt_ _ Approved by Mayo for Submission to Council By: By: a�-3i� SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made this day of MG-0O2 St. Paul, LLC ("MG-0O2") and the City of St. Paul ("City"). RECITALS 1. WHEREAS, on or about Mazch 27, 2001, the City co� Ramsey County District Court, State of Minnesota, against MG-0O2 2002, by and between d an action in File No. 62-05-Ol- 005074) (hereinafter "Action") conceming claims that MG-0O2 ha allegedly violated state and. local noise standazds and public nuisance standards in the opera ' n of its equipment and facilities located at 882 West Seventh Street, St. Paul, MN 55 2; 2. WHEREAS, MG-0O2 has generally denie the City's clauns. It admits that the operations of its equipment and facilities have in the p t contributed to increased noise levels and the emission of some odors affecting the overall ite occupied by MG-0O2 and other two defendant companies in the Action; 3. WIiEREAS, MG-0O2 does no believe that it is now contributing to odor problems or significantly contributing to inc ased noise levels and that its remedial actions during the past year have substantially red ced MG-0O2's noise levels and have eliminated odors from its carbon bed facility; 4. WHEREAS, the City an� MG-0O2 now desire to settle all claims between them which were or could have been asserte�d in the Action. NOW, THEREFORE, in/consideration of the promises and agreements, mutual covenants and conditions contain�d herein, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. Dismissal Wit out Pre'udice. In exchange for the fulfillment of the other terms, conditions, and covenants rein, the City agrees to dismiss without prejudice all of its claims and causes of action asse ed in the Action in the Stipulation and Order for Dismissal form attached hereto as ExhibiyA. 2. Court rder. The City and MG-0O2 understand that the terms and conditions set forth in this Sett ment Agreement shall be incorporated in an order having the full force and effect of any Ram y County District Court, State of Minnesota, Order and violation of any term could constitute ntempt of court. 3. missions. MG-0O2 agrees to ensure that a heating, ventilation and air conditionin (HVAC) expert shall be retained to examine its facilities to assess contral of fugitive e ssions, if any, arising from MG-0O2's operations and further agrees to implement all recomm dations, if any, pertaining to MG-0O2's operations, so long as such recommendations are dee ed reasonable mutually by both parties. If the City and MG-0O2 are unable to agree as to w t consfitutes a reasonable recommendation, then either party may submit the issue to the Court for resolution including a reasanable deadline(s} for implementation. -1- Exhibit A ', �` o� - � �� 4. Testin� of Emissions. MG-0O2 agrees that the City shall be able to test at the M-1 and the M-3 locations when the MG-0O2 facility is not operating but when the ethanol plant owned by defendant Gopher State Ethanol and the brewery owned by defendant MBC Holding Company aze operating and also test when the MG-0O2 facility is operating but the brewery is not operatin�. The operating facilities of all three defendants, including 1V�P-0O2 shall be functioning at 100% capacity during the testing. The purpose of the � the City to attempt to identify more precisely major sources of noise and their levels from the overall site occupied by all three defendant companies. The and other related detaiis of the tests shali be determined by mutual agreeme and all reasonable requests by the City regarding the testing shall be met b M understands that such testing might take up to one-half a day in duratio o enable ;nt noise logistics among the parties 3-0O2. MG-0O2 5. Coolins Towers. MG-0O2 and the City agree at MG-0O2 does not own, operate or have responsibility for the cooling towers that are ointly used by MG-0O2 and defendant Gopher State Ethanol, and, consequently, MG-C sha11 not have any liability or responsibility for any noise attributable to the coolin; t ers. This mutual understanding regarding responsibility for the cooling towers is based, ' part, on representations made to the court during a conference on February 27, 2002, by r resentatives of defendant Gopher State Ethanol that Gopher State Ethanol accepts responsibil' for the cooling towers. 6. NIPCA Variance Aaulication. G-0O2 agrees to the withdrawal of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Variance Application now on file with that agency and further agrees that any future filings of a vari ce application, if any, will be with the City of St. Paul and not the Minnesota Pollution Contr Agency. 7. Es erts and Testin om anies. Regarding odor and noise assessments pertaining to MG-0O2's operations, p� or to the retention of any testing companies or the HVAC expert, MG-0O2 agrees first to obta' approval of the use of the expert(s) from the St. Paul City Attomey or the City of St. Paul cense Inspections and Environmental Protection Office and shall consult with the plaintiff-i ervenors in the Action. 8. Carbon Bed MG-0O2 agrees that it shall discharge gases from its carbon regeneration bed only whe the thermal oxidizer owned and operated by defendant Gopher State Ethanol is operating. 9. Minn sota De artment of Health. MG-0O2 agrees to cooperate fully with the Minnesota Dep ent of Health to conduct and pay for any reasonable tests conceming MG- CO2's facilities quested by the Minnesota Department of Health and immediately supply all test results to Minnesota Depariment of IIealth. 10. Deadlines. All deadline dates imposed by provisions of this Agreement are subject to odification oniy by the written consent of both parties. 1. Identitv of Parties. All obligations, rights, and duties of the City extend to all of its officers, a�ents, agencies, employees, departments and assigns. All obligations, rights, and -2- ` _ _-_ _ �� O�- �`� duties of MG-0O2 extend to all of its officers, employees, agents, directors, shareholders, � successors and assigns. 12. No Admissions. This Agreement is intended to resolve disputed claims and defenses. Nothing in this Agreement shali be construed as an admission by either party of any liability or uniawful or inappropriate conduct. 13. Comnlete Agreement. This A�eement constitutes the entixe and complete agreement between the parties and may not be modified, aitered, or changed in any espect except upon the express written consent of both parties. The Agreement supersedes prior oral and written agreements and communications between the parties that relate or rtain in any respect to the claims, causes of action or defenses asserted in the Action d the subjects addressed in this Agreement. 14. Severabilitv. If a court rules that any provision of Agreement is invalid, over-broad, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, the validity, legal' and enforceability of all remaining provisions of this Agreement shall not in any way be affe ed or impaired. 15. Minnesota Law. This Agreement shall accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. St. Dated: Dated: construed and interpreted in City Council City Attorney for City of St. Paul MG-0O2 St. Paul, LLC Dated: 1313 �� By Kenf G. Harbison (#41154) Rick L. Pehy (#292503) FREDRIKSON & BYRON, P.A. 900 Second Avenue South 1100International Centre Minneapolis, MN 55402-3397 (612) 347-7119 ( 347-7107 (612) 347-7077 fa�c $ d o��� �� STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY DLSTRICT COUR.T � SECOND NDICIAI, DISTRICT Case Type: Other Civil City of St. Paul, Intervenors: Dorian J. IJilman, Lisa L. Shaffer, Aarren Wolfson, Terrence Markley, Sheliey Markley, Mary Madden and Ross Winberg, Plaintiffs, u MBC Holding Company, Gopher State Bthanol, LLC and MG-0O2 St. Paul LLC, Defendants. Court File No: CS-01-5074 (Judge Lindman) STIPULATION AND ORDER OF DISMISSAL WITHOUT PRENDICE The parties, through their undersigned attorneys, pursuant to the Settiement Agreement that is a part of and incorporated herein, hereby stipulate that this action shall be dismissed without prejudice and without costs to any party. Date: Mazch � 2002 Eric D. Larson, Esq. (#22�67X) St. Paul Assistant City Attomey 500 City Hall and Courthouse 15 West Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55102 651-266-8728 Attorneys for Plaiutitf City of St Paul EXHIBTT A - -. - - - � Oa-3��, Date: Mazch � 2002 Kent G. Hazbison (#41154) Rick L. Petry (#292503) FREDRIKSON & BYRON, P.A. 900 Second Avenue South 1100Intemational Centre Minneapolis, MN 55402-3397 (612) 347-7119 / 347-7107 " Attorneys for Defendant MGCO2 SY. Paul LLC •'71 - �7 Upon the foregoing Stipulation, the above-entitled matter is hereby dismissed without prejudice and without costs to any party and judgment may be entered accordingly. BY THE COURT The Honorable Dale B. Lindman 7udge of District Court ::ODMA�PCDOCS�FBDOCS 1�2622910\I 2 - - _ - €a -